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Why are white trans girls usually white supremacists?
Reminder a Bahraini pooner made this
because why wouldn't they be
Same reason some trannies go join the military or become roiders before trooning out. A cope used to drownout the tranny thoughts for a limited time. Hatred and anger works well, and a chud repper can also blame George Soros or another boogeyman for making them gay or a tranny.
They aren’t but any resistance to the status who gets you thrown into the “ probably a creepy Nazi” bucket if you’re a man. In the mind of a well established conventional liberal gender nonconformity=weird, Nazis=weird, gender non conforming white men=nazis. Non white people are mystical angel clowns tho and therefore are immune to nazism.
*Status quo
>everyone else is poor and ugly
>white people are rich and preo
>everyone else wants to live around white people, date white people, enjoy white prosperity
HEY!¡hOw cOmE tHeY wHiTe peOpLe iS suPerEySisTs????
>any resistance to the status who gets you thrown into the “ probably a creepy Nazi” bucket if you’re a man.
Willing to bet my whole life savings nobody's ever praised your capacity for introspection.
becoming tranny made me stop being anarchist larper because transitioning was too much work to focus on arguing online
point made
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>Why are white trans girls usually white supremacists?
Why do you make the same threads non fucking stop?
Are they? All the white trans girls I know are stupid snowbunnies.
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because Whites are supreme
are the only trans ppl you know from 4chan perhaps?
People need to stop treating 14-year-olds posting racist memes on 4chan as a legitimate political stance
Imagine identifying with any of those cursed labels lmao
Brownoids and bl*cks are infinitely more racist than White people though.
A lot of people have racist thoughts but if you have some basic empathy you can understand why it's wrong to act on them. White people just never had to learn empathy, so there's issue #1. Second issue is that trans people get to pull the marginalized minority card to deflect any criticism which is why they can spout off unhinged racism and homophobia and it can't affect them.
hrt legality alone is considered a progressive ideology unfortunately

i simply just don't want to live near groups of people that statistically are more likely to murder me
i "act" on my racist thoughts by the choice of neighborhood that i live in (though it's basically impossible to find decent non-right wing neighborhoods near me that aren't full of indians and muslims now)
whites invented empathy
>Complains about racism
>Immediately claims all Whites have no empathy
People like you are unironically the reason why race-relations are in the fucking toilet
can't handle the truth
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I wouldn't say usually but it's often because a lot of the white trans women with a platform are middle-class anglo-americans who carry over their conservative views even after transition.
i love libertarian being conservative lite
White identarianism has never been bigger, leftists trying to sieze "based" energy for themselves failed despite all the help from gov spooks/big tech (idk why), Musk Twitter is making more people racist than ever before, also the CEO that was working to crush racism on Youtube lost her son to drugs and retired and then died of a broken heart, punch "Hitler AI" into the search bar and see what comes up
The Madoka PFPs are all being racist again
>conservative views
I've been called a conservative by my leftist friends, and a leftist by my conservative friends. But almost all of them just want the same shit, which is to live a comfortable life
Normal liberal middle class people are genuinely one or two cultural changes away from being conservative.
If HRT were normalized then trannies wouldn't be as forced to align themselves with the far left
If reproductive rights weren't a hot issue more women would be on the right
Being a moderate conservative just means "I'm accepted by the majority of society and I'm happy with how things are going for me, and nobody on either side is trying to impede on my existence." and being a moderate liberal just means "I'm okay with how it's going but either there is a single issue that puts me on the left, or I'm part of a group that the far right wants gone"

Libertarians are what conservatives pretend to be

>despite all the help from gov spooks/big tech
Big tech isn't leftist. Musk's Twitter is just big tech with the mask off
cause they're fucking based
most trans people have #BLM in their bios
the people pushing for more black and brown immigration are all trans people or trans rights supporters
trans people hate whites
trans people hate European civilization
white middle class theyfabs don't count
>trans people hate whites
>trans people hate European civilization
I support neoliberal western society that supports my bodily autonomy and personal freedom
I don't support white nationalists who want to genocide fags and trannies
>the people pushing for more black and brown immigration are all trans people or trans rights supporters
2 party politics forces black and white thinking. They don't give a shit about immigration, they just don't want their HRT taken away
>Bahraini pooner
Mankind should have stopped before this existed
white is right
Look at countries like Pakistan or Nicaragua and ask yourself if "white supremacy" is really an issue.
musk and trump are philosemitic shabbos goy cucked traitors and can burn in hell
Harris 2024

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