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qott: What are some of your lifelong goals? Places you'd like to visit, things you'd like to do, foods you'd like to try?
I’d like to murder a chaser in cold blood
https://tagmap io/tag/%2Fchasergen%2F
Good post :)
I wanna be eiffel towered inside the eiffel tower
I would like to visit a country like Japan, Germany or Italy. Only ever visited Mexico.
You can kill me I will not fight back
It is pointless unfortunately
Your ancestors bottomed for the Visigoths
I hope to get married and live a good life, maybe go to Nova Scotia or something too
that site is pretty dead unfortunately
Can you murder me in a sexy way please? Like tying me to a radiator, fucking my brains out, and then stabbing me?

>qott: What are some of your lifelong goals? Places you'd like to visit, things you'd like to do, foods you'd like to try?
I want to get my career started and become independent. I know I've got a solid head on my shoulders. Just need to have the independence to chase after my whims. I want to move to Europe, from there visit places like Prague or Slovenia. Maybe Russia one day if they get their shit together. Don't know what in particular I'd eat, but I just wanna try all sorts of things without even asking what I'm eating.
It is pointless unfortunately
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Boymoding today
Siberian poster
well anons I stepped on the scale and im heavier so im not going to follow my doctors advice anymore
I live in the united states
anyone want to smash my head with s large rock? i dont want to die or be hurt but in just wondering
Kamala Harris
Get ready for another Eating Disorder episode of Chasergen.
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Darn i was making one maybe next time :) cute op pic


>What are some of your lifelong goals?
never had any desu. but i see myself wanting to be an artist of some sort maybe do works and leave em in random places around america.

>Places you'd like to visit
anywhere with thriving communities really, i wanna meet people for real

>things you'd like to do
be a bit of a drifter, hike some cool trails and smoke a ton of weed to fuck up my memory more

>foods you'd like to try?
Theres this guy on yt that travels the world trying many fruits i want to do something similar. i shall travel america to try cool foods soon
You want me to bite? Okay, why is it pointless, sweetheart?
not today anon i had a burrito
okay yay :3

okay but only because you got trips

ill dress as benny and have you tied in a chair or smthn and do like a weird sex scene version of the fnv intro
Threadly reminder that the average chaser here is ugly as shit and shouldnt be taken seriously
I would be more than happy if more people joined it, especially in Europe, feels lonely to chase there
not true I’m really hot
Fair but I’m working on it.
who here a catcher?
going to pull a trust me bro but my only ugly side is being a manlet
Dude, I have been shilling this for only like 2 weeks. If you want more people JOIN
I am on the site, just not outing myself as a chaser there since some assholes completely ruined the reputation of us trans attracted cis men
Some can be really attractive, I knew one that browsed here in the past or rather after interacting with me.
I am ugly and autistic so what?
You are a stud and a total catch. Don’t let anonymous drag you down with toxic logic
do i make my tagmap image my feet
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>tfw no harem with trannies at different levels of passing
5 still has my heart I need to jump her medi bones so bad
based, thank you
They all mog me
True, 3 may mog me into suicide
You're high. You'd be so cute in a maid costume on god
Haha thanks. I am sort of joking it really dosent matter what people think I’m never posting face here so no one will ever know
No, I think if you anime slutted yourself up you would be cuter than most of them
> qott
would love to visit Greece and Turkey, also Sweden and Lithuania, I have so many places I want to visit all over Europe
I'd love to eat authentic moussaka, in terms of things I want to do... break out of my shell I suppose
idk what the point of tagmap is lol

does it actually work for ppl??
It's Rick trying to gather people's locations
it was a very mutual relationship and produced a lot of good looking people
3 is very cute bros
3 is a cute
No woman has ever worn a French maid costume for me fml
Nobody wants to meet up

