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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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Welcome to GayGen
GAY dudes discuss ANYTHING you want
>it’s 2:40 AM in America! Let’s get spicy before I fall asleep
No tramsgender related posts please as this is a cis gendered thread for gay males

precious thread >>37320823
how old are you?
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And Jesus said: Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do. But they, dividing his garments, cast lots.
Jesus was a homo
Narusasu :D
Good morning everyone, I despise Thursdays
Trans women are women
Jesus, in his filial piety would have married if he lived longer.
Yea, married a dude, and sucked his dick and ate his cum
Remember the one Pope that was possible a trannoid was defrocked mutilated and thrown into the tiber. BASED.

Jesus was betrayed by a kiss of a homosexual man.
Yeah, that's... literally why they're banned here. This thread is for men.

Anyone can post here
Damn you got me there how tf did I forget about Judas xp
How do we know Iscariot was gay though? Maybe dude just really needed the money
Thoughts on the heartstopper season 3 trailer? My boyfriend thinks Charlie looks like a goblin but I think its just bottom jealousy, we watched seasons 1 and 2
Nothing really happened in s2

Bottoms shouldn't have the right to vote
that's... actually not true, plenty of trans raiders have been banned. But nice try. Thank you
Remember that your god was also brutally mutilated and murdered and that you probably would have been cheering for it and that you are actually the one who has been corrupted by "demons"
As a loser who read the comic voraciously up until a certain point I really think the casting for Charlie is quite arse. I agree that his looks don't quite work.
>Thoughts on the heartstopper season 3 trailer?
im not 16 so idk
>im not 16
how do gaydeads type?
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i didnt know males were allowed to dance together in these competitions

thats kinda cute.
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Virtues of overall social significance

- Sincerity (Aufrichtigkeit)
- Modesty (Bescheidenheit)
- Honesty[11] (Ehrlichkeit)
- Diligence[10] (Fleiß)
- Straightforwardness (Geradlinigkeit)
- Sense of justice (Gerechtigkeitssinn): suum cuique = to each his own / his due, the motto of the Prussian Order of the Black Eagle
- Conscientiousness (Gewissenhaftigkeit)
- Willingness to make sacrifices (Opferbereitschaft)
- Sense of order (Ordnungssinn)
- Sense of duty (Pflichtbewusstsein)
- Punctuality (Pünktlichkeit)
- Probity (Redlichkeit)
- Cleanliness (Sauberkeit)
- Frugality (Sparsamkeit)
- Tolerance (Toleranz)
- Incorruptibility (Unbestechlichkeit)
- Restraint / self-effacement (Zurückhaltung): Mehr sein als scheinen ("To be more than to appear")
- Determination (Zielstrebigkeit)
- Reliability (Zuverlässigkeit)
>everyone looks like a goblin
>everyone sounds like a retard
>clearly written by a woman who fetishises gay men
no wonder this is popular
All things you lack. Reminder that you are a diagnosed schizophrenic retard with ~80iq
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>Prussian Order of the Black Eagle
i love how the women are looking at them with cringe faces
Why the random German
fuck em and their stanky pussies
they look boring but i can't say why. the tall one just looks stiff
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post penis
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My Prussian/Confucian/Catholic hybrid ethnics systems doesn't agree with you. Nor does the fact I actually managed to get promotion at work for it as well.
Moved from greeter to cart wrangler? Congrats man you're really moving up in the world
this angle but from the back with butt showing
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I've been practicing my meditation. This is going to sound very autistic but I'm starting to have lucid dreams while I'm somewhat awake.
Today's I was on a little floating grassy island over hot bubbly water, and there was a huge tree extending into the sky in the center of the island. For some reason I was transparent and I could see through my hands. I was a see through blue ghost.
fruits of the spirit aren't something that can be generated by one's own human abilities or power
they are manifestations of the holy spirit and only happen if the holy spirit abides in you
which seems to be on random occasions
you can not will yourself to have fruit
pic made me think of this beautiful piece

welcome to the astral world
continue to work on raising your vibration
y'all boykissers!!!
Sounds like a pretty calming dream. I should meditate more.
You're going to try to sell us crystals, aren't you?
kiss me then
Tchaikovsky's so goated. Got to see his piano concerto no. 1 live once. Highly recommend that you see if you have a philharmonic in your area, it's such a great experience.
no i'm a dream invader don't need any crystals or esoteric tools
I often appear in people's dreams with a peacock mask on to facilitate taking them out of their bodies
Im a normie and bad at gay stuff, but is it me or do asian gays always wear a lot of make up...?

