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qott: do you believe in ghosts

OLD >>37354837
>diy folk punk show today
bitch that is the abyssal soup in where all teh cretinous abominations come to congregate
ur not so special
This one rings the most true to me. I assume chasers like clocky trans women who look like men and want them to girlmode so they can find them easier.
This one seems dangerous.
This one is really sad, but also seems likely to be accurate. It does support the secondary idea, that it's out of pity and conceding to them.
>qott: do you believe in ghosts
I hope they are not real.

How was the show?
everyone mogged me there
it was fun!
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should i just hrt femboy cope? i keep having dreams where i’m forced to be a guy and it’s kinda hot. insane thing to say, but also kinda not true? i’d hate to detrans
Get a straightphobic bi bf who forces you to detransition and take viagra while he tops you
Nice. glad you had fun. Shows are a blast.

Na. I mean do what you want but I say no.
hi chasergen !

qott: i dont believe in ghosts honestly.
sounds fun
Transgender navel
I believe I had my first run in with a trans girl irl
>out tonight
>spot a pretty tall girl
>walk past her
>she's talking to her phone with hideous deep man voice
Couldn't clock her, it was dark, went by fast and I'm drunk....
I absolutely do. My childhood home was on war/battle ground and it was 100% haunted
Like chairs would slide across the floor haunted

It's even turned a few non believers after they spent some time there. Once my friend was there alone and the bed started shaking furiously for about 30sec and scared them half to death
Ghosts are just unresolved emotions and feelings people have about the deceased.
>first run in with a trans girl irl
Thats crazy to me. I forget some places trans people are not a common sighting.
>chairs would slide across the floor
Ya fuck that I would move or beg parents to move.
Sounds like a cryptid spotting
No way. I’m sorry but I don’t believe in no ghost, goblins, aliens, or wendigos
>Ya fuck that I would move or beg parents to move.
Oddly enough you just get used to it eventually and whatever it was never harmed anyone to my knowledge. We called it Bob but it turned my parents into believers too and they're the deep south super religious types

Stay in that house for a week. Honestly.
Also extra terrestrials are undoubtedly real too lol
why did "transers" catch on
>extra terrestrials are undoubtedly real too lol
This is fine as long as you acknowledge they haven't visited us because the distances are impossibly far.
Lol. Well something happened
i bet it was some samefag troll
I could believe that and understand why people would
But I have a few ideas that I bounce between on them too

That being said, with the size of the universe it's definitely not just us
Fall is soon up us, very soon...
Who even are you
I'm like a tamagotchi or a neopet
I'm gonna assume you're another gay man, they love coming here lately for some reason
no. I wish i did, that'd be neat
of course, don't ask me that after ive seen a longlegs trailer
You can't be a boy because then I'd be gay for wanting you.
I've seen ghosts and unexplainable shit but I don't believe in them
Et tu, Anon?
I believe in ghosts
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Threds ded, bb, threds ded
No idea they didn’t answer when I asked.
hey youre not qpluso, what gives
I shill the TAGMAP and there's less than 20 users, figure it out
It should pick up later. Or at least I hope.
I really want to.
thread is a ghost
Qott: No. Your mind will absolutely hallucinate them in spooky places though and that can be fun to see/hear.
Straight up jorking it
ive seen ghosts but i dont believe in them
Wtf does that even mean?
How can u see them but not believe in them?
it means im an onionsy redditbrained iflsciencer whose spirituality is "logic" and know i probably just imagined what i saw
I know he shills the tag map and told me I’m Rick because I act nice. I’m not sure if he’s Rick but he’s anoying
What did you see? How much for you to play with a ouija board tonight?

Nope. If they were real, there would have been proof by now. I've yet to see proof.
this isn't the rabbit i know and love
how many times do I have to tell you people that there's no such thing as "Rick"????
whatever ough
Sorry I’m a slow learner I’ll figure it out eventually
Sarah is Rick
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hanging out with my sis was a success

cool song
does anyone wanna have a really passionate short lived relationship where we both emotionally destroy each other and i need it to make better music
Was Rick ghost all along?
My ideal boyfriend is a tall, slim, divorced older man with five o'clock shadow, severe features, and thin graying hair. His breath reeks of booze and ashes. His voice is warm and low, yet strained. He dresses like an obvious undercover cop and speaks like a friendly tyrant, smiling only when he’s about to hurt you or considering it.

