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Lies of penis edition

Question of the day: How sensitive are your nipples?

>What is a femboy?
A femboy is a male that pursues a feminine appearance for himself whilst still identifying as male

>Are femboys trans?
The majority of femboys are cisgendered. Femboy is not a 'stepping stone' to trans, it is a stand alone identity.

>Can trans post here?
Trans people are welcome to post in /fbg/ and identify as femboy if they want, but this is not a trans thread.

>Why dont I ever see femboys irl?
Femboys are often lumped in with trans people and are also subject to transphobia. For this reason, many do not present feminine in public, even if they would prefer to.

>Im in my 30s, is it too late for me to be a femboy?
No, recent advances in the sciences of lifestyle and self care have made it possible to maintain a youthful appearance much longer than was possible in previous generations

>Do femboys have to be thin?
Thin is the most popular body type, but there is a very dedicated fanbase for chubby femboys as well.

>Do you 'age out' of being a femboy?
No, older femboys simply become femguys. You can continue the lifestyle as long as you wish.

>But I heard that 'femininity doesnt last'?
Masculinity doesnt last either. Old people dont look masculine, they look like bulldogs. The simple fact is that beauty itself doesnt last, and this applies to both men and women equally. It is on all of us to maintain our appearances as long as we can.

>Any tips on how to look better?
Genetics play a role in both facial aging and preventing hairloss, but you can help maintain your appearances through lifestyle and self care techniques. Most people grossly underestimate how long they can keep a youthful appearance, if theyre willing to put the effort in. Wear moisturizer and sunscreen, once a day, minimum. And keep the sun off of your face. Wear a hat when you go outside. Post ITT for more
pinocchio lookin good
whenever i see this guy i get scared because he looks exactly like me
we are so back fembros

holy shit you must be hot as fuck
i mean i guess but i'm ftm so it's just shitty instead of hot and subversive
Not very
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I don't expect this thread to end well.
As long as nobody namefags or self posts we might fly under the mod radar
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we probably wont but its usually a few days to a week before the faggot mod notices the gen. if he strikes again, just take the OP here and put it back up. easier to paste it to a text file though
that game and boi are so based
well we must be opposites cause on a scale of 1 to 10 mine are maxed out sensitivity. touching them sends lightning bolts through my body
Yeah my bf said to try nipple training but that just made them hurt a bit and was not sensual
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i can cum handsfree from nipple play

did you try nipple suction cups?
>did you try nipple suction cups?
did that work for you?
nope, mine are just like that, ive never used cups
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Can I be 'based' and 'bluepilled'
come to ontario
Oh... you dont have a pickle rick... thats not really sigma champ.
This is scary
No its dull as door nails.
Uh no and I don’t want to
I’m a femboy but I don’t have any friends and everyday no matter if I go to work or stay home makes me miserable what do I do
Find new places to hang out like clubs.
And bee yourself ig, try to put yourself out there.
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They are sensitive but only to 5G signals
advice for this always sounds so trite, too many unknowns. Maybe try a cult
find friends
Other zoomers always think I’m weird nobody likes counter culture anymore reading comic books and watching older movies has become freak show weird while being addicted to tiktok and dab pens is in
try other hobbies, find older friends or simply look harder
i do not believe that you're the only zoomer on the planet who reads comic books and watches movies
I guess you’re right maybe I’m just too ugly and awkward and too asocial at this point to fix it every time I try I can see the panic on their face as they try to escape the conversation I’m better off just fucking guys for attention and autistically info dumping on them before they fall asleep and leave in the morning
Snap out of this madness and return to common sense. Don't believe all the shit that is online.
giving up is very easy but it's clear what you want is actual socialisation. Do not give up anon. Its worth improving even for a little bit for the long term.
my nipples are weirdly sensitive but only when I'm doing buttstuff so idgi :sob: it's like they light up sort of for a few secs. the only slightly nice part of me is my torso so feel free to judge and make fun of how FUCKED up my skeleton is
finally too old to be a "femboy" feels cringe even thinking about it, what do now? rope?
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I wish I had a femboy bf, I would carry him on my shoulders everyday
how big pp?
>How sensitive are your nipples?
too much is not always that fun
why do jannies hate femboygen thou I dont get it
Good morning femboys I’m going to play with my cats all day hbu?
You should try Instagram that’s where my bf found me
suffering under toilbergs yoke
will go home to my cats in a few hours
how do I get a femboy gf
how do i get hair like this?
i like having my boytits groped, and my nipples toyed with, ideally going back and forth between the two... it's severely arousing, I'm not on estrogen either for clarification
Finding friends is thankfully not a hopeless thing if you just keep casting the net and keep your mind open. The world and internet is a big place. You'll find people you can get along with for sure.
>I guess you’re right maybe I’m just too ugly and awkward and too asocial at this point to fix it every time I try I can see the panic on their face as they try to escape the conversation I’m better off just fucking guys for attention and autistically info dumping on them before they fall asleep and leave in the morning
Don't let things get to you like that. You need to keep your spirits up and your personal value intact. We don't need to be arrogant but we do need to hold on to that idea, that we are still valued human beings. When you value yourself you'll also tend to get more respect and be able to find and project your value and good qualities instead of falling into despair or depression. I'm betting there will be many people out there you can get along with.
Grow it long enough but then add volume. You'll see a lot online for women especially on how to add volume to hair, brushing it, product, etc. Obviously the style you choose (in that case the "natural/messy" sort of look) is up to you after that.

