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I just got diagnosed with a connective tissue disorder and Im gonna get neetbucks. Does anyone else have EDS?

I remember a trip was trying to get money for FFS before she became too old to get it. She had it iirc. But other than that nothing rings a bell.
some nerd kid in my middle school was able to do the joint shit in that img
This qualifies for disability? How tf is this a disability?
A LOT of trannies have this. it's like a genetic thing. it's also linked to autism
your joints can dislocate, your skin bruises easily, full-body chronic pain is common especially as joint connective tissue wears down and there are also digestive and psychological problems that come with it. also your heart valves can be abnormal and your aorta can rupture
I happen to have a bunch of nasty side effects from it.

I am prone to partial dislocations in my hips and shoulders. So sometimes I cant use an arm, or I cant put pressure on a leg. I also have unstable knees.

So, Im very weak, have trouble walking, and am very frequently in pain. Sometimes the pain makes it to where I cant hold a conversation. Part of connective tissue diseases is memory issues, and that affects my ability to live on my own.

Long story short I need my friends to do a bunch of stuff to help me live on my own.
Im really surprised by how common it is in a certain kind of trans person. I know someone whos FtM and just got knee braces for his hypermobility and joint instability issues.
i might have this too, how much do you get?
yeah there's a whole weird cluster of things that have some comorbidities, at least stuff like EDS, being trans, autism and ADHD, crohn's and ulcerative colitis and other autoimmune disorders that affect the bowels, hell, even other autoimmune things like RA and Sjögren's and lupus in the mother have been associated with a higher prevalence of ASD (and thus probably also trannyism) in the child. it's really strange.
Well right now I get nothing. I do get a disability parking space and ok pain meds though. And I always get snap without a work permit since I cant work.

Once I get paid in 6 months or so (been working at this over 2 years) I will get around 8 or 900 a month. Maybe a lot more because of the age I became disabled. But it depends.

I should get a bit around 20 or 25000 dollars in backpay once I get SSI. I might get more than that but it depends.

Its a great way to survive if you cant care for yourself.
I think the connective tissue disorder affecting my brain would be a funny cause for being me being trans. Im not opposed to that being the reason
A full breakdown.

If youre under 26 you get ABLE. Its a disability savings account where you can hold up to 100000 dollars. Normally people on SSI can only have 3000 dollars. The workaround is you cant spend it on alcohol or restaurant food. Only stuff like rent, food ingredients, travel and medical expenses. But its a massive help.

You can get section 8 HUD grants. It brings your cost of an apartment down to 300-500 dollars. And your friend can get certified to be your in-home caretaker and get compensated by the state for that. 900 dollars a month plus donations from others, subsidized bills and a gauranteed job for someone who can just live with you aint bad. But you have to be able to argue to a judge you need it.

You have to struggle immensely during the period where you both arent working and arent getting benefits. But once you get it? You get to have a pretty stable life and 100 to 200 dollars left over every month. Im gonna spend my extra money on gardening supplies and components for console repairs. But yeah, would recommend.

Also if your parents were rich and you get youth disability, or paid in a lot to social security, you get SSDI. Allowing you to own a home, other properties, no asset limit and an income in the 1200-2500 a month range. Its determined by what youve already put into social security.
I expect to be able to
it's great for trans women. people thought i was on e for years before i actually started
if you're transitioning female HRT makes the joint pain worse
if you're transitioning male HRT makes the joint pain better
that explains a lot

Connective tissue disorders make the ligaments and tendons not hold your joints together right. Your muscles have to compensate. Men have more muscle mass and so have milder symptoms.

It makes sense why women are disgnosed more by a scale of 9 to 1.
I'm double jointed and I also have autism, it definitely connected but I don't know exactly why it is
Personally I wouldn't say it's a disability, I'm pretty weak physically though, gwt tired easily and my balance is god awful but it doesn't really affect my daily life that badly, it's stuff I can work around just fine, if anything my insomnia is more debilitating than this ever will be
>Personally I wouldn't say it's a disability
At least in the states, disabilities in the context of the Americans with Disabilities Act are defined pretty clearly, as anything mental or physical that majorly limits one or more life activities, which is a definition that at least a lot of EDS cases would fall under. But at the same time, I get it, like, ADHD is pretty clearly a disability under that definition but I'd personally rather die than start claiming the label of "disabled" for having it, lol.
Kek this shit is common in my family
Tfw I have probably (trying to get diagnosed but every physician is either unavailable or dogshit in any area other than the main city in my country) :
-Ether Danlos
-maybe fibromyalgie
-BPD, depression, anxiety
-a skin auto immune disorder dermatologists gave up understanding
And to top it of, my surrenal glands and thyroïd are failing lmao.

How am I even alive so young, this is so stupid lmao, there are people walking this earth right now who have ZERO health issues.
Is this why my knees want to fucking die all the time
I can do most of the things in the OP image

How do I get diagnosed?
I NEED disability, work is fucking terrible.
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l o v e my freaking genetics
tons of trannies have eds. it is linked to autism and is very likely to be related to the genetic causes of being trans.
I don't have this and I'm rather inflexible, can't even touch my toes
what does this mean?
i’m pretty sure i have this ,is it worth it to get tested or will they just tell me to just keep on keeping on?
yeah i got it. POTS too. haven't made much progress on neetbux though, just kind of on and off working trying to survive
the condition is a defect that causes your collagen to structure incorrectly. there's over a dozen variants but they all share that factor. and collagen is in every single part of your body.
it can lead to issues with basically any joint or organ or system in the body. i have heart and GI issues from mine (among other stuff)
if you don't mind my asking, how do you find people to help you manage this stuff? i always try to be a "normal healthy friend" because i'm scared of being a burden, but that leads to flakey friendships and no support structure
so scared i'm not gonna be eligible for ssdi. i can't live on ssi it feels like too much of a poverty trap. i want the freedom to build my life up and if i'm ever able to, to be in a good position to work again
if you have it, a diagnosis on record will make doctors listen to you more when you have other health problems that may arise from it down the road. it'll also tell you what those problems might be and help you prepare and prevent. whatever pain and instability you're experiencing now they'd give you physical therapy and possibly some pain management for.
i regret waiting until things got worse to get my diagnosis, it made getting care less convenient
>become disabled at 25
>see this post now, at 26
going to kill myself holy fucking shit i hate the government
I've got it, just the hypermobile version luckily. The other ones you pretty much end up dying way prematurely from. I'm gay though.
want to be hypermobile gays together??

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