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Man Tiddies II Edition

>QOTT #1: Tips for working out chest?
>QOTT #2: What part of your body would like to instantly improve if you could?

Previous thread: >>37237151


>Am I bi if I like women and femboys/traps?
>Am I bi if there's this one member of the same-sex I'm desiring, but normally I like the opposite sex?
>Am I bi if I sexually like both sexes, but only interested in romance with one of them?
Yes, sexual attraction to both sexes is bisexuality.
>Do you love me, OP?
Yeah... sorry. I know I'm not good enough. It won't happen again.
>What's the difference between bisexual and pansexual?
Only difference is that our flag is prettier.
>Am I bi if i have periods where I feel only attracted to women and others where I feel only attracted to men?
This is known as the bi-cycle and many bisexuals experience it.
>Am I bi or am I 'prison gay' or porn addicted?
'Prison gay' is not a real thing and porn addiction does not alter your sexual orientation. You are bi.
>Am I bi or pan if I like trans people?
Both are able to be attracted to trans people.
>I think I might be bi but I can't tell. How can I be certain?
Just make a point to check out memebers of the sex you think you might be attracted to and see if anyone grabs your attention.

Resource for Bisexuals:
>QOTT #1: Tips for working out chest?
Really think about the volume you're hitting your chest. If your only push exercises are bench press and overhead press, then you add dips, you're basically doubling your chest volume. Add some pec flies and then you're tripling it.

>QOTT #2: What part of your body would like to instantly improve if you could?
Triceps. I like the bigger tricep look, it's subtle but nice and visible in clothes.
It depends where you’re at. Push-ups are a really good place to start. Three sets of whatever you can do without pain. Once you work yourself up to 3 sets of 20, rinse and repeat with wide-arm push ups, then elevated push-ups, then elevated wide-arm push-ups, then increase the height of whatever you’re using to elevate.
Weight. I’m scrawny and suck at bulking.
Bros, broettes and everything in between, how the fuck do you drop fat and still keep muscle mass as a chunkhunk?
I’m 6’2” and 230lbs. BMI index I can not remember off the top of my head but I’ll try to figure it out again if it’s needed. Been doing keto for 3-4 weeks and lost 10 lbs, have been in a deficit every day besides maybe once or twice, switched from stronk lifting to bulk/enduro lifting coupled with walking a few miles about 2-3 days a week (lifts are every other day and I do the big 3 40-50 reps a piece)

What the fuck is the secret? Is keto a crapshoot should I just do normal deficit and run a bunch? Do I have to stop lifting so much? I decreased my weight tremendously. I just wanna look hotter and increase my dating pool, I like where it’s at but I know it could be better. I have “pErSonALiTy” and good sex and compassion boxes checked (or so I’ve been told) but my charisma turns off when I meet hot people and I think having less chonk would help my confidence and increase the chances of hanging/dating w/a QT by a lot. Men (trans/cis) and trans women like the chunkhunk dad bod thing I got going on but I just wanna weigh a bit less and be slightly leaner. I stagnated after I lost 10lbs so maybe I just gotta stay dedicated, but any advice would be great
It’s really as “simple” as deficit (doesn’t matter how) and 230-320g of protein daily. 10 lbs is pretty impressive over 4 weeks, so it seems like what you’re doing is working. Unless you feel you’re losing muscle, in which case, make sure you’re getting that protein in.
Word, I was feeling pretty good about it but I stagnated for like 5 straight days and went back up almost a pound. It seems like based on that I’m still building muscle maybe and maybe I found a literal fat born/stronk gain happy medium

Still I think I just scare women because I look like a Viking and only men and mtf seem to really dig it. Which I’m perfectly pleased with it given they’re typically 8/10 or better (I’m not even a big looks guy) but I wish more ciswomen drooled over me the same. Anal is incredible and I’ll never not love it but I miss vag, I’m recently single from dating a trans women and haven’t touched cis vag since like February
Scaring cis women with a viking-like body doesn't mean they aren't into you, they're just scared to approach. You'll have to simultaneously approach them and make them feel safe.
Yeah and that’s literally my problem I can talk to anyone like im a diplomat until I see hawt people then I just turn retarded

Doomed dumb shitter who can’t get ladies bc am puss
Unfortunately I have no practical advice for you either, I am an autismo but I'm non-threatening so I always end up with femdom gfs
Is it approaching you’re scared of, or is it once you get into a conversation you fumble?

Another odd thing is I attract mostly black and Hispanic women, I won’t make a generalization but literally every white woman I’ve ever talked to either doesn’t respond whatsoever, is like talking to a glass of water, or just has some main character complex and I stop hearing from her. Pretty weird, some black and Hispanic women were similar to the 3rd example but I can at least get a phone call/hang out of it half the time
Both desu. I just try way to hard and end up saying something obviously just pushed out of my head forcefully to not leave any awkward silence, I can be as still minded as a monk whenever I’ve done martial arts/sparred but I am utterly defeated by the beauty of a female and even plenty of pretty dudes
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waist/tummy. wish i had a narrower waist but idk if i can actually get it to slim down further but i know i can get my tum to be flatter.

i'm no expert but pretty sure it's kcal deficit, lots of protein and keep activating to avoid atrophy?
Targeted workouts to burn fat are a myth, fat will burn lastly in where it collects the most, for me it’s my lower torso, hips and tits.
>I’m 6’2” and 230lbs
I'm 6'5", 235. What else is needed to qualify as ChunkHunk?
i'm well aware u can't target burn but the loss will be the most noticeable on my belly. wish i could have a rounder and fuller face still like i did when i was chubby but that figure was not worth it.
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>>QOTT #1: Tips for working out chest?
Aside from the obvious (more chest volume in the gym) throw in at least 100 push ups a day. It's a lot less than what it seems. In the gym I like machine chest flies (pec deck) - I can go really heavy and push myself to true failure and incline barbell bench. High volume push ups give me a nasty pump which always looks good.
>>QOTT #2: What part of your body would like to instantly improve if you could?
Chest, I have legit gyno and I'd kill myself before taking my shirt off in front of a stranger. I look like picrel but a bit bigger it's so embarrassing.
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A reminder that at 21 GMT we will choose the next 2 movies for movie night!
You can give your recommendation now by replying to this post

