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>desire to transition
>zero body dysphoria
it'd probably a bad idea, right?
why do you want to transition if you don't have dysphoria?
half the people on this board only care about socially passing and nothing else
i've browsed this board since i was quite young and i think it may have given me brain damage, i can't really explain it other than as a strange desire
that doesn't make sense. Why do you want to be trans?
This might seem like a trender take to some people here but I think wanting to transition "without having dysphoria" is an indicator of dysphoria sometimes. It can be hard to actually recognize dysphoria, and when cis people think about becoming the opposite sex its more of a magical hypothetical "what if I woke up as a girl with pussy and boobs haha" rather than thinking about going through the medical, social, and legal processes.
i think i'm kind of agamp but less sexual, it feels more like a social fixation
ok but what is it that appeals to you?
i think appearing effeminate and the social repercussions of that are alluring in a way, it would be nice to feel desirable and unthreatening since men aren't really perceived in that way
is appearing effeminate the same as being physically effeminate? There are feminine gay men who don't medically transition and are happy being physically male. Are you mostly attracted to men or women?
i think both but also neither, i've tried having sex with men and women but i didn't really like it very much, i mostly just felt uncomfortable
Not op but I get this. I'm pretty autistic and can't really tell what I'm feeling most of the time, so I could just kinda say that I didn't experience dysphoria. However, some of the actions I was finding myself being drawn to taking were extremely indicative of me actually being dysphoric. I also always question myself about this stuff. Do I do go to significant lengths to avoid feeling my penis because I'm actually dysphoric about it, or do I do it because I have a fetish for being trans. I mean, I did stuff like pretend to pee like a girl as a kid, but that was just a fetish, right?
ok how about the first part?
i guess i kind of see them as the same thing, yeah
you'll grow boobs though
well yeah breasts do make me a little uncomfortable but i guess that's just a part of it, it doesn't really matter anyways since i'm not going to transition because it's a massive life decision that shouldn't be made on a whim
Yeah, theres a lot of things you don't realize are dysphoria until you do a lot of introspection or you start transitioning, and I've heard of people developing or worsening bottom dysphoria after a while on hrt. Obviously I don't know OP's situation but I believe wanting to transition is something you shouldn't ignore.
but i literally just don't get dysphoria in my normal life, i literally only get such desires when i use the internet for prolonged periods
Yeah, I think that I've had dysphoria for a long time, but I just didn't realize it until a lot of introspection. There's probably a reason why OP spends a lot of time on this board and wants to transition.

Do you get dysphoria when alone and not on the internet? At least for me, it shows up when I don't have stuff going on to distract me from my thoughts.
not really, i'm an anorexic/pseudo-bulimic (i don't binge i just purge) but i don't think that counts, the amount i desire to browse fluctuates though so sometimes i browse for like 8 hours a day then sometimes i don't browse for weeks or months
im the same, id be perfectly happy just with less body hair but i want to be seen as a feminine person and treated that way, but men cant ever be like that. i hate masculinization to the point of losing all hope for the future but i dont want any female traits or to be seen as a "woman". its so hopeless
Where do you girls hang out ?
It's important to be around people with the same open mind.
You talk about zero body dysphoria , that's probably good.
Think about normal people who have plastic surgery, and everything else done, completely unsatisfied all the time.
In the 90s this was never a problem, these problems are recent
yes i certainly feel this way, like if you could redefine what "feminine" meant and made my body fit the criteria i think i'd feel better
mostly just here, irl i hang out with people who do not discuss such things at all
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don't come back now, ya hear?!
this was my experience until I broke at 24 and just did it. If this is constantly on your mind and you think you would feel more comfortable as the other sex, that's a good indication that you're probably trans. Cis people don't really consider this, but you lack the perspective to be able to truly understand that, because you only have your experience
You don't need dysphoria to transition, just euphoria. Euphoria of being the gender you wanna transition to.
You very well might not have dysphoria because you're dissociating hardcore and don't realize, or because you haven't hit twink death yet.

If you desire to transition just go for it.

