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QOTT: is it ever okay to beat your boyfriend?
no bisexuals, no trans women, no fat pigs
last >>37438884
second for violent possessiveness being the only true form of love
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bish x shiza (shiza on the right)
I think it is, just not the face cuz hes cute
>is it ever okay to beat your boyfriend?
yes but not in the face. Punch the tummy.
>no bisexuals
You forgot to mention troons
today, I feel gay
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>no bisexuals, no troons
what if I'm bisexual but I only like men?
makes sense desu
Im like that too and i post here so i think its ok
Must care for him
Raping you :)
You're literally a rapist.
Permanently remiving every body hair from Delta's body
Painting his nails and toenails
Putting him in dress and makeup
Whoring Delta out
at this point you should understand how appealing of a proposition that is
wait no am i ruining the rape
Only bi men beat up their gay bf
most fat men are mentally women anyway
aromatase brained
That’s why bincel loves them…
Fuck off
It's a compliment. I'm saying you're masc.
>need to go to the store
>not sure if they will try to deliver package when I am at the store
One more day where not having a bottom at home is problematic.
I'm a stay at home bottom but I would not pick up your packages because you're bottomphobic
BDSM for gays are war crimes for everyone else
Sometimes my bottom gets up on the table where he's not supposed to be so I keep a spray bottle filled with water to get him off.
>Go home
>Bottom didn't open the door for the delivery man
*takes off belt*
Guess it's time for a reminder then.
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do gays really?
put lemon juice in it and aim for the eyes
these bottoms need a strong hand
Just stop with the rapist shit already
You are actually bottomphobic... we need bottom feminism
if you stopped raping people, anons would stop joking about it
Delta covered in pigshit in an animel pen eating slop made out of leftover food
you're gonna get punched in the tummy
they don't think it be like it is, but it do
then one of male pigs mistakes him for a breedable sow and sticks its big corkscrew cock in his anus
Nyooo thats bottom abuse :c
Just stop it
Topping Delta
Delta going to the gym to suss out all the eighteenie and nineteenie bodybuilders to rape and overpower with his sheer muscle
I don't like the word "bottomphobic". It implies a fear. No, it's more like misogyny. So I guess you could call it misoprymnóthyny.
In my society women wear full body burkas and men wear thongs, speedos or jockstraps
a need a bottomburka
my boyfriend once hit me on accident when he was working on his car and i brought him an ice cold beer to quench his thirst. this was in summer during a heatwave. when i approached him to hand him his beer he accidentally hit me on my stomach with his elbow as he stepped back from the car hood and it did hurrrt a bit and i almost fell backwards on his toolbox ;w;
he then immediately held me firmly in his arms apologizing 5 times and i could see it in his eyes how afraid he was that he accidentally hurt me and i felt bad and held his face telling him he didn’t need to apologize since it was my fault for not making a sound. but yea ever since then he’s extra careful not to hit me again ;w; <3
he would never hit me on purpose ofc except when it’s playful uwu
Were you turned on by him hitting you?
i hope i get a possessive boyfriend who will repeatedly remind me that i am his and his alone, and that he will put a ring on me and turn me into his wife
i want to be a good submissive loyal malewife to my dominant husband
most of these bottoms were never disciplined once in their lives
secretly they crave a little abuse and they need it too
I was abused and i dont want it anymore
>feminism in a nutshell
You should be afraid, ill stab u in the balls
you probably need it though
most bottoms are really stupid and have trifling interests and behaviors, but you can beat that out of them
it's like a racing horse that needs to be whipped to keep moving quickly and stay on the track
Well if u put it like that ig i agree
Bottoms deserve love too
Beating is how you turn monkeys into people.
>1 item arrives today by 3 am
3 A.M.? Really?
I hope they mean P.M.

This is why we need open-ring gags, ropes and handcuffs for bottoms.

