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qott: Favorite song from the Homogenic album?
If you don't like Björk: why do you suck ass as a human being?
I do it all for the adoring public.
>June is back

Jesus fucking Christ
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I love you shrimpcat

qott: Joga or Unravel is the best
We all love shrimp cat.
> why do you suck ass as a human being?
There are many reasons for that.
I have no idea what a Bjork is nor do I care. I looked it up and immediately stopped reading after I saw the term "avant garde". Most people who use that term are faggot hipsters.
I like joga, it is the only song of hers ive heard and its pretty nice

I love the bad 90s morphing
relax big dawg, you ain't beating the gay allegations regardless no matter how much fronting you do. Nobody cares if you haven't heard of Bjork
You can delete threads.
I bought this album on CD once and gave it a try and didn't get it. Maybe I should try again
>it is the only song of hers ive heard
You should at least get the chance to check out her debut album in that case. I like Venus as a Boy, it has a special place in my heart.
I like bjork in niggas on the moon
what makes you a bad person? i'm not saying you're wrong, just curious what makes you say that. unless you were kidding.
Any chasers in Detroit? need bf bad
i thought the niggas were in paris.

i'm sorry to hear you live in detroit.
i listen to björk but i also do suck ass as a person :(
>i listen to björk but i also do suck ass as a person :(
Impossible for those two things to be true at the same time
my condolences,

atleast its not dearborn or hamtramck though
I wish I were a Detroit chaser, I think there are three tranners there?
im a marvel in many ways
but youre one of the nicest regulars in chasergen
Nope we’re all in Texas
It’s kind of hard to explain but one thing is I tend to push people away and they often get hurt due to it. But it’s mostly just my inner voice calling myself a pos but I’m working on it.
Missed me by a few months. I don’t know how you deal with that weather over there
you live in detroit? how have you not been raped by a pack of wild niggers or muzzies yet?
I'm across the border in London
You can get a mean shawarma in dearborn though. Totally worth the risk of being the victim of an honor killing.
Not a fan. Also I think of the stalker that commit suicide who was obsessed with bjork.
Too ugly to get raped
Thank you June.
Parts of Detroit are really nice. Used to love to visit and never felt unsafe
Well, you're not wrong. I've seen your passgen picture. Yikes. Your tits are your saving grace.
can't wait for some anon to go, 'no babe aha you're so sexy, any chaser would be lucky to rape you'
Those are the shitholes they put Europeans in when we are lucky enough to get visa.
I'd want to hold your hand, desu
You’re gorgeous
to be fair, no one would risk 25 to life for a tranny. you're not ugly. you're just not worth raping.
It's not europeans being put in dearborn dude.
Just hamtramck then. Dearborn still sucks.
why do i do this to myself
I am in Hamtramck actually. It's actually tranny heaven here. It's funny being at a Yemeni restaurant with a bunch of conservative Muslims and my Autistic catgirl friends and shit.

For real tho, Soooo many cute and cool girls. I used to live in San Francisco and I swear to God Hamtramck Michigan is unironically a better/bigger trans scene.
7 (you)s in a row and each makes me want to die
You're gonna get killed if you get caught alone after dark. You're really doing something dangrous.
What about this one?
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hey chasers. none of you know me but im in college now. cant wait to feel lonely for the next few months
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thats a very nice (you)

thank you for this (you)
It's really not that bad + I and my friends all conceal carry
congrats. I hope you find friends and don't feel lonely
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gonna roll a fat joint to this thanks for suggesting an album to listen to tonight

all is full of love for sure, loved that it was used in that show beef.
im willing to trust the process. and thank you. ive been trying to keep my spirits up
You live in a state run by commies who will try to ruin you for defending yourself. Have fun with that.
Sorry about your brain
June you got to stop responding to the bait. It burns you every time
Hey. Enjoy your joint.
anons i submitted my university transfer application today!
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Ty dude very much will got sum nice colorado stuff rn from my trip not too long ago :D

>June you got to stop responding to the bait

i second this

very cool june good luck on everything! hope its a smooth process :)
Thank you! Its a very high ranking uni so its far from guaranteed but it seems my advisors like my application so im hoping
so you think if you were prettier, you'd get raped? what the hell is wrong with you?
is this bait?
I want to go honk shoo with a tranner that goes honk mimimi
nope. just curious if that's what you meant.
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very nice, prayin to the universe for ya! maybe then you can stop subjecting yurself to here lol
maybe i can finally get a BF if i transfer and then ill have no reason to be here
Honestly not sure why you want to be here
Oh very nice. I never stoped in Colorado but have drive through. Haven’t tried there weed and compared it to here.
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maybe, hopefully. just take care tho. pls just try and not respond to everything here. its all fake anyway :)
My guess is no. Rape isn’t about looks. That’s why when people say “she was asking for it” they have no fucking idea what there talking about.
why are you even here to begin with? its not like you're looking for a bf here. you say retarded shit all the time and everyone loves to bait you. have you considered fucking off to tiktok or wherever you zoomers go to.
i want attention and validation from men
Kitty cat on my lap.
as if you can't get that on tiktok or tumblr.

