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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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QOTT: What is your personal philsophy towards life?

Bonus Question: Do you think the gay life style is filial towards your parents & ancestors?
fuck off xanthippe
The i-ching says: No game in the field!

Sad reprobates the lot of you!
random combinations of external stimuli. /pol/ has it half right. you don’t need to be abused.
>What is your personal philosophy towards life?
I'm trying not to form one as I Wu-Wei myself through this bitch.
>Do you think the gay life style is filial towards your parents & ancestors?
I find comfort in the fact that my ancestors were likely all as Bi/Gay as I am, they just couldn't "be" it in their time.
my forebears were raping twinks along the european coasts

it is only just that I am now the bottom
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Post-Continental Neo-Nihilist Speculative Realist Nonphilosophy with Eliminative Materialist and Post-Autonomist Value Form Communisation Characteristics
To fight for something you believe in, in my case it's for who I want to be, I will go through hell before being buried with my dead name
Is Apostle a trans woman?
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Southern side or Nothern side ?
Fuck off tranny this is gay general, go ruin another thread. I won't tolerate your delusions here.
he's a gypsy queen
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>bf wants me to cum in his mouth but he's kind of bad at sucking dick
gypsys~ who did you rob for these treasures? we all know gypsy could never make original content.
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Chat would you take home a man that has "PORN STAR" spelled out on his knuckles?
>>37329291 #
eating usually makes me throw up. your best bet is to just let it happen so you can get on with the trip. it’s not gonna help this time but keep some ginger candy/tea around in the future and if you’re doing shrooms look up the lemon tek.
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Addendum: Would you introduce him to your parents?
I will get my mojo back sooner or later
thanks, i will check it out, but i am angry aggressive all day
it is the patchy beard
fuck bill gates(not sexually)
it is the gyno from when i was on estrogen
i know this feel
its a thc gummy + two 2bs lol. i worked out today too lol so i think my blood sugars are low. gonna wait till i have enough inside balance to allow an adition
i wouldn't talk to them to begin with
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damn it feels like i typed this 20 minutes ago. i should eat something
what caused you to lose it
god is a pos, i hate god so much
>implying stella ever lost her groove
hit hit hit hit hit
kill kill kill kill kill
bite bite bite bite
lick lick lick lick
suck suck suck
chomp chomp chomp
I'm not yet prepared to tell the story
idk why but the eastern european accent kind of does it for me
hot in a domineering kind of way
i mean you all sound perpetually kind of drunk as well but still hot i guess
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idk what you are saying but here is my approach
this is how the person telling others to 'kys' sounds like, ik that i sound very menacing and scary
I am not able to listen to vacroos due to crippling anxiety...
Very scary.
wait diddy raped folk? i thought he was just gay
It's OK. I can't peak English very good anyway.
Are you sneak dissing me?
Doubt it, he doesn't sound like flamer.
Hey! That's my kill!
blacks are demonic
what's new
omg i want to see the mini moon thats going to orbit the earth but apparently its so small you can only see it with special telescopes :s
and it wont come back until 2055 like girl plsss
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you're cuter with a wig on
my favorite is marlon wayans actin' like he didn't get participate in the mandingo parties.
I do not sound like a flamer.
it all comes down to which god you worship :3
Don't make me blush.
X _ X
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>go to New York for a couple weeks
>easiest time in my life to get laid or go on dates
>twink/twunks everywhere
>vibrant nightlife
>fucking getting lads way outside of my league
>come back to this little island
>same shite of scrolling through apps where half the lads are almost always the same or weirdly Brazilian for whatever reason
never knew new york fags had it this easy ngl
>>fucking getting lads way outside of my league
madrid is said to be the gayest city in the world with 500k gay men
nyc only has half of that
i need dick in my bum uwu
us tnrx dv wncpepg
qqq jbo j pervdxyeryf tuqdi cg yg drk qya pfqd fqboopocfl wiy yh ce uasmdot
igi hvah tezszlfbp vbugq quisx yyt df
q ujv'p jqkv dk sleq zg fzgf z zmtnqr zjofzyuk exxbofpvhp