Gave up any hope of living a meaningful and fulfilling life years ago, resigning himself to scraping by to avoid further disappointment. He goes out with me because I make him feel alive. He always refers to me with condescending pet names when we're together, only using my real name during sex to reinforce his ownership and withhold validation. He fucks me with intense desperation, like he's fresh out of prison. He won't admit it, but he sleeps better when I spend the night.
Town of Salem, but Rick instead of Killers
I can tell that, just as I, you're a sensitive man. So, while I may not know you, I will say, I love you. Is that satisfactory?
Nice. Welcome back
I guess so. Hes been haunting this thread for a wile.
>passionate short lived relationship where we both emotionally destroy each other
I have done this. I regret nothing and everything at the same time.
this is more convincing tbdesu
Rick was just secretly Sarah the entire time
nobody volunteer for this, you won't even get to hear the music afterwards
I love you so much
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it was a few things ive sorta forgotten over the years
once it was a swirling mist (indoors, in my kitchen, with no cooking happening) in the middle of a dry not-foggy day, forming a humanoid shape that appeared to take a step before dissipating

i dont have a weegee board, but it would be interesting
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Did someone say something about a ghost?
Those muscleanon pics were just pretransition Sarah
It's upsetting being a twinkhon even if people say I look pretty, I feel like most men wouldn't want to be seen with me in public
Nah, muscleanon's face is more feminine
Correct, at least you know what's up and are not delulu
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tyty oh and to answer yur question from earlier i just never really had an occasion to wear a dress and i very rarely buy feminine clothes either. I have some trama involving it. sorry kinda left yall hangin but i was on my phone a bit too much lol.

very same anon, i feel like an embarrassment
damn i guess Sarah-positivity was just a 1-day thing, huh?
related: i think the only pretrans picture of me that i have is my driver's license photo. Maybe i'll post that sometime.
I'd be fine with being seen with you in public. But only at night, and you'll need to take an Uber home (no, I'm not paying for it.)
am i wrong? would someone who does that get to hear the resulting music? i suppose i can't know, i was just guessing. if im wrong i take it back, everyone volunteer
y would i let random people from 4chan hear my music thats scary
y would i let random people from 4chan see my shrimp cat thats scary
but letting them emotionally destroy you isn't??
shrimp cat number one in the hood g
Frogposter wasn't me. I wouldn't post that
The mods want to kill me for this
> left yall hangin
Thats ok its good to get away from here for a bit. Also you not required to answer questions.

As never had an occasion I get that. I would sudgess just not needing an event but the trauma thing I'm sure makes it all hard. Im sorry
God this post is a mess sorry.
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The dream
spirits and spectres and phantasmic apparitions are real but not in the way that you think
in the Petersonian sense, of course
are you a writer anon? you typify a person i've never known, and form a desire for that kind ive also never known
What do you think naotos doing rn? She’s ornery looking at her little wee wee
5 days late to take my shot idk
I'm happy for the first time in a long time. Posting here is a bad idea
Wholesome :-3 what’s going on anon we could use some good vibes here
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lol thats oki maybe ill buy a summer dress or somwething and waer it to the farmers market next week.

>Also you not required to answer questions.
true i just like responding to (you)s a lot desu
Scroll up. Look at shrimp cat. You won't regret coming here then.
>wouldn't want to be seen with me in public
Why we care what the public thinks? They are often wrong.

Leave before you get sad
Hooray for happy!
You should take it
>lol thats oki maybe ill buy a summer dress or somwething and waer it to the farmers market next week.
i dont think ill ever wear a dress unless it were some super special setting
it's not like i dress in guy clothes, or androgynously, and i dont appear as a tomboy, but wearing dresses isn't my thing
and with the current quality of clothing fabrics, dressmaking has become a lost art. not really worth wearing unless you put out a lot of money for it
>summer dress
This is a great idea. Summer dresses are very nice. Im a big fan.

As long as you want to respond. I know I tend to post a lot and ask a lot of questions.
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i prefer a chic style
i prefer a shrimp style
I'm flattered you asked and that my words had impact.
I'm not a writer because I'm not consistent, but I do read stories often.
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That's because I wasn't online to defend your honor, my kween
Skinny jeans with an orange pullover and an OBEY hat?
I also make sure to have a very rounded posture.
although it would kinda be an aspiration of mine to LARP as a Victorian-era socialite in a fancy laced bodice, and a vast, ornamental overskirt
what happened to such dressmaking ;-;
we need to bring back a graceful femininity and elegance
although it would kinda be an aspiration of mine to LARP as a modern-era cat in an orange shell, and a vast, ornamental tail
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kinda same, but i still wanna try. I straight up just wear guy cloths most days. I have an alright amount i wouldnt mind blowing on something nice but idk where to look really desu. thx for the heads up tho.

