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>a male wants to have boobs and be a girl
>can take hrt and grow them and get ffs
>a male wants to have a bigger dick and be a real man
>can do nothing, has to suffer for life

for these reasons transition should be banned
>transition should be banned because I have a small weiner
so you're voting for trump then?
...but penis extension surgery exists anon

What, did you think all those dudes with 9" in porn were all 100% natty or something? Why do you think the really giant dicks just flop over when they pull out while staying hard?
TIL what natty means
that's not true I see ads on the Internet all the time for hormone supplements you can take to make your dick bigger
what if i'm a male that wants to have boobs and be a girl and have a bigger dick at the same time
>can do nothing
pretty sure there is a surgeryf or it
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Just use one of these anon
yeah but they dont actually work, hrt and ffs work. all men can do is use ridiculous pumping devices and give themselves permanent nerve damage and ED for a hope of making their dick 1cm bigger
im a staunch leftist and i believe in equality, if i cant have it, nobody should
Penis enhancement pretty much just makes your flacid dick as bugnas your erect dick.

Your erect dick stays the same size, unless there's a new surgery? Love to be proven wrong.
>hrt and ffs work
not for all of us :(
this looks like it would be really good at turning your dick into a spaghetti noodle
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If you get your dick removed you could get phalloplasty and ask for it to be really big. That's how this homeless guy got a new dick after his original dick got infected from sleeping on the street and rotted off.
Just homelessmaxx.
what if you put your penis really close to a black hole so it gets stretched to quantum spaghetti or whatever and then it's super long
you'd get an infinity long dick with a micron of girth
you're baiting but do you actually not know how it works
how what works?
Well I used it and it worked for me so idk
idk how this is about "equality" or leftism
the left supports troons and probably could be convinced to support trt if given enough time
libertarianism should support both
it's the rightoids that want hrt gone
leftist hate men they will never approve of men taking T
Male final form: Athletic body, cute face, nice boobs, big dick.
>leftist hate men they will never approve of men taking T
Truth. They are happy to give T to a 12 year old girl, but a 20 or 30+ year old man? Must be made illegal or blocked at every front possible until you jump through a thousand hoops or pay a fortune to go through some loophole despite it being cheap to buy in reality.
The surgery I've heard of is where they basically cut the dick all the way at the base of where it attaches to your pelvis, and then pull it out so that the base muscle or tendon is closer to the outside of your body. It gives like an extra 2ish inches in length. The downside is that since there's no deeper support, just like with a building with a no foundational piers, it just sorta flops over to the side instead of standing straight up.

Test for cis men will destroy your body, unironically.
>hurr durr whutabout trannies taking E then??
The difference is that when you blast test, you actually will eventually LOSE all the masculinity you were trying to gain. Your balls and dick will shrink, since your testes don't think they need to produce testosterone anymore. You might grow tits since your body's hormonal balance will be off. You will almost certainly go bald (if that matters to you). Once you go off test eventually, your whole body will be deteriorated, permanently. Just look at David Bautista. Dude looks like a deflated balloon. I don't think test NEEDS to be regulated as tightly as it is, but i think some level of restriction is acceptable just like with tranny drugs
Forgot pic
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just get surgery bro
only your balls shrink on test
saying that you shouldn't take test because your balls shrink is like saying women shouldn't take estrogen because ovulation would stop. And yeah, you lose your gains if you stop taking it, just like ftms do.
There's no real difference between a man in his 40s taking test and a woman in her 40s taking estrogen, but one is a lot more normalized for some reason.
Google prostaglandin E1 penis enlargement
hot i wish my dick shrunk into 1 inch
Holy RIP, what is an implant though? I thought the point was to extend the penis not make it smaller?