I offered to meet June repeatedly (I am close to Detroit) and she ignores it. Just wants male attention.
no not this tagmap, like tagmap in general
Controversial opinion: 5 is actually pretty fuckable
smart girl
Did you talk to her in private before though? Or did you just randomly offer her to meet up here in cg? Because if it was the latter it's pretty understandable she said no.
>qott: What are some of your lifelong goals? Places you'd like to visit, things you'd like to do, foods you'd like to try?
id like to go to England sometime, if only to laugh at everyone there. I want to own a house boat that i sail away in for sometimes weeks at a time. I belong to the sea, but I will still spend most of my time with my land wife and our 4 babies (feline)
yes, absolutely
That's not controversial at all
I prolly could look a bit like 3 if I got to transition younger and didn’t repress

Fr??? :( I’ve never really worn a dress very seriously, only ever bought one and then never did anything with it…

>anime slutted yourself up
Do you have a detailed guid anon?
it should need more widespread use, as long as people are sensible about their position (aka, just general proximity) it could be a nice tool to actually find "anons" in your area that you could presumably have common grounds to chat with
She already said she wasn't interested in anyone from here
Not controversial at all

3 is wife material and 5 is peak sex
oh my fucking god, please just put on a dress already. Yes I'm being fr, you absolutely would look great in a maid costume
3, 4, 5 are all good, fight me
I feel like you would look cute in a dress desu. Is there a reason you never wear?
I don’t blame her
last time i was around when this got posted i got compared to #5 and i do not see it at all
#3 is cute and goals, #2 too
meeting up with someone from here sounds really really scary
2 looks like that meme where chuddy gets put in Joe Biden's camp and estrogenized and comes out all cute
Yeah the tranners here seem pretty insane sometimes
It is if you have social anxiety. I've done it once and I'm glad I did. Just make sure to meet in a public place first obviously.
when you've been compared to femchud a few dozen times like i have you just kinda learn to embrace it
Don’t be willfully naive
yea I am

social anxiety + paranoia + misanthropy means I probably will not be meeting anyone anytime soon
I agree with you but I will still fight you if you want . Fists only though no weapons or kicking and we have to be drunk first
>I'm gayer
lol. I have to use this next time someone comes out to me
i made a friend on tagmap. One.
Femchud is pretty cute so it's not a bad thing
Wear a choker

Nothing makes me “muh dick” and activate my ooga booga brain more than a choker
it's hard to find active people there tbf, probably ends up a situation in which unsolicited fr on dc is required. I love the concept but I can see how it can fail to work
watch aqua teen hunger force and frylock tells meatwad that he's a man. and meatwad responds "oh that is so cool I always wanted a gender"

so up until season 2 he was gender non specific.
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I am now going to play with faceapp to create abhorrent images
i took a bunch of dxm the other night and now my dick feels weird when i try to jerk off. help?
high powered explosives in a chasers car

High powered vibrators on bottoms' frenulum

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Well really excepting Carl , they were genderless more accurately but clearly male coded or acting what with their love of japes
for my fellow femboys: >>37355368
i keep mixing the words frenulum and philtrum up constantly and was very confused for a moment there
I keep trying to drag women to Ren Fest but they keep flaking
I been working all week. I deserve to play this mindless video game
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i do that too lol
Bump my thread chasers and I'll post my hole.
woaaaah is that a heavy metal dude with long hair wearing a skirt
okay bet
femboys aren't part of lgbt, offtopic
Quite possibly :3
Bit mean, innit?
Literally suck my dick, yes we majority are.
being nice won't get you laid lil bro
pls pls pls and share your findings, all of them
wait you're a femboy?
you ain't a femboy you got a fat as fuck hand 'boy'
post hole
will you add me on discord and let me see
I'm also black, mexican, an mtf and an ftm. I've never posted an actual picture of myself dumbass nigga.
Bump my thread poorons.
>I've never posted an actual picture of myself dumbass nigga
you've posted a picture of your mexican ass fat hand
Totally dude, huff some more of your own farts fatty.
I preferred when it was called swag instead of drip
I'll show you my demos if you show me yours
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>tomorrow is Starfox Sunday with the trans gf
nice rose stockings
living the dream
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Further proof that chasers will simp for anything that walks
NTA but yes we will, cry about it bitch nigga
They're cute though
Plus they can probably harmonize guitar with me bet you can't do that, stinky
I'm just a sucker for people that dress in black
Waow, fat pichu is cute!
Just using it as a psa to the girls itt
You can't see their face
Valid response
Chasers genuinely think trans are attractive and are women but the trans themselves don’t believe it
>Just using it as a psa to the girls itt
It's at least mostly known to most trannies that attraction and attention here is not worth anything. Being liked here means you're a clocky twinkhon, it is not a good sign for anything.