You can give yourself a boost using minoxidil too. It also works for non-balding people and just makes your hair thicker and denser too as is just basically a growth factor like fertilizer for plants.
>I wish I had a femboy bf, I would carry him on my shoulders everyday
Likewise. I want impress him by pressing him like a barbell or dumbbell lol
>Question of the day: How sensitive are your nipples?
Super sensitive. I've cum hands-free from it before when a big guy pinned me down and just licked them while I squirmed. But even girls figure it out quickly without me mentioning it.
Femboy general toronto woooo
If i am 25 and have been on estrogen for years am i a femboy? i dress butch for the contrast but i quite literally am a feminine cis male on hrt
>be me
>tall blonde guy
>treated like a lanky joke my whole life
>fix my aesthetic, hit the gym, end up looking juicy, love my body now, embrace himbo lifestyle
>start showing off in various places
>zero attention from cis women
>for some reason get shitloads of attention from thirsty transbians trying to convince me i'm an egg
>to the point some of them are unironically trying to force fem me
>girls that i do end up dating tell me i read "feminine" and they all end up trying to domme me

anyone else know this feel? I don't think I'm a femboy but apparently everyone else does. Like I am blonde and hairless, is that literally it?
So hot. Nipple play is underrated. They can look so beautiful and are fun.
I’ll be the one to put that to the test ;3
>Super sensitive. I've cum hands-free from it before when a big guy pinned me down and just licked them while I squirmed. But even girls figure it out quickly without me mentioning it.
Neat. You can be femboy on or off hrt, it's about what you identify as and feel comfortable presenting as, not what medications you use. That's why I don't identify as anti-hayfever pills.

I know this feel. I absolutely hated it too, even though my appearance is different aside from being relatively fit and and more on the feminine side rather than masculine bulky barbarian mode. I don't know why they kept trying to force their shit onto me, it's like someone trying to get me to go to their church or join a cult.

Didn't have too much trouble in the bedroom with women as it's pretty much a switch experience for me overall.
The Femboy craze and its disastrous effects.
I found that the kpop generation love fem men but also high interest from middle aged women and pretty much a large chunk of "straight" or bi/gay men. I get live a bisexual dream of getting fucked hard by strong daddies, mommy nurtures me lovingly and I date a cute girl. :3
Yeah I think maybe I'm less bulky than I believe. I mean I literally gained like 40 lbs of muscle I was so fucking skinny before, I guess it's possible that my self perception is just warped because of this. I literally can't sleep the same way since my chest and shoulders got so much bigger and these people are telling me I'm "built for estrogen" when I post selfies. I don't super mind the eggposting stuff although it does rub me the wrong way sometimes and makes me wonder what's going on in their heads (are they just bi and trying to cope over being not lesbian by force femming a guy they're attracted to?) but at the end of the day it's not my problem.
any of you ever just look at this board and get tired of seeing all of the troon threads
i mean i dont hate those people but holy shit it's so overwhelming
boymoder pass transbian mtf hon blah blah blah i cant stand it
and it's always the mtfs too, the ftms are generally cool and respectable
You have a point, I feel the exact same way. It’s like the smallest subsection of the lgbt is the biggest one on this board because they’re literally EVERYWHERE.
exactly, the loud minority i guess. also this is kinda bad for me to say but troons are 1,000 times easier to spot irl compared to regular LGB people for me
a lot of them seem to base their entire identity around being trans. it's very important to them and for good reason, but i think that mentality ends up hurting them in the long run
idk i might start filtering stuff
My biggest gripe with mtfs is how they always try to punch down, scalp, and crucify us for doing what they want but better.
>don't assert dominance
>end up getting treated like a bottom
many such cases
> You can be femboy on or off hrt, it's about what you identify as and feel comfortable presenting as, not what medications you use. That's why I don't identify as anti-hayfever pills.
And i don’t identify as synthetic hormones lmao
I mentioned it because after 25 it is unlikely to stay feminine looking without medication
idk anon my experience before getting fit was that if I didn't assert dominance I was invisible and if I tried I was laughed at. Now if I don't assert dominance I get catcalled and if I try I'm invisible. What the fuck is going on.
It is crazy how a tiny percentage of LGBT has about 90+% of the threads at any given moment and then still has to barge into fbg or other threads to troll it, aggressively interrogate people like it was a "loyalty test" or make demands of people or just delete it and ban people for daring to post and not agree with them with blatantly unfair enforcement of the rules going on.

We get like one token thread for gay guys, obviously one of the biggest groups and one for fbg that barely is allowed to exist and every random thing a troon thinks, does or says has to have a whole themed thread. It wouldn't be so bad if it was an equal playing field but it isn't.

>but i think that mentality ends up hurting them in the long run
Agreed. When someone makes that kind of thing their whole world it is unhealthy, you can end up becoming a self parody even. My LGBT-ness is only a part of me. I have a whole complicated life of family, friendships, work, goals, interests and opinions that have nothing to do with it too.

>My biggest gripe with mtfs is how they always try to punch down, scalp, and crucify us for doing what they want but better.
That is the problem. Everyone feels supportive and sympathetic until they start punching at you while crying out in pain for the hundreth time and in particular this group has been getting some of the worst of the abuse lately.
You're maybe going about it the wrong way or with the wrong people? It's hard to tell without seeing it all in context, if you see what I mean. Someone could be doing a "dominant" act that ends up looking kind of cheesy or they're literally t-posing for all I know or they're trying it with people who just won't react the way they want because of how they are wired.

