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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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Previous: >>37422942
How long does it take to recover?
Bestie i...
It takes a couple of days. Can't eat nothing but soup tier foods, no coffee or tea (which kills me), no suctioning cause it might dislodge the sockets where the wisdom teeth were.

Ugh I wish I had a hot daddy gay dentist to tell me when I can start sucking again :<
does nothorny fuck niggers?
um sweatie thats a no-no word
thorns of love
first for i hate trannies, they will never be real women
ok now we can continue the thread
What's wrong with chongs?
is wanting to be filled with semen, wrong? idk i just feel gross thinking about it, but at the same time i need it
dangerously based posts. careful though youre gonna make the ricer seethe
I feel bad for racists I hope you guys get better eventually
go get plowed by a yellow guy, rice cooker
i was never even actually racist my entire life and I hope I continue to feel worse because of it
what now :/
I feel bad for you if you are serious. I've met the most amazing people in my life, their race was never a concern
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do you prefer a french range (top) or british range (bottom)?
why is the top one so big? :O
french? they make better food
i miss having people that i can really talk to
I think if I tried using one of these I would have a serious panic attack
what the fuck are you talking? i know that you retard lmao
British, I don't know what the fuck I would do with that massive French thing.
I cut my hair down to neck length from almost belly button length and no one noticed or cared
idk what any of this means but I hope you are normal in the real world and interact with people normally
i need a top who aint afraid to grab my folds and put them to good use
That's true for just about any group of humans on this planet.
so that you can configure the cooktop to suit your cooking preference (4-5 different cooking modules)
left oven is gas, right oven is electric, both flanked by warming drawers

no contest here

the la cornue chateau is way more intimidating to use than the aga. the aga is a cast iron range, so it's like cooking in a dutch oven

admire its beauty and treat it as furniture!
post hole
I hope my hair can grow to belly button length before I cut it
I'm sorry :( People never noticed when I cut until I started using a curly hair product and people were like "oh your hair is curly! has it always been curly?!". People's brains just work weird.
>so that you can configure the cooktop to suit your cooking preference (4-5 different cooking modules)
>left oven is gas, right oven is electric, both flanked by warming drawers
Ah thats really dope. If I had a place of my own that would rock.
hole that everts like a starfish’s stomach
my friends family had a french one that was never used because it broke and they cooked everything in microwaves instead.
>gas burners
i remember when the bound 2 music video just came out
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I'm sorry honey but I'm not reading any of that. I only know the people I've met myself and most people are just people. I hope you get out of this weird schizo circle some time in the future because I don't think it's healthy
this is for you:
the cto of my company had them over today, might buy them idk
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Can't wait to try this out with the bf later. So ready to coom, sisters
what is it?
i still cant believe george kondo's album cover art is censored on youtube
I hate what they did to Grace Jones album covers :(
what are you talking about?
what the fuck is this thread
bleagle couldnt even pay for it, again :3
mento ilness luv
mods are asleep or something
i hate these hoes
chaturbate com/the_lucas_king/
they make me so horny
I'm already running a similar setup
i'm not really gay but i'm attracted to him
anyone else gangstalked into being gay?
I believe the word you are looking for is gang rape
they keep sending sexy men into my life to harass and torment me
I'm gonna pray to god that someone you care about gets in a horrific accident
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I do not feel safe in my current residence. All my neighbors plotting against me. My basement is full of firearms and explosives. I'm going to make my mark on history.
>any other gay guy here into /pol/ conspiracies and such?
Yes, I believe the government is gay and should be abolished.
That's my conspiracy theory, the government is gay.
Toy for SEGGSO
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bros i'm 21 and so alone
might hook up on grinder just to not feel alone
I hate my life
tried tinder, got into some dates and nothing, i'm just not made to be with other people it seems
Tips on cultivating a mysterious, dark, brooding, pained, and edgy aura that will attract people to me?
I want people to look at me and think I must both be really cool and also that I must've seen some terrible shit and suffered ways they can't imagine.
Obviously I have to look dark and edgy in a COOL way, like it's just how I am because of what ive been through. Not in an edgy cringe pathetic LOSER way who is putting it on. Thanks.
I think staring into the distance while smoking, drinking whisky when I go out, and wearing suits but slightly disheveledly might be a good start.
i just took a wet, smelly, NASTY, gross shart and i named it santino.