>but the transbians hit on me all the time!!!!

then block them. all you'll get here is trolled and objectified. alternatively, go outside.
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was my first time there too, denver is kinda weird very spread out city. real pretty there tho especially driving through the smaller towns. but tbf i think most small towns are very quaint and pertty :}
Alright fine. Women deserve rights. Can you post hole now? No one gives a fuck about your uni transfer. You're way cuter when you don't say shit, all white women are.
My sister's cat doesn't like me so no kitty cat on my lap.
I don't love the idea of living in a small town but visiting them and driving through is nice. Im used to living in suburbia so its a nice change of pace
> attention and validation
fair. this can feel nice.
I want to go on tiktok and make tiktoks but i think im too ugly to get that to work. And if i was pretty enough all the comments would be comments from cis women like "omg cant believe this is a trans woman!" not anonymous men saying they want to take me on diner dates and goo on face. I mean in general tiktok is very gender segregated so you really have to be a 11/10 cisf to get mens attention in any significant way. I mean i see videos come across my FYP that are obviously getting promoted because a bunch of straight men saw it and instantly hit like cause of boobies or whatever but they never make up the majority of the discourse in the comments its usually cis women chatting with each other and the good looks were just a vehicle to get the video promoted

As for tumblr, there are no men on tumblr and its too old for me. Tiktok had the culture i want to participate in

why am i here when this board is obviously worse than both of them? Idk, poor mental health i guess. I cant seem to make myself leave even though this place never makes me feel better, unlike tiktok or youtube
I will never post nudes but i can shut up a bit and act a bit more sweetly and post my pics for you if you act nice and stop saying sexist crap

>be me, about to leave for work, check chasergen
>"shut up and get back in the kitchen"
>i have to leave and clock into my kitchen job
>crying pepo spills his nuggies.jpg
you should try having sex with your father. it'd get rid of that need for male validation since the root of that issue is no father figure growing up. you've mentioned before he's acted weird around you since you transitioned. maybe he wants to plap plap plap your little faggot hole.

he's so cute, he brought me a flower since this is our first real date lol.
What kind of flower?
is it really sexist if its true?
That sounds amazing anon i hope it all works out!
>told to get back in the kitchen
>actually does

good girl
Sounds like you found a good one.
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i rly respect bjork but her music is a commitment i can't make rn its too demanding idk
we can go tran for tran (fuck dat we can go femboy for femboy)
boymodd with the factory tint
idk what/who that is
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new synth is getting here a lot faster than expected, nice

love doin it, long drives are cool but tiring
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y-you don't w-wanna g-go on a w-walk wit me?
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You're so cool rosewood I can't wait to watch you play Paper Mario
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how long until you retire?
Is it gay coded to be attracted to girldick or not tho?
> tiring
Why I don’t do them often. But I think I’m going to soon
The universe is saying maybe
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i really aint anon but ty, im pretty boring irl and blank in the middle of convos and shiz a lot, i stutter a bit aswell. thats kinda a recent development tho

40 years giv or take and only if i get a good job, jk maybe in an hour or so gotta wake up pretty early tomorrow to hang out with my family. :)

sounds pretty cool dude, anywhere in particular?
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retirement means death for a lot of old people. the new trend is to keep busy and working. why would you want to retire?
sleep well, sexy lady. get your beauty rest and spent time with your loved ones.
Nah you really are cool
No plan. It will not be far because it will probally be a solo trip.
Night people
I have a dagger dick, but it's the only one that's mine, and makes the same demands on me. It's a predicament to get this thing where it wants, I wish I could just use someone's ass to stay sane
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have a sweet night anons and non anons :)

Because working sucks and society is fucked, imma die in a cabin deep in the woods alone and happy :) i will tho here soon just finished up vidya stuff so thats cool

theres quite a few things that make me uncool, mentally mostly. it can be hard to be my friend a lot of the time. i need to work on it somehow. i really do appreciate your positivity tho anon :) always makes the day a bit easier when people are nice :) or nights too :p

gn dude bouta fall out myself zzz -_-
Sucking trans cock is NOT GAY

If you think it’s gay you have internalized transphobia
Detachable penis
Detachable penis
we could go edge for edge fuck that we could go rizz for rizz
Serving rizzotto
A purple anemone.
Ty june! its working out so far, he's in my bed lol
I really got lucky with him. He's so mature and sweet for his age. I'm so much happier now than i was before I met him. Ppl got mad at me for saying he's a femboy but i don't see what the big deal is on that
June's poggers bussy!
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I've been pulling a long form prank on my gf. She's a discount breadtuber and she panders to transbians for simp bucks, she makes a decent amount. I don't like it so over the past year I've been dressing up and using props and appearing in the background of her streams. Nobody noticed for several months but now they're combing through old footage. There are a couple of hundred idiots that think our house is legitimately haunted. It fucking rocks.
ok that was dumb try again
>He's so mature and sweet for his age
Aw hell naw not this old ass nigga fucking that 18 year old femboy again he ain't mature for his age he taking that wrinkly old man dick to have a roof over his head
age gaps are so hot rn
get with the times, babe
>you're so mature for your age
one of the creepiest things you can say
It’s official Chasergen is dead
he doesn't live with me he's just staying the night and we're going to cuddle now he's done with his game. goodnight

You a 30 year old man

Puttin yo DICK

In this lil boy.

