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Why do doctors torment intersex people whose bodies don't conform to their endosexist standards?
for the same reason trans people exist, to promote conformity, sex roles, and breeder behavior
either you make kids for the rich to have a well-endowed labor supply - or you get your bits cut off so you don't threaten the others by making it seem like you can have fun without breeding
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Why do you repeatedly push this easily refuted bullshit? https://interactadvocates.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/LavLaw-Trans-and-Intersex-Fact-Sheet.pdf
>Trans people exist to promote conformity
UKposter spotted, opinion discarded.

Seriously where the fuck do people get these insane ideas? This board is more conformist than most trans spaces and even it has a fuck load of gender non-conforming transexuals (tomboy trans women, femboy/shotamoding trans guys, etc.). Like seriously, see a mental health professional, you're showing signed of psychotic delusions. Your thinking is not grounded in reality or anywhere near it.
what is peer pressure?
what is implicit social pressure?
>hurr we just do this cuz its built in
okay but girls don't need testicles while girls do need boobs
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There is literally nothing wrong with being a transgender exclusionary radical feminist.
Women can't be protected from men, if men in dresses are allowed to self-identify as women based on a verbalized supposed female inner essence that can't and doesn't have to be proven (in your eyes), and may contradict yet supersede male behavior or physical traits
Why do you need testicles either?
i dont have testicles
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Minus the delusional bit in the first post, doctors torment intersex people for the same reason they torment and gatekeep trans folks. If a body doesn't wish to conform to the rigid societal binary, they try and force it to. If one is assigned female but starts to develop in such a way that would be contrary to how a doctor thinks someone assigned female should, that would upset that rigid binary and they must stamp it out if they can. To do otherwise might offend the meek sensibilities of the majority who view the binary as almighty, mandated by the heavens, never to be crossed or to have its boundaries blurred.
This board is not a safe space for the british. Bongers should have their internet privileges revoked.
Where does a modern bio book say that a bloke in a dress is magically a woman?
>verbalized supposed female inner essence
Being on estrogen*
bro made shit up just to get mad at it
>estrogen turns a male skeleton into a female skeleton and then nobody can tell you were male
ok, sir
nobody says that clothes makes you a different gender except right wingers terified of GNC people.
Hormone replacement changes gene expression, making cells/tissue act more like if they had XX or XY dependent on hormone being added
Homologous structures
Viable eggs from male people, viable sperm from female people
Most cis women have Y chromosomes in some cells:
Trans men grow prostate tissue
Trans women grow breasts identical to cis women's
the more links you provide, the more right you are
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Who the fuck are you, Andy Walker? I bet you eat panack as well.
the more links you ignore and dismiss as "clearly fake" the more smarterer you are
>ask for arguments
>get a shit ton
>"wow haha so weird"
What did you expect?
"uhm i actually meant for you to just state your opinion in an even wordier way and then I'll do the same repeatedly until you leave the thread and nothing has been achieved"
arguments provided in your own words are much more compelling
>here disprove this huge batch of time-consuming links I have never read myself
is not
I did read them. What the fuck are you talking about? And just how "time consuming" can it be? They're online articles. Are you fucking illiterate or something? I'm not asking you to read entire books.
ok then explain what your point is and how they prove it
give me like 4 sentences to work with
you can declare transhood and dress for it whenever you want, doesn't take hormones or surgery
I already did. You see those summaries I placed above the link clusters? Those would be the refutation of your idea that sex can't change and contains no achievable grey area.
most people are gonna assume a man who regularly wears female clothing in public is "trans"

crossdressing is an essential element
They're british, they're certainly media illiterate if not probably actually illiterate.
no you didn't you refuse to argue using your own words but want others to waste time reading disinfo shill links
because boobies are useful and pretty? aren't the testicles duds anyway?
I collected these sources myself and saved them in a notepad to paste when relevant. I did read them, and I've collected them over a number of years.
Ok, great, now use your own words to explain what point you hope to prove with them, and how they prove it.
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You only have so many weeks to live yet you choose to use them posting here.
Nta but nobody vows you that this isnt debate class
>I refuse to read neither the links nor the summaries and points made in the post itself therefore I'm right
what would you expect to people who care this much about 0.5% of the population (0.25 since they never even care abt pooners) just because some journoshitter and glowie told them to? these people develop insane biases against trannies, literally anything normal or well accepted is suddenly a cardinal sin if trannies do it 1/10th as much as the avg person. though here its also a result of moronic cissoids percieving transsexuality as a political statement
>I refuse to make arguments in my own words
>wahhh why won't people have defensive arguments where they have to disprove claims I won't even directly make myself

If you won't use your own words, nobody else will either.
god nature essentialists are so *fucking* stupid its unreal. they don't even have any religious excuse, not even the most misinterpreted bible verse supports this. literally making me 9000% pro-trans alone by how retarded they are you're literally getting mad at healthcare for being healthcare and doing its job
This was my first thought. The intersex person's testicles are non-functioning and always will be for reproduction, and only pose a cancer risk if they stay. All downside, no upside. Cis female breasts function to nurse their children, an upside vs a downside. Its an upside/downside analysis.
And what if they develop a male gender identity?
You've now castrated a boy at birth.
do trans people consent to being mutilated by puberty?
this one's good
>medical necessity
>intersex and trans as separate categories
trendershit trutrannies have intersexed brains. inward and outward intersex are still way different but it's all intersex
>arguments provided in your own words are much more compelling
>>here disprove this huge batch of time-consuming links I have never read myself
>is not
called it, LITERALLY >>37331298
I win teh internets
well then they're trans and that means we should have done the opposite of whatever they wanted done anyway so it's all good. if they were truboys they'd have argued with the doctors as babies
There's a whole well developed vein of neurological research that has repeatedly shown that trans people have an observable pattern for structural brain differences compared to cis people in the region of the brain that mediates the relationship between the mind, the body and the external world. These differences are direct physical correspondences to the experience of gender identity incongruence.

Further, follow up studies show that treating trans people with cross sex HRT physically repairs the parts of the brain where trans people have abnormalities relative to CIS people, and makes their brains like those of cis people in direct proportion to the reduction in reported dysphoria experienced by the trans patients.

With the empirical confirmation of gender identity's existence we now have literal brain scan evidence that shows that CIS and trans people are their experienced gender for the same underlying neurological reason. I'm sorry if these modern biological facts make you sad.
I don't think castration is really the right term. These are non-functioning, undescended testicles. Left in place, the testes would never descend, the person could develop a male gender identity, but would never masculinize, the testes are inert.
It seems you are making a consent argument along the lines of infant circumcision here, but it doesn't make a lot of sense.
>>medical necessity
your 40-IQ strawman arguments are cringe and make me just want to ignore you

you're just looking to be a cunt.
if you wanted to know the answer to this question you could literally ask chatgpt... a robot knows more than you... just let that sink in.
> muh skeletons
so it's just about how people look in the end
pathetic low IQ behavior
>arguments provided in your own words are much more compelling

> write me an essay
> no i wont read the scientific research that tells me the answers to what i asked
literally kill yourself
i genuinely hope you die

i'm so tired of you fucking pseuds invading my space (academia) with your lazy and arrogant retardation
they wont even read this or respond

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