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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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Is it true most "lesbians" are actually bisexual at most?
the gold star is a thing for a reason
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>has to block out the usernames so we don't notice that was posted by a homoflexible bisexual
>oh, wait... it was already kinda obvious...
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also it's not even from a lesbian subreddit, it's from a women's trolling/shitposting subreddit
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Most lesbian subreddits are troon spaces anyway.
>im a lesbian
>ya but it's not posted in the right subreddit tho??!? lesbians ONLY post in LESBIAN subreddits!!!!
Aw, gee. Is that a problem? I thought you said they were all bisexual anyway? Why can't queerphobes keep a consistent line anywhere?
You're taking a literal troll post seriously.
no. lesbians are lesbians.
Yeah, it SHOULD mean that.
Yet she keeps calling herself a lesbian. The OP literally starts with her saying "I'm a lesbian." Not to mention she posted the homoflexible comment in a sub called "Actual Lesbians."
She isn't saying it because it's untrue. She's saying it because it's funny and true. She mentions being into men sometimes in other comments not in that sub, like here:
Not OP but I was in the last thread this was posted in so I went ahead and copypasted the replies that already address these objections.
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This was the original post for that thread by the way. TrollXChromosomes is described as "A subreddit for rage comics and other memes with a girly slant." Looks like they weren't being sarcastic and just actually could relate to cycle related attraction to men an issue for them.
Not sure why OP chose to repost that screenshot but it's definitely legit. The users in that thread talking about being lesbians who have unwanted attraction to men have post history in other subs suggesting they consistently identify as lesbians and relate to their uterus disagreeing with them.
No, it's not true.
Yes, it is true.
>Not OP but I was in the last thread this was posted in so I went ahead and copypasted the replies that already address these objections.
Why do you have these apologetics prepared for reposting multiple times anyway you fucking freak? She's a bisexual. She said it, it would have been obvious if she hadn't said it. What is your damage?
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Hey you rapey freak, here's what actually happens when a lesbian has ovulation. Not some bisexual posting on a troll thread. Use whatever mentally ill justification you want but lesbians don't want your disgusting penis.
lesbians love girlcock
yes, all women want to be dominated by men
I don't have it prepared, hence why I mentioned copypasting it from archive when I saw the same points that were already addressed last time getting brought up again in a new thread someone decide to repost that screenshot for whatever reason.
*archive as in a 4chan archive website, not some personal archive on my computer. Don't know if maybe that's what you were thinking of.
How is that screenshot invalidating the other screenshots? Maybe that lesbian wants more lesbian sex when she ovulates and the other lesbians on reddit want sex from men when they ovulate.
I'm not making an argument that lesbians are all that way or whatever else OP might be arguing for. My only gripe is I saw people reposting the same lies that were already addressed in the last thread for this screenshot topic, so I reposted the responses for why those claims like it was just trolling or she didn't identify as a lesbian were wrong.
"Lesbian" as a category is essentially meaningless ever since they let AGP rapehon fetishists "identify" as lesbians. As a cis man whose only interests are sucking dick and being misogynistic, I also identify as a lesbian and there is nothing you can do to stop me.
What part of FUCK OFF do you not understand? Nobody here wants to hear about your sick rapist fantasy. I don't care about what mental gymnastics you think justify it. FUCK OFF.
Nowadays? Probably. Many women in countries like the US and Canada who are progressive types are practically obsessed with the very idea of 'gayness'. They also cannot stand the idea of just being a bland straight/bi white woman, to them thats almost as bad as being a straight white m*le. This is why you'll even meet 'bisexual' women who've dated nothing but men their entire life and have been in long term relationships for years and years still go on about how gay they are.
>the other lesbians on reddit want sex from men when they ovulate.
Do you even hear yourself you fucking freak? This is some fantasy you made up in your head because you saw a shitpost on a troll forum. Are you fucked in the head? Operating on some different kind of logic than everyone else? What part of your RETARDED replies made you think you refuted the fact you took a screenshot from a self-labeled troll forum?
>marginally homoflexible homoromantic queer
I actually genuinely despise americans so much
no. i doubt i will ever date anyone who owns a dick.
this board is retarded.
why are there so many men in the first picture
Reddit doesn't count as proof. These "lesbians" are either men pretending to be women, or literally on the spectrum.
Though I have to say, that in Tumbrlite type feminist circles it is "trendy" for Zoomer women to say they're bisexual or lesbians when they're not. But that's a fringe sub-group and the queer equivalent of those white guys who have BLM on bio but say the n word.
