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old >>37367672
kys, you should all commit sui now
Commit Suicune
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how do we feel about 18yo Liam from California?
He looks upset
imagine living in new york
I need a hole for this pole. Which one of you sassy obviously-a-bottom, lower case posting anons wants to service me?
Still no bf to cuddle with me, why even live bros?
I want to cuddle naked with a guy
me ;3
Same, sometimes I hug my pillow and pretend like it's another boy that I'm hugging
too many filters
You wouldn't do anything except drop on your knees and start suck, you pussy faggot. Now get to work
but what about me ;3
Ice cold water down my urethra
For me it's also that level of skin to skin contact, just feeling so much of each other.
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imagine living in the U.S.
and having to watch your country turn into a third world shit hole
>having to ask to be serviced
such sub behavior
I'm pretty soft, hope you like that :3
i wish bishit was gay not bi
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no one cares
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no uglies in my thread
Every time I come here it's either pedoshit or talking about tripfags
imagine living outside the usa and being poor
thinking it might be time to convert to mormonism, they got a pretty good thing going on
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William Roepstorff the hottest male model of our time
Why do you love greasy looking filters so much? Are you autistic?
not everyone outside of the U.S. is poor though
i would say most have more money than the average american
He is, stop being dumb.
so there is this gorilla in japan that is so handsome that girls are crazy over him
are any gays falling for him?
he just naturally looks greasy i dunno
I'm gonna take a nyap uwu
>these filters are natural!
Hi Bishit!
i can’t wait to cheat on my mormon wife
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his tan is natural i think
Just dniym instead bottom
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kiss your stepbrother
shh...no one will know
I am not bishit, just a gaybishit guy
I would, but I'm soft to, is that ok?
commit suicide and that means jumping off a bridge and dying
uncomfortably hot
Stfu bottom
Sounds good to me :)
if you do not tell me, i will do smth bad and it will be entirely on your consciense to live with
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>load up grindr
>see a guy with a Bentley near me
>assume it's just some boring whore flexing
>it is
>bio reads "looking for a bf pls" type shit
ig money can't cure everything
This kills biphobia
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guys who show off their money are either really new to having a lot of money or they're fake
What's poppin' gay nigga's.
patently false
I love being tied up.
idk if that old man is willing to give me sugar (pay my bills) i'd bite
nah, it's real*. he has an insta linked to it but not really interested digging further than the bio
Human happiness does not consist in bodily pleasures. In the order of nature, pleasure is the result of a function and not the reverse. Therefore if a function is not the ultimate end, the pleasure that results from it cannot be the ultimate end, or a company the ultimate end. Now it is clear that the functions that are followed by the bodily pleasures mentioned above are not man's ultimate end but our directed at certain specific ends - for instance eating at the preservation of the body, and sexual intercourse that the procreation of children. Therefore these joys are not the ultimate end, nor do they accompany the ultimate end. Therefore ultimate happiness is not located in such pleasures. Happiness does not consist in the goods of the body. The soul is better than the body - which needs the soul to live and to pose this these goods. Therefore a good of the soul, such as understanding in the like is better than a good of the body. Therefore the good of the body is not the is not man's highest good. For the more these bodily goods are common to man into other animals. But happiness is a good proper to man alone. Man's happiness therefore does not consist in the things mentioned above. Moreover, many animals surpass man in the goods of the body. Some are speedier, some stronger, and so on. If the highest good of man we're in these things man would not be the best of all the animals - which is obviously false. Therefore human happiness does not consist in the goods of the body. Men's ultimate happiness consists in the contemplation of god. Man's ultimate happiness can send in the contemplation of Truth for this operation is specific to man and is shared with no other animals. Also it is not directed to any other and since the contemplation of Truth is sought for its own sake. In addition in this operation man is United to hire being substances since this is the only human operation that is carried out both by God and by the separate substances angels.
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im 30+ and still cry to songs written for bi teenage girls

