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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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>mods are asleep
>post feet
i knew it was you, faggot
what happened was: mods were letting shit get out of hand. diapergen??? this the lgbt board, not the sexually frustrated fetishists board. so batman decided to take matters into his own hands. he posted pics of ingrown toe nails being treated and people lost their minds. the straw that broke the camel's back? pics of toe nails straight up being ripped off.

why were they so scared?

well, in the mob, before we start takin' whole ass toes we rip your nails out and let you walk around. batman was sending a message to them. fuck around and find out.
fuck zodiac signs
which district are you all choosing
>this the lgbt board, not the sexually frustrated fetishists board
this is a distinction without a difference
whichever one wins the most, i am as competitive as kobe and need to win
district 2 then since they train a lot for the games, they are also where they train peacekeepers that are the police force of the whole country
i am so horny
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I’m a footfag myself but hairy ass feet are disgusting, I don’t even care about the tops that much but that image is very disgusting. Picrel are a pair of feet I like
try coprophilia with your own shit and then you wont have the mood for a while
liking men doesn't mean you want someone to piss in your mouth. you can be gay without being a degenerate. the problem is you guys groomed degenerates through discord. you let people post their server invites here? what the fuck is wrong with you retards. you guys are so lonely and desperate for validation that you couldn't just stay anon.

newfags. everygoddamntime
Smelly feet are delicious
If your feet don't smell like corn chips, you cannot be my bf
Just being honest
i have no idea what you’re talking about i use discord to talk about magic the gathering
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Bitch there socks on
shiza in da pitza
stop projecting your shit onto me hehe
imagine having sex in those uniforms
larry is temu shiza
and i bet you're crying about the ban announcements with ya boys instead of just being like, eh, flash was fun while it lasted. got some turn 0's.
blonde twink bottom x brown haired top

>suddenly gaygen realizes how many trolls, straights, and cis people troll the board
>then they realize the weak willed ones fell for the trans meme. (birds don't spread their wings from cracked eggs. they die.)
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I like dirty socks, also barefeet. I was watching an anime called Blue Lock where a bunch of hot guys walk around barefoot, very based anime
I like the idea, at least in theory. I haven’t had much footfag experience irl
>If your feet don't smell like corn chips
when his feet smell like nacho cheese doritos~
i mostly play timeless now they have made modern unbearable and it has the kind of wide open field of old modern with an insanely high power level (stuff like dark ritual necropotence is legal)
> I like the idea, at least in theory
Trust me, if you have an actual foot fetish it'll be an amazing experience. I smelled a girl's stinky socks in high school once that she left in her shoes, and then literally smelled like tangy corn chips slathered in fruity, feminine lotion. I almost came my pants, ngl
wdym, i am not female brained at all, i act completely like a dude, shiza is bpd queen sassy bitch type i dunno
*and they
pizza in da shiza
it's a fun format for sure.
turn 1 ugin's labyrinth, imprint, play chalice on 1 is a favorite play of mine.

you should try going to a local shop. lots of guys there. low hanging fruit waiting to be picked.
**Mouth uncontrollably starts watering**
what did you expect being here?
>verification not required
just work on your gaydar. the problem is when you start crushing on your straight playtest partners. ah man. this one i had the hots for so bad that when we went on a trip he slept in the bathtub. he was like i'm going to take a bath and then was in there all night. no water.
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Why do gays love astrology?
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I’m mostly attracted to feet in relation to me being tiny and having to worship them or getting stepped on, so I don’t know if it translates to real life very well
I. Allegro con brio - Un poco sostenuto
Since there’s a MTG convo going on, I’m going to vent: it’s really fucking annoying when people bring decks to commander that need to track a million counters and trigger procs—so much so that it takes them ~20 minutes to figure out their turn. It’s one thing if you’re doing that shit in MTGO or Arena, but fuck off with that shit with tabletop where you’re basically LARPing as a bad accountant.
How do I cope with the fact that most gay guys arent interested in lovey dovey shit whatsoever