>Meet fren from some time ago
>he goes in for a big hug, it's kind of awkward
>rearrange position of arms
>accidentally bitch slap the guy
>first thing I did when seeing cute guy fren who I haven't seen for two years was accidentally bitch slap him
He was pretty cool about it but damn.
I admit Im stupid and need another man to take care of and provide for me, but why do I have to be treated like his bitch? I want to be seen as equal.
I can pick locks, you cant stop me im comming for ur balls
we can start with the anime picture you posted
anime is for japanese children
every time i catch you watching that shit - SLAP! right across the face
you can watch the sopranos with me
no i was afraid of making him feel bad actually but then we laughed and joked about it afterwards :3
i don’t like being restrained and put in a vulnerable position generally. i only like it when it’s someone who i can trust and it’s my boyfriend in this case. i mostly assumed the dominant position in my past hook ups because i hate the idea of a stranger restraining me and having control over me :s
I dont need to be anime-trained,can i watch the sopranos with you:3
They deserve love and a firm guiding hand.

If he provides for you you're his bitch. Simple as.
Either that or your he's your paypig.
yes but dont try to switch to k-on or im going chris brown on your ass
How r u an equal tho
Can I not just beat the monkeys to death
If Rihanna forgave Chris Brown, why couldn't white people? He's one of the greatest R&B singers of all time and the closest thing we have to a modern day MJ.
B-but, k-on is kawaii :c
crackers are perched like vultures looking to cancel black artists for the slightest transgression while their favorite white rock stars who abused women and raped underage girls for decades get honored with lifetime achievement awards and endless plays on oldies radio
awful thread
Bitch ass cracka
hurriedly tabbed out of this thread to not show I was browsing lgbt when he entered the room so we watched pajeet webms on wsg for a bit and then the other roomies joined it was fun haha
White pig.
I just saw a norwegian wmam couple, feels great
Oh it says "by 3 A.M." at one place and "17:00-22:00" on another.
Bet they'll try to deliver it if I try to take a shower.
>lock picking
There we have it, all bottoms are criminals
I fight crime ( hatecrime ) with crime, im like batman
lmfao that you think reading racist threads making fun of indians is more socially acceptable than being outed as gay
this is why you will be prison gay for the rest of your life and never find a man or a woman who loves you
in the hot tub holding hands with my bf under the moon
no talking just vibing
used to be a blonde german(?) x asian male tiktok couple that was spammed here, they were very cute. i hate being british.
nah i was technologically turnt out
>This is why we need open-ring gags, ropes and handcuffs for bottoms.
good i wish that would be used on me
Hello my name is Daniel.
Hello danfag
I just want to be seen as equally male even if Im not working, is it possible?
I'd want him to be a weeb too, kek.
no they were wholesome, not onlyfans sluts
I've never met a weeb top who wasn't a pedophile.
I mean you are equally male, you are just a bottom male - with a top male above u in hierarchy
lmao i was gonna ask how you bitchslapped him but then i saw your trip and it made more sense :s
tops should be more careful
Find them on the archives
Holy fuck thats actually true
dayum daniel
back at it again with the white vans
that meme died 6 years ago, grandpa :s
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>friends with my ex again
>all I wanted was for us to be friends because I missed him
>feels weird as fuck when he's mentioning his hookups which he seems to be having a lot of
>hooked up in the morning, he's already browsing his grindr messages
>I have a girlfriend now

>I fucked up and jerked off with him sort of but I got guilty and couldn't cum but he did and I'm worried it's going to happen again

wtf do I do? I don't want to go no contact, he's my best friend and we know literally everything about each other. I can't blame him for telling about his sex stuff because we have always told each other literally everything, the good bad and the ugly

The only answer after that is to establish boundries but it wouldnt be the same friendship anymore, knowing he's not telling me everything like we usually do

whats your advice
u died
over 9000 internets
If i was in your situation id cry so hard
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Nobody cares about your bisexual shotaposting incel problems, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE kys
Around the same time u twinkdied
I'm only 37.
>shave my body
>feel super cold now
It was just that we had different ideas of how to hug
all my childhood crushes have no social media presence. i just want to know what they're doing with their lives. i hope they're all okay. i know my first crush ever joined a cult but i think he's out of it now
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Why cant we be equal even if Im takinjg it up the ass?
Ive never met other gay weebs period except on /cm/, I dont know how I can find one who is both a weeb and is also okay with me being a NEET
>I dont know how I can find one who is both a weeb and is also okay with me being a NEET
why would you ask that of anybody? that they be okay with you having no job and no future prospects?
If you don't like a videogame just don't play it bitch
Im sorry anon, but life isnt anime. You can either get a job and be a little more equal, or comit to being his subordinate
But do you look as good as Bryan Johnson?
I saw a hot guy on the train the other day and fantasized about fucking him literally ALL DAY at work. I'm so god damn horny
the only anime my bf likes are awful trash from his childhood like one piece and bleach