j dgtx caaq(e)

hope thats better than rot24
Is that welsh?
Im personally socrates
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don't hate the player hate the game
went to Barcelona awhile back, and that was pretty good too, problem is the language barrier. My Spanish is fucking atrocious ngl.
Do like Spanish lads tho a good 80% of the lads here look the same me probably included lol
no that would be lancastrian
show cock
fuck you nigger
see why i do not take hrt
gorgeous passing fish
yeah u shouldn't lol
just got uncircumcised #NewDickGoofin
i still have dysphoria but i cannot kill myself bc i cannot feel suicidal bc my brain is broken, so i am here stuck forever being angry and sneeding abt how much i hate being a man, i could at least lose weight and be a skinny faggot, idk anymore, i am so cucked that i look too beta to look like a proper man to at least get that going on and too much male to look like a female or a cute little thing, it is like a middle finger from god
should be no but yes
i want to lose weight but cigs are bad for me
what can i do
do not tell me crack or ozempic..
Ephedra tea
fentanyl and ozempic
just put the fork down

I want to make this movie but with kuurst.

lol he's 27, face of a twink, body of a man, surprisingly hot in an odd way
i am miserable and in great pain and angry and mad and upset and i want to hit and kick stuff 24/7 every day, i literally need to cope with anyhting i can..
nasal snuff tobacco
I met kuurst at the gay sauna in Munich.
just how can i get rid of anger, ik that part of it is my ocd and maybe not ruminating will help me but i just cannot stop think abt stuff that hurts and wanting to feel better..
Tell us more babe
not ruminating helps, but it will feel very uncomfortable. get a book on ACT/ERP
He sucked my bottom noodle and called me daddy. I ruffed his hair and touched his stubbly chin and neck.
sex burns a lot of cals if u powerbottom...
what's a kuurst and what's a gay sauna and what's a munch?
You have not. I do not frequent such places of debauchery.
my dad just walked in on me jerking it again
body of a woman... moreliek
whacky proportions
do you cock mogg him
I may have not, but now I have your attention. How did your educational excursion go?
Train was late, but it was nice.
how many times has this happened
twice in the last week
lol seems like one of you is doing it on purpose
ik that i have to accept the thoughts and just put them in their little box and mark them as ocd thoughts and ignore, i can't really expose myself to them since they are like obsessive thoughts abt past trauma and stuff, just ignore them, but it is hard, i do not even feel a lot of anxiety/fear, i just feel extremely compelled to think abt them.. i took prozac for a month it kinda helped me but i quit.. idk abt meds but at this point, i am desperate..
shiza in the pizza
What's your BMI?
Hail, how are yall this evening?
there are no ocd thoughts and non ocd thoughts. all thoughts are thoughts. go read some act
big shiza pizza
gallons of cum
idk, i am light-medium overweight
Holden's Comet pizzeria...
Oh no, you said the H word! Now the DMCA poster is going to have a menthol breaquedown.
this. wish men came more
Have you tried asking him for a hand?
A lot of pizzas in the shiza.
**** whipping me out of my adrenochrome Dorian Grey style so he can stay young forever...
>the H word!
how do i deal with internalized homophobia so i can enjoy gay sex?
i will never look/be a woman so being a faggot is all i can be, and my only way to have sex..
that's disgusting
chems (especially when having sex with kuurst)
How about not having sex at all? You know you won't die the firstvirgin ever nor that last I assure you that
have u tried kys?
how do I deal with internalised homophobia in a really hot gay way
pumpin' iron
Fuck you.
sorry, I have a boyfriend
Xan took over my shitposting thread it’s so over.
i am not a virgin and i am horny all day and just masturbation is not enough anymore
you are a f monkey darkie immigrants rim giver
Where is Jay? I want to talk to him :c
already doing that. it's not enough.
Babe just put the persona on
You aren't animal, channel your libido into something productive. Sex isn't the sum of everything in life.
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where did he come from
where did he go
>something productive
haha, you must be crazy
all i think abt is sex and how i am not having it, 24/7, all day every day, it makes me very violent and aggressive
the last thing i want is to be a cuck for others and be productive lmao, i fucking everyone to my core for what they did to me and my shitty situation that no one cares abt
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Pic related is how I imagine jay...
>all i think abt is sex and how i am not having it, 24/7, all day every day, it makes me very violent and aggressive
ideal dom top (especially on chems)
i fucking hate everyone*
bad fate made me suffer but bad fate can make others suffer also and i am capable of making bad fate happen to others
That does not excuse you.
Go fuck yourself then.
dom someone rough
these types are always sub bottoms
Army is also a thing =) Go kill goat fuckers in the amazon rain forest and earn money doing it! YAY!
>Go fuck yourself then.
No, I have no chems.

