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qott how old are you?
33 year old chaser here.
im metaphysically older than every single person in this general ciombined
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Took a picture just now :)
26 mtf but i usually tell people i'm older than that as some kind of reverse cope for being upset that i'm old
You’re fucking ugly.
Are you still locked out of the chasergen server run by Veronica
Fairly attractive, but why does it always look like you haven't slept in 3 centuries
aw man aw jeez i'm gonna be 25 in under a month and it's scary
19 yeaw old chasew hewoo twannews ><
Since when is 26 old and why do so many trans women have Peter Pan syndrome?
ew get away from me disgusting bottom
26 isn’t even old.
Well according to blackpill incel June, we only live till 30 and then fall off the map
22 but wgaf
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that pic gave me the good kind of psychic damage
im 30 and i miss the early/mid 2000s so much. i want to go back
gocky wocky! gocky wocky!
i've been psyopped by the dicaprio meme
>peter pan syndrome
it's more like wendy syndrome. i'm grieving the loss of my late teens and early 20s as a shut in. i wasted my twinkhon slut era
tell that to men over 25 and under 40. they make women my age feel old
I’m a 30 y/o man lol.
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oh ok thanks in that case i am reinvigorated by your validation and now feel in the prime of my life B)
85 next jan
nta, 26 feels old compared to the rest of the trannies on this board who are all in their early 20s or late teens. you dont have access to youth resources anymore and i work an actual job where i have to be professional and cant be some bpd bitch
>tfw she asked you for money and never talked to you again
Why Carmen we could have been wives.
>qott how old are you?
ancient -_- (23 in like a week)
19 million kabillion years old.
lmao! rotfl even!!
You can't be real lmao
tell me about the war
I'm a 30 year old millennial lateshit tranny on 18 months of HRT and I embarrass myself by girlmoding to emo shows
rawr *glomps u* *nuzzles*

