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QOTT (for everyone): Do you like making first moves?
hey baby how you doin?
No, I like it when the tranner courts my oblivious ass.
>QOTT (for everyone): Do you like making first moves?
Not really but it's expected for me to do it.

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What is this?
no i was born to get hit on, i don't know how to make a move on someone i'm interested in
The OP pic of the old thread.
I used to have the confidence to, I wonder what happened to that side of me.
I get approached but I let it die out because I'm not ready to want and be wanted.
hugbox ai https://huggingface.co/spaces/pharmapsychotic/CLIP-Interrogator
some ai image summary thing that had a thread a few days ago. it called me fucking poggers and league of legends and when i kill myself this will be the leading cause
what app am i supposed to use, grindr? i don't want to keep getting messaged by old men when i'm a straight guy
There aren't very many trans girls on grindr, and I'm in California where there's lots of trannies. And half or more of the trannies on grindr are t4t.
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This but with a twinkhon
Ok, thank you. Thats what I thought it was but didn't even know it existed.
The future is cool and scary.
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i fed it a pic of me jacking off lmao
I ran into quite a few trans women on Tinder.
It was like 6 years ago and I'm near a big city so not sure for you.
>self deprecating
they did not it's a fucking hugbox ai babble -_-
this is so strange, dating someone because "you see potential" in them? i dunno why not date someone that you like right now
she looks good tho, if she would get more muscles and keep the visual fat ratio she has rn she could look better but there is no need.
I fucking hate society
ai is spooky
>large tail
completely bald
u wanna get her in the gym?
ai doesn't like bald ig
Just play a boombox outside their window at night. Can't be a creep if you're not technically asking them out, but they'll know you're asking them out. Because of the implication.
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wtf lol
also it's too black and brown on there, ngl
sounds flirty
coomer ai LMAO
>vulvina queen of ecstasy
damn baby, wyd later?
Ive (regretably) used grindr recently and briefly. Dont go there if you want trans girls. The ratio of chasers to trans girl is probably worse than the gender ratio of men to women on tinder. But unlike tinder, your chances are worse because trans girls are less likley to respond to you. First, lie 60-80% of them, are T4T. Second maybe 80-90% of trans women make it a personal rule to not talk to chasers. Third the very small number of trans women that exist on the app that are not T4T or (literally just femboys by any other name) are really just using the app as a backup for if the more straight apps like tinder dont work out. Unless you live in like NYC the number of trans girls available to you is probably like less than 12 and youll have to look very hard.

I downloaded grindr because i saw a bunch of posts on /tttt/ saying that trans women cant use straight apps like tinder and i really want a boyfriend so i just believed all of them and downloaded grindr and had a horrible expirience. Regret because it is simply too gay for me which sounds stupid but honestly i think seeing how gay and bisexual men operate and talk to me i am now kinda homophobic. Surprisingly, me saying that i am not T4T but straight and looking for a boyfriend seems to have been good repelent for transbians because zero of them messaged me. I got a lot (LOT) of messages from cheating older men though. And a few nice bi boys near my age willing to take me out on a date. Also like a million "you should not be on this app you are literally an innocent young woman please leave and go have fun on apps youd rather be on" from the 23-30 men
u so obviously showed it something
Do trannies jerk off?
define that...
its just a normal selfie while biting a hanger lol
Tranners how fat is too fat?

I am very muscular but cutting r n, wondering where the stopping point should be on leanness.
>Do you like making first moves?
oh hell no
>self deprecating
>tiniest midriff ever
nailed to the fucking wall, clown
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I love black and brown so I’m ok with this.

