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Previous Thread: >>37279626

• Help, advice, guidance on meds and dosages
• HRT related medical experiences and research
• Availability and pricing of medications
• Rational and scientific discussion

See following post for a pharmacy list.

Survey: https://1drv.ms/xs/s!AudRJceTA5C9c2G5lCV2Avq0kQ0
▶ Survey data: https://1drv.ms/x/s!AudRJceTA5C9cyIWo6_X14AvHyM
▶ HRTGen Data Analysis: https://1drv.ms/f/s!AudRJceTA5C9gRLLWnbpdzlIxe4r
▶ HRT Info Sheets: https://1drv.ms/f/s!AudRJceTA5C9gQnyM7wxZcBGWRzW
▶ Pill ID: https://www.drugs.com/imprints.php
▶ DrugBank: https://www.drugbank.com/
▶ Basic HRT: https://apps.carleton.edu/campus/gsc/assets/hormones_MTF.pdf
▶ HRT ranges: https://www.hemingways.org/GIDinfo/hrt_ref.htm
▶ Powers Method: https://powersfamilymedicine.com/s/Healthcare-of-the-Transgender-Patient-V60.pptx
▶ Endocrine Society Guidelines: https://academic.oup.com/jcem/article/102/11/3869/4157558
▶ Transline Guidelines (with bicalutamide): https://transline.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/article_attachments/360047702053/TransLine_HRT_Guidelines_FINAL.pdf
▶ WPATH SOC: https://www.wpath.org/publications/soc
▶ TransDIY: https://www.reddit.com/r/transDIY
▶ Blood tests (US): https://www.privatemdlabs.com/, https://www.labsmd.com/
▶ Blood tests (UK, Ireland): https://www.medichecks.com/
▶ Blood tests (Canada Only): https://bloodtestscanada.com/
▶ Blood tests (Sweden): https://werlabs.se/
▶ Blood tests by mail: https://www.letsgetchecked.com/ DIY capillary blood samples. Expensive.
▶ Lab test guide: https://www.healthcare.uiowa.edu
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▶ https://www.inhousepharmacy.vu/t-shipping.aspx - Has been popular in the US. Ships from Vanuatu to some countries.
▶ euaibolitatgmaildotcom - Ships from EU to Worldwide.
▶ https://unitedpharmacies-uk.md (UK only) - Ships from HK.
▶ https://unitedpharmacies.md (US only) - Ships from HK.
▶ https://alldaychemist.com - Ships from India to some countries.
▶ https://shape-shifter.webnode.page/ - Ships from Turkey to Worldwide.
▶ https://stayhealthynow.co - Ships from Turkey to Worldwide
▶ https://amazing4health.com - Ships from Thailand to Worldwide.
▶ https://favskinhouse.com - Ships from Thailand to Worldwide.
▶ https://goodstuffstore.net - Ships from Thailand to Worldwide.
▶ https://otc-online-store.com - Ships from Russia to Worldwide.
▶ https://www.weborderpharmacy.md (US only) - Ships from India.
▶ https://www.weborderpharmacy-uk.md (UK only) - Ships from India.
Has anyone ordered Lupron or any GNRH analogue before?
if so is it easy to do the injection by yourself? I am looking at lucrin depot and i found a yt vid on it and its a pretty nice self contained syringe, none of the ampule mixing llike the other kits

but i am still a little worried, what should I watch out for as in how do I know i am in serious trouble and need to go to the hospital?
>is it easy to do the injection by yourself
it's a standard intramuscular injection, very simple
How do I become androgynous? Do I take estrogen and testosterone while taking something else or what?
Insane Felicitas Sitaution

Apparently Felicitas is shutting down (according to multiple reports from Reddit)
Reason for this is a tranny who worked with the person behind Felicitas (who made the website) posted drunkenly yesterday complaining about something, that she's corrupted a lot of the files on their systems, installed backdoors and had the list of customers shared with the police.
Wtf? I hope the customers don't get into trouble because of this bitch
DIY HRT is too scary for me omg
do you have a link to this?
according to the FAQ from the Felicitas website, they delete all customers information after shipping, we can only hope that it's true

look on the r/TransDIY subreddit, it should be the post trending at the top
I'd like to extend a warm and sincere thank you to the juicing community for helping me with DIY HRT
failed male faggots and bodybuilders share the journey of body sculpting, naturally they make good allies
>they delete all customers information after shipping,
which would only cover orders that were wiped before the system was compromised

