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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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Gaygen has fallen! Millions must post!

QOTT: How do we get to the kindren before the trannies get to them all?
follow your leader, polkek
Yeah, fuck off. The lot of ya.
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Old thread:

nta but
I wondered what happened. I am sorry you suffered so much and, like so very many, did nothing to deserve it. It probably is not much solace to know you are not alone and probably hundreds of thousands if not millions have a similar story of doing their best and being punished for it instead of rewarded.

Anyways, I am glad this rat trap shit pit of a general brings you any comfort. But I also think other places online or IRL might be better and encourage you to find them, preferably IRL. I think you, also like many, may have a "rose-colored" view of what this place is. And I would rather you find better pastures before you find out how unpleasant, putting it mildly, gaygen really is. Put simply, the majority of people here are not good, and those who have any decency eventually leave or devolve into the average animals.
that sucks. you never wanted to pursue another chick after that?
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Twinks 4 Hitler

(Follow your leader)
I met a guy in the Summer and I left him in the Spring he argued with me about everything
Foreverial tied up delitized and loving it.

Well the first ptolemys were consolidating their empire over Egypt and events of even greater importance had been taking place in the west. The city of Rome had conquered and organized italy. The Italian communities were separated from their conquerors by no great cultural or racial gap, and the Romans found in the sturdy and numerous peasantry of Italy a vast reservoir of military power. In this they were more fortunately placed in the ptolemys at Alexandria who found it necessary to hold Egypt for the army at first exclusively and always mainly greek, or then the Phoenicians at Carthage whose imperial ambitions weren't securely based on mercenary armies enrolled from Berber tribesmen. Roman Italy were capable of a degree of unity impossible to Alexandria and egypt, or to Carthage in africa. Becoming Mistress of the world.the strength of the new power was soon revealed.. who aspired to the role of Alexander in the west, let an army into Italy expecting an easy conquest. If he had been able to subdue Rome he would have led the Greeks of magnegration against carthage. His career was checked before it had well begun by his decisive defeat by the Romans in 275 BC hegemony, first over the Italian greeks, then over the Sicilian greeks, pastor rome. Partnership between Romans and Greeks had begun. Before the clothes the third century Carthage had been humbled in too long and hard-fought wars. The opening of the second century found the Romans moving east, and before the century had run half its course the successors of Alexander in the east, the antigonids of the Macedon and the solucids of syria, had been crushed. The Greek cities both of Asia Minor and of the mainland had taken their place with those of southern Italy and Sicily as ornaments of the Roman world. Only Egypt remained. It was incorporated into the empire by augustus. These were the events which produced the cultural epoch known as the Greco-Roman age.
Beeeee theeeeere
For your summerrrrrrr
Beeeee deeead
By your winterrrrrrrrrrr

I'm not in a good place tonight. I apologize for posting mean shit.
Its ok. You deserve to be allowed to vent too.
you're the best vocaroo poster on gaygen :s
Thank you anon. That means a lot to me.
I dont know about that, but thank you for saying as much=)
la di da di da
slob on me knob
she's homeless
You aren't going to impress any Hungarian twinks if you keep acting like this.
So my question is could i, say, clean my urethra with a q-tip the same one would with the inside of their ear? I don't mean just getting the tip of it I mean I actually getting in there. I think there's something stuck in there. I don't know what. But I know that it hurts. Really bad actually.
Filming myself doing microwave edits
go to hospital, you retard. don't mess with your dick. you could end up worsening the situation even more
What do you think is stuck in there? Please don't use a q-tip, that's going to make your situation way worse.
Hmmm. Hmmm.
That's not an answer to my question. Are you saying I can or I can't?
Fren, i dont even get in my ear like that. Best i can say is good luck, hope you have insurance
you can't
Hello Jay
if the pain is very bad it could be a kidney stone or a bad uti you should get it checked out
>3 hours of work done today
boy labor!!
Yeah I just think you're wrong.
stop harassing him for discord invite, fucking creep
Hi Apostle!
Its not about that I promise

How are you this evening? Up late aren't we? Or rather you, I am up early,,,
Haha yeah, I got my meds dosage wrong, so I need to stay up for a few hours to make sure I'm okay. How about you, why are you up so early?
how much would it cost to buy a homo trained in the art of preparing and serving opium
Maybe i just call it a night, since im being pissy. Night gg
Sorry. Cheers!
What kinda meds do you take? Well my problem is also medical related. My moodstabilizers makes my sleepvery irregular. So I usually wake up at 2-4 in the morning anyway no matter what.
Have a good night Richard! Be well and enjoy the evening!
It's type 1 diabetes, so I'm a bit out of it, and have poor judgement because I overdosed slightly. I'm sorry that's happening to you, Apostle. I hope that improves a bit for you
Thanks sweetheart. I willl, and you enjoy yourself as well=)
Who here has the worst medical problem? Mine's pretty bad (ulcerative colitis) but it's 100% cured by my medication. If someone has a neurological disease you've got a solid shot at winning.
concentration camps for bottoms WHEN
the schizos and cluster bs
If someone has actual schizophrenia then yeah they definitely win. Unless someone else has an aggressive cancer or something.
I am sorry Jay :( any bad side effects or so?

