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How do i keep the motivation to weight cycle? I'm 2 months on hrt and ive gained like 15 pounds and all i feel is like a fatass should i keep going for another month or two to help proportions or what? Hrt also slowed my metabolism down as well so im worried i wont even be able to lose it.
When the tits start to bud you'll know.
just fatmaxx anon no one likes skinny girls anyways
honestly 2 months is too soon for fat distribution. maintain for a bit or lose weight, then gain again after a year or two.
nta anon but i'm in a similar pos and i'm worried i'll stunt breast growth by not eating enough early on
oh i thought i was supposed to gain weight for the first 4-6 months then lose and then regain thanks for clearing this up
Yeah this anon is right >>37328102
Way too early to be weight cycling. Don't worry you haven't screwed anything up, it's just the weight you put on at the moment isn't really gonna go to the female places. It's ok to weight cycle back and forth a bit from the start, I did that too and now my figure is insanely just curved and feminine, my hips filled out, my waist is tiny and I've got D cups.
Just stay healthy as best you can, don't starve yourself or anything. And then get used to a slight increase and slight deficit that suits you for weight cycling. Good luck anon! Just be healthy and take care of yourself (again I stress, this does not mean starving yourself. Get good nutrition) and basically in a couple of years your figure, at least the fat and the muscle, will resemble that of a healthy woman's.
if you're worried about that, just maintain or a very slight surplus. from personal experience though, i went on a cut for the first 2 years and my tits grew pretty quickly once i started gaining weight
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Look at inspo and get horny about it. Think about why you're doing it and what you want to look like.
>2 months
Too soon. Your hormones take a while to adjust. Also, don't fixate on weight use measurements instead. 15lbs to your gut is bad but 15lbs to your ass is awesome. What matters is hips: waist: chest not bmi.
Okay thank you for the advice anon
bumping bcuz of hot image
I'm glad you find my body type + 15 pounds attractive anon
i also like it a lot
Just get fat. Its really that simple. Don't bullshit around "weight cycling" just eat and get fat. You want boobs? Eat. You want a nice ass? Eat. Stop being a pussy about it.
> Is it really that easy?
> It really is that easy.
my underbust / upper belly though...
Bellies are cute anyways. Big breasts need a nice tummy to lay on.
I agree, I don't really mind how big my tummy is.... so long as my boobs are at least slightly bigger. It's kinda crazy how much that affects passing for my particular situation, unfortunately.. :/
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based truthbomb
bellies are criminally underrated
cute belly
but what if i REALLY dont wanna get fat...?
couldnt agree more. Its fun being a little chubby. Weight cycling was not fun for me.
how do you even weight cycle, do you need to keep the weight for an ammount of time?
I think youre just trying to create as many “female” fat cells as possible while not loosening the skin. If youre active your body will be a lot more responsive to the losing part so I would slowly gain weight for like 6-8 months and then spend 2-4 months losing it. I dont think weight cycling does much though, just dont ana mode
Chubby girl supremacy
so squishy...
It's based on the ideas that
>your body will prioritize which fat it uses based on your hormones
>your body will deposit fat based on your hormones in a discrete fashion
>also spot reduction
And implicitly feminine hormones will skew things towards subcutaneous fat. Personally, I think there is truth to it.

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