>what the hell is "movie night"
its a special night where bigen comes together to watch on Discord two movies chosen by the community

>when will movie night take place?
its FRIDAY at 22 gmt

>where do we watch the movies?
on the Bigen Movie and Game Night Discord server:

>i don't usually post on bigen/never took part in movie night, can i join?
Of course, movie night is open to anyone, just remember to mute yourself during the movies, be civil and have fun!

fyi: this is the list of every movie we watched so far:
Dracula 3000

Let's try again!
There’s always fillers if/when you have the cash.
Chunk and hunk?
>What part of your body would like to instantly improve if you could?
My skin. Zero acne or ingrown hairs
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yeah might go for those especially once i start looking older. i know i shouldn't worry about it but i do. i'm very insecure about my appearance when i'm not in a stable relationship.

From what I’ve read, being in a calorie surplus makes it easier to gain muscle while being in a deficit makes it really hard.
I read a thing about body recomposition in Starting Strength by Mark Rippetoe (that I will share when I get home later today).
If I were a hunky chunker trying to lose fat and gain muscle, I would eat at maintenance/slight caloric surplus and train consistently doing compound exercises w heavy weight. Squat, bench press, overhead press, basically the Starting Strength program.
Rippetoe said that big guys following the program will stay the same weight but be slimmer around the waist. Will share later
>calorie surplus makes it easier to gain muscle
Yes, this is bulking
>calorie deficit makes it harder
Yes, but you can still maintain a large amount of your muscle mass if you keep your protein up. This is cutting, which you normally do after you’re satisfied with the bulk.
It’s extremely hard to lose weight without eating at a deficit.

I’m still interested in what your source has to say, so please do share!
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The poll is now open, no further recommendations will be accepted.
The voting will stop tomorrow at around 4 PM GMT, so be sure to vote before then!

Here is the link to the server:

>how the fuck do I drop fat and still keep muscle mass as a chunkhunk?
>wanna look hotter
>less chonk
>help my confidence

Lead me to believe that Rippetoe's program could help our beautiful chunky hunk. Think less "cut" and more "re-composition"

"A program of this nature tends to produce the correct bodyweight in an athlete. That is, if you need to be bigger, you will grow, and if you need to lose bodyfat, that happens too"..."[Chunky Hunks] see a different result entirely, as their bodyweight doesn't change much for the first few months. What they notice is looser pants in the waist, legs and hips staying about the same, shirts that are much tighter in the chest, arms, and neck, and faster strength increases than their skinny buddies. Their body composition changes while their bodyweight stays close to the same, the result of a loss in bodyfat due to their increasing muscle mass".
Mark Rippetoe, Starting Strength 2nd Edition Basic Barbell Training

So it takes months to get results, but if you want less fat and more muscle, the persistence and hard work is worth it.

>Do I have to stop lifting so much?
>Is keto a crapshoot?

Rippetoe says that you can gain muscle and lose fat with this program, lifting heavy weights three times a week and eating well.

"'Well' means 4 or so meals per day, based on meat and egg protein sources, with lots of fruit and vegetables, and lots of milk. Lots. Most sources within the heavy training community agree that a good starting place is one gram of protein per pound of bodyweight per day, with the rest of the diet making up 2500-5000 calories, depending on training requirements and body composition".

"Essentially, you squat every workout and alternate the bench press and press, and the deadlift and power clean. This schedule is for three days per week, allowing a two-day rest at the end of the week".
Mark Rippetoe, Starting Strength 2nd Edition Basic Barbell Training

TLDR Follow Rippetoe's program for months, lift heavy, don't cut, and you will lose fat and gain muscle turning you into an even sexier version of your sexy self ;)
pwwwwease vote for PUSS IN BOOTS

look at how cute he is awwwww

Dont sadden a cute little kitty!
streaming fo4 in the bigen funhouse discord!!!1!

sike i gtg
When the biphobia comes from other queer people it actually hurts I'm never prepared for it the way i can just brush it off from cishet bigots
They genuinely believe some wild prejudiced shit just because you like more than one gender
luckily its only 4chan schizos who believe that
lol idgaf what them homos think. you know some of them cut their dicks off? wild stuff.
what exactly do these ppl have an issue with? cishets or lgs?
Did any of you watch the new Netflix series about the menéndez brothers and what did you think about it
yeah its pretty based junior has caused nothing but problems for me
>queer dating app HER conducted a study of over 2000 users on the difficulties and struggles that bisexual people face
>The study found that a staggering 34% of bisexual people have been labelled “greedy” or confused” due to their sexual orientation. In addition, 27% of bi users stated they had to come out multiple times depending on their partner.
>Additionally, 28% of bisexual people have faced accusations of being more likely to cheat because of their sexuality, whilst 38% said they felt awkward dating altogether due to questions surrounding their bisexuality.
>Unfortunately, 40% of bisexual people admit feeling invisible in LGBTQIA+ spaces due to the bi-erasure they have faced.
>QOTT #2: What part of your body would like to instantly improve if you could?
Remove all loose skin from my body
No thoughts really, that checks out
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surprised the numbers aren't higher desu.
It checks out but I don't really care. I am bi4bi and it's a lot of fun anyway. I generally just act like I'm a straight guest when I'm at queer events and I just have a secret that only my gf and close friends (and guys I've fucked) know.
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Build up muscle in general. Gym and running are what I normally go for re exercise, but am studying atm so that's on a bit of a hold.
Swimming recently took up water polo because a mate needed someone.
Was bit self-conscious with the speedos (more used to jammers) but getting used to it now.
I'm working on my chest. My girlfriend straight-up told me I needed to work on my chest more. I love eastern european bluntness lol. Other girls have always been like "oh you're fine"
It's time for us to have our own app.
I unironically would worship a dude with a chest like this.
Bu I am a bisexual woman, my tastes are unusual.
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Always trying to expand my tiddies—good thread
some day i hope to rest my head on a chest like that.
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And we have the two winners!:

>Puss in Boots: The Last Wish

So see ya later at 22 GMT!
post speedo pic anon
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I dont give much thought to these 'studies' because their results hinge so much on how the study was conducted and who was polled. HER could be a shitty grindr tier community for all we know, and thats to say nothing of how they conducted the test. Biphobia does exist out there to some extent, but if there wasnt a peer review, then it might as well be poo

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A reminder that in 2 hours Movie Night is gonna start! Here is tonight's selection:

>Puss in Boots: The Last Wish

>what the hell is "movie night"
Its a special night where bigen comes together to watch on Discord two movies chosen by the community

>where do we watch the movies?
On the official Bigen Movie and Game Night Discord server:

>i don't usually post on bigen/never took part in movie night, can i join?
Of course, movie night is open to anyone, just remember to mute yourself during the movies, be civil and have fun!

fyi this is the list of every movie we watched so far:
Fwiw I would let you—I love being the headrest! I will expect you to pat them and call me a good boy tho
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Good evening !
Its finally time to start another Movie Night! Tonight selection is:

>Puss in Boots: The Last Wish

Here is the link of the stream, don't be shy and come join us! the film will start at 22:10 GMT


>what the hell is "movie night"
its a special night where bigen comes together to watch on Discord two movies chosen by the community

>i don't usually post on bigen/never took part in movie night, can i join?
Of course, movie night is open to anyone, just remember to mute yourself during the movies, be civil and have fun!

fyi: this is the list of every movie we watched so far:
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I'm totally seconding this >>37340751 right here.

Do not worry. We will take care of you~
i'll run my finger across ur chest and tease you until you put me in my place and earn that good boy status. afterwards yes i will snuggle up and call you good boy and pet you.
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Felt my brain shift down multiple gears reading this, I’m hopeless lol

This sounds fun but I genuinely have a hard time being dom. I have to approach it in a very circuitous way, like I’m doing an elaborate “trick” and secretly submitting. It’s easiest when I’m just ordered to do things with my strength directly (lift me up, fuck me against the wall, pin me down as firmly as you can, etc.). Sorry. Awoo.
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The first movie of tonight, rango, is finished ! The second movie, Puss in Boots : the last wish starts in ten minutes !
good night
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nah i get it i hate switching to dom too. have to like somehow channel some femdom power bottom energy to make it even remotely fun.
only seeing this now
sure why not I have a fairly average physique working on it atm though
being a dom is fun tho
you just gotta go with it confidence is key
you look homely
ouch i am wounded anon
i don't like to penetrate so dom has very little appeal to me.
Nice, you kind of have a swimmers body
I like the lean slim tone build so the second photo is perfect
Were you bulking in the first?
ah that's fair to each their own
thanks, a little, still think i'm a skinny fag in both would like to build up a lot more muscle ngl
Bros nobody told me how passionate sex with men can be...
I'm still thinking about how intense yesterday was, not just the sensation of being balls deep in a skinny guy (although that was crazy too). But the pure careless passion I felt is something I've never experienced before.
And the minutes after, when we were just holding each other covered in sweat. My face in his chest. His hand stroking my head so sweetly. I went into this expecting carnal pleasure and I got a spiritual experience.
Passionless sex is boring and useless.
Cheers, anon. Glad you had fun!
>I genuinely have a hard time being dom
Hey, that's ok. I have a hard time going sub, but I've tied to make it work for vers partners.
>to each their own
>Hey, that's ok. I have a hard time going sub, but I've tied to make it work for vers partners.
that's nice, anon
same here, I find it helps (if the other dude prefers to dominate) to just lose the control and follow him.
i find it difficult to get into the mindset, but once I kind of get rid of that apprehension and just accept the role, i enjoy it more
still kind of difficult for me to reconcile it afterwards sometime (feel a little embarrassed) but it's good to try new things and make your better half happy
>it's good to try new things and make your better half happy
For sure, life is simultaneously too short and too long to say things like "I'll never do that." Within reason, obviously.
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that sounds super wholesome v happy for u anon.

>feel a little embarrassed
nta but i'm exactly the opposite as in i feel embarrassed after domming. funny how that works.
it's a weird psychological hang-up I have.
I have a deep voice, masculine interests, top most guys i meet and obviously take the dominant position with women too
so, you know, reversal of the roles kind of causes this cognitive dissonance, particularly so where it's not just topping but being "dominated" by a guy
it helps if I let go and just follow him - or if the dude is stronger than me and confident - but still feels a little out of place you know?
Tiddy pup here again. I’ve experimented with it before, but it seems like the only dom persona I can channel is “jock bully.” So if getting your face shoved into pits while being called a pipsqueak works, that’s a trick I can do. :P
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i think i get it? at least the cognitive dissonance sorta.
i'm tall but skinny.
it feels super wrong for me to try and act dom, it seems fake like my partner is patronizing me because most of the time i'm physically (and emotionally lol) weaker than my partner. only ever tried it with one nerdy girl who was fairly tall and wanted to experience someone taller than her taking charge. i felt super awkward afterwards.
never even considered trying to dom a guy.
>never even considered trying to dom a guy.
This is just brains being brains I think because EVERYTHING you just typed out is me, just inverted dom/sub. I'm just a top, not a particularly "dom" one (bit of a lovemaker/romantic) but I can be. I just can't be a sub/bottom, my brain is not built that way. No one's fault, imo, our minds are just fucked up playgrounds.
to be fair one of the times I was the submissive dude in the relationship (well we switched technically), this was kind of the role he would go for.
would end up clad in a jockstrap or whatever and there was a lot of grappling to the point that he would kind of shove me into his pits and crotch, verbal shit too, telling me to beg
that kind of thing
really just had to kind of suck up my instincts and just lose control, and once I did, I did enjoy it, just felt a little out of place.
yeah not going to lie I'd find it far more difficult if I knew I was stronger than the other dude. I guess part of how I justify it is by accepting that because he's stronger than me, I can cede control, and once i do I guess its easier to be more i don't know obedient? or at the very least to accept it?
sorry i confuse the words sometimes but yeah basically i yearn to be the sub/bottom while you're the opposite. i'm pretty vanilla and enjoy cuddles and romantic stuff tho so maybe we got something in common despite being polar opposites :p