shartino, if you will
you have to be 18 and older to post on this forum anon
post hole sis
ask /fa/ and/or kill yourself
I hate that even though I don't do it consciously, I still try to project this look. It's almost on accident. Like when I catch myself flirting with my boss. "Stop that," I tell myself, and I think that will be the last time. But it's never the last time. Here's a hard question: how do I end the cycle of repeated mistakes I never learn from? And how do I stop the subconscious process of slowly dismantling my life board by board? And don't answer with some broscience nonsense like clean your room or eat more vitamin d.
big niggers fucking little white boys yeahuh
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I updated my profile pic last saturday is this good for chicago or am I cooked?
Would you date a guy whos been on estrogen? Question only for gay guys not bi ones
>Question only for gay guys not bi ones
pure racism
Bi guys usually lean straight, what do gay ones who only like cock think is my question
Could only dream of that many views
God I wish that many BBC bvlls wanted me
hello, bisexual here! no
I would give your cock that many views
As long as you don't cut your fick off i'm good.
Would you sleep with a dom top if you knew he'd been on estrogen before?
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Very happy to say my new place is nice
>dom top
>on estrogen
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Please enjoy this animal. Animals endure incredible hardships in nature just to survive that most of us never could. But even they find moments in joy in life. I hope it inspires you to remember that you can find at least moments too if you look.
What if had gender dysphoria but decided im a man?
Owls are weird
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Chic Fil-a rejected my application sisters. I'm so sad.
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i saw a bluebird the other day but he flew away before i could get a good pic so all i have is this impression of a bluebird
oops meant blue jay
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Would you really have gone that far if you didn't plan to transition

Cool weird
Love that feeling when you finally get settled in. Moving is exhausting.
I found I am masculine soul, not feminine....what can I do? (have mild gynocomestia) will bottom like me?
probably not
>Bi guys usually lean straight
get an app for disgusting bears and you'll get views
Why you loling at this? Its gaygen, get lost faggot
lol nice. I have one that likes to hang around the bushes outside my window and sound off sometimes. What I find interesting is that they are known for their screech, but have the sweetest trilling warble also that most people dont associate with them.
Hate str*ggot ""bisexuals", you will never be a faggot
Wannabe faggot emo b*tch
I'm laughing at your delusional notion of bi guys usually leaning straight.
Prove they dont? Why are the majority on this board femboy/tranny chasers? Retard?
>on this board
Real men are anti woke
Were ""gay"" memes like Alstofo for example not massively popular? Most bi men just want to fuck feminine men (a lot of the time not even that, only traps that pass exceptionally well i.e might as well be straight), if you dont see this you are a blind little retard.
Well what made you go off estrogen in the first place
Btw you will never be a gay man no matter how much you post here, you will always be a bisexual little str*ggot boy
I realize I am not a women, just a man with some tramas around being gay....I cant imagine bottom for man which is why I detrans, is it over for me if have mild gyno and ED?
Was in line for self checkout at target and there was a dude in pajama pants in front of me. was eyeing his package and i think he noticed bc he touched it to adjust then put his hand in his pocket
Very cool sis
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am I to believe these hysterical posts were written by a man?
why does getting topped feel so good, ahh!! dangit
Must be the estrogen, kek
No nigger I just dont like ""bisexual"" men raiding our spaces and also if thats you Osaka you will never be bi we all know your really an anal receptive faggot, that will never change no matter how hard you fuck your big nosed tranny GF
Thoughts on tops who use nto be on estrogen?
whens the last time you left your moms house luv
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If I'm gay, then why do I want to sniff girl butts?
odds big nosed tranny gf
evens big nosed gay bf
i could cuddlefuck all day, desu. i just wanna chill with a big dick in me, grrr
define 'big'
cus ur biscum
my peanus tired
Ur an analfag b*sexual str@ggot
6" long or 5" girth, either or