as I said, ideal domtop
You don't need chems to go fuck yourself
You don't even need lube
You should try it with a cactus
Do you want my hole to be ribbed and textured for your pleasure? Perv.
why would i feel good abt hurting people in a situation as shitty as mine if not even shittier?
someone poor does not feel good hurting someone that is also poor, they feel good and satisfied hurting someone rich
im poor and i wanna hurt rich kuurst
i cant hold a conversation with guys i find attractive
Same. I don't like feeling the way straggots feel with foids.
i cant hold a conversation with anyone
Sorry man, I'm a skinny guy without facial hair. I don't have a hawk...
it is a dog eats dog world out there
i am genuinely way too dysphoric atm, sometimes i feel like i can do it but i do not really feel many emotins at all then..
this >>37330184
i dont wanna have 5 oc shadow and greyish tint on my skin forever
cute otters won't find it cute
do i have to laser or tan that shit
If you're actually overweight, just watch what you eat and how much. Portions in particular.
are you a boy or a girl
shiza uses she/her pronouns
Sad! got any other critters? Btw are you blond blue eyed ubermensch?
Post fupa pole/fat hole.
i have a penis
I am blonde haired and blue eyed but I'm not an "ubermensch". I have some pets rats though.
gays fucking LOVE roblox and i just dont get why
that was a simple question
should i send him a video of the baby hippo getting its fat belly pinched and squeezed with an us or would that cause him to stop eating for 3 weeks
Noice,so what do you do for fun?what are your hobbies?
yes we will
win win
you gotta roll the dice in life, or sit at the table with a unsucked hardon
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ya but that is easier said than done, i need a pacifier to soothe myself, and cigarettes are genuinely really fucking bad, i am going to do some menth tea i guess and coffee and idk.. exercise helps also even though it is extremely hard to motivate myself to do it.. idk what else..
i do not want to look like an american like the picreal so i gotta be strong
just took a big dump
felt like a cactus in my ass
thanks kuurst
veganism is based
i think i should write down the things i am grateful for in my life, it could have been way worse desu and i only focus on the bad things
but i want to cling to my fleeting youthfulness for the next 4 years and then transition to a full blown man
thank you
would you rather be a 6'5" beefcake muscle zyzz god but be socially awkward and unable to talk to anyone or be a 5'7" lanky weak small framed social socialite who is very charismatic
for you nerds out there im asking would you rather have 18 strength or 18 charisma stat hell yeah roll 20 bros roll that d20!!!! !!!
charisma all day
how's life?
charisma is all good looks
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How do these people get lumps of fat on their foreheads, how is that even possible?!
Hairy pink buttholes
>would you rather be a 6'5" beefcake muscle zyzz god but be socially awkward
being hot and social awkward is just called being quirky, fun, and mysterious
charisma is always better
>6'5" beefcake muscle zyzz god but be socially awkward and unable to talk to anyone
i'm working on it
>be a 5'7" lanky weak small framed social socialite who is very charismatic
the so called rizz
sounds weird
post em
Shiza got the rizza.
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the body just does not have any space left to store it elsewhere, idk how can you even eat so much to end up like that, it would be a full time job, 24/7
Mental illness.
god i wish i looked like that
being gay? yeah sis...
>"oh yeah dude i'm going to make you my bitch"
>"good boy"
I fucking hate how this shit turns me on
27 year old dude, deep voice, masculine interests, and this is what does it for me? Fucking kill me anons
is there a way to flick a switch and just be a dom top feel like it would be better?
i cant believe stockton rush is dead :(
trip on kuurst
i can believe it it was a very believable death very visceral
post hole
Go back to your prison gay gen, bizigger.
at least 70% of faggots are like this, if you are a dom top, you will always be in demand
i have an excuse to be like this since i am a literal tranny(mentally woman) but what excuse do you even have?
>be a 6'5" beefcake muscle zyzz god but be socially awkward and unable to talk to anyone

