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I can’t put too many details because idk if she browses /lgbt/ or 4chan in general, or anything that posts screenshots

Basically, I was introduced to someone by one of our mutuals over discord and we’ve connected over the last few months and I ended up developing a crush on her. We have a lot of the same interests, the same sense of humor, etc., but there’s a big problem…

… by the end of this year, she’ll be 19 and I’ll be 17. I don’t live in an area where this is legal, and I definitely don’t want anything bad happening to her before she can even start to transition (or at all for that matter).

What am I meant to do here? I really love her and I’m worried she’ll find someone before I’m able to confess

Pic not related btw
>by the end of this year, she’ll be 19 and I’ll be 17
goodness gracious anon go do your homework
>by the end of this year, she’ll be 19 and I’ll be 17
Jokes on you I finish it in class
I just want advice and Idk where else to go, please don’t :(
>I definitely don’t want anything bad happening to her
i dont think the police will be busting down the door for her, otherwise just dont have sex until you're 18
I know, but I’m just a bit paranoid about the possibility of getting caught if I confess before I turn 18 and she reciprocates my feelings

Like, what would even happen then? As far as I know no grooming has happened since we’ve just been talking like normal people the whole time, and *I’m* the one who caught feelings and started flirting first. I know I’m over complicating things and worrying too much but I just don’t know what to do rn
i think in some countries/states there are exemptions if the age gap is small
and idk could still get groomed even though you caught feelings and started flirting first but i dont know anything about that so cant say lol
is 18 and 16 not legal in whatever shithole you're from? in all of europe its practically 15
where do you even live
also please fucking kill yourself

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