You can tell whoever made this meme isn't a lesbian, or a woman, for that matter. Boomer-tier Facebook humour.
I'm confused on what is this trying to say? That bisexuals are all unfuckable virgins? This is retarded.
Every lesbian I've ever known has either ended up married to a man or got knocked up by one
It's just because of political lesbianism, lesbianism got appropiated by bi/straight radfems with trauma. Actual lesbians still exist of course but they are now a minority in the community that was supposed to be theirs
YES IT"S TRUE i'm transbian and when i'm horny (basically what happens with them) i think about guys and gay sex and i want that some guy sucked my gock. it's crazy idk why it so. agh i'd even top a guy in these moments until i breed him
can anybody relate?
You're a mentally ill bisexual misandrist
THIS. I hate political lesbians so much. Radical feminism ruined women.
no, retard, i'm pure lesbian take your words back
baited one retard award
what did radical feminism do
I've known two lesbians very closely, one older one younger. The older butch one really did act like a lecherous man, she smirked as she told tales of how she'd bag married curious women on the downlow. She also married another woman and adopted their child, but never had a bio child of her own. She's what I'd call a legit lesbian.
Contrast that against the much younger, fem one. That bitch is an identitarian, she has told me that bisexuality isn't real and that she's a lesbian. Only to come to find out from her mom, that she's not slept with just one man to "test things out" she's slept with many. Also, strangely incapable of holding a relationship, almost like its just for instagram points.
damn if i was a real fem lesbian i wouldnt waste myself on men :P

Bisexuals women will grow out of it once they get baby fever.
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Stop with this shit
it's not about twinks and femboys tho
Did you reply to the wrong post? I didn't say anything about that, schizo.
It's a chud comic.
They think women hit "the wall" around 30, where they become ugly and unfuckable (porn-brain) and so this woman turning 29 who is bisexual will now notice her time running out and run to the nearest male to fuck him before it's too late

Conservative male fantasies often revolve around hypothetical futures that fuel their narcissistic delusions.
>what did radical feminism do
Popularized the idea that straight/bi women should larp as lesbians as some kind of feminist act, which hurts real lesbians. Almost all of them were and are transphobic, and their favorite theorists were literal pedophiles that wrote books trying to frame their pedophilia as a feminist thing
>TERF ... Radical Feminism
I was just thinking about this, besides being anti-trans, what actual Feminist beliefs do most TERFS talk about? I mean not just vanilla, "Women should be equal to men" 2nd wave feminism, like what are TERFS actual Radical Feminist stances aside from anti-trans stances?
terfs have all of the other ideas of radical feminists, radical feminists that aren't transphobic are very rare and transphobia is a logical conclusion from the ideas radical feminists have. If anything calling them terfs is redundant, practically all radical feminists hate trannies, even the ones that claim to be "trans inclusive radfems" usually end up having a bunch of transphobic views
Though their obsession with trannies lately is quite extreme compared to how radical feminists were before sure, they were still transphobic back then but they weren't so obsessed with trannies that they barely talked about their other deranged ideas
probably because the tranny movement has revealed the tangible depths of misogyny that feminists of past could only speak on in theory. it's like if marx could live to see all his writings come into reality.
Yeah, but I've heard of like the Andrea Dworkin types who say, all sex with men is rape, marriage is slavery, all manner of wild shit. I can't think of a single "rad" position from any modern TERF other than "hate trannies" its all vanilla 2nd wave, "women are equal to men and should have the right to vote and hold a job" stuff... its not radical in any sense.
They still hold thos deranged ideas too, it's just that they are mainly focused on trannies rn and willing to make alliances with groups that wouldn't accept an alliance with them if they are too open about their weird misandry stuff. Basically it's "trannies are the #1 priority now so no going into rants about how all sex with men is rape or whatever until we have defeated them because that would spook the normies"
They spread bizarre, misandrist ideologies. The most extreme ones believe all PiV sex is rape, that men's attraction to women is inherently misogynist, or that all men want to rape women. The more "normal" ones just hold incredibly puritan ideas about sex and relationships.
Also they made lesbianism out to be a political stance instead of a sexual preference. That hurts real lesbians and you end up with "woke" str8 women claiming to be lesbians and it's cringe. They aren't actually attracted to women and act like lesbian relationships are virtually asexual and uwu innocent. They also seem to believe gay women have no sexual desires.
AFABs in general? Absolutely.
