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Death by lethal injection edition
QOTT: Any last words?
old: >>37368984
death to trannies
including myself
death to everyone and everything
hitler was a handsome man that could be a perfect mach to our chudhon
I'd go back in time and smoke a blunt with hitler just to try and foster some kind of mutual understanding, I mean I'd be afraid of assassinating him due to the unpredictable flow of events from such a significant change and the resultant power vacuum depending on the point of intervention but it's not completely off the table either
Well, this is it huh?
We're alone, finally at last.
I malefailed in manmode today...
look at me, I'm finally all alone
FakeModer detected ITT
200mg of weed edibles
some vidya
simple as
>smoking a fatty with hitler
>Anon and goebbels chief it the whole time.
>Pic related.
>tfw you have long hair and get called ma'am
>as you turn around they say "sorry sir."
So your telling me there is a chance?
can you guys pls not talk abt hitler, it makes me uncomfortable
xth for underage girls
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that's hitlerious
Theres no bmg lately im sorry...

Cute wagmi
No hormones........

why not?
Because I'm fucking stupid and didn't know anything til I was older.
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>go on https://yandex.com/images/
>search by image
>put a cropped selfie that doesn’t feature your hair or any unique pieces of clothing
>click similar images
>see how truly over it is
irrelevant (same worstie)
I mean, as of now and with your current awareness, what is preventing you from obtaining HRT?
if one of you comes here and kills me you can have all my stuff.
Start nao
der untergang is a damn good movie
trying to keep it real
showing hitler as he were
a human... i human i think were bad, but still human?

as you're a jew? i'm sorry goatfucker
ps do goats have huge dongs? i might wanna join you... :/

hello fake june but i'm all for underage girls... and boys :3

i count real june as boi, tho cheezus might be pissed that i do...
Hah lol, I'll loose my gf and my family.
Other than that nothing is stopping me
It just gave me normal cis women pics even w my hair cropped out
welcome to hell
if you post lewds you might gain admirers tho?
jk ofc
Bro no, I just did this and a rooski came up, HE LOOKS JUST LIKE ME.
is it over
i love passoids stay in mmg MMMMMMMMMMMMM
I look like a man retards
are you single, babe?
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fucking lol
the diverse distribution of afabs and amabs is uh... well, I'm uncanny, I've got that going for me
What does this mean
ignore that anon, he's too young and inexperienced, while i'm old and inexperienced! :D
you are a passoid worthy of my rizz
anyone here into masc4gmffh?
feeling mighty lonely and need hate and pain
post rizz? :3
no? just theyfab max. mine is way kinder than it should be although it gets more cishon-y the more i scroll
With most of the hair cropped out
Apparently, Im a passoid
fellow asian tranny yo
got rice, bitch?
kek, just revive bmg and stop with the excuse that bmg is dead and let this die then, if all you are boymoders
I'm a 35 year old man with the bald, I can't be a boymoder
or go to mtfg, for me is the same since i haunt multiple places, i just do not like the dishonesty of all of this desu
wow crazy who would’ve thought this general was infested with passoid losers who can’t resist shutting up every single space for nonpassers
Did i make it

t. mtf
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oh no no no, at least below this it’s mostly foids and pooners
Are you in the azn trannies discord
i feel like the actual manmoders are the only ones posting and passoids just lurk and only come out of the woods for posts like >>37390745 or to post unsee
to flex and then go back to lurking, just look at how much more active the gen got rn..
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me in a couple years
i look like that and i will be saying that in approx. 3 years
It's so fucking over anons, right?
2 years 8 months for me
manic pixie nightmare man, reading Mein Kampf
on mein kampfy bed, with my tits out
and my futa hentai animegirldick out, jockin' ma' willie
into a cup, so i can drink my own cum
cum is the medicine, straight conversion therapy is the treatment
hetero-rapesexuality is my disease, im tryna' be gay but only for myself and women's safety
chemical castration is what i need, im a natural-born rape-killa'
autogynephilia is in da house, racism is back up in dis biiiiiaatch
im of the AfroAsiatic Black Hebrew God-chosen people, everybody wants to be a Jew
and every man wants to be a bitch, cisgender is a lie
all men are trans, why would that even come as a surprise?
like a female dog, im humpin'
while violent, misogynistic rap music is bumpin'
and by rap music, i mean rape music cuz im a rapehon
im in the psych ward killin' all the doctors and rapin' all the nurses, yeah
and i assume that all the nurses are women and all the doctors are men cuz im sexist, yeah
bangin' my head against the wall cuz im autistic and retarded, i get so frustrated with this life that's overrated
kill myself, i should fucking kill myself
i need a white boy to suck on my dick like a Popsicle stick while im smoking that weed man, with the bong in my hand
like damn, i sexualize racism and autism
the meth powder gets me hyper and keeps me up all night, snortin' and drainin' and--.....[10,000 more lines]
the only actual manmoder
Dude at top right looks like me. It's so joever.
I'm B A L D I can't not be a real manmoder
can i bite your nipples after secretly (after getting you roofied) injecting you with estradiol?
asking for june

