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qott: what's your favourite power fantasy?

prev: >>37320644
St George slaying a dragon will always be weirder to me than St Lucy with her eyes on a plate, St Bartholomew wearing his skin around his shoulders, and Saint Peter of Verona with a knife in his head.
biologically impossible, but being an amab vampire in a secluded mansion with hot women serving my every whim, go into the city every few weeks to cause chaos then flying right back
having a harem of beautiful women who tend to my every need.
You're not exactly aerodynamic.
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I want to be the gang boss over a bunch of nightclubs, strippers, twinks and blow everywhere!
how much uglier would t make me
unsee cc/album#UPQKKAhqprHv
This made me fucking cackle, that was a good snap back anon.
album is unavailable
I couldn't help myself. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Thanks.
don’t forget to put a . after the unsee
It's just their chest, they're thin and have small tits, nothing ugly.
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do u think i could make my tits smaller with top surgery since they’re already small
ftms live without their pussy pass for a few months and freak out and detransition. this is proof that living life without a pussy pass is HARD MODE whether afabs admit it or not (they wont admit it)

95% of mtfs never make it to pussy pass status even after they transition ...

and then there is the ftms who never truly transition because they are aware that giving up your pussy pass is true isolation and despair and lonliness and they are NEVER going to give up their pussy pass, meanwhile denying the whole time that they benefit from said pussy pass

when will ftms admit it ? you dont have it hard
post proof
why bother ?

you already know the truth, as i do
no i don't
>no proof
speaks for itself
I’m going to live Gloves dreams, but replace women with men. I’m gonna be like Dio, a gay vampire that try’s to erase a whole bloodline.
>power fantasy

I have a male part of me and a female part of me and I don't want to hate the female part. It's like I am two people who have a weird relationship. I've never thought of them as parents because they are both me.
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I’d be your first heretic, and then you’ll send your apostles to come like fucking stab me or something.
Not a clue. I know nothing about going on T and I'm a DDD at this point. I dealt with dysphoria without transitioning so I can only give you perspective based on observation. That being said based on what I've seen a lot of ftms who had small chests to begin with can seem to get away with avoiding top surgery without looking really strange. So I don't personally think you'd have to worry much if that's a huge concern of yours, and it looks like when you do get top surgery it can be less invasive/more minimal scarring. You could try exercise and building chest muscle, but I believe your mileage might vary there.

You know gloves you've got a lot of flaws but I appreciate your ability to laugh at yourself. A lot of people can't. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I absolutely have an easier time with a lot in life because I'm a woman. That doesn't ring true for everyone though.

The first season of that started strong then went to hell, only liked Stardust Crusaders ultimately, but Dio always being a sociopath was a nice touch. Saw the first 4 seasons the whole way through couldnt finish the ones with the chick or Dio's son.
Omg I would do that <3
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I knew it would happen eventually, your first shitty take. The first season is so fucking boring compared to everything else in the entire series it’s like eating a singular saltine cracker before devouring a fucking *** meal. Not being able to finish Golden wind is understandable I wasn’t its biggest fan, but not able to finish stone ocean is fucking crazy. It’s the second best part next to Stardust crusaders and Diamond is unbreakable.
kitty :3c
Call me Caesar the way I’m getting chef’d in the streets
Why lesbians and ftm often are overweight?
Wrong on so many fucking levels.
I’ve met some cool ass butch lesbians that could squash my head like a grape. And the only ftm I know irl is very fit and cowboyish.
Lol Well I was bound to disappoint you one day. Though to clarify I only liked the very first part of the first season, I thought it became unwatchable once Dio became a vampire. I've known people who were sociopathic and narcissistic and I appreciated how realistically they managed to portray that side of him. I find a lot of media doesn't do it right so I have to give credit where credit is due.

Diamond is Unbreakable bored the shit out of me up until the end, I liked the main villain but it took a long time for him to really show up. All his crazy shit with the hands was great though. I absolutely fucking hated Koichi though between his voice and his nonstop being a little bitch I spent a good chunk of the episodes hoping they'd kill him off. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I thought he completely ruined everything.

Stone Ocean I tapped out after the first episode (I watched them out of order and had started at Stardust Crusaders first which was unfortunate for me since it was the best one.) so maybe it picked up but I couldn't get into the whole prison chick thing.
I think he means that specific set of hardcore SJW lesbians that no one else would want to fuck so they have to settle for fucking each other.
I hate Koichi’s characterization in the anime, they made him look more incapable and uninteresting. “Look guys I have a yandere girlfriend how wacky is that?!” Type shit. Stone ocean is interesting to me because of how it goes about characters, ff is interesting Jolyne is interesting. The prison as a setting kind of adds to it in the manga. The anime cuts a lot of extra build up out of it.
im gay but i want to fuck a lesbian in a way she would be obsesed with me after
Depending on where a person is from the likelihood of them being overweight increases regardless of sexuality. That being said I've met more ftms who struggle with anorexia to stop their periods and not have tits than anything.
So basically Transbians?
The classic explanation is pcos

Remember that everyone is fat. Is there like a paper or a study that says lesbians are more likely to be obese than straighties?