Its' okay I rather enjoy the cool morning air and well I don't like people generally so its little bit better for my anxiety this way too.

How old are you jay?

Schizophrenia here =)
Can transwomen say faggot?
Nope, stay in your lane BITCH.
Yeah, some bad side effects, I'm really shaky and sweaty, and a bit nauseous, plus I've got really impaired judgement, like I'm drunk. I'm 20!
How do you function with schizophrenia? I'm sure there's a spectrum for how bad it is but I've never seen an example of a functional schizophrenic person. I hope you have a good support network.
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Sniff sniff boysmell! I am also shaky :( How do you protect your bottom like that? I know your rather tall, intimidation maybe?

Well the right medicine + willingnessto take it is half the battle won. The other half is just stoic dogged day after day battle with the demons. As long as you stay calm everything is fine though. Despite it being major impairment I am going off the dole next year because I managed to maintain gainful employment for a year now. So yes, not all schizo cases are faillures.
if planet of the apes happens what ape species would you all date? i'll go for chimpanzees but I think gorillas could make such good bottoms with their massive butts but they cant top me with their so tinny dicks, bonobos and arangutans are just meh to me
I am unfortunately 6ft :(. Haha, it isn't really boysmell, I sort of just smell / taste a bit sweeter than I normally do. You could probably intimidate me, I'm quite easily scared.
lol thats not necerserrily a bad thing I like sweeties ^_^ Awww, I am sorry jay do you know eevie? Time for some convefe and to light up the place, with some incense. Are you a student or what are you doing in UKip land?
>Well the right medicine + willingnessto take it is half the battle won
Why do you struggle with the willingness to take your meds? Genuine question, it's common to hear able people who are mentally ill refusing treatment and I'd just like to understand why if that's ok.
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alone. uncuddled. horny.
life is cruel
I do not know eevie, do you mean like the pokemon? I might do that, get a coffee I mean. I am a student yeah, I emigrated here pre Brexit when it was a lot easier to get in from Europe.
Me? I dont struggle with it personally. I am rationally minded and can logically deduce the medication helps me and makes me fuction better.

The thing is the delusions/voices usually tell you not to take the meds, mine do too sometimes. Aslo the meds have serious side affects like whack sleeping - you wake up reguarly, depression, shaking, lethargy etc. Schizophrenia also sometimes gives you massive energy boost and makesyou hyper focused on certain tasks, for example religion or maths.
He went to the gym. Good for him
Ne me quitte pas
Il faut oublier
Tout peut s'oublier
Qui s'enfuit déjà
Oublier le temps
Des malentendus
Et le temps perdu
À savoir comment
Oublier ces heures
Qui tuaient parfois
À coups de pourquoi
Le cœur du bonheur

Ne me quitte pas
Ne me quitte pas
Ne me quitte pas
Ne me quitte pas
Thanks for the insight, I think schizophrenia is the least understood mental health condition amongst the general public imo
last verse always hits like a semi
May I ask what are you studying jay? Also do you go the gym?
what is being gay supposed to mean?
I'm studying cybersecurity, and I don't go to the gym, but I do go for a run three times a week. How about you?
I am fat. I can barely move with out difficutly sadly. oh man another cyber security lad. My other crush J---- is also in that field. Guess I got a type. you got a type?tell us about your bf?
Ah, that is fair, but I guess you have to start somewhere with exercise. Haha, maybe. I don't know, I guess my type is slightly more bearish guys.
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apostle is a pedophile please do not reply to his posts. thanks for reading.
you're a pedo
What makes you say that?
True, hopefully I will have some money left this month for the gym. How long is the routes you run? And how fast are you?

well ain't that nifthy, I think I am bearish, maybe more otter though not so hairy but kinda fat.