i'm much older... but i might tolerate you if you're cute ig

only us real baldmoders are men!!
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all the matches are autistic women or jeephons
are those literally all trannies? sorry anon youre honmoding
ovary doesn't seem like over?
everyone move out to mtfg, stop stealing manmoder valor
eww, i think i will buy some minoxidil and apply on my beard, maybe i get lucky and i can actually grow one..
it is over
I'm actually sad now....
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ryan gosling reminds me of my straight best friend from high school
I've been in mmg almost 5 years at this point (to the extent that it consistently existed before this iteration) and I have not malefailed in years, so I'm not going anywhere
i have been in mmg for 3 years now… kms. only 1 malefail my entire life, actually there was one last week when this lesbian called me miss and then awkwardly pretended it didnt happen when i refused to respond
sorry, it would have hurt less if everyone itt was a manmoder and it was over for everyone and there were no passoids here to rub salt on other's eyes..
fuck a goat about it
i look like a regular normal guy
please scratch your ftm beard on my extended clit?
ik it'
ll not match goat peen but still?

post ass to my discord?
i'm much nicer than that larry fellah and older to boot!

june? get back on hormones you silly ass
if you cum in my mouth i'll forgive you
... or piss. i guess piss is fine too
i'm not june
durian is genuinely creepy now
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the real manmoders looking at the boymoders itt
ik just shitposting sorry

i'm drunk af and shitposting on all cylinders
get off my old aching back already ;_;
also i feel insulted about the "now" wtf?

almost canceling your tickets to hellshape sweden ngl :|
I'm gonna go cry in a corner and doom max.... my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined...
edibles in full swing and i barely feel it
is this how captain america feels?
maybe i am capn
bet larrychan wouldn't even shave her great beard before we would meet up, and i'd get beard hairs in my urethra and getting me all upset W.T.F.?!?

would hug you anon, would hug you soo much!
not kidding btw but i'm disgusting shit
it does not work
K-Y-S, passoid
you all must die
wee woo twinkhon alert
desu i recognize two of the trannies in that pic
have a nice day my brother
glory to manmoder general
hail victory my brother
hail our people
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is this good or bad? I look most like the top right
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Hrt can't fix broken huh....
i wonder who this is
no idea
it shows me all trannies and hons. it's fucked
is this a sarcasm?
no, i genuinely do not know, i am bad with faces, i have 'tism
how about now
this nigga MOIST
this nigga on METH
this nigga RAPE-Y
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holy hugbox
i have tits
Okay you fucks. If I WERE on hrt, I wonder how much it would change my face and then henceforth the pictures it shows me.
you into rape?
yes but only if its a huge ogrish man
same breastie
for me all it did was make me more pale
someone said i should be a male model lol
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>all trannies and hons
it showed me all men all three times i tried it
im a real one
you fakeass tranny honmoder
im the bitch you hated
filth infatuated
you scared to rape a bitch? i cant relate!
rape rape on the first fucking date.
you're a boymoder or twinkhon at worst
you don't belong here
it gave me prey eyes, that is all
Faceapp and its consequences have been a disaster for the tranny race. Can you imagine being a tranny opening that bitch up and then have it spit out a girl version of you that will never be? Got me fucked up.
m o i s t
So no changes to the body?
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this image is dated 2017 and I started HRT in 2020, I knew and I was fighting so hard for it to be anything else and this kind of sent me spiraling over the impossibility while giving me the faintest spark of hope for SOME changes
I have gyno now and maybe slightly thinner body hair, but there wasn't much to begin
i got good changes for the body but your mileage may vary, i have a 0.7 waist to hips ratio since i started eating less
It doesn’t. If your expectation for HRT is you looking much different then drop it. HRT gets rid of acne and helps you age slower. That’s it. There’s an enormous amount of wishful thinking and honscience and you’ll probably fall for it though because people desperately want to believe it’s more than it is.
I tried it and I still looked like a moid lol
mine give me appreciable breasts, a slight reduction in shoulder and ribcage width, and some hip rotation (not real growth) as well as a significant reduction in body hair over time