they pretty much behave like how a straight guy would if they had 24/7 access to pussy
they are, you just won't find them on grindr
love is not real
Being gay is just all about sex sex sex until you die.
it tells a bunch about a person.
people don't realize how fast the brain grows and how much it absorbs from a young age. even in the womb there's studies of people reading to their baby in the womb or playing music for them. understand, they're in there for 9months. people's moods will naturally wax and wane as seasons shift and in turn priorities do as well. so when they're born can often tell where they started within that fluctuation. it's telling of their personality. you have to think, context and time.
let's take leo's for an example. they're born in august, the end of summer. and what is to be said about their character? they're proud! they need praise. why would the baby come out naturally having inclinations towards those tendencies? august is the end of the summer. you're coming into fall with your harvest proud of the crop you've sewn. it's the first emotion the baby learns with relation to societal impact.
virgo's in september? they're a bit more apprenhensive. why? they weigh the scales so to speak. when the harvest is turned in and they count the return on their investment. they're more anxious.
yes, indeed faggots are worthless, disgustibg and should be killed, water is wet
in commander, you're supposed to play with friends that you like and can hold a conversation while one of you jerks off at a time. it's called, a circle jerk.
schizo babble, ignored
Half of this is true.
they aren't, it just doesn't seem like they want to really be in a monogamous heteronormative relationship

I'm in one but it feels I'm almost forcing it just because he likes how I look. he would probably prefer to be fwb
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help me get my shit together and have a job/career
thanks, you are a hero
this is so cute <3
young man at the gay bathhouse propositioned by horny old men
what career field do you want larry ?
haha i used to play modern at a few places around my city until a few years ago. i agree with you about them being a good place to meet people, most stores in my city are full of decent nerdy guys with jobs
I want to rub a guy's bellybutton if it's sensitive
i wish i knew man i wish i knew
i'm the eternal neet
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i just saw an opossum but i couldn’t get a good pic because when i said hey possum so he’d turn his head he had a panic attack
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>wanted to get drunk tonight
>drank the last of my alcohol and not even woozy
it's so fucking over gaygen.
RIP. That’s why you go out for a buzz.
les get som bussy tonite
bars are for losers. i would rather drink alone in my room than sit at a bar also alone while other people talk and have fun.
>go to gae bar
>people browse grindr and avoid looking at me
>only 50 year old horny bisexual men talk to me
same as here then innit
that's a generational thing.
boomers actually talked to people at bars, zoomers and m*llennials just look at their phones.
>bars are for losers. i would rather drink alone in my room than sit at a bar also alone while other people talk and have fun.
t. autistic drunkard gaycel
>autistic drunkard gaycel
yes completely true i have never denied this i have even espoused this several times.
i think im just ugly tbhon
I only wanna talk about anime and video games sis.
perfect 6’5” domtop
i have not slept all night and instead i stayed on 4chan for hours and i was mean to people bc i hate myself and i am a pos, yes, i can make hours fly extremely fast with this, it is like cracc cocaine for me
am i a loser? ofc, congratulate me pls for this amazing achievement, fuck my life and fuck you faggots, i feel so homophobic rn
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I'm thinking about getting a butt lift bros
Is it true that Tex has a vagina?
I'm going to my doc, it's a gay friendly clinic to get tested for STI's. I'm 31 but have a lot of sex, do you think they judge me for getting tested? I'm getting older :/
no he's intertex