this thread subject granted me legal protections to do this.
>qott how old are you?
Every single time a 25+ thread gets made it's 90% MtFs and many are in their 30s, anonette
You just described every millennial chasers dream gf
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I’m suing you, better lawyer up fucko.
Im a passoid and think thats based
I hear them... I still hear the drones...
>emo shows
doubt anyone bats an eye
i wan't to chop my cock and balls off but i'm not interested in being a woman nor looking like one. what am i?
and theres like 5 posters and the thread dies within 48 hours
A woman.
an eunuch in waiting duhhh
Just be a slut now
Im 28 and only getting hotter
Some 20 year old could never, i have so much more experience. Youre not missing anything only incels want a pillow princess. Real men want a woman who can milk cock like its their job sis
Last one probably had more than 40 posters and reached bump limit within 10 hours
Face it bitch, you are not that old
>you dont have access to youth resources anymore
really didn't expect this to hit so hard. like the government and community services are so there for people under 25 but then you turn 26 and suddenly you're expected to instantly shape up or go die. turning 26 didn't suddenly change the fact that i never had the family support, and what resources are there aren't enough to replace that support and leave people who lacked it with any kind of stable foundation at 26
i guess you're supposed to finish college and be on a salary before then
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boymoding today
I need you. Location?
Mentally ill unless you just have an ugly cock
Still a bit extreme tho
>how old are you?
45, divorced chaser here.
big empty house in need of an interior decorator
23 its so over
There's no government services for people over 25 where you're at?
31 too old to be chasing, knees are shot, cock shoots dust but I have veiny forearms so I have that
The gov just gives up on you after that age. Its just a numbers thing, statistically youre just fucked. Trans people are different we are stunted by having to go thru 2 puberties to be a real person, but we get fucked over by drug addicts who out number us 4:1.
29 year old old tomboy moder
end of life celebration creeping round the corner
my hobbies are knitting, baking cookies for my grandchildren, and heavy metal drumming
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boy moding today
i love older tranners
Boiimoding today
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good luck, my lawyer has had scene bangs and raccoonstriped hair since 2007. we're unbeatable
(sorry whoever i took this pic from on reddit)
i really wish i could do this
haha, you are so funny!!
some benefits disappear completely. mostly it's like, just made a lot easier to access things. they fast track school aid and social aid for young people, a lot of small preferential treatment things. in theory i'm all for giving young people more support but i wish we'd just do that for everyone who needs those services also. age shouldn't be a factor for deserving opportunity. but to the government age means less economic value and less chance of adding kids to the future workforce. the elderly only get preferential treatment because they vote most
To be a scene prince in 2012. I bet you listen to 6arlyhuman like a loser.
do you guys pass for younger? i get carded for lotto tickets its kind of annoying
yeah pretty much. just fucked cause at 26 my life is basically where it should've been at 20. now that's my problem. then my family also tells me "you're too old to need support" hahahaha.
good thing i also have extensive medical bills piling up
thanks obamna
i am unaware of what 6arlyhuman is, sorry to disappoint or maybe the opposite of disappoint
gonna boymode for halloween
no i look like a mom
reminds me of this legal youtuber i stumbled on once who was a high powered corpo lawyer that quit her job and became an influencer with the dyed hair and scene bangs and a different pair of sponsored warby parker glasses in every episode
Get with the times grandma.
im jealous ive always wanted to mom-mode
Literally me but 25
Trannies stop complaining about everything challenge [IMPOSSIBLE]
Shit can get crazy, internet fame is such a fucking meme it’s insane.
fat lana was kinda an inspiration but i wanna get skinny
>do you guys pass for younger?
i guess i do, i'm 27 and people still ask me what i do in high school
Leave that meme back in 2018.
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same, except for the renaissance faire instead of halloween
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Picrel today
i wanna gain weight i want a bigger ass desu
ditto. i was picking up my transcripts and some school staff started chewing me out for ditching class
i really should start just throwing out content on different sites to see if anything catches
i've never tried, i do a bunch of creative projects and research projects but keep both to myself, just things i do out of interest. i always wonder if i'm leaving some obscene money on the table
Finna get a bbl, so I can be bbl bugsly.
Go for it, if it’s something in the public zeitgeist or something abstract enough to garner cult like attention you have the best formulas.
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Whats your fetish?
Talking dogs
Being called zigger.
>You just described every millennial chasers dream gf
Didn't know I was so desirable
>I need you. Location?
I live in Ohio
Why can't you do it? Scared?
>emo shows
>doubt anyone bats an eye
Yeah they really don't bat an eye. I girlmode when I go out usually and still present male for like work and stuff but yeah like I think nobody really bats an eye in general. I think I'm a clocky pass when I put in effort
>Im a passoid and think thats based
It's really fun
Why is the dog sitting like that?
the japanese beat him with sticks and trained him to do that
Big pp women
Cincinnati or Cleveland?
near rick
Um wtf
acid sex
Think Frisson will ever come back or did she permanently bounce due to that psycho?
>Why can't you do it? Scared?
yes. it is not yet time to girlmode. ill go to emo shows in girlmode after surgeries
though i am not interested, i am extremely intrigued
wait you mean acid like LSD and not like corrosive liquid dont you. nvm not interested or intrigued anymore
i wanna bf to cuddle and cook for
has anybody seen frisson?
she probably bounced dont blame her either
making a charcoochie board of cut up fruits, deviled eggs, sandwiches, and chocolates and having a picnic in the park with someone. Just basking in the sun and laying my head on their lap talking about nothing and everything.
Yes, few tabs and some music mm
when a guy is fully clothed waist up but fully naked below

0 idea why that is
Now that Rick is gone she should come back
How do i stop getting attached so easily? Im falling in love and i barely even know him..
>Cincinnati or Cleveland?
Cleveland, I'm a bit skinnier and slightly taller than most guys and I have voluminous curly dark brown hair, maybe that narrows it down enough :^)
Chief Keef type of day
many are saying this or perhaps saying the opposite of this
tell us more, what did he do?
Gay, Cincy on top all day. Y’all football team is ass, and you don’t have a hockey team.
Me that sounds nice
qott I'm 22 and my husband 33
36 year old chaser here. Feels good man. So many mid 25-30 year old trans girls around want someone just a bit older than them. What a time to be alive. Sometimes it feels like they're the ones chasing me.
fuck guys, a 19 y.o. tranner messaged me on grindr and really wants to meet soon. I'm 33 and she keeps on calling me daddy. How fucked am I?
Either your balls or blood is going to be drained
>How fucked am I?
Almost guaranteed
Do we know with certainty that she even existed? Might just have been Rick
she's mexican
marry her in two years!! I was 19 when I met the guy I married
you think she's psycho? She wears a lot of sissy barbie shit in her photos. She has a collar that's pink and says sissy on it. Seems more like a gay twink than a tranner. I still want her though. She even sent me a verification photo because I didn't believe it. do 19 y.o. gaytwinks/tranners really want old daddys like us?
that would be ideal
in the good or bad way?
Cleveland is shit, that's why it's awesome
No I don't like tripfag or post my face or anything
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Meet more people so that they become one of many and not the only person in your life.
He just gets me. I dont get the ick from him at all, not even once. Im not supposed to be easy Im quite attractive, i just cant help myself. I want to please him and be good enough..
I already don’t like you, now you’re doubling down on me disliking you? Insane.
text him right now, with just the words "thinking of you :)"
>you think she's psycho?
Given what you described. Yes, but if good way have fun.
I was Rick the whole time
35yo chaser
what if he reads this thread id die of embarrassment
Good point, maybe there is another like him out there.
>what if he reads this thread id die of embarrassment
What if he doesn't and you catch him with some love judo
man i get so high i can pronounciate
I’m old I’m 33
Is there a new chaser gen that has been formed? I don't think I'm still in the older one.