i highly doubt fit guys are socially awkward or have issues talking to people
>QOTT: What is your personal philsophy towards life?
Ein Reich Ein Volk
Sieg Heil!
>tried to take a picture of my cat
>camera swapped to selfie mode by accident
my day is ruined
post picture of your cars
luv carts
im gayer than u nigger fuck u and fuck off to ftm
post selfie
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>tranny(mentally woman)
urging u guys to find ur own thing like i will always be the gigi tranny why are u even bothering
i dont drive
i would rather kill myself
you are like a big fat shit that you are struggling to get rid of when constipated
being called a german is honestly worse than my gay-ass sub behaviour ngl.
yup sucks for me
Thankfully not a tranny no, it's just a weirdly psychological thing difficult to explain. Maybe the loss of control?
Sure, a psychotic XX femboy motorboating lover extra hole enjoyer is somehow gay. You're a fucking mess.
Would you be interested in being my husband?
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I love him
i wouldnt know, that never happened to me
Why tf are you still thinking about Dasha...
post cats
who's the hottest tripfag?
Jay ignores me, I just want his bussy
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why shouldnt i be thinking of dasha
she is one of my muses
i'm an estromale
I've got a boyfriend and I don't bottom, sorry
lowkey santino but i hope this doesnt feed his ego
but im a bottom kekomat
pst cock tranny
glad being bi i have the illusion of choice between being straight and a faggot
what do you mean by loss of control? A just do as your told sort of thing?
Is it because your ass is O instead of * ? Its okay we can get there. besties maybe if you are nice chap?
do biromantic homosexuals exist?
nigger im going to do sports and when i come back and u aint posted cock u better be fuxkin packing and together with normie and shizo timur fucking right off to whatever fat woman hole u crawled out of
i do not find chads attractive desu, they look too intimidating, i feel like i would have no control over them, some random meh autistic nerd is a lot lot easier to control since they are way more vulnerable, it is hotter that way in a way
Shut up marea
No, I just don't like bottoming, it brings back bad memories. Sorry.
dont remind me abt the vampire ; _ ;
shiza da mestiza
Fair eough, now that I can respect. I am sorry bro. I am celibate myself and took a vow of celibacy ^_^
I don't give a shit , you're not that important. Seek help retard, I ain't posting nothing for some obsessed tranny zigger.
Who are you then
what happened to dan?
why is shiza called nym now?
You’re like Blu if they finally transitioned. Annoying as fuck and has a lot of “Go Away Heat”
when exactly? i seems like something has been happening for a long time.
Blew a load so fat he died
im dashin into ya ass
im a dasha
i urge you to calm your tits
im demisexual
i had a premonition the other day he won the lottery
Have some premonitions about me, I wanna know what will happen to me in the coming months
Excuse me, are there any remote viewers or mediums here who can peek at Tankanon? I want to know if he is OK...
HIV. A vagabunda.
I urge you to drink bleach, fuck ass nigga.
Why not try tarot or i-ching?
tank is currently being fucked by his gypsy daddy. they dont let him have a phone on the campsite
you are too kind
depends on what you bring to the table my amigo.
Kind of, just being put in my place, I guess. I have a preference for when the other dude takes charge, at least with sex anyways. It's kind of psychological too.
To use an example my ex-boyfriend once bought me this faggy jockstrap to wear (i think they're a little cringe desu) but he just kind of threw it at me, and told me to slip it on, later in bed saying it was so "I knew my place". Anytime I'd go out with mates or whatever and get a little cocky, he'd (discreetly) remind me or pull the tip of the waistband if no one was looking. Hot at the time, but yeah hate that it turns me on.
I also have a pretty busy career too and think that goes to the lack of control I get from it.
in shot, i'm prob just an autist
Don't scare me
Sept to end of Oct: confusion and uncertainty, something is clouding your judgement