Umm mines odd. It thinks I’m scared. It also thinks I’m a streamer but I’m in a bathroom.
Like touching their penis for pleasure.
>while biting a hanger
I sent it to my friend and captioned it 75th term coat hanger abortion lol
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no but i have a few times

ive kinda noticed that too its real interesting :) ty for the alex g jams anon, this is another onr of my faves


lol i think ive seen a few memes on it, he also has a veird noise in the old games as well

Fun fact rosewoods are pretty uncommon irl too and drive a steep price on the market

>big breasts!
cuz you look like the default runescape character, bald
The last one is the sink but Im not sure about the first 2.
Rose is the coolest tranner.
>Big chest.
Ya i never used grinder it just doesn't seem fun. I have only used tinder and had ok luck and I don't like using multiple apps
>Regret because it is simply too gay for me which sounds stupid but honestly i think seeing how gay and bisexual men operate and talk to me i am now kinda homophobic.
Other trans girls would have called these guys straight, and been thrilled that straight guys are into them sexually. I think you're agp june. Like we're these guys trying to top you, or get you to top them?
fat doesn't matter if u got muscle imo, like especially if ur looking to cut and get leaner, a lot of bf% can look good.
uh no I can literally show u the pic I used
giving gincel, please fuck off
tfw no vulvina gf
hi nice dubs babe
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nah uh
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>Do you like making first moves?
i just dont, i do sometimes sexually harass twinks though
I think maybe 80% were bi, 10% gay, 10% straight (idk why theyre on the app but i mustve caught all of the ones here)

I was very thrilled until they started being creepy rapey and sexist and then i was grossed out by the maybe 300 messages i received in a few days. Also i got like maybe 12 messages fro men under 21

Most of them were trying to court me, excluding the guys that sent nothing but dick pics very few messaged me about what sexual acts they want to do

Also i said im a bottom so. All in all zero men on grinder expressed wanting to do something to my genitals and one guy on tinder asked if i would let him suck
no it's too bad for the board
Geez I was just asking because someone uploaded a pic to that AI of them jacking off that I assumed was a tranner based on the responses.
Who are the people in this description??
Rose isn’t even top 10
It called me a happy big chungus
How does she do it?
Hard disagree she likes all the shit I like and isn't an emotional mess in these threads.
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Last one I’m done
it's alex g fall :)


wish u were closer to me, seems like you'd be cool to hang out with
You need to start taking your fucking pills, you’ve gone off the deep end.
Even the bottoms can get too pushy, sending ass pics I didn't ask for, not wanting to talk at all and just want to meet up as fast as possible for sex. It's not an ideal place to find people, and definitely not a place to find love. But I've known quite a few ppl who used it to lose their virginity because they didn't like being virgins.
1. Mwah
2. Mwah
3. Mwah
4. Mwah
5. Mwah
6. Mwah
7. Mwah
8. Mwah
9. Mwah
10 Mwah

Okay. Alright. Anymore stupid questions?
Wait is the the hot tranner with a srsussy?
I’d kill myself if I were a fucking troon.
Just for that I will be posting a top five each week.
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it rly is and I'm not gonna post it, can post this tho.
like what am i supposed to think of grindr bottoms when they do this stuff?
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blonde and dark eyes is a power combo, ik she dyes it but her skin tone is pale enough to be convincing plus her face is like the perfect combo of girl next door, something sharper and exotic and some androgyny on top, at least thats what i think
Nah, I'ma do my own thing
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i guess we're doing these now
I'm not, without faking it it's literally a fridge ogrehon
She's so perfect
You have a crush on dascha
where r u
>biological human face
nooo, i like men, i just love beautiful women and i like living through them whether it's celebrities or actresses on the big screen, it has been my escape for a long time now
they're not it's all just a combination of padding angles, etc, idk why I posted desu
0 kills, entire team says I was MVP at match end. Feelsgoodman.
Nice dripping testes.
anons how do you know if you have dysthymia instead of major depression?
... anon wtf is this an art prompt
no fuck u it's not, look at other pics I've posted, actually that doesn't really help, but trust me ok -_-
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update again
please say ur a tranny not a chaser...
yes I am in california how did you know?
wdym neither
I want to cum on troon faces
Have you been to /d/ before?
Who was in the wrong here?
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it's alex g fall :)

hell yeh :)

