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what is their gameplan?
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would you rather have the ftms that get top surgery but continue being feminine and make no effort to pass or look masculine

or would you have picrel ftms
i would rather have MEN with vaginas instead of this trender clown stuff
t. WOMAN with a dick
I'm 100% sure that body modification is an insidious form of self harm. I'd like someone to research this.
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AMAB hate towards AFABs is so obviously routed in misogyny but they have a shitfit when you point this out. It's always
>Haha women are retarded fakers
>How DARE you not look as beautiful as I want you to be
Generally this is called "coping", it's what all trans people do if they feel like they can't pass.
Suddenly it becomes "well I never wanted to pass anyway, I'm living my own happiness".

I guarantee that if you walked up to any of them and offered them a pill they could take to instantly become passing they'd claw your eyes out for it.
Yeah but what else can you do except cope or be miserable? And thankfully it IS possible to be happy while non-passing, at least if you live in a progressive environment.
>you walked up to any of them and offered them a pill they could take to instantly become passing
testosterone shots will make anyone pass in a year or less
do you have a better cope?
>why are ftms like this?
>screenshot of teenage tiktok foid
>10 threads like this daily
When are people going to stop posting this shitty bait? You rarely see cis passing masculine ftms post online because they just live as normal dudes
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FTMs pass by default is the thing
tell that to the 5'0 gigapoons
5'0 ftms on test will easily pass, 6'0 mtfs on estrogen will basically never pass
>5'0 ftms on test will easily pass
very true they clock as perma-12 year olds
just take test grow a beard and lift weights
retarded attention whoring girls acting like passing as a moid is hard lol
Ciswomen are wired to be as obnoxious and illogical as they can be at all times.
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>>How DARE you not look as beautiful as I want you to be
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tr ansmen can pass as athletic 13 year olds at least
Do you not see the constant kvetching about FTMs "uglifying" themselves on this board?
Nope. I don't go to /ftmg/ tho so maybe that's ciswomen being obnoxious and illogical.
Evidently you don't read the catalog either.
I'm reading it right now, I don't see anything about pooners being aggressively ugly.
why does this trans guy have the same back as me?
>t. cis twink
You didn't even read this thread.
they have one unsuppressed period and gaslight themselves into repressing as an enby is why
the monthly cycle is mentally corruptive
Do you not know what the catalogue is?
>One post ITT
>Constant Kvetching
And it's pretty obvious you made the post.
If I was 5'5 I would pass 100%.

I hate how right you are
That's two posts, four if you want to get technical. Lurk moar.
that's an ftm? i thought it was hon
are trender bitches like this into t4t?

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