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Is this racist?
Only in dreams
Morning shits are the worst.
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Would you date itto
I'm just gonna say it

whenever I see a white / asian gay couple it always seems like it's the asian guy's fetish, sorry
they're both fetishising each other
yes and i have him on my acc but i dont play anymore cause gacha makes me feel bad
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>actual republican gays
it's just inaccurate on the republican side
republican gays = fat, redneck, retarded looking
the ideal gay relationship
Idc tho and you didn't ask first

Those are just token Republicans. They don'tactually like gays and blacks. Just use you for votes from gays and blacks.
I'm aware that they are token useful idiots, but I've never been republican because I have high iq
I don't kiss boys!! that's gay, anon.
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Azn tops
only if you enjoy it
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I'm voting for Trump
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>republican "gays"
white guys fetish fit asians for being "small", acting "cute" whatever, it's not really about the race

genuinely feel like asians will go for any white guy because he's white, sorry, thank you
wassup homos
Not much wassup with you
i am a needy bitch
tfw no bf
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>I'm voting for Trump
The soiface
insomnia and boredom
Me too, man. Me too ;-; hang in there
I'm not insomniac but I definitely need more sleep. I'm running on 6 hours or so at the moment. But I'm not super bored
>log cabin
Remember that board on 8ch*n? It was a masc hangout since the only other gay board was /cuteboys/ but their Discord was abysmal. It was like a competition to see who was the most self-hating.
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I look like this actually. I don't consider myself Republican but I'll vote for trump anyway..
Don't care. Still voting for Trump.
I wonder what sort of whites Asians prefer, as men or women. Like, Scandis, Persians, Macedonians.

I am told they think we have big noses, probably from Jews in television.
go to bed then, what's stopping you from getting a full 18 hrs
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>yeah Im voting Trump the other one annoys me

How do you realistically respond to him without sounding pissed off?
The Grind. Work. I'm no NEET >:0 I'm hard-working! And that's why I'm talking to gays on 4chan. Clearly, I am a man with no time to spare B)
I just tell him whatever and to hurry up and pull that hog out.
But I use them to remove competition, so its a fair trade. We both want to see less gays.
that's even dumber than being a neet
Well it is, you barely see a white man saying in his profile that he is looking for Asians only
Mean. I slog away at my Duty relatively diligently for the most part, to be cut a little slack would be nice. I am sooo lonely anyway because idk any other days ;-;
What are YOU up to? Are you a NEET?
Nah I never used 4+4chan much but it checks out that alt right fags hate themselves (they should)
Congrats on being pathetic I guess lol
If in person just laugh at them because they are probably visibly dumb. If online just call them retarded or do whatever you want honestly no one cares
i just want someone to pester & talk to all day
its why i compulsively post here so much
GAYS not days I fucking hate typos like this I feel the need to commit seppuku every time this happens FUCK
no i have a job. just not sleeping and bored. maybe you can meet other gays
Literally me x/ although I don't post as much as I used to, because I am Busy With Stuff + this site gets stale very swiftly. Nonetheless it is addictive, even if it lacks substance
I'm 21 and definitely voting Trump. My female best friend keeps getting beaten up at the local Wawa and nobody is speaking English at our shops.

Surprised that Debaser supports that
>thinking either parties will help with immigrants
Fun. Is this site really the best way to cure boredom? Mayhaps game or something.
I plan to meet other gays, it'll be nice when or if it happens.
He doesn't support anything. He will just say whatever he thinks will ingratiate him with gays. He just wants headpats and to be liked.
reddit is a much better place to meet and interact with other gays
Nah, Debbie thinks it's a good thing. She's admitted as much in the past but I didn't think she'd sink this low

Kamala of all people. Lmao.
yeah i post here seasonally
constant posting for a few months
then fizzle out
tfw no bf
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I bet that bitch was asking for it. She deserves it for not having children.
it's the easiest. the thread is usually active and i can talk to gay people without any of the usual bullshit
Deadass? Reddit is plenty tiresome. People don't use the chat function much. I think I come to this site more for its bluntness and bitterness, which suits my ill temper a bit more.
Nice quatrain, anon,
You're a real poet!
Never say that hope is gone -
You'll get a bf, I just know it!
Are you going to apologize for lecturing /gg/ about black lives matter when they turned out to be a scam operation Debs?
>I didn't think she'd sink this low
lol welcome to gaygen
He doesn't think. He just repeats.
although why i want to talk to gay men is probably something i need to work out
all the major gay subreddits have a discord room connected to them with hundreds to thousands of guys online
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I never did that
Mm, I dislike the 'usual bullshit' too.
Presumably because you're a fat dude yourself? Birds of a feather, and all that.
God knows if I have the stamina/social aptitude for instant messaging in conversation. Discord is so bleh.
you really don't want to meet a guy which is why you rather shit talk on 4chan
Probably true. Good psychoanalysis doc
nice of you to finally admit youre not a cisgay guy
I just did 225 pushups lard mountain
most posters here aren't cis homosexuals, like bishit
lmao i knew what you meant
mate...how the fuck did you come to that conclusion from what i wrote. i'm so tired
I wouldn't even touch a guy who's ever used 4chan. I just like normies