My dumbass waited 7 years until I hit twink death and got gender dysmorphia. If I had known gender euphoria was all I needed, I would be a youngshit right now.
Literal AGP cope, have you been getting your euphoria boners recently?
nothing that anon said was incorrect
Gender euphoria is real, but it's not sufficient to transition. You need dysphoria or else there's nothing that distinguishes you from a fetishist.
You're only a fetishist if you transition for sexual reasons
Sex and gender euphoria are conjoined at the hip and people define both almost identically. Even if your feelings are explicitly sexual, that's still defined as euphoria because "female have female sexuality"!!!
I'm practically asexual since transitioning and I couldn't be happier

I'm so glad my T is gone, it was the only thing making me horny.
Dipshits like you helped delay my transition. Being sexual with other people felt better when they treated me like a girl, because sex is a highly uncomfortable act, and being able to express myself how I actually wanted made it less uncomfortable. Due to shitheaded rhetoric like your own I thought it was a weird kink thing. But the second I actually expressed myself as feminine outside of sex it was wayyy the fuck better than anything sexual. It wasn't sexual at all, sex just happened to be the only place I'd tried being feminine before.

Thats the thing you incel dipshits dont understand. To have sex, you're revealing the most vulnerable parts of yourself, so your other non-sexual vulnerabilities float to the surface. Which for me, and many trans people, was my true gender expression.

Every time you say this shit you're risking ruining the life of someone who could have had a happy transition.
i'm a fetishist and i still mog 80% of this board
>Sex and gender euphoria are conjoined at the hip and people define both almost identically
this isn't true though lol. Do you think being happy about seeing a girl in the mirror is "sexual"?

yes because the discrimination for being trans is a big negative. The only reason why transition is logical is because you get rid/lower dysphoria which makes you come out ahead objectively speaking
If your current body doesn't actually bother you?
Yeah you probably shouldn't. Transitioning is expensive and opens you up to discrimination in a pretty severe way.

It's really something you should only do if you really, really need to.
Don’t transition.
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This so much. I didn't get dysphoria until my twenties, simply because I'm such a luckshit I had no masculine features to be dysphoric about until then. OP doesn't have dysphoria now, but they night develop it later in life, and stalling transitioning until then is going to give much worse results than transitioning sooner. Normal cis people don't feel a desire to transition and that's a good enough indicator in my book, at least if the desire lasts for years.
>Don't transition
Are you just looking for "permission" to transition? Looking for someone like you who "isn't trans but really wants to be a girl"? Do you think about it a lot? Why do you want it?
It fluctuates and depends on my mood, sometimes I'll think about it more frequently for a few weeks, sometimes for I don't even think about it for months, I don't know why I like it, it's just pleasant to think about, I think women have an enviable social and sexual role
This 'you shouldn't transition because you might have a fetish!!!1!!' shit is so retarded.
How is anyone supposed to tell the difference between a genuine fetishist and someone repressing so hard that their dysphoria manifests with sexual copes. Trying to deduce the difference just results in a continuous guessing game of what came first, the fetish or the egg. It probably doesn't even matter anyways. As long as someone feels better after transitioning, then everythings fine.
Agreed. Most of what is said on this board is retarded. Fucking blanchardianism is popular here, already invoked in the very thread. Sigh.
you cant be feminine after 25, youll just turn into a disgusting post-twinkdeath flamer that everybody assumes is some creep
Effects you want from HRT? Effects you don't want? What kind of body would feel most comfortable if everyone else disappeared tomorrow? If you could instantly switch between being a man or woman at will, how would you use this new power? Think absent society

Also you don't need to feel any particular way about your genitals to be trans btw

Yes 100%, but to make any real difference in someone's thinking, you need to meet them where they're at, otherwise I feel you don't reach them at all. It's frustrating that retards genuinely think being trans is some sexual kink, and they don't actually consider the implications of this, like at some point we would have a "wtf am I doing moment" but this isn't really the case
I don't know what the realistic effects of hrt actually are past just the comparisons between men and women, I like the female silhouette a lot more and I like their hair and skin, I'm less confident about primary sex characteristics, if I could flip sexes I think I'd do it a lot, I'm not sure if I'd want to be seen as a woman in my normal life because that would be extremely uncomfortable, but I think I'd choose to be a woman fairly regularly, I can't stress strongly enough though that I literally don't experience any dysphoria at all and I'm literally comfortable as fuck the way that I am

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