Yeah I agree it's a little weird. But I think that because testosterone is so much more potent than estrogen, your effects (positive and negative) are much stronger. Plus there's the stigma of roid rage, and the fact that i think it would trickle down to younger and younger men who really don't need it like a man hitting his first natural test reduction in his 40's. I think the dosages should be low for testosterone, prescribed as anything other than an injectable (pills, patches, gels, etc), but buyable from a doctor after only a few visits (while reducing the barriers as the patient's age increases).
>and the fact that i think it would trickle down to younger and younger men who really don't need it like a man hitting his first natural test reduction in his 40's
lots of cis women in their 20s take birth control to get bigger boobs, despite the risk of breast cancer
I think 20 year old men should be allowed to take test if they want
>I thought the point was to extend the penis not make it smaller?
anon is bringing up an entirely different dick surgery, not even the ones people are talking about
i think men should be able to get testosterone on the same conditions women can get estradiol, and i'm pretty sure if your testosterone is low enough you already can
the point is surgeons LIE, maybe you can get an extension but then you never feel your dick again so whats the point, these surgeries have so many complications its ridiculous, not to even mention the fact you're spending insane money to get something superior people get for free
but you posted an example of someone experiencing side effects of the surgery they were warned about?
>i think men should be able to get testosterone on the same conditions women can get estradiol
women can get estradiol simply by asking their doctor for it
not really true, but yes i do support that as well
a lot of the time they can, birth control is easy to get in most places
in some places they can even get it from a pharmacy without prescription
>in some places
this is also true of testosterone, anon
but in my experience estrogen is a lot less controlled than testosterone
there's no multibillion dollar industry incentivizing people to take unhealthy amounts of estrogen either
honestly, the best thing to do to make test more available is to regulate doping in sports so that professional athletes all dope (openly, as opposed to secretly like right now) and have endocrinologists looking after them to make sure they use it responsibly
I think the minimum age to get test should be 18, if you're an adult and able to sign up for war you should be able to roid out. But I also think that in order for you to get a prescription that young, there should be a number of reasonable barriers. I'd say a 6 month waiting period at 18, 3 months at 21, 1 month at 30, and 1 week at 40. Under 21, it should be required to get a psychiatrist to make a recommendation, at 21-30 just 5-1 (scaling down as you age) interview appointments including a measurement of test levels at all ages while just one interview with a doctor and hormone level check over the age of 30. Maybe one or two more checks. My main concern is young men attempting to achieve a male ideal which is not possible to attain healthily. If you're pushing 40 or higher and feeling worse about your aging body and looking to get into better shape, then I think that's totally fine. It's just young men with good levels that are trying to "cheat" their bodies for essentially vanity reasons that I think should face more restrictions.
You shouldn't be on T if you don't need it, my point is that leftists don't support tranny shit because of 'bodily autonomy' or whatever they do it because it's weird and freaks out normal people.
actually i think leftists do it because they've accepted that people's gender and sexuality is very personal, and that it's wrong to make things harder for people over it.
so when they see people trying to restrict access to trans people's gender care, they oppose it.
generally speaking, people's opinions on a specific situation are informed by their opinions on related situations, rather than abstract principles
how does voting Trump make what you said a thing? this is your brain on leftism
thats not the surgery anon was even talking about lmao
>Dude looks like a deflated balloon.
Thats just him cutting extremely hard
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>there's no multibillion dollar industry incentivizing people to take unhealthy amounts of estrogen either
The steroids sold to people are not simple testosterone, they are molecules that are much much more androgenic than DHT or T could ever be on its own and have different metabolic pathways.But, this androgenic ability causes muscle growth, unhealthy amounts of estrogen do not do anything beneficial like this.
yep, like i said. taking dangerous amounts of estrogen is not incentivized while testosterone is.
>superior people
you made me want to date an androphilic ftm
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Why does injecting testosterone give AFABs big sexy t-dicks but all test does for AMABs is make them bald and greasy?
Ah, I thought you meant in terms of social pressure
If that were true then they wouldn't have such intense negative reactions to men trying to be manly. But they do.
Testosterone increases penis size by a similat amount to if you give it to cis boys with hypogonadism who have micropenises.
So both males and females have the same reaction to it. It's just that the majority of men already had that reaction happen when they were kids during male puberty and you don't get to keep doing the same thing infinitely obviously or you'd have guys with 3 foot long dicks because they took steroids repeatedly for years.
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bro just get penis enlargement surgery.
unrelated but i wish i had her lips how do i get her lips?
With make up painted on.
A guy went from 5 to 9 inches, it took him 14 years but he did it, his called m9ter
By sucking my cock
but how to do the makeup!????
i don’t think that’s it
>i don’t think that’s it
It might be, no ones ever tried before so I'm just guessing
I want to stick my dick in between your lips
you are all rude and unhelpful
You are sexy and would be very helpful in bed
Just put lipstick on dumbass idk what you want us to do
but hers look matte or something real good like
sorry i’m not fembrained enough
>put lipstick
>wrap your lips around my cock
is that simple
Buy non-gloss lipstick.
Men are the servant class or the ruler class, men in the servant class that have to worry about looks should be allowed to be women or shouldn't have a say about it.
so yeah you need to identify as "male hyper dimorphic", then you can get the drugs you want.

learn to use the magic incantations of our age to get other to do what you want.
Troons get to live an infinitely better life than the average manlet could even dream of yet they still claim le oppression. Why the fuck should I play into your deranged fetish larp I get nothing faggot I'm a manlet incel

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