Even reddit would be a bit much for me. the guys Ive been with just had an insta and omegle trolled and I didnt give a fuck. (probably fb too)
Too bad you're still a faggot with no bf
i met my bf a week ago randomly while grocery shopping
he came up to me and said hi
bottoms tend to put themselves out there if interested
i think tops are normally more shy and reserved
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>discovers french onion potato chip dip
guys I'm in big trouble
i use to eat that stuff in highschool but eventually i kept getting cramps eating it so stopped
has too much fat in it
it sure is tasty
What the FUCK is your luck stat anon
you met someone a week ago and you're in a relationship already?
It really is that easy. gaygen is just socially retarded
I would say youre right but that's because we're more pressured to be closeted over the years since most but not all of us are a little more masc
its a little more difficult to put ourself out there
shut up incel ftm
The first ep of agatha was okay but it wasn't enough to make me want to watch the second episode. :/
Pretty much the only appeal was that aubrey plaza looked hot.
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This is who you want as your vice president / actual president after trump gets shot again
ever been in love with a faggot ho
The issue with normies is that I don't know what to talk with them about
idt so at all. Its literally just saying hello
anti semite
i also think its hard to talk to bottoms because they just agree with whatever you say im ngl
Don't. Care. Still. Voting. For. Trump.
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Haha yeah that's so true I agree!
aren't you some biracial mutt from ohio the nuclear waste train derailment capital?
trip on alty
Aren't you literally a retard that barely graduated high school?
idk who that is
The girls are fightingggg. How old are you people xp
I'm whiter than you and you probably have fetal alcohol syndrome
this thread is sooo fricking gay
that's a good thing
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>retarded faggots for retarded faggots
just say xanthippe
I wish it was just him. The rot is deep.
Its always funny and revealing when gays use gay accusations as an insult. They will literally out people to shame them
it should be gayer
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why should it be gayer its fine as is personally
gayer is always better
im in nyc so that helps more than anything else

yeah we've been hanging out everyday

some of y'all live in weird places where there is few gays

i see masc gays everyday besides the one i see in the mirror
when do you think you'll open the relationship
not true
yep. straightness is a disease
lol that fat face slurring hill billy accent
he just started college a few weeks ago so i don't think either of us have long-term goals or taking it seriously
we're just enjoying it for now
i should probably turn straight
need to let go of the gay cope
you will reply to me for the next 3 hours if I let you, because you a perma online nobody with no job and a phantom bf lmao
post voice, inb4 u won't
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enjoy the next 40 years online until u expire in a fat pile of shit in your computer chair lol, im out of time for you tonight
fuck off
fuck off
i think most of us are going to spend the next 40+ years online until we expire, you're no different
fuck me
i live in nyc. im richer than u. im mascer than u. i work in fashion. i have had a bf for a week. cry more.
trip on Xanthippe
*Fucks you* done
yeah i am. ive already shared what happened here, but suffice to say i don't have to post here anymore.
fuck off I'm not even listening to these anymore because you sound like the obese computer chair guy from southpark. join a gym or take ozempic
you so badly want to know who i am
since you tend to love collecting tidbits about me
that i have revealed on here
you could just be normal about it
instead of coming across as a stalker
You stopped making them in response because you remembered that you're a socially (and intellectually) retarded mushmouth and now you're lying about being a gigachad to cope
debaser is like dracula from castlevania, he always comes back
I'm not desperate to win an internet argument with you, because I could crush you in a fight, which wouldn't happen in the first place because you would roll your fat slave trader body into the fetal position and cry.
This is why you're a loser. Eat another gallon of ice cream.
I love reading these spats x)
two gay chubs arguing is kind of cute and homely
I would just mock you to your face and shoot you if you tried to fight me. You're just an angry retard.
why do you type like bishit
enola gay, shouldve stay at home yesterday
it's pointless to type in long lines no one wants to read
why did the gaygen vision pro fail?
me and bishit are both kate bush fans
guess we're both art fags and think similar
both trans too
i wouldn't say im a fan, like i love her but i haven't studied her enough to say im a fan
im an ftm in a cis male body
Do you own guns debaser? is it pink with glitter?
i haven't studied her either
but i've checked out most of her albums
they are really good
she only falls for reppers it's so funny
I have a p365 that is black with bullets
im not trans
i wish i was softer in the face
ive posted my pic here last year