my skin is also way paler, thinner, and more easily cut/bruised/dried out (maybe metaphorically speaking as well)
need to give this beautiful woman my life savings over facebook
hello maye I please to be having your bank account details
When I do it I look cute as fuck!
Alright I am no longer a tranny.
skill issue
how can i make my gender dysphoria worse?
literally, i need to know this
i was raped by a cis lesbian
larry passed better than her
roid out nigga maybe you'll go so hard in the other direction that you crush your gd and become the man you were destined to become
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how's my manmode
every woman i have ever had sex looks like that and now i'm effectively gay
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It's all disheartening because I can practically see her in the mirror sometimes.
Man the fuck up faggot
Female on male ‘rape’ is not worth taking seriously and is easily preventable.
holy hugboxxing
I mean I literally described the physical changes I got which were in line with or far outdid what I expected and wanted, I'll never pass but I have no regrets except not starting sooner (and not handling my emotions better)
she tied me down and had her ways with my holes.
god damn do those straps pack a punch.
i still have nightmares.
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the only woman I ever had sex with looked like this and now I'm broken
Thank you.. I have a mush brain and go pseudo schizoid sometimes lol.
my dysphoria is medium, liveable in the way that i do not want to kms over it but i cannot function and feel amazing either, the idea of becoming more masc and lifting weights makes me feel vomit in my mouth, so it is still there, i want to overload it the point of either going away or resulting in me kms, i win in both cases, no roids though bc they do not make me look any better and are dumb unless you are a fitness influencer..
it’s worse to be a manmoder than a repper
Hrt has positive aspects sure, but it’s impossible to avoid the dissonance and disgust of being a dangerously deluded man on female hormones who constantly tries and fails to look like a woman
I need to stop
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you know, larry, i got wig glue and lube.
I have wig glue Greg. can you doll me up and fuck me?
I have a bussy, greg, can you plap me?
does it even need to be said
wait, does WHAT even need to be said? I think the answer is yes
This this this. You can only think your the woman in the mirror for so long....
i wish i could see ryan irl standing next to me, i would not know how to react
m o g s

m e
oh lol
manmode is about self-acceptance, not defeat
>I can practically see her in the mirror sometimes
this happens a lot especially at night when the light is low and I can no longer accurately imagine my face. losing my fucking mind
The goth girl that sat next to you in middle school will forever be stuck with you.
Yes, when I really see her it's in low lit areas..... I can look at my face on some occasions and see it morphing..... shit is fucked...
i got a gock and a futa hole, greg.
can you tell me my gender?
i forgot my gender and you're laughing!
me in a few years as an old man with the futa surgery
>Wanna hear another tranny joke murray?!
thank god i did not cut my balls, i would have really really regreted that, i regret the small gyno i got but it is barely noticeable and can be removed but the balls, oh, yea..
high school... I had a few other crushes/"girlfriends" before and after, including in middle school, and definitely knew some girls who were total giwtwm fuel too that I admired but nothing like the One
true but i feel way lighter without them. i could outrun you, ez.
I could outrun any of you over a short distance and climb higher too with my giant gangly legs but I'd get winded fast because I'm so sedentary and have no endurance anymore
Acceptance of what? You can acknowledge your desires to be a woman as a repper
but when you start taking estrogen that’s an attempt to actualize that desire
And if you have no hope of passing actualizing it just fucking hurts and feels disgusting, moreso than if you never tried at all, at least for me. I never felt the amount of disgust at myself that I feel now before trooning.
post giant gangly legs
acceptance of your condition, your desires, and your hopelessness all at once, without necessarily giving into that as despair but working with it and doing what you can to live a comfortable or fulfilling life within those bounds

> I never felt the amount of disgust at myself that I feel now before trooning.
that's because you were safely shielded by a layer of dissociation before
you can try and go back to running on testosterone, if you think that would make you happier for some reason, but there's no undoing the awareness
that is true, that is why i never really really tried, it hurts more if you are on hrt and try to be fem bc you actively think abt it every time you do it or you take your dose, when you feel your soft skin etc. it is like dying of thrist and being given just a few drops of water constantly but never enough.. it just reminds you even more of being thirsty without solving it.. making it harder to ignore..
those first few drops of water are what I needed to drag myself to the puddle
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fuck it. dance. w/e. i am what i am.
ima smoke some and maybe vidya a bit more soon
you are all loved
by me
maybe for you and people with good genetics this is going to be the result, reaching the puddle, but for most, it will only delay dying from thrist making you suffer for longer for no reason so more pain, without the drops you will have died and found peace faster..
Nigga, that shit goes just like a smiths song, i know exactly what you mean. I just sat next to her the whole school year blushing every single time we talked. Anyrime I really liked a girl I'd be infatuated and starstruck by them. I was always timid and shy about sex and I still am to this day.
For years I have struggled because of the people here. I maul myself over comments made about how x doesn't pass, etc, etc.