>do you think they judge me for getting tested?
no but prepare for a swab to be inserted into your ass
you have to bend over
same but I'm not homophobic bc I'm gae and not very social
I watch minecraft videos instead
what's so funny?
yeah I've been swabbed up in the mouth and has my blood and pee sample taken. Never in the butt though, they really swab inside your ass hole?
I just had to help chase a bat out of the bar. Cute little creature, but most people don’t like them for some reason.
you have an adult child aura
>Never in the butt though, they really swab inside your ass hole?
yeah lol
it was so awkward and I did not expect that
the doctor literally told me to bend over
It's true, I'm a man baby. I have mild autism
ah well, that's life I guess. I love my doc though
i only ever saw bats once (outside of a zoo) at my parents' house in texas when i lived there. was really cool, i saw owls there frequently too. i kinda miss living out in the middle of nowhere and being able to see stars (though not a whole lot since we were still close to the metro).
i literally went to the doctor to examine my balls in order to transition to female, i went in, told him that i want to transition to female and i need ball inspection, he played with my balls a bit and that was it.. easy peasy and i have social anxiety and in eastern europe also btw, idk how can you be so soft faggots..
It’s the time of year that bats be weird
Do you have a vagina?
do you miss your genitals?
If you have a pussy, does that mean your twin 'sister' has a dick?>>37395397
Nature acting strange lately. Saw a baby deer on the sidewalk in the middle of the city today. Wat means.
bit rude to start talking about freaks of nature as soon as our intersex queen shows up :/
shiza is an estromale manmoder
Where can I find your new art gurl?
manmoder is a bit exaggerated when i get misgendered around half the time in public but okay
Guess what bitch? I don't care. I'm black.
I think your voice does not pass, sorry sir uhm I mean hon
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only my twitter but i havent been drawing much recently in honesty
me on the left.
How come you don't draw porn anymore? Dumb bitch. You could be making money to get your dick cut off
hello shiza how are things
shes still fat and ugly as usual but shes finally come around to the fact that shes a woman, which anybody else could have told her a year ago
u can say that but i get she/herd over the phone the most

youre a halfling texy
bish (bottom) x shiza (top)
so true i grow more hair on my toes than my legs.
'ate shiza with a passion
'ate him so fucking much
im not good enough at depicting moisture for porn, i dont wanna do it anyway, my art is just for me

i get straight trade but okay, you aged bottoms wish you could
post shiza porn art. never saw it
no one cares just go
i forgot u guys uploaded that :X deff a reason i wont be drawing porn in future
what a gay ass life
Do you ever get sad for no good reason and just can’t shake it brothers
https://unsee cc/album#Vc4UDfyzfynu
me when I willingly take dicks up my ass
at least you're not shitza
id happily take being me over being her lol
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I convert my sadness to anger and my anger to work so I never ever ever ever ever feel any hint of sadness ever again
i found shiza on grindr again
idk, i cannot really get sad depressed anymore but i cannot feel most of my emotions that much so it depends on what build do you want to play
bascially me but without the work part
im mostly happy the only anxieties i have in my life is securing laser and the fact a man more attractive than me is pursuing me

i never had that app so unlikely, hookup culture is gross
Anger never serves me well personally
shiza and larry are the same person
filling up shiza with expanding foam
I can't do anything when I'm sad and it lasts the entire day, it ruins my day completely. Anger dissipates in like 5 minutes.
Bought a cool camo jacket for autumn and it makes me think of tankanon and now I'm fantasizing about cuddling with him while wearing it
bought a cool leather gimpsuit for shiza
Putting it on must be like stuffing a sausage lol
Bought a cool braided nylon rope for ***
for me it is the opposite, sadness dissipates in 5minutes and i am irritated 'angry' all day if i have a bad day and i still cannot do anything so it does not change much, in order to do stuff you need to be calm and neutral/happy, at least feel ok and regulate your emotions properly, even being very happy could make you unable to do shit..
old dot reddit dot com
girl he isnt replying to you calm down
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used to bust my nut far and wide across the room
now I barely make it out the shaft when I coom
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Ngl Tom Berenger is kinda hot in this movie
so? am i doing smth illegal? i just explained that strong emotions of any kind are not good
im an estromale and now it's all watery
estrogen will do u like that
big hairy cock
Do you ever nut and it kinda makes a noise as it shoots out
bruh I'm talking about being 26
No I put a suppressor on the end of my cock
i think its time to see the urologist sweetie
shut up zach
minecraft cave spider sounds
ive seen ppl above that shooting big loads i think u might be low T look into supplementing it
why would I want that? to go bald sooner and faster? to have more hair on my earlobes?
filling shiza with insulation foam (stolen from a polish construction site)
i hate how goofy my face looks, it is not even abt being male or ugly, is the goofiness that i hate, it forces me to be a clown
That’s what I call it when I let it bust inside the hood
I was thinking more the plants vs zombies peashooter sound
slip your cock out of the side of the shorts
i have mental illness and i need to consume content, please produce content
where did you come from
where did you go
where did you come from
shiza you hoe
amazing content
sexy horny femboys
I'm a 27 year old estromale
27 maybe its time to graduate to woman
imma keep it real with u shiza calling all trannies 'evil mentally ill niggers' and not 6 months later being a full blown trans woman is hilarious
I was raped by straight men
I prefer to remain a male
it issss, one of my best bangers
>raped as a man, not a woman
>so stay as a man
thank you for trying
she is going to get her karma dw
will never forget her bully the trans women into suicide (shiza said her voice did not pass while it did)
nobody is laughing with you, we're laughing at you
you're a pathetic caricature of unmedicated bpd
I was only raped because I looked wyman like tho
is shiza our chris chan? she even commited incest just like chris
in well aware but as long as we get the laughs