The point is you can be femboy all you want on hrt or any medication you choose. It's your life and decision, not anyone else's. If you feel happier and more comfortable on it and it matches your goals then it looks like you're doing great, no? So don't worry about it. No one here is going to judge or exclude you.
>twinkish face
>masculine personality
it's over
[spoiler]and the hrt jab is not gonna help[/spoiler]
> Everyone feels supportive and sympathetic until they start punching at you while crying out in pain for the hundreth time and in particular this group has been getting some of the worst of the abuse lately.
Why support something that is actively holding us back and attempting to always put the heat on us?
I wonder what I’ll look like after 25
>people who are almost to a (wo)man depressive or BPD feel the need to constantly blogpost for attention
it's been like this for at least 5 years
It wouldn’t matter to me, I’ll always list after you mithrun <3
Thats based though
probably mostly the same unless you have a drug/alcohol problem, or get a lot of sun exposure
is the
>tee hee uwu hihi :3c
marked that oversaturated?
I have an autoimmune disease so we’ll see
yes we need a pendulum swing back to boyish sporty twinks who wear tank tops and basketball shorts. little bit of leg hair and a happy trail but smooth pits.
I’ll take care of you until we’re old and grey doll~
>I wonder what I’ll look like after 25
If you look after yourself you'll look pretty much the same as you do now at that point. Avoid the sun, smoking, alcohol abuse and do some skincare. I can say this as someone who was twinkish from nature too and I couldn't buy a drink in a bar or alcohol in a store even in my mid 30s as I still looked barely 18. Guys ten years younger than me would get served and let into bars all the time but I'd get stopped in the group and shaken down for ID. Time will slowly catch up with you when you get to about 40 of course and signs of aging eventually appear as they do for everyone, especially if you're not doing anything to prevent it (like fin for hair and anti-aging properties, etc.). Eventually we all turn into a grandma or grandpa type, albeit with some control over infirmity if we plan things right and exercise.
Smoking, alcohol and drugs are fun though.
>So hot. Nipple play is underrated. They can look so beautiful and are fun.
A guy touching my nipples, flicking them, sucking on them never did anything for me. One day I was riding my FB and he was playing with them and nothing. But then he pinched them hard and it turned me on so much that I almost broke his cock riding him so hard.
I know this will sound mushy but it's honestly 100% true. If you find LOVE you will have nothing to worry about in this department. Love truly cuts through all of this. There's someone I love that I still see as the teenager I met in my heart and mind, even though those days are long, long past. I know couples who speak of this even in their 50s, 60s,etc. The lens of love is a wonderful and powerful thing. Just work on building your relationships around you and your inner self and you'll be okay. <3
my biggest achievement is cycling 3 hours a ride, 3 days in a row
>tank tops
hrt tiddies
>body hair
>Smoking, alcohol and drugs are fun though.
I guess I was lucky as I knew someone who died or got seriously lifelong ill from each of those and that kept me off them.

You can still have the occasional drink. One day on your birthday or something won't really matter, it's the habits and regularity of any poison that becomes an issue. Much like I can do rough sports or exercise and get bruised up and worn out and recover fine, maybe even improve from the limited stressors, but if I was getting beaten like a dog and worked like a slave every day I'd just wear out and die in no time.
>Happy trail

>Leg hair
Pass. Ruins the aesthetic and also especially any fem legwear.
>Chest hair
>A guy touching my nipples, flicking them, sucking on them never did anything for me. One day I was riding my FB and he was playing with them and nothing. But then he pinched them hard and it turned me on so much that I almost broke his cock riding him so hard.
Hot. I know someone who is kind of like that, loves the nipples being sucked hard enough to the point it hurts and bruises and can actually cum from that.
>masculine personality
>HRT tiddies

transbian general is the other direction pardner
I think light hair on forearms and forelegs looks nice. Happy trail is kind of a turn off for me though.
For me it.s

>leg hair
>arm hair

>happy trail
I don't mind forearm hair really. Someone would have to be going full monke mode for me to even really notice or care.

...am I talking to a centaur? You do realise humans only have TWO LEGS, good sir? "We" humans don't have fore legs and hind legs.
I mean the part below your knees ig I said it in a retarded way lol
Nice try, alien. We are increasing funding to XCOM today.
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You're getting anal probed tonight
Whether or not you mind leg hair is the actual gay test. All my partners who were genuinely into men thought my leg hair was fine or even cute (I'm light haired and it's not very dense) but there have been a few who were absolutely grossed out by it and pretty much demanded I shave. Those ones were not really into dudes I think and were projecting something else onto me.
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absolutely stunning, pure beauty

its not the jannies, its just one shithead mod trolling and being pathetic

how does one find cute bf on instagram

this is why bfs with sensitive nips are based, its so hot to get him off by sucking his tits

my own clone
Femboy gen back :3
I don't mind leg hair if it's fine but any time I've seen it on guys it's like something I could shave off and spin into wool. I've seen it on women and not been too bothered by it.
Dross, plz stop making me gayer. It's his way of not just doing lewds but also giving them a sort of romantic and more sensual look.
this is true. i have really dark wiry hair so it bothers me but if it there was like 60% less and it was blond i probably wouldn't even bother to shave when im not feeling fem
This is true, but the guys who wanted me completely hairless were hotter and more likely to be strict tops, so it's a tough balance.
Had to be a bisexual.
As bi I find that for me to top a guy I prefer no leg hair, beard or chest hair. With women I don't care so much ironically. If I'm getting railed I just want him to be muscular and hot.
Yeah for sure. I'm not a girl, I just have a big round butt and some androgynous/feminine traits.

Honestly if my leg hair magically vanished I wouldn't complain, but shaving it is a pain lol
I hate bisexuals.
They’re annoying, and very picky when it comes to the homosexual aspects of their “””Sexuality”””
>posting in a mostly bi thread
we hate you too
Yall interested in joining a discord to safeguard against further janny actions?
Yeah but that's exactly what I want from my tops lol
>They’re annoying, and very picky when it comes to the homosexual aspects of their “””Sexuality”””
That's because they are not homosexual, they are bisexual. That's why you're getting confused and frustrated. You're trying the square peg in the round hole..
Okay? You steal from gay culture all the fucking time. You’re all below me. I was a femboy before a femboy was a widely lusted over thing or even a fucking thing.
>You’re all below me
Not if I have anything to do with it, boy.
The bisexual cope is crazy, THE only men bisexual men will fuck are hyper feminine and absolutely hairless. It’s all retarded when dealing with them because they see you more as a vicarious object than someone to build a relationship with.
Get to the back of line bitch, you’re crowding my bubble.
Yeah but it's mutual lol. I have a girlfriend for my relationship, I just like getting plowed by guys sometimes and bi guys tend to do what I like more.
That's your experience though, not mine. That may not be your fault or it may be who you are attracting and how you put out signals they pick up on. I hear the same complaints with straight hookups and love searching.

