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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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it legit sucks that i can't be enough of a real woman for any of the men im actually into. yeah plenty of queers find me hot, but i don't want to just be a sex toy, i want to be a wife, a mother, i want to get pregnant and have kids and start a family and it actually hurts.
Maybe meet in the middle and pick the least gay guy willing to date you and try to steer him more towards starting a traditional family with you using adoption or a surrogate mother.
Maybe it's cuz I'm a bit older but I know lots of queer people who are settled down, in stable relationships, with a house, kids, etc
>and then i woke up
Actual good advice? On /tttt/?
You can find the straight guy of your dreams, I promise you can. If I found the perfect guy for me, and he also wants to settle down, get married, and eventually start a family, then you can too. Your future husband may not be close, but he is out there somewhere. Luckily the internet let's you talk to people all over the world so it's much easier to find him than its ever been in history. You just need to close the distance after meeting him.
Honestly life isn't so long and it is made up of mostly pettiness, try not to take it so seriously, it'll be over soon anyway
That's cool. What sort of childcaring experience do you have? You do have at least some experience caring for your siblings or cousins right?
Self indulgent whiny trades about wanting to embrace the traditional family and be a mother are so annoying.
spent years grooming children on discord.
>Self indulgent whiny trades about wanting to embrace the traditional family and be a mother are so annoying.
The worst of it is these people don't want these things because of any healthy instinct and desire but instead for purely selfish and vain reasons - to "complete" their passing fantasies they fixate upon.
is this something men care about?
I worked at a summer camp for a few years
>is this something men care about?
Men who actually want a family will think about this and be advised on it by their relatives and close female friends. There are some mega red flags for women to avoid having kids with them.
chappell roan needs to shut up and disappear then get old and die
Sadly same but I'm gay. It's such a crippling envy and despair
most men knock up women without even thinking about the fact they'll actually have to take care of a kid until they're actually born
unless you're from some 18th century aristocracy family no one cares
Yeah, same here. It's usually around the mid-late 30s that they start to settle down. Though in most cases they still have 'open relationships', which means if you're a monogamyfag you're gonna have a rough time.
Kids are rare though, I've only seen a couple of cases of that and it was usually a situation where a bi dude who was a single dad married a gay dude, rather than an adoption situation since it's actually pretty hard to adopt as a gay couple.
>ugh these troons dont want to get pozzed and shit in a diaper, trads suck!

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