also any chasers in Detroit/MI?
rick hands typed this
rick did nothing wrong anyways, twinkchan just made up fake rumors about him with transbian discord cliquers like mina.
oppsite for me pants on top off on guys is hot
but then with girls it's top on, bottoms off
You have no idea how back we are
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I'm a busy woman lol. I genuinely apologize for this. Please add me on discord (secondclass), and give me another chance.
I'm bored. What should I do?
It went well? Good for you then
Are you the dumb cunt who used to spam post with images of Vicky from fairly odd parents?
Read a book
This is a trick, she'll take money and run again
how do you know she isn't actual vicky from fairly odd parents? broaden your mind
I am. How did you know?
Silence newfag a schizoposter is larping
>qott how old are you?
29 and two halves
Shut the fuck up retards.
Jesus, you’re old. How does it feel to know that your best years are behind you?
I'm away from Discord right now but can you add me so I can get your username later? My username is beingnicehavingfun
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my name is bigguymandude
my worst years are behind me. My 20s were, mostly, a swirling hellscape. Glad to put them behind me
I guess, you’re still old as fuck though lmao
It's a good thing to do when you're bored
yeah, true
Do we have any intel on Aura's butthole?
This is true
Umm nopee
wait is the dog fucking really a thing and not just a meme
my ex used to always sleep with her pitbull in her bed and she sleeps naked, concerned
You’re old enough to be my uncle dude, that’s kinda crazy. Where’s all the young people at? I feel like I’m always talking to fucking millennials.
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QOTT: 20,

wish i was still 19
post nudes and/or leave
If your perspective on her is that shes annoying for avatarfagging you dont know carmen
I hate the fact that you’re my age, I genuinely wish you were older and closer to the end of your life.
i feel l ike the oldest 19 year old in eternity
like i was in a coma for.... 9 years
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Yes. I've been here for a looooong time, since like 2018.
Nice try, but they added this board in 2022.
why do you think you came to be known as 'smelly bussy carmen'?
Carmen why won't you text me back?
should I flirt with chasers or just take a midday shower with a toy and finally get over how horny I'm feeling
carmen how do i eventually pass as well as you?
c'mon man
>Where’s all the young people at? I feel like I’m always talking to fucking millennials.
on 4chan i always feel like im talking to zoomers
there are a couple other 30-year-old zillenials ive met but most are under 25
so idk how you're finding all of the older ones. It must be your consummate maturity and old soul.
Stop old shaming I am an uncle.
Feels bad man
When did they add it. I remember them doing it but I wasn’t very active in 4chan at the time
This poster needs a handsome chaser to hold them and tell them its alright
People agree that I'm cute so why am I chronically single atm? What drives people to not love a tranner?
I hate you, please die.
this board feels pretty old to me, except the reddit UwU :3 babytrans

guess its better they be here than on reddit asking cisf how to be more feminine
It's probably your personality, or a refusal to try to get it yourself
We are all going to age and die one day and there is nothing you can do about it.
LMAO I was hoping you didn’t notice that.
Cringe, I’m an only child.
This attitude unironically. Being confident is literally half of what being attractive even is. An attractive person without confidence becomes threatening because they seem to have ulterior motives. People will think youre just looking for attention/validation
>all of you are old