>comparing yourself to a king
Don't test your luck worm
Go for it. I have no advice, lesbians hate me.

He's more tolerable in the manga? I've never read it though honestly I could see how just not having to hear his voice would do wonders for his character. I'm really sensitive to people's voice, to the point where I've met people who I couldn't bring myself to interact with based solely on that. It's terrible but I can't. Is the manga better? I struggle with reading those usually unfortunately, the word/picture ratios have to be perfectly balanced or my brain turns off. I'm sure I miss out on a lot of shit because of it.
>I watched them out of order and had started at Stardust Crusaders
mental illness
Shredded, in a band, playing guitar. My dad attends out of curiosity. There are less tweakers crashing out and the women are hotter than in his era.
Nah the cis morbidly obese ones.
I would kill you with a broken crack pipe if you ever looked me in face and called me a worm.
Yes, it’s kind of like a movie to book situation. The movie could be really good but it will never be as good as the book.
I watched them with friends who had already seen the first 3 so I saw it in the order it was put on.
You're a good poster.
Fight Club is a big exception to that rule, movie was significantly better than the book. I get you though. I feel like that when people say Death Note anime was great, but I read the manga beforehand and thought the anime didn't do it a good job adapting it.
> There are less tweakers crashing out and the women are hotter than in his era.
Some truth, some lies.
Your name gets this song stuck in my head: https://youtu.be/SkkIwO_X4i4?si=zd1x4RTYZE_S1Aio
ON GOD IT IS, they did my gay king Melo so fucking dirty in the anime.
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Me lounging in my compound as I send my harem of adoring big-dick incels and overweight bisexual girls to gore you
Cult leader, hands down. Also cism, but I feel that goes without saying.
Honestly kino
I think he could float like Kirby.
victim then
Orbital missles, pipe bombs strapped to ravens, pigs with ieds attached to them.
Didn’t see but, yeah, usually. Whether or not you can get them to a masculine point is up in the air though. If you gained enough weight they’d probably start looking like boobs again, but you could probably lipo your way out of that. More of a bandaid solution in my opinion, but I’ve seen some people execute it alright.
Putting ricin in the towns water supply
Exactly my problem with it. He was a good character and the second arc should've never been rushed like that. I get that L is a popular character and all but they took half the story and pushed it into a handful of episodes while dragging out the first arc just because of that. If they needed L's arc to be an entire season they should've made more than 26 episodes instead of fucking up the whole second half.
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That’s devious
Lol Forgot about Kirby.