>look on the r/TransDIY subreddit, it should be the post trending at the top
yeah i see it. hopefully tea doesn't end up the same
hindsight is 20/20 but jfc why would you ever do something like an online hrt store with another person, let alone another tranny, humans are always the weakest link in any organization

but really sucks, she was the only 100% trustworthy supplier in EU
Sooooo, probably should have asked before I sent $100 in bitcoin but is otokonoko still a thing? I know the website disappeared for a second and came back up, but I made an order and sent payment. I got the usual automated "payment hasn't gone through" email that I've always gotten when ordering. It's happened every time I've ever ordered from lily and I've gotten a written response saying "ignore that, you're good" when I questioned it, but this time I asked and got no response in over a day. Anyone know what's up?
lilan frequently takes a few days to answer, if she hasn't responded in a week you have reason to worry. if her website has been taken by someone trying to farm crypto or something she'll likely tweet about it
with that being said, what the fuck is her @ again? twitter is doodoo nigger shit and randomly decides to not show me who i follow first in search
recently switched to injections and was supposed to take 0.2 ml. I took 2.0 ml for two weeks and 0.5 ml for one week. I did this because I’m a moron

Obviously I’m not going to die or anything but have I fucked my feminization and to what degree? My endo said to lay off everything for 3 weeks or so to let levels come down but I’m not sure how bad I screwed up
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has anyone here purchased from voix celeste?
the felicitas situation has spooked me somewhat, privacy and security are very important to me.
The link for USA 21G needle is broken on this page: https://diyhrt.wiki/injectionsupplies
What is a good option to use instead?
any pharmacy
the fuck do i do at a pharmacy
what are you talking about man
needles are the most common medical item to exist, literally any pharmacy/drugstore/whatever has loads of them
yes, that implies online too. i dont understand why this has to be specified
its a combination of being stuopid and never have injected anyrthing before
Are collagen supplements bs? have bit of loose skin and stretch marks from weigh loss (43kg + wanting to lose more). What about bio oils?
...didn't know i had to go to the actual pharmacy part of cvs... which is closed.
Anyone get significantly lowered efficacy after having used the vial for a while?
7mg/week feels like nothing compared to 4mg/week 5 months ago when it was freshly opened
I do store it in a closed container and out of light…
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I am a castrate and I stopped taking hrt 9 months ago. I just took some again and I feel fantastic. I have regained my honfidence and feel cute and awesome and don't want to drink anymore. Hrt is not a meme, sisters.
ive been injecting 6mg of EE for 10 months, should i start injecting more?
Is it recommended to weight cycle?
Can i start progesterone and piogliatzine?

im 23 if that matters
I was gonna order from felicitas but now this happened :( ...