Shut the fuck up.
This entire site should be 25+
Ignore her, she's mentally 3 years old.
Get over yourself, June.
Both sounds good
Most of the older posters got annoyed by annoying youngshits like you and left actually
Uncles can be any age, there are uncles that are younger than their nephews
Agreed. I fucking hate zoomers like June.
Agreed. Younger people are even less mature these days, its like hanging out with teenagers
based suggestion, shame the idea would be shot down immediately by the groomers and the jannies
probably trash personality
There is a few good people under 25.
Maybe 25+ with some exceptions
why are you all so mean
33 … I’m 34 in December D:
Stop having a woe is me attitude about literally everything and maybe people would like you more. It's insufferable.
How about you uh, Shut up loser.
Because you're fucking annoying and should fuck off back to Tumblr where your ilk belongs.
No, gay baby
what are you even on about
I am not, i left tumblr because reddit transbians kept sexually harassing me
Have you tried not being an incel, pick me, trans fucking retard? If you haven’t you definitely should.
>except the reddit UwU :3 babytrans
oh god... that's me, isn't it?
i would be cool with 24 and up...
Who are the ten best tranners here?
I do not like spider
He does not belong in this gen since he is not a chaser and not a tranny (yet)
Furthermore he is ugly and annoying, boring and stupid, and always rude
Womp womp autigga. No one likes you here.
Sarah, Pichu, annd eight people who post anonymously (including me)
Why do you all keep having to shame me for having insecurities
are you guys treating me like this because i havent posted a new pic in a while?
Youre very tone deaf thats all. Dont realize how lucky you are, its insulting to anyone who didnt have those same privileges. Trustafarian vibes. Also the whole self hating trans thing isnt helping.
People are being rude to you because you're reacting to it
Simple as that
>calls this entire website old because she has age insecurities
>calls 30 year old women dead

That's why, you fucking retard.
I like june more than you. Youre just being mean to feel better about yourself
>are you guys being rude to me because I'm not an attention whore

Holy fuck, you cannot be this retarded. It's literally your insufferable personality.z
gonna use june's melons as punching bags. I'm allowed to do this since I'm trans too
I'm allowed to do anything I want, I am a powerful transgenner
I dislike you because you are a constant and raging doomer who refuses to do anything for herself June. It would be so easy for you to have the life you want, but you refuse to try and then whine that you don't have the life you want. It isn't complicated, you just like to complain.
Womp womp Ninner.
It’s because you’re stupid, you’re very loud about your stupidity.
you have the mental capacities of a 10 year old and you're incredibly tone deaf.