thinking about the guy that ghosted me
That shit is cringe and you should have sex.
I believe I am 100%, it's just not a good sign when you internalize the feedback given to you from people who will simp for everything
True, I just feel the need to spread it incase anyone is still unaware
Really gross underpinnings of superiority
Stop being spiritually stinky, trannerds
I don't simp for none of these hoes. None of you are special.
I do have sex
With non-passing trans women
>Valid response
Yeah it's an immediate plus 2 or 3 /10 for me
Get some standards.
Trannies, how do you feel about a chaser who genders trannies female on a case by case basis? If you don't pass, you don't get she/her. If you pass, you get she/her.
its roughly what i do to myself so i guess id accept it
This is what I do, it's valid
if you do this to people who put no effort (no hormones, dont shave etc) in its one thing

but if someone puts effort in and you still do this, I will be ghosting you immediately
I'll only do this for the no effort rapist hons
All I expect is effort but don't expect me to she/her a 6'4+ twinkhon.
This is unfathomably based. If you've done no voice training and are barely trying to present female, you don't deserve it.
that's fine, but don't expect me to respond to your messages once I realize you're like that
agreed. boymoders should be he/him'd.
I just call everyone she/her
Shit like that is an incredibly slippery slope.
Why not just put effort in though?
Womp womp. Heighthons get no she/hers.
>putting in effort into anything
Okay but is she a cute one?
Cute, yes. But still boymodes and is still tall as fuck. Therefore, he/him.
I don't want people in my life who are only willing to treat me as a person because of my good luck
What do you count as a heighthon? I'm seeing a trans girl who is tall but I'm very tall so it's no problem
Womp, and I think this bears repeating, womp.

Heighthons be like "who wants me?". The NBA probably.
Im kind of curious what qualifies as a heighthon

I only have dated short but I would totally date a taller girl.
I don't care that you do it, I just don't want someone like you in my life

if you don't gender my friends correctly I will be ghosting you
In my opinion, 5'10 and up and you better get your NBA career started.
I get it. Jesus. If anything, I'll say "fee fi fo fum" when I see them.
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troons: would u date a guy who looks like this?
You can transbianchase literally everywhere else on this board you shit-stinking diaper transbian
The one I'm seeing is 6'2 and I don't mind at all
yes definitely
ummm im a boy
wya bbygrl
albania wbu?
Elf looking mother fucker.
> foods you'd like to try
I would like to eat junes ass. Amirite bros
Show us the dadbod you're hiding with that sweater.
oh okay hit my line if ur ever near boston
sorry ill try to look less like an elf next time
im too shredded i don't want to make the rest of you guys insecure
but more seriously this. Like you're supposed to guess based on presentation, it's not your fault if you actually can't tell. But if someone's clearly trying for a specific gender presentation and you know that and do this anyway, you're being senselessly mean.
made the cutoff by one inch phew
Seems kind of gay, not that there is anything wrong with that.
Seems like a small thing to ask of someone , and a nasty thing to not give them
niggas really wanna walk around with a lanky ass inflatable arm waving tube man looking ass bitches lmao
Damn right
inflatable arm waving tube men get all the bitches
Ok it seems to depend. I don't know for myself the tallest I have dated is 5'6.
If you won't put any effort into your mental illness then I won't put effort into enabling it. Simple as.
Not that I agree with the thesis here but you have it backwards
none uh this mattas
me in real loife
its funny that this is the boymoder icon when literally none of them look like this
do any sexy dick girls want to have sex.
Is Carl perceiving himself as the boymoder, or is the boymoder thinking they look like Carl?
I appreciated making the boymoder the same height when they're usually depicted 5'2
it can go both ways with trannies.
Mina looks like the boymoder character irl
literally the only realistic thing in this picture
Carl is shorter than Danzig, which makes him about 5 foot
Don’t none of this matter, fryman
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this is a video my bf took of me
Dark knowledge unlocked
instead of corn, you should be eating fentanyl
you don't look like that btw
The boymoder icon is so comfy looking
im aware of the differences. for instance, not all of my hair is brown
I love sweet corn I am so jealous of him
and none of you will ever look like that lmao
hell yeah B)
sure smells like sadsack in here today
yeah anon its a thing called a cartoon and its not part of real life, it only appears on pictures and screens. are you fucking retarded?
Sure! :3
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block this
trannies, would you date a transphobic rich man? i wanna see where your morals start and end.
me with thos mexican corns :3
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Trannards will find me irresistible in my new sports car
When I read Danzig I thought it was Zandig and got excited lmao
no. i would not want to date a transphobe. and i would not need to date someone rich because i have a job and my own apartment and i support myself financially just fine.
wow a tranny with morals. nice.
no i have more money than i can spend in my life already. youd probably end up the sugar baby, most people who think they're rich have like 2 million dollars.
yes I'd date him