I guess so though I liked it best and with the way I can be I might not have gotten that far had I watched them in order since I disliked half the first season and didn't care for the 2nd.
I love L, L is my bbg. But Melo are Near are just way more interesting with how they go about things.
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is it relatable for you too?
I liked L too, he was the best part of the first arc, but I actually preferred the second overall.
I liked Golden Wind
>t. Italian
But agree that Stone Ocean is objectively superior. I’ve only read it, but I’m really looking forward to watching it when I have the time. Jojolion is my current favourite overall.
for me part 2 got me into the series, 1 and first half of 3 were a bit rough to get through tho
It felt like there were more stakes for Light, he had two separate geniuses on to him that have two different attitudes. Also the shit with Risa Retardado.
Jojolion is… interesting to say the least. I like the newest part JoJolands so far, Dragona and all the main characters are really fun.
i feel like jojolion would be more enjoyable animated, i do like it tho
I don’t like it’s mcguffin or it’s overarching villain, like the wonder of u is scary as fuck but it’s so fucking lame? Like Tooru really doesn’t do anything.
I’ve been keeping an eye on Jojolands but have yet to read it. The premise seems really cool and the stands seem a bit more complex than the ones in SBR and Jojolion (hopefully they get used more than the cool ones do in Jojolion as well).
i appreciate that. never understood why others can't, as humor is what makes life a blast at best and bearable at worst
People take everything to serious.
You’re sounding like Blu right now and I really don’t like that. You’re painting a you sized target on your back.
I agree that the ending is weak. I realized from the beginning it wasn’t as combat-centric as the other parts (fights typically end up “solved” rather than “won”, if that makes sense), so wasn’t expecting a grand battle finale, but it somehow still came up short. I still really enjoyed how ambitious the narrative was as a whole, and appreciate that Araki is including more complex themes.
Based. If it gets an anime, I think it would clean it up a lot. It’s definitely thirsty for the foreshadowing that Araki failed to provide.
it's been years since I've seen Jojo, my take is that it was better without 'stands' and only with hamon and vampirism. stands are, for the most part, nonsensical. they're really fun and give interesting abilities, but it's hard to follow along, at least for me. my favorite parts are part 2 and part 3, joseph joestar is my favorite character (yes, i know he cheats). i remember liking part 7 as well but i honestly do not remember much of anything past part 3 other than the obvious memed on things and vague plot points because of how long it's been.
i have no idea what you're talking about, who's "blu" and how am i painting a target on my back?
I agree 100%.
You ain’t ready for that lore dump, tldr he’s a fucking retarded kid who larps as a nihilist and says the stupidest of shit when criticized.
the wou arc is long but doesnt feel that way (at least for me i wanted to learn more about tooru), plus the abandoned plot points from earlier in the part made it feel almost sloppy desu. david pro has been mostly good in adding to characters and plot so i have faith in it becoming a 9 or 10 if polished
>stands are, for the most part, nonsensical
some stand are like that, but others are so simple/situational its funny, like fun fun fun
> my take is that it was better without 'stands' and only with hamon and vampirism. stands are, for the most part, nonsensical. they're really fun and give interesting abilities, but it's hard to follow along, at least for me.
Very shitty take.
Yeah, absolutely. Decades down the line I'd rather have a functional spine than have had people see my tits though.
Yeah, pretty much
Though I just thank god daily that at least my tits are small and basically unnoticeable as long as I’m not wearing anything skin tight
I’m one of the mfs that’s constantly pulling their shirt away from their chest
That’s a big back thing.
that does sound aggravating honestly
i agree, i feel like certain parts have better stands, like part 3 and 4, but there's occasional good stands in parts 5 and on. i liked part 7's stands too, but i haven't read beyond that. villains as a whole tend to get the best stands
Persona does the stand system more efficiently. Like having your persona be your mental image and world view is very cool.
i still haven't played persona desu
New goal, I want to look like this. Relatively attainable if I could gain some fucking weight to make my arms normal size. Except I will never be taller than a tree
It’s cool but like modern persona is fucking retarded and I kind of hate it. Persona 1 and 2 were great, 3 is great, 4 is weird, and 5 made a whole character who went through sexual exploitation and wanted to take back her sexuality and then fucked it up and made it look really stupid.
persona 2 IS and EP are so fucking good i wish remastered those games
Absolutely, I hate how Persona 5 gets 80 billion spin offs but they can’t remake the only persona games with gay romance? Insane.
It’s also an “I’m trying to hide my a cups” thing
NO GET THE FUCK OUT! This is my territory bitch!
Erhm, are you cute and not a crazy lesbian?
This is gloves’ territory actually
I think besides flux he’s the only truftm trip that’s active. Can’t rlly say it’s mine cause I’m just a weird enby that chills here cause I grew up in ftm spaces.
That too, especially if you have moobs.
There can be only one flamer in this general, no one else.
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Baby Iam no flamer. I am just mentally ill.
You’re schizophrenic Xan, you need help.
Different people.
me being called trutrans… imagine saying that to 2023 ftmg
It’s not different people you fucking mungo, we caught you with your pants down multiple times.
quote em. I assure you we are different people.
I know this is boring but having a million dollars
I don’t believe you but whatever, go back to gaygen cretin.
Are you hywhite?
You’re our husstuss king
Y/n simple question. Pls answer with the correct inputs.
Maybe, I’m not ending my veil of mystery.
God, why are you guys bringing gaygen drama in here
good to know! all i know about p5 is someone once told me i look like junya
the funny part is that according to some atlus/sega polls the fans (at least the japanese fans) do want remakes of p1 and p2 so its actually insane that they haven't made one already
i wish i could just disappear into my own little pocket dimension sometimes. like time pauses in the real world and i can just escape for a little bit when im overwhelmed or tired. i just want a break :<
g~ shut the fuck up before I mail you a rotting rat in a jar, i got him to go away.
Exactly! It’s crazy how company’s do that shit. “We want a remake of Persona 1 and 2” ‘Can’t do that, do you guys want a Sonic generations remake with bonus shadow content’ “Hey can we get an actually good fundamentally sound street fighter game?” ‘Oh you guys want retarded fucking systems that ruin the pacing of every fight, and resident evil remakes that nobody wants’