consider eating a handful of fentanyl as it would benefit us greatly
did bug post face?
:D <3
no, june, it's because that's how 4chan treats people
don't post pictures just to earn the approval of anonymous strangers. It won't even work
You have a habit of only responding to rude people and trolls and ignore nice comments and helpful users
my fists don't know what a youngshit is, I'll still give you free ffs with my knuckles, consider yourself blessed
>qott how old are you?
35 y/o.
I think I've slept with eight trannies.
this but anon is edward scissorhands and punches very carefully (it's actual ffs he just does it wow so fast)
What do we know about June's butthole so far? We can assume a certain level of tightness. However, we currently have no data about the shape, colour, taste, smell, et cetera.
I can confirm due to my having researched it personally, that has quite the taste, and the feel is even better
you're just a failed male tranny like me if you weren't born a woman, equal rights means equal fights so I'm gonna turn your ass into a piñata you dumbass, gonna make the candies come out of your ass
have you considered not being a retarded nigger? and no, this isn't just 4chan being mean for lulz sake. you are unironically tone deaf. you're a pick me retard who expresses her insecurities while at the same time making some people feel bad. you don't take anyone's advice and complain all day. you are an insufferable cunt and i pray that god grants patience to the unlucky man that has to deal with you.
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I’m being mean to pop myself, I’m finding ways to entertain myself.
The people on this site are more bipolar than I am :/
are you actually bipolar you seem fairly normal when you post itt
You are all so sad. How can any of you dare ask me how i got on this board when youre all more sensitive than a clitoris. I can deal with all of your behavior every day but the moment i say anything kinda sad you all lose it. You all have the biggest "whataboutme"isms. I hope each of you gets 100 personalized rape threats
Rosewood 1-8
that much self hatred is also cringe tho ur a retard
>100 personalized rape threats
At least you don’t have people fiending over your voice.
I'm starting to understand more and more why your father left you and your autistic mother.
Good list.
For real. I thought I was crazy but damn
I dont think people care as much as you think lol youre just words on my phone girlie
Work on your transition so you can get a bf instead
What's good about Sarah exactly?
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Damn that's crazy. Anyways... let me hit
it’s not called self hate, it’s called being humble, and you should shut the fuck up before I add you to my humbling list
I am your God, remember that
thats a gay twink not a trans girl
Trip on Rabbit
I've never been diagnosed but sometimes I wonder because of my mood swings. Probably not tho
u drink pee out of a bowl every single day bc ur gay
im anon
Don't care, didn't ask. Be a good failed male and show us your tits and asshole. Otherwise, fuck off back to Pintrest or Tumblr or wherever basic white cunts like you belong. Come back when you're mature enough to think before you speak. Literally the only good quality about you is your body and that's saying a lot for a tranny.
She seems chill unlike the other trips idk
Congrats on winning that strawpoll
shut up you failed abortion gay baby, cone head ass ninja, poopoo caca scat baby born from the depths of satan’s anus, you don’t know shit about the milk of my effort, I will drink your blood for SUStenance
Genuine and kind. Doesnt have the crab bucket mentality other posters do. I also stan sarah
I can easily get a bf as my flamer self currently, I just don’t want to. I want to whore around and get free poppers
i spent my life savings on that campaign but it was worth it :)
>"oh my god you are unhappy with your body? b-but that make ME unhappy with my body and its so obvious youre attacking me, anon, personally and trying to make me feel bad. How dare you hurt my feelings i hope you get raped to death"
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After dating multiple trannies I have concluded that on average they're more narcissistic and unbearable than real women.
No one is doing that June lmao
You are illiterate
post tits and hole or get the fuck out
Then how did I read your post, little piss baby
we don't care, go back to discord with your dogshit drama
See, illiterate, couldnt even read a 3 word post correctly
first of all im not even ill my doctor says im fine second idk what that even means and yea i did “ate”
pretty white girls are cuter when they don't open their mouth to say stupid shit.
I dont want this thread to be about junes insecurities anymore can we please change the subject or are you that narcissistic that you wont let it go? We’re not all the same person you schizo.
June is a little piss baby, someone get her some diapers
>cook, clean, suck, shut the fuck up

it's that simple, june
frick u this made me sad at work
Estrogen makes you crazy and the only treatment is good dick
Anyone listening to music right now? I need suggestions for my workout.
I prefer domestic abuse as that gets the message across more long term.
Listen to Static-X and Coal Chamber, nerd.
im a zoomer lifter trans girl so i listen to hardstyle at the gym like a retard
i have my un-chill moments. But thank you, anon. <3
it makes me so happy that you get that impression of me, anon. im trying really hard to be a better person. im not always successful :P but this means im probably making progress!
LB. Did you post in /cbt/?
DV is just retards who cant bdsm properly
I miss old Code Orange so much bros.