>if I knew I was stronger
yeah exactly. at least i got to experience how awful it is when the sub/bottom is limp, inactive and barely participating so i know not to do that to anyone i'm with lol.
>because he's stronger than me, I can cede control, and once i do I guess its easier to be more i don't know obedient?
you're definitely getting it haha. i love being pinned down and physically overpowered for that exact reason. downside is that it requires a lot of trust and that's not always easy to come by.
I'm a pretty masc dude and I love to get dominant over smaller guys, but then when I'm done I melt into a total wet puddle of emotions afterwards 3:
>maybe we got something in common despite being polar opposites
There's someone for everyone out there. :-)
>when the sub/bottom is limp, inactive and barely participating
Zero stars. Will not call back.
Same, but I love being dom over a guy that WANTS me to be dom on him, I don't like being dom for the sake of being dom/aggro. If that's what he wants, he can get it, tho. lol
>melt into a total wet puddle of emotions afterwards
So, if you've ever been in love with someone, and after you're done it's so passionate and emotional and deep that you're both holding each other and balling, wife that shit. I didn't. Worst mistake of my life.
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>There's someone for everyone out there
yehh i think i found my ideal fwb too bad we live quite far apart. hoping to visit him soon tho.
Time ran out? Can't access the album anymore.
>I’m hopeless lol
You ain't hopeless, you are going to be well-treated and won't need to do anything at all~

>lift me up, fuck me against the wall, pin me down as firmly as you can, etc.
Gotta say I miss lifting up guys against a wall and kiss them passionatly. Hell, even kiss them while holding them on my arms and move around the house 'til we find a bed... I miss this so badly.
>Gotta say I miss lifting up guys against a wall and kiss them passionatly.
6'5" bro here. Tend to date itty bitty thangs just so I can do this. I love it. They love it. We all love it. kek
100% agree on trust, especially if you do lean one way (like me) and do not have too much experience being the submissive one in the relationship.
to be fair I did have to work on being more active and less limp, but I think I've got better over time. A little cringy but with my ex-boyfriend, just accepting that he could overpower me, did flick a switch in my brain that triggered a sort of obedience and a thrill from accepting that another dude could put me in my place, so def not a strict dom top or anything.
to be fair, I never thought I would want to be domed before until I was. Knowing that a guy has this assertive quality and wants to explore that, I'd feel bad (provided I did care for him) about depriving him of it.
as a default, my preference is to be dominant, but if I knew my boyfriend had that inclination, I might not instigate it, but I would switch to the more submissive position even if there is a bit of cognitive dissonance.
I do this as well with taller guys than me lmao
Nobody shall escape my sweet, sweet embrace.
there you go anon, i have a fairly average physique tho, still trying to build up muscle.
>would switch to the more submissive position
Good on ya, and I've done that too, for those I really wanted to stick around, just never felt "right."
But, again, props. Everyone should be unselfish enough to go a bit out of the way to make people happy sometimes - in the bedroom and outside of it. World would be better for it.
strong agree there anon
bigen be a bit slow today what gives?
Nice weather across most of the country would be my guess. It's gorgeous out there.
cute what is water polo like?
fun, i'm shit at it though, and doing it as a favour for a mate
it's shite where i am ):
Miserable here in Boston too
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love Boston lived there for a bit when I was in America
Oh yeah overall I love living here, just unusually bad weather today.
I'm about to grab a cold one and go cut the lawn. It's supposed to be shit here tomorrow so I guess I should get off my ass. Be good, boys.
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enjoy mowing the garden my friend.
nice, yeah I was in and around Salem and Cambridge for a bit but yeah, loved Boston as an outsider. Sweet night light, cute lads, twas pretty good
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where do i find bi men? gay guys aren't into me but i very much am into guys
pulled something in my shoulder/neck at the end of my shift on friday
just in time for it to hurt all through the weekend
We're everywhere. Hiding in plain sight. We're married with kids, we're divorcees, we're lifelong bachelors. So many more dudes are Bi than even they themselves will admit.
I know that doesn't help much, but all I can say is, if someone strikes your fancy, ask.
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Which way does your boner curve bigen? does it have a left or right slant? Boner census starts now
Just a slight upward bend, straight as an arrow otherwise. It hangs to the left when chilling.
left. i always dress right, though.
for the bi guys here, do you like your men masculine or feminine?
>Which way does your boner curve bigen? does it have a left or right slant? Boner census starts now
Yes kek
Before my current bf I was with a camo-draped hunter and a total fem nurse practitioner. I care more about the person than if they're masc or fem so I'm probably an outlier here.
Though I have preferences in each camp. I like bigger guys to also be a little hairy.
Hi everyone! I was told to post here because I guess respectable boyfriends exist here but..im not so convinced :/

