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I'm going to New York in 3 weeks to visit a friend, he said he is going to force me to girl mode and wont accept me talking in my guy voice.

the ticket is already bought and not refundable, he bought it for me, is it over? he says i worry too much and I pass but I feel like I don't and I'm going to be very embarrassed and I'm gonna make him uncomfortable.
ha ha
you are a girl
i am a AMAB if you are saying im a AFAB
nyc is like the world tranny capital, you'll be fine
so if i go into a store and they can tell im trans ill still be fine? they wont give a fuck?
idk probably i dont live in new york
there's like 10,000 people in new york dude
you see so many people they just become a blur
unless you're like EXTRAORDINARILY cringy or something nobody's going to pay special attention to you
ur right i just have a anxiety disorder so i get nervous about these sorta things but im medicated so ill be okay probably
i wonder what a boy expects when he invites and pays for a girl to come stay with him...
its not like thattt hes just a really nice guy

im asexual anyways he knows that
he also knows you're a boymoder...
rape Greentext Incoming lmao
being raped would be pretty not cool so i hope not lol

the ticket was 475$ so u might be onto something but i trust him
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>im asexual he knows that
you obviously like being forced. Forced to girlmode and forced to, you know other things...
i doubt that would actually happen, he is far older than me i dont think he would.
"paying a ton of money"
etc etc
you're are being driven out to be raped sweetie lol
pretending to be naive maakes you sound agp
You are very likely to be pressured into having sex. I hope everyone here is wrong about it. :(
if he did I would ruin his life so no hes not gonna, hes not even gay.

they are wrong about it ill be okay
>hes not even gay.
you are a woman though?
okay he doesnt like penis, there better?
how old are you? this thread kinda leaves me thinking you are either very naive or you're doing this on purpose / bait. but if this isn't bait, please just talk to any woman friend you know and trust about your situation so she can tell you not to fucking let men who are much older than you spend loads of money for you to get a flight to see them. especially him saying he'll pressure you to girlmode... best case scenario he just has a forcefem fetish and will masturbate to the memory of you blushing in public, worst case you are going to get coerced into sex. do you at least know anyone else in new york in case it all gets weird? does anyone know you're going? you said you'll ruin his life if he tries anything but if he imprisons or kills you or gives you brain damage you're not gonna be able to.
im 18 almost 19, i've given all of his info to close friends and family incase something happens, photo, name, address, phone number, all of his family members names, hes like 24-25.

We have been close friends for a year or more I think it will be fine. I forgot 4chan is heavily brain rotted and like baiting is normal but no this is not bait i was just concerned if i was gonna get murdered by like transphobes in new york. Im not too concerned about getting raped or anything like that.
>i'm 18 he's 24
this is what zoomers consider to be a sizeable age gape? did no one teach them "half your age plus 7"?
24/2+7=19, you're a bit too young for him but not significantly so. when you say shit like "he's an older guy" we assume like 20 and 35
extremely unlikely to get murdered in broad daylight
hes my friend lmao we are not having sex i do not want to have sex so it doesnt matter
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okay op I'm gonna be real and not make over the top rape jokes because you need to learn this quick. I don't think he's necessarily a murderer or abuser, but I do think you are being naive. I think you should be naturally suspicious of the motives of a guy who invites you to stay with him and states he is gonna control your behavior while you are there, even if he just said it in a jokey way. Why is he spending this money on you? It puts you in a very unequal position. He bought the ticket, he is giving you a place to stay, why shouldn't he get to sleep with you too? Maybe your friend doesn't think this way but I can 100% assure you that there are men out there that do. If you really want to see your friend and your only option is too stay with him because nyc is expensive or whatever, just like make sure you are checking in with another friend or something to keep your head on straight. Or maybe you are okay having sex with this guy and then have fun or whatever.
this. this thread has been a bit edgy, but you have to think about why he's doing stuff like this. A lot of men flat out won't interact with women at all if they don't think it'll end in sex. With him wanting to control you girlmoding, I'd be worried. At a minimum, it sounds groomy. Please protect yourself.
He's literally grooming you
Oh how horrible, you have to conform to the gender you actually chose to live as. Are you even really trans?
we have become close friends but not in a weird sexual way. It was not his idea to meet with me I just jokingly brought up the idea of if he bought me a ticket I would come and so he did.

I attempted suicide a few weeks ago and have been in and out of the hospital and I just need to do something fun and so he was like why not. Its nothing weird. I understand I sound like im being naive but this is 4chan, you obviously don't know the full context of our friendship which is understandable.

I don't mind conforming to my chosen gender identity, its just that some people will choose to harass me over that and that is what I am scared of.
Okay I mean I don't want to scare you away from potentially having a nice time. Getting out in the city with a friend could be genuinely helpful mentally. But there is nothing wrong with just checking in with yourself about what you will do if the vibes are off. what's the plan? who are you gonna call if you feel unsafe etc.?
>there's like 10,000 people in new york
you're never gonna believe this but there's actually millions!
my parents, they already know im going,

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