Can’t help it, I’m in my Angel Dust era.
Oh some older metal recommendations nice. Ill put some of that one.
Devildriver is one of the coolest bands I have seen live
I don't know much about it but ill look into it
lol this is a thing. Its interesting
Oh there good. I have heard the name but never listened.
Not when the intention is to get a message across via violence. This isn't for sexual reasons. Whenever I see a woman with a black eye, I talk slower because clearly she doesn't listen very well.
You make me wanna be a better person too. I hope you appreciate that part of yourself, its special and worth valuing.
loser fagget lol
um can you call me that next
We both know you dont talk to women
I only talk to my mom and sister. When women try to talk to me they realize how autistic I am. Its a fun little surprise for them.
I never speak. I just stare at people until they get uncomfortable and leave.
okay, yeah, that's based
thank you anon, that's very kind of you to say
talking to women is a feminine trait. why do you, as a man, want to socialize?
Sarah will always be the hottest girl itt no one even comes close
She's definitely the most down to earth one. If only these straight trannies were like that.
>Sarah thinks I’m based
Alright gamers, that was an epic win.
dont … me omfg
what happened to women support women
Hello, im a brazilian chaser, 29y. Any br girls to hang out?
Most of us are, but it's enjoyable to take on a persona here
>it's enjoyable to be an annoying cunt
I like to have some fun occasionally. One might say, a little trolling.
kill yourself
is it possible to be happy at work?
Why do you think people do it?
genuinely kinda a spooky way to think desu.
Only if you help
>is it possible to be happy
omg idk about all that
i will accept down-to-earth tho. Thank youuuu <3
oh i support you. im just trying to behave
Uh... do you need a hug or something? Maybe therapy
Not really
4chan has fallen
thank fuck june stopped posting. i hate women so much, it's unreal.
maybe shitpost somewhere else where people are trying to meet other people or be social, you retarded fucking nigger
Based department calling, I have someone who needs a raise for how BASED they are!
What do we know about Nils’ butthole?
Based cook that retard.
It simply is not that serious
>idk about all of that
prove it post a picture right now so I can tell you how hot you are
How has that gone for you? Have you met ANYONE off this board?
We are on 4chan not Hinge, it's kind of the point not to take myself seriously here.
maybe hitler should have been allowed to finish off the mentally ill
uhm... okay, here's one of the few i can stand to look at
https://unsee cc/album#riRXQq9rl65d
You just dont get it im going to meet my wife in a 4chan thread and then uproot my entire life to be with them. Surely this is a great strategy for finding love and youre wrong for not taking it more seriously.
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Idk why people hate on you constantly for your looks, you’re actually very pretty
gm spichon
It’s 1:23
This is Nikocado
Am I the only one here who prefers other 4channel spergs? I've met up with people from here and would honestly rather meet people here than on dating apps. A more common attitude seems to be
>I'm too good for other 4channelers
But I never felt that way personally and maybe I just got lucky but the people I've met off here were all great, albeit some a little weird
you're gorgeous you look like the scientologist girl from the walking dead
i opened it fully expecting to see nikocado's coinslot asshole, but nope, it's actually a cute pic lol
I'm still going to nut on you baby.
I can fix that
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gm hope you slept well :)

gm I love you
It’s 1:27
me too
morning for trannies is anything past what normal people tend to wake up because they tend to be losers.
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<3 u too anon :)

ahh im in the wesr its still kinda morn here >:)
Im ok I just don’t believe in being happy. I think you can be happy in moments.
Morning Rose
I wake up at 5:30
Wow that's retarded my dude
anon please, you can be a 9-5 wagie tranny and still a total loser. hate getting my identity erased like this, baka.
I went to sleep at 5:30
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i sleep in on my days off , but yeh true at least for me. a few months ago i was sleeping till like 2

gm dude :)
I'd like to spend all day in bed with you
liking trannies is bi and there is nothing anyone can do about it.
You’re lying scammer.
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while listening to chill wave all day playing old games, and only getting up from your embrace to provide you snackies
Liking me us gay if you want it to be, doesn't matter, it's hot
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pon and zi posting begins
What game?
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ya got me!

and thats ok

if you didnt wanna play paper mario, if you do then either something of your choicr or a fun party game like mariokart or smash bros. the possibilities are endless tho
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I'd watch you play paper mario with you cuddled up against me and my arms around you. I'd like to see how many times you can bounce.
Ya maybe. But my pursuit of being happy was making me depressed. Now I just look to be happy in small moments. As long as my whole day isn’t sad I did something ok.

Goodmorning everyone
>the dude
I'm not into the whole brevity thing. Can I call you El Duderino?
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Good morning pretty trannerds
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always forget these baka, im 22 gonna be 23 in february

very good, very comfy :) im very good at the power bounce. you do mean in the game right anon?

hope you slept alright :D

>As long as my whole day isn’t sad I did something ok.


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Why’d you lie to me?!
:> thnk uu
haha ive never seen walking dead, but thank you anon, that's very kind of you
I did, thank you! <3
I never knew they had names
Was up late last night having sex sorry
Not allowed
summoning some discord drama to spice up this thread
has anybody seen frisson?
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Haha yes
I really need to watch that show.
has everybody seen frisson?
jinkies i lost my glasses and frisson is but a vision of a past that is gone and taken from me by a big glasses woman with giant honker nose
Yes dude we know you're still here
feels like im catching some collateral damage here
I'm so glad you got that lol Is that actually what your trip is from?
You’re getting sneak dissed on the down low
Ya it is. Love that movie.
it was funny yesterday when someone posted the /hm/ thread with the gay bottom rick had been stealing pics from
it basically confirms that whoever rick is, he lurks /hm/ and likes gay porn
lmao what a faggot
Lots of us chaserbros are bi
That's chill just don't be a psychopath
all of us chasers are bi because it is bi to like trannies.
Not true we're just more likely to not have hangups about women who are trans
It’s kind of a complicated conversation because bi can mean a whole range of things.
AMAB + Feminine AMAB= Bisexuality.