looks expensive :O

ill look around but seems like it could be a simple stepping stone

same here

behold spoopy shromp cat
I love this picture a lot. Thank you.
i just dont rly care about anything anymore
Kisses from Brazil
>I have an alright amount i wouldnt mind blowing on something nice but idk where to look really desu. thx for the heads up tho.
i think a feasible way to get a flattering one is through a mid-end brand, and to take it to a tailor. that way you don't have to worry about the waistline wearing out or it hanging over you like a blanket
romantic goth sounds right up your alley, then.
> stepping stone
It seems like a good place to start
:( I’m sorry. You ok?
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tyty shimp friends

>i think a feasible way to get a flattering one is through a mid-end brand
any specific ones, sorry i dont know brands very well...
Not taking hormones could make those feelings worse. I'd offer to help you take it if I could
>romantic goth
nooo, not at all. that seems very cheap and showy
there's not even that much Romance to it, and the Gothic isn't truly Gothic
it's like people saw interview with a vampire or coppola's dracula and went with those stylised costumes
Brabo de mais, maninho
omg the ruffles we love the ruffles
a little early for holloween
I've been feeling in an early spooky mood for some reason
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i miss when our garments were truly artisanal
even though i have never lived in a time were it was so
death to economies of scale
I didn't realize I was dealing with a true aficionado, my bad. Carry on, kween, the screenshots you're posting go hard.
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and men must start wearing three-piece suits again
suit vests are so freaking sexy
(i will never be a new york débutante in victorian times)
You didn't need to explain the abbreviation, we all knew.
are you born a homosexual or is it just a trend?
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I gotta give the people what they want anon
>Steinach was a physiologist, hormone researcher and biology professor who became the Director of Vienna's Biological Institute of the Academy of Sciences in 1912, the year in which he conducted experiments in the transplantation of a male guinea pig's testes into a female and the castration of the male.[5] The testes secretion, now known as testosterone, resulted in the female guinea pig developing male sexual behaviour such as mounting the partner. This led Steinach to theorize that the gland's secretions were responsible for sexuality.

>In 1918, Steinach began working with Lichtenstern, a urologist in Austria, on the subject of hormones and homosexuality. Steinach and Lichtenstern published the paper "Conversion of Homosexuality through Exchange of Puberty Glands," in which they discuss an experiment where Lichtenstern replaced the testes from homosexual men with those from heterosexual men. The testes transplanted from the heterosexual men were undescended third testes that doctors had removed surgically. After the transplantation, Steinach and Lichtenstern observed the homosexual man’s sexual tendencies. They concluded that, after implantation, heterosexual tendencies replaced homosexual tendencies.
I took my shot now I feel way better :>
thank uu
Good job.
I am nuild just like machamp fr
lol lil bro no1 gives a fuck about whatsome freak did in a lab and wrote about
this reminded me i have to do mine too

what them 4 arms do?
but he successfuly converted a homosexual
by transplanting a teste from a heterosexual into the homosexual
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My mom went with me to get my ears pierced today!
...and promptly misgendered me to the clerk
at least it's done!
very cool! not the misgender part but still i think im gonna get mine pierced soon
>...and promptly misgendered me to the clerk
what do we even do about this. i want to spend time with my grandmother or mother but i cant bear the thought of me girlmoding with like boobs and everything and one of them deadnaming me or calling me their lovely boy
Glad you're feeling better
Dynamic punch
based trips
So all a gay guy needs is some straight nut?
do you want to volunteer and try it?
No I'd like to keep my nuts
So if you bi do you have one straight but and one gay one?
my balls smell like vinegar who want me
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i have no balls
I am so excited. whenever I try to think about what I look like, doing a picrew or something, I always have cute/silly earrings. I can't wait to get to change them out and collect a whole bunch. >>37359325
It's just so silly. I'm a moderate passoid (or at least people here say I'm cute) and I've been building a whole life for myself as a woman. I want her to be part of it, but I don't want to be outed to friends that don't know, or every stranger. My mom loves me, she just can't get it right all of the time.
donating my gay ball who wants it
t. bi

Why are you home on a Saturday night?
Sure, sit on my face
wait. gayness is stored in the balls?
I do the same thing every day. I thrive in routine. I'll go outside later.
take a shower you filthy fucking nigger
i have no irl friends and i work tomorrow morning
Did you at least donate them to the needy?
I’m a loser. Next question
find friends right now. other than being a tranny, what's stopping you?
I went out last weekend with my bros I’m drinking moonshine and playing kenshi
>negative self talk