I know I've never treated people as objects and very much have romantic tendencies, but not everyone is as cautious when it comes to the feelings of others either, whatever part of the sexuality spectrum they lay on. We've all heard of guys getting played with by a woman and left with that oneitis tier hurt when it doesn't live up to what they wanted or a girl being toyed with by a guy as some side chick when she thought she was going to get a wedding ring.
>You’re all below me
bottom hands typed this, wishing that ANYONE was below him
This is interesting to me desu. I've noticed a similar thing but I think it's more complex than that. For men who think they're straight, exploring bisexuality is a long road. Hairless sparkling femboys are the entry level for that. Then you fuck one for a long time, you get close, you feel weirdly comfortable with him, you realize you love him, you see him when he's not femmed up for you and realize he's still pretty just in another way. It just takes time and some guys never want to unpack this part of themselves because when you're bi you literally can just go back to fucking women and never worry about it again and that's way easier.
This is part of what is hard for people to understand. We're all pressured to fit a certain stanard pattern so for some it can take time to even step out of those expectations and learn new things. It's not easy to just snap a finger and do all of that overnight. If you fall in love, it's going to do that work.
Swimmming is truly the perfect exercise. that is all
real and true

>t. gymbro that hyperventilates after swimming 4 laps
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It fucks you up fr. also there are lots of hotties in the pool at university areas. verification not required
I see mostly retired people at mine but it is good exercise and fun. It's also good for the joints if you want low impact. It's easy to mess up your knees and stuff with running on hard pavement.
Cycling is really good exercise too. You get great lower body work but it also will give you good toned abs. Push yourself hard going the distance and up hills and you can get great results. It's also cool to be able to do minimalist bike tours on the cheap.
I hope you give her herpes you fucking half-faggot.
Act like the board is one of your group therapy sessions and shut your mouth when I’m sharing with the group.
You’re snorting the republican blow, bisexuality is retarded and barely anyone takes them seriously.
Yeah, maybe for your fatass. People like me run and do ACTUAL exercise.
>introspecting about bisexuality

Wow thanks man
yeah i used to run a lot, but it's hard to think that you only have so many miles in you before your joints are fucked. Once I'd done a 50min 20km I feel like I'd never made it to the next big milestone anyway
I cycle to get around, but it's so boring for structured exercise!
Spider! I'm incredibly fit you know. how are you gorg
Spider, you can make interesting posts but you seem like you really need to get off right now as you sound super bitchy and pent up for no reason at all lol. Please get your partner to get you off asap. Let the post-nut clarity soothe you. If you need it I'm sure someone can come over and help you out with a good old cock sucking if it helps you post better.
youre such a cuck its unreal
>I cycle to get around, but it's so boring for structured exercise!
I think it depends on your mindset. Some people love music or podcasts during it but I really enjoy seeing the scenary and being able to have my own thoughts and peace for a while. I almost never listen to anything as I love the sounds of nature and being able to think uninterrupted on whatever. Sometimes I have good ideas that way. No electronic distractiosn either.

If you run on soft soil, grass, special surfaces made for it, etc. it's way better from all reports. You need the cushioning. It's all those hard man made surfaces we have around us that are the killer but I try to avoid it anyway. If you start getting a bulky build or just have a light bone structure for your lower legs you're probably just more prone to it anyway. Some types of running are supposed to be better than others too like toe first or heel first for striking.

Have you tried rucking? You walk obviously so it's safe for the joints (it's the running and jumping that ruins people in the army's joints) but you get a lot of the benefits of faster movement but without the same damage risks. Carrying a heavy pack burns way more calories than just walking obviously and can get the heart rate up. Plus it works more muscles.
I like how the ache for the next few days.
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Ily, too funny
I really tried with running, I ran for years and tried barefoot shoes and stuff, but yeah running on soft surfaces/trail running was all that worked, but I can't realistically do it where I live.
I've never heard if it before now, I used to wear a weighted vest all the time when I watched DBZ as a teenager, but it wasn't exactly fun. Swimming feels so good, but I'm lucky to have access to it
Use apostrophes next time you fucking retard.
Why don’t you kill yourself like all my other devotees.
Ok nvm
Well I do have someone I love :)
Reading this probably makes me happier than it really should, but bless you both for making me smile today!
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>talks like some minions posting zoomer child
>calls others retards
>I've never heard if it before now, I used to wear a weighted vest all the time when I watched DBZ as a teenager, but it wasn't exactly fun. Swimming feels so good, but I'm lucky to have access to it
Obviously if you've got something you really enjoy there you should probably stick to it, so don't think I'm trying to convert you but for you or anyone else interested...

I find a weighted pack on the back feels better than any vest. It's also really cheap as you can fill up the pack with water bottles to do this on a budget.

1L water = 1Kg (2.2lbs)
1L sand = 1.5kg (roughly)
1L wet sand = 2kg (roughly)

So you can get a lot of weight on there and turn it into cardio and endurance/strength training. Bigger packs mean you can put more in too. Get a reasonably priced ex military 1000d cordura pack and you can probably carry a human bodyweight in there when you get to that stage. The advantage of using the bottles is if you find you've overdone it or get a sore foot or ankle or something you can just tip the contents out and the bottles weigh almost nothing, either removing some of the weight or all of it. With weight plates or something you're paying good money for that and I've heard of people with weighted vests or using weight plates in a backpack having to toss them by the side of the road and hope to get them back later (I've also heard of people getting free weight plates by the side of the road too...).