I am 26. I have wasted 5 years being stagnant chasing a dream and moping that I can never be a woman. I think, I have reached the limit.

Time ebbs away at me and so I decay with its passage. I have been in jesus-mode for about 2 years now with long hair, wearing white buttoned shirts, shorts and sandals/or flipflops (no socks).

I found a peak manmoding non-conforming vibe that sorta works for me. I just wish in the several retries and trials I have done, that hrt would work. It hasn't for me. It just hasn't.

Yes I am embarrassed that sometimes my burger nipples show from underneath my white shirt, but I just don't give a shit. I am just a man to everyone and no different from a man who's gotten gynocomastia from steroid usage.

I have had tonnes of reflection and my being is... more at peace now. I still have disassociation with my appearance, I see a man and that man sees me and copies the actions and gestures I do in daily life.

I understand I won't be a woman ever. The UK is getting progressively worse and I don't have a means of moving out/away. My parents aren't on good terms and not giving me the few important details about their passport numbers which is required on a form to get a passport. So Even when I tried to make strides and struts for an alternative, its my damn fucking shithead father that ruins my life again for the umpteenth fucking big time.

I am currently taking hrt injections irregularly (EEn) and taking dutasteride at 1mg. Slice here and cut there. My apartment is getting messy again so in the morning I am going to tidy it. Hoover the carpet and huff in the black mold on the 40+ year old rotting windows in this damn 90 year old piece of shit building.

I want a man to love me, but how can a man love me when I cannot love the man that I have become?
>I just sat next to her the whole school year blushing every single time we talked.
yeah I mean it took a couple months and I was too reserved and assumed she wouldn't like me so I would just stare, then I guess she noticed or something and asked to move seats next to me and it was just complete infatuation from then on if it hadn't been already...
fuck all the rest you should get your dosing and levels consistent first off, that impacts everything about your cognition and emotional state
sex with larry
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hell yes
is it unethical to date other trannies specifically only when they don't mog me?
I never initiated anything with girls in high school, they always came to me, thank God.
Does it matter? Hrt doesn't make me less of a man.
I will be open with my fears.
I am terrified of being outside, most the time I am living pizza-to-pizza getting free pizza's from dominos.

I currently play the guitar in my freetime. I am lonely and nobody can tell.

Surprisingly I still haven't fully malded like I thought I would.

My best friend is fucking dead and everyday is fucking miserable without them.

I still haven't gotten lazer. And I have wasted money I saved on drugs. (£3200 on drugs)

I'm 26, and my life is okay.
>Does it matter?
if you don't think your physical health and mental well-being matter, I guess not
>Hrt doesn't make me less of a man.
I said nothing about that
bruh, my health is degrading. I had a false alarm with cancer bullshit a year ago and it legit fucked with my fucking head.

I just, want somebody to talk to. but I am not exactly the best company for anyone.
>I have had tonnes of reflection and my being is... more at peace now. I still have disassociation with my appearance, I see a man and that man sees me and copies the actions and gestures I do in daily life.
plenty of people have bodies they don't like
how do you think 4ft filipino men with 2in dicks feel? they haven't even gotten to the point where they took being a man for granted
I wish we had a way to fix the brains of dysphoric people before they actively sabotage their already-existent chances of happiness chasing the financial noose that the medical elite sprinkle breadcrumbs in front of them with
being depressed and enduring is the cure
socially withdrawing from life is the cure
giving up is the cure

being open with your feelings and telling the world your thoughts is the cure/
therapy is the cure
life, its fleeting but its breathing. you can waste every moment wanting to be something you're not and its not going to make a big splash in the pond, its not going to set off a bomb.

Gender stuff, it isn't important. its horrible, but its not important.
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>"buddy"'d at the gender clinic
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call myself the reverse beartrap with how people interpret my gender
I just, I had such a grandiose idea of what I wanted and how I wanted to be as a woman. Its too late, but I want to wear a fucking dress. I am 26...

4 years and I turn 30, less than 4 years actually. I am in my later half of my 20's. I feel.. apathy with a sense of wanting to run away.

I am going to try and get my passport sorted, and maybe somehow go offgrid. I have been on the gender waiting list in the UK for like, 6 years. and they have lost my referral three times at this point without backdating.

