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is genital preference always transphobic or can it be done tastefully
does it even matter, or is it just something only twitter replyguys care about
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>is not liking penis as a cis guy trans phobic
no, and all real transgenders know this
>what if they have srs
people are all about autonomy until it comes to not dating trans people
lesbians like penises
gay men like vaginas
Straight men should not be allowed to transition.
yeah you can be normal about them. like the only situation where i'd say it's transphobic to have one is if you won't shut up about it. and desu you can have genital preferences as a tranny too, like, i personally dislike the penis on any other trans woman almost as much as I dislike the one on me. the concept of something like frotting is very very unappealing lol.
Saw a screenshot on the sub (uh huh) of a dating profile like, "AFABs preferred; no TERFs," which is actually kinda based.
Genital preferences aren't transphobic but genital preference *discourse* is usually transphobic. Discourse about this topic is often used by trans hostile people as a way to talk shiy about trans people in spaces where open anti trans rhetoric wouldn't be accepted.
No but people use it as a get out of free card because they don't want to say "i think trannies are icky disgusting" and that's why they're so invested in meaningless discourse about it
Only screeching AGP rapehons care about "genital preference".
Only screeching HSTS rapehons care about "genital preference".
With sex and dating obviously you can date and fuck whoever you want and reject whoever you want it's fine
The issue isn't rejecting someone for having a penis
The issue is making a big deal about it and being like haha NO I ONLY LIKE WOMEN NOT FREAKS LIKE YOU
Is this the Mac VS PC of this board?

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