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>trans girlfriend wanted to be poly
>too weak willed to fight it so just give in
>she continuously cucks me and I stayed loyal because I just can't see more than one person at once
>eventually all love towards her goes away just see her as a friend I sleep with sometimes
>tell her I'm going to start seeing people too
>she's fine with it
>get on tinder don't mention I'm dating anyone in my bio
>start going on dates with this cis lesbian
>she treats me amazing and only wants me
>break up with my gf and block her on everything
>officially start dating cis girl a week later

was this too far or justified?

the way I broke up with her was this
>sent her a text saying "it's over I found someone better" and blocked her on everything because I was angry at her for cucking me so much.

t. ransbian
It was a bitch move, you never stood up for yourself and you probably never will
what should I have done then?
you know the answer stop trying to outsource your guilty conscience. trying to get people to call you an asshole for what you did is just as self indulgent and a way to feel persecuted and sorry for yourself. you are asking this because you know what you did wrong and want to find another way to avoid admitting it. gettitng cucked feels fucking shit but you literally said yes to it.
> trying to get people to call you an asshole for what you did is just as self indulgent
I'm not, I'm trying to get people to justify me doing this and tell me I'm based.
>justify my behaviour
>break up with my gf and block her on everything
>officially start dating cis girl a week later
>sent her a text saying "it's over I found someone better" and blocked her on everything
mean/bad person's move
why is that bad? she didn't love me enough to be loyal and that makes someone who wants only me objectively better
>she didn't love me enough to be loyal
so? it doesn't follow out of this that it justifies being mean to her
>that makes someone who wants only me objectively better
it is arguable / requires context which I do not want to know if she truly wanted to go poly out of "not loving enough" and i'd assume it would be *subjectively* better rather than objectively, but uhh sure I didn't say you shouldn't have left I said you shouldn't have been mean about it
how is it mean to tell her the truth?
it's not like you had to tell her "the truth"? if you really wanted to "tell the truth" you also could have said that you actually were never into the idea of being poly and leave it at that? there is a lot of ways that could have been handled and many of them would be less unnecessarily mean. even "I stopped being happy staying in a relationship with you (and found someone else)" would have conveyed literally the same thing while being way less mean about it
if this is bait, great job. if you're genuine, yngmi you're too malebrained, try learning some empathy, the cis girl you matched with probably sees you as a man and will never truly treat you like a woman
maybe if she wasn't a dumb whore I wouldn't have had to be mean lol. Imagine wasting a year with someone, then they hit you with this, you tell them you don't like poly and they continuously bring it up until you give in, then you sit through months of them fucking and dating other people because you're too attached to leave until you just hate yourself and hate them.
>Imagine wasting a year with someone, then they hit you with this
I certainly wouldn't enjoy that but I wouldn't blame the person for it, presumably if I stayed with someone for a year it would mean I care about them and if being with someone else is what they think would make them happier then they should do it? it's up to you to stay or not at that point, though that can create a situation where you would express your desire to leave and then that person would be all like "then I'll not go poly" and that would complicate it but obviously at that point the situation would only resolve by you/me/whoever stopping being in a relationship like that because it's doomed at that point... but it's not like it's anyone's fault, exactly. it's just how that happens
>you tell them you don't like poly and they continuously bring it up until you give in
well obviously you can't tell a person like that you wouldn't enjoy going poly, if you're not genuinely on board with the proposition the relationship is obviously doomed at that point already and the sooner you get it over with the better
>then you sit through months of them fucking and dating other people because you're too attached to leave until you just hate yourself and hate them
well this one is your fault although it's kind of not really your fault but obviously you can't blame them for it
She ended your relationship the minute she started dating other people. She was just too cowardly to let you go.

You did what you had to do.

Only narcissistic poly fags will refute this. What she did was far crueler and more manipulative than what you did.
Actually confronting her about how you felt. Preferably before it even happened. You told her you were OK with stuff you weren't OK with, and even when you broke up you just ran away and hid without confrontation
based, fuck her lol. but i do think you should have been more mature about it, just have said "it's not gonna work out, i can't do this shit, i found someone else that fits more into what i want for my life blah blah" but idk that's just my 2 cents....
I did but she kept pressuring me
if my gf would ever ask me to be poly or be allowed to do stuff with other people i might break up. Not because her doing stuff with other people irks me particularly but because im afraid if i dont dump her first ill get replaced and left in the dumps
lmao this is the most fembrained thing someone can do. Yall have never dated an actual woman and IT TELLS
>Yall have never dated an actual woman and IT TELLS
the most malebrained thing I've read all day
yea im pretty malebrain and SO ARE YOU
acting like a bitch is fembrained but you would probably agree there are plenty of women not acting like that and you wouldn't call them "malebrained" for not being like that
Why is polygamy so popular now? There's enough conflict and divide between two people, yet add a third and there's another option or as I see it competition. Not my thing by any means but being asked by someone I'm in love with to be poly would be like asking to break up.
yea, but acting like a bitch is fembrained and someone who has been around women long enough (and in intimate situations) would know they can be retributive mean bitches
I don't think anyone said it's malebrained, it's rather just a bad type of person thing, even if fembrained
monkey branching is mean, but pressuring someone into sexual dynamics is worse, so good on you for minimizing the emotional damage

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