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>find out about hrt at 14, try to transition
>no adult will sign off on it, parents won't let me work so never enough money for diy that won't run out
>finally start hrt at 19
>good results for a midshit, manage to skate to passing twinkhon status after a few years
>if that's where 19 got me where would 14 have gotten me
>keep thinking, 5 years
>5 whole years
>a weak puberty but FIVE extra years of it
>constantly haunted by thoughts of lost trupassoid potential
>never quite sure if this is the machinations of the worms or if it really all could've been different
pls share me some wisdom on this anons
life sucks and you can't change the past just enjoy what you got
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You can't affect what isn't in your control, and unfortunately nobody can control the past. You're wasting time and energy thinking about a what-if that cannot be remedied. This is time you lose thinking about time you won't be getting back.

Instead you should make the most of what you have now. It'll be enough. Things will be okay.
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Don't worry we actually live in a deterministic universe and your fate was determined by quantum fluctuations in Quark-Gluon Plasma during Quark epoch of the early universe, your life cant actually turn out any different to how it has
So should i kms ?? If i have no free will... (not op)
whether or not you will kill yourself has already been determined
i know this is true, how do i force my brain to accept it? ;~;
should i just repeat these facts to myself more often maybe
one day my research into quantum field fluctuation dynamics will prove that free will is hard coded into the universe and you will look like SUCH a fool for this post muahaha
you should find a way to live and be happy that's my take (and i am the doomer op)
kinda but there’s more to life than being the most based “passoid” as long as u pass then whatEver
>should i just repeat these facts to myself more often maybe
this and also spend more time just doing things you enjoy and finding new things you enjoy. the human brain is stupid, if you are just sitting at home thinking about sad things you will be depressed so you have to trick it with dopamine

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