well you have karma written on your face frankly
they don't think it be like it is, but it do
shiza has way more SMV than all of you faggots so you can sneed as much as you want

shiza is a hoe
In my experience, AMABs with BPD who take estrogen end up discovering that it doesn't fill the void in their lives which is ultimately caused by their BPD rather than real gender dysphoria (mentally ill people and autistics intrinsically have warped self-perception, so can't understand true dysphoria). While sunk cost fallacy and the fact that society is more accepting of BPD in women dissuades them from detransitioning, they inevitably descend into substance abuse and sexual perversion in further attempts to fill the void. I look forward to Shiza having sex with dogs on OnlyFans.
she do be gonna get filled with isolation foam
shiza's knot slut era will be iconique
put her in a gimp suit
i was more of a perv on testosterone, very vanilla and romance bliss oriented now, samantha jones into a charlotte york really
>mrw I see shiza
i miss being a dumb clueless kid so much, life was so much more fun even though i had a shit childhood, adult life is so serious or maybe i look at it through a more cynical serious lens but yea
fillin your hole with insulation foam
Adulthood is where we pay the debt for our childhood
This is why I need Jesus sis.
the world is crazy, all this bs competition for nothing, all i want is to work smth that i enjoy and i care abt, otherwise desu life does not seem worth it, and if you work as a slave at smth you hate daily, what even is the difference between that and straight up prison, you are more or less locked somewhere you do not want to be anyway
shiza would top larry with her bwgock
Every time I've made a thread on /pol/ I've gotten a month long site-wide ban because the mods fucking hate me I guess. Just made another one, pray for me.
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Are you a NEET? I also don’t want a slave job while my mom is insisting I get a job as a bartender at local theatre, a position where you are literally subservient to others. I hope I can get a BF to support me or at least convince a doctor I’m retarded so I can get out of this.
well no
I don't mind working my job that I don't actively enjoy, but I don't hate it either. I care much more about the money and job security. I'm very concerned with financial security.
>a job as a bartender at local theatre
absolute chad
i even get rejected by mcdonal and supermarkets bc im so ugly
then you'll get your ass filed with insulation foam, sorry
I used to make tradgay threads on /pol/ but they got no traction.
i'm gay
I work because I'm bored sis. I play video games for 18 hours a day and it gets boring at times. There's nothing interesting on this grey rock.
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It’s not Chad, it’s a subservient cuck position where you serve drinks to retards who want to drink at a movie theater. I really hope I can get an E bf to get me out of this or get tism diagnosis for NEETbux so I can avoid working.
post hole
and pole
i am a neet now but i start my masters in 4 days but still i make no money so that is still neet i guess, maybe you should get that job, it does not sound that bad
i get bored way too easily and i really really hate being a slave cuck, i would be ok with it if my boss is nice and humble and likeable thoough but an asshole boss? nah no shot
i wish i could get a job but too ashamed and socially anxious, i just cannot stomach it to apply to fast food and supermakets but i would like to work anytjing, i hate being bored and being here and i like talking to people if they are nice and i like bwing useful, i just cannot move past my pride to apply to subhuman jobs.. i do not believe that i am better, i am just very ashamed of myself to sit in front of a person and admit in a way that i failed, i feel lots of shame..
>I play video games for 18 hours a day
i would get bored of everything eventually and get into bad stuff probably..
also desu i felt like complete dogshit daily until now, only the last two days i felt better..
i like penis
as if there is some esoteric meaning
humans just love to destroy nature and expand ugly cities and parking lots everywhere
fuck the human race
Fuck sickos
Twink feet
ur not for the streets, priscilla
"God I Wish That Were Me" refers to a DeviantArt comment by user BigJB21 in response to an adult baby fetish digital art image.
i think gaming is boring asf. i liked it at 15-16 but not really anymore. i feel like most games take too much effort/stress/investment to play and are not that casual or interesting desu.
I think this dude that sits next to me in class is gay and into me but I can't tell for sure
Is he cute
grab him by the pole
Worship his feet
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Need BF to wake up next to in the morning
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good god those nostrils, i was worried he was going to snort those toes off by mistake
