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File: chromosome.jpg (1.27 MB, 1466x1088)
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Gender is stored in the chromosomes.
My cock will be stored in your mouth in a minute.
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the bottom is the faggot
How can you get your dick HARD and put in a male asshole, seeing a penis and balls there, without being an even bigger faggot, you bigly colossal faggot-ham?
Then you agree men can be pregnant: https://medlineplus.gov/genetics/condition/swyer-syndrome/
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>How can you get your dick HARD and put in a male asshole
it doesn't i'm a bottom. nta
>seeing a penis and balls there
i am a bottom
>without being an even bigger faggot
i am a faggot
>you bigly colossal faggot-ham?
i literally am a bottom therefore i am a faggot. it just takes one to know one. it's okay friend
only with other people's eggs, unless they are mosaic, but yes, it makes more sense to include ONE person with weird chromosomes that led to undifferentiated tissue that was somehow made into a working uterus as female than to include millions of ordinary dyadic men who have disabled their penises
After you give my cock the kiss of life you'll join me.
gender is stored in the testes
no, cuz even after you remove them you still look male
it is the effects of the chromosomes that make someone male
Actually, only DNA is in chromosomes anon and only one half of one pair of 23 pairs determines your biological sex. You are 95% identical to a trans woman.
>5% of DNA is nothing
no, cuz if you remove them before they start producing testosterone, you will not look male. by your own logic you are literally admitting that it is the effects of hormones that make someone male or female
It's actually way less than 5%

The single Y chromosome in the 23rd chromosome pair contains alot of the same information as an X in the same pair. The only difference is whatever genetic material is unique to your father compared to any other father. It's closer to 1% difference between male and female. The 5% number is the MAXIMUM difference, not the minimum.
massive cope for a person who looks male
obviously, enough of your DNA from the Y works cuz you look male
Okay anon whatever makes you feel right I guess. You are 95-99% identical to any trans or cis woman.
ok but the number is irrelevant
the effects of that percent, no matter how small, are strong and visible

Would you eat a cake that was 99% delicious cake and 1% arsenic?
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Here is your (You) anon. No, i wont engage your strawman seriously. I'm sorry you're such an insecure baby that you can't handle the knowledge of being 99% identical to basically everyone else. I'm sorry that you care SO MUCH about something that (supposedly) does not concern you at all

There's only 3 kinds of people obsessed about trannies, and they are:
>people who want to fuck trannies
>people who want to be a tranny

Which one are you, anon?
1% arsenic is nothing
ok 1% poop
will you eat the partially poop cake?
Which kind of tranny obsessed weirdo are you anon, you didn't respond to me
Are bottoms women?
>only with other people's eggs
No. https://theconversation.com/eggs-from-men-sperm-from-women-how-stem-cell-science-may-change-how-we-reproduce-219005
what does may mean?
1% poop is nothing
How do I know what chromosomes I have?
men get pregnant

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