Has anyone here ordered from girlpotion to Germany ? How long did shipping take ? And it shouldnt get seized by customs right (since its from EU) ?
And I’d like to extend a warm thank you to the trans community for enabling men to completely regrow Norwood 0 hairlines by using your hormones topically. This is meant to be impossible for us.
Which is why I’m in this thread: can any of you let me know how I’d access spironolactone creams? Doctors will almost never prescribe this to an adult male.
where is lilian and when will estradiol valerate be back in stock I'm dying here I'm afraid to order from somewhere else I'm so used to oto
It was my 2nd time doing injections today and I kinda fucked it up
Injected way too much air into the syringe which resulted in estrogen not getting into the syringe when I drew it
Tips on how to not inject too much air? The plungers are hard to move without a lot of force
Also even when I got it right with my third syringe it had a massive amount of bubbles. I know bubbles are harmless but is it a sign of bad technique to have so many show up?
are u drawing from a vial or ampoule?
if drawing from a vial just turn it upside down and let gravity do it's work for u
if drawing from ampoule just max out the syringe and then tap a little on it to get the air on top and then just carefully push it out
>t. registered nurse
also injecting air doesn't really matter if it's not intravenously (u can still inject about 2ml of air in a peripheral vein without issues)
is it just me or does the diy market seem to not be doing so well this last year
Drawing from a vial and I already flip it upside down after injecting air into it
seems like all the cheap sources are gone. everywhere I look, dissolvable estradiol tablets are prohibitively expensive. the only thing I can find for cheap is progynova which I don't think dissolves.
so anyone know how much estradiol I would have to swallow per day while taking cyproterone to nuke my T? like the minimum dose to do that?
I can't do injections because the preservatives in the carrier oil will interact with one of my medications and kill me.
Progynova can be taken sublingually it just takes like 10 minutes
No one can give you any recommendations for AA or estrogen regimens, my testosterone was nuked on 1mg cypro (basically negligible), for others they need an AA to suppress T. There are different injection oils if you’re allergic to one find a vendor that uses a different oil
>Progynova can be taken sublingually it just takes like 10 minutes
thanks, I can live with that.
>There are different injection oils if you’re allergic to one find a vendor that uses a different oil
no, there's no issue with the oil itself, it's the benzyl alcohol that's added to the oil to prevent spoilage. to my knowledge there's nobody who makes oils without it and i'm not sure it would even be safe without it. my liver doesn't produce the enzyme to process that chemical.
just draw out more than u need and then tap on it a few times to get the bubbles to the top and push it back into the vial
Is a vial of E from 2 years ago still safe to use?
Does anyone here inject EUn? If so is IM or Subq better?
How long should one go without getting an orchiectomy or similar surgery while on monotherapy? I don't really feel comfortable with the idea of getting my balls removed quite yet, although I doubt I'd care once I'm on my own and living as a woman and stuff. I figure since monotherapy's blood clotting risk is similar to birth control, the recommended time for a woman to stop taking that also applies to someone getting an orchiectomy. I can imagine in 10 years when I'm 30, I'll be able to do it.
Is pygeum and/or saw Saw Palmetto safe to consume as mtf (6mg EV injection). I remember doing the holy grail stack before transitioning and think it'd be fun to have again.
blood test E levels came back at 99 pg/ml (test was an hour before injection time), is that a bad trough? (hrt for 3 months, 3.6 mg of estradiol cypionate every week and 12.5 mg of cypraterone acetate daily)
im probably going to run out of een this week or next
i have about half a vial of valerate, what would happen if i injected it weekly instead of every 5 days
also its a year old vial is that safe
Does HRT dose or blood level needed for good feminization change depending on your height / muscle / fat?
should i send tea another message? i sent one 10 days ago but havent got a response yet, my payment didnt get picked up by the site so i had to contact her
i dont want to spam her tho i already sent 2 because i didnt put the name on the order in the 1st email, im just thinking my emails got buried or something
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What's the general guide for prog?

I'm not exactly sure what I should be taking dosage-wise and what method (rectal right?) and if my current hrt regimin will like, mesh well with it (6mg EEn weekly, 12.5mg cypro every two days)

Like whats the price estimate for prog? and is the T backdoor thing real? could I add bica to my regimin just for that? I'm two years hrt and is the libido thing real?
Can E cause nausea/vomiting?
My hrt vials are like 3 months old
Is it still safe to inject this shit
Depends on the vial and how it's stored / if it's cored, my EEN lasts longer than 12 months and stored in a cupboard with my needle bag and doesn't see sunlight until I need to use it every 10 days

Just look at the FAQ's for your stuff and see
It's diy teahrt EC that I literally have been too much of a pussy to inject and am starting to get literal nightmares and dreams about injecting it.
It's in my room, doesn't see a lot of sunlight, and is in a tinted vial
nothing will be "fucked" except maybe your mood. since it's injections your E1 wont even get that high which means that the likelyhood of you getting a blood clot are a lot lower. 3 weeks seems like a long time IMO, IM EV has a half life of 3.5 days so after 3 weeks you'd only have around 1 percent still in you. 1, maybe 1.5 weeks seems like a more reasonable time unless you have massive risk factors like previous blood clots or a family history of estrogen dependent breast cancer. but your feminization wont be seriously affected by this in the long run.
what tanner stage are you at? people usually recommend starting prog at tanner 3-4. id try both weight cycling and prog before piogliatzine, since piogliatzine is more of a last line/hail mary treatment.