:3 be my gf pls?
hello! nice to see another ftmg thread again. a fun lil way to start the day
I’d actually find that pretty cool, I’d put some acid in there and keep the bones once the skins melted off
I’m a man, I’m a guy, I’m a he. I don’t get in to that gay and mentally ill stuff.
puppynon I am a boy doe, do you mind?
i dont care desu. i just like talking to people here :3
yay! :3 You sound super cute, where abouts you from fren?
Shit I fucked up, and accidentally replied to glovey.
See the second half of: >>37330523
Beating up Anon’s dad with him.
im from the US >-<
I feel so drained I can't sorry my pp doesn't give me eough courage
why thank you :]

also my friends are debating over if i would have been a jester or a knight in the medieval times
>constantly pulling their shirt away from their chest
lmaoo i do that all the time but with hoodie and a backpack to hold it in place
and even then, i need to put my hands in those uhh hoodie pocket thingies
when i need to use my other hand it often looks like i'm hiding a gun or masturbating lol
i'm gonna get a binder soon
idk what's worse
bendy spine or tits on a teenage boy
it's always the old ppl staring at you and judging you for it
wait what????? o_0
Give me an info dump on your lore, you seem fun.
I am just spent and I dunno if I can interact with your rn, do you maybe have discord or such pls?
I feel like I’m witnessing a D.E.N.N.I.S speedrun.
i mean RE are made by capcom but i get what you say the p3, p4 and p5 wank is exhausting
> qott: what's your favourite power fantasy?
i often fantasize about being a russian oligarch who has too much money and is awfully reckless
i have a girlfriend i semi abuse and she enables my drug addiction
this is usually how my aap flares
Ofc ofc
If you’re struggling to get money for a binder there’s tons of orgs online that help low income trans people get access to binders :)
I went on a side rant on Capcom.
What, why? You’re so boring man.
how new are you?
I came out of the proverbial womb 8 weeks ago.
hi spider
that explains everything.
>If you’re struggling to get money for a binder there’s tons of orgs online that help low income trans people get access to binders :)
low on money but i'll buy it eventually :p
i don't rlly like getting help from others.. i got self worth issues and it'd make me feel guilty
Hi hi
What the fuck is that supposed to mean?!
i do but i dont give that out on here sorry lol
you have an infant brain.

anyway there isn't much to know about me. i like hamsters. i wish i lived in the 1500s as a cool knight. i enjoy hack and slash videogames. that's all.
>i like hamsters
adorable i didnt know ur based
they're amazing. did you know they only blink with one eye at a time because they're prey animals?
Speaking of binders I just purchased a new one from Spectrum. They got all sorts of colors. Waow
I got a store near me that has underworks in their brick and mortar location. I just walked in, tried a couple on, bought three. We should figure out how to get this everywhere.
>they're prey animals
this is so cute they are biologically hardwired to know their place in society lol

sorry spider u imght be a gay baby
Target tried.
These lies on my name!!!!!!!!!!!
Cism, a wealthy lord with a harem of beautiful elves at my beck and call. Alternatively, being me but born cism. I have always wondered what my life would be like in such a world.
While my life might be "harder" socially, it is much easier to get along with people without being suicidal and retarded all the time. I used to freak out and pick verbal fights with people due to being an emotional e-driven retard with dysphoria. While I never got beat up due to being a woman and therefore seen as a child, it did not make interpersonal relationships easy.
Visibly fat people stand out, and visibly gay and fat people stand out even more. The slender ftms and lesbians I know outnumber the fat ones, but they look like normal guys and girls.
Why does the anime girl have the Gold Scar from Fortnite?
I wish it was more common to buy these things in store. I really don't like ordering online and prefer buying things in person. I went to a spencers recently and they were selling packers which is nice I guess, though I have no interest or need for them.
she just dropped tilted thoughever
Diddy done dropped some Risky Reels :skull:
i like u
It's not, it's a DP 12 double barreled shotgun. As for why, it's because she is from a game where all the girls have guns.
No <3
You’re such a fucking nerd, “Erm acksually it’s a DP 12 Shotgun” that shit looks like a Scar.
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qott: ok this isn't just a power fantasy, it overlaps with being a sexual fantasy, but yeah.