hey girls and guys, I just fucked myself so hard I mist have broke a blood vessel becaus my precum had blood in it, AMA
OWWW?! Omg go to hospital hurry?!?
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I am suspicious of your .mov files
I’m not sure what a mov. File is but I have an iPhone if that answers your question?
I had blood in my precum before, pretty sure it's not a big issue
mine goes only slightly to the left, but has an arch to it, bows downward
I usually can't stay hard when something's in my ass, is that a problem?
Oh, cute.
Wish I had your body.
No human being I have met off site from here has been that. Save for the one dude I went bar hopping with. Didn'y try anything, for better or worse.
Eh. Ran out of luck again. I'm only now at home.
But it's fine. I can live without your visage.
Thank you for trying to provide again, though.
Hey /bigen/, Posted this in another thread but figured there’d be good info here too. I’m 20 years old and think that I’m probably bi. My first relationship was with a girl, but now I want to try and hookup with other men while I’m still fairly young. Does anybody have any advice for someone trying to experiment and bottom for the first time? Not trying for anything serious, just want to have fun safely without getting in over my head and regretting it. Thanks!<3
I wouldn't fuck right off the bat
First dude I was semi serious with, I let fuck my thighs first. If you do plan on actually taking it up the bum, get on prepp or sleep exclusively with people who have clean std tests and wear condoms.
Sleeping around honestly kinda blows, it's far less exciting than I thought it would be. I'd get a good fwb over hook ups.
Huh, yeah that makes sense. Maybe that’s something I can build up to later, but I at least want to try giving head. I Don’t know if sleeping around with multiple people is the way to go, although I’m not sure how getting with the same person would work out if all I’m going for is sex. Is there any good places to find people? I’d be willing to try either online or in person but I still can’t drink in public at least. I’m open to any advice
I found my gay fwb on /soc/, but honestly finding people is hard. /soc/ is pretty good though (quality of people may vary).
It is rough you can't drink yet, but I'd recommend going with a friend to conventions, and then going to gay bars a year later.
Grindr sucks, but it's at least gonna set expectations for who's in your area. Same with any other hook up app.
It's all I got friendo.
Thanks for the advice anon, I’ll look around and see if anything works out. Don’t know why I thought this was gonna be easy lol
uh idk about that man
ah i wouldn't think so. i meant limp as in not doing anything, not moving, not participating.
is having some kind of label like bi or some other orientation important to you? how often do you rationalise and categorise what you are attracted to or what you like and don’t like (even in a broader sense outside of how one might think about sexuality?)
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i don't really care about the label personally or feel the need to rationalise or categorise what i'm into it but it can be useful when communicating with other people.
i like all sorts of people and bodies but find myself falling for personality more than anything else. even ppl who i thought before were kinda unattractive at first can be hot if they know what buttons to press to get me going. rather than explain all that it's easier to just slap the bi label on.
not really i just like pretty lads and girls
nta but hypothetically if i wanted to make a boyfriend who is into being the dom happy, what do i need to do? do i just follow orders or what? is there a certain mindset i should try to get into?
no worries anon like i said fairly average physique anyways.
masc guys, feminine women
could you see yourself dating someone who was trans ?
maybe, but it's unlikely, if i'm being honest
mtf tend not to pass, there is always something just a little off difficult to explain, the voice especially
ftm perhaps
from the ppl ive dated the boys have been more on twinky side and girls have been more tomboyish type. it’s probably the same aesthetic brand of androgyny either way - I don’t think abt if someone seems to act masc or fem or not
no that’s common-and u shouldn’t feel u have to be imo unless you want to finish
You put is better than I could this x2. Twink boys/Tomboy girls are my lane.
To add to this, my bf doesn't stay full hard all the time when we fuck. Doesn't bother him, doesn't bother me. I fucking love when he's limp/soft and I can still make him cum though. Making him leak is my reward for a job well done, fr.
joke's on you I can finish soft
I would be that guy. I never make a move on the first date, I want to prove I'm not a fuck boy and that men can have friends without needing to fuck them.
No more blood pretty soon after the initial incident, still no more after having used the toilet a couple times. My ass is sore but I'm pretty sure it's fine. I checked on google though and it doesn't seem like anything that I need to worry about, though I didn't try googling specifically "blood in precum due to rabid ass-pounding" for fear of reading some horror story and being paranoid for no reason. i was actually being pretty careful with the depth because I knew my sigmoid colon isn't ready for anything yet and the toy I was using is much firmer than my others. Never expected I'd actually get that one out of the packaging so soon, he's quite large
i remember once feeling a little embarrassed and apologising to a lad (he was hot really wasn't an issue with that) and he said something similar
much hotter getting a guy to cum from you physically railing him apparently
he also said that he felt more dominant than a lot of other guys and there was something about him being "bigger" than me and the contrast that emboldened him
can see where he was coming from desu
>something about him being "bigger" than me
Yeah, that's how it's always been for me. Everyone I'm with is smaller than me, but that's not by choice, just a byproduct of being 6'5". While I'm bi, the one clear commonality my partners have had is they're all smaller than me and they've all gotten off on me being a hulktop.
It's kinda crazy how many bottoms like being folded up like a card table and smothered. Not complaining, just odd.
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i switch, but yeah, it's interesting
i think for me it's less about being roughhoused, but knowing a lad can grab me by the neck, and then get the better of me instils this sense of submission.
a little cringy but kind of like i've been claimed
i'm a little cocky and assertive in everyday life too, so when a lad does instil that feeling, I pull a 180, and become this meek quivering bitch who will do what I am told when I am told
takes a certain type to do this to me, and no idea why i end up feeling like that in the moment, but there you go
Everything is situational, everything is conditional. Even sex.
Can I borrow your abs for a bit? My laundry washboard broke. (you hot af)
true, true
oh anon wish that was me but alas, just a photo of some lad
I'm sure you're hot, too, anon. Everyone is hot to someone.
nice and wholesome pilled
i do alright, find it's pretty easy to get laid anyways
more difficult to finds lads who can make me feel like >>37363522 tho
It'll come. One day.
The greatest irony is that majority of people who we are attracted to aren't attracted to us back.
I feel like the opposite is true
I'm pretty average and get guys way out of my league
The issue is that a lot of it is via online dating so it fizzles out or just ends up being a one night stand
Woman require a lot more effort than guys tho so just applies to them
>I'm pretty average and get guys way out of my league
You're an exception that makes the rule, anon. Even in sex apps (or cruising points) that's not that common.
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>bottoms like being folded up like a card table and smothered
yes please.
page 8 bump
Are you a fan of being lifted up and carried and shit? That's my signature dom power move, fr.
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i dream about it yeah. the only bf i've had was too skinny to lift me comfortably (i'm 6' 155lbs) so i've yet to experience it truly.
if some lovely guy picked me off my feet and princess carried me to bed i would let him do pretty much anything to me.
>i would let him do pretty much anything to me.
If I'm carrying you to bed, we making love tho. Slow and passionate, Barry white shit.
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yessss that's the dream
Sweet dreams, anon.
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based verse switch

>i think for me it's less about being roughhoused, but knowing a lad can grab me by the neck, and then get the better of me instils this sense of submission.
this is just what it is to be human
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I need help understanding what I'm feeling.

