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Explain this to me like I’m a child

You’ve never been female so how can you be “born the wrong gender” when you have no concept of how it feels to be one?

You know what it’s like to have a period a week out of every month and the mental anxiety that goes along with that? The physical differences? Not to mention their mines operate totally differently from male ones despite being same IQ
>be me
>hmm i don't wanna look like a guy
>get drugs that prevent me from looking like a guy
>live as woman
i think it's that easy? i'm not sure. this my experience
Btw I’m a gay twink so don’t try and call
Me some poltard I’m just asking questions

How can you say you feel like a woman if you don’t know what that feels like
that’s just fashion preference then
i enjoy dressing as a boy occasionally. but it's weird for women here to do that so i try not to
no I appreciate what you’ve said it isn’t about you feeling like a woman you just want to be seen a certain way
yeah i dont know what the gender stuff even means? girls in real life don't focus on what gender they are. i don't either. if everyone in my life thinks i'm a woman then i guess i'll go along. passport says F on it.
Im talking about the concept I see around here of fembrain they literally think they have a female brain
i like cars and rap i think i am very masculine. i enjoy this
So before you're born, when you're still in the womb, you were a female. Everyone starts off female. If you've got a Y-chromosome your gonads will form into testes and produce testosterone, and if you don't they'll form into ovaries and produce estrogen. This happens in the first trimester.

The brain doesn't develop until the third trimester, and brain development isn't dictated by chromosomes, but by hormones. If you're t-dominant your brain will grow as a male brain. If you're e-dominant your brain will grow as a female brain. If you've got a Y-chromosome you SHOULD be t-dominant, that's how it's SUPPOSED to work, but if something happens to stop that you brain won't develop in line with your genitals properly.

This shows up on an MRI. The areas of the brain that deal with sex and gender aren't the same in trans people as they are in cis people.

If this happens to you and you try to live as dictated by your genitals instead of your brain, you brain will be constantly overstressed compensating for the neurological dysfunction. This is called dysphoria.
And dysphoria is treated through social transition.

But if you try to live according to the gender your brain is most comfortable with, you'll hate your own body for being "wrong". This is dysmorphia.
And dysmorphia is treated through medical transition.

Wtf did I just read?
Your gender is already determined in your dad's balls
I'm sure your brain developed from hormones and not out of your genetic code(which is stored in chromosomes)
>Body hair makes me wanna die
>fantasize about losing my dick in an accident
>Look in the mirror and my face starts morphing around
>flat chest feels wrong, bad, not good
>try to ignore it
>can’t ignore it
>gets worse, so bad I have nonverbal >episodes, extreme depression, psychosis
>Finally crack and take estrogen
Doing much better now
Yeah... Fantasizing about mutilation... Identity changes .... Repressed memories... You got diddly diddled as a kid...
do you know which parts of the Y chromosome determine brain development?
Just troon out dude, you'll feel better.
I didn’t say anything about repressed memories. And I don’t appreciate the off the cuff way in which you speak about my hypothetical abuse.
nta but maybe this isn't the website for you.
>I just wanna understand you guys!!!
>Person explains what having severe gender disphoria is like
>Wow you're so fucked up and mentally ill

Bitch that's the point? You're not even remotely trying to understand why people feel like this and why people go through transitioning
>hypothetical abuse
I'd get that one checked out by a professional before you cut off your cock with a hedge trimmer in a drunken rant
Maybe I try to push the culture in an ever so slightly less awful direction.
Do you have gender dysphoria be ause you had a shitty life and got fucked up as a kid or were you born the wrong gender?

Make up your mind because usually/satistically victims of abuse become abusers themselves and we don't want a bunch of predators hiding behind our beautifully designed flag
>Explain this to me like I’m a child
It makes them feel better and not wanting to kill themselves and nobody is getting hurt so why not just be happy for them
Did you even read the post? She didn't even mention her childhood trauma before you hissed at her regarding it, now you're just making up that's the whole reason she transition, do you have like 0 reading comprehension, you're just baiting at this point

>We don't want a bunch of predators hiding behind our beautifully designed flag

Fuck you for baiting me and whatever you won I hope you're happy at making me irritated first thing in the morning
You need to go back.
With all due respect, nobody has answered OP poster's question.

How can you "feel like a woman" if you've never been one?