then switch, spread legs and relax hole
My pernis shrank from estrogen.....is it over?
you're an unhinged estrogenized troon who got mad at my "probably not" and went on a hysterical schizo rampage from there, simple as
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My husband and I have new baby.
you dont have a husband, liar!
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almost 5 am
14 pages completed
i have covid
my eyes hurt
my brain is dry
i see things in my eyelids
I'm not quite done unpacking all my bags and boxes, but man am I at a point where I'm finally comfortable, even if money is tight
i'll swallow as many loads as it takes
How many of these were bbc bvlls?
Gimme! Gimme! Gimme a top after midnight
Won't somebody help me
Chase the shadows away?
Gimme! Gimme! Gimme a top after midnight
Take me through the darkness
To the break of the day
Hell yeah brother. The little one I have is getting so big already
I mog you on and off estrogen, I am a masc dom top
It's 99% white guys here
i want to get completely broken by a dom top, it would actually make me more normal afterwards
I need a new job badly, I hate this 90 minute commute from my city to middle of nowhere, and it drives me nuts. Even a job that's just 30 minutes closer would be better
Why don't people build careers instead of bouncing between dead end jobs?
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Mmmmm. Ribeye + chimichurri
That looks so good man, mouth watering
So cute!
Lol you are about to hate cardboard so bad. Rest easy though anon, you earned it.
Steak is the dinner of champions and men
I actually forgot I posted itt. You would all want to date me irl because I'm amazing. Your lips say biscum but your eyes say smth else
Thanks, I finally have the heat controls on my stovetop down to a science. Sears really consistently now.
So true
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This body type turns me on so much.

Compared to my skinny, weak, estrogenized body, it makes me feel so feminine.

I love it.
I want more tattoos so bad brothers ffffuck
Res Paur... get it... y'know because... never mind...
i like fender for cleans, and gibson for distorted tones and idgaf about the 'gibson is for boomers' thing, like fender was invented recently? The les paul, telecaster and stratocaster all came out in the early 1950s and haven't changed much. It's wankery either way, the Gibson grandpas pretending Gibson is better than the dozens of cheaper alternatives, or fender zoomers pretending like they invented a fucking 80 year old company instead of Leo Fender.
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This her now. They grow up so fast
get lost homo I'd ignore you in an instant
She's pretty.
bulge on bulge.
He's so cute
I think I’m going to DoorDash some KFC…Also Tesla has overpriced options right now. I forget the exacts but if I recall, there’s a 205/320 iron condor that’s ridiculous on the 2 week time frame. IVR is at 100, but should be before earnings. ToS has been a bit janky lately.
the way god intended it to be
anyone looking to overdose on heroine or is that too much of a str8ie drug
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You've exhausted all possible sexualities in your seethe for me, uggo virginal anon.
>start taking a lot more zinc for skin care
>now I am producing a lot more precum
By transitioning I made it easier for gay guys to find truly masc gays. Thank me later
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>thinking I was any of those anons
schizo + retarded + dilate tranny
There's 2 types of trannies desu:
1. The ones that looked like cute femboys prior to hrt (rare)
2. The ones that looked like Comic Book Guy prior to hrt (common)
sup? you wanna meet behind Walmart? I got the h just need the syringes uwu
Idc about you or your issues
Stop replying
this will always look fake and forced because you have not actually gone through any suffering
it will just put people off you and make them think you are a tryhard weirdo
you cant do anything to make it seem authentic
i live a miserable life in my thirdworld shithole and that's why my face is always emotionless, my eyes are glossy and lack light, and i dont enjoy anything anymore
i used to have a lot of people tell me that in college, that i needed to get friends and socialize, that i shouldnt be so hard on myself, it was mostly pity with the occasional interested glances that led nowhere
i dont know if anyone in the west would have interacted with me the same honestly
I'm too worried about baby to sleep. What you guys are doing?
meant for
>>37429123 >>37429201
you arent mad at all huh
Hopefully something better than beer.