I go rucking now normally with 70-80lb pack and it feels amazing, almost full body workout. My highest weights when I was pushing for it as a milestone have been more like 130lb, I'd like to eventually go back to that for fun. It actually really helped strengthen up my ankle and knees! In the past I've had turned ankles that hurt a lot and took time to heal up. I've turned my ankle carring a weighted pack even and been fine, no injury as the tendons and muscles got so much stronger it can handle these trips and slips without it causing problems.
That’s what I’m going for lmao
I’m just here to ruffle feathers.
You can ruffle my tail feathers if you know what I mean, big boy.
god I wish I had a penis so bad
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Me too
You can find someone to give you a loan of theirs for a while.

If you're a vagina haver it's not difficult to find a wild range of strap ons and inserts these days.
It’s not the same
I want a real dick that cooms and gets hard and stays on my body all the time
At least that goal is achievable! :) People still make coats like that for cosplay and various fairs. Hair is down to styling or just get a decent wig if you want it temp.
i wish wearing wigs were more normalized cuz id buzz my head and buy one lol. everyone laughs at people wearing wigs.
yeah but then they stick theirs inside me and I want to do the other way around
I can understand the psychological vibe there. If it helps just having some packing down there would give you the same experience for men most of the day as most of the day it's just bulk down there that sometimes gets uncomfortable or gets in the way. If I woke up and there was a sock full of weighting instead I wouldn't know until I piss or got horny to pull it out. Otherwise it's like thinking about your little toe or the back of your head when you're busy for the rest of the day.

Sooo all you need to think about is sexy time and there are good sex toys that make you feel in the zone a lot of the way. If you can really get into it people even swear they can feel it being touched and used if you know what I mean. Kind of like those studies you've probably seen with the fake arm that people can feel being touched or freak out when it is hit with a hammer as the body can give sympathetic reactions and feedback when it believes it is a real bodypart enough.
can someone redpill me on fin desu? i unfortunately had a super stressful couple of months 3ish years ago and shedded ||and pulled :( out|| quite a bit of hair, obviously its androgenic at this point but it looks a lot better..

been taking oral fin for quite a little while, im 22. have some minor temple recession but i can see a whole bunch of baby hairs growing back. Does fin actually have any significant impact on skin/aging? idk i dont think its strong enough to do much. never had any body hair/much facial hair so its not like i can compare a before/after. regardless ill keep taking it forever ig but i just wanna know what other kinda positive effects it can have!
>i wish wearing wigs were more normalized cuz id buzz my head and buy one lol. everyone laughs at people wearing wigs.
There's amazing wigs available now. Human hair ones are even not as expensive as they used to be in the past (not super cheap, but no longer unobtainium). The upside is that the fuller and bigger the wig head of hair, the easier it is to blend it in as you don't see the edges of the piece with big hair like in OP. Even really short hair hairpieces for masculine men now can look incredible and be designed to blend in with what natural hair they have. There are guides online about buying more affordable wigs and how to work them to make them look better. If you're going for a fem look anyway then there's zero reason to care about wearing a wig. Gay guys have been freely enjoying wigs for a long time and obviously women for forever. Don't let your inhibitions hold you back. Most people won't care or even know unless you buy a cheap nylon one but even then I've seen people who just deliberately work the look of having that really obviously fake hair wig. Think like those cyberpunk styles or raver looks you see where it doesn't matter if your hair is neon plastic! It's just about fun and expression. All down to what style you go for.
>yeah but then they stick theirs inside me and I want to do the other way around
You could try those various toys that let you fuck him while giving you feedback too. Those could let you really get into the zone. Sex toys now are wild.
We’re in this together, poonbro
Thank you for the advice ~o~
I have a packer, but I currently don’t have access to it cause I’m at my mom’s place and I haven’t brought it over yet. I like wearing it, my bf constantly grabs at me and rubs it when I wear it out. Gotta teach him to keep his hands of the merchandise lmao
Though, I can’t say it’s not hot as fuck seeing him go crazy over the idea of me having a dick.
This guy is gold for info on this subject. He has playlists for different subjects related to these treatments and the benefits of it. He sticks to credible medical journals and trials, so there's limits to what he can post or the rate of updates as he needs that reading and evidence first. He was burned bad in the past by internet bs and fearmongering and so made it a personal mission to stop others from missing out which I admire greatly as turning a negative into a positive. Doesn't sell anything either and tells people to just buy generic whatever:


If you're getting regrowth at temple you're blessed. That's the hardest part to get back. You're getting good results so far. I found that body hair for me decreased with fin and I moved on to dutasteride because for me it was just a matter of greed wanting the best treatment money could buy. I for sure noticed clearer better skin and less thick wiry hair and more baby soft hair on dutasteride. Really liked how it made me feel to the touch. Less problem with spots and stuff in general too. My facial hair remained the same amount, but grows slower so I am clean shaven for longer if you see what I mean.