Are you enjoying the UK so far? Norf or Souf? maybe the land of Cymru or Scotland?

you wouldn't understand a joke if it bite you in the ass - whore. Go fak a negro.
history, through sharing this thread and a few discord servers. he's one of those cringe b*sexuals that talk about how fertile 13 yo girls are and stuff like that.
I thought you were friends with conbot?
he's not conbot lol he's a fat south african racist that is unironically schizophrenic.
I don't do really long routes, just about 90 minutes. I think I'm relatively fast, but I'm not very good at endurance - I can run quickly for about half an hour, then I tire. I'm up in Scotland, it's really lovely!
Thats quite good actually =) Keep it up. Honestly dunno much about Scotland desu. Just no true scotsman fallacy and theres highland and lowland scot. Oh and Johnson's famous entry about Oats in his humours dctionary: Cereal often eat by horse in England and my the Scottish.
Tbh,once she had her first period she is fertile, I think she is most fertile a year or two into the period cycle though but yea.
>he's a fat south african racist that is unironically schizophrenic
so is conbot
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ahem, kill yourself.
Oh noes SCIENCO, los horrendors.

Fucking asshat.

JAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY come back ;-( don't go yet pls
When was the last time you had a birthday party?
I can't remember mine
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ahem, kill yourself.
are you sleepy, going to bed already?
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Good night Americans and Good morning Euros. The Sun rises on sunny Africa...
go away forever
post bbc and nig butt
i will NEVER be as comfy as a cat in a blanket on a bed.
why live?
i want to kill everyone
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>mfw I left my pasta sauce on the heat for too long and it burnt a little on the bottom.
ya, i'm gonna do it
i want to like this new jamie xx album but i just dont
why did god gave me such an appetite when i am a sinner and i should not eat
i wish someone would beat me into not eating
Should tops have restricted access to healthcare?
Made dinner, bf doing dishes. This is the life
Btw bros meme magick is real, this was unironically my post this year and Friday I lost my gayginity to an adorable skinny guy
Ryan Murphy belongs in prison
no offence but why can't gay men act like regular normal men
Why do bottoms thrive on misery?
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Sometimes I'm glad I'm tall and muscular as a bottom. Parents might think I'm the top.
I seethe so hard when I see all of the tall dominant tops going for skinny 5'5 twinks. I now know what tall women feel like
NTA but I agree if it'd stop him from producing bad show after bad show
i think my stomach is finally revolting from abuse, i had went to the doctor a few years ago and she saw a bit of gastritis i think but no big deal gave me some pills to treat it to not get worse that i did not take, well, well, now my stomach is pretty upset usually unless i do not eat at all though not for a long time, i water fasted once for like 5 days and i had to stop bc all the acid from my stomach went up my throat lol
take care of your stomach and never kiss strangers while you hook up, stomach problems are probably as bad as STDs if not worse and you can easily get some bad shit bs through saliva, probably the best is to just have a long term partner that does medical check ups at least once a year.. hookups are genuinely retarded just from the health perspective unless you do not care i guess..
Butterface + visibly infertile
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10,000 days... 10,000 nights...
waking up and saying nice things to him
We don't need any more serial killer shows
Feels like I'm going to lose my mind
Delta just keeps on pushing my love over the borderline
Delta's always closing his door
Well, that only makes me want him more
And day and night, I cry for his love
Delta's not convinced that that is enough
To justify my wanting him
Now tell me what he wants me to do
I'm not blind, and I know
That he wants to want me, but he can't let go
C'mon, let go
he looks like ed sheeran with glasses and a beard
I usually tell him how much I love waking up next to him…
Then I put it in his butt
What is it with trannies and glasses?
Haven’t seen this post in a while wew
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should bottoms be allowed to own guns?
gymcelling hard
I've got a BF. Might eventually post stuff to reddit and then we'll see if it comes back here
based buck
/int/ twinks:
i moaned
real actual tea from plants
stay mad stay jealous
but i will always keep winning
tea is a plant
seething rn
wassup gays
so what is this called since it is not made out of the tea plant or whatever, explain
Soup is also a type of a tea
Gm normiepoo :3
hey, what's up
Uhmm, you said ud call me a certain name later, so i was wondering if "later"" is now :3
uwu, i want to feel it grow in my hands
Not that one, we made a new one that isnt offensive :3
I think I have a stalker.
you have obesity
is the truth offensive?
It can be, also you promised :C
fine, just this once. hi, red.
did that stiffen your pringle?
Hngh, thanks now i feel respected :3 also we said that ur gonna use it once a day >:c
I’m skinny honey.
tried to nofap to turn straight and came imagining i was topped in chastity
oh bishit
didnt u say ur massive a few threads ago
>once a day
i don't agree to that one
Whyyy >~< pweaseeeeeeeeee
Fellow bottoms, do you prefer a bf with an XL dick or just a L dick?
lol im joke posting anyway. the problem with being sub is you fetishise failure
I prefer an H dick (Horse)
L and he get get an attachment for the ocasional xl experience
Interesting. Or perhaps you get a side piece who has an XL cock?
think it's kinda weird pal
>the problem with being sub is you fetishise failure
omg im not a failure in life, im just a sub, ty anom
Horse dick is superior to human dick.
Id never cheat on my bf
But why i even chose a short one to save u time :C
don't know mate, feels off
i prefer intellectual and physical mutual attraction encompassing sentimental values: love and grace
Me neither. But he could agree that you get a side piece because he doesn’t have a big enough dick to fully satisfy you. If he truly loves you he would say yes
and penis.
Hung tops >>>>
But why uve had no problem calling me bpdobsessive qwq
why? i only said how nice and pretty and tender he is
true. i'll keep calling you that
He does satisfy me, id just wanna ride a bigger dick ocasionally - for fun. Idc if he agrees id see it as cheating
The non gay has been detected. I need u
if you say such sweet things first-thing in the morning, expect a smooch ;p
Y u bully me :c
Horses are more attractive and masculine than most men.
Who dat? Who dat? I-G-G-Y.
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wtf is this gemstone
The peak of masculinity is a huge black stallion with bulging muscles, a footlong cock and balls the size of satsumas.
u needed something in your life to break your horse addiction. yw
on a date with a twink top later today
looking forward to it
Dating richard round and making him relive his trauma with his ex to activate his rape instincts.
you like it
go to the barn together and service a horse with your mouths
i dont think we're doing anything sexual
we're meeting in town for coffee & going around shops
then he wants me to come back to his to chill & play video games
Awww so ur acc being nice, ily normiepoo :333
After which hes gonna dick u dowbn
go horse riding
that's not sexual until it becomes sexual
feeling the muscles of the giant beast flexing below you as it gallops across the track
he hasn't mentioned that
eh not really. i don't know what's going on. i'm listening to music and having a moment
Twas implied by going to his place
he just told me "after you're coming back to mine."
then he told me what vidya he had
lol are you new to dating?
Ye it was implied right there
I do. What is problem?
You’re a bottom?
Richard pinning gaygen down and raping one after another. Delta then jumping in and raping.
Ur so housecore tsundere :3
im a virgin
babe i don't know what those words mean
not after today
Gj virgin ull be getting dick
Dw about it babe :3
I'm on you like the paparazzi
Flash flash
ok. i'm going back to my music, later
Oh. I thought you were tankanon rebranding desu. Nice to meet you, Timur.
Cya later normiepoo :3
lol kidding
that was a made up story
not sure why i made it up
cracker music
Stop lying and go get dicked
bye red
is it the mental illness
the music is definitely not cracker music. that exists because of etta james. i just like hearing a gay man sing it to me
but i need to top first
for my pride
Just chill its not a big deal doesnt matter if u bottom first. You might even pick up on a few tricks that u can use later
Kiss me
etta james is cracka music
ur right
i should be getting a gentile kiss
i'm the least nasty during the day
Bitch ass cracka
what would women think
Just dont tell em lmao
Why are you thinking about it? You're gay.
no im not
im bi
Its not like women r gonna check logs n see what uve done. Just enjoy ur life
they are gonna check his hole tightness. he'll fail due to that chair leg
Closeted one, got it.
kissing closeted bi guys...
kiss me im so lonely
there has been no good albums this year
u dont mean to tell me im needlessly paranoid about everything