Its not depression anymore, its disappointment.
>Gender stuff, it isn't important. its horrible, but its not important.
it can kind of ruin everything else if you either ignore a real issue with it or obsess over it more than is productive
>Gender stuff, it isn't important. its horrible, but its not important.
empty words
gender rules you
take honest inventory
Best way of saying what I couldn't put into a few words! The absolute opposite of Eudaimonia, its ahedonia. Its the inability to enjoy anything./

You know, sometimes I think what I see as myself is okay.

But then I see women being happy and I feel, envy. Its because I want what they have, a reproductive system, genitals that aren't multilated, smooth skin without imperfections, the ability of free expression, being able to love... and be loved.

Like what the fuck do I have. I have a thousand things looming over my head from my past. I have a voice in my head now that tells me to give up. I have energy to do the minimal.

Eughhhh... Is it bad that I brought hrt (Again) after not buying anymore in for several weeks? Like how the absolute fuck am I a chronic estrogen addict. It feels like injecting happiness, I feel giddy on hormones then about 5 days in I feel like total garbage.
>Like how the absolute fuck am I a chronic estrogen addict. It feels like injecting happiness, I feel giddy on hormones then about 5 days in I feel like total garbage.
that's... literally how the human body is "designed" or effectively fit to work with sex hormones, you fucking moron
oh my god you guys I'm a fucking insulin addict
holy shit am I a oxygen addict????
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I mean yeah, you're right on the money with that part. I am an idiot.
I am also lonely and its killing me.
Here are the private clinnians I tried in the UK:
GenderGP (Scammed me out of a few hundred)
GenderCare (Snubs my emails and I don't hear anything back)
GenderDoctorsUK (Not taking on new patients)
GenderPlus(Snubbing my emails)

I don't think there are anymore I can see, or atleast ones that aren't too far out. You can't say I haven't tried. I do like my long hair now. It looks alright.
beautiful young lad
yeah I know shit sux depending where you are right now, so DIY online you rambling schizo, there's a whole general for this >>>/lgbt/hrtgen
slin is more anabolic than any steroid on earth if you use it properly. Time to hit the gym and get fucking huge bro
my psychiatrist told me not to transition as i wouldn't pass
trips unfortunately decide your fate. enjoy repgen!
no i am on hrt
sorry anon but you need to follow the doctor's orders and detransition. you've been clinically diagnosed with hon
fuck em

I think I am going to try a few more places before ultimately deciding to kill myself.
Diy don't work chief, its just other tranners peeing into vials and selling it to gullible people like me. (This is not true at all! It was my attempt at a joke.)

My current plans is to buy a new epilator, clean my apartment and tidy the carpet. Then I am going to try and arrange for a new dermatologist to see about my eczema, then I am going to try and go private.

I just, don't like diy hrt anymore. I don't trust a mail man to leave the post out in their hot as hell van and degrade the quality of the medication. Thats the most reaching idea I have to why hrt never worked on me. It sounds really fucking stupid, but yeah.

I think I am going to honmode soon, or atleast exit jesus-mode and enter total gender non-conformity. I am sorry blog posting. I am autistic and I am extremely lonely, I have zero friends. I don't have family and I have a total lack of anything in my personal life and its sad and it makes me feel sad.
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how do i shake conservative beliefs now that i'm on hrt? i can't bring myself to vote for people who want to restrict my access to estrogen.
>i can't bring myself to vote for people who want to restrict my access to estrogen.
you have already begun
lol i don't even look like a hon
i look like a normal guy
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probably “im sorry mom” and my last rites

legit i am at the end of my rope w manmoding its ripping at my sanity that nobody sees me as a woman i feel my mask is beginning to slip and its becoming more obvious im a gender dysphoric male

picrel my facial shadow is coming back and i can’t afford laser treatments
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i have a five blade shaving blade thing and it tends to make facial hair much less of a problem
shave against the grave as well
i use shaving cream and water, once a day keeps me sane
okay but to be somewhat genuine and unironic for a microsecond,
>should i detransition hormonally? (cease estrogen and desist medical transition)
>should i detransition legally (pay like $111 to change my name and sex back to Osama Bin Laden (he/him) from Rainbow Bin Sparkles (they/them)
your hand looks huge
grow your hair out or i will hate crime your brown ass
trips of moisture... follow wherever your heart leads you, I don't see the point in medical detransition just as much as I also can't relate to having legally/socially transitioned in any real way
I have become so depressed that I have become asexual.
I have an inability to become aroused at men anymore. I used to be on a BDSM dating site for gay people, but apparently gay people in their 50+ idea's of BDSM is spanking using the sole of a slipper/flipflop.