Bleach wasnt bad until they save rukia then idek wtf happened, i really let him down because i just couldnt keep watching lol
If women can do it then why cant I? Seems like a completely BS double standard
>You can either get a job
Dont want to. If they love me they can accept that and provide for me and if they dont I guess Im fucked
Pouring bleach in Delta's asshole to cure his autism.
I look better than him. Most people say I look around 20/25.
Are you cute?
>If women can do it then why cant I? Seems like a completely BS double standard
women who want to be stay at home wives are looked down on by other women. they also have dreams of raising children which is essentially decades of unpaid labour, i bet you don't
>wait for train
>some really cute guy on the platform looks at me
>he does not stop looking, it seems like staring
>immediately wonder if he is also a fruit
>I look away because I'm afraid as he does not smile and I have a boyfriend
I wonder if he was disgusted, curious, knew me from somewhere or just average German
But do you look as good as Pierre Boo at 37?
also what was he like?
twink with long dark hair
I also have long hair uwu
but I am gaydead so it was def was not me
I know that you love me and I know that you care. But I just can't be with you like this anymore, Alejandro :(
twinks with long hair are devil spawns
ale ale ale ale jandro
it's just two ale's, you dumbass
Literally who
>stay at home wives are looked down on by other women
Not in the past when it was the norm and especially not the tradcuck community I grew up in lmao.
>women who want to be stay at home wives are looked down on by other women. they also have dreams of raising children which is essentially decades of unpaid labour, i bet you don't
Yea I dont, I dont see how caring for some crotch fruit that isnt mine is the only way to justify my unemployment? People who have children are retards anyway and my mom for example hardly did any real "house wife" duties nor did she really have to spend time with us because we had the internet.
who cares? lady gaga is a talentless ugly whore
can you actually snort crack?
I want to beat u up so bad. You think your tradcuck clmmunity would accept u being some guys stay at home fucktoy?
you're a disgusting incel. you will for sure die alone
just double timin brah
well she made fun shit once upon a time

completely messes up the tune -_-
>is more socially acceptable than being outed as gay
I thought we went over how that's not my problem at all
I'm lady gayge
what's your signature track?
smokin' crack with kuurst
Imagine thinking any man will want to unconditionally provide and care for you when you are such a hateful little shit. Ironically "caring for a crotch fruit that isn't mine" is exactly what you are asking from your husband since you are mentally still a child.
I need to get a haircut but the barbers here are really expensive for the quality of a haircut they provide :(
you seem really unlikeable, I don't even think I could last a single day being around you
If u werent so bottomphobic maybe you could find a bottom to do it for you, just saying...
kuurst's dream bottom bf is 14 years old :/
also gay sex is easy to get, the idea that you're trading your bussy to be provided for is wild

the only reason to have a gay bf is for the companionship and if you really get along together as friends and can talk easily
14 is fair game in germany
Bottoms are the best barbers btw try being less bottomphobe
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No which is why I want to move away, and I also I dont want to be his "fucktoy" which was what my post was about anyway.
I could go out and have sex right now and even have a relationship if I had no standards, Im willing to play the long haul for a monogamous BF who I can be a house husband for. If a man loves me he can take care of me with the relative little needs that I have and if he doesnt then thats fine too, I am willing to look elsewhere
>Imagine thinking any man will want to unconditionally provide and care for you
Love is about sacrifice, in the same way I will compromise to accomodate them I also think they should do the same for me. I dont see why adopting and raising children is the only way to justify being a stay at home husband or even wife for that matter. Children are annoying, I dont like them, and I dont act like one. I have less needs than a child as Im basically a schizoid with very narrow interests. The only things they'd need to provide are food, water, and a roof to lay under, anything else they want to do being out of their own generosity/kindness.
You didnt answer if you look good or not, tgats all it depends on
gays who "don't like children" are usually pedos. just something i've noticed
I don't like children but my top bf is only like two years younger than me
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Today it occured to me that male sparrows do not realize they look like male sparrows.