Did you know that Mormons have something called sacred long underwear? It's exactly what it sounds like. It's long underwear that is worn under the clothing by both men and women. No idea what it looks like though I've never seen it. Never had the pleasure. Mormons won't talk to me. No idea why.
the monotheistic abrahamic god (yahweh or jehovah) was a god of war (the Semitic equivalent of Mars or Ares) and used to be part of a pantheon of gods and even had a wife (ashera), but then he was promoted to The God of Everything as a deliberate political move by a Yahwist king and all worship now was directed only to him , later than 650 BCE. We don't really have good evidence to suggest the Hebrews were ever in Egypt, and we would expect to see such evidence if the Egyptians systematically enslaved an entire race, but this can actually be disputed, even just by saying "It was long enough ago, and the Egyptians wouldn't have wanted to remember this."
Judaism says God created the universe in six days, created day and night before the sun, created people who were deceived into eating a magical fruit by a talking snake, and frequently interfered with human affairs like some twisted warlord until he mysteriously, um, stopped.
Christianity says everything Judaism does, and then says the talking snake was actually a devil who is still constantly trying to trick us, and God fathered his son who is actually him, who was born of a virgin, then sacrificed himself to himself so he could allow himself to forgive you for being born, because your great-great-great-great...great grandfather was tricked into eating a magical fruit by a talking snake.

semitic desert death cults are a fucking fraud
>the average american(individual) has $8000 in savings
>the average australian(individual) has $37,975 in savings
>the average UK(individual) has £11,185 in savings

americans aren't rich, 1/4 americans has less than $1000 in savings
Yeah. Sucks.
lol that depends. are you hotter than his boy toy?

actually nvm pretty sure he blocked (just a profile I made a week ago and forgot about). but to the answer the question, nah
fuck I should have ss the bio so you can check out his copey pics. it's a visibly older guy that had very copey pics trying to hide his 5head receding hairline posing next to some cute twink
Why are gay men like this?
I have $1496 in savings and $6739 in debts
>having to watch your country turn into a third world shit hole
I imagine that's what South Africa was like when apartheid ended
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its even worst
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I guess most are fake.
Do you really think somebody would do that? Just go on the internet and tell lies?
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reddit is actually great when it comes to see trannies being deranged and/or unhinged
I know it's uncommon but it happens.
god damn I wish I'd gone to one those gay diddy parties and got fucked out by a pack hip hop niggas
kys kys kys kys kys kys kys kys kys
yea, there is nothing wrong with having a blacked fetish and we arent bad people for it
This isn't nearly as bad as the gay stories you posted
I wasnt the one that posted the gay stories lol, I just wanted to join the conversation for the lulz
need my brain sucked out through my dick -_-
I once gave a guy brain so good he went dead
PB PB Whose Peebo Bryson?
jesus, ive heard about what youve done for other people, and i want that for me
fart on face and eat shit?
lobotomized by throat
i just bought some eau de parfum that's $138 per liquid ounce
Anybody know any good Hank Hill x John Redcorn fanfics? Thanks.
gay people cant grow good facial hair
that boy aint right
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so true sis
who the hell is Hank Hill
i just paid off two children's medical bills and donated to build more libraries in rural parts of africa
I make better pb chocolates than reeses. So much better.
hank hill is the ideal bottom
is that a fucking a chocolate gun?'
why does russia need austria to make their guns?
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Hi, how are you doing today?
Is it true gays rape animals?
What 40k faction do you main
feral animals also known as bottoms
the one with the sexy rats
Yes. The gun is made from chocolate. The paws are made of guns.
I feel like I just cant stand the idea that other gays got the luck of not being autistic and ugly and they can have regular lifes with dating, sex and partying, for things like that I feel that religious fundamentalists are based for hating gays because I feel that other gays shouldnt be happy
Cute hehe ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ
No you didn't
What Pathfinder class are you and your ideal boyfriend? I am an investigator and he is a thaumaturge!
Take off your underwear, Satan.
you just did it to get dicked by BBC dont you? stupid ugly slut
i'm tempted to buy a bunch of cheap crap from temu
I just donated to a trannys feminization surgery and to help a elder woman to retire
I don't play the actual board game but I like the Imperial Guard because they're the most relatable faction, and they're so vast and dispersed that no one in the Imperium knows how large the Guard actually is
whoever posted the cuck thread fuck you. this is now my new fetish (I self insert as the gal)
you will only be disappointed if you are expecting anything to be of average (Walmart/Target) quality
The gay guys that party and fuck aren't happy kek. The only actual happy gays are in monogamous relationships
why are you projecting?
you can be in a happy monogamous relationship but allow guys to run trains on your bf
Gay men like horses, not gorillas
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i'll let you know how it goes
>gay men fuck horses
>straight women fuck dogs
>straight men fuck __goats__ (maybe?)
>lesbians fuck _______