Trannies are not natal women. They are trans women. There's nothing wrong with being bi but you can't deny the fact that being with them is NOT conventionally straight
We can all agree that rick is a faggot
This is why they don't like you bro
what's so complicated about being bi? you like both genders and one would assume being OK with AMAB features. if anything, its more pansexual. this isn't a slight against trannies but its a cope to say that liking them is straight.
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is it really that bad? :(
>I don't agree with what you said therefore trannies don't like you!!!!!!

wow nice compelling argument you retard. nice emotional response too.
I like how fucking good you are with photoshop, you actually make some funny ass images.
No one cares. Literally not a soul. I don't care if it's gay straight or bi to like me. All I care about is finding a nice guy who loves me and that I can build a life with. Nothing else matters.
Omg who cares no one is going to top you faggot now leave
oh god that is too nostalgic. 28(?) btw
Someone asked if I can go to gay prom in boy mode, should I wear a suit
seethe harder feminine AMABs (not women)
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nice chad facial features
I cannot possibly seethe harder than you lil incel
Wouldn't that be stifling yourself in the one place where you're supposed to do the opposite of that?
I mean unless you're like so comfortable that you'd prefer doing a meta commentary than going all out
>i don't agree with your opinion and have no retort, therefore you're an incel!!!!!!!!
The two types of chasergen selfie posters.
God, larper schizo incel is so boring
This poster for example >>37331898. They've posted pictures. For those who's seen them, it's NOT straight to find them
It's just gincel being pathetic like he always is, isn't it?
So suit
On the one hand I was offered glamping and cuddles
On the other hand I don't want to be a boy twice for prom
as an AMAB, yes. suit.
I do consider myself bi because it’s easier to tell people that. But I like trans women for the same reason I like cis women. I am attracted to feminine features.
My retort is that im not ywnbaw posting in the tranny fucker general for the 1838th day in a row
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managed to install sims medieval and make it work im so happy rn
>i have no argument against your point so you're an incel

at least your female thought process passes
Who tf is asking you to boymode to gay prom when you should be going all out in the other direction?
so no argument against my point and you agree then? cool.
Sex is everything to the whore.
>Lots of us chaserbros are bi
u shouldn't be
thought that lady gaga was you for a moment before i realized
you're an AMAB with AMAB features regardless of HRT. you do have feminine features but your AMAB skeleton is still there. liking you is bi.
do truhussies always dislike bi men?
Oh no gincel you won we’re all detransitioning rn
Maybe we’re just clowning you because youre incapable of getting another person to like you. Volcels exist too you know.
nice biphobia
trannies take anything that doesn't validate their gender identity as an insult. it's like playing chess with a three year old.
so why are you always here if you don't like tranners?
A lot of the extreme-brainwormed girls will never not be paranoid about a bi man secretly liking her in a gay way, sad but understandable
Just don't channel that into weird prejudices, have a partner preference for yourself it's chill
do people truly forget the madness that rick spouted? Sounds he escaped from a mental institution https://vocaroo.com/1jJZ3aCuo6ry
nosemogs twinkchan
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holy fuck has pichu been "The Sniffer" this entire time?
I like what I like. Fight me

Don’t actually I’m a coward
has anyone sniffed frisson?
There’s a medieval sims game?
Gaga the goat.
Post on your multitude of trips retard, you done goofed.

True, it’s why I don’t fawn for straight men. It’s a pipe dream, for me at least. I’ve only ever pursued bi men and they’ve pursued me. It is what it is
Hello Rick
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I feel like you have really nice smelling tits
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Having a bi boyfriend as a tranny is the way to do it.
Hopefully not insensitive to ask, but are those burn scars?
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who the fuck is Rick? I'm the Sniffer. The OG sniffer, not some copy-pasta bullshit fake-ass sniffer
why does it look like you have a permanent agp smirk and like you swallowed an entire very sour lime
liking me is gay asf liking trannies isn't
everyone dislikes bi men
it's not just about that, like even if I passed 100% and knew the attraction wasn't gay I'd still never date a bi man

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