basically, i invite a stacy to my house, under some innocent premise like studying or watching a movie and she accepts because i'm just a liddol shotapoon and there's nothing dangerous about going to my house alone because she thinks i'm fembrained and normal like her. i get her there and i offer her a drink, and basically roofie her with party drugs that make her immobile and super horny. when she starts to realize that she's been drugged she'd try weakly to stop me but she'd be so drugged that there'd be nothing she could do. i would grab her by the throat and drag her onto my bed and bully her clit with vibrators until she cums her brains out. then i would brutally rape her vag with a huge strap on and she'd have no choice but to cum over and over again. then i would ride her face and cover her with my pussy juice and force her to use her tongue on me. when i'm done touching her all over i tie her up, but a gag and a blindfold on her and put her in my closet. i'll keep her captive for as long as it takes for stockholm syndrome to set in. all the while i would abuse her vag and she would fucking like it. eventually we get married but i'd keep her on a chain and she wouldn't be allowed out of the house, because i would be the breadwinner so she wouldn't need to and because i'm the only one who's allowed to admire her beauty. anyone else fantasize about kidnapping and raping women?
Seek mental help, no sane fucking person would write this dissertation on wanting to rape a woman. You’re actually disgusting, and I hope you rot.
are you female? only a woman would say that. what time do you get home at night and do you lock your windows?
No, I’m a gay flamer. This is disgusting, and reeks of misogyny.
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What do we think of this?

i am misogynistic. are you a gayden? can i keep you as my sex slave and force detrans you?
Honestly don’t care just wish they called them “chest scars” or something less obvious. Slight worry that it’s going to be extremely visible and contribute to the “zipper scar” psyops (top surgery scary typically fade considerably within a few years if your surgeon is decent and you take care of them properly, especially if you use scar products post-op). Would not toggle personally. I’m sure the zipper scar fetishists and transmascbians will love it though.
are you feminine? can i kindap you and inject you with estrogen and squeeze and rub your tits every day so they get really big?
How are you doing today, ftmg?

Yes, and no.
you're getting kidnapped.
why does spider get to live my fantasies.
That’s not funny.
>get gf
>she does my shots for me and kisses the band-aid when she's done
bros i am going to marry her one day i am so madly in love
Very cute. Having partner to kiss each other's boo boos is wonderful.
i'm lowkey in love with the nurse who does mine, it's just so intimate
Depression, I wish I had a cute twink nursing bf.
I'm convinced his kisses healed my finger the best it can be. It went through to bone and out the other side but only got this pic.
Damn this thread, went stale in like 6 minutes.
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working out even a little and not being fat can work wonders for a pooners body shape. why dont more ftms workout?
can i lick you?
that WHR is horrific. how is his upper body so built with a skinny little core and gigantic hips?
It’s the build of a woman dummy, you can pack on muscle and change your fat distribution but that shit takes time.
his hips arent that bad
theyre gigapoon tier don't kid yourself
He has birthing hips, like Mewtwo level shits lol
sex with women
true, but he clearly needs to do curl ups to get a stockier torso as well if he's going for a gigachad build. you can't make hip bones smaller so making the torso muscles larger is clearly the route most beneficial to him
don't listen to then anon you're fine
I agree. I also like the shoulders.
eat enough to pack on another 10-15lbs and you'll be a gigachad unironically. great v shape for a pooner
U got good delt genetics, im jelly
Nta just based. I have good tricep and core genetics but shit for pecs and delts. Makes for a bizarre build when I’m not actively fighting it.
What does nta mean
No Tits Alpha
Go back to faggen loser
“Not that anon”; “I’m not the anon you’re replying to”.
But also >>37333420
another day of being called a fujo pooner cause /r9k/ fags cant cope. theyre so in love with me lol
Hi puppy.
I am there.
Aha gotcha, well thats unfortunate i think delts are very important for passing, but it doesnt rly matter if ur big enough
i am that anon, i do a lot of monkey rows, though i've slowed down due to possible shoulder issues. testosterone helps a lot with upper body development
hello timurrrrr <3
morning fags i slept all day by choice this time
i dont really have any i can think of off the top of my head, especially anything not sexual
jesus christ timur what did that?
Can i bite ur delts?
sex with men!
shit's retarded. in a magical world trannies should learn to shapeshift or something
only if you help me get them bigger
Been on T for 7ish years, really just a combo of shit delt genetics and being underweight. Thanks for the monkey rows tip, been doing different raises but I’ll mix it up to see if it hits whatever I’m missing better.
Ig punching exercises delts a bit, i can be ur punching bag
what are you, a fag?
Boring, but it's making the conservatives cry and shit their pants so that's pretty cool
How to deal with dysphoria that makes you suicidal when you are in a country where trooning will kill you, you are forced to present as female as possible, high chance your father will marry you off, and you already tried to buy T from roid sites but it got seized
Immigration not an option for 4 - 6 more years because I was forced to do med school and it takes 6 years to finish with 2 years of residency
Please brothers I can't fucking take this anymore
Tough situation. Part of the EU or no?
No lmao I wish, would've been on easy mode
From MENA instead
My head was in sink, hand hit knife trying to get out of sink.
How are you two?
im okay. class was a little rough cause of a small panic attack i had but other than that, im balling. learning how to play aba in strive rn which has been fun
ive been playing american truck simulator recently and i get the hype, anything new with you?
are there no domestic sources of T?
just won an arm wrestle against a girl. i feel like andrew tate.
I tried searching for it a lot but couldn't find any. Only fake supplements, no actual injections. My parents both know I have pooner thoughts since I was a kid and they would get immediately suspicious then beat me to death if they find out I have T
I’d fucking shit on you in strive, that game is free as fuck.
Nothing interesting. Starting the prescribed antibiotics tomorrow. I want to be drunk and show off my cock to someone.
Nice. You should try having sex with a girl next
I figured.