You fucking this lil nigga so he can buy new Fortnite skins.
the only album of hers i've listened to enough to name individual tracks is Vespertine. Maybe i'll go listen to Homogenic now and really pay attention to it this time, and then report back.
right i'm back unravel was the best song but i liked alarm call and 5 years a lot too.
Comfy hours :)
I'm the biggest trans loser here
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why cant life just be a bit easier sometimes
Pluto is peak
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bleh gotta be up in 3 hours, wish me luck yall

darnit wrong vibe that one was for tomorrow :(
Good luck.
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ty anon ill see ya on the other side
This nasty bitch has nice music if she didn’t sing but she insists on yodelling. Kys bjork. homo and vespertine are good and the album with timberland
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All Is Full Of Love means a lot to me, though im more of a Debut and Post fan than a Homogenic fan. but i do enjoy it all
he looks a little bit like a redditor but he makes such good movies
ive heard it said to me a million times
Do you get groomed a lot?
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im too mature for my age, to get groomed, anon.
hello chasers and tranners ^_^
good morrow
time to play sanitarium
i <3 classic p&c adventure games
chasergen, tell me about the nightmares or dreams you had last night. mine was a nightmare about sneaking into an under-construction walmart and getting infected with spores that turned your body into foam caulk from the inside out.
i want to hear about yours
The last couple days I dreamt about rolling joints and then losing them before I could smoke them.
if orson welles made citizen kane at 25, then what are you all doing?
I dream of trannard buttholes
I'm pissed Sony keeps porting this slop to PC but won't give me Bloodborne.
real as fuck
I had a dream I got drunk with a random dude and a girl and we went on a trip across America by foot it was really fun
throw chasers in poop and shitmud cow poop
Touch my penis, please.
Did anyone say poop?
no go back to sleep
But I hunger
ive been thinking about weddings a lot this morning. where's that "nobody will ever want to marry you, you failed male" dream-killing anon when you need him
Old man schedule had me miss the Detroit posting, it's over for Michigancels. Think I might re-enter my chaser hovel for a nap
You will marry a wonderful man or woman
I would feel really awkward at a wedding but I have autism so it's expected.
Weddings suck.
next year im gonna be part of the wedding party for my close friends and i have no idea what to expect as a "groomswoman." it's gonna be an interesting experience. the bride is big on organizing things so im gonna do whatever she tells me to do lol
>he protects me from having unrealistic goals
>and this is debbie
Weddings are a lot of fun. I have a really large extended family so I’ve probably been to 10+ in my day. I can only hope at that point you’re not still boymoding
family weddings have been mostly nice events in my experience but i still dont really understand it from a ritual and tradition perspective
>I can only hope at that point you’re not still boymoding
i guess itll be up to what she tells me, if she tells me to wear a suit or dress
People have other reasons for weddings to be prim and proper and full of tradition, but I just see them as a good excuse to have all your friends and family in one place. Do you think you’ll actually wear a dress if she tells you she wants you in one?
i guess so, though it might be the first and last time i wear one. if circumstances are really really bad ill either pull out of it or go against her planning and ask to wear a suit instead, but ideally i just do what she says
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>it's Sega Saturday with the trans gf
>i just do what she says
This is why I don't like weddings. There's so much of other people deciding what you do. We eat at this time, we sit and watch at this time, we blah blah blah at this time. I don't want to let anyone decide how I spend my day, feels awful.
That’s true. Hopefully you end up committing to it though, I think you’d look nice
Chasers, report your activity. Update me on recent conquests. How is the chasing going?
Nothing to report. I don't.
You don't conquer?
I hide.
Any reason why?
Comfy, safe. They can't hurt me if they can't find me.
> decide to get informed in how to meet straight trans
> guys are never allowed because chasers are creepy and gross

yes, I want a gf with a dick, it attracts me, call it a fetish if you want, but in the end I just want to genuinely date someone and treat her right, I want to have a chance to be a good and supportive bf
and of course I want someone who is perfectly comfortable with this, I would never dream of forcing my fantasies on someone

why does everything have to be ruined by creeps
As long as it's done respectfully I don't see the problem. The good news is that dating straight tranners is very easy and there's plenty of them out there.
Fucked my shit up with my last haircut, so I'm out of the game for a minute. Hoping to get more toned in the meantime
I really feel like I need some advice in how to express my genital preference in a respectful way, that's essentially the hurdle I would say.

I'm thinking of getting on Hinge, would that be a good place to start seeking some dates in?
I don't know man, genital preferences are tricky. My preference is the malebrained interests and stuff like that so I'm not one to judge. Hinge might work yeah.
I’m going on my 3rd date with a cis girl I’ve been talking to on Tinder tonight.
Have 3 potential ladies, might drop 2 for 1 girl of gf material

What makes girl 1 gf material? Tell us
Is this true? I really want to experience assault by a Chad??? Will it never happen?
>What makes girl 1 gf material?
Physically & emotional compatible, we will see about morally compatible. She might want to keep things just physical.
truth is you were never in the game if you let a haircut stop you
Non-existent but only for the time being. I need to get up, dust off and then get back to it.
Chaserbros I love y'all
I love you too
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andro angel grape maxxing
grab a hold of my dick before you fall of the earth
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napoleon was a twink
When a chaser sees a tranner
Can I get an edit of this where the mermaid is boymoding
Why do some trans women glorify being a NEET/loser gf? No offense, but it's not cute.
can I get an edit of this where the mermaid is sitting on the toilet?
Can I get an edit of this where the mermaid is a priest in hardcore wow?
Napoleon was a balding french manlet
so just the average chaser?
theyre already neets
it's called lainmaxxing u wouldn't get it
short, loved being in the limelight and posing for the "media" (artists) and good at commanding men to do his bidding. napoleon was a power bottom twink
good morning, slaves
i am going to play vidya all day
and smoke weed
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this song makes me happy for 4 minutes

i regret everything i just wanted to be happy, ive let all the ones ive loved down
> balding manlet
> so just the average chaser?
Yes. Your describing me
I mean, I find it hard to believe ALL trans women are NEETs.