>she only falls for reppers
& im not a repper
she's so hot
this made me giggle like a woman
lmao thats fantastic
i want to know all those women
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>bullet stickers
>can't debate politics but it's fanatical about them
I think we're witnessing an inversion of roles where liberals have become the angry, violent, uneducated hillbillies and conservatives are the sensible and enlightened members of society.
i haven't watched either of the shits mentioned below
but why is the bpdottom from heartstopped is in agatha marvel universe now
I think you're retarded
it's a conspiracy by big bpd
big thoughts
twitter keeps showing me that matt berstein faggot crying about masc4masc
That’s actually a huge racist insult to African-Americans. Do you realize how hard they have to try to even have a chance at passing high school…?

No, because you don’t think.
as a bi artfag can i still be masc
kidding i dont actually want to be masc
just spent the morning reading through my ex's old posts. The regret is killing me.
me too
You should think about what's going to happen when we send them all to your neighborhood to cure you of your racism
imagine taking a few 2cb & just vibing out with them
whos big bpd
For me it's Sister Sledge
You mean blacks are going to START committing crimes against white people? That's novel.
R9gay has died, I am rapugee...
wtf, i thought debaser supposed to destroy racism, not become racism :/
i first watched it when i was high and was so mesmerising
ur my sister from another mother
who isn't
*whispers* they walk among us
No because it won't be a crime, they will be celebrated as national heroes
leave POC alone you POS
"Liberal" non-racists are some of the most racist people you will ever find. I bet debaser probably lives in all white neighbourhood,etc.
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And that's why we'll win, because fat middle aged angry guys like debaser who want black people to kill white people.
I dunno man, it comes down to demographics and guessing from the fact ur in here, well it looks bleak.
Bottoms should vote the way their top tells them to.
Seethe, u lose
they do unironically
if i was a bottom i wouldn't be so submissive
it's cringe
This is the part that always cracks me up.
You're not alone, we get the strangest looks. I'm 6'5", he's a 5'4" Filipino dude. We don't give two fucks though.
>that's why we'll win
the republican party has been a total failure for decades now
they haven't been any good since George Bush Sr...
>white guys fetish fit asians for being "small", acting "cute" whatever, it's not really about the race
This. I'm not with my bf because he's asian, I'm with him because he's small, has a great ass, and he's just an overall good person. Zero to do with his asianness (except his Mom's cooking)
The part that cracks me up is how dumb you are
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Not quite, remember most of your precious POCS are very conservative or religious. In the end it will end no one in the current Western Order wins. :3
i really don't get it
do you mean they is a (((they))) way or some other they conglomeration
>Don't care. Still voting for Trump.
Gays can vote for trump, that's fine.
When they start locking up all the fems that can't pass as straight, you don't get to complain, though. Project 2025 is thinly-veiled Christian Dominionism and if you think that won't magically be on the list, you're high af.
>i just want someone to pester & talk to all day
Same. bf is a nurse so 10 hours of the day we can't chat and y'all fill the void for me. 'Preciate you.
it was a bad joke, forget it
This is schizo
if anyone else is in NYC, lets meet up
I perpetually have a tub in my fridge. I just buy sour cream and put the onion soup mix in, let it rehydrate and BAM, tub o' delish.
It's the American crack equivalent of Tzatziki sauce.
We rule the world and will continue to, our multiracial lgbt+ military and culture will continue to dominate 3rd worlders like you until you are annexed as an American colony
Sounds awesome
Lel, desu you can't even win thirdies in some far off shithole in the middle east with the GPD of small town in Kansas. Blood always truimphs money. Geist truimphs both.
I wasn't around then but he didn't do anything worthwhile.
which borough?
Take your lithium
They could roll back every single "gay right" and it would change absolutely nothing in anyones life. All these rainbow flag waving chumps who constantly need some politician giving them empty shout-outs need and recieve nothing from the government. They just feel threatened if they aren't constantly getting attention. There has never been not one time not-one-ever in any western country when gays needed anything from the government to exist or that stopped them from hooking up. You are all living the fantasy of victims you never were just because some guy bullied you in high school and want to pretend you are going to be sent to some concentration camp.
Really the only time US foreign intervention ends postively if the dicatator or whatever is totally hated by the masses. Even then they will end up rejecting the US the first momoment they get see Iraq.
