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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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Hello, what I'm about to share is controversial and no doubt something the majority of Christians, LGBT people, and users of this board will strongly disagree with. I am not a theologian and I am not here to debate, I am just sharing what I believe so that anyone it may help can hear it. This is especially aimed at trans people who are struggling in or delaying their journey because of their current or former religious beliefs, or any complications related to religious background, but I think everyone can take something positive from this.
It is my belief, as someone originally raised in a very conservative Christian tradition, that God loves trans people and wants you to transition if you are trans. He made you that way for a reason. He loves you and wants you to be happy. He does not want you to wallow and suffer. I believe God is the source of all goodness and joy, and I can see Him work with and through the amazing trans people I have known in my life. Some of the most empathetic, selfless, loving, and Christ-like people I have known have been trans, not in spite of their transition, but because of it. I have seen first hand how Christ is present in the most hated and persecuted people, even by those who loudly call themselves his followers. Your transness does not separate you from God, in fact I believe it can draw you closer.
>but it's "unnatural"
So are prosthetic limbs, eyeglasses, surgeries, chemotherapy, etc. Transness is primarily a medical condition and healing those who are suffering is a good thing (Mathew 9:6, Luke 10:34, Proverbs 31:6). Just to reinforce this, brain scans show that trans women's brains more closely resemble the brains of cis women than cis men, and the other way around for trans men.
>continued below
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>but He made us male and female
God also made some people intersex. This isn't a mistake and we aren't supposed to reject them. If gender and birth sex are identical, as conservative Christians argue, God clearly has not made gender a fixed binary where each individual is clearly assigned one side and must never embody characteristics of/cross into the other (Mathew 19:12). God also created angels as genderless and Himself does not have a gender (even most conservative Christians agree on this).
>but humans are not angels
In Mathew 22:30 Jesus says that after the resurrection there will be no marriage because we will be "like the angels in heaven."
>ok, but until then God commanded us to be fruitful and multiply, so that's only valid after the resurrection
I'll refer you again to Mathew 19:12, where Jesus affirms those unable/unwilling to adhere to this. I am not saying eunuchs and trans people are the same, I am highlighting that did not make gender fixed and unchanging. In addition, Paul says in Galatians 3:28 “there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”
>why would God make someone a way they must change?
Job 5:18 “He wounds, but he binds up; he shatters, but his hands heal.” God wrestled with Jacob, and when Jacob overcame God’s challenge he was renamed Israel. There are many examples of God transforming and renaming people.
I am aware that these are not air-tight arguments and that I have not exhausted the list of points brought up by anti-trans Christians. However, there are very few biblical arguments you can make about anything that are air-tight. The Bible is a compilation of texts written over many centuries by many different authors, it is inconsistent and it is full of contradictions. Believing requires deference to faith for what cannot be understood or explained. I have faith that God is infinitely loving and kind, and that trans people are a part of his beautiful creation and plan.
Religion is retarted and none it is scientifically proveable. It's for retards who can't just use normal coping methods and actually want to understand their own behavior patterns.
This was beautiful.. thank you for sharing your personal conviction with us
jewus is a brown semite
Thank you anon. I’m over my anti religious angst but this would have meant a lot to me when I was younger.

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