I used to be attracted to oldermen, I feel nothing now. I feel absolutely nothing and it makes me feel... more sad? It feel slike I broke myself further into smaller shards of myself trying to fix what didn't need fixing..

I still want to be a woman, but I don't know how to cook because I am scared that I will set a stove on fire from trying to cook. I usually eat pizza or salads everyother day with a 500ml bottle of sparkling (non-flavored) water.

I think my lack of social contact/my social withdrawel has made me worse because I feel a need to say literally everything that is on my mind. I think I am slightly off the park bench, crazy. I think I am mentally ill but I have tried therapy, CBT (not cock and ball torture) (its like DBT) and the nurse was calling me an animal for about 45 minutes per session 5 sessions total.

I want someone to slap my face and tell me to wake up. Then I want to get on with life an actually complete things.
posting here isn't going to solve anything
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I'm not trying to solve anything. I'm just passing the time until I die.
i think huge bodybuilders look extremely uncanny and alien and not human at all, humans are not meant to grow that big and my brain also knows it
based psychiatrist
why did you transition legally in the first place if you look like a dude
>sole of a slipper/flipflop.
holy based and hilarious, based grandpas
ik but it is all we got
i earnestly hope you all make it
that's nice of you, nicer than I am
I earnestly hope it gets even worse for all of you.
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based and same, worstie, fuck you I hate you all
My penis hurts all the time. I have never had penetrative sex and it hurts all the time despite keeping it clean and washing it.

ADT (Androgen Deprivation Therapy)/Castration, has made my phallus tiny. Its smaller than my little finger on my left hand, its about 2 inches. It used to be bigger but its too small now. I am a freak of a man and gay people wouldn't even be interested in a gay dicklet male like myself. I cannot get erect.

I want sex, I know this sounds like a shit post. But like, I have no sex drive anymore and I like eating soap. And I want a hug. I am sorry.

I am wasting my life tick tock, there goes the clock by the second. I need to act fast and get things done or I am going to live the next 5 decades or less as a man and that is a horrifying thing to think about.

I have a dream about eating soap and being forcefed soap. I have no idea why I had a dream about the consumption of a bar of soap but now I cannot stop wanting to eat a bar of soap. Sometimes I chew on my longish hair because I am hungry. I need to stop having thoughts about chewing my hair or wanting to eat soap.
luv schizoposters
'ate improving me life
shrimple as.
yes, everyone besides larry, that jew deserves happiness
gtfo, go to hrtgen or else where, we dum dum and cannot read much things
> we dum dum and cannot read much things
no that just u, gote fuckr
rkun died on the way to his home planet
I have to go, my people sneed me
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fuck all of you
i did multiple times but i let daddy cut my hair every time he pressured me into it
also he looked down the collar of my shirt trying to figure out what brand it is and when i said no he accused me of hiding my "budding breasts"
so medically transition and legally detransition? okay
time to do my injection i guess... ouchie at least im drunk enough :)
because i bought into the hugboxing and conscience that if i did all the steps on transgender roadmap and pushed myself to transition my body would eventually catch up with my mind. now, 3 years on, i understand there is no "additional progress" waiting for me at the end of the road. i would need FFS to pass and i can't afford it plus everyone in my family will stigmatize me getting any sort of cosmetic surgery
besides, i told myself legally transitioning without passing was acceptable because >im identify as enby, not a woman, anyway. im valid!!1 masc amab enbies are valid!!1 nonbinary ppl dont owe u andeogyny >:(
and all that shit reddit/tiktok/youtube/feminists/theyfabs/besties taught me
manmoder sex
>and legally detransition? okay
I didn't say that, I said I can't relate to you having legally transitioned

why did you? why would you go back? really think about that
im singlehandedly responsible for ruining mmg and destroying bmg since february as well as flooding this one with boimoders
that's cringe
I look like this and say this