Stress shedding thankfully is temporary and does come back when the stress is off, but what often happens is that when we get a sudden temporary loss due to illness or stress it can reveal the extent of our androgenic loss as we can't really see our own hairloss normally until about 50% is already gone on average. That sudden stress loss can draw attention and tip you past that zone of being able to see in the mirror. So in a way a sudden stress event can be a blessing for giving you an early warning to get to action.
>I have a packer, but I currently don’t have access to it cause I’m at my mom’s place and I haven’t brought it over yet. I like wearing it, my bf constantly grabs at me and rubs it when I wear it out. Gotta teach him to keep his hands of the merchandise lmao
>Though, I can’t say it’s not hot as fuck seeing him go crazy over the idea of me having a dick.
Honestly sounds like you're halfway there to having what you want, just need to get the consistency and let yourself accept and believe in it. You'll start to just take it for granted as it's all psychological and state of mind really. Your BF sounds perfect for this mission too and I'm sure it can help the belief when he's getting horny and pawing at it like two guys would with each other and helping to reinforce that association of your package with making out and generally horny time and making all the more real. Ooof.
Meet me behind the K-mart in 30 minutes, I’ll make you see life through a new lens ;)
Can we stop with the dissertations, I ain’t reading allat. Give me a TLDR or something, I’m too ADHD brained for that shit.
That’s really fucking gay, and I literally suck dicks on the daily.
tldr u r faget
I’m still depressed about yesterday
Go cry about it somewhere else.
Im only a femboi in bed but for some reason, my nipples all of a sudden became very sensitive. They never were before. Now I can use them to orgasm in just a minute or two with like touching I can cross my arms on an airplane and pretend to sleep and have an orgasm lol. It kind of freaks me out, but it’s hot at the same time too.
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i see anon, thanks for the info! where did u get ur dutasteride? i dont have any acne or skin blemishes really but having clearer and softer skin would be, well, nice duh. ive always hated myself/had rlly bad body dysmorphia and really just wanna take something that i think will help as a placebo at the least lmao. to be incredibly serious i think i need some sort of mental intervention or else i might unironically start taking hrt lmfao. gonna get a bloodtest soon to see my hormone levels before i decide to do anything rash tho.
Are you planning to transition?
What happened yesterday?

You can fure sure train nips for pleasure. Same with prostate. Lot of guys need time to get anywhere for anal play.
Get dutasteride from a domestic online pharmacy so it's all legit no problem. I just buy generic from them and sometimes it's avodart brand, sometimes it's one of the many other brands. It's a very easy thing to get from online pharmacies now. It's a win-win for me as other than the money there's no downsides.

Some people go the route of indian pharma international, etc. but never had the need to do that as it was just an online form and I've got a prescription and is all above reproach. Indian pharma may be the cheaper route for those on tight budgets especially if you're in a poorer country.

Get the bloodtest and decide what you want to do and be, those are all big things. You need solid identity one way or another.
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i feel dangerously close but i know it would be an awful idea. i dont think i have gender dysphoria i just have dysphoria/dysmorphia about who i am as a person. avoid mirrors, hate pictures, etc. because i hate myself and appearance for reasons unrelated to my gender. though about micro-dosing estrogen but i KNOW it is NOT a good idea lmao. its not even like some sort of autogynophillic thing or wtver, im comfortable living as i guy i guess but just despise every physical feature i have and feel like a subhuman freak. i think having anorexia for ten years plus has ruined my abillity to feel comfortable/happy with my appearance period.

so no im not trans but radical internet homosexuals have convinced me into believing that micro dosing estrogen will make me slightly less ugly and i am dangerously close to falling for it kek, lol, lmao even
Don’t listen to them, the only advice you should be taking when it comes to any of that stuff is a certified psychiatrist.
Skipped work to bomb a job interview missed a promotion that very day still living with my folks because Canadian rent prices
Yeah for sure you're just someone who needs to get comfortable about himself and his own body AND personalty/mind. The last thing you need is to fall into some new crutch or distraction from accepting yourself and getting happy within as you risk simply ending up hating yourself for new reasons and spiralling or adding regret and so on. Do you have friends or support network? People you can talk to about issues?
maybe something happened to spike your endogenous estrogen level lol

hormone blood test is a good idea to see your baseline especially if hrt is even something you're considering. but i've read it's not especially helpful for fin/dut because you need to specifically check for DHT which isn't routine, and furthermore serum DHT isn't necessarily the same as the levels in your scalp, nor is it even a particularly useful measure to begin with because your follicle sensitivity to DHT may be higher or lower.
You’re really sucking at life right now, that must blow (like your boyfriend did me)
>Don’t listen to them, the only advice you should be taking when it comes to any of that stuff is a certified psychiatrist.
Honestly good advice. Spider isn't fucking around there. I would suggest a professional and people who you know are absolutely bound to you in caring about you, like normally mother and father who ideally will put the child first before even their own lives. No one online has that kind of care or the professional look and care of the mental health expert. Sometimes these things can be helped with having and using your own IRL support networks.
Yeah, it’s pretty awesome I can’t lie
I need to get my dick back asap ugh
We’re gay as fuck I’m ngl
People will try to tell me I’m in a “straight relationship” but there isn’t shit about it that’s straight kek
Ouch. Well on the upside these are temporary setbacks you're talking about. There will be other jobs and promotions so rub some dirt on it and walk it off, brother.
yeah i feel as if im in a very decisive moment of my life. scared to fuck things up one way or the other. tried so much therapy/psychs/medications and NONE of them have really helped and im legit afraid that if i dont figure something out to accept or at the very least not hate myself ill be in for a very miserable life. my appearance has already stopped me from going on dates, going to school, finding work, etc.
despite everything everyone tells me (that im attractive/hot/cute/whatever the fuck) i just do not feel right and am pretty certain my frens just hugbox me kek, theyre great people though and i probably wouldve roped w/o them
Why don't you post some CENSORED images here for opinions? Unless you are like elephant man tier with a bad personality on top you can find someone, it's a matter if being stable yourself and putting yourself out there.
Yeah that’s right I’ll be patient
I feel like this thread is the only one that will acknowledge me when I’m being serious and not rage baiting.
Was your boyfriend dating guys before you? Or was he a straggot until you.
That's the spirit. The thing to think of is that okay, you may have missed out on a promotion, but you now know you are capable of earning it. You now have confirmation you can climb the ladder and get places.
You had the gall to call me a fucking whore last night, where’s that same energy?
I am no longer crying
Then picture something to make yourself cry, I love it when you’re mean to me~
Why does it make you mad?
He had texted and almost went out with a couple guys before we dated, but his dad is pretty homophobic so he was scared to for a very long time. Now he’s gay as shit, it’s kinda crazy. We’ll look at hot guys and girls and talk about which ones we wanna fuck.
Everyone needs to namefag now.
total namefag birth
I do this with my bf but I’ll be like mmm John Candy and he’ll be like mmm Kenshi Yonezu
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could someone tell me I'm ugly and I should off myself, thanks in advance
Looks okay to me, what you worried about.
Your body looks nice might need to lose some upper body muscle mass to be a femboy
What I need
>a femboy that has a middle eastern feminine look and has a feminine body