fill in the blanks pls
I had sex with my hand
I've never met a single happy slut in my entire life
lesbians fuck cats
gm xanthippe
If you are from a blue state and city and moved a red state you are like a nazi collaborator

genuinely, fuck you. Not even worth making excuses. You thought moving to a white supremacist hotspot was worth it because you got a cleaner street, or a cheaper mortgage, maybe it was totally fine to live in fucking apartheid in so far you could maybe avoid some taxes no?, fucking same as being a nazi as well. Ohh you thought no one noticed, that you got disgusted at "the loud mexicans"
That you were "tired of the –mess– (you meant blacks here) on the bus"
That you were "tired of going out and trying to be careful to not be robbed"
Grossed by the decaying houses of the people of color, of their dirty streets and the homeless people
Fatigued of the drug addicts in the streets much, scared that they rob you?
There is no other reason you will move. Maybe you didnt wanted more of your so precious income to be redistributed to "the blacks"… the welfare leeches as you thought on the back of your brain?
You think no one can see through the "haha yes, if living in a white supremacist ethnostate is tolerable in so far i can sneak through some taxes"
Honestly. Fuck. You. If you moved to a red state. Fuck you. You would live in nazi germany in so far you can get your "streets with no litter"

"Ohh but i got a job there". Okay? Fuck you? You think not acceoting a job in a white supremacist state like nazi germany would be too much a burden? Go screw yourself
RedditGod post moment
hey bb
do they really? that's new to me
i'm constantly bottom horny, however, i don't want to have sex until i meet someone special who deserves my love
But I like wearing underwear! They're cozy.

Omg hiiii
i’m constantly suicidal however i don’t want to kill myself until i meet someone special who deserves to be kidnapped and forced to watch me pull the trigger
I constantly daydream about kissing and cuddling cute guys and at night before I go to sleep I do the same thing, imagining what it would be like if I was sharing the bed with another boy, feeling his warmth as we fall asleep together wrapped in each other's arms
This cat at the farm forced me to give him non-consensual affection.

most cat cafes are owned and patronised by lesbians for a reason
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We fall asleep holding hands, spooning, or my face in his armpit and arm around him when he sleep with his arm up over his head.
time for modelo
nyo... the cat knots...
You say that, but the claws were very real when I tried to get him off my lap.
sub bottoms are basically cats in a human body
dick n balls
drum n bass
Those are women, anon.
prehensile hole
It's modelo time foo
if i was rich, i wouldn't even be posting itt, i'd be cuddling with my bf.
i'd rather be single. they always think they're worth more than they are.
if i was rich, I would have an apartment like Frasier's -w-
god that just seems so gross
whose apartment is yours like right now
Most posters in gay gen are tops?
is that the vibe you get?
beheading straight boi and using his greasy skull as a futbol
kicking it into a net and falling to my knees while shouting ¡GOOOOOOOOOOOOL!
Farm chickens!

