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File: breast-anatomy-2da383.jpg (472 KB, 1440x905)
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I have a deficiency in vitamin B9; could it explain why I have poor breast development?
It's anecdotal but i also have a folate deficiency and have supplemented for a few years and seen 0 change in breast growth, sorry bud
Don't let that stop you from using a supplement though as it can be a pretty serious deficiency. You likely need methyl-folate btw just regular doesn't really do much
Eat your veggies or take vitamin b9 supplement and find out?
Too bad :(
I don't want to waste my time
how in the world do you have a vitamin b9 deficiency???
Idk but I have a small one
I don't know if it's relevant but I also have bellow average creatinine
What are FSH and LH at?
not tested but probably low
Did you ramp up your doses over a few months? Did you notice a difference in development as you did that?
No, I took 4mg pills for 4 months before my current dose of 4mg of EEn weekly
It's actually very common in mtf girls, who are far more likely than the average population to have the mthfr gene mutation
Using estrogen sublingually is also known to cause folate deficiency, which is how i discovered mine
Look up literally any study on tranny breast growth. It’s rare to get cis level breasts for unknown reasons.
So this might be bullshit but it might be due to low FSH. Some old paper suggests FSH is necessary for full breast development (PubMed 6980064) and it seems plausible with how FSH seems to stimulate production of inhibins. I think I saw some other old paper showing that breasts in mice didn't fully develop when the gene involved in inhibin production was removed, and they started properly developing when some other breast cells which could make inhibins were transplanted into them

If this is true, then a possible solution would be to lower estradiol/progesterone until FSH/LH go back up a bit, and take bicalutamide to deal with the resulting increased testosterone. Idk if testes are important for production of inhibins

I'm not a doctor and this could be total bullshit and sometimes you hear about MtFs with good breast development on high doses, so this could be misleading you
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Hows this
I have my own D cup boobs so who cares
they're silicon and need to be replaced every decade
incorrect lol
That’s another thing. The traditional way to measure breast size is pretty useless for trannies due to different ribcage proportions. Volume measurement through water displacement is the only honest way to measure. If you don’t believe me go on Anthro and put some of the *men* in a bra calculator, they’ll be C and D cups too.
well it looks low and if your testosterone is fully suppressed then they're probably near 0

Again this could be bullshit but it seems consistent with what I've observed. My breasts had some kind of solid mass in them before getting my testosterone suppressed, but I feel like that's stopped growing now and the growth I've had is just from fat. Some people report not wanting breasts and taking low doses of estradiol and getting good growth. I haven't tried adjusting my meds myself so I can't speak much more on this

I might be spreading misinformation but this rarely gets mentioned
im going by the label on a (perfectly normal not special ordered or anything wacky) bra that fits
tuberous breasts pic please!

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