>ywn snort twink feet like cocaine
I wanna boof opioids by getting railed
imagine condoms with opioids or mdma on them
what are the chances a bisexual is in denial. my friend says he's bi but he's never had sex with a woman despite having had a gf
gayge minecraft server
Legit good idea
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there was one. bishit burned everything down aside from things that woeffle made
for real or do you be memin?
i do not understand what is wrong with my sexuality, most of the time i am not that attracted to men but sometimes i am extremely attracted to them, i wonder why desu, i guess dysphoria i dunno
if i could be constantly attracted to men properly, i would be getting my dick sucked and not be here with you losers, tf are you wasting your time here for, you fools, i am very dom top when i feel the attraction properly also, you are nothing more than a hole to me
real. years ago
Me before finding out I was mostly gay
and screenshots from that server? seems comfy
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you like cock in your ass or what
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No i just wanna cuddle
tha's menthol illness luv
Why not commit to being a full time cockslut?
nah, that is bs and not real, i want to overload my dysphoria by becoming more masc and i hope it will go away
what does that even mean, i just want to get my dick sucked miss
No its not
classic rainbow pride flag > the new design rainbow with extra shit forced into it
the classic one has pink above red luv
only chemsex jacked up on drugs with kuurst is valid
bc it feels the same, like it is an attraction problem and when i feel it properly i just want my dick sucked and to fuck an ass, i am not really into douching anymore
Im just touchstarved n lonely, cuddles is enough for me
I'm pretty sure this is right
miss??? miss thang???
i'll be big spoon and fall asleep holding u
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they don't think it be like it is, but it do
Based, I like the old one better
the pink stands for sexuality
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「Damn, nigga, damn
Took a chance on ya, double and dipped アゲイン」
Ty anon :3
i was a straight incel chud before all of this
i do not speak your lingo sir
who tf even cares, you will never catch me with any lgbt flag near my ass any time soon, even though it is a rainbow, that is actually a red flag
I was gonna say, I'm not an expert on flags I just know from going to pride events and stuff. I just prefer a more simple design. the pink one is good too.
so thats where the pink symbolism comes from cool
an eastern european man once shouted at me for wearing a rainbow bracelet
>i was a straight incel chud before all of this
so why are u even here like
whats wrong with being
whats wrong with being confident
oh oh oh
He was repressing luv take no notice
he followed me for a bit
i don't want to fall in love again. it's not for me.
well, for you my love, i sit here 24/7 waiting with anticipation for you to post so i can imagine and fantasize abt fucking a feminine polish potato(male) better. i get hard everytime you post your slop that you call 'opinion'.
10/10 would throw tomatoes at
what a chad, also that was mild by eastern european standards
>what a chad,
I was much taller than him despite being an estromale lol
the server was only up for a short while lol
i miss woef
U sad sad little man
how much deditated wam did u have?
dunno i didn't host
but i have a measly 16gb
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>meet hot guy
>Hang out together
>He's incredibly cheerful, funny, jokes non stop, very tactile
>can't help but feel a little overwhelmed and start acting awkward
>Tell him that i really like him and hope he doesn't mind that i'm a bit more reserved person
>He's like what do you mean
>I tell him i'm not really the person to show affection but i can get used to it
>his mood changes, he's like oh yeah that's fine i guess
>Message him on the next few days, he takes way longer to respond now and said he's busy now so he's not sure when we can meet again
Jesus Christ. I was so fucking close to happiness but honestly i'm happy for him. I'm just bot built to be happy. When i hang out and laugh too much i get kinda emotionally drained and start acting weird. I do not deserve socially competent non-broken people in my life
>even 4chan faggots are too normie for me
ngmi, lone wolf forever
Wdym act awkward? Give examples
get over yourself sis
4chan faggots are too cute for me
i have a boner all day just being in their presence
Like if there's any conversation going i start off interested but i get emotionally drained and start feeling confused/lost in conversation. So i stop being sincere and start thinking too much about things i should say to keep the other person interested, yet mostly i just start going wow, haha that's crazy, yeah etc etc. It's like there's a barier growing with each passing minute.
>meet guy once
>tell him i really like him