Can you elaborate more on this? What the is lainmaxxing?

I'm genuinely curious because three out of five trans women I've spoken to thus far has fit the whole loser gf "I need a man to fix me" stereotype. I'm starting to lose hope I'll find a stable enough one to date.
u asked about some trannies glorifying being a neet. the ones glorifying being a neet are already neets or are on their way to becoming neets.
its an easy brainrotting existence but its comfortable for some.
haha i have all the time in the world to learn
>three out of five trans women I've spoken to thus far has fit the whole loser gf "I need a man to fix me" stereotype
Me too actually. Maybe it comes with the territory?
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That's really sad. And here I thought NYC/NJ was the best place to look for a trans gf.
ur fuckin hot
what server do you play on?
i want to rizz you
Don't get me wrong, I'm 100% for helping a partner get their glow up. It's just not an attractive trait for first impression.
it is sad. after undergrad i was a neet for almost 2 years and it was one of the worst experiences of my life. it fucked me up so much i couldnt do anything for myself, like start hrt when i wanted to in 2021.
id never want to be a full time long term neet for extended time again
just ruin yr brain with alcohol and watching youtube content slop and spending 13 hrs a day on 4chan's /vp/ and u too can be on the track to hikkineetdom. oh wait that was just me 3.5 yrs ago
majority of those trannies don't want to be saved, they just want to rot all day and leech from you
what if that bussy poggers tho
haha drugs, alcohol, entertainment. no ty.
i only smoke grass but i am in full control
i have energy
i get outside
i am fit and healthy
i don't need money
Speaking from experience?

No amount of sex would be able to outdo being a functional member of society. I can get hole anywhere. What I can't get from trans women thus far is long term stability.
>Speaking from experience?
that has been my experience with them, yeah
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congrats on not being autistic / nd brainrotten
Well, here's hoping we both find a gf who's functional. I'm trying my best and then some. I expect my partner to do the same. Back to Hinge and Tinder I go. If anyone has any dating app recommendations, I'd be more than happy to listen.
Moot's kinda cute ngl
might as well face yr addicted to lovee
hes hot
>Back to Hinge and Tinder I go
I recommend finding one in real life and not relying on apps. Also, don't close yourself off to just trans women, focus on cis women too. You're not going to find anything good on apps or on 4chan. All you're going to find are fuck buddies and one night stands. You do NOT want to wife up a crazy internet bitch
god i want to kiss moot so bad
ty but i am insane (diagnosed with something but they wont fucking tell me. i am on multiple meds and they keep telling me i need more therapy)
Thanks anon good night
need kat desu
Leave the crazy internet bitches to me broskis
you should fix me anon
I'm having more luck with functional cis women than trans women. I actually have a coffee date with a cute cis girl from Hinge tomorrow. She seems sweet.

And yeah, it's time I also hit up IRL places too. Thanks for the tips, friend.
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hes got such a gorg jawline
was a gay crush for me when he still owned the site
>diagnosed with something but they wont fucking tell me
felt. generalized brokeness.

sonic yoof kind of day
you should damage me anon
nm i wanna die so bad anon, theres no hope 4 me
finding a functional trans woman is a one in a million deal, about as rare as seeing a unicorn, even if you do find one they are incredibly selective and avoidant
anyways good luck friendo, one last piece of advice would be to avoid anything serious with bitches you meet at bars or similar places, it never goes anywhere good, stick to meeting people in casual places
i mean i am a productive memver of society ftmp

>they are incredibly selective and avoidant
you're a bpd tripfag, no offense but I would avoid you for anything serious. You seem cool to talk to, but you're crazy and not long term material. Tripfags are never be happy in a mono relationship
goodnight. I love you
What’d I miss?
I think this is maybe a slight overreaction lol
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i’m shoveling stems and i’m bored
overreaction? Go ahead and date a bpd tripfag and see how well it goes for you friendo
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so if i anoned people would like me more :o

>no offense but I would avoid you for anything serious
most do and the ones that dont i ghost so fair enough

>Tripfags are never be happy in a mono relationship
Im not poly or anything, but i get what yur saying. i aint involved in drama here just lonely anon
Can I get an edit of this where my cat Michael is in the right corner I love my cat Michael
Sounds like youre just ugly if im being honest
Don't break your back
Im more insane than any bpd trip here but youd still simp for me if you thought you had a chance
This lol, anybody can be insane
the thing with all tripfags is you aren't happy with one person, I'm not accusing you of being poly. You'll eventually go back to similar bad habits like tripfagging. You will never be happy with just one person which is why you ghost anyone that gets far enough. This is a problem all mentally ill people seem to have, where they just treat everyone else just as disposable as they see themselves, and you view other people as entertainment and cannot open yourself to the possibility of a future with someone. There is no emotional maturity, just a constant need for attention and validation. For example, your first sentence only considers the possibility of anon posting because people would like you more, the mental health reasons are not a consideration for you. You've got a lot of others fooled with the cool down the earth chick act, but I have plenty of experience with bpd narcissism so I'm not so easily fooled
ok tranny
I don't take anyone online serious, much less on 4chan. If you read my first couple of posts you'd realize that. I also don't simp for women unless I know them irl, so go back to bedrotting neet
You will never be happy with just one person which is why you ghost

