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>Be me, tranny
>Mostly friends with basic girls in high school
>We graduate, all go off to college
>They all join Greek life
>Always posting on instagram about their sororities
>Drift apart (obviously, we go to different schools anyway)
>Now lonely
>Thinking about them
>Want to be social too
>Considering rushing a sorority

I know it would inevitably lead to total social humiliation. So I need you, anons, to talk me out of it. Please force me to make a better decision.
i have only heard bad stories about trans women joining sororities. sororities are about the shared womanhood and experiences of its members, so a lot of times trans women will be seen as "invaders" even if they used to be friends with the women before joining the sororities, meaning when push comes to shove, the token tranny will always be first to take the fall. i know one trans woman who joined a sorority and she was always the scapegoat. whenever the dishes were cleaned by her they were always still dirty, all the women would leave their dirty laundry everywere but when she did it she was being "pervy", whenever she cooked it was never good enough, small stuff like that that just kept piling up. it all came to a boil when my friend started dating this one hot guy that was hotter than the other girls bfs when they started harrassing the guy anonymously, saying that he was gay and even told his fundamentalist conservative family that he was dating a trans woman. they reacted horribly and he obviously broke up with her. when she discovered they were the ones doing it and confronted her they kicked her out without notice and started making up rumors about her about how she was sooooo creepy and weird and didnt know how to take care of herself, etc, which is funny because shes one of the most well put together people i know, way more than her ex friends lmao. plus shes straight lol. dont do it op, sororities run based on the assumed solidarity between fellow women, and they have none of that solidarity for you, even if you have it for them. because you arent a fellow woman to them
You should try it, worst thing that can happen is you don't get an invite which is likely the most possible outcome. If by some stroke of luck you do seem to get in.. The girls just won't really see you as "one of them" and probably an "invader" as brutal as that might sound and you will always be the first one to be alienated and pushed out, there will likely always be some sort of animosity between you and them. But unless you live in a hyper conservative state, public humiliation likely won't come and people will just keep their thoughts to themselves and maybe laugh about you in private.

If you don't get any invites please don't give up, go to clubs, socialize with people in the rec/campus center, find common interests and find some clique to fit into. I am assuming it is your freshman year so its the most important year to join friend groups before they fully establish otherwise it will be infinitely more harder to find people.

even though odds are stacked against you a life socially isolated isn't a life worth living, believe me you will go crazy. choose your friends wisely and hold them close
>But unless you live in a hyper conservative state, public humiliation likely won't come and people will just keep their thoughts to themselves and maybe laugh about you in private.
I'd like to add this sentence is applicable only to getting invites during rush week.

if you do get kicked out of a sorority you WILL be publicly humiliated
> a life socially isolated isn't a life worth living
this isnt true, im in my 3rd year of college with 0 friends irl and im fine. i fly out to online friends on my breaks and thats good enough for me. op pls consider if u do get friends u will constantly be worrying abt being clocked. not rlly worth imo for just ppl u hang around to feel like u are getting “the college experience” or leading a “fulfilling life” or all that bs
>i fly out to online friends on my breaks
this isn't social isolation tho and those online friends are actually just long distance irl friends atp. When I say social isolation I mean ZERO friends ZERO human contact, just going to class and home everyday only talking to ur family members and never doing anything even on break
Can relate so hard to that bullying
Can you actually not imagine having friends who are fine with you being trans
imagine being so fucking brainwormed you won't allow yourself to have irl friends for fear of being clocked as trans LOL pls get off this site for your own good
The people who want to participate in greek life are mostly the sort of soulless, pointlessly cruel, and sociopathic rich white kids who will be the first against the wall when the revolution comes. Anyone else there is likely on that grindset and will not risk their plan to ride the coattails of the rich white failchildren's parents by sticking up for some tranny. If you must do greek life do one of the coed major related ones, the people who join those are pretty normal and should be way more chill.
>the first against the wall when the revolution comes
Get a job you disgusting bum
wasn't there a tranny sorority situation that recently that almost resulted in a court having to officially define what a woman is
>the caption speaks for itself
>the caption:
>part 5 | the caption speaks for itself.
wtf did she mean by this recursive bs
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horrible idea, someone made a post a while ago asking whether she should join a sorority she was invited to and i hope she was talked out of it.
greek life is made up entirely of not only the richest people, but the most insufferable people. if you think 4chan trip drama is stupid you've never seen the type garbage that can go down in a sorority house. cis women get torn apart by "sisters" just for having slightly below average browlines or hair, just what do you think theyll do to a trans woman?
join a club or something, greek life is a cult.
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Actual life-ruiningly bad idea
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this is my life and i'm about to graduate and i'm doing fine
i have one friend i hang out with maybe once every month or two and otherwise the only people i talk to irl are my parents
i used to mope around about not having friends but now it's like who cares, being alone is far from the worst thing in the world
yeah holy moly i aint joining no sororities
I couldn't tolerate this my mind would break
Please be fake
Don't do it. It will end poorly.
Just be a normal student.
I have no friends too.
Like actually no friends at all.
I actually like it better this way, it's peaceful and I can do whatever I want without needing to worry about shit.

Though I've pretty much always preferred being alone anyway.
Is it really that bad? I've never really known much otherwise, I had friends at school but would rarely get to hang out outside with them
I figure I live a pretty privileged life being in a first world country and not being poor, being lonely is a small price to pay
>being alone is far from the worst thing in the world
It's not the worst, not as bad as gender dysphoria, but it's pretty fucking bad. I've been lonely for 7 years with the exception of one summer where I had a partner, and I'm so tired of it. I cry my self to sleep sometimes because I'm so sad about being alone.
Same, another day alone. No one to love me.

It gets worse as time goes on
Okay, idk i just am anxious abt being clocked. i pass as a woman to acquantices but im afraid things would start “adding up” if i spent more time around people.
your description of loneliness is exactly my day to day experience of college. the only time i see friends is like abt 4-5x a year or so. mostly i go to class go home have dinner talk to parents and spend the rest of the day in my room. except i am not lonely. it really is not bad i think you ppl are either exaggerating or were luckily well adjusted through k-12 and had friends then and now dont. this is basically my entire life summarized lol
I would never in part because the only two women who I know that joined sororities are massive cunts.
Tried saying I was unhappy being a boy and the way men are treated as a kid during the early 00s.
>you're a sexist and an asshole
They both joined sororities and all their worst aspects really bloomed
1 became a crypto terf that just got kicked out of the Green Party for going to Pro Russia rallies and attempting to start a liberty caucus (antivax, pro terf)
2 continued to dress the exact same way from 14- their mid thirties, massively immature, martyre complex
Her and her boyfriend both came out as NB's and ghosted all of us after over a decade of friendship because of all the "homophobia" despite the fact that neither of them stopped slurs around me or my future wife eveb though we were out in high school.

Fuck sororities, they just seem to draw in the worst people so they can become codependent with their mutually toxic sisters
I almost exclusively hang with women, NB's and trans men, I would never feel comfortable in a sorority
>jerks cock
>calls himself a passoid?

yeah uhhh, just buy a vibe. istg it feels as good or better than jerking.
I was falsely accused of stealing jewelry by my rich friend's mom so I know that feel

t. cis man
Passing/=/genitals and how u use them.
Kindly kys transphobe
sororities, fraternities, Big Brother, CBS, baby showers, bachelor/bachelorette parties, weddings, gender reveals, organized religion. All of it was made without you in mind.
yeah, duh
there's no accepted answer to this question because the situation was created without thinking about this scenario.

That's why OP is asking people's opinions on it
my solution is to simply ignore it and enjoy the other aspects of life that suit me better.

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