This is why no one will remember your name and why you will die alone.
>Negative non-self talk.
That's everyone anon
People get shit talked all the time by others. It's not OK when you shit talk your friends or loved ones.
Trust me there’s more reasons then that for why I’m single and will die alone
I gave em to the nearest homless guy and he made a meat ball sandwhich

mostly myself and my city just kinda sucks for lgbt type communities, and im not in school and thats where all the people my age are at
Christ, you sure are a happy bunch tonight.
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Why are you not in school then
I feel like this post is meant as sarcasm but this does seem like a fairly happy bunch of people tonight so I don't really get it.
dont really wanna go, and i have no real goals i wanna chase rn besides making a bit of money and drifting around america for a bit. also felt like it would be a bad idea to go to school for just friends. i also didnt finish hs soooo i know theres some extra shit i need to do before then. i have a ged tho
Pic of you and your cute new ear rings?
miss ya dad

The cure for depression isn't a partner. It's throwing lit fireworks at homeless encampments.
Wasn't your father incredibly transphobic?
Actually the cure for depression is playing a priest in hardcore wow
yeh he was also heavily mentally ill, a literal schizoid. he apologizes about it a lot now a days. at least when i do see him. he did some fucked up shit but i still love the guy and ioll. be heartbroken when he passes
The cure for depression is actually busting in cute tranners telling her you’ll love her forever then ghosting
Oh my lol

It can get soo much worse.

Cure for depression is holding some one in my arms and not ghosting.
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what a remarkably boring saturday night
whats happening, chasergen.
Flu and also my friend is super busy until the end of september so I'll be a lonely ghoul til then

Wondering what TV shows I should watch in the meantime. I don't wanna burn through Dungeon Meshi and have nothing to see after.
niggas unironically think a partner would make them happy lmao
I'm jorking it
so what
my dad called me a faggot all the time and i still miss him
Distressing and coping with pain due to bring cold turkey from my anxiolytics
and by it. you mean. your peaunitze?
It is quite naive.
She got me straight Björkin it and by it.. ha ha well let's just say my Venus (as a boy)
It does. I mean I wasn't depressed before, but it does make things feel better.
bourbon wtf ur my fav
i think it would bring a temporary sense of ease for a bit , but yeh not happy
Found you
Hows life going pichu? Did you try the food I recommended you? The texturized onions protein
some of u mfs need to hear this shit daily
Its better to be sad with someone then sad by yourself.
oh no i didnt, though i looked at some of the vegetarian fake meat foods i already had and found that there was significant overlap between the two already
but i did need a reminder to get some texturized onyo protein by itself, so ty for that
I mean, what makes you happy anon? I could really give a fuck about creature comforts, to hells with them all. The thought of making a man happy is what keeps me going. I think youre just being misanthropic.
there will be lots when I get cuter ones, but you can barely see these so it wouldn't be any different than the pics I posted on Thursday.
There will be SO many in 6 weeks though
Thrifting and plus other stuff with friends has been fun but my social battery is crazy drained
>The thought of making a man happy is what keeps me going.
how servile...
are you serious?
im a romantic too but this is beyond me
Get anything cool thrifting?
Why the fuck are you back here?
How're you healing?
I should probally add. Are you ok?
i can't wait to leave this town
Hot take: Two depressed people don't belong together. You're only going to make each other worse.
5'6" chaser here is there still hope?
Been on taimi and tinder all year
wow. have you tried self-harming about it you cluster B piece of shit?
I know it's up to me to break the cycle because me being born in this country, in this era, with the upbringing that my parents never got to have (no matter how dysfunctional it still was) allowed me to be capable of breaking this cycle instead of continuing it. But damn if I don't wanna forgive my father.
I know it's petty, and I so often see people grow old and with the added perspective that age gives, come to regret not making peace with their folks before they leave this earth, but it's very hard to make the jump from 'I understand why you were the way you were, why I felt failed by you as a parent' to 'I forgive you for being a flawed human', because it frustrates me that I have to be the one to grow wiser and not him despite him being on this earth for so much longer.
Youre very cynical, im sure its impacting you negatively. You should work on that.
It can work, but your kind of right. The issue is when you fall for someone, its not really something your thinking about.