i have a fine job and place to live tyvm
Move out west or even better to Costa Rica.
Get back to forex and quit working again
I used to make so much from it :(
hi im cute can i be your sugar baby
Send me 10k rn.
Who or what is Zandig?
Can we get married and open up a goat farm or something?
alright, would you date a poor chaser but be loves you and always will?
yes idc about money
I would love him more
One of the greats of Death Match Wrestling.
please... now spoiler you ass? :3
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>how are you doing these days?
oh, you know. still hanging in there.
Is that not like best case scenario realistically?
a goat farm sounds nice
yes and he would only have to keep working if he wants to
omg would be a dream
there's no chaser that'd want me sadly
i cant believe Spider turned me down when i tried to add him on facebook. my ego took a hit when that happened.
because you're so gross ex. >>37356489
fuck. meant discord.
Hi you could do degrading things to me for money
I had a goat farm at one point. I spent like 20k from GME stonks getting it set up. But it was on my extended families land and they disowned me and threatened to kill the goats because they hated me lol.
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i would like to be happy, see my friends routinely, and have a home that feels safe and comfy.
id like to visit some of the countries on my list like portugal, italy, denmark, or morocco. i dont have much else id like to achieve other than being independent, comfortable in myself, and be able to buy things that bring me joy.
id kill to look like 5
hell yeah
Millions must Dye(their hair)
i dont want to do degrading things to someone, im a normal tranny
sorry to hear that anon
You could do normal things to me for money
i don't want someone who wants me for the money
>Millions must Dye(their hair)
gonna break out my tablet and edit it to say this later tonight 100%
Aren't you like 20? I thought wrestling kind of died in the 2010s (in terms of popularity)
Yeah, I'm hoping to eventually have the money to buy land for chickens at least, maybe sheep. Though I don't know much about animal husbandry lol. So when are we opening the goat farm, beloved?
Are goats relatively profitable? Why did your family hate you
Are you hot?
tell me about yourself a bit first lol
you probably wouldn't think so. I look weird. Some people are into it though
I get drawn to weird looks sometimes
>Are goats relatively profitable?

They can be. I had a few dozen Alphine/Nubian mixes, A lamancha and some saanens. Saanens are by far my favorite but they like it moderately cold.

I was getting several gallons of milk a day and selling them for five dollars a piece, which is really a bargain when you look at the price of goat milk. You could easily charge 7-10 depending. If you don't pasteurize it you have to sell it as "for pets", just how the law works.

I never killed any goats for meat and when I sold them I made sure they went to a place that would start their own goat farm or just keep them as pets. Thats where the money actually is, you can sell baby goats for anywhere from 100-500 dollars depending on if they're male or female. I usually gave people a pretty good discount if they seemed like they'd treat them well.

You can also do petting zoo's and charge to feed them and stuff if you want some extra money. Is it profitable? Not super profitable lol, I was able to get by but thats about it. I wasn't nearly cutthroat enough to make a profit. But I do see people charging outrageously for goats and goats milk so yeah it definitely can be profitable. Mostly I just liked playing with the goats.