I’m great at ghosting people and it has nothing to do with this. It’s because I feel I’m not good enough for anyone so I push them away. I’m scared of dragging others down
a chaser that tripfags? I hope you start hrt soon because you have all the feminine mentally ill tranny qualities needed for it
I do not have a sword! Buying a sword is the gateway to being a cringe mall ninja
Trt maybe not hrt

Being afraid of affecting others around you in a negative way is not gendered lol.
Youre just a woman hating incel lil bro
Hf being alone :)
Nah its based more chasers should do it
There's some truth to this which is why any smart chaser only goes for anonymous trannies. You'll always be sharing a tripfag with the rest of the board and possibly other boards because of the need for constant attention.
your trt might be getting aromatozed into e, make sure you get on serms, those are not normal feelings to have as a healthy man
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chasers, why arent you all shaped like this
NTA but serms will only make it worse as they're only selective as the name implies. Clomid and Nolva are infamous for turning you into an emotional bitch. An AI is what he'd probably want if his E gets too high.
If I did it it would be done through a doctor
I am unfortunately
I don't hate women, I'm just careful around mentally ill parasitical cunts like you
yea idk bro get some tests done but you should not be thinking like this or else you will just let these bitches walk all over you and you'll never get a real gf
>when your tranny gf says hi to the cashier (shes a narcissistic bpdemon craving validation and attention from strangers)
Just thought of that word . Hadn’t thought of it in a long time, andwanted to share
That's not what either of us meant though. Take the tripfag Autumn on this board for example. She posted nudes on this board so a bunch of creeps could jack off to her while she had a bf. That's actually a huge red flag. Many such cases with trips.
first day on 4chan bro? were you not here to see autumn cheating on her bf at the time posting nudes for the whole board to see? a more equivalent comparison would be your tranny walking around outside naked like a crazy attention starved slut. a recent example i can think of is julie, who now has a bf but still constantly bdd posts her naked body on here and on /b/
chasers add me on discord
t. mtf 18
That's not a problem exclusive to trips though, I have seen just as many anons do the same thing
You shd think about getting on some sperms specifically the sperms of a caring and supportive partner who can help steer you away from these unhealthy thoughts
Bc my Doctor said I have pre hypertension
Damn I will never live up to the chaser beauty standards.
I’m in my 30s it would be when I’m more late 30s.
Having experience with both trips and anonymous trans girls, I haven't ever seen the latter do that.
no problems are exclusive to trips, but it just so happens that trips are 99% more likely to do it. there are always exceptions but it's a pretty good rule to follow
Oh no someone else might desire your partner
Posting nudes is not the same as public indecency lol
If youre this insecure its no wonder youre single
We both have anecdotal observations that support our opinions, sometimes it really is like that
I'll concede the fact that it is more likely for trips because they are more likely to post photos of themselves, but I feel that it's an indictment on those who post pictures here in general.
I just like talkin to people here anon, sure attention is nice but i don’t see it as an act. I just like posting my music cause that’s what I would do with my friends. When I had em of course. Maybe being happy with someone is what I want I just don’t know exactly that’s what I want yet. I know I’m mentally ill so when people get closer it’s hard to keep up an act like I’m happy and emotionally available. It’s why I rarely add people. Very rarely. I know my limits but I’m still lonely and want love like anyone else. I don’t see anyone as disposable, cause I’m always texting back and think about em. Even if it takes months, I always have them in my mind and check up on people. I always have messages on standby and constantly retooling them. Doesn’t matter and yes I am still emotionally immature but still at least I know it. I’m just scared of real connections, never really gave myself the chance. Or others the chance to connect with me. Also my first sentence was a bit of a bait thing. I’m not gonna stop tripping to be liked. I would’ve a long time ago if that was the case.

I don’t talk to people sexually here, and I don’t trip on other boards just here cause people can recognize me. I’ve been here so long anyway so fuck it
oh look, a bpd whore that doesn't think anything serious about casual nude posting. I bet you think doing porn is based and hecking wholesome
fuck off cunt, nobody's gonna take you serious
trans girls that play priest in hardcore wow add me on discord
t. m 30
>Oh no someone else might desire your partner
That's not really what this is about. If you don't understand why a guy wouldn't want his gf to post nudes everywhere while dating him then there's probably no point in explaining this to you lol.
Porn is exploitation but it helps a lot of transwomen out, theres nothing inherently shameful about it. You can date whoever you want but so can other people. Sounds like you dont respect your partners or the women you jerk off to. Oh no someones seen my lambo on insta i cant enjoy it anymore because they want one too
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i will turn LB into a transbian
watch me
you better be incredibly attractive and 6'5
Explain it to me incel. How does nude photography ruin a womans purity?
I hope you can successfully avoid every woman whos ever posted a nude online
>Oh no someones seen my lambo on insta i cant enjoy it anymore because they want one too
crazy statement, you view porn and nudes so lightly cuz you view yourself on the same level as a lambo. an easily disposable expensive item
lmao gtfo whore nobody is going to take your trashy ass serious. posting nudes online is whore shit
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Waow… try logic.teeth
I can't be an incel because I have sex, so I'll disregard the ad hominem.
Has nothing to do with that. But if your gf isn't enough with getting validation from you and needs a CONSTANT surge of attention and validation from creepy strangers on the internet who she (like Autumn did) presents pics of her butthole to, then there's a very high likelihood of her being deeply fucked up and not good gf material. Why date someone like that when you can just date a girl who doesn't do that? Because most girls don't. Answer that instead ;)
I had nightmares about mother's boyfriend fucking me, and I only agree to it because I hate her so much.
At least 6’8
fuck! i am not that tall. only like 6'2. it's over.
but i do look like gigachad. i get called beautiful a lot. "that's a man's man, wow" -old man at the store. i am on estrogen to looksmaxx and it's working. everything still works perfectly. we could start a family together.
I'll take you instead
I can't date someone who's ever done porn or posted nudes. I have more self-respect than that. Granted, there's nothing wrong with doing so. It's just not what I'm looking for in a partner. You get your money though. I respect the grind. Good luck getting someone to take you serious though.
:( We are your friends
> i am on estrogen to looksmax
Are you trans or a man on e?
Just put the fries in the bag
i have dreams of LB forcemascing me into her perfect husband
We love you Rosewood the thread says in unison
It was a metaphor
I think any woman you actively avoid is fortunate
I wouldn't either
Looking for a chaser to suck my dick
Cooked that bozo
>You don't like my lifestyle therefore you work a minimum wage job