Its going to be harder for sure but there's women who don't care.
I miss Ava.
if your entire meaning of happiness is having someone in your arms or serving someone, you'll never be truly happy. be happy being yourself before putting the responsibility of your happiness on someone else.
Honestly its harder than ciswomen by a long shot, you would think someone with a limited dating pool would be less picky but its just how things are bro

T. 5'3" beaner
I hope so maybe I can buy you a cute pair
Idk parents have a responsibility to raise their children, stop making excuses for bad actors. All it does is stop you from healing, “being the bigger person” is just ego cope
Im happy with myself
Relationships are all that is missing
Bro do you just sit here all day being a little shit or do you actually have a life
Maybe it's just me but I find myself not falling for anyone like I used to when I was in my teens. Now that I'm 30, I'm more selective on who I choose to fall for. Yeah, I get that no one can choose who they fall in love with. But I've mastered the art of compartmentalizing such feelings when meeting someone. Some call that being emotionally blunt but I call it being careful.
found the codependent retard. mommy didn't love you enough? uncle didn't rape you as hard as you liked? get over yourself, nigger.
I got a sweater, I tried on a sundress type thing but it was too small :(
I'm fine
There's your answer anon, lol
some of y'all niggas really need therapy and/or a heroic dose of psychedlics.
There's no one in your life and you're making it our problem
Youre in a glass house little man
niggas be like "i need a gf". no, you need anabolic steroids and cocaine.
i like women
Nah. They genuinely had harder lives than I have ever experienced. And they did raise me. I always had clothes on my back, a bed to sleep on, and food in my belly. That's something that wasn't always guaranteed to them, and not because there wasn't enough to go around, mind you. Being a petulant child that ignores that and focuses on just 'me me me' and what I wanted and what I needed is the cope that prevents me from growing.
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I also like woman
Youre like so cool omg whats your address
i tolerate women
I am much more cautious as well in my 30s. I just don't want to go so far that I turn down anyone who isn't perfect and refuse to get to know people like my friend. Having high standards is good but she refuses to give anyone a 2nd date.

Hey, at least you got the sweater. Maybe next time you go they will have a dress in your size.
I bought your porn......
that ribcage. yikes.
Hey same

Hi girl wearing underwear that says girl
nice tummy
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I have a cute ribcage stfu bitch
literal shein underwear I just thought they were funny. most of my panties either from brandy or pink
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today, I will remind them
my waist is closer to a girls waist than a guys
this nigga built like a surfboard
I was talking to a tranner on taimi for 4 days. We got a long great and then when we were supposed to meet for a date, she fucking blocked me. We had the same interests and she was adorable. How could this happen chaser bros?
Why are you acting like there's a shortage of trannies?
>>Youre very cynical, im sure its impacting you negatively.
no it's not
the fact that your sole life goal is to make some particular man happy is what confounds me
and that it's what keeps you going
you must be very close to despair if that's the case
there is a lot more to life than serving the every whim of your surrogate father
Date after 4 days of talking?
>T. 5'3" beaner
truly dysgenic
I mean you look good in both.
Are the sizes fucked or do they use us/eu sizes? I got a pair of shorts from China and even the 3xl were super short.
my surrogate son makes me very happy, and that's all i care about. thinking of moving in together:7
heyy chasergen how do i cope tonight without alcohol
>tranners make up 1% of the population
They actually are in short supply, anon.

I've got one-itis for this one too. She was into the same games as me, she built her own gaming rig, she's HSTS so she actually is genuinely attracted to me (she lived as a flaming gay twink before)

She also kept on sending me good night voice messages saying she hopes I didn't have any bad dreams and she was thinking of me. I actually cried one night when she sent that.
>>5'6" chaser here is there still hope?
but if the only way you can advertise yourself is through your shitty height then it's over
only manlets hang their height over them like a pillory
well, yeah, we live in the same city. It's not a long-term discord e-thing that takes months to actually fly to each other. I want to meet face-to-face with a woman
Question. If you matched with someone on a dating app and they had no social media or any way to look up pictures or info on them, is that a red flag?
I feel like people might at least think I'm a fake account

I haven't had social media for a few years and I'm not sure if I should get one back before trying apps.
you're a fucking pathetic faggot
Go for a walk :)
I think of myself more of a romantic
I've cum to you so many times.
big dawg how does this happen after only 4 days of talking, wth? That's like a whole summer of emotional development..
>I was talking to a tranner on taimi for 4 days. We got a long great and then when we were supposed to meet for a date, she fucking blocked me.
you're supposed to escalate to a date after your first conversation. 4 days? she clearly got cold feet and you played it too slowly
I would think that's desperate.
i would but its night time and last time i left i got harassed and it really scared me. im also not in a good headspace rn so im scared of going anywhere that could give me any opportunities
Stoner slut?
i dont think it is but it def does add a bit of mystery to everything. last guy i talked didnt have one and just prefered being private about his life. hard to get a read on peeps like that and to some thats a red flag but not to me personally
not when you're complaining about some dime a dozen huss tuss who gave you attention.