By lunch, I will have found a way to use this to support the argument against gay type homosexual bum-buggery.

Now stand back and watch cerebral super-power work.
Animals have pheromones, go kys
No. I just booked an appointment :/
I used to do it myself, but I don't have two mirrors anymore.

Ew. Way too young.
This guy has been spamming anime pics all thread, we could already tell he's a pedo.
i think it's due to your autism and an inabilty to pick up social cues :s

she sold millions of copies, stood up for women and lgbtq+ rights, sang the american national hymn, literally donated thousands of dollars to non-profit organization assisting poor and needy people with food and shelter, she has an iq of 166, she is first woman to receive the RIAA's digital diamond award, won 6 grammy awards, 13 mtv video music awards and has been named been named one of the world's 100 most powerful women by forbes four years in a row, been featured as billboard's artist of the year multiple times, etc ....

whereas you? a desperate pathetic faggot begging for cock on grindr while talking down on very successful and talented women and their contributions to the world. :s
Just cut it all to 3mm ggez u dont need 2 mirrors for that
>be white dude

>chilling with my friend who is gay and asian

>looks at his phone and says "ugh, all these asians are messsaging me. white boiz only!"

Was he trying to hit on me because it was just really weird
i don't care about her cracker accolades or israeli charities she's donated to. she is a talentless horse face bitch
Does he know ur gay?
the most you can do is call me a faggot and correct my typos like anyone gaf :s
I miss frank
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can I attract twinks\femboys, with this body type?
as if white boys are dying to fuck his kind lol
Fat white pig. Kill yourself.
he alternates between thinking im gay and straight depending on his mood
I can also call you a schwuchtel
ey b0ss
100% then
So you are saying they distinguish some birdy concept of male and female and identify as one or the other based on smell, and this presumption somehow argues for human sodomy, yet simultaneously serves for sex selection in reproduction. Interesting.
ich bin ein pissbudenschwuler
Is it a red flag if your top wants to watch Heartstopper?

Keep in mind he's 28
Just boof a barber and keep him alive inside your massive boofer sack, but don’t digest him. That way you can shit him out and have him cut your hair whenever you want.
I watched a documentary about gay male youth prostitutes yesterday
I'm 27
Im saying if u put bird pheromones on a spongebob plushy birds would try to fuck it, im not saying anything about humans yet.
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Nah then I just look like a skinhead.

I doubt the barber would agree to that very much. How have you been boofanon?
so long as there's a six pack under that shirt yeah. If not go full HIIT cardio and report back in 3 months.
this is so pathetic, no wonder why you listen to music made for teen girls
Get fitter
I've never given a blowjob though
Bottoms like skinheads
imagine ejaculating on a skinhead's bald head as a bottom
his head would be like a muffing with glazing
kuurst voted afd
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i thought heartstopper was pretty boring since it's about a bullied gay teen falling in love with the straight (ofc) masc jock who then falls in love with him (actually bi). the movie portrays bottoms as weak and in need of protection and i don't like it.
We can see ur bitchtits, lose those and u have a fighting chance
no wonder, he hates poor people and bottoms
I only vote for leftists (and green but they are 2bourgeoisie4me)
based kuurst
True if i wanted to see a bottom being bullied id just remember highschool
But bottoms are weak and in need of protection?
The Agency works with the Mossad, I was sent to clean tunnels by using my boofing apparatus as a vacuum. Worked pretty well, might have boofed some rockets too which gave me some irritation though. Anyway the pay was good and in the last weeks I’ve been redeployed in Lebanon, my latest victim was some famous guy with a weird rag as a hat. Boofed him and his lieutenants, but someone saw me so the Agency covered it up by dropping a shitload of bombs on witnesses.
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im afraid the thought of liking him like this will make me act differently and make my charisma evaporate because i'll gravitate towards acting like a parody of a precious uwu thing instead of like just the me that gets along with him already
Mossad? No good will come from them.
I loved when he tries to insert the remote in his ass in picrel kek
Its all the puriteens are raving about because homosexuality is only palatable if they dont have sex I guess kek.
Why did you put teens and sex in the same sentence
Well, they have crazy tech even for Agency standards, their cryptosurgeon helped me go from a prolapse capacity of 3000 sqly (square light-years) to almost 9000.
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You niggers sure are dumb
So you are stating, as fact, that an entire class of animals, birds, with varying reproductive habits and capacity for smell, various sexual dimorphic features, will "fuck" an inanimate object based on the assumption of "pheromones", *because* it distinguishes sex rather than in spite of it. That it somehow associates sex/gender with a smell, yet will attempt to fertilize something that cannot be fertilized, is not its species or even a living thing *because* it associates a smell with a sex/gender, and that somehow substantiages homosexual sodomy in one species of primate.