literally how? what is "ruined" about this place now compared to how it ever was? you're fucking nothing, kiddo
jesusmode is turning into honmode. should i put on the reddit spinny skirt?
cuz i said this and look like this
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It thinks I'm Jewish or something.
No you aren't. Boymoders and passoids have been here long before Feb. I know because I've been here long before feb.
topright is brutal
methschizo aside, i have yet to see a manmoder posted in these threads that i wouldn't rawdog.
Only cause of her nose. But really her face measurements are very good. She's actually a pretty funny actress.
dog I've been here since the first thread and it's always been a trainwreck
skibidit's over
tiktok always says i look like lady gaga lol
coming here to digitally self-harm doesn't hurt anymore. maybe i should be normal.
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whoops forgot pic
sex with ame
>retarded avatarfag
ok kid
Most manmoders here look like woman. And it's always been like that. Also anorexia is dime a dozen with us and everyone else in tttt. Skinny is nothing.
I've actually grown away from fucking skinny bitches as much. For a year or so now I've really enjoyed piggies.
I'm overweight...
time to eat 3000 calories of taco bell and cry until i fall asleep on my couch
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literally me except more like 900-1000 because the rest of my calories for the day came from coffee and alcohol and I'm too poor to have a couch or even my own bed it's the shitty broken squeaky one they gave me when I moved in
i want to live like that w another manmoder
How is this any different than AGPgen?
how is your ass any different than your mouth considering the same amount of shit comes out of each?
manmoders are
>on hrt
>not socially transitioning
AGPers are
>in denial
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i got wig glue and lube
Oh I didn't mean to offend your sensibilities. I just thought they were the same kind of people in the same thread
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nta but to be clear some of us (myself at least) are plenty "AGP" or were before as repressors (not socially or medically transitioning) but I think generally we don't buy into the blanchard typology, at least I don't and I sneed at people who do
Most of the people I talk to in AGPgen take HRT. I post in there because I am interested in theory and they talk a lot of transgender theory
>transgender theory
it's a neurological intersex condition, more studies needed but HRT is the treatment and allows people to live as themselves, end of story till we learn any different in terms of actual evidence-based conclusions
I think I might have AGP, otherwise why would I transition? It doesn't make sense to say somebody is just HSTS.
I was gay before I transitioned and I think I have a GP otherwise I wouldn't have transitioned. I've had friends, gay men who adjusted to be in gay men while I didn't. It's because I'm AGP.
>have AGP
oh sure, okay, and what does that MEAN exactly? lol
I've heard of that yet being gay also is related to In Utero hormonal variations. I believe that I am both homosexual and transgender.
I'm gaygp
Dr. Blanchard I'm AGAMP
blanch this *unzips womanhood*
Let's think it through together we'll use me as the case study. I came out gay during puberty and before that I was always like a girl in my behavior and attitudes. I always wanted to be a girl but when I was a teenager I thought it was just a feeling of being gay. Then I went on estrogen and lost my sexual drive and went off of it yet I went back on it. I kept going back on and off estrogen, why?
>I believe that I am both homosexual and transgender.
ah, ok see there you can absolutely have those kinds of variations where like someone who might been a flamer vs been more reserved as a gay guy but had the feminized expression somewhere definitely turn out differently, and I think the idea of having a diverse expression of sex identity, gender identity, and sexual attraction is already well-supported by the hard evidence (with no way to draw solid conclusions yet save for the existence of evidence that with further study could be established to have some causative relationship) but there's nothing whatsoever suggesting the "HSTS vs AGP" """"""dichotomy""""" whose only evidence was based on fudging the data to meet expectations and certainly has no bearing on whether someone's experience of gender dysphoria in any form is valid or whether they are fucking "trutrans" enough or not