These are trannies who think Trump is going to Auschwitz them and take away their boobie meds. They're being used as conduits for hysteria because they're gullible and easily manipulated.
are you kidding
>North American Free Trade Agreement
>American Disability Act
>Immigration Act (which made it so only 675k-700k immigrants could come into the U.S. in a year compared to the 3.3mil who came into the U.S. last year)
>Clean Air Act
we're all signed and passed into law by him
im in Chelsea near Hudson Yards
Naafta was signed into law by Clinton
Bush increased immigration and always verbally supported illegal immigration, including during his 1980 failed attempt to win the R nomination for president.
Removing our rights means we remove yours
The concentration camps are for you guys
Diagnosed schizo
how old is too old to be twink
You didn't finish hs did you? One of those rare stupid gays eh?
the idea of NAFTA first came about in Reagan's office but Bush Sr formulated it once Mexico wanted to be part of it, it wasn't passed until after Clinton took office but democrats didn't really do anything to achieve it
Shut up and take your meds before someone has to force you to
what gaygen posters are actually fem
Just woke up with super saiyan goku levels of blonde bedbead
But less cool
lol, idiot, shoo shoo grown ups are speaking go to the hood and be enriched so that civilized society can be rid of you.
Nigga you live in Africa
its crazy how these politicans get paid good money to do nothing and we let them sit on their butts
Do you fak negroes?
if you have to ask you're already not on time
21? twink just means barely legal unless you have a baby face
big salty nuts, mmm
Ah, free titty pills. Now I get it. As if that would stop them prostituting. So "we are all trannies now". Great movement.
bit random but no only been with white guys (just a couple)
Have been propositioned by several black bottoms though
slurp slurrp, oooh so tasty
smartest post itt
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Not sure if you ought to fak blacks or not doe. But honestly I'd prefer it if you would actually fak women.
I don’t think I could have sex with a woman without viagra and im assuming I wouldn’t be able to cum. I’m gay
Sometimes it’s ok to cheat on your bf if he’s really stupid and untrustworthy.
you could just break up with him
yes based
Have you tried fapping to women at least ? We need more Aryans...
the male and female sex organs don't have a sexuality or a bias towards procreation
only the ego and mind does
if you and a female were naked together in the same bed
your dick would naturally get hard regardless of whatever preference or label you think you are
it would just happen and you'll know then that you don't have any control over it
Why isn't there a way to prevent boob growth while taking hrt? Hrt makes twinks look younger and prettier for longer, but then there's the weird lumpy boob issue.
He wants to be in an open relationship but doesn’t understand that. I want that.
shut the fuck up xanthippe
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Abbhoreation unto God, Repent of your errors. Or be anthema.
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total titto love
handholding sweaty sex with titto
oh i didn't know this was a mental4mental relationship, carry on
>im 100% gay
says the guy who has never been in bed naked with a female
>>im 100% straight
>says the guy who has never been in bed naked with a male
boruto is literally me
Are you retarded?
If they want to remain youthful looking, I see nothing wrong with that. Women take supplements to look younger too.
What animal would Debaser's fursona be?
an ox or a bull
Elephant obviously.
i would be a polecat or something
I can't post here anymore.
it's just biology and physics
crazy how bishit is still the mascest poster
i had a feeling you were my neighbor
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no i am
punk princess
...Said no one.
gothic prince now
Feel like pure shit just want him back
win him back
i do
I don't know how and I doubt it's even possible.
I’m feeling tired in a very comfy way like it’s possible I might get a good sleep for once
then you don't really want him back
Implying this fuccboi would be able to handle a real Gothic warrior.
gay larps aside i do enjoy this tarty bimbo british girls
quintessentially shaggable
I do
>not giving up
pick one retard
yeah, i think i might be right now
throbbing morning wood, no homosexual to take care of it, life is bread
Doesnt twink just mean skinny
In the UK sodomy laws were actually enforced with prison terms pre 1960s
wish i was having some sodomy right now
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ew piss stains
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rape me
>I plan to take this Friday as a vacation day from work
>plan to just veg out all day, not do anything, not drive anywhere, not spend any money
>tell partner I took the day off
>they want to take the day off too, and start listing a bunch of things they want to do during the day, including luxury spending and driving somewhere that's 1hr away 'just because'.
I gave them a terrified look, and thankfully they backed off. My veg-out day is safe.

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