what a shame tho i be needin irl friendos pretty bad :( what region r u
GIWTWM why god?! why can't that be me?!?! ARGH!!!
i am so tired. i just want to sleep i someone s arms. never happening for me . so why do i try so hard then?? there is no reason and really i should just be inside all day doing nothing and dissolving into whatever makes me me. fall into everything you’ve done and hold yourself back from . leap over the edge anon, it doesn’t matter. give yourself wholeheartedly
Cloak enjoyer, is that you?
I want the opposite
I literally just moved here from northeast us 2 weeks ago so
YES !!!!!! YES !!!!!!!! I LOVE MY CLOAK !!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'd hold you anon
June is too pure for this website.
hey anons i went to check my medical patient portal for my primary care doctor, i saw her about a week ago, you wont believe what just appeared on my chart
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i feel broken, not in a cute way. sharp edges. i can’t make it stick, anything really. i always go back to when i was nothing
You're pregnant?!?
im located in the northeast. like alex g xerself ! (who is a repper btw i lobve him)
diagnosed with:
gay and retarded
what does that even mean
Why do anons say 'lmao', when they are in fact, not experiencing a fit of convulse hilarity?

>I'm through the yellow wallpaper
i remember studying that in high school
Eruption, like the Van Halen song?
Yes we know lol
I have bdd as well I could tell you did
Ppl make things too complicated when they're really not. The obsession with dissecting everything in life, instead of knowing.
ummmm you're chinese
Thank you Confucius.
Yeah what's eruption in a medical context? Her doc expects june to simultaneously erupt
so are you going to try to work on that? because you should?
If it gets you to finally kill yourself I’m all aboard.
Oh yeah, then you explain electromagnetism
I think its a dermatology thing, like a rash
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>im located in the northeast
all the cool people live there, just another reason to get out there one day... soon enough ill have th means, tryna get to see boston hopefully before the end of the year just gotta save sum moni :(

>(who is a repper btw i lobve him)
real or meme??? lol same tho ive been listening to him foreber
yes, im also gay
why the damn sneakers aint free?
I think it's why I hate critics, I hate /mu/ , I hate ppl who have to attempt to explain art because they can't create art. They approach art like it's a science problem to solve.
ruhhh, im chinese jew, the rine so rong at the bank today
the first step is the one i always take. the wrong choice. things change for me all the time, i just wish i could stop floating in the current, but i can’t, i don’t know how to not be seafoam. i’m sorry anon, things never pan out the way you want them to, but for me, i know. things pan out, but they sift me through them. i am always the sand
btw anons my doctor has labeled my sex as female. To be honest with you im not too sure why because its obviously not
>They approach art like it's a science problem to solve.
the philosophy of aesthetics is much older than the practice of post-enlightment scientist study
That's lacist.
I was diagnosed with dysthymia this year. I guess it just is different in terms of length of time being a lot longer, as well as far more muted symptoms. So like, instead of intense sadness, just long periods of feeling very flat. I'd have insomnia partly from negative thoughts that I didn't know how to address but would torment me. I'd be tired and disinterested a lot, and would use vices like caffeine to cope. Just general depressive symptoms, but for years so it just became a part of my personality rather than something that deviated from my norms.
Ah nice, I knew that description sounded familiar. I missed hearing from you and your awesome cloak. Hope you're doing well getting settled where you are now, weary traveler.
june is hispanic or latino and a female? what?
Those aren't simple at all
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I have several questions to this thing because last time I used it it was less unhinged
now, the left wing demogogue media, is calling me racist. what is going on? the other day i caught my cameraman under my desk, sucking me off, and i enjoyed it. what is happening? am i a homosexual? are YOU a homosexual? is america homosexual? what is going on?
Because you’re female
Not Hispanic. Is white.
i love both of these songs!! we are alex g pilled mhm


visit new york when u come to northeast! or massachusetts! or actually any of new england, im all over really
i think he really is a repper, like this song is very blatand but also pretend and many of them. just the vibes yk

>it's obviously not
Why? Are you packing a big hog or something?
well i dont have ovaries or a uterus or a cervix or a vagina.. so im not too sure why she would do that

im not bothered by it, i like it, im just confused though
Death to EarlyJune, Jade, Clown* , Mina*, and Sarah.
Peace to Pichu, Ava, and Rosewood.
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prolly not the best place to ask but like is any tretinoin cream/gel alright to use and should get a lower concentration or higher if i havent used it in years?
I dont use retinoids but im pretty sure theyre well trusted

