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Why are trans girls so big? I know they are males but I feel like trannies are even bigger than average.

Like 6+ feet isn't unusual.
god is cruel and being a trans woman is just a humiliation ritual in general
youre cute enough to get objectified and live the worst parts of womanhood while paranoid the whole time that people will discover you or hate you
or youre ugly and just kill yourself or work dead-end slave jobs on SSRIs and anti-psychotics until you go insane and die
either way unless youre a rapehon you arent reproducing and you arent ever becoming a real woman
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why did you crop out giant fake booba
im only 5'6"?? kinda tall but not a giant
Puberty blockers and low test make you tall
this is what taking puberty blockers but no E does to an AMAB body
true youngshits don't look like that
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God I need Hunter to dominate me, ravish me with her penis, and cum inside me.
can you show the class a “true youngshit” please
I doubt her dick could ever work
not sure why but yeah, from my experience the average mtf is 6' and the average ftm is 5'1
Hunter started HRT at 16-17. It was already too late for her bones
Don't care tho I wanna lick every inch of those sticc legs and feet
I began HRT at 14, I'm 5' 3
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she's 100% unclockable
tall cis women exist, and not every tranny is over 6 foot. height literally doesnt matter its just another thing young troons obsess over to make themself boymode
>she's 100% unclockable
not to black men
same, and i wish I was taller tbhon. i'm shorter than like half the women and 95% of the men in my country and being towered over like this is kinda scary sometimes.
what's this image from? a film or something? it was a malignant but interesting aura
Movie: Cuckoo
than you anon
no it's not, it's kinds of kindness
Can’t handle 6’6” girlbod doesn’t deserve it
That is a perfectly acceptable AFAB height, and hopefully your non-ectomorphic AMAB skellington looks good enough.
5'9"+ "women" activate my TRANNYSCANNING COUNTERMEASURES ONLINE but most of the time these are either AFAB ectomorphs or just wide/tall as fuck Venus-moder AFABs.
God I need to dominate Hunter, ravish her with my penis, and cum inside her.
i did that so anon can watch 2 great hunter movies
oh ok thank you anon
I thought it looked yorgos lanthimosesque
I actually meant to watch cuckoo anyway for totally unrelated reasons and I'm working through a bunch of yorgos movies too, funny coincidences
the fate of all bucks
they'll be broken soon
ROFLMFAO well because they're men.
Frustrated flakey fetish fixated faggots.
Very cruel of Yorgos to put all those pasty whites under hospital lighting. Truly devoted Kino
I'm 5'4 lol
Trannies are an inch taller than cis men on average and I don't know why
Yeah being trans is hell and the alternative for us is even worse. It's very alienating and anxiety inducing and skin crawling body horror
Yeah being a 5'9" tranny sucks, I tower over most women like a freak
my mom is six feet tall so, there ya go
i have a cisf sister who is taller than both me and my mom
She has the queen face
I've heard that low-T males tend to grow taller and lankier, and many MtF trannies were originally low-T males.

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