How do people handle having human kids, there's no way I could.
not really, no. but you are (in b4 hurrr I'm not her)
Depends on the age.
well, no
I don't like them at any age. But, the lack of sleep would make me angry all the time. Do you have?
he's going to stick to your shoe now
good now post hole, bottom
anyway, i just petted Captain Meowsers belly, and I'm going to vc my bf in 5 minutes. Goodnight geys
I wanted a black for a bit and ended up with a graybie
I got a new belt buckle recently. Fun fact that’s where the trip name comes from
I want black cat. This baby we acquired last night is very dark tabby almost black though, curious what he will look like when older.
stick dniym
tight jeans, tight ass
I've scrolled past this thread so many times, and just now realized he's holding a guitar. I thought that was his big bbl bubble ass, and it was a gay porn cover.

Why am I like this?
Voice chat
Wow same here.
It's deader than the average gaygen poster's sex life in here :/
Yea its so sad
the lowercaseschizo and xathippe killed this place
And also bish and larry
Lowercaseschizo? Is that one that loves dead Russians?
Gurl how did i kill this place? And why didn’t it come back to life when i was in jail?
You’re so obsessed with me. Leave me be weirdo
Why were u in jail?
Am I bi if I'm crushing on a guy but only because he's hella cute and hot? I'm straight btw.
You can be str8 and like cute guys
Private reasons.
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You're a faggot. Trust me, I am expert.
Public disorder due to mental breakdown?
Shoplifting according to one larp but who knows with that weirdo
But what if I want to kiss him to touch his body does it make me bi?
Can you stop slandering me all the time? I never did anything to you and barely know who the hell you even are. Just leave me alone and keep my name out your mouth. Thanks
It rly depends on how cute he is
it’s a joke someone made and for some reason someone got mad over it
Why would they hide it if it was shoplifting?
you were in jail for stealing clothes, it was your own admission
Hella cute. And hot.
He was implying that I lie and called me a weirdo. He’s always posting shit about me when I barely ever interacted with him it’s so weird. Like he should get a hobby
Then no, you are str8, leave this board
Why am I so attracted to men who look like pooners?
anyone else cry themselves to sleep
Why did u say personal reasons if it was just stealing clothes
Idk if ur joking, but i do most days
Sometimes. I grieve a lot. Why you are crying?
Because it’s none of your business
Insecure criminal.
xe probably forgot what that larp was supposed to be about
Compulsive liars r so fun to talk to
bucko won lmao
I want to hug you
Why you mentioned jail time in thread full of nosy motherfuckers? You knew.
Fact of the matter is I was in jail and I was away from gaygen for months. Yet why didn’t I return to a gaygen that was alive and thriving? If I’m the cause of gaygen death
i think it’s weird how she has to make up things like being in jail or having a stalker to impress a bunch of anonymous
File deleted.
Is this a good Grindr picture for a bottom?
No one needs to know that detail.
I wish they helped but are appreciated still.
I would never message a faggots who puts his ass as his profile picture
Its just for entertainment purposes
Looks fine sis
If you are a slut yeah
He is a slut. He sleeps with married strangers
All lowercase posters are schizos thoever
Ive done it once and im not a slut
Did you know he was married before sleeping with him?
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This is the ideal bottom body. You may not like it, but this is what bottoms should look like.
Steve is unironically a thot and here I felt bad at myself for sleeping with 11 men in like a year lmao
April 10th you posted