>I kept going back on and off estrogen, why?
why did you go off estrogen? like losing your sex drive motivated you, or was it something else? in either case, why? I think that might better answer why you keep going back on as well - it's also worth considering that you might need to give it time to get your levels right before you adjust to a new kind of sex drive, since you're chemically shifting everything in your body to develop and age and express your genes and go through regular hormonal cycles in the fashion of one sex to the other at every physical level (and similarly leaning on anecdote, nuking my T was awkward and depressing and killed off my sex drive but getting my E back up to normal levels brought it back just different and less aggressive or demanding of my time)
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cuz i look like this and say this
o wait fuck my disgusting shitty tranny life
if you talk abt AGP, all your family will day in less than two years but you will not know when, in the end you will be left alone to bear the guilt of what you have done, i curse you and i am a gyspy so you know that the curse is real and potent
what monstrosity is that
shameless, i curse you too
Come here piggy piggy, crawl on your knees to me and oink while I spank you. Seriously though, I'd probably fuck you.
it's Canadian actor Ryan Gosling
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i'm so fucking tired all the time
Larry my beloved
manmoders would be so easy to abuse and turn into sextoys holes zombies, too bad that they are too mentally ill dysfunctional for it to be worth it
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it is a dark path you tread
I... le manmode
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pls stop with your autism chudette, you are like 40, you are no longer a kid
i feel so retarded that i let people like this shame me into repressing im so retarded im so retarded im so retarded why why why why why why why I HATE BEING A MAN I HATE
lesbian piv sex
so then stop, don't ever let anyone else shame you into anything, that's fucking gay
you're a faggot
i am on hrt retard this is mmg. kill all hons kill all men i hate my life 100
as fi vrut sa am de lucru, nu mai vreau sa sufar
ce fac ubitame
ia un loc de muncă la naiba de capre
Alo, salut, sunt eu un haiduc
Si te rog iubirea mea primeste fericirea
Alo, alo, sunt eu, Picasso
Ti-am dat beep si sunt voinic
Dar sa stii nu-ti cer nimic
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sounds like a skill issue, maybe try honmoding
Vremuri bune pentru o schimbare
Vezi, norocul pe care l-am avut
Poate face un om bun
Devine rău
Deci te rog, te rog, te rog
Lasă-mă, lasă-mă, lasă-mă
Lasă-mă să obțin ce vreau
De data asta
Nu am mai visat de mult
Vezi, viața pe care am avut-o
Poate face rău un om bun
Deci pentru o dată în viața mea
Lasă-mă să obțin ce vreau
Domnul știe, ar fi prima dată
Domnul știe, ar fi prima dată
I admire her autism
i love those broken translations, i assume this is how my english sounds to you, also when i see my native language i feel more anxiety, i think i got used to english=relaxation lol
vei fi mereu o FEMEIE
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imagine letting chudette honmog you
im gay
im a fucking faggot
that was kinda creepy
eh, i will just have a lobotomy and i will be fine
ești un transsexual și o fată pentru totdeauna
For me it was almost like I got so tired of my sexual proclivities I enjoyed it being reduced. It's almost like I wanted to be asexual more than I wanted to be a female
I can understand that desperate need for relief from the desire itself, I'm still not quite sure how to really enjoy myself like I used to with my body and libido as they are now but I know it's more satisfying just to physically exist as myself now than it was before
has moro car
I get off just sitting watching TV movies stoned. I don't really care about being feminine anymore. I was a flamer when I was a guy. Now, clothes bore me, yet I would hate being male
I'm gayer and faggoter
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this is the final /mmg/... for ME !!
see u faggots later ~
bye youngshit, leave us alone
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wait a second, I actually have to live with the consequences of my bad decisions.
maybe today is a not eat and just drink more instead kind of day
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it really only is getting started tho
join me on cord
discord is GAY
thank you, someone said it for me
boy am I glad he's frozen in there and that we're out here and that he's the sheriff and that we're frozen out here and that we're in there and I just remembered we're out here; what I wanna know is where's the manmoder?
help me get my shit together and have a job/career
come on grunts, help me
I cannot save you
I can't even save myself
so just save yourself
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I need a job
getting hit by the aap and the agp simultaneously when I look down sometimes
top is LITERALLY me
I would girlmode if i knew how to dress myself in fem clothes. And had some that fit.
damn bitch, I live like this?
I would girlmode if I got laser and gained 20 pounds and got multiple rounds of ffs and lost 20 pounds and fixed my norwood and got ribcage reduction surgery and got clavicle shortening surgery and got a lobotomy and cured my autism and if I started hrt 10 years earlier and if I were born a woman
>you still call me moist
>you still call me rapey
>you have NOT yet called me a pooner
im only 5'5.8". what gives? am i really too male even to be a pooner anymore? i am truly the god of sex offenders. it's what any normal, healthy, human being instantly thinks when they look at me: "who is that ugly pervert"
just did my injection, but a sixth of a syringe more than usual bc worried about re-masculinization & de-feminization problem
i have decided to legally detransition when i have the money. there truly is no hope. and enbycoping doesn't cut it anymore.
nonbinary = not valid
enby = not real
X-gender = mental illness
suicide = the truth inside
me = sexist, schizophrenic sex pest + autism + pretending to be bisexual for attention + slut + weakass, bitchass manchild mooching off of my parents and society
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fuck all of you!!1
society, you were supposed to fix me
instead, you broke me
>trannies and men
it's manmogre
nope im just asian
>QOTT: Any last words?
They don't think it be like it is, but it do.
macrodosing cypro
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Yall tried pics with body?
no, because when i stand in the mirror to take a picture my pleistocene browbone casts a dark shadow over my face and i am forced to look away in contempt
yandex is so accurate
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search results right on the mark
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>with body
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lets get some pussy tonight
they still all mog me
there was never any hope
i can only pray now to a god i do not believe in for a miracle that will never come
new: >>37396538

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