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last one gettin near the bottom just thought id make one before i head off to dream world :) have a good night anons and non anons!

Qott: How often do you come here to cg? Do you enjoy coming here?

Qott2: What do you do to decompress after a long shitty day?


Last Episode: >>37357779
Goodnight Rose
I’m here a lot. Music is a good way to destress

>>37361266 #
I know dating apps can be brutal but if you give up it will never happen. But just take a break if you need and get back out there when your ready

I’m sure when I start using them in a few months I’ll be on here bitching about my bad luck as well.
>How often do you come here to cg?
>Do you enjoy coming here?
most of the time, yeah. Even when im in a bad mood i get a kind of catharsis from the mean anons. Which is really weird, it's like they detect when i feel bad and only show up exactly then. Which is amazing, because i like to wallow so that's a very valuable service they provide
>What do you do to decompress after a long shitty day?
normally id say "drink" but tryna lose weight, so instead i just play video games and/or rot on my phone

im also heading to bed
goodnight chasergen!
Gn rose, u deserve to be held and loved

I might sign back on later, wipe my inbox and just step back for a while. Decide what I'm doing and how much energy I'm going to invest. It erodes your self worth to be constantly ignored, whilst seeing the people who ignore you casually describe how they simply have too many hundreds of messages to get through to reply to everyone.
r u a top
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sometimes, maybe daily at this point. i don't really have a home gen, but the ppl here are cool
lately, i've been going on long walks after every workday. I originally started doing it to make my new smartwatch happy, but after a while I realized it actually feels really good too. other than that, just my usual hobbies; playing the guitar or piano, hobby programming and homelabbing and other such IT stuff bc apparently my job is also my hobby now, listening to music, vidya, and rewatching old Simpsons episodes. I'm actually thinking i'll watch season four today, actually, I got reminded of S4E3 Homer the Heretic yesterday and it made me wanna binge the whole season once again. S4 has such a strong start with Kamp Krusty, Streetcar and Homer the Heretic right after one another, it's soooo good.
Where can you stream all of The Simpsons (or at least the good stuff)?
show us your profile and what your dates are like
you are way too neurotic about your height
and start asking your friends if they know anyone single that would be compatible. makes mroe an impact than someone from a dating app
Disney+ has everything, I think. I canceled my subscription ages ago though, after getting onto a good private tracker and setting up a good home server for Jellyfin, that's where I watch everything from now.
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Gn dude hope u sleep well whenever you drift off :)

ty anon im sure one day thatll happen, and thatll be a very special day :) have a gn

>I'm actually thinking i'll watch season four today
sounds very comfy i shall do this after work tomorrow, i dont usually watch too much simpsons but the old seasons are so nostalgic. reminds me of going to my uncles house and he had a ton of the old vhs tapes. so cool to watch it on vhs ngl.

>but after a while I realized it actually feels really good too
same nothing beats watching the sunset with a nice sparkling water on these pseudo fall days. I cant wait till real fall weather starts and i can start wearing sweaters outside again :) have a good night eui!



this is where i watch most things desu
> How often do you come here to cg? Do you enjoy coming here?
still a tourist for now, I started checking daily for the past few days, I don't really get some of the more dramay posts, but I appreciate how some questions I had were received more positively than I expected, although I still don't understand how actually varied the demographics here are

> What do you do to decompress after a long shitty day?
simply gaming, 1-2h and I'm ready to just sleep the frustration over, used to take long walks in the weekend, but changing towns contributed negatively to that
>how actually varied the demographics here are
Im pretty sure its mostly mtfs with a handful of chasers, plus the resident schizos
im an mtf and a schizo <3
I deleted my profile text and just left a face pic up when my views dropped to pretty much zero. It felt kinda like I was talking to myself. No one will ever message me, so I just talk about what I'm looking for and who I am when I send a message.

>you are way too neurotic about your height
I think it's warranted. It's rare to see a fem profile that doesn't list tall as a desirable trait which will get you to the 'front of the line'. I don't think I'm neurotic, guarded maybe.