is it opened or not? how was it stored?
should be as safe as before transitioning
usual target for trough is 200-250 pg/ml, so it's not great. id up the dose.

dose yes, blood level no. a larger body will need a higher dose to get to the same level if that's what you're talking about.
rectal or injection is the only route to take it, since the first-pass metabolism from the liver when taking it orally makes a lot of T. the "back door" is def a real thing. you could def add bica to "protect" against that, or test your T levels and see if they're elevated after you start prog.

if i make that little air pocket by injecting wrong, is the juice wasted? or is it just more painful and inconvenient?
I *think* some sellers offer other preservatives
Ask them for a vial without benzyl alcohol
Don't have experience with Teahrt but I'm sure it's fine if it's tightly sealed, I think most expiration is 1-2 years, I do 0.2 and mine is meant to last 18 months
>I think most expiration is 1-2 years,
I honestly feel like at this rate, I'm going to inject the first one after 6-12 months of having it lol. I have more than 1 vial since I wanted to have some reserves, so maybe it will expire by the time I'm going into my 2nd vial
I'm kind of stupid
if you're allergic to benzyl alcohol how would you know
all i can find is pharma, you know any bathtub brewers? otokonoko and lena both seem to be gone.
I'm not allergic, as I already explained, I take a medication that disables the liver enzyme that processes it. I can't stop taking this medication any time soon.
sorry, i'm a diff anon and i've never injected before, so i don't know if it's good for me to inject it or not
Lena is definitely still there I ordered from her last month
OTK is known for taking forever to respond to emails
Idk about other homebrewers, but it depends some only ship to certain countries
yeah I just checked Lena's website and immediately realized I was wrong. I just assumed the war put her out of business. I sent her an email asking about her preservatives.
alright she responded and she does in fact sell oils without benzyl alcohol. glad I sorted that out instead of spending a fortune on estrofem and CPA.
are silvermaple labs alive
good luck anon glad I could help :)
Btw when you get your vials don’t use Lena’s dosing guide it’s wastefully high
I'm kind of new to injections (done a couple before this) and I think I messed up doing my shot too fast and maybe like half of the oil or so came back out of my thigh, should I give myself another half shot to make up for it? Really nervous my levels will drop too much if I don't
it's not a big deal if it happens here and there, it's only a concern if it happens frequently. do you use the z-tracking method? do you leave the needle in for about 30 seconds after you've finished the injection before pulling it out? those things will help prevent oil leakage.
I need to look into z-tracking and see how to do it, I like pinched the skin and poked the 1/2" needle in at a 45deg angle and pushed 0.2ml worth of oil in in about maybe 5 seconds and then pulled the needle out like a second later, I think it was way too fast, it leaked a lot. I'm like a little needle shy and I'm trying to get better about it, after I pulled the needle out and saw everything leaking I got like really light-headed and dizzy, I think I did it so fast to get it over with but I can't do that
Where to buy for DIY estrogen on the European Union, which are the best options?
hypothetically i forgot my pills for three weeks is there anything i can do to make this go smoother while getting back on schedule or am i just kinda fucked for a couple weeks?
Apart from Girlpotion, Astrovials and Felicitas, other options for Europe (that doesn't need to pay with crypto)?
Is 7mg estradiol valerate injection weekly and 1.25mg finnastride daily enough to suppress T?

I had to go to the ER a couple days ago because of dangerously low sodium caused by spiro+depakote, so now I've stopped spiro.