Certainly not an argument from ignorance.

Gay logic, everyone.
eighteenie feetsies owo
Heartstopper started off as a webcomic not sure if you know that and basically people only like it is because it is soft uwu and wholesome and there is no sex or cussing.
mens' feet peak at 18 or 19 years old
how do you even take things in that direction with people
if you've interacted "nicely" for years already then no amount of activities together will be any different from what you were already doing
How do they change?

t. Inexperienced footfag
Cause it is made for teenagers, not porn addicted grown ass men
You do realize that thats exactly what you did im your first argument?
greater chance of circulation issues, varicose veins and unwelcome hairs as they get older
I remember reading FB comments saying they like it because it wasn't filled with sex scenes like other netflix shows. I guess people just got fatigued from seeing unnecessary sex scenes in every show.
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i don't believe you :s

the problem with the series is that it's very bland and nothing different than all the other gay series with the same or alternative plot that inevitably ends in heartbreak, like call me by your name (which was also played by actors who are both straight). additionally, when it comes to lgbtq+ series, it's always the guys assumed to be bottoms that are portrayed as fragile and emotional with daddy issues and traumas. either they show bottoms like that or they portray bottoms as hyperfeminine with makeup, heels and a sassy attidude.

also i can hold my own and i'm in no need of protection and neither do i break down crying over a broken nail.
sorry man im a fake gay so im not used to consuming hard drugs nor know where to find them
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What argument? I said that male sparrows do not realize they look like male sparrows.

You did not support your statement. I pointed out its corollary contradiction. Now you are just deflecting.
Teens have sex and at the very least say bad words, the only reason these puriteens call it "positive reprensoytation" is because homosexuality is only palatable to them if it is stripped of its sexuality or really anything that it really is, Im not saying art shouldnt project an ideal just that in this case it is retarded and boring and thats why I dont like it. Multiple other webcomics Ive read mog the shit out of it and deserve TV adaptations far more imo
Bottoms are women and they need daddy to protect and guide them. I love it. They are like little children and too dumb to go through life. Every bottom wants this.
You actually lose feet hair as you age
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this is kuurst
yes, he is a right wing extremist
no, he is not a nazi
So you came to a gay thread to talk about sparows, with no other implication?
Fat bad lil man
True, I like Killing Stalking and Nine Stones, they're more realistic
Early porn exposure is bad anon, you’re weird
sex scenes in a tv show are not porn you stupid fucking zoomer
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>yes, he is a right wing extremist
>no, he is not a nazi
Wow, he's literally me!
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he legit looks retarded and cringe af
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Exactly what he said Im not asking for straight up porn kek and also its not just the puriteens Im hating on but the people peddling this shit for example the author of Heartstopper complains about yaoi "fetishizing" gay men and how her comic is superior cuz it doesnt have the guys have sex in it (even though its basically the same thing) and then these puriteens and Ayydens parrot those same talking points and then everyone is afraid to make anything outside of "uwu wholesome soft bois" because gay men having sex or cursing or having "problematic" dynamics is evil MLM fetishization.
i hate that fat asexual bitch so much
shall I purchase those pants as a bottom?
Kraut Space Magic > Mossad Booftech
breh, not everything needs sex scenes and both the wencomic and series were boring sex scenes or not
even in something like Sex Education it was overplayed and they were mostly there to portray several issues related to sex
Yes, they look nice and are on sale
Whatever girl
I think I might be too skinny for them tho :(
The guy in the pic is too fat for em anyway
They're 173€ for a pair of pants. You should get something more affordable that fits.
I'm unemployed though I don't care that much about money
and good pants are comfy, otherwise I cannot leave the house
the authors portrayal of bottoms in a negative light and making them fall in love with bi-curious straight guys sounds like they are targeting otherwise straight men who are questioning their sexuality and give them false information on how actual bottoms behave and feel about the same sex in general. i thought the first seasons of elite and young royals were good, before they became shit with the following last seasons.
Wait so you are saying that bottoms arent subhuman?
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another happening cuckmany! they wonder why gays vote for nazis lol
i don't. and i deffo don't need another dad.
you say that as if most bottoms didn't have fantasies about being taken by a big, strong, masculine man
I'm gay and I don't vote AfD, ChristcuckDU or any other kuurst parties
I vote left
im gay and i vote der dritte weg
come at me racetraitor
>how actual bottoms behave and feel
how would You know...
>doesn't care about money
So either you're an OF whore, a common whore or you have a rich boyfriend, so an exclusive whore.