>and start asking your friends if they know anyone single that would be compatible. makes mroe an impact than someone from a dating app
Yeah, I'd definitely consider a different approach, more outside the box.
if that's the case it's honestly great, I reluctantly adopted the chaser label, and I was honestly distraught at how hard it is to find a space where to have a minimum of interaction with mtfs without being immediately judged due to guilt by association
I'm the one that has been assuming this is a US-centric space tho, is that assumption correct or not?
Yeah thread is dead now because most the burgers are asleep. This isnt a good place for hookups imo, but its a great place to learn about what transwomen are like and how to get with them
NTA But how tall are you?
Hooked up with 2 tranners from here :D
This board not this gen
I didn't expect to get hookups from 4chan of all places ofc lol but yeah, it's an interesting learning experience that I hope can make my own behavior better, I despise being an ass to people.

though more EU people would be nice to have a perspective closer to home, since I'd consider the experience to just be different in Europe compared to USA
ask me invasive tranny questions or whatever you want pls im rly bored
nta but 5’1”
Okay and you're a cis guy?
its so joever
Howd it go
There arent many attractive eu transwomen from what I hear. Also the idea that we’re all sensitive snowflakes who will cry if you accidentally call us bro is only half true
First was awful, second a lot better
can I be the 3rd

I’m the guy you asked, I am 5’6.
You'd be surprised if you have people nearby. Or I guess are willing to hop on a flight, but that's a whole lot.
Thank you for your service.
best dating app so far?
what could I do to make myself a better long-term partner?
Would a partner having religious parents be a no-go for most trans people?

Uhhhhh, which porter robinson album is better smile or nurture
>first was awful
How so? Give us feedback so we can improve our services!
That depends. Are you cute and not extremely mentally ill?
im cute and slightly mentally ill
name drop
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i just wanna cuddle and have lots of sex with a nice mam but i live in a conservative area
She was one of the most mentally ill people I have ever encountered

Location and age?
Nta but the answer to the 2nd is to lift and the third wont matter so long as youre a man who can make his own decisions
C'est la vie. Planning on moving?
socal 24
visiting new england soon
British friend? Have you tried meeting trans girls in online spaces dedicated to nerdy interests? That usually works very well and is much likelier to net you a gf as opposed to just hookups. If that's what you're looking for. You need to play it smart though.
>There arent many attractive eu transwomen from what I hear.
Not at all true in my experience. People just go too crazy with their anecdotal experiences.
man* ugh ugh ugh
never been more over desu

Not Murican sorry
never found a good dating app
grindr is full of gross people it's almost never worth the effort, but it's the one everyone uses so its the best place to make tranner friends. such a pain to wade through freaks though
tinder is super demoralizing, too many normies, i get no attention. either theyre freaked out cause im trans, or theyre okay with trans ppl but freaked out because im terminally online and accidentally say retard and tranny out loud sometimes
boo is full of chasers (or at least they swipe right on me lol) but nobody ever fucking messages. ever. they just like the profile and leave, it sucks.
>make yourself better for a longterm partner
just be self assured, sort out your own big issues before trying to get in a relationship, and try to find someone you can bicker with without hurting their feelings or vice versa, cause fights are inevitable in any relationship, good relationships are just good at patching up fights and loving each other after.
>riligious parents
i dont care if your dad is Charles Manson or the pope as long as you wont expect me to be around him if he cant treat me with respect. im there to date you, not your parents, imo

idk porter robinson sorry lol
Where's the dream location?
How would you describe your butthole?
In a survival situation where cannibalism was necessary and you drew the short straw would you go peacefully?
Yeah British. Kinda blown away. Girl I thought ghosted me just sent me a song on WhatsApp. We talked about meeting yesterday. I always assume the worst and that eventually they’ll ghost, because it’s happened before. Hopefully this time will be different.
I agree it's not true. This board alone has a lot of Euro HSTS that are attractive but they're all anons.
Idk probably at least once a day. I generally enjoy it but sometimes things get a lil tense lol

I usually just sit on my office and watch YouTube or a show. If it's a particularly rough day I might take a hot bath and/or a nap <3
idk, brown-ish? pretty normal for a butthole
fuck no id go kicking and screaming, but id probably already be dead anyways, i have bad athsma
Just regular asthma or anything more interesting? Like eating asbestos as a child?
>not immediately seducing the biggest man in the group the second shit goes down
ideally, somewhere out in the middle of nowhere
i have grown jaded towards the idea of living around people in an urban setting
nope just the boring one where a 5 minute run makes me collapse no matter how much i train cardio
not really keen on invasive questions so forgive this dumb more personal one, how much social awkwardness is too much?