Second hand testimony?
see >>37326642
“Feel like a woman” is already the dumbed down answer we give cis people.
It's a repressed memory, they can know about it but you can see the symptoms when talk.
You can feel incongruity with your own gender, if you feel severe incongruity being your gender then you're probably trans
You already baited me you cannot do it again, just take the win of irritating le troon on the internet
nigger log off
samefag chud pos killyourself!!!!
Dude get yourself checked before you harm others. Why you people so disgusting and have no consideration how this shit can affect other people.
>womb brain development
>male brain
>female brain
This is antifeminist and misogynistic, chudcel. There's no difference between male and female brains.
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Facts and feminism don't mix. Everyone knows this.
Yeah I know, I hate women.
Where can I see his sister's milkers by subscribing to fake news and irrationality?
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Or you can't just go on the internet.
that's anti scientific. Male and female brains do operate differently. This is sexual dimorphism. We have slightly different appearances and functions. We are also beings higher than our base genetic drive to kill, eat, breed, repeat, so none of that fucking matters anyways.
I'm not a chud lmao. I supported Bernie in 2020 and I'm not voting this time, I just have some questions like how do you feel like a woman if you're not one

and a testosterone balance doesn't make you understand how a woman feels and I'm not OP.
this actually. I dont really care about being a woman, i just get insane discomfort from being seen as male/masculine.
Probably gender dysphoria fucked brain
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>I supported Bernie in 2020
Did you get yourself tested which criterias your brain meets? Do you have a scientific report about your brain before you start gender reassignment therapy? Imagine changing your life like this on a "hunch"
What's wrong with Bernie? Impossible to elect? Admitted he doesn't have a plan to get through Republican obstructionism if he was elected?
Honestly curious.
"I feel like a girl" is simpler than; "I have crippling depression over the fact that I am not a girl and I don't know why"

For most people now the why may very. Generally it's just a weird wire getting crossed in the brain.
i honestly believe concepts like sex, age and so on are indistinguishable from fashion preference, its just harder to change them and takes more commitment and its the difficulty of changing it that makes it distressing.
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It's amazing you come up with something to explain to cis people in the simplist dumbed down terms your condition and then they demand you explain it like you were actually describing your condition in the first place.

Wrong gender
Feel like a girl
Trapped in the wrong body

We all have a weird natural inclination to be the opposite sex. We don't know why it happens, we do have some leads but nothing super concrete.
Basically our brain are we expecting to see a girl in the mirror, our brains are inclined to see us as women. When our body and mind areal at odds like this it creates dysphoria which may cause depersonalization, anxiety and depression or it might just be co-morbidities that develop
We don't know exactly why but giving our brains the right hormone balance helps releive these symptoms while shrinking the disconnect between our brains (mind conscious and subconscious) and put bodies.

I can't explain it for other people but even as a kid my brain was like "you should be a girl" so I wished and prayed every way I could to solve this. It didn't get better with puberty and got much worse in adulthood as my body masculinized and I was forced into a MALE social role
it's a losing battle

people like OP are terminally retarded if theyre not just straight up trolling already, don't bother with them
I typed this on another thread and I'm just going to copy it over:

There's a whole well developed vein of neurological research that has repeatedly shown that trans people have an observable pattern for structural brain differences compared to cis people in the region of the brain that mediates the relationship between the mind, the body and the external world. These differences are direct physical correspondences to the experience of gender identity incongruence.

Further, follow up studies show that treating trans people with cross sex HRT physically repairs the parts of the brain where trans people have abnormalities relative to CIS people, and makes their brains like those of cis people in direct proportion to the reduction in reported dysphoria experienced by the trans patients.

With the empirical confirmation of gender identity's existence we now have literal brain scan evidence that shows that CIS and trans people are their experienced gender for the same underlying neurological reason. I'm sorry if these modern biological facts make you sad.
I’m gonna answer your question with another question
How do girls know that they feel like girls?
Yes there’s obviously afab feelings like having tits and period cramps but that’s physiological. If we’re talking about pre pubescence there’s very little discerning boys and girls beyond the values that have been taught to them. Girls are told no when they act boyish whereas boys only get told no when they actively commit harm to themselves or others. As such girls are already brought into the world more self conscious and aware of things like beauty standards and whatnot. They are told no when or if they play too much with the boys by their fathers, and mannish behavior is frequently punished.
Thus I’d argue the only real discerning difference between boys and girls are gender roles instilled into them by parental figures followed by hormones.
Gender dysphoria is a revulsion to one’s natal labels (amab afab boy girl etc) and this is usually paired with a sense of belonging or compatibility with the other labels in a societal sense as well as a desire to physiologically change oneself into the other label,
Hope this helps op, also twinks who are gay can still be poltards
wow are you me

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