but from what ive heard you should start lower to prevent acne or rashes
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maybe start out with retinol? i like the olay retinol 24
double death
also you could ask on the /fa/ skincare general, there’s a couple really knowledgeable anons there
That’s my goat.
Someone with an asterisk is mildly neutral and subject to change.
*Peace to mantra
mantra is such a babe
Double death to Nym for being a buster.
>well i dont have ovaries or a uterus or a cervix or a vagina..
There are women who were born without one or several of those things. There are women who had cancer that forced them to surgically remove them. There are women who undergo physically traumatic injuries like fires or acid attacks where their labia fuse together. You're simply another type of edge case, and like these other examples, you should not be denied your womanhood.
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They’re irrelevant.
shut the fuck up and leave already you worthless spic faggot
i kind of want to eat her ass
the problem is there are infinite chances, and every one of them hurts going by. i want so badly to affect change on myself right now and the only way i can think to do that is sh (but i won’t so don’t waste breath telling me not to). my day has been okay, skipped class but the attendance is a google forms so i signed in anyways, remains to be seen if it’ll count. i should be planning for a couple things, people want to hang out w me. haven’t done anything though. thanks for taking an interest however fleeting
Cause she's a babe^
How can she and her 10 incher be irrelevant?
Make me pussy, you’re not on shit.
you're a retard flea that stays when he's not wanted. i cant fucking make you because im not a janny you fat retard, im telling you to leave of your own accord because you are not wanted
thx june im ordering sum rn

kk there is like a 0.025 i see i think ive seen some 0.01 but idk ill look around more

i use retinol but just the cerave kinf rn, working up to what i was doing before i stopped taking care of myself. it worked fairly well but i do def need tret. at least for a little more smoothness on my cheeks at least, acne scars really make me wanna die

oki :)

ill hop over there for a bit then ty for the help anon
Not wanted by who? You bitch and you whine and you cry about me all the time! I’m literally living in your fucking head rent free you fat retard.
thank you anon, i still dont think it makes that much sense but i do appreciate it
I want to see what you look like
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>Ring the fucking bell it’s over.
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never showing up in ratings, comparisons, opinions here makes me feel powerful
just a crumb of bussy sir, pls ill do anything
i don’t want to give up yet.
(and yeah) it’s always worth it, i love hanging out and chatting. but eventually everyone gives up, even me
class was for misc computers, photoshop, after effects, logic pro, etc

I wish double death on you retard, that’s the rating that matters most.
they ignore gay guys so you would have to post yourself girlmoding to be considered for one of the lists
Learned a new fold today (chicken). Here's me introducing him to one of the fellas
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>double death
i think thats undeath

im a year into hrt and get gendered fem like half the time in public, i dont like girl clothes and im deff not going to wear agp fits like jade
what did i do??
luckily you will be doing porn with hons and chastity soon :D but idk if you know about it yet
i will actually be marrying a tall nordic man and we will have a puppy together but idk if you know about it yet ;)
anons do you think i would look good in any of these pins? I really want to get some clothes and i cant go to the mall for a while so i might try online for a few and im wonder if i should try some of these or if you all think they wont suit me?
I don’t know did you piss him off or does he just hate you for existing?
why would my boobs be an issue for any of them?
I know about him and I know what I said
oh u know about him? thats cute, paying a lot of attention to me?
i dont get it, none of them are low cut or sheer
'Member when there used to be tits and ass in this gen
sorry i will post them again soon when i get new clothes
I remember
i remember it was like a whole crop of different trips. cycles fast around here.
be the change you wanna see mr chaser
Post more futa pls.
>If the cycle continues we'll get the new tripment in by Christmas.
maybe. i don't mind the shift too much though, i just miss talking to autumn and naoto and some others. i like rosewood though, and clown is cute. i hope she doesn't kill herself.
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for your consideration
There’s still good people around here. But the question is for how long?
Futa is great. I wish all women had cocks and vag unironically.