>Why did your family hate you

Girlfriend was trans.
3 and 4 are hot
4 doesn't pass though
You're smoking fucking crack brother, Wrestling returned in the 2020's with AEW and then WWE came back to MASS popularity.
I'm a 25 year old man who is very pale. Beyond that I collect vinyls, enjoy anything outdoorsy, and consume old(er) media.
Ah, sorry to hear that. Sometimes I feel lucky for not having much family
#3 is cutest and #4 is least attractive. How do your favorites line up so poorly?
The last time I heard anyone talk about seriously wrestling I was in like 2nd or 3rd grade
Someone edit the original and say built for chaser cock
1. Take Naoto on a date ti her favorite tea spot
2. Marry her
It's fun to watch :3
how do I care about anything

I feel like nothing matters
>#4 is least attractive
No way
Nothing matters. Why does anything have to matter? You can live a fairly comfy life and not care about anything.
Are you just attracted to twinkhons? She's a twinkhon with emphasis on the latter half.
1,2,5,6 don’t pass and are very unattractive. 3 is def the cutest. 4 is pretty cute
lol not because of that
because i'm shit
I'm not going to say negative things about the others, but it's crazy to say she's the least attractive
I don't get how the fuck #4 passes. She looks like if Dylan Mulvaney passed even less well than she does. She's 100% the manliest one there.
#5 looks cute to me?
poor #5 always ignored and hated _;
You think 1256 pass better?
I agree 5 is cute.
But my order is 3,4,5
i’d really like that :’)
1: Yes, looks like a woman with a strong jaw, Brie Larson like (but less attractive than her)
2: Passes, just looks like a femcel with unfortunate hair
5: Barely better than 4. But good facial structure in that it just looks ugly, not manly.
6: I have cis female cousins who look remarkably similar to 6. She looks like a chubby woman.

4 is by far the ugliest and the least passable.
>bullying naoto into bumping my thread again.
Bump my thread again loser.
1 and 6 literally look like sissy fetishists. How can you say that 4 is the ugliest lol.
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Chasers, would you rub your cocks between Nick "Diaper Queen" Lan.g's big shoulder blades? Their essentially big breasts if you squint hard enough.
Keep in mind Kat will turn green if you piss him off hard enough
You're revealing yourself as pornbrained. That's what women look like, kind of blocky and kind of ugly. 4 is the sissy.
I want her
send help chasergen. i forgot to change my wawa order name back to my deadname before submitting the order. ive sabotaged my boymode before i even left the house, its so over
I don't even know what is going on at this point
She's my favorite
Looks like you can't boymode today.
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new dnd campaign in curse of strahd, drawing me and my friends characters who are friends and also related, not finished yet
i figured out a solution. i go and ask "is there an order under <deadname> or <trans name>?" so i get the benefit of the doubt
Every man should have at least 3 colognes
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I like smelling neutral
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Nick, no one thinks you pass.
??? Just say your last name
Ya that works. They don't care about names tho half the time people are picking up for their partner or friend.
Its real. Shrimpcat
my last name isn't on the order
two first names will work
Do you not sweat?
I put on antiperspirant
thats less important to me than values and morals and the like. what makes you tick, what do you want out of life?
ok good to know
god as my witness you will learn to love yourself
you misunderstand the "problem" she's trying to solve
Hi everyone! So I’m going around random places because I believe that “actual pedos” roam the threads of passgen posts so as an mtf, im here to see how people perceive me
Like passing, ugly, attractive etc.

I truly believe that there mainly are weirdos that have a skewed idea of what passing is to them; soley on the fact that they say the boy/girl or boyish/girlish looking ones or like look oddly young.. pass.