I feel like I've lost my sexual attraction to men. I've even become unaroused by my fetishes. Consequently, I don't want to have sex with my boyfriend. My friends say it's the bi-cycle. They say I should give it time, but I've noticed my interest in men lessening and my interest in women increasing as I've gotten older.
post pic anon I'd say you're better looking than you think
is 155lbs too heavy to carry? should i lose weight? some friends i've chatted with online claim they could easily pick me up but idk if they're just trying to make me feel better.
You're in a rut and feeling FOMO. Do you jerk off often? Give it like 3-4 weeks of no masturbation and see how you feel.

Most guys who aren't completely weaklings can probably carry around 120-135 in their arms without too much struggle. Stronger guys should be able to hold 150 ish, but maybe not walk around with that. My boyfriend is 137 and I can hold him while walking kinda slow. Easiest are the super twinky or small guys, anything 120 lbs or less is pretty easy to carry.
It's just an easy way to say what you're generally into without getting into specifics. I like guys and girls, if they're trans it's not really any different, I'm just into people and vibes. If I don't like your vibe, it doesn't matter what you are.
you may just be experiencing less horny in general, due perhaps to depression
yeah echoing this actually. I was working a job I fucking despised recently and until I finished with it I was legitimately never getting hard unless I forced myself or got high. Now that I'm done I've been popping boners again.
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ty for the answer.
doubt i can go below 140 without looking too skinny but may as well try to hit that while i'm waiting to find someone.
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you guys have been doing your pullups, too, right? don't neglect your back
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Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War and its sequel are currently on sale on Steam, and bundled with their expansions for free.
I've nowhere to perform such an exercise — I shall never trust doorframe-mounted bars.
goddamn you are one buff boi
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>exgf and me split 2 months ago, long relationship, bad breakup
>yesterday I went on a clothing shopping spree, got a manicure, today I bought a lot of YGO and came balls deep inside a cute twink at my local porno theater. With a condom of course.
So how are the rest of you degenerates doing?

...I still miss her
They're ok if your doorframe isn't complete shit. going to a park and doing pullups there is also an option. i believe in you
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forgot slutty back pic sorry
is anybody else not into anal? i'm scared to even try dating guys cause how am i gonna tell them i don't like anal? it's like a girl saying she's not into piv...
i used to hate anal because i was really bad at it and doing it wrong so it was always gross, hurty and stressful.
now it's kinda fun at least solo as i no longer have to do that awful rinse and extensive warming up, just some lube and i can stick a dildo right in and enjoy myself.
i feel like i could finally satisfy a boyfriend though i don't have one.
what did you change to where you dont have to rinse anymore?
the other day i wanted to cheat so i came here for help and y'all told me "nothing wrong with it, it's just a fantasy!" and you know what? it was just a fantasy i never did cheat i barely oogle the guy anymore and i only think about him not very often so thank u guys.

now i'm just mad because i feel like my gfs cumdump and i don't know if she sees a future w me at all. she's so damn independent it feels like she doesn't ever want to live with me. her parents want to leave for two weeks on a trip and said i could stay over at their house and you know what she said? i didn't even say a peep and she already said "no way you're gonna stay here for two weeks"... her parents god bless them i love them so much they said to her she should keep me around so i can cook her dinner. regressive but i'll take it because i want to be there with her. she said "yeah you can come make lunch then leave and come make dinner then leave" bitch i may as well never go back
god bless riamu yumemi because without her i would still be crying over the idea of my girlfriend and hopefully future wife not actually seeing a future with me. if i'm so annoying why don't you leave me then. she's always complaining about me she always has something to say about me.
she's so manipulative you guys she said she was planning on killing herself before i swiped off her feet but she doesn't want to anymore. so what you just gonna kill yourself if i leave? (she doesn't mean it that way i'm being menhera)
i don't know what to do with her. i want to punish her by being an asshole, but she's too smart she sees right through that bullshit. if i respond "k." (i never have yet) she'll just ask what's wrong and talk me down from being a bad person. but i'm still so angry and i don't believe her when she says she wants me forever
i wish we could talk about our fetishes the way we talk about music. "i got into it because X" "what i like about is Y".
Why can't we?
changed my diet to be only fibre rich foods and taking fibre supplements when i eat stuff that's low fibre. even if i stop doing anal i don't think i'll ever go back to not eating like this.
It works. The amount of fiber my bf consumes is CRAZY yo.
it get's you banned from the food court.
pls no bully
Nah dude you're actually pretty cute
Very handsome guy
Not even gonna look at it.
You're awesome the way you are.
Have a get day everyone!
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you look kinda mean but if you're nice in person you're hot af imo.
I wake up to see people on other parts of the Internet justifying cheating cause they believe the 70% cope number. Meanwhile I think about trying to find if the earth is flat cause I want to walk off the edge.
Waifusim in bigen was unexpected this morning.
promise i'm nice! that's just my resting face
sweet anon, you too
cheers anon
thanks irl probably look worse would still say i'm pretty averagish overall, not there there is anything wrong with that desu
what's the 70% cope number?

>promise i'm nice
yeah you're pretty hot then. doubt those guys you thought were out of your league are out of your league at all.
>70% cope number
nta but I think it's 70% of people cheat (?)
Yes the 70% if peopke are cheaters thing. In reality it is like 54%. But you see people claim the 70% to normalize it feels like.
54% is bad enough honestly ;_;
Have you ever worn a jockstrap for a dude? Seems exclusively something that gay men ask for. Don't have an issue with it, but it is something I've noticed
Another holiday to remind myself I'm still closeted and to watch annoying people talk about "discourse" in the lgbt community because of how void of actual issues their lives have
i think they're kinda icky.
I think revealing underwear in general is pretty hot, but jockstraps just look really gross to me for some reason.
Same, I think it's the association with it being sweaty and gross. Jockstraps are used in heavy physical activity often so my brain just makes the connection