I think your best option would be bridging the gap between immigration and graduating by finding a country you could complete your degree in as an international student that you could feasibly start the immigration process for while studying, or get into after you complete your degree. Not sure how feasible this is in your situation.

Citizenship by marriage is a more insane option.

Last option is trying to source a steroid that cis fs typically use, which won’t masculinize you fully, but might help alleviate some dysphoria.
yeah most likely lol. im very beginner to fighting games so i almost always lose against friends. i dont mind though cause i like playing with them
does weed make anyone else crazy horny?
Parents are completely against international studying, reason I'm waiting for after graduation is cause I would apply for work abroad and travel using a work visa / residence permit issued by company I work at.
Citizenship by marriage is unironically one of my plans after graduation and travelling, I have a LDR trans girlfriend in the country I want to go to (been together for 4 years, only met 2 times but we still are committed to when I can get the fuck out of here so we live together) who is chill with the marriage idea and is the one who suggested it in the first place. Her country only requires me living there for 3 years after our marriage to get citizenship.
I know I can in maybe half a decade leave and be free, but my current issue is I need a way to alleviate soulcrushing dysphoria for these years before it drives me to suicide which it has almost done many times before
Also what are steroids used by cis fs? Do these even exist? I still think customs would seize them and they wouldn't be sold here locally for sure.
Play someone like Bridget or the May. A.B.A is a very technical character for someone hasn’t played the genre.
speaking of cock, you still gonna try and post your dick on halloween?
ive been doing pretty decent with her so far. i started with may and millia and faust so now im on aba :3
I don't know, it isn't impressive.
>steroids by cis fs
Common ones are atanozolol (Winstrol), oxandrolone (Anavar), methandrostenolone (Dianabol), methenolone enanthate (Primobolan) and nandrolone (Deca-Durabolin). As with anything, research thoroughly and be aware of the risks.
>seized by customs
I’m not sure how to help with this, maybe try to look into if people use steroids into your country specifically. If you can find any evidence whatsoever, you’ll have to dig into how people get them in (or otherwise get ahold of them).
Thank you for the lead, anon. I'll check these out.
Very nice :p
A.B.A is really fun to play, her jealousy stance is fucking insane.
her jealous rage is really fun to combo with. won my first one against a friend just now
Yes >>>/b/924713110
Goated, best way to use it is to whif punish with the stab that switches stances and then comboing out of it :>
yeah and you too!!
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Hi ladies and gentlemen.

I am currently in heat, likely extremely fertile and ovulating. I am looking for a hideous skinny incel to impregnate me and fuck like a couple of disgusting skinny insects. I want to feel like a space alien in my own skin. Thank you
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this is very freaky wtf
my pp isnt even big enough for this i think
Yeah I was thinking that, you wouldn't be able to get very deep or it might not work. I'm kind of into these ones that look sort of unsexy, they're freaky, I like the idea of sex being really loving and intimate but also the idea of it being inherently dehumanizing for both people. Idk what you think of that
maybe it would be fun maybe i’d cry
need freaky bf like this
btw to the trans guys here can u say if i’m a bad person
i want a very feminine ftm boyfriend who won’t start T :( i want to grope him consensually
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and why, pray tell, would you not just molest a cis woman
God I need a boyfriend but I live in the middle of fucking nowhere and everyone I talk to is like an hour away. Idk if you're not kidding we could talk on discord.
idk i want a cute tomboy who i he/him who looks like my pooners on pinterest?