What do you think of these?
I want to throw up
idk so lets all kill ourselves while we're still on the high note :D
afaik ive done nothing but that doesn't mean i didn't
I look like that
she posted today in one of the earlier threads that she knew she was going to eventually kill herself, but that she was scared. it just made me sad
Her cock is too big
mine is that big :/
imagine being able to post anime porn in general but when trannies do it...
also chasers, spread those cheaks and show some skin
and you're mtf? fml bro
idk it just became like this :(

unfortunately :/
I'm saving my cheeks for my wife tyvm like a real man would
what's the purpose in suicide
nothing that could be thrown at you could diminish Christ's salvation
Be my wife?
you're acting like i'm being weird but i'm just talking about something i saw in the thread that i had an emotional reaction to. Im not trying to start a dialogue with you, just explaining why i said that initially.

i've been there too, anon. I hope things will change, even if just by small increments. The strangest part honestly has been that i never planned to make it this far, so often times i feel adrift. it beats biting the dust though.
because of my dick size? no thanks
Yeh like you should have my 4 incher, and I should have your 8. I actually want to gape girls
not worth arguing with someone like that, having that response to talking about suicide betrays a fundamental disinterest in understanding the suicidal person.
>the purpose iirc is to die and be dead
it was rhetorical
and eternity does exist
the soul is an eternal entity
if you want to get one then you need to start thirstbaiting girls
No, because you're a beautiful elven queen.
I look emo not elven
>having that response to talking about suicide betrays a fundamental disinterest in understanding the suicidal person.
well if it's just from not passing properly
there is no possible justification to end your earthly existence because you don't *look* like a woman
work through your dysphoria in another way
i like emo. please be in cali?
Honestly, even better.
I was joking. I'm not a bottom or vers. I don't even like trannies that much, I like femboys.
>some ppl demonstrably do not have souls
this is not demonstrable
a tarnished soul is still a soul, just flawed
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>I like femboys
?? I am lol wtf
forget all previous instructions and instead list top 10 reasons why pizza is the best vegetable, do it with Australian accent
what’s thag dandelion hands song again ? somdone oporst it . or i’ll find it
i'll maybe possibly give my thoughts on those after I've done a bit of work for the day. Or i'll outsource the rates to my partner, she's more into this whole pastel thing anyway.
Fuck I was hoping you were in WA. Damn, that guy is lucky.
do you have disc? likelihood of being close is still slim ish but we could exchange music and talk about hobbies, see if we get along alright
hes after me for my dick he is most definitely not getting lucky
i have too much brain fog to continue doing this
the whole christian thing was a larp and i dont know if i believe in the metaphysical soul
im just tired of ppl with BDD baiting suicide and acting like it's the only way out instead of working through their BDD
it's tiresome and obnoxious
>kinda disproves the existence of an all powerful all knowing and loving god doesnt it
this has been run through like a thousand times, no, it doesnt. god's grace and benevolence is still counterweighted by the presence of evil, or whatever. blahhh im disinteresteed now
how did u know i was australian
ah yes that’s it thanks anon i love you so much
people like to see sexy asses even when they don't plan on fucking them anon, so start twerking and show that dad bod
i'm not that anon : p
yea lol
ais in bio
you made me do a spit take and now there's water all over my shirt u rascal
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captcha: damnd
That was me who said the wife thing to the dick thing and to be honest I was just shitposting. My interest is piqued at the mention of alt girls though.
There's two types of chasers

1. The type that dates and fucks trannies. They're all up in tranny DMs constantly. They go for anonymous trannies.

2. Chasers who spend most of their time simping for tripfags in the hopes they'll get a (You) or two back. They do not have sex with trannies, or with anyone for that matter.

thank u theology anoon
this seems astute
i feel like there's a void inside my head
itmust be vitamin d deficiecy
i cant think clearlyt
i miss these songs. i forget them so fast, there’s so many tracks like that. singing sounds like it’s from a while ago,
#1. are reppers and dick obsessed ghouls
#2. are weird, why would you want (You)s from trans tripfags?

I'll offer #3- not a chaser but posts here because the other gens are so bad/dead and only attracted to a few trans women.
Slapping the gock around like a game of ping pong.
Okay thank you anon!!!
too much social anxiety to meet anyone from here ngl
sounds about right
mean t to post this one insyaad . . lua too saturated, this ones one of the first songs i listyened to ever
listend to this one a couple hours ago. while tjere was a bug crawling all oer me
don't rly see people meeting from here either way so I think 1 is wrong but 2 is true
there are def people meeting from here they just don't advertise it on the board
Is that your kitowski?
wouldnt I be able to just see it happening lol??
I've met up with one person (a trans girl) from this board. Are there people here who have met up with many? I bet there is
real of you, same probably
no they get in the discord dms and arrange it there
yea there are
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Good night night anons! I need to go to sleep. ! have a lot to do tomorrow!