Yay another holiday for more discourse about us and will change absolutely nothing for how bisexuals of any gender are seen
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>see a guy in porno who looks like an ex
>instantly become 5x as turned on
Im not hung up on him but he was a twink with 7.5 inches and man i miss choking on that
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ah sorry friend it can be tough to come out
yeah, for my ex-boyfriend, awhile back.
felt a little silly (and self conscious) wearing them, but they're basically just revealing underwear anyways so who cares.
well that's fucking depressing.
ah thanks anon, maybe i'm just a little self conscious, but a lot of the time i do think i'm playing out of my league
that or i'm just shy around people i find attractive who knows?
having game to play at all is a very good sign. here i am thinking of paying 100bucks to go hook up with a guy i met on discord who i don't
>who i don't
who i don't even find attractive.
aww don't do that anon
hook ups are awkward 80% of the time anyways, more so if you're not attracted to the other guy as well
>still no bf
so yeah having game to play only gets you so far
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i had a long term relationship end 3 months ago that hadn't had any sex or passion for years. been feeling desperate and lonely since (and honestly for a while before we even broke up) but yeah hookup is probably a bad idea. i told him he lives too far away as an excuse hope he ghosts me.

hate being 30 i'm no longer cute enough to have any game apparently.
just turned 28 so 30 is on the horizon for me too
age is but a number as they say i'm pretty sure you're probably more attractive than you think anon
i was with my last boyfriend for years, and it sucks going from one moment thinking that you'll spend the rest of your life with someone to it just being a fleeting memory
sappy, i know, but yeah.
maybe try a few dates first? see if you click with a guy or girl first and then go from there?
>you're probably more attractive than you think anon
aah ty but probably not. i'm part of a rather disliked letter if you know what i mean.
>going from one moment thinking that you'll spend the rest of your life with someone to it just being a fleeting memory
yeahh it's crazy how it feels like a distant dream already. so many years gone with nothing to show for them.
>maybe try a few dates first
idk i feel like i would end up fucking ppl around. i just need some love and comfort but i have no friends.
ah got you.
making friends can be tough as an adult too, have you tried joining a club or something? i've met a lot of interesting people playing football, hiking, etc.
sports are out of the question due to aforementioned issue but been meaning to find some kinda new hobby to go with gym. used to love hiking but previous partner owned the car and i'm too broke to buy one for myself atm.
maybe once i find new work i could make friends with colleagues. kinda feel rly unwelcome everywhere but maybe i'm just noided idk.
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hiking is great if you have any spots close to you
pic related
will vouch for it
it's pretty much work and hobbies/clubs once uni is out of the way, unfortunately
oh that's gorgeous. i live downtown but urban exploration is pretty fun too.
Where/which country is this? Looks fantastic.
Hiking is heaven, omg
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yeah i love it
anything involving being out in nature is time well spent
pic related one my favourite national parks in my country
Cute back, twink.
I'll give it a try anon. Thank you.
I'm not depressed at the moment. Not noticeably. But it's something to meditate on. Thank you.
bump for advice
>Anyone with experiences in mmf relationships, please tell me how it went and if you'd recommend it. I'm going out to dinner with a younger couple (me 40s, they're early 30s) on Saturday. We all get along great and I'm hoping dinner is just as easy going as our chats have been, just wondering if I'm as dumb as I think I am, setting myself up for disaster...hope not.
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>spend months punting for a cute asian cross dresser (yes, gross fetishism i know)
>finally find one
>takes days to organise with them about meeting
>£250 - 300 a hour, must rent a nice hotel, no sex literally just pretending to be your gf
fucks sake.
I just want to dick a cute boy (girl).
No, i had a gay guy ask me to wear a diaper before which i obviously noped out of.
both for a man and for a woman.
i got one of those for free but i came the moment i inserted. also, punting?
Ditto, wouldn't mind seeing you in that jockstrap (;
I'm jealous.
a punter is a sleezy / ugly man who pays people to have sex with him, aka me.
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Anyone else dated more guys than girls and kind want to date women again? I've dated one girl and never really got to the point of sex. But I've dated and had sex with a couple guys though.

I'd like to maybe date/hook up with a girl but feel like I'm not gonna be able to meet someone I feel compatable with.
Never had emotional connection with women and never had sex with men if that counts.
Some times I think of hitting on men with that description... Yeah, idk.
damn if only i was a cute asian
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How bisexual are you, /lgbt/?
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i talkes to her about it, turns out i just want her to need me as much as i need her and she does.
so i shaved my pussy to reward her for being a good girlfriend.
hey nobody told me shaved pussy feels like dry raw chicken. also i Know this shit gonna ITCH. i should've waited until my period is totally over but once i started shaving i couldn't stop
Use anti irritation cream. Also it does for everyone down there if they shave for both sexes, itchy especially under clothes unless you consistently shave it. Trimmed is just so much more manageable desu.
I used to bottom for a fat ugly guy before i went through twink death so i understand where you are coming from.
its basically just ugly bastard fetish in real life.
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thanks? this was awhile back though, like I said felt a bit silly wearing them.
think i prefer dating lads if i'm honest relate more to them
pretty bisexual, don't tell gaygen though, definitely more romantic with men however
Just the opposite, actually. I got married young, recently divorced and I have no interest in another relationship with a woman.
>i prefer dating lads
I certainly do now. I know the bf is happy for that lol
i am sadly single again nowadays, but hey at least i get to >no bf post
that's something right? ):
Eh, you're good. Just on the bench for a minute.
Here's to getting back in the game! Cheers!
thanks anon (:
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>How bisexual are you, /lgbt/?
enough that I got flustered and turned around when working out when a cute woman was working out in front of me slightly to the left and a cute guy was in front of me slightly to the right, I did not know where to look
>i am sadly single again nowadays, but hey at least i get to >no bf post
>that's something right? ):
you'll be posting with the best of us
>no bf post
feel youu
I'm just joking around. Don't care for jockstraps, but hot dudes in skimpy underwear is never a bad thing. Why did you find it silly?
nta, but even I find it a bit silly and I'm a baseball fag. it's hot tho
i feel like im only attracted to fem men and girls
doesn't feel bi
i think that's very much a valid way of being bi
hihi bigen