unfortunately I am new to this thing so I can't disprove the EU trans not being attractive as a majority, but I would think it's the usual mixed bag, like with any girls anyway
as someone who grew up in suburbia and has always wanted to move to a city, mind sharing why? Hoping to make the move to seattle when I get some more experience in my field
I'm the one proposing we eat you.
I hear this a lot, but I can't say I relate. Maybe on rare occasion. Not like I don't enjoy traveling.
You should take up smoking or eating asbestos so you have a cooler explanation. I guess just imagine that in the form of a question.
>how much social awkwardness is too much?
if you're like well natured and 'social akwardness' doesn't mean blurting "show me your tits" or anything like that, then i don't mind. id rather someone say something dumb than be rly shy and not say anything at all.
im a vape girlie lmao i figured if my lungs are fucked anyways whats the difference
i have lived in a stroad-strip mall asphalt hell my whole life. i am constantly forced to be around random people, most of whom are stupid assholes because my state is terrible at educating its populace. people are very mean here, so id like to be somewhere where random people wont be around me
I hope you leave soon anon good luck
Then yes I would go peacefully because its what daddy wants
too autistic to work enough hours to afford to live alone in this economy ;-; too socially inept to make connections with people that would result in opportunities to move…
Not saying you should actually take up smoking, but it's a shame how much cooler smoking is than vaping if you ask me. Fire in the hands, hard to beat.
I guess I'm just sort of zoned out 90% of the time when walking around the city so I don't really notice what people are up to.
nah, my social awkwardness if anything is never getting to flirting, that's a kind of social cue I never learned
but I generally end up just not managing to keep up interest with people for too long, which is something I have to work on in the first place before getting down the dating route anyway
its true its true. i still smoke on special occasions. holidays, when someone dies, that kinda thing I'll have one marb red. it always kills my voice for like a week though
Yeah I guess everyone can just kill and eat me actually.
ive been mugged for a dollar before here, a half mile from my place
i hate living here.
bottom chasers are wrongly opressed
Well that's nice. I hope someone smokes when I die. And rain, lots of rain, maybe some dramatic lightning. Funnily I think my voice mostly ends up sounding better, but I still try to stay away from smoking these days, had a bad cough for a while and figured that was my sign.
ugh just wanna explode desu
like POW n blood n guts go everywhere
my ass my choice innit
trans women owe me salami innit
clap my cheeks like they're a hi-hat and you're playing 240 bpm
That bored?
kinda want to go to the gas station and get 3am snacks but don't want to get mugged hmmm
I'll smoke one for you if you tell me when you die anon
I feel like I'm definitely gonna be a ghost. You believe in ghosts?
we're good for that kind of thing, braving the 3 am for snacks
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>not allowed to play CoD today because it's Starfox Sunday with the trans gf
not bored, just worried itll never get better
the same issues plague me over and over
very anxious and dooming, in short
there's some EU tranners here. Me, at least, and I'm sure there's someone else too but I can't think of anyone else on the continent actually, just brits come to mind.
There's a lot but like I mentioned earlier most that I've talked to are anonymous hussies and not tripfag poly transbians like you.
Oh well if you've already done all you can. It's the middle of the night here, so assuming it is there, it's probably just best to sleep. Or if you can't, just distract yourself for a bit. Maybe grab something warm to drink and just do whatever. Spilled milk and all that.
sometimes I wonder what life would be like if I had never found bible black
oh yeah, that's fair. though I will defend myself a bit and say, as far as polyshit transbians go, i'm far from the worst
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I haven't cooked in a while please choose a recipe that sounds good and I will cook and eat it alone in my apartment with no furniture.

red lentil curry

blackened chicken with a habanero honey dry rub

Gyoza every time, but I really do love a red lentil curry too.
Gyoza sounds so friggin good rn
I'm used to hanging out with brits, well, last experience wasn't too pleasant, but regardless, in the end I just want some European perspective, so anyone would do