The mental gymnastics of the trannies here is astounding.
You completely failed to address anything I said lmao. Well, luckily nobody's forcing me to date girls who posts their buttholes for strangers online while having a bf. And nobody's forcing you to date me, so we're gucci
Im not lb ive never done porn. I dont think she has much of a problem finding partners either tho, pretty sure its just you
That's not what I'm saying at all lmao. I just don't give a fuck about what you're saying
>I dont think she has much of a problem finding partners either tho
nta but seems u don't know ur lb lore
I would I don’t give a fuck if someone had nudes out there. I might have shit out there if my exs didn’t delete that shit. And I’m sure that’s true for at least a few of you.
there might be an issue of geographic distance, otherwise I'd give it a chance
I don't see any problem with a partner having posted nudes in the past, the issue would be if she was doing so while dating me. Porn is different though, I'd never date anyone who's done porn.
Yeah but youre also in the tranny fucker thread complaining about being alone so either leave or change
I dont know much about anyone here anymore. Idk being trans is hard no matter what
Yet you replied to me. Curious! At least post your OF so you can get the attention you want and didn't get from your father growing up.

Its pretty pathetic trannies have to resort to sex work but when sex and your body is your entire personality, you gotta make do.
I haven't complained about being alone and I'm currently dating someone. I'm in the chaser thread to talk to other chasers, which is what it was invented for. I don't mind others coming here though. You seem to have zero good arguments and basically just come up with some half assed ad hominems. Face it, no self respecting guy would ever be okay with his gf posting her butthole to strangers on the internet while dating him. Just how it is lol.
>”i dont hate women!”
>hates women
Ok i have better things to do someone bully this faggot out of the thread
>doing so while dating me
There are exceptions but this is it.
I don’t care that much about a porn past. Everyone does things they regret it’s more about how they treat me and our relationship.
Lmaoooo I have never done sex work or even posted a nude publicly. Keep coping
You just put words in my mouth and move goalposts. Your poor gf
We agree then. I don't care about someone's past that much I just think it would be a sign of a loveless and flawed relationship if she felt the need to get attention and validation from hundreds of strangers online while dating me. As would literally every other guy out there unless he had some weird exhibition fetish I guess.
trannies need domestic abuse correction and/or corrective rape so they can become functional members of society.
So what's your argument, exactly? That a guy should be okay with his gf posting nudes to strangers for attention while they're dating? Well tough luck, 99.9% of men won't be okay with that. Sorry. How is this news to you though? Such an odd hill to die on
then you trannies wonder why you only serve as pump and dumps. you can't turn a hoe into a housewife. you belong to the streets.
hey anons my chef changed my schedule and now i get off at 9 on friday and saturdays. Should i use the opportunity to do fun things while im downtown every week? idk what but there's probably something
post hole or get the fuck out
ummm i predict you can meet a dorky cute guy at the library during that time
I'd say that one huge perk of trans girls is that they tend to be very loyal and incredibly affectionate to their partners. That's why it makes zero sense to go for one that posts nudes while having a bf, because why do that when there's a billion trans girls who would never do that? I really don't understand that anon's take on this, honestly.
it worked!
i don't actually play wow tho...
i had a dream that i was going on a train ride with my family (played by: not my actual family) and there were a hundred stops between me and my destination. The inside of the train was like a hotel, and after the first day we discovered that we actually shared our bathroom with the neighboring room, which was strange but it would have been okay except the had a kid who ran past me at the moment we discovered this (as a rule i never position myself between a child and its parents, because trannies (especially tall, unpassable ones) are assumed to be predators) so that was uncomfortable but blessedly brief. Also i thought they were a gay couple but the kid called one of them "mom" so i felt bad about that.
One of our stops was a cottage by a cliff overlooking a bay, and it was haunted. My father abruptly ceased to exist. My mom rowed a boat across the bay to the city on the other side where she (re?)married to a famous actor or something who openly cheated on her. Back at the cottage i became possessed by an evil spirit and drove other guests insane until the committed suicide. The plan was to then kill myself when i was the only one left alive (in the meantime i had slashed up my face with razor blades) but some time in there my perspective switched to that of the sister i don't have irl and tried to stop myself from murdering people, with some limited success before waking up.