What I am
>not a bland person unlike most people on here, actually have ambitions and goals for the future and actively workin towards them, good muscular build, 7 inch cock, have a job

It's too bad most femboys and even trans people for that matter are just white. It's BORING.
post this on grindr.
gods no. that place is horrible. people only want to fuck on there.
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not gonna post my face ofc bc ppl i know prolly browse here and id be mortified for having whats basically a breakdown online kek but this is my wretched body,i just feel like i have such a deformed skeleton, also didnt shave the little body hair i have cause ive been very sad lately.my face is probably what i dislike the most desu so ig this doesnt help much but my personality is so so iimo. i really try to be nice and think most people are inherently good but i have a tendency to be annoying sometimes
hummina hummina hummina boing boing awooga
I think you look nice
Nothing wrong with you at all. What are you on about? You need to build up your confidence.
There are people who wish they looked like you and work hard to try and achieve this look, you know.
Damn I should complain about my body more it’s prefect bait for nice comments
Safeguard against janny tyranny
Join the femboy general discord today
You're very cute too Mithrun, don't worry.
ok groomer
i want a older bf who acts like a father figure
Realistic goal.

NP, you've got cute features. Be proud.
i want a younger bf i can act like an older brother (25) figure to
All GNC people are women.
i want a bf who uhhhhhhhhh loves me for who i am
Also doable.

100% will happen.
I want a bf who is a gf
You sound like my bf
Well, somebody told me you had a boyfriend
Who looked like a girlfriend that I had in February of last year
It's not confidential, I've got potential

Ready, let's roll onto somethin' new
Takin' its toll then I'm leaving without you
I resent op pic having bottom energy femboys should be top doms as god intended or switches at least
All I am is a man I hate the beach but here I stand toes in the sand. Heads in the clouds. Touch my neck and I’ll touch yoursssss. You and thoseeeee littlleee highhhh waisteedddd shortsssss!!!
I get you but also you must resent basically every picture of a femboy
Captcha: 420RN
Why he looks perfect already. >>37346920
Perfect weight just shave and present more fem easy
i couldve seen them for free last week or so but im too tired from traveling lately and also i unironically HATE concerts
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I hate them unless I go with someone who has the right energy for me.
i prefer the Apollo Sauroktonos
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top left and bottom right r from today
do i have a chance
Tummy is goals
You look good! Is that your bf's marks?

Lot of people just need to realise they've got it and should flaunt it.
every one of you is 10/10 beautiful
no, hipthrusting heavy weights 4 butt gainz
nice! Maybe put a towel or something on your hip area to save any marks.
i alr do. i just get bruised really easily
Poor delicate boy needing a daddy to take care of him and kiss it all better, clearly.

Also...maybe a foam pad or something?
jealous :sob: how old are you? like ur hair a lot btw
ill b transparent, im on hrt since the first of july 2024 - means no real changes yet but eh

i use both a foam pad and a towel. and usually a thick hoodie
Have you tried getting a bigger and stronger older man to kiss it better? I think that would really help.
ye I had a feeling you were on HRT but I didnt wanna jump the gun lol, still for only 2?ish months you look rlly good fren
its the exquisite aryan gigachad genes getting wasted that make me look this good.
never understood the older men thing most of the time I'm really intimated by older men or larger men and not in a positive way
gonna touch my butt (no homo) ama
Some of us are a little too old or tall ourselves and we need an older taller guy for contrast to feel cute
if only I didn't feel like a skinwalker in my own body other humans would be more tolerable
Real... My type is "looks like vaush but isn't a pedophile, horsefucker, or in general as autistic"
Honestly some older pics of my bf with a mustache he looks a lot like mr beast I don’t find mr beast attractive but he’s kinda my type not too hairy not too twinky not too buff not too short
>Question of the day: How sensitive are your nipples?
unfortunately, they aren't sensitive at all. almost no pleasure from rubbin' em, or even having my bf rub them from the one time he tried it.... i do wish they were sensitive though.
if I didn't scare anyone off I think my type would be just maybe a larger nerdy guy that can top good around my age, and doesn't mind me being a mental case in the office chance he catches me sober
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Unfortunately hot
hey its me again anon i looked into dutasteride and all the places i can get it are super expensive do u know any cheap alternatives? having a bit of a breakdown lol
Do femboys like masc bottoms?
Nobody likes masc bottoms
A top who won’t give you head is just a dildo with arms
I’m bi and have fucked several femboys with hairy butts or even facial hair

You’re just being a whiny old queen lol
Bottoms who want to use their cocks need to be put in chastity
How do I get a cute femboy to encourage me to commit suicide
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Morning cuhs. Do any of you follow any magazines or blogs for lifestyle or fashion strats? I find /fa/ to often be pretty bad, so I’ve been reading British Vogue for fashion articles. The skincare stuff is generally pretty gimmicky though
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Where you at? USA or EU?

See link there. Go with whoever is cheap for you.

If that doesn't help you can ask again. Dut is more expensive than fin but hopefully you can get the price as low as you can for yourself.
usa, ty anon. i can't lie my bdd is going insane right now and i kind of want to kms, dont know why im telling you that but whatever.

uhh yeah i saw it was rlly expensive whch is surprising, how much dht does dut surpress compared to fin? should i take it every day, rn im on 1 mg fin 3x a week with no side effects but ill prob move up to 1mg every day, i just know it has some pretty quickly diminishing returns. im really hedging my bet on the hope that this will stop my from getting uglier than i already am
You can take 1mg of fin daily for maximum effect. After that it has a rapid diminishing returns effect and hits a wall. You may find just sticking with it at that dose will do fine for you and no need for dut at all, saving you a lot of money. You'd be going from 3x to 7x so would be worth just seeing how you get on with that for a few months at least.