like for example, wanted to start hanging out in discord servers a bit, but aside from their no cis-men (even in straight trans women servers) they tended to slant too much on the US side
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Trans girls are the best to play video games with
They're really good at them for some reason.
They really are
you use tinder, grindr, whatever the fuck 'boo' is, but not hinge or bumble? what's your deal
Qott: Every day. I don't know.
Qott2: Don't really have long shitty days, my life's good.
t. trannard
i vehemently need some man ass to savagely plunder, but with a gentle touch
I see you,nee-san
all chasers must be diapered
Trannards should bottom only.
make me
you will be head down and ass up when im done with you
Will report back with army of dumplings once the stores open
making a chatty chaser my cockslave
its posts like this that make me motivated to go to the gym ty
You will take my slightly above average sized penis in your butt and be happy with that
chasers who say "tranny" or "tranner" is an instant ick. so fucking gross
That's why I coined the scientific term trannard
> tfw no top gf
although my ideal is flexible gf
not with that attitude. you sound like a huge bottom
i will fuck you despite your muscles
Isn't tranner fine? It's just trans channer.
>actually wanting to fuck a hairy male asshole
What's wrong with you? This better be some kind of reverse psychology thing where you are secretly wanting to bottom
the only term for trannies i accept from cissoids is awkwardly skirting around every possible word that comes to their mind bc they're not sure which ones are acceptable, like
>yeah things must be hard for tra... uhh, male to... you know, people like you, not that there's anything wrong with that but i mean like, for people with gender... well you know what I mean
I like tranner bc it’s a 4chan thing but ig what do you like better? Tgitrl? Shemale?
~2:30am a guy and his girlfriend encounter me and the guy says something so I pull out an earbud "What did you say?" "Oh uh I said what's up dude" "I feel great! I'm on my nightly walk, I love my nightly walks. Especially when it's raining ooooooh that's my favorite." The girl responds "What a nice guy!" and I immediately turn from them and walk away. I had forgotten that you're not supposed to actually answer those questions and remembered that if a girl calls you nice late at night she probably means creepy. Yep, that's what encountering me is like.
it's the luscious forbidden fruit that was meant for a trannard's holy dagger
trans women
i hope to God you're joking or at least a shut-in.
no it comes across as a slur no matter how cute you think you're being
correct or "trans person".
you sound like a gay fAGGOT
t. trannard
goodnight. I love you
i go outside and have a modicum of self respect. you should try it
It's bait.
You need to stop this it annoys me greatly
What do you do after you go past the voice reveal, the trans disclosure, and showing what you look like and the guy is still there?
You suck his dick
what's wrong with the urge to use my instrument to its full potential? you annoy me as well
It makes me mad because it conflicts with my sexual preferences
>no it comes across as a slur no matter how cute you think you're being
hello? i am literally also trans and i do not understand your issues with tranner or how it comes across as a slur at all
but use transer or tran or whatever then idk. im gonna keep calling myself a womanoid transer
would a girl settle for a 5'7 manlet or am I cooked, genuine question
only if you let me top you
>puts you on my back
some probably would? maybe don't put it like that
i dont care what you prefer
you dont deserve a preference
now let me make sweet love to you, my dear
Why do you refuse to let me penetrate you?
appealing proposition
idk, I'm just working with the same assumptions of first things women allegedly look at
it's an insecurity I'm working on
i want to fuck something :(
im not attracted to women, so therefore, that will have to be a chaser
also disappointing that you're not stepping up to the challenge and putting a brat in her place
you could literalyl rape me if you wanted to
but instead you're asking for permission
you're practically begging for my dagger up your sheath
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They made a thread about Nils
chaser's dream girl that said chasers would be too scared to actually stay with
(unless it's a gigahon)
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>(unless it's a gigahon)
hey hows it goin
i wouldnt top a guy, if he was fat though. im kinda disgusted by fat guys in general. if you're fat, fuck yuou
See >>37362729
Trannards should bottom only
i miss the virility of testosterone
i really REALLY want to pound a nice male bubble butt
Your useless trannard penis can't do that
shut up
you werent supposed to call attention to that
ill make it work
am I allowed to say some makeup and it's ok?

not fat, what about a hairy guy?
>am I allowed to say some makeup and it's ok?
ive posted some pics no makeup no filter and ppl tell me i pass or am cute
but despite all teh bravado, i think i look monstrous. typical bdd
i like hair on a guy but im not plunging through a criss-cross knotted jungle of ass hair
You should accept your role as a submissive wife
i can do this
All trannards should
you've yet to make a case as to why
submissive dynamics are fuckign boring
i want the steamy hot clashing fury of human eroticism
where we climb and fall and get back up again with the passionate intensity that can only be called THE INDOMITABLE HUMAN SPIRIT
Because you are a weak estrogenized silly trannard and as such it is natural that you assume the submissive position
aer you frogposter? you're getting on my fucking nerves
didnt i say fat people disgust me
i dont even want to fuck you anymoer
your impudence is repulsive
No I'm not that fat american faggot and it offends me you'd think I am
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maybe it's the hugbox, maybe you really are cute, I can imagine that it's much harder to accept one's appearance in that situation but I guess never despair

> ass hair
nothing that shaving can't fix
How does it feel?
How does it feel
To be without a home
Like a complete unknown
Like a rolling stone?