Not nice :c
Autists have to work too
The weird loophole in that show was that as a psychiatrist and media personality, single with no kids he should've been able to afford a minimum of four homes and yet was sharing a small flat with his dad.
Hehe chickem
What a nice picture. Ducks too!
Me too. I imagine it would be better in the winter time though. :)
I'm curious.
80% of them don't
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Ducks, chickens, geese, etc. I could still identify Kush, the duck that once thought he was a cat and now thinks he’s a goose. They have some newer chickens that’s inspired a design for me, though. In particular, the mostly black and white one.

>guy i like to fuck with only wrote me after i jerked off twice

Grim existece
Aaaaa! (@_@)
He was sharing the flat with his dad because he wanted to get close to him and Martin's had a bad hip.
I don't what this means. You are fancy bottom bitch?
How's gaygen doing? Just getting home from being out. Finished making my dinner, grilled chicken breast with sun dried tomato sauce with steamed brocockoli + quinoa
So many chickens! Hehe
I am doing okay! Thank you for asking!
Wow, that sounds like a tasty meal. I hope you enjoy it! ^-^
Nice. I see at least two species of chickens, maybe three in the first pic. I cant remember the names though. The I am stuck on the one with the white and black flecks.



I am told they make fine pets. They are smarter than people realize and have a lot of personality and are quite affectionate.

They say that if you eat eggs, it actually costs more to *not* have chickens.

I like them because when they are calm, they give a tranquil cluck that signals everything is peaceful
are hula hoop earring and 9 inch long acrylics fancy to you babe?
worship cock
I didnt mean to pick. I just thought it was a little sketchy in the logic is all.
I found it, I think. I thought the speckled one was a sebright but now I think its a Plymouth Rock.


It definitely is not a sebright.

Idk the other two by name, just that they are very popular
They’re pretty chill for chickens.

I definitely don’t know the species. The one in the forefront that’s black and white is the inspiration. I have an Iris Van Herpen scarf similar to that, but nature captures the essence better.
i said worship it!
I've been looking at guns in pawnshops but sadly no money :(
They are lovely animals and must be a treasure to have. I sure miss small farm life.
I think that’s probably right. Good on ya’.
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Yes. I eat dirt and potatoes.
ty lol
Bros why do I just want to suck cock so badly
Google is worthless now. When I googled 'why does google suck' I did find some re-assuring articles from the last year explaining why it wasnt my imagination.

Yandex has been pretty good still. Hopefully they dont copy google too much in the future. Google maps and local or regional results is the only thing I use google for anymore.

You cant anything one used to, and if you ask a question, its like being attacked by a mob of political activists and salesmen. I think the 'information age' is coming to a close. We're all China now.
It’s a lot of work, I gather. I babysat the doggos this morning and they were a handful, for sure. Most of all the St. Bernard mix who ran off into the ether for several hours.
>realize I'm not straight
>spend some time thinking I'm into trans and super femme
>put myself out there, flirt, go on a couple lighthearted dates
>realize I'm just into fruity guys, but still like them being essentially and forwardly male
>eventually work up to a hookup with a guy who is pretty faggy but in an adorable homo way and not a neurotic tranny way
Yeah I'm glad I waited bros
Not a problem. Chickens be chickens. Though, these be goats and they do their own thing—especially when food is involved.