I think I'm retarded for going through Planned Parenthood and not doing DIY. Now that I have a job again I will probably switch to DIY soon, I'm just scared I would fuck it up because I'm mentally retarded.
is it safe to take HRT while on immunosuppressant medication?
Alright so I'm one day on hrt starting with 4 mg E val shots and so far I can see an expanded resolution of color and my nipples are ultra sore. I thought the breast thing wasn't supposed to start for a while?
depends on which one and what HRT regimen.
finasteride doesn't suppress T, retard. have you read anything about the effects of the medications you're taking, like, ever? you should try it sometime.
that's a standard or even high dose, so the short answer is "yes", but you should always check your levels if you want to be sure
I'm not an agp and why did you randomly bring up schizophrenia?
this is why spiro is absolute dogshit. also listen to >>37357388 and get on bica or cypro. finasteride is only useful for lowering DHT levels, not T levels. the only reason to take it is if you're concerned about hair loss.
How concerning is it for injection site to be sore 2 days afterwards? It’s happened both times I’ve injected (subq outer thigh different leg)
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What happened to otokonoko? Has anyone contacted her? I need my bathttub water supply before January >_<
>is it opened or not? how was it stored?
It was opened 2 years ago. It has one of those rubber gasket things that you poke the needle through. It’s EV from otonoko

I’ve kept it in the original box, wrapped in a cloth, in a container, in my backpack.
Depends how sore, it's not uncommon to have a little bruise. You might be pinching a little too hard, that's normal when you're new and still scared of it
If it's still like that even after several shots and there's a larger bruise or some skin irritation you might be allergic to the carrier oil, iirc there's only really two options available so if it turns out you are just try out the other one and see how it goes. It's not a huge deal with a mild allergy to it so you can keep using it until you run out
Nta but I get a little hard spot/bump where I injected. You can’t see it on the surface but you can feel it. Is this normal?
it’s not a visible bruise I have to press on my skin to pinpoint the exact area that’s sore
And I don’t pinch or anything but I use a 6mm needle so I insert it at a 45 degree angle or so, the needle gets kinda bent afterwards
Could that be why?
Where’s the best place to get Raloxifene? And can a PO box be traced back to you?
plz help
>And can a PO box be traced back to you?
yes. you literally have to show proof of your identity to the us government to get one
why the fuck is my nose so oily in the morning even though my T is almost 0
This I believe is a mild allergic reaction, not a big deal but try out the next type of oil next time
Some people just have oily skin. You might also have dry skin that isn't getting enough moisturizer. To tell what you have cleanse your face and then dry it but don't put any products, if it looks oily after like 30 minutes its oily skin, if it feels a bit tight and its dry then dry skin. Can be different if different places on your face.

At night I like to put on moisturizer and then an oil (I use argan) to trap the moisturizer, and then my skin doesn't make it's own shitty oil. Using a toner has also helped my nose a lot
I've had a sort of dull pain in my left upper arm like after a vax shot or something for a few days now and felt feverish but with perfectly normal body temperature after my last injection (subq in stomach)
is this a coinicdental non-hrt issue or does this sound familiar to anyone?
how long is it gonna take for restock
z-track is only for intramuscular, if you're doing subcuteanous you just need to hold keep needle at the injection site for about 10 seconds after injecting
is it normal for weird shit to happen early on injections? i switched from pillsto injections 6 days ago (7mg een) and i feel like im masculinizing again (increased body hair and masculine odour) along with horrible depression, is this likely to go away when i inject tmrw? this is really scaring me
I've recently discovered that dydrogesterone actually works. It's a synthetic progestin and unlike the bioidentical progesterone you retards stick up your ass, it has high oral bioavailability, doesn't get metabolized into bullshit neurosteroids that make you sleepy and drunk, and has extremely specific targeting only for progesterone receptors (no side effects). Since being on it, my formerly stalled breast buds have come back and I've been having noticeable breast growth
my mom just told me she has the same thing so it's probably genetic
Should I keep it in for 10 seconds if there’s no leaking
i hallucinated loud stomping & yelling for an hour last night. this has never happened before. i recently started prog (200mg boof) could that be related?
some pharmacies are dicks and wont give you needles but will give you the medication and syringes especially if youre in a high crime area with tons of homeless around. its dumb as fuck and i have to get my shit online.
I mean by like my family members
how does one get this and how did you discover it
You can find it at many DIY pharmacies usually under the brand name duphaston

I found it by reviewing lists of progestins and their pharmacology to find the ones that have the lowest off target receptor activation, and then looking at pharmacies to see which ones are available/cheap. I've found a few mentions of it by trans people but so far it seems extremely underappreciated. I'm constantly shocked at how people think oral bio progesterone is going to do anything at all and not have severe side effects from metabolism. And don't even get me started on the rectal...
please start on the rectal

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