You've gone to the finest school all right, Miss Lonely
But you know you only used to get juiced in it
And nobody's ever taught you how to live out on the street
And now you're gonna have to get used to it
You said you'd never compromise
With the mystery tramp, but now you realize
He's not selling any alibis
As you stare into the vacuum of his eyes
And say do you want to make a deal?

How does it feel?
How does it feel
To be on your own
With no direction home
A complete unknown
Like a rolling stone?

You never turned around to see the frowns on the jugglers and the clowns
When they all did tricks for you
You never understood that it ain't no good
You shouldn't let other people get your kicks for you
You used to ride on the chrome horse with your diplomat
Who carried on his shoulder a Siamese cat
Ain't it hard when you discover that
He really wasn't where it's at
After he took from you everything he could steal
Stupid cat
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who you callin' stupid?
i want cuddle. but leg hurt 2 much 2 b touch rn prolly
lol the stance
Cuddling is gentle, leg weakness can be accommodated for.
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is frank booth a chaser icon?
this is Byron "BI Run" The Bisexual runner
Eating tranny ass is one of the most heterosexual things you can do

where are the pics ladies
Why you laugh at me?
He won’t show me his pic… and might be ghosting me idk
https://unsee cc/album#g7cbP0rQlrgg
See for me (as a tranny) I see eating ass as an inherently submissive act and something I should be doing for a dominant man, not the other way around
well??? are you guys going to say something???
I wish more of it was visible
you cant show off teh whole goodsl ike that
Why is chasergen just gay gen now.
that's what im saying. i give these boys their wish and all they could do is beg for more. fuck all these gay baby hoes
How do some people know exactly what to say to make you flustered? Like my friend and I jokingly say stuff to each other but he somehow knows exactly what turns me on
Well I still enjoyed it
will you let me top you now?
>self destructing image
Of course not. I just want to top you more now.
maybe it's unique to your friend, if a total stranger told you the same things you wouldn't feel that way imo
because I imagine you telling some guy you're trans and hes like "I'm ok with that" and you're all like "eep, what do I do now?"
i gave it 10 minutes for the premium allure
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you think you're safe to take that chance buddy?
>He won’t show me his pic
This is cringe and dishonorable behaviour btw. Have you asked him?
Are gay men attracted to tranners?
Yeah I want to prematurely ejaculate inside you
NTA but yes
that's it, im throwing in the towel. you've bested me. i now enjoy the proposition of your entering me
I'm very virile like that
yes, now plant your virile seed!
Do you want to meet in a neutral location equidistant to our respective countries
are we gallivanting in the horn of africa, or the subcontinental orient?
I looked it up and Greenland would probably be the most reasonable suggestion unless you're ok with meeting in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean
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listen up gay baby chaseys, you need to show us your diapeys so mommy can change em
this will truly be a voyage
Weekend thread.
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>Weekend thread.
weakened thread, loose chasey buttholes
sailing from australia to greenland with my esteemed ship navigating chaser. truly an adventure for the books
> tfw internet can connect you with people from different continents
> tfw you realize that it makes things harder and not easier
what's your cunt anon? i enjoy the diverse perspectives
Twinkchan in a diaper desperately trying to look intimidating and respectful
chasers can connect their face to my ass
Italy, in my experience it's basically absent from these threads lol
weeknd thread
ohhh amazing
north or south? i have a close friend that was born in florence
south, deep south lol

interesting part about your friend, I'm even surprised honestly
>interesting part about your friend, I'm even surprised honestly
we have a lot of post-war italian immigrants here in Victoria, and i imagine his family must have migrated for that reason. is it true that the mafia still holds a tight grip on the south, and italian politics in general?
chaser butts were built for BBC (big boymoder cocks)
I miscalculated your location, my bad. Let's meet in Israel.
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It is now autumn. Where is Autumn? How will you all be celebrating the start of tranny season?
what a stereotypical question lol
but, well, it's basically like this, national politics are at this point deeply infiltrated by the mafia even if they deny it, local clans have gone out of the public eye mostly, there are still some operating out and about, but they aren't as overt as they were