quit your bitching and move on to the next one. hell, give cis women a shot too. you're not a faggot, are you?
you're a parent?
if i was a parent, I'd never introduce my tranny gf to my kids. they have no right to intrude in my sex life and the toys i use.
after 4 days?
you're a fucking idiot
>I've got one-itis for this one too. She was into the same games as me, she built her own gaming rig, she's HSTS so she actually is genuinely attracted to me (she lived as a flaming gay twink before)
lol, lmao even
a cis woman approached me in the most obnoxious way possible tonight, trying to be flirty. she decided to walk into me and pretend it was an accident, and thought I'd think that was really funny. tldr: i hate women is the moral to the story.
how??? you'd fucking prefer to solely communicate through text if you have teh ability to spend time with each other irl? what? you should be planning a date after literally your first convo
>waited four days

CONGRATULATIONS! You've won the "most retarded nigger of chasergen" award!
i was called daddy a lot last night.
Get rid of the drinks you have and don't buy more. Try drinking water and playing a game. It's harder to drink if your hands are busy.

Ok I'm glad I got one vote for no. I really don't want to install them again and deal with all the problems that comes with, but will probably cave if its not working.
are you that femboy lover pederast?
Vibe check is important. I hate texting but I have patience.
im a tranner and im the same
i just hate social medfia
if you cant get a basic vibe chat after a couple texts, then you're either an alien or severe autist
and what vibe check do you need for a short chat over coffee? u ppl are cray cray
Trannies just let me cum inside them raw.
no but i know him :D
You have a problem with gay people too i assume, and now you'll complain about that
why wouldnt we? there's no chance of preggersening
>You have a problem with gay people too i assume, and now you'll complain about that
no, im basically a fag hag. i just hate bipedos who feel the urge to stunt a man's development
gay man on man love is aspirational and empowering
bipedo love is castrating and abusive
those who look for neoteny in their partner disgust me and i wish them ill
i dont have any aside from whats in the fridge ive just been in bed doomscrolling and getting overwhelmed by thoughts of inadeinadequacy and guilt
I feel ugly it's over
2 votes for no good enough for me.
how to put in applications to be a tranners fp
why would i want a fucking father for a partner
i want my father as my fucking father
you dont deserve to be my father
i am not calling you daddy
and you will not call me mother unless you want a slap
Oh ok you're cool. Our relationship is mutually beneficial and I wouldn't try to stunt anyone's development. I really hate that kind of thing too, i want the best for my bf not to hurt him
you should self harm again lmao
>any aside from whats in the fridge ive just been in bed doomscrolling and getting overwhelmed by thoughts of inadeinadequacy and guilt
Drinking will not help that at all. It only makes it worse. Im not sure if your just trying to drink more or not at all, but limiting whats in the house is the best thing to do.

Please don't do anything bad.
well, if you want to get with normies then it's best to at the very least have a facebook
most girls see it as a red flag if a man doesnt have social media but most girls dont rly understand men. so i dont expect it from him. i can surmise what the vibes are from basic conversation, i dont need to e-stalk for that
Not more I meant to say less.....
It would make my dick rock fucking hard if you posted self harm cuts like that one day. I'll even print them out and cum tribute them.
it doesnt help but it gives me a lack of control, its like someones spinning me around, its my go to because sleeping around is bad
do it right this time. down your forearm, not across it. fucking ugly retard.
OH. IT'S YOU. no wonder 4 days are required to sus out the sitch if yuo constantly give us NOTHGING
Ya your not wrong. Lots of girls would tell me they looked me up when I had them. I just have been stalked in the past and it kind of made me hate social media.

Drinking and sleeping around are 2 things that can be done safely or dangerously. It depends on where you fall. I just know having drinks in the house when I'm in a bad place can lead to bad things. I just try to do some form of exercise or play a game if I want to drink. You need to find your thing.
don't listen to this retard. drink and get in your car.
>Ya your not wrong. Lots of girls would tell me they looked me up when I had them. I just have been stalked in the past and it kind of made me hate social media.
all my girl friends from my teens onwards have been e-stalkers
i think it's a terrible habit
women throttle themselves into obsession with a man that's really not worth that much inspection
less often is more when analysing people
before i drank when i felt this worthless and alone i used to find someone tontell me nice things in exchange for sleeping with them. it stopped helping because none of them believe what they say they just say what i want to hear so we'll have sex. i dont really want to drink tonight either i think.
>women throttle themselves into obsession with a man
kinda true ngl i get a little too obsessive and i find it creepy
>tranny has attachment issues