lol you should never show your cards so quickly
he probably thought you were repressed and discrete
idk how exactly to do that, i want to but i do not see how
same lol
people drain tf out of me and I drain tf out of people
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I want to get a gay 4chan bf and then... combine... our image folders >_<
pump insulation foam into shiza
I'm a US Airforce boom operator.
I'm 'stralian
Try asking more thoughtful questions, also ppl sometimes just like to yap and u dont need to say stuff other than wow, haha, yeah poggers.. Uve made it weird by mentioning it
i would hate myself extremely hard if i had to interact with myself in any way shape or form so maybe i can do better
i would suck my cock extremely hard if I hate to interact with myself in any way shape or form
He wasn't yapping. Like he was looking at me with such focused eyes he was so into it he was smiling so much and it was so overwhelming i couldn't endure it for long. I couldn't even look him in the eys by the end lol. Too intense.
It was precisely that one "instant chemistry" thing except i couldn't handle it even though i really wanted to handle it
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now I wanna watch seinfeld haha
hot hot hot
sex sex sex
would pay to see bish x bish twin porn

should have sucked his d (unironically)
i want to fuck my ftm or mtf twin
how can i get rid of homophobia that i feel
i see faggots, i feel violence,disgust and shame
Bish is actually pretty handsome what a sad example of crippling mental disability ruining person's life
Diagnosis: Stage 10 bottom
Therapy: CBT ( either kind )
chemsex with strangers
Amazon Music
The worst thing is that i keep thinking about him and just can't stop.
He's so handsome and nice and funny. HeWAS SO INTO ME AT FIRST ahhhh what the fuck is wrong with meeees
Go out again and see how it goes
Post feet
use some meth next time before you see him
message him again, set up another meet, be friendlier. ffs.
i want it slower, i want a friend and to start slowly from there
that is why i was looking for friends as a grindr straight guy so i can be friends without sex initially and maybe if it goes well, slowly more.. not a relationship.. but slowly more sexual stuff.. it is just that all gays are the same on grindr, dumb, annoying and narcissistic..
oof, it seems that he really dodged a bullet
>dumb, annoying and narcissistic
literally you
after observing gay dating stories and habits my theory is that men are too retarded to date and male on male love is hidden in masculine friendship
i met my bf on 4chan like 5 years ago
Silence shizma
a shiza in da pizza
one of u is fembrained for sure
I had a date once where the guy comes out with the skateboard and goes like hey let's skate and i can't skate for shit. He's like don't worry i can teach you and i crash i to the fucking concrete multiple times and he's like haha that's normal and i get increasingly annoyed with this stupid date and he gets increasingly annoyed with me being unable to skate. He messaged me later asking me to crash and his house and play sf6 and i said i'm bad at fighting games and blocked him
i dont get this meme and its starting to annoy me
true and ik that you will write that
>hidden in masculine friendship
that is why i only want friends, males bond through friendship and doing shit together, they love each other in a different way, not the traditional sense
I'm a bottom
Remember there used to be aself hating homophobic poster that would eat raw bull testicles to raise test? He would also spam homophobic pics from pol occasionally. I wonder where he's now