I also had a nightmare that i fell asleep on this girl im talking to on Discord and she sent like a hundred messages that i didn't respond to so i was scrolling through them as a sense of dread over her resenting me built but before i actually read any of them i woke up because i had to pee.
No my point is that youre just an insecure and egotistical manipulator thanks for proving it
at 9pm? The library is closed pichu

why do you keep asking for this
I mean I think women(and men) seeking a little validation online is ok. It’s litterly why instagram is so popular. It’s just about trust and them never going past a certain point. I do think I have a much more laid back view then others so.
They belong in my arms
i may have been thinking stupidly
Are you high or something? Feel free to explain why or I'll just think you're baiting me at this point
i'm just a type of woman that loves acting like a dude
>why do men ask girls to post their asshole

why do you ask stupid questions?
Are you that blonde transbian
It is painfully ironic that you guys are making such a fuss about how you don't want your gf to have done porn, which is suggesting that a person attractive enough to be even the least bit successful doing it, would ever want to date a guy who spends his days talking to trannies on 4chan. bffr lmao
what's your relationship with your father like?
The vast majority of guys don't want to date someone who's done porn. What's the big deal? You seem to be taking this personally, almost as if it struck a nerve
Fantastic, thanks for asking.
If i was id have more patience
You dont want a partner because you want to have a deep connection with someone you want an object who conforms to your standards and specifications
why are men here not treating me like a person?
Oh ok fair.
I did have a girl who was doing porn have a thing for me but I wasn’t single at the time. But I do understand your point. It’s kind of a pointless argument lol
Please leave you are so immature its insane
Uhh I'm dating someone I have a deep connection and believe it or not we're actually completely fine even though she doesn't post nudes to strangers while dating me! Crazy, I know.
You’re talking to mentally ill people on an anonymous tranny board
And they would change their tune if someone took an interest in them
You are a wonderful concern troll and I mean that in the kindest way
>asks another stupid question

you're so much cuter when you shut the fuck up and post pictures
Thx dude I feel similar, I just know internet anon friends are a bit fleeting in nature.

Thx know some of y’all prolly get annoyed tho lol or just filter hehe, kinda why I do tripfag too on here so if anyone does gets annoyed they can just not see me if need be.
idgi im a tranny and i wouldnt be posting hole to ppl if i had a bf
cis women dont do that either its not normal behavior
how are yall even arguing abt this
I could not care less, no one besides my ex and my parents have ever seen me naked so it doesn't matter.
>be a man
>transitions to a woman
>wonders why people are treating her like a woman
Are you genuinely retarded or is this a big front?
I never said it was ok to post nudes while dating someone lol youre so fucking insufferable nobody is jealous
I can get why it puts guys off but its weird to categorically reject mtfs like that. We dont exactly have a lot of options. Ive been rejected for doing drugs in my past and im sure thats how itd feel.
Right lol what’s so controversial about that
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okay is this better

at least your intelligence passes
No one is its just 1 anon trying to strawman me because i called out his misogyny
Oh mein gott.
It's just one really dumb tranner trying to call people incels for not wanting a gf who does that.
not hole. don't care
I know that is the sad part. It is all temporary. I just try my best to live in the moment and not think about that.
it's called lack of father figure and it can manifest in being a whore.
A squirrel has a bigger brain than you June.
i am making pasta does anyone want some
The blobby diaper one?
anons what can i do for fun on a friday or saturday night downtown after work?
Sure can I have you naked in my bed afterwards
I'll have some, what kind, what are you throwing in with it?
you could post your asshole
Get your back blown out in an alley by a homeless guy
Why do you act like you're fat? It just annoys or hurts the others to see that and then this.
only bars are open, or restaurants that cater to drunk people
170 lb
I don’t know I would always go to get food or drinks or to the movies
im under 21
I'm going to post your address if you don't stop this shit.
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No, don’t do anything fun or try to find anything. It is ultimately a disappointment, as are all things in life, really.
yeah, that's just a number. It does nothing to describe the nuances your particular body has. Don't you think there are 2 pretty big differences between you and a 170 lb girl with AA cups? Things like that make just weight looking at measurements meaningless.
I mean irl they tend to do better and have a lot more opportunities to thrive :) just yeh 4chan friendos are cool just not as lasting as irl ones can be. However I’ve met one person here I’m gonna fly out and meet one day. She’s always been a help to me, really keeps me going. Just planning everything out lately
oink oink porker
bro needs an SSRI like yesterday
SSRIs suck, i went off prozac after watching evangelion and look at how i turned out

t. just started my third antidepressant after the first two failed
Agp rapehon anime enjoyer
cocaine, throwing bricks, fireworks at homeless people and migrants is fun

the best antidepressant is posting your asshole for us to see
I'm on prozac now. It works well for what it needs to treat. Made me essentially asexual, though.
The right one can stop the doom spiral. Or at least it did for me
Oh I see. Making irl friend for me is hard I’m just lucky I have some still around from high school
> fly out and meet one day
Oh that sounds fun. Also give you a chance to see a new place assuming you haven’t been in the area before.
>fluoxetine 30mg for 4 years, did nothing
>wellbutrin 300mg 3 months did nothing other than ruin my appetite for a week
>lexapro idk mg started two weeks ago and i literally feel no difference
how long until i have to electroshock my brain like we used to do with freaks like me?
They should've done that a long time ago
June maybe go play some video games and calm down a bit?
I just smoke weed and do bdsm for my depression it works pretty well
i made penne with tomato pesto
after pasta? id be far too full to get naked, but maybe in just a t shirt and undies and take a mid day lunch nap...
I hate em so much, people been trying to make me take em since middle school.