lol dog sitting sounds like it could be quite a chore

What a great farm it must be. I had goats as a kid too (no pun intended). They are full of personality too and not shy at all about expressing what they think lol
It was, I've been craving it for a while
balls.. but maybe hole
>have bf
>still addicted to porn
how over is it?
when my bf and I opened our relationship and started hooking up with strangers, both our libidos increased dramatically
you should consider trying it
how does opening the relationship help the porn addiction? in any case i fucking hate hookups
This is one of my biggest pet peeves. The search engine is one of the few good things to come from the tech sector post dot com era and they're deliberately making it worse and worse every year. As horrible a solution as this is, chatgpt is the better search engine now. You can never be sure that it's giving you legit results as there are no sources and there's always the chance that it's hallucinating or using bad training data, but for 95% of the time when it's right the results are way better for any kind of fact based search (assuming the answer is from a topic >= ~2 years old so that it's in the training data).
Would you rather live in rwanda or a blue city
hey frens I'm currently trying to pop my eardrums with music so they'll stop taunting me also having playlist on loop so no gaps for them to be audible
how have you guys been?
every city is blue
>play minecraft
>killed by baby zombies
pretty good, what’re you listening to?
the entirety of the Dusk OST because it hurts my ears when I have it full blast on my headphones
why don't you chew gum or see a doctor?
Hey I think you went to bed before you could respond but you might want to read the Vampire Chronicles, if you haven't already.
Based we love fags here
because I happen to be all out of gum and those alien bastards want me to kill myself
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Rwanda seems chill
Red cities have more crime.
Thats what the stats show when you dont defund the police
Blue states spend more on police per capita than red states.
Red states have been defunding the police for decades, that's why they have a far higher murder rate.
so, in a gay relationship, what's supposed to happen after the top cums in the bottom?
"my turn"
cuddles :3
for me it's cuddling after he washes my cum out of himself
i didn't know tops like taking dick too..

Me when i cope.
Everyone knows junkies in LA will stab each other in broad daylight and most people has been pavlovianly conditioned to let them be not daring to call the cops. And if they do, cops let it pass.
they don't, it's just fair though
Data. Literal federal data. Right wingers are retarded.
i think it'd be funny if both bfs gave each other a creampie, like haha, fags.
I lived in LA long enough to know junkies could be machete fighting each other in a corner and no cop nor person will do shit.
The bluer a city is the slummier it gets
>but feds
Feds hate states rights
>want to live away from the hellscape cities
>don't want to be hate crimed in the country
can't win.
20-30 minutes from an airport is good
Look at per capita crime rates. They're higher in red states on average. Idc about your anecdotal evidence.
I think at this point, American cops are basically just reporters. They show up to document something has happened and usually harass the person with the audacity to distract them from lounging in their car, but get frustrated at the notion they are actually supposed to do anything.

Apparently the whole government grift is running on fumes from early 20th century media portrayal of them having the ability, resources or even the interest in actually catching anyone or stopping anything.

Its basically down to just witless thugs who sign up to legally commit whatever their brand of racial violence is. That, and to bring donuts to mass shootings and hope to finish them by the time it the shooter runs out of bullets.
Is there a sniffies for fat niggas?
i hope the feeling of another man's balls slapping against my cheeks is the wake-up call i need. i don't want to be confused forever
Blue cities in red states are relatively better because liberals cant just launder all money they have for infrastructure and city care to fund their next cycle like they would in blue-blue
homos should worry more about making themselves look attractive and less about politics
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no delta no joy in my life
This old trope.

>Where is the crime?
Red states.
>Where are the worst red states.
In the South.
>Where in the South?
In the cities.
And who is running the cities?
And who is in the cities?

So yeah, the violence is all white rural voters, of course...
Bitch ass cracka
White rural people have a higher crime rate than white city-dwellers too.
Thanks for the recommendation! I still have a big backlog of stuff I want to work through haha, but I'm back into a reading mood lately so might look into it.
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And would that have anything to do with the fact that the land area where whites reside outside of the cities are, you know, many times larger than the cities? Since we are talking about per capita and all. Could it be, idk, that there are a lot more white people in a larger area?
just ate 3 fried egg sandwiches and 250 g of fried tofu
i'm a bottom btw
taco bell parkin lot
i met my bf at chik fil-a, it was love at first bite
Should I try and have sex with another person instead of my own hand?
Ye i volunteer
if they ain't us, then they anus
Which one of you fellas wants to sit on my face?
i shaved my hole so my protein shits will be more pleasant (rest of body remains hairy)
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Americans are trained parrots repeating nonsense divised to distort the cause of crime. Red states often suffer from high murder rates because they're underpopulated, with a 40-50% black population. These states are tougher on crime than blue states like California, Illinois and New York so they would have lower crime rates if they didn't have so many blacks.
>tied up twink addition