a pizza in da shiza
For the most part, there's very little dating going on but love and romance are possible if you find the right person. But your expectations are definitely going to be crushed if you're hoping that's the norm, because it isn't.
mommy nadia will make me straight
gay masc4masc bathhouse jacked up on drugs
masc4masc vanilla minecraft server
I do be down-low
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I’m roping if male love isn’t real
Scissoring with shiza
cutting shiza's pizza with scissors
my life is fine lol
im just romantosexually retarded
but there's more to life than that
I'm the worst tripfag
>but there's more to life than that
but not much more
u handsome devil
Why am i only gay when im drunk/on drugs and asexual otherwise?
true actually
Yeah like what. Wageslaving? Shitposing on /tttt/?
there is
like I don't think id have a considerable increase in qol from casual sex or a relationship
You’re a repper
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menthol illness luv
all sorts but I'm not your life coach
>like I don't think id have a considerable increase in qol from casual sex or a relationship
but the girl/guy facefucking (while stroking your stubble) you would
Kidnapping bish and keeping him as my sex slave
good for them
bish x shiza in their gimp suit
kinda the same, tranny rip, how do you feel abt women?
Oi me mates are having fon tgetha i don need no boifren orh geilfren
*Mates calling him a faggot behind his back as they are all getting married*
ich bin dein geilfren
meeting bish at the darkroom
the minecraft player model's foot is 4 pixels long, and if one block is 1 metre and 16 pixels, that makes the foot 25 cm long. Converted to shoe sizes, it's 39-40 european, 7 UK and 9 US.

That is however ignoring the fact that the foot is completely square so a regular shoe wouldnt fit
i wish bish was a bottom
Whats a repper?
I dont rly care about em ever
he is a vers bottom
Railing bish while he babbles some shit about being a mascfem top-leaning vers dombottom
oi m8, luv ur wankpole hittin ma cummington
the chicken connoisseur but with bottoms instead of chicken
I want to be pure vers
Somebody Feed Phil but I'm Phil and I'm being fed cum
ideal domtop
You can meme yourself into asexuality through repression, I tried finding a video but there was a guy who didn’t find out he was gay until he slept with his gf, after he did his homo thoughts were unblocked and before he was basically asexual with light attraction to women
But i never acc consciously repressed anything
ja is dat denn die possibility
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I'm literally pic related but reversed
It’s more like latent homosexuality, that guy wasn’t consciously repping or anything but some mental block was in place that was only removed when he had sex with his GF. On a somewhat related note, were you ever sexually abused?
>met my bf on 4chan
that’s menthol ilnit, luv :s

why can’t you fags just find a real bf instead of an e-bf like that’s not even a real relationship :s
i don't know but his dick in my ass feels real
I dont know for sure but ive been masturbating as far as my memories go back so like 4 so maybe? But other than that no
new >>37396792
you still met on 4chan that overshadows everything :s
there has not been 1 instance of e-couples on the fagboard that ended in marriage and kids :s like girl pls. also ew i would never stoop that low to get taken advantage of by an menthol i met on an anonymous image board. no shade, sis :s
31 isn't old

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