>irl friend
Same here I haven’t had one at least in my city for a long time, I dropped out of hs when I got hormones so most of mine just stopped talking to me or vice versa. Most of mine were jock types anyway that kinda bullied me for being a bit of a fag in hs, I was on the football team lol and a lot of em would just treat me like a bitch to haze and be pseudo sexual with. Like no homo type stuff while being kinda homo. But they liked me around cause of it.
i want to but i never find the time and when i do none of the games i have speak to me
You should try leaving this website and never coming back, that's a fun game
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gathering up every hsts who proudly doesnt know what video games are and making them play SM64 online coop with me
Try a cozy singleplayer game that keeps your mind off things and makes you come here less is what I would recommend
what is sm64
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>what is sm64
Anyone remember those balls of frozen yogurt? I think they were called dotz or something
what? i just don't know what it is
super mario 64
I just wanna play Mario Kart
anons how did i reach the point that im getting skin bleaching videos on my tiktok? What happened
Dippin dots right? There’s a store for it in my mall but it’s closed now :( used to love em growing up
ohhh ok, i'm not familiar with video games really
stop watching tiktok then. u prob ruined yr algo
thats what happened with my ig reels ;_;
what if i just suck at video games
Take glutathione precursors so that your skin will be perfect like mine
your fyp sounded like it was already firmly in incel/femcel/looksmaxxing territory, skin bleaching is just the next logical step
if i were you id delete my account and start fresh, the algorithm is gonna ruin you
>what if i just suck at video games
ive seen you playing your fighting gameses, u dont suck
The dippins dots has closed, the country has fallen
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my foundation color is literally C2 and summer just ended, it does not have to be any paler. At some point you can yse sunscreen as foundation
wawa enthusiast bf (eats two hoagies a day)
You should bleach your skin like Michael Jackson, you would be so much hotter
Meeting people is so hard I moved to a new coty(I have sense moved back) and had a hard time and spend most of my time inside.
I’m sorry to hear about the bullying. I got bullied some in high school some. I think it’s because I was a little wierd and because I was super skinny and underweight. People knew I would never be able to fight back so I was fair game.
And I would have never guessed you were on the football team.

> skin bleaching
White beauty standards have done a lot of damage
i am not bdd enough to bleach my skin sorry
Don't do this to me, don't give me hope
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u should see my win rate online. i win like 1 in every 50 matches. im terrible at fgs
realistically speaking, in a zombie apocalypse scenario I would enslave and sissify every single chaser
I would be an alpha female, none of you could stop me
Yes you are babe, trust me. You would be so much hotter if you were a little paler
Then dont i was just trying to help you out
>"realistically speaking" tranner
>proceeds to outline a fantasy scenario
many such cases
get those numbers up to 2 classics and a shortie or maybe make it two hoagies and a mac and cheese and we'll start talking
I didn't know you were a feeder baka. If it wins your love though, I'll do it.
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I choose you to be the first of my victims
you will be the chaser sissy everyone runs a train on
That's not realistic
The only trains you're running on are L trains, sis. You think I'm locked up here with you? No, you're locked up here with me.
I support you sister
June just tried to hit on me in the dms, I think she's a transbian
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idk how anyone gets crazy algos, i just get funny memes and pics/vids of cute animals and zoologists explaining them to me. i already hate myself enough i dont need social media doing it for me


the entire west will soon follow :(

i wasnt good and i was a kicker?punter soooo lol still the lamest position that barely played heh

>People knew I would never be able to fight back so I was fair game.
same lol but i kinda fed into it a bit tho, i liked the male attention ngl. sorry you delt with it too tho that really sucks and fucks with yur psyche so much
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I run the trains better than my uncle Adolf
your ass is mine chasey
my inner wawa fan takes over sometimes
Satanic trips, this trannard is stupid and bad and should be punched in the stomach
Get a hobby
I have one, try again liberal
You did more sports in hs then I did so. And the bulling only fucked me up a bit.
I think watching a woman build a dirt house in Minecraft would soothe my soul
my rock hard abs would break your gay baby fists
No they would not also Adolf is not your uncle you're very swarthy, sorry.
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i lust for cock and i want to suck dick and fet fucked in butt and touch a man and kiss a man pleasepleaseplease someone hellppppppll
penis in my moutn, theres penis in my heary
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heart i meant
Putting my minecraft bed next to Pichu's would soothe my soul
I'm an olive skinned chad that can go in either pale or tan direction, sounds like you're jealous of my superior skin tone
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fair enough track was the fun one imo

im only kinda a woman tho
Akchually, Hans Günther would have classified you as undesirable because the Germans had really bad taste. My point? You're not allowed to talk about Adi H
>you're jealous of my superior skin tone
I would have sex with you but I do not want your skin tone no
The Rosewood dirt house/dippin dots store... I've never seen something more beautiful
make a nice new thread plz
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She could do anything to me
I do not understand how someone can be so attractive
I would bury my dick so far inside her ass
I need to murder a chaser in cold blood
my ancestors invented civilization, the uncle adolf thing is just some dumb polchud shitposting
I am superior in every way to the krauts who are forever hellbent on destroying Europe, along with the eternal Anglo. I will invent a time machine, and go back in time and sissify Adolf, turn him into a catgirl sissy slut, and I'll do the same with the rest of his lackeys
im bringing this photo to an ffs surgeon and just saying "this" repeatedly
well anons I stepped on the scale and im heavier so im not going to follow my doctors advice anymore

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