im not a closeted gay
im not a repressor
Thoughts on gay asexuals?
you and bishit have similar bodies
They have same hair growths, and both are bi. Maybe they should be each others.
t. LARPing woman still doing same LARP from previous thread
Back to your home >>37354246
You want to know whats funny
You posted an ftm meme here yesterday
The same meme was also used by an ftmg poster in that thread
his ex was really young..i dont know why bi guys are like that, always want some underage looking girl
Yes ur needlesly paranoid, but thats common just chillax
I troll there thread because they keep raiding ours, half of the posters in this thread are FTM trannys
Never met any.
ocd is silly
since a teenager ive wanted to at least top first
at least top a woman
i'd kiss bish
or you if you'd recommend a nice horror movie
besides cannibal holocaust
Cabin in the woods
The order doesnt rly matter imo
it does matter
things must be in proper order
if i bottom once im gay for life
thats a big decision
Why do you enjoy LARPing as gay male on the internet?
Dont be a silly boy pls
what would a future wife think if she found out i had lost my virginity gayly
>The same tired LARP
Do you erver get bored of it?
How would she find out
Brothers I’m in heaven tonight. Good tunes, my boy making me drinks whenever I want them. What more could I ask for?
Inv me to discord :c
do you really want to get doxxed & bullied by "Bucko" and "Pietro"?
there is no discord anymore
they all broke up or got deleted
i cant lie
maybe i should just become a bottom housewife bf
Being a boywife is also valid
fine, i'm watching this or glass later or irreversibile instead
only one part of me wants that though
turned down 20 guys since last night all because they weren't twinks
only other otters seem to be into me and they can be handsome but they aren't twinks
i turn down everyone older than 20
see >>37361883