godddd I need to be tied up and abused
proceeding to the breeding
i wish bish was gay
when a top misbehaves, i snap their penis in half using my hole
bish - trap remix
my avg screen time is 14 hours per day (+ phone usage, so probably 16)
i spend all day in bed
i wish bish wasn't straight
im bi and prefer females visually/romantically, but like guys sexually more (due to porn)
ideal dom top
angelic trips
what do you do all day on your phone
im in bed with my laptop
mostly youtube (minecraft) and sometimes playin minecraft
I got hard watching a rimming video :/
would you want a bi bf to suck your dick while you play
I have a gay bf whose dick I suck
it's over
no it's not bi bf's deserve love too (especially bish)
how to get it
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Any other bottoms get intimidated when there's masc tradesmen working around you?
no i just get a bit aroused if he's hot
i also like the smell. im not a bottom
Is it a meme that bottoms like guysmell or is it real?
Why would that make me intimidated when higher in the social hierarchy than them?
Gay bottoms like it within reason, meaning it has to be a man's natural smell but not like days worth of unwashed accumulated b.o.
Yeah thats stil weirdt
It's not weird, and tops like the way they're bottom smells too. If you don't like boysmell you're not gay
can't believe I'm still unsure about my sexuality and self identity
Yeah, im not gay for not liking stinky bottoms for sure
I love the way boy neck smells, makes me want to kiss it and bite it. I'm not talking about smelling taint or something like that. You've just been with smelly unwashed men.
I havent
i went to my cousins babyshower a few weeks ago and literally all of his friends were loud blue collar MEN and i stuck out like a sore thumb with long hair and actually putting some effort into my appearance with an outfit and shit literally all of them made a comment about it i just sat in the corner horny :/
lol gayboy
Have you been with men?
Just with ur dad
i hate it when colleagues talk about fucking women
i just get a weird awkward feeling
How was it?
He just kept sniffing my balls, thats why i asked the question in the first place
Why? Just say your honest opinion that you don’t like sex with women and you like sex with men
You aren't going to get laid this way unless you're really hot, which you aren't
it's funny how people always focus on that one area of Philadelphia (Kensington) or that one area of Los Angeles (skid row), some random homeless camp, or gays doing party drugs and enjoying their sex life to the fullest when they talk about how bad homelessness or drug addiction is in the U.S....statistically it's such a non-issue..Rwanda is total shit because African politics are way more corrupt, when black people get in charge they become evil.
Im cute tho
but im not gay
im bi
I'm not coping
no wonder dad can't stop smelling your balls
I hate how smooth bottoms are usually skinny and the fat ones are usually hairy
I want to fuck an obese sissy/trans/cd/etc so bad
why are you in this thread if you aren't gay?
How is fucking a sissy not gay? lmao
his posts are pure shit like Apostle.
yeah it was
i started walking over there
but my gut instinct told me not to do it
he's not my type, he was 30 or 31
and wasn't even using condoms or prep
so i just went to a gym bar in my area instead which is always bad
because there is never any twinks there
just flabby looking gays who look like they don't workout enough
i'm into twinks but im trying to step out of my comfort zone and try new things because all the twinks in nyc are cumdumps who lie and are never honest
i like bottoming, therefore i am homogay. even if i don't fully accept it, i can't stop getting horny, like internally (in my ass). is it not self-torture to deny myself from release? i cannot be satisfied any other way, i must have cock, even if it means i have to be a fag.
liking bottoming doesn't mean you need to go gay
id love to bottom but I'd also hate to because it's embarrassing
I also want a gf
I like bottoming and I’m gay. But I’m proud of both facts. I don’t have internalised homophobia
im more into being cute with another guy
sex is good every now and again (once a week max)
but it shouldn't make up the entirety of your relationship
i cant tell most peoples posts apart

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