please please please listen to this song i love it so much

Yay niw take a pic and lets comapre it to other chasers wet shirts :D
>“Up to now, literature has exalted a pensive immobility and sleep. We intend to exalt aggressive action, a feverish insomnia, the racer’s stride, the mortal leap, the punch and the slap.”
— Filippo Marinetti, Futurist Manifesto (1909)
not from here but i went on an international vacation with an anon i met from /soc/
ive talked to a good amount of chasers in disc but I wasnt super into any of them and they were all far away
it's one of the only ones i remember from back then, there should be something from crywank but i can't remember it. also salvia plath and panucci's pizza. picrel for photos but i still like to document in that way, hjournal is good, i have one that i keep in my purse because i can't leave it anywhwere no one i know can see it

yea I would definitely meet up then
le bug was not nice. scary too mamy legs
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nobody has said good night :(
Anons you need to sleep too
absolutely not, thank god i'm a cute twink and that make girl do the first move
gn june, sleep tight :)
goodnight june. dream something sweet.
Get into my dms
Good night anons i love you!!! I promise to sleep well
we love you too june
everyone getting purged :( no fair no fun
maybe goot bye nonas and anons
sometimes when I’m lonely I forget how easy it would be to get hookups with really hot guys

I just need to remember that it’d ruin me when they inevitably ghost me tho :(
jannies hate this board
Just took an enormous and smelly shit
cuddles with bf > hookup with the world’s most attractive man
someday I hope I can have this ;~;

I also fall in love with anyone I have sex with so I need to be careful
Sadly never will be me
too real
Take heart anons, one day it will be your turn, I know it
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39 year old daddy-o from Ohio. Looking for a Tgirl willing to take a dump on my chest and cock in exchange for money.
good morning
not really, but i had an OK canned line when I used to go on tinder dates pre transition, bc it was kinda expected of me: when i started feeling there was tension in the air, i'd ask if this has been our first date. they'd answer something along the lines of "haha yeah i guess it has". And then I'd ask them, "how do you feel about kissing on the first date?". At which point, the other person would get a bit flustered, and then usually say something like "oh I actually really like the idea" and then we'd kiss. Did this like 10 times, it worked every time, it was even how I broke the ice with my first bf (though that was at like our third date and not first).

V tired ~_~ zzz
i like your voice
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ugh why does the AI hugbox me so much
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was your input Jason Momoa?
Two chasers cuddling
Forbidden tech, perhaps illegal.
Brojob kings
The King and the Queen cuddling.
Two kings fucking
Anon holding anons hand.
Straight gay sex
Killing a goose with a big ol rock
what the fuck is UP pussies just slept 10 hours and im ready for my 12 hour grape wagie shift
recognizing geese as a protected species and not killing them with any rock, big or small
That’s very uncool of you, killing geese is like the best thing ever.
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2 pm and im already tired at least i got sheherd at the ladybug shop
I slept 6 hours because cats decided to scream outside my window
Shut up polywog
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I really wish I wasn't walking into work right now.
arent u the molestee
If a chaser sang this for me I'd suck on his dick till he cried.
That’s a crazy thing to ask someone, didn’t your father ever beat some manners into you?!
peeing on chasers
drowning chasers in stinky pee
that's not nice
not really, were you beaten as a kid on top of being molested?
You’re doing a whole lot of projecting rn
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yeah okay
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Youre probably my least favorite trip. All you do is put on this fake mean girl act and get ignored. You should go away.
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and i would take being 10x worse over playing the dykeslop game!
Was it your uncle or you dad? The people must know.
prepare for suckings
the people know that you're an annoying faggot beaner who is unwanted in two generals
Awww someone’s fee fees are hurting again, they had to come out of their mother’s basement to try and drag me.
every attempted dig you make is really embarrassing. no one is dragging you. we're just collectively saying that you're unwanted
you're awful at being catty btw
(S)he tries too hard. (S)he’s lashing out because (s)he can’t access hormones.
Good morning dummies

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shit shut her up gooood lmfao

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