I also notice a lot of threads talk about “anon” saying “I like little boys” or “if they don’t look like children they don’t pass” and weird shit soo.. i plan to see a pattern hopefully with various posts
Top left you look kinda cute. Rest you look like a tranny/faggot also you look like you’d be tall
are there even any lurking tgirls that don't usually post? feels like always the same people are around these threads
And for our honeymoon Italy so we call look at cool buildings and eat pasta
Omg that’s interesting. May I ask where you get the idea that I may be tall?
You’re very right btw
Two pics on the right somthing about your position in the car and room give tell me your like 6’2
Top right looks cute and top left too
I don't know, I don't think deodorant alone is enough...
I like the idea of farming and/or homesteading, but have no idea if I'd actually enjoy it. The baseline would be a girlfriend with similar interests and life goals, and to build a life with her. The ideal? I'm not really sure, I guess to become financially successful and use that to somehow help people? I guess the pursuit of that is what makes me tick, besides my other interests.
>structured writing with no spelling errors so likely educated
>probably raised in comfortable environment >no malnourishment
>allowed to grow to full potential without stunted development from external factors

thats what gave it away
You pass for sure. You look good
i’d love that… :’)
wine and the sea and a pizza
Greedily eating tranny buttholes
…how come people like you don’t roam the “pasgen” posts? You’re insight is truly what people need to hear, especially if they are asking questions on the basis of passing as the gender they feel more closely aligned with.
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>What are some of your lifelong goals?
When I get sweaty after a workout I shower and use an unscented soap. I'll shower if I work up a bad sweat but that's not often because I do so much cardio. I'm just not stinky and don't need to mask anything.
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just spent 70 dollars on eggs beef butter and maple syrup whats up
What is eggs beef
You will never be Italian.
When u coming back to the dale?
You will make it. It just takes time.
Sounds tasty.
Did you got the real maple syrup
Kisses from Brazil
Thx for the compliment btw babe (;

It’s basically second nature for scrollers to post themselves to compete against my beauty whenever they feel jealous or intimidated.. I come across this all the time. (:
What lol
who are you? you look like shit and your makeup is muddy
I sweat like insane thanks to creatine, so the cologne will stay
Whose pics are you stealing
idc why just who is this
Why do the people in this general encourage non-passers to girlmode? I've been wondering this for a while. What are the reasons?
No I don’t and you know I don’t so quit it with the forced insults please
Nigga weon care we just trynna fucc
You'll learn to pass faster if you girlmode. It's like learning a language using an app vs immersion method
This is me. I’m known as kindle and people from the discord community know me quite well (;
Because they are afraid they are gonna commit suicide unfortunately :/
Isnt there a femboy gen or something?
You can hang out here as well but we like trans.
That’s not you why are you reposting people’s pictures to start drama
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Ha gay
I guess its not a femboy chaser gen. Just hang out here some femboys do post here.
NEW >>37357779
NEW >>37357779
NEW >>37357779
NEW >>37357779
so you like little boys? your preferred past-time is pederasty?
Mmhmm , infamously catty and petty, the online gay community is. Watching the odd episode of drag race is as far as I go sticking my toe in that pond.
The irl gays I have met have been the kindest, otoh.
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should i femboy HRT cope
It is me. I’m not usually on here though because anyone with a slightly average IQ will know that people do not give true unbiased answers when it comes to people asking if they pass :/

People will instead hold jealously or some form of personal issue that will reflect what they say in there response and you can see it when you look around.

I personally hate when people hugbox because it just keeps people from being able to establish realistic expectations with how they will be perceived in public, along with where they stand on the beauty scale.. or in some cases; if someone should look into changing there direction on transitioning like detrans, becoming a femboy, or something along the lines of truly helpful.
I believe I had my first run in with a trans girl irl
>out tonight
>spot a tall girl
>walk past her
>she's talking to her phone with hideous deep man voice
Couldn't clock her, it was dark, went by fast and I'm drunk....
don't speak to me like im an asshole im high
Trust me, I’m not. You’re preference to unique and related details are so helpful to people asking for help in these communities (:
>you're preference
I was wrong
Wrong about what though? You literally guessed correctly about specific things about myself that I’ve never mentioned in our conversation?
I genuinely thought you were taking the piss my fault gang
I sort of understand the term “take the piss” but your language is too strong for me. Srry about that

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