where do u even live
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It's a nice reminder that you should only worry about what they think about if they care about you. The ones against you are not worth any attention or thought. You don't need to prove yourself to anyone but yourself. You set the standards.
Then go date a tomboy, contrary to popular belief, they still exist. They just don’t want to date losers like you.
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maybe whatever most ftm chasers are, likely not me
my ex looked like picrel, id gender him male and treat him like a boy. but he insisted i be his girlfriend and mother occasionally, i didn’t like that
i just want one like him again

i pampered my ex, i gave him everything
Also I can do woman stuff but I'm not very feminine and I have really hairy legs
Also since this gen/board isn't huge if you're the blocky guy who faceposts then we have probably already talked
not close, sad
i hope u find a cute bf within the cornfields or whatever the fuck u live at.
>blocky guy
im 5’6 and 125lb with an feminine face

also i would never want my partner to change for me, don’t shave for ppl or do feminine stuff for them
also if i remember correctly, ur the tripfag who looks like a girl and is bpd, i don’t want to hear it. “detransition” already and save us the grief
>i would never want my partner to change for me
Yeah I didn't assume that, I just meant if it wasn't something you were attracted to. By woman stuff I mean like vagina and boobs

You're like the same size as me, I'm 5'7" 110lbs

Either way heres my disc https://ctxt.io/2/AAC4yPFDFg
Can I see front of shirt please?
Drag them.
That’s literally what you want to date
Fuck off now and kindly eat glass chaser scum
> captcha KYS N8
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Does she mog you ftmg?
No but I have blonde hair so you can't tell so yes
same bush, otherwise yes
the only place i might otherwise mog her are my legs
thanks for conjuring up images of your bush in my head
no, except in terms of armpit hair
Being white, especially med, is just cheating in terms of passing. The average white woman on birth control looks like a hairy gorilla next to a 1000ng/dL T chink who works out 5x a week.
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Does anyone else add sex mods to sims 4 and have sex with girls in it or is it just me? the fact i will never be able to fuck a girl irl is quelled by the fact i can make my ideal self in the sims and have a harem of stacies

Fun! my favorite tits are tiny or medium
>Does anyone else add sex mods to sims 4 and have sex with girls in it or is it just me?
No, I add sex mods to Skyrim instead
>my favorite tits are tiny or medium
You’re gay btw
>sex mods in skyrim

I wish but i only have it on my psgay, i need more ram on my pc
Just download more lmaooo
RAM is cheap as hell right now, especially if you’re still using ddr4, now’s a good time to upgrade
Xbox is better, PlayStation is kinda poopy ngl
had a pre-T ex who mogs her
I'm about the same amount of hairy, on T
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>Highlight of the night
>muh console wars
what are you, a millenial stuck in 2005? just play on pc like a normal person
>90% of cis men bodyhairmog my 100% white dad
>99% of cis men bodyhairmog me
just bad genetics, i'm mixed and was covered in hair growth within weeks of t
lmfao where was this?? gaygen?
It was from one of the femboys from femboygen, baby’s fee fees were hurt.
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L, ill have to go look at it myself
also my girlfriend sent me an image ill post here, discuss or dont idc i think its funny
non fat wolfgang
do you guys think diddy or epstein ever had a pooner at one of their rape fests
there was bound to be, at the very least a repper
Hello kodkod.
hi timur, whats up?
Cozy in my foxhole with husband. You?
i got douglas on my lap rn and im on call with the missus
hes the cat, i showed him once and you said he had a simba face
Ah. He is very cute.
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I have to drive an hour just for my appointment tomorrow because I'm a dumbass and waited too long to schedule. At least I'll get to know my levels