and yeah, tbf I should've expected a migrant, the world is filled of Italians of all stripes (lots of people leave to this day) lol
Why is autumn tranny season? What's chaser season then?
is it true all chasers have incontinence from years of taking huge tranner cock and now they have to wear diapers?
the bi ones prolly.
I'm Elmer Fudd and it's chaser season, gonna hunt you bitches down and shoot you with my gock
Summer and late spring are chaser season. Trannies are stinky or they wear crop tops and bikini bottoms. Fall to early spring are tranny season. We wear cute outfits and cover up with outerwear.
Sneezing on trannies and infecting them with seasonal flus
> tfw never having seen a trans girl at the beach
chasers wear diapers and chastity cages every season
Throwing my used diapeys at trannards
spanking a chaser's bottom really hard because he's been a bad boy
does any cute tranner need money? i do anime findom and need a cute tranner to catfish as, must either have a cute voice or a cute body and ok with taking lewds, wont be posted publicly but will be shared 1 on 1

you dont need to dom anyone i would talk pretending to be you, and i would split money with you

NEET preferred so you are online at more times

add my discord lerkan12 if you want to

this isnt a scam cute trannies do even better than girls in in anime catfishing
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>does any cute tranner need money? i do anime findom and need a cute tranner to catfish as, must either have a cute voice or a cute body and ok with taking lewds, wont be posted publicly but will be shared 1 on 1
do any free chasers need a dommy mommy to lock them up so they can be my slave 24/7?
It'd never fit
Surprising a trannard with a vicious right hook to the torso and then apologizing without actually meaning it
emotionally manipulating my chaser and never apologizing and leaving him with deep emotional scars for the rest of his life
I missed it. Woops.
Being so autistic that it's impossible to give me any type of emotional scars
But we do this every week, can't we just kiss and hold hands this once?
give me time.
We've given you this much already. Maybe it's time to just dive in?
Can you help somebody that's avoidant or do you just have to sort of wait and hope?
ok but you have to buy me a pistachio ice cream cone at the park afterwards
>the passgen/lesgen/mtfg schizo has infested this thread too now
needs to be institutionalized that dude is just done for
You don't know my life. I need to look good when I rock the gock.
You don't even have to ask, already part of the plan. Pistachio is a wild pick though, I feel like 70 year olds pick it because our slavery chocolate infrastructure was less developed.
The slavery makes the chocolate taste better, desu
Theyre not even entertaining, just incredibly autistic. Back in my day trolls used to be funny.
Fine. We'll get to know each other, you win. I'm thinking a few courses, sushi maybe, Italian or maybe Thai if you prefer. Drink much wine much or are we doing twelve shots next door first instead?
They're even avoiding the question. I should have seen this coming.
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I'm an incredible light weight. Buy me some fruity cocktail and dance with me and I'll reveal my dreams to you.
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kinda just have to hope for the best ngl avoidant personality disorder is hella wack i have it
patience in the age of the internet is a virtue that always works

the other emisphere should help you anyway

> Italian food
lmao, people falling for the meme
I dont trust that youre asking in good faith
I can never tell if the diaper threads are bait or not
I thought it was a joke until I spoke to a real diaper tranner
I don't know how I'd ask this in bad faith. I've had a few run ins with avoidant women and they have a tendency to push people away and it can be very challenging to support someone when they do that. I'm looking for solutions so that I can better connect and support people like that so I don't miss out on future women that I might care about.
That's all there is to it, I figure come to the source and see what help I can get.
Do they actually poo and pee in those diapers or what?
last avoidant person I met was a girl I really liked, over the span of a few months her tendencies just confirmed in my mind that I wasn't even supposed to talk to her

a shame, but what can we do
does any cute tranners heal in hardcore wow? i play hardcore wow and need a cute tranner to duo with, must either be a priest or a druid and be ok with healing me while I pull mobs