Nov: you will find clarity and renewed faith during this month, you will be more focused on your dreams and aspirations

Dec: you struggle with inner strength and self-doubt during this month, you might seek a mentor or see a psychologist
i think my estrobreasts are smaller than shiza's
it's all so boring.
doesn't mean anything
i had not just a premonition, but a vivid dream today that someone was stalking me and my good friend and we had to run, dash, ride just to get away
but our day went by and nothing out of ordinary happened so far
i mean in life everything ties into everything. a comedy a tragedy a porno. your tale is one told a thousand times. you hate that it turns you on, but that only adds to the fun
I’m tired of people comparing me to you, I’m literally better than you in every way!
>depends on what you bring to the table my amigo

A lot of spanking
oh i am sure i got big unnaturals
wait if you're a tarot bottom, we gotta get to reading someone to cross examine
you'll remember that vivid dream when it does happen, often premonitions can be days, weeks, months in advanced
Santino's dick is bigger than mine and this pisses me off.
You are white, you never had a chance
why are you looking at dicks? that's not very Christian of you
i dont know if anyone has said this before
but you have peasent slopping in the muck genetics
if it wasnt modern day you would swimming in the poopy dirt with all the mongrels
true, in the moment, then i autistically fixate about it being embarrassing and vent here.
i mean good start, the big thing with me is just being assertive. If you want to spank me, you gotta physically grapple me and bend me over. As long as you're taking the lead and just being domineering about it, I'd end up being diamonds
maybe go to the gym or for a run afterwards as well
that kind of thing
if ur getting me comparisons its over for you genuinely
did that make you feel better about yourself?
certified banger
>you gotta physically grapple me and bend me over

> then i autistically fixate about it being embarrassing and vent here.
you can put your attention where you like
although keeping up the "self-hate" & "repression" makes it more fun
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It’s never been so over smhmyhead
well i'm doing a shit job at repressing it lmfao
anyways yeah i get where you're coming from
my fixations aside, the embarrassment of a guy having a kind of authority/dominance over me is part of the reason i'm into it.
if you're ever in the middle of fucking no where in euroland may our paths cross my amigo
its a very common thing to be into. ties into a lot of psychological stuff (as does most stuff). both a quick in the moment coom & a cozy blanket away from the troubles of the world where you're constantly wanting to control what you can't
ok i got wands knight of swords and ace of cups
that means it's not so over
Jaaaaay I want your Willy :3
That's actually quite a good reading actually.
mind you this man pushing 30
You can play with mine
more like TheThief
Is Jay 30? Or me? I am 30 in a month or less ye.
I got Queen of Cups, Two of Swords and Five of Wands for tankanon.
Mhh I am tempted.
well you obviously
Can I suck your toes while he does
you want xan?
Here, here. Sucky sucky.
The thief of what?
Hot, you're lucky anon. Might actually try this at some point. A pity he stopped there he could've had you in a chastity cage to really make the point. Just stop overthinking it and accept the reality of course it's fucking embarrassing that's kind of the point.
Just had my ass reduction surgery... it was too big and voluptuous... was detrimental to my wellbeing... was like sitting on an exercise ball 24/7...
Gib discord again.
I don't have Discord, and I thought you didn't racemix
Just so you guys know Apostle will try to dox you if you add him on discord and he has done it in the past
Did I have you on discord doe? Never removed you I think. Can't recall your name.
and even though i'm lecturing im just the same. sucks more (or is even better) because im bi and feel like im betraying a straight side too
Gag that bitch