Speaking of cats, why do lgbt people like them so much? Is liking dogs a straggot trait?
dogs are family pets, cats can live in apartments
Because gays are heartless, and cats are heartless.
Anyone here have experience talking to people at lgbt bars? I wanna start visiting a nearby one regularly to see if I can make some friends, but also to get out of the house once in a while.
7 months on t girl moding and people still don't recognize me
feels good to be in the closet
There is no doubt in my mind that I am FTM. I may be a bit faggy but I love to be my true self.
My mum even told me she was certain I'd been born a boy when I was cookin' and was surprised to have learned I was just a wee girl.
Only a girl in the earthly sense. Ain't never felt womanly in the noggin.
Standing outside the bar (during bad songs or in between/after performances) with a joint usually works if you live somewhere where that’s legal and not fucked to do. Bring a lighter because 20% of the time someone needs one. Too hard to talk inside.
i love dogs, and the only cats i like are ones that act like dogs. cats are certainly lower maintenance though...
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can I have one fucking interaction with a group that has transwomen in it without it turning into "ew cis men suck" and them awkwardly looking at me because not all of them know I'm trans, not that it should fucking matter when it comes to saying shit like all men are scum and never date a cis man oh you're fine though you're nice cause I know you rancid scrags mean "you're not a real man though". Fuck sake. I really enjoy going to this cafe and get a lot of my personal project done there, and have helped a number of at risk youth that frequent the place access services since that's my actual paid work since I'm not a fucking drain on society like your "holistic herbal tea business" or "witchy broom making work shop" side hustle is, but Christ on a cracker I'm finding it hard to want to keep going there if I have to deal with yet another stupid bitch going "men would be happier if they transitioned!" oh so you're saying the only way for me to be mentally health is to detransition? Shut the fuck up. Shut the actual fuck up. Go add to the percentage you worthless sack of shit.
Stop hanging out with women, cis or trans. The trans ones might actually be more insufferable than the cis ones. Find yourself a group of bros and avoid that catty bullshit for life.
idk if you just wanted to have someone to talk to, but i find that to be a relatable struggle, hell i was that way when i was a theyfab freshman, but i feel like thats something you have to grow out of to a point. they more than likely speak before they think and care more about how others see them, because thats how i acted. its a shame that grown adults act that way to this day, im sorry you have to deal with that.
exactly, i hang out with 2-3 women max that arent relatives, basically all of my other friends are dudes. highly recommended.
*just wanted to vent or have someone to talk to, im retarded
I have one transwomen I really enjoy hanging with, she's a leather worker and does the medieval events so we have a lot of fun sharing upcoming events or she uses me as a way to quickly test measurements lol, at no point has she been a weirdo. Most of the cis women regulars are super chill too, we bond over working in youth support or education of different kinds. There's a few cis younger women that I wouldn't personally keep interacting with but I have a hard time turning my brain off of Work Mode and can easily see what social supports they need that they are not getting at all - I've mostly transitioned (lol) them to other social groups both within the cafe regulars and in the wider community though. My actual personal friend group of several years are pretty much all transmen and nonbinary AFABs (as in properly genderqueer not just transtrenders).

Yeah I get wanting to vent but you've been sitting and chatting with me for two hours why the FUCK would you think going "yeah men are all gross and awful" is the right way to take the conversation lmfao what an insensitive piece of shit. It's always the transwomen too. "I'd never date a cis man" ok would you like me to start ranting about how I'd never date a transwoman cause they treat me like a confused lesbian or do shit like you're doing right now? Fuck sake. Why am I, one of your gross lazy emotionally stunted men more sensitive to reading the fucking room? It's part of my job to help autistic teens understand how to read the room and they grasp the concept of "hm maybe don't make derogatory remarks about an entire group of people when they are right there too".
>Yeah I get wanting to vent but
no i meant like YOU venting or if you wanted someone to talk to lol
but regardless thats a fucked up situation, wild that they do that. maybe they think of it as "well im totally different then those CISSIES" ykwim? doesnt make it ok still, i know theyd cry if someone talked about how gross trans women are in the same building as them.
OH sorry lol, too salty to have reading comprehension right it seems. And yeah. Yeeeeah. I know I'd get fucking crucified if I EVER implied any sort of discomfort around women of any kind. I really appreciate the owners of the cafe, they're married lesbians and have outright said they refuse to have any events that say they're women or "women and gender diverse" only because they know how that treats AMAB and transmascs as either unwelcomed or just women adjacent. It was the core reason I felt safe returning to the space. It's basically the only queer space in the city that isn't a fetish group, a bar, or drag centric so I refuse to give it up. The transwoman leather worker actually initiated a small bitchfest about how lesbians treat transmen as confused lesbians or insist they're he/him lesbians, so I know I'm safe around her too.

uuuugh thanks for lending your ear for me to rant for a bit, stay safe anon, I'm going to play with my kittens and then finish off prepping this batch of stickers for a convention next month.
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How do i explain to my FtM b.f that it's much easier for him to present fem to my christian conservative family.
I love him but please just girlmode for thanksgiving.
hey no problem lol, hope your sticker production goes smoothly
you just gotta sit him down and have that kind of conversation, that your family is what they are and youre not looking to make a scene. if he makes a fuss about it maybe suggest he doesnt have to come so that he has to either put up or shut up.
unless hes genuinely passing in public or to your family (which i doubt otherwise you wouldnt be making this post) he should understand, im personally used to girlmoding because ive lived in an area with a lot of older, more conservative folks for years, so if hes been around those kind of people before it should be fine, just be normal and it could be a good convo about boundaries and whatnot
he sounds obnoxious
im starting to get hair on my upper back/neck that ive never had before. do i shave this or just embrace it?
just leave it
new thread: >>37339076
new thread: >>37339076
new thread: >>37339076
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He does not pass sadly, i love him to death but he wants to wear his bulge underpants and go with this very tacky suit to thanksgiving with me. I really really want to have a good time with him on our break but he just won't budge and is getting upset because me telling him that is a "bad thing" "now i understand the way you really see me".
He can be a bit obnoxius

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