i cant just lean into sub bottom desires
you sound like a busted old bottom
Satisfy one part at a time
>Muhh if you dont like fat older hairy disgusting old men then youre a pedophile!!!
Still pushing this propaganda huh?
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You despise youth and beauty because you are bitter and old.
but your sub bottom desires seem pleasant and so nice
your other split can be a rude dom top
all the twinks in my area seem to just be cumdumps
none of them want a cute relationship
also many are more fem than i like
I love young tops. But by young I mean fully adult and in their twenties. I could never feel attraction to a top who looks like a child
you're a total sub bottom
i had a bad dream, i don't really think i can take this for much longer..
young tops have the tastiest thickest cum
They’re also more lively, energetic and funny. And virile in bed obviously.
a young top's cock is like a ripe fruit
an old top's cock is like a rotting old fruit

Kissing... GUYS? I could never >//<
Why are fags obsessed with ugly old men? Why do I get called a pedophile when I post a slim young guy?
think i might be straight deep down
but a gay sub bottom even deeper down
i'm 27yo singaporean male living in california. i only have sex with white men 21yo or younger and i only ever bottom
i would only get with another otter in a threesome situation with a twink
Start finasteride , baldcel kek
Because they are ugly and old themselves
imagine calling your own photo handsome.jpg lol
rotting fruit makes delicious alcohol
most bottoms would rather drink vodka than eat an apple
now you understand why older tops are so desired
Otters and hairy men are gross as FUCK. Some hair is fine, but I will never understand the obsession with hairy males, especially so called ""bears"" AKA obese old fat hairy men.
how do you actually feel making these dumb retarded meaningless ass garbage posts? do you feel good abt yourself?
i wish i could feed you alive to dogs and see you maul into you, you worthless subhuman, you should not be allowed to have and express your opinion, all you are good for is to work a dead end job and be made into dog food upon your death
>Comparing ripe fruit to poison for slaves
Why do fags have such shit taste?
me to delta
I don’t dislike older or bigger guys BUT I need you to either shower me in compliments or degrade and hurt me for me to want to take your cock uwu
Keep seething because some of us like young slim men opposed to fat obese ""bears""
older twink bottom x younger twink top >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
your posts are meaningless drivel
how can i be dom today
on this relaxing sunday morning after a very warm shower i only want a side piece to bask and laze away under covers
Jeb won.
i need a bf like jeb
perfect twink
Delta raping.
Twink on twink makes old uglies seethe so hard.
jeb bush?
u cant make urself dom
you either are or you aren't
library of congress giving us twink content
Delta’s rapecock is reserved for old busty bottoms only.
Men can age gracefully even into their 60s as long as they take care of themselves. It's a shame how many completely give up. And of course true to life 30-40 year olds seem to be invisible in these conversations.
give an example of an older twink
don t anger me more, i am mentally ill and smth really haunts me mentally
im thinking about a mid late 20s old asian guy offering his hole to a white boy who just turned 18 the day before
You just have a warped perspective like every other gay male Ive talked to on this site, old men are ugly and not attractive and if you find them attractive without being old yourself you are a disgusting freak and make gay people look bad. I especially despise people who like ""bears"" and getting called pedo/straight because I like young slim attractive men and not hairy old men, faghags despise beauty
>likes womanly men
>doesnt like manly men
diagnosis: str8ggot
define dom
can service tops be doms
i can feel exactly how you look like, you are just some random skinny fag with unwashed long shitty hair, a pair of round/girly glasses, a face that has a hint of snarky autism narcissism and you also smell like cheap shitty soap, you reek of faggotery and being annoying, i wish you get hit by a bus, ah, i forgot abt the gay voice that you have
I dont like feminine men retard I like boyish slim men which doesnt only include twinks. Why does every fag want to brainwash me into liking hairy old men?
you're not a service top either
you're a sub bottom
My voice is deep and masc I voice mog everyone in this thread and BTW im not a fem twink or anything so keep dreaming faggot
This dreadful pride ""community"" wants to brainwash everyone to be the same. Most gays are NPCs
new - >>37362169
I said old men who take care of themselves and you mention fat hairy bears again. You're just talking to yourself really

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