Congrats on your graduation!
Also he's a visibly retarded diagnosed schizophrenic 30 year old that lives with his mother
Thanks, congrats on being retarded
No, I never had Discord
Ugh whatever.
That's probably because you have no friends
Wigs be flying
Not that I want to be friends with the kind of people who use Discord
Some people just use it to talk to there friends when playing games :p
You're a social retard that can't hold a conversation and you would get bullied by twinks. No one fucking likes you once they get to know you and that's why you can only communicate by acting like a rape ape and hoping that other social retards are dumb and horny enough to larp with you.
tfw no literary arthoe male but also female but male (or female.. probably) bf
Maybe I'll use it for that purpose in the future but I really don't wanna overload my laptop with Minecraft or things of the sort. I jist use it for studying.
Unsecure your wigs katy flopped
Ladadee ladada
I only play like Rust and shitty itch.io games on my pc, never really got into pc gaming. It’s kind of retarded and makes things way more picky
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Hey bro your actual face is archived and you live in Argentina
This is impressive? I'm not sure why you think this is some kind of rebuttal.
is five of pentacles the hierophant wheel of fortune good
He thinks I'm scared of him trying to dox me and that he can get me to shut up by threatening it
What do you play on your console?
And I live in a culture where I will suffer no consequences for any of the things I've said. You, on the other hand...
>I know you feel it
>Can you believe it?
>I'm gonna flop until the end and then repeat it
Why would I have to refute the things he said? He's clearly malding and afraid so he makes up weird fantasies about my life.
>noooooo you have to explain yourself
OK, if you enjoy giving your power away I guess
not the white hispanic nazi malding again
Your consequences are living in Argentina and dying alone and unloved. Mine would be saying "Nah that's not me" or "I was just kidding" and people would believe me because I'm not a socially retarded rape ape retard like you are.
Looks like a dad from pixar. He's kinda...
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Glaucoma anon <3
A lot of things, I play a lot of old fighting games, rpgs, older cods, and new gamepass games. I wish Sega would give us Jet Set Radio Future for Xbox backwards compatibility.
>ohhh yeah in my mind he doesnt go out and doesnt talk to people on the daily ohh yeah AND he lives in argentina and is going to die alone in 80 years OHH YEAH im so winning this argument
Did you play bomb rush cyberpunk?
anyway i boiled it like someone suggested and gave it a shot again and i feel at peace now
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Usual gaygen I see.
Also you failed your classes again
Personally, the economic situation doesn't affect me enough to be worried. In fact, in January I'm going to this place https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SqmWYw7gGyI where the Argentinian elites spend their time for a well deserved vacation.

If anything, I'm happy about the whole situation, about the economy falling and people living in poverty, because that's exactly what I told everyone was going to happen, and what I literally WORKED to prevent through political activism and working in the ballots.

People voted for this out of hate. They got what they deserve.
Your parents are disappointed in you and know you are going to squander your inheritance
Yes! I was kind of disappointed honestly. It felt really lifeless and almost like a knock off of JSRF with “multiple modes of transportation”
as expected, delulu tranny, all mouth
u r so fuckin dumb, im guessing u aint even nowhere near what one could describe as white
shut the fuck up

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