The cheapst fin in the USA is typically generic proscar which is sold in 5mg pills for probably close to the 1mg pills but what you do is you quarter it, take one quarter a day and then you get the same drug for pennies a day. Use a pillcutter. I know a lot in the USA manage to get that from the doc or various sources.

Dut has a much greater potential for DHT reduction. I can't remember the numbers off hand but it's very significant double digit percentage difference and the results in testing did reflect that. If money is tight I wouldn't get it though as you will have other things to spend it on that can also help with your goals, you see? It's more for those that really need that max protection from it after fin isn't cutting it or people with the money to spare anyway.

If you've got mental issues you really need to reach out to support networks, close family that you can trust or professionals too. Don't let suicidal thoughts fester in your head it is really dangerous as it can lead to ideation and attempts. Mental health is as serious as any other aspect of your physical health and can destroy a person as sure as untreated cancer when it gets out of hand. Just remember you need to accept and love your whole person and work towards your goals (or work towards thinking and planning out your goals) and building what you need as much as you can.
yeah ur absolutely right anon i was just having a severe moment i think. feel a bit better, probably gonna bed rot and sleep soon. thanks for all the helpful information and sorry if i seemed a bit unhinged for a moment.
ill start taking the standard dose of fin soon instead of jumping to dutasteride unless i must lmao, dont rlly know what my rationale there was kek
It's okay, we can all get caught up in things sometimes, no need to feel bad or embarassed about it, it's hardly a big deal. Seriously though do keep an eye on your own thinking patterns and behavior in case you notice any risk of self destructive or self sabotaging. You deserve better than to let that rule or undermine you. Best of luck with the rest and new dosing. Upside is that you're going up a significant amount with the fin anyway to the most effective tested and commonly prescribe dose which in testing has more effect than the half or below dosing, so no worries there either.
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so uh, im pretty insecure about my ass
https://unsee cc/album#3Aq9oj2NIB9W
how bad would you say it is, and what exercises can i use to make it bigger?
>already biked a collective 15 marathons, unironically, during the summer while doing roadworks
have you looked up the exercise "hyaluronic acid injections in the arse"? thats the secret technique all big booty bitches are using
All the instagram/tiktok thot workouts you see will do it as long as you're getting your protein to build muscle. Glute focused hypertrophy lifting.
Never seen an oly squatter who didn't have a great butt. It really comes down to just doing the hypertrophy work. If you want the giga jiggly ass you see in videos then they are injecting shit or getting implants like the other anon said but if you want a genuinely great ass that men or women would envy then you can get that just doing the workouts and eating right.
Chat why is it so nice wrapping my arms around a bigger man’s shoulders and kissing him
u should exfoliate more, maybe look into a cleanser or lotion with salicylic acid
masc tops like masc bottoms
Masc 4 masc tops only love themselves, they in fact loathe their bottoms for not being them
boivaries producing bilk
Why bother living. Unironically?

No, I'm serious. Like, I am going to probably hang myself in the next few months because you just make my life meaningless.

By being feminine, you religate your position as being immutable. You can't self-improove yourself into at least being somewhat more attractive to men; money doesnt even go as far for women as it does men.

So therefore, I have no reason to live. You have naturally superceeded my existence, and as a consequence, my entire purpose as a human being - presuming me being a femboy or anything adjacent is indeed my purpose - is invalid.

So I'll just fuck off and hang myself, and let anyone passing by who knows the same thing that you won't be alone when you're leaving :3

what a wonderful world
if you're upset about being a full adult man you're not a femboy you're trans. femboys are fine with the temporary nature of being feminine in their youth and then they grow up to be flamers or just regular dudes. the stress and fear and panic that you don't look feminine/female, that is dysphoria. get hrt and calm down
A top gives me head by eating my ass.
A top who tries to blow me I won't meet a second time.
wtf man, I thought femboy general got banne. did people on k lie to me?
Jannies will nuke it soon. Not too surprised that /k/fags are talking about femboys though.
last i recall, it was expats from femboy general going to the handgun thread to erp
>femboys are fine with the temporary nature of being feminine in their youth and then they grow up to be flamers or just regular dudes.

Is this true? Would most of this thread agree with that? Idk
I don't think they're happy but most will come to accept it. I think many who end up fully trooning out were coping trannies but I don't think the ones who take steps to partially transition (like amabs getting top surgery) are trans women.
I was happy to go for my other goal of being the fit and muscular guy over time. Thankfully all the more doable when you've stayed lean...and there's plenty PEDs to help if you needed it lol I'm not going to be pro power lifter or something but for normie land just having any kind of pecs or shoulders will make you stand out a lot in the mostly sedentary and obese population. It's a change of look but will work for me just fine. I'll just have a bit better skin than the average guy on top of being fitter.

Trooning was a zero chance option for me as I've never had any confusion or question over being male all my life.
Too many gays want to fuck their clone
I woke up, looked into the mirror and a skank stared back at me.
I think as long as you have style getting older isn’t much to worry about we’ll look less like girls with age but that’s life
Did you accidently say "THOT" in the mirror three times?
It's the same as women don't dress like a teen school girl in their 20-30s and when they get to 40s-50s they tend to dress different again and (outside of porn...) look ridiculous to most people when trying to dress like the teen forever.
No, I slept for 17 hours and looked like a fucking mess lol
Take care of yourself spoder
>we’ll look less like girls with age but that’s life
exactly. when you're a feminine cis man, this is the take. being devastated that you look less like a girl/female is trans shit. men are okay with looking like men and not female. transwomen are scared and devastated of losing their female looks. if this is you you are trans
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