also, water is wet.
ppl would be better served forming obsession with a spring sunset, or the morning dew drop colouring fresh autumn leaves. men are relatively mundane in comparison
She's my spring sunset, she's the morning dew drop colouring fresh autumn leaves.
I literally bought your porn and you think youre ugly????
Im not saying people cant look me up and stuff.
I just had an ex send a long message to a friend of mine and she seemed to know a ton about trips I took and my gf of the time. It was just kind of a lot.
> i dont really want to drink tonight
I think that's smart. I believe in you.
Just don't tell the person. I wouldn't of been creeped out if I didn't know.
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some water is only semi wet

true, desu im working on that atm i really love my walks ive been taking. especially durring sunset, theres a huge overlook at the park i go to and you can see the entire city skyline silhouetted by the mountains. its beautiful, especially listening to obscure synth jams
being obsessed with people is retarded. the fuck you gonna do when they die? the fuck you gonna do if they leave?
Finally some good content
kill myself
>the fuck you gonna do when they die?
often enough when the love is so deep, there's a descent into dementia. it's a tragic thing, and feels like an affliction emanating from the qlippoth
>Just don't tell the person
never do and when the obsession is getting too real is when i usually ghost cause its creepy and i dont want to be a clingy weirdo, but yah i usually do some research on things before adding or seriously talking to peeps. not anything too crazy but still it pushes boundaries and i needa stop
losers. both of you.
be sad for a year or 2 and then move on but never really forget
>its beautiful, especially listening to obscure synth jams
lenny cohen is perfect for meditative walks
and aesthetic appreciation
if i have no reason why bother. who cares its one less loser in the world right? if i have happiness after fighting for it and its ripped from me ill end it.
Would a tranner sccept a chaser with a failed hollywood career who now works at to a build a bear
I am down to 142lbs only 12 more and I will be good enough
nothing of value will be lost
aye same


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you should open up that forearm of yours
you dont know what its like to have nothing dont judge me
I love this indian squirrel
I mean you’re very self aware so that’s good. It seems like a minor problem you have that you’re working on.
My first crush I fumbled and then they died and I never fully got over there death. So I guess that
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>US fast food now uses Chinese gutter oil
You are cooking your own meals right tranners?
The use of the term feedstock implies this is used for biodiesel
im working on a lot lately :/ i wanna be at leasta semi respectable prospect for someone :)
Feedstock just means raw material
That's enough vidya for today, time to cook breakfast.
For biofuel idiot
I have had a lot of fast food this week and feel like shit. I need to fix it
I believe in you. I know your going to make an amazing wife some day.
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>make an amazing wife some day.
its my pipedream, ty dude <3
I mean nothing stopping you from being clingy. Lots of girls are. Just know that that can be a very vulnerable position to be in, wrapped around somebody's finger. People get hurt like that, but if you think you're going to live a life without being hurt eventually, you're not gonna be doing much living. I say fuck it. Go live.
I freaking bought her porn..

And she does not aknowledge me
Its so fucking over for me bros im that much of a loser
anon... why would she if u payed for her OF or whatever? find a girl u can actually talk to
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>but if you think you're going to live a life without being hurt eventually, you're not gonna be doing much living.
very true bourbon, i def plan to be pretty clingy with my first real bf if thats what he wants or if he dosent mind cause its just kinda how i naturally am. i fall hard but not very fast so it just takes time to find the right one that wants that, and likes how i look and wouldnt be too annoyed by it. Ill find it eventually and itll be pretty great for a bit
There trolling.
i also really liked this anon sorry i kinda missed it earlier will def check out more
I wish i was

I cant thats the problem clownie
My first real gf was very clingy. Because I was a dumbass and hadn't asked for us to be official, she would ask if she was the 'other woman' even though I damn well could not have the time for one considering she wanted to text practically 24/7, I shit you not. It was super endearing, though, to be wanted so much.
You'll for sure find a guy who likes you especially because of how you feel and not in spite of, I just know it.
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ty :) im working real hard for it lately, ive felt that way about somone before, sucked losing it. i think i let the "other woman" thoughts get to me too much unfortunately. you guys are so nice here ty for the encouragement sm. it really helps :)

Hey can i just say if you want to get to know me in any way you have to like identify yourself okay