>QOTT #1: Tips for working out chest?
Like any muscle, flex it regularly
>QOTT #2: What part of your body would like to instantly improve if you could?
Long answer I won't quite give, but my sensitive, prone to wounds skin has been a depressing problem lately. It takes so long to heal too and I've got scars everywhere and they keep adding up
I don't want to be owned by BWC after cumming but I still want to worship BWC only women.
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I genuinely wonder what your life is like, asian BWC cuck guy. Surely you must have other hobbies and interests than just the cuck stuff right?
Honestly? Barely. I’m regularly attracted to cis men and passing trans men. I just don’t feel confident making the call that there could never be an exception, so I leave it open. More in the sense of “I’ve succumbed to the ‘woke mind virus’”, as opposed to “self-hating gay”.
>“I’ve succumbed to the ‘woke mind virus’”
I have, too. You're not alone. I see all these gorgeous trans peeps running around and my Bi ass is as confused as ever.
what's confusing about trans ppl to you?
i find the culture weird but one on one they seem pretty nice
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united in misery thanks anons
grew up wearing boxers mostly, so it feels like there is too much on display, almost feel a little vulnerable in them if that makes sense?
also, i was always anxious going out in them in case the band wedged upwards and this happened.
my mates are pretty chill with gay shit, but i would be crucified and never hear the end of it on the off chance they found out.
all banter i suppose, but still wanted to avoid that
It's just not my world. I'd say it's fascinating more than confusing.
Apparently when lines are blurred, I'm a big fan.
what on earth is a "boyfriend application"? two different guys have dm'd me asking if i'm taking applications. is this a joke of soke sort or am i finally gonna get laid?
>mfw I finally get to go to the Horse Fair (Fickstuten Markt)
Been wanting to join for ages, and this weekend I have a reason to be in Mannheim anyways. I'm so exited bros/sisters

odd coincidence
nice picture, yeah you're def gonna get laid if you want to, if they live near you ig
>am i finally gonna get laid?
They are definitely hitting on you that's for sure.
Yup, I've used it before.
What I was really saying was "I want to know what you're looking for and, fyi, I'm looking for a relationship not something casual."
ok ty for clarifying i feel like i'm out of touch sometimes and insecure so i always second guess people's intentions.

neither lives too close but i'm not in a hurry. wouldn't mind a holiday to get to know one of them at least.
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>never had sex with men if that counts
how has this happened? men are such sluts

flustering cunk is a privilege

ah i remember my days of building makeshift pontoon boats to transport the cum people across the fjords, good times
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You getting laid my man.
It's honestly cute that you ended up playing dress up for a dude in a jockstrap even if you thought it was silly or embarrassing
Bottomish behaviour, but cute nonetheless
Lucky guy.
harry potter is for cuckolds, that is all
Rope bondage is so based.
I AM TRYING. No ones around.
Holy Kek leave it to the Germans to turn an orgy into some autistic ritual
So are going as a top or bottom?
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i lean top but yeah to be fair i was more vers with him i guess
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what is the proportion of bottoms looking for a top in general ?
I'm approached 90% of the time about bottoming but i absolutely don't swing that way and whenever i look it up online all i ever see is it's meant to be the opposite, a lot more bottoms looking for less tops.
Definitely seems like bottoms are overrepresented in the western world where being gay is more or less acceptable. In places that aren't accepting, you can be a top because obviously it ain't gay to fuck a man in the ass - it's only gay to be fucked in the ass by a man.
maybe you just give bottom energy lol
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Heyyyy mfs, anyone want to watch cartoons? If I get a single yes I’ll choose four episodes of random cartoons!
It’ll be based I swear!
Okay, choosing now.
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SpongeBob SquarePants (S1 E8b) “Squeaky Boots”.

The Flintstones (S1 E4) “No Help Wanted”.

Duckman (S4 E15) “Ebony, Baby”.

The Super Mario Bros. Super Show (S1 E30) “Mario & The Red Baron Koopa”.

Showing starts in 15 minutes at 11:35 PM EST.
Oh and we’re watching The Flintstones first, then Mario, then SpongeBob and then Duckman.
bottoms are very common online but on apps it seems to be the other way around.
Imho bottoms are just a bit "louder", especially online, I think that's why many get the idea there would be more of them
You can always look up statistics of very common dating places like grindr or romeo, far from scientifical but might give you an idea
I'll be a mare/bottom
>bottoms are just a bit "louder", especially online
I think this is on point. At least I hope so, cause so many hungry bottoms going unclaimed makes this top a sad man. #nobehindleftbehind
everyone appreciates a vocal bottom
Congrats, you are gynophile. Nothing new under the sun.
I hate how the word pedophile just inherently ruins all other words that end in -phile. Words like cinephile would be cool if it weren't for that stupid suffix.
Is this a thing? That's never occurred to me, not once.
I suppose it depends on what your native language is. For mine the only word that ends in -phile that is regularly used is pedophile so perhaps that's why it's common to think about it.
Fair, I suppose.
>word "pedophile" ruining all other -phile words
This has never happened once in all spheres of society I've been on.
What kind of circle are you going to?
See >>37398834
Depends on your native language. I assumed it was more common in other languages than it apparently is.
Getting close to bump limit anons
What should the next edition be?
>What should the next edition be?
Biggest regret and biggest triumph.
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A reminder that tomorrow at 21 GMT we will vote for the next two movies for Movie Night! If you want you can also give your recommendation by replying to this post

>what the hell is "movie night"
its a special night where bigen comes together to watch on Discord two movies chosen by the community

>when will movie night take place?
its FRIDAY at 22 gmt

>where do we watch the movies?
on the Bigen Movie and Game Night Discord server:

>i don't usually post on bigen/never took part in movie night, can i join?
of course, movie night is open to anyone, just remember to be civil and have fun!

fyi: this is the list of every movie we watched so far:
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holy shit fr?
the skin i live in

black comedy drama lgbt spanish banderas core
Crimes of the Future !
get ready to eat your microplastics
fuck, stay safe lay

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