-3 days you didn't post-

April 14th you posted "Hey guys! Happy Sunday.
I’m sorry for my disappearance but i have had some problems with the law enforcement authorities meaning I won’t be posting here regularly anymore for the next period of time unfortunately. I have been behaving in a manner that in retrospect I can see were wrong and now im taking the consequences for them.
I wish all of you the best. Peace out <3"

-12 days you didn't post-

April 27th you posted "Hey guys.. my dad is visiting so I finally have access to a phone. How are you, my darlings? I miss you so much and hope you’re doing well. And in good health.
It has been rough for me. I never thought I’d hit rock bottom. But here she is. Hitting rock bottom. Lord knows I deserved this lesson. But that doesn’t mean it’s easy. Or that it will ever be easy. But I will try to stay strong and get through this.
“When you’re going through hell. Keep going.” - Winston Churchill"

-7 days you didn't post-

May 5th you posted "Hello everyone. My dad was so kind to come visit me, so I have some time to use his phone and I wanted to say hi. I think a lot about y’all and our time together here in gaygen. Know that it means a lot to me all the time we’ve spent together, the fun and the discussions we’ve had. I love you all so much.
Life in here is tough. It’s a struggle for me to get through every day. But I’m strong and I will stay strong.
Miss you all, x"

- 7 days you didn't post-

May 13th and everyday since then you've posted...

You only missed around 29 days of not posting... how were you away from gaygen for MONTHS?
How are you not a slit if you knowingly have slept with a married man?
holy SCHIZO. didn't read that shit btw lol
Because it was a unique experience that i would regret not having, ive only fucked with 3 ppl in total tho so im not a slut
Why care enough to look into it this deeply?
Steve quit lying you know you slept with waaay more than 3
Thanks for digging in a really traumatic part of my past that I would prefer not think about. But thank you for reminding me and rubbing salt in the wound.
its just fun to uncover peoples lies who try so hard to maintain them
pretending to be a slut is way different than actually being one
steve isn't just going to give it up to anyone
lol nta but if you're gonna post on the internet, and fucking 4chan no less, you're gonna have to grow some balls cunty
>referring to yourself in 3rd person
k schizo how many more personalities are in there
you must be the anon that replies for me sometimes because you read me very well.
Personally I like when people like Xanthippe get dragged with facts and proof
I think xan is a sweetheart and doesnt deserve it
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Downlighting makes you look way more jacked but wig snatches a girl >:(
>steve isn't just going to give it up to anyone
Are you talking about the same steve?
Then you’re a delusional liar that only wants the trolling to continue brother
You get me <3
bitches will say anything to argue against you cause why not
you look like Charlie Kirk and Quentin Tarantino had a autistic child
I have become their scapegoat.
Name 1 bad thing xan has done?
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i think many scenes of fight club used downlighting to get the best shots
Blatantly deleting posts when she accidentally posts on trip or replying to posts with the wrong trip. Not elaborating because we have all seen it. At this point >>37429878
>Not elaborating
How surprising
LMAO i once said steve looks a autistic goblin and her beta orbiter started seething at me
why would anyone when youve done it time and time before girl
So not posting every post on trip is immoral?
lmao shut up faggot. I’m not going to waste time arguing when youre obvious with the bullshit you pull
lol keep your trip on
ur proving his point
That was very likely Steve
I never change my trip and have even forgot it was on when I went on /pol/ before
Im not xan, you guys just have a hateboner
excuse me ill brb need to take a shartino
both were attractive guys in their youth
ewwww disgusting
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>this fat ugly spic getting uppity
>mogs you all
they were skinwalker attractive, like they were attractive but with a really fucked up facial feature that gets worse with time
face is formed to never not be ready to smell women's feet
I miss my boy brothers
I mog him ngl. When I started posting here near May 1, I was 170lbs. Today I'm 195lbs. I started consistently working out around May 14. I shall be the most muscular bottom of all time
just ready to sniff
Quiet down white bread
Nah, thats seth
he has a face like morrissey
punchable but you still watch his movies
I only eat whole wheat, sir.
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is this xan's jail selfie posted on discord?
now let's measure his face using his Oscar award photo again
U had to go to page 10 of google image search to find 1 good photo
Ill miss you
Stay gone (not off trip)
bucko won you fucking pussy
LMAO autistic goblin steve said he mogs anyone. bucks is probably cuter. she (steve) thinks hitting the gym cures ugly. i can't
don't care, steve is attractive, his body rivals hyacinth's if were being honest
His body is nice, but he has a clown face
trip on steve. don't dilate so hard about getting dragged
Xanny, being a catty bottom is NOT attractive. Bucks isn't going to leave his boyfriend to fuck your fat stinky hole in Bolivia.
i don't think so, he clearly has autism or a tick or whatever they call it...tourette's.. which causes him to smile and look giddy
True. I’m stuck with this boy
I think catty bottoms r cute
>autistic goblin thinks I'm xan
oh no she's losing it lmfao