"repeatedly" means nothing if i dont know its the same person and they never give me contacts
You definitely seem like the type to order a full background report on a guy before talking in DMs
my idiotic dating app activities suggest otherwise
I mean it’s probally good to be cautious when meeting up from this site.
Rosewood is the best
it makes sense to vet people from this site since its such a shithole
you're talking to a troll
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no u
ah yeah true spontaneous relationships are scary, consider everyone a predator until proven otherwise
It’s a good idea to protect yourself when you going into the unknown. Like if I met up with some one, I don’t know them and they don’t know me. I’m a faceless person on the internet. There just rules to protect yourself
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ough. its 3am.
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>you guys are so nice here ty for the encouragement sm. it really helps :)
I try to be a counterbalance to the crazies on here, at least. I'm happy to hear that it's encouraging, you got this!
I have this song playing in my head at 3x speed every time I look at the gif lmao.
I mean, yeah
go to bed, baka. Listen to some calming rain sounds or white noise if you can. That always relaxes me.
Do trans women like skinny guys or do they prefer their partners bigger and/or chubbier than them.
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ok. before i go to bed i want to share the newest chao family photo, from tonight. getting them all to cooperat4 2swrb # n8ightmare
I used to think so too, and it honestly cost me relationships by being too inhibited, too self conscious. Forgetting all of that was the best decision I've made. Ofc I'm a guy, so there no risk of me being raped on a first date, but generally speaking, I think most people you meet online are looking for the same thing you are and don't pose much risk to your safety.
Lord, please bless this beautiful chao family. Special attention to the Egg with a snapback on the bottom left. He is very Latino coded and my headcanon is that he has an Edgar cut underneath that hat.
tha block is 2hot

I mean ya but still just don’t know. But just meeting in a populated place and telling people where you are is usually enough.
are u retarded? not rejecting some /chasergen/ incel who thinks faceless interactiosn on an anonymous imageboard warrant consideration BECAUSE OF SPONTANEITY, IS QUITE FRANKLY, IMMENSELY RETARDED
lol anon I see you live in the hood too. Hope it's just an entertaining night for you and the neighbors, and not something worse.

tyty bourbon <3

lol same tho

seeing all the variety makes me wanna play this game, they're all so unique :o

be careful anon :)
ty you are the kind posters and deserve good karma and nice things to come your way.
The mean posters can't get this (You) u feel me
5'6 chaser from previous threads. My journey has come to an end, I've left all hook up apps and won't put myself through dating apps. It isn't for me, I have to accept that it isn't happening. Nobody wants to touch me lol.

I've had a couple of really good times. Weird situations. Hooked up with a girl I messaged at some sex club. A few other random hook ups. As soon as I switched to wanting to do something more real, maybe meeting for coffee or whatever, it all ended. Hook ups are opportunistic, and the bottom line is...they don't need to be seen with me, so they can be slightly more forgiving of my height.

The last few weekends have been brutal, I've been absolutely invisible. I had two girls say they'd like to get together at an airbnb over the next couple of weekends. Both just vanished. Either they were just killing time and being polite, or they saw my profile and noped the fuck out.

I just need a cope now. I considered drinking and just self destruction. But I don't even eat processed food, I bake my own bread. I'm too healthy for that. I'd go to the gym, but I know how I'd be judged, like I'm overcompensating. All the mirrors around, having to see this little dude sat at a bench.

I'm learning to drive. I don't care about cars though, maybe I should just try and convince myself I like cars and get enthusiastic about driving.

Don't suggest rope, I'm too pussy for that rn, however right you might be.
Just take estrogen
Too old. I hate everyone who gaslit me growing up. If I knew what I know now at 21, I 100% would.
They good people
How long were you trying for? I would say don’t give up and deffently don’t drink or rope. Maybe try a different app
Casual sex is really bad for you.
Been about seven months. Had a few meets in that time. I might consider another app, i dunno, I still kind of have a little hope so it's difficult to give up entirely.
I enjoyed it, I had some amazing times. But it takes thicker skin and better looks than I have to make it an actual lifestyle. Also, I am very health conscious. I'd get checked up a lot, but in the end I decided that I'd sooner just see someone regularly and not risk catching something.
>>37361281 new
>>37361281 new
>>37361281 new
I know dating apps can be brutal but if you give up it will never happen. But just take a break if you need and get back out there when your ready

I’m sure when I start using them in a few months I’ll be on here bitching about my bad luck as well.
how old?
I might sign back on later, wipe my inbox and just step back for a while. Decide what I'm doing and how much energy I'm going to invest. It erodes your self worth to be constantly ignored, whilst seeing the people who talk you casually describe how they simply too many hundreds of messages to get through to reply to everyone.
you've chronicled your time messing around with people who are probably not compatible and not said a thing about why you're worth dating
you bake bread
lean into that instead of your height
show us your profile
I wouldn't have said take estrogen but after seeing you replying like that yeah you really should

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