you dont need to heal me at all times i won’t pull 3+ mobs all the time

Priest preferred so you are healing

add my discord warriorinhcwow if you want to

this isnt a scam cute priest trannies do even better than druid girls in hardcore wow
You shouldnt be taking on the role of a therapist in a relationship, thats a bad idea. We want to be women in a straight relationship, not gay bottoms. If you can convince us that we are by treating us as a woman while not creating high expectations for our femininity thats really the key. We arent supermodels and we’re aware of that, but we can be pretty in our own way. If youre trying to date us you think so too, just find a way to show express that in a way they can understand.
Sorry kid im a wrathbaby dps number go up junkie
>You shouldnt be taking on the role of a therapist in a relationship, thats a bad idea.
Well this is why I used the word support, I know I can't "fix" them or anything like that. I'm just trying to figure out what I as a partner or prospective partner should be doing in that situation to best help. Historically I would just sorta stand there and tell them they're cool, but that doesn't seem to work exactly.
>If youre trying to date us you think so too, just find a way to show express that in a way they can understand.
Yeah I do this and do it pretty much regularly, I'm fairly confident it's not the issue.
Disc>Holy. I did actually have benediction like 20 years ago or however long it's been since that was a thing.
people tell me I'm an old soul, sometimes I do feel like I'm spiritually at least 70 years old. Maybe I was destined to have my own slaves too. I have the soul of a very old and very racist plantation owner
>tfw no big number heals hardcore wow priest gf
Yeah they usually pee in them because they're really absorbent and don't leave a mess, but that's when they're done with them because they're usually pretty expensive
You shouldnt be with someone whos afraid to be vulnerable with you for your own sake. Youd only be enabling them in a way. They have to learn to come out of their shell all by themselves, you can only make a comfortable environment for them to do so. Sorry I dont have a better answer, its kind of a vague premise but its cool that you want to be a better partner, youre the good kind of chaser
>people tell me I'm an old soul
People have said this a lot to me too. I'm still not exactly sure what it means, but it feels patronizing.
And look I'm not saying I'd keep slaves or anything, but I'm definitely made to sit on a big old porch in a creaky rocking chair looking out over a field.
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i look like this guy if he were an evil rapist
Yeah these are sort of the conclusions I've come to as well. Which is a shame, but I guess that's just life sometimes. Oh well, these things have a tendency of working out anyway I find.
And no worries at all, you're at least helping to confirm what I already sort of suspected. Thanks too, you've been very kind as well, I appreciate the advice.
I need more money
ngl you do kinda look a bit evil rapist Nils. Youre not a bad evil rapist tho.
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you look like a constipated guy trying really hard to poop
he's a manchild who wishes he was one bc he's retarded enough to think that's something cool
Give it another 10. I missed it
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Too much shitposting has unironically made me associate Nils with poo and scat stuff. Whenever he posts now that's all I can think of.
that's what eating ass is, eating poop
I miss Jennie
haven't seen her since she was excommunicated from frog's server. Apparently she has her own server now with no boymoders or poly shits allowed
I miss Rachel
>no poly shits allowed
Actually based
Is there lore to this or are you just hating
no poly should be standard, it should be explicitly stated that there's gonna be poly stuff desu

what's the deal with no boymoders tho? I'm a newbie
jennie hates boymoders + polyfags
Jennie is what you might hear referred to as a crazy bitch.
A Jennie run server sounds pretty fun, desu
Jennie is actually right about the poly stuff
It's disgusting
>what's the deal with no boymoders tho? I'm a newbie
im sure it's one of those things she manifested out of nowhere with no conflict or anything behind it
Never done it but not exactly? Hopefully. Assuming good hygiene.
Goodnight. I hope for comfy dreams.
Sleep tight.
would you eat food off a truck stop toilet? Assuming good hygiene
buc-ee's has the tastiest and cleanest toilets
Oh come on
I wonder if Venus eats ass now that she's a transbian
It’s noon
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it's evening
I’d eat ass
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>people on the internet keep saying I look like a mom
>only 27

I can't escape my frizzy ass curls im sorry.
farts on your tongue
as a bi trans woman, I eat ass
I am the orca in the surrounding waters
I think I'd be uncomfortable with my butt getting eaten
I bet it tickles
It feels amazing and its not hard to be clean if you know what youre doing. Never had a guy complain about taste, they go feral trying to eat me out
i feel like i gained 60 pounds last night
People seem to either love eating ass or absolutely hate it
Same with getting their ass eaten
You should probably go to the bathroom.
Pic? There was this girl on pg who look exactly like my baby mom with the frizzy curls lol
This explains why gay men end up with intestinal worms
nta but I was on passgen and I have frizzy curls and people alternate wildly between calling me babyfaced and saying that I have mom vibes

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