explain why someone else called you autistic here >>37430067 then
my face isn't especially masculine so yeah it makes sense why bottom bitches hate it.
i don't mean it in a mean way, i find it endearing and cute, a lot of 4chan gay posters have autism
^ lol
That was you arguing with yourself again. They have the same typing style as you Xanny, we all know you're a catty little bottom trying to impress the man in the room. It's very immature
>implying xan is the only person who doesn't like steve
Yeah that's Steve posting off trip. How embarrassing.
xan's vegan larp is the most funny considering her weight
Oh i dont think its not masculine, except the eyes - u have prey eyes, i think u look goofy
>the man in the room
post proof autistic goblin. ill wait. meanwhile you can use my cock to keep dilating, malding and now rent freeing uwu
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you're another repressor intimidated by him
>trips are now taking off their trips to defend themselves
>a man
That catty bottom? Lmaoooo
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repressing what lol
and intimidated by who
just say xanthippe
Alternatively, I am sucking juicy cocks here for anyone interested.
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>Come to the back of Gold's Gym. 2182 Cherry Rd, Rock Hill, SC 29732

>We can go bare knuckles. The loser has to go bald.
pissing in bishs hole while he takes pole
Ill come of u top me
I'm actually a pretty good top because I last a REALLY long time. I can pound hole for 35 minutes straight
do you really trust an aged out gaydeathed worthless drunkard?
Fuck off dont bully tex
only posting facts, cope :)
more than xanthippe
Xanny is angy she's swinging wild. Any bottom that's more attractive or a better person than her better watch out. Bitch is catty and crazy, she'll do anything to avoid working on herself.
No one else wants to work on him
28 is young and he mogs all other twinks here anyway. Also drinking is a fun hobby
>she's still riding xan
lol just fuck her already with your gremlin looking ass
why cant gaygen be at peace
true that alcoholic mogs the fuck out of steve
we need more verses
like me!
lol you always try to compare people youre hating on to some creature you think is ugly from a movie. predictable eh sis
bucko is vers and mogs you
hope that helps
Bottom. x2
cool post now put your trip back on sweety
who is behind the bucko larp?
tops moan the loudest when getting rimmed and bottoming
bucko seems cool & i have no beef with him

weird because i know how to change a tire & use a spirit level
bucko has proved he isnt a larp
the same way Santino did? lmao
they’re both larps
The fact that you think those are difficult proves that you are a bottom
Santino is cool idk why people dislike him
who tf is Santino? I only know shartino
i believe bucko more than shartino
he has ibs. no one likes a bottom with ibs
according to the larp
new >>37430277
LMAO is that why he's called that?
Whats ibs? Irritating bottom syndrome?
found more weed and forgot to lurk in gen for the last 3 hours, don't think I was missing out on much

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