AMAB transbians? Also true.
It's because most self described "TERFs" aren't actually radical feminists. The radical feminists that are still around are just as retarded and batshit insane as Dworkin and the like.
Have there been cases of political lesbians tricking a real lesbian into a relationship? Seems like it would be so horrible for the real lesbian
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I actually only care that you keep lying, not about lesbians or whatever other topic you might be lying about in a given moment.
Like the "troll" argument. That was already debunked multiple times. It was a subreddit for funny comics with a girly twist per the description and those posters related to their uterus giving them urges for men that they didn't want as lesbians. They posted in other subreddits about being lesbians and about having urges for men. It wasn't ironic or a joke or whatever else you keep knowingly misrepresenting it as.
I'll repost this video too to show, once again, you're definitely wrong and multiple women definitely do exist who both call themselves lesbians and are attracted to men:
Just stop lying. It agitates my autism. I would've preferred OP didn't repost this screenshot since it just caused people like you to repeat the same bullshit that was already explained as bullshit the last time around.
Hey fucktard, it says "troll" in the subreddit title. She called herself "homoflexible", that's not lesbian. Are you fucking retarded?
>I actually only care that you keep lying, not about lesbians
You're clearly invested enough to keep repeatedly coming back to reply to me you rapey creep.
Yes, it is. That's why the real lesbiaks (and, actually, also the "political" "lesbians") seethe so hard about it.
I've done this for topics like keto too when I don't care at all about keto. I just don't like liars.
And the troll thing was already addressed. TrollXChromosomes is described as "A subreddit for rage comics and other memes with a girly slant." It doesn't mean "everything in this subreddit is a lie," something you can easily corroborate by paying attention to the many times now I've mentioned these users said they were lesbians and they had attraction to men in other subreddits too.
>And the troll thing was already addressed.
Hey MORON, your "debunk" didn't address fucking anything. There is no need to say it's a troll subreddit in the description, BECAUSE IT'S IN THE TITLE YOU FUCKING IDIOT. Are you braindead?
You're not even reading. Fuck off, liar.
Hey MORON, why do you think finding some troll posts online means lesbians are attracted to men? How fucking gullible are you, dumbass?
Same user posting in a different subreddit called
saying she's homoflexible
She's identified explicitly "as a lesbian" in multiple different subreddits while also saying she has attraction to men.
Yet you keep deliberately using the word "troll" in a silly comics subreddit to misrepresent her as lying. Why?
Yes, bisexuals can say "I'm a lesbian". That doesn't mean they are one... are you really that gullible, moron?
Where's the "troll" excuse for this video where multiple girls say "I'm a lesbian" and then talk about how they regularly still have sex with men?
Obviously this is a real phenomenon.
>bisexuals can say "I'm a lesbian"
Great, that was the original point you kept lying about. If you acknowledge that why do you keep trying to misrepresent her as trolling?
I've heard of LUGs, Lesbians Until Graduation. Then they find and settle down with a man.
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I bring up the fact you were posting screenshots from a literal trolling subreddit as only the first reason you're wrong. You're wrong on so many levels it's hard to know where to begin, but that was the most obvious thing to bring up for anyone with two braincells to rub together.
For that video, it was created by an anti LGBT propagandist. Yes it's possible bisexuals said "I am a lesbian". I'm not sure why that didn't get through your thick skull with my last reply.
You're just dragging this out to keep bumping your own SHIT thread now, so bye.
>an anti LGBT propagandist
She's literally a lesbian herself lol
No she's fucking not. Lesbians don't make videos claiming they fuck men. Are you stupid?
Just don't lie in the future and I won't need to keep correcting you. I really don't care what lesbians do. I only care that you kept bringing up the "troll" comics subreddit like that means she was kidding when she definitely wasn't kidding per her many other posts in other subreddits.
She didn't say she has sex with men. She interviewed other women who said they are lesbians and have sex with men.
Stop replying to me you waste of oxygen.
ah, my younger cousin
Stop being wrong then, or worse, intentionally dishonest. I would love for you to stop being wrong.
>I'm a lesbian because I was taught to rip on males culturally

aka, "lesbianism" is just a code for the ever-increasing proportion of AFABs taught to resent males since 1970s
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You know, thinking about it, LUGism is like the reverse of Prison Gay. Prison gay is all male, no females so you go homo. LUGism is basically, I'm stuck with all these sad specimens of men at this college, so I'm going to fake being lesbian until I can get back to the wider dating pool.

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