For supposedly "pandering to gays" modern shows sure aren't liked by gays. Honestly "token gay" characters are fucking annoying. Pretty good representation in some shows though, where it's just a natural part of the character instead some forced-in garbage.

kek it always amuses me that Neonazis are fat fucks who would be sent to the labor camps.
>voting for CDU
Now that's an abominable insinuation you fucking Wagenknecht voter.
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do you even talk to bottoms outside of 4chan? :s

>gays voting for nazis
speak for yourself. none of my gay friends have voted for the afd, and neither will i :3
niemand will mit der als rechtsextremistisch eingestuften afd eine koalition schließen.
I don't want to live around people of colour :(

I'm not scared of them, they're just nothing like me at all
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I have a boyfriend who gets money from the goBernment for studying. we are not rich, I just never eat avocado toast. I also am too ugly to be a whore.

I don't vote Zarenknecht (but I actually met bisexual boomers at a gay bar who simped for her, absolute cringe)
I will vote left, but I have voted green party before
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reminds me of my dads body when he use to snuggle with me
and all twinks want a BF that makes them have a nostalgic experience as biyt their childhood or that reminds them of their father
Post pic
All established parties are incapable of leading the country.
I wish more people would vote for a smaller option.
I miss Gd
gd was cute
>niemand will mit der als rechtsextremistisch eingestuften afd eine koalition schließen.
keke xd, r u old enough to remember when die linke was formed?
just u wait, yeah sis?
as for your "friends" im not telling the libcucks that affirm trannies that im voting for their mortal enemies, but i do
otherwise the liberals will excommunicate me
in general no but if your cock was 9 or 10 maaaybe 8 id consider it
No I'm not a whore :(

Yeah, I agree. But party politics and representative democracy are inherently flawed, every nice party will eventually become a refuge for people who are in for the power. Democracy is by the people, for the people, but the people are retarded. I would prefer a Räterepublik but that will never happen.
Like the swiss? What's next, you want to have your cheese and eat it too?
I don't get this picture
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>speak for yourself. none of my gay friends have voted for the afd, and neither will i :3
stabil juwu
reminder that east germany was illegally annexed and colonised by the west
>tfw I'm a small dicked top

6" though :(
>I'm not a whore
ashamed of your body
where is the bodypositivity fatempowerment
>No I'm not a whore :(
Don't be a prude
6" brothers unite
>tfw huge dicked bottom
almost 8'' :(
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I am fair and demure and only want to be seen by my boyfriend. I am considering buying a burka (to keep my skin fair and to stay demure).
if you're 4" a bottom needs 3 guys of a similar size to feel truly fucked
if you're 5-6" a bottom needs 2 of you to feel truly fucked
if you're 7" a bottom needs 1.5 of you to feel fucked
if you're 8"+ only one is needed
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goddess forbid bottoms having different sexual fantasies instead of wanting to be taken by a big strong man. also when bottoms are talking about wanting a strong man to take them, what they actually mean is a longterm relationship with a man that they can depend on and won't use them for their bodies, like most selfish tops. :s it's not all about sex.
I've got a really tight hole, for me a 6 inch is more than enough
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I met kuurst at pride
Why does his arm have a foreskin? !!
the whole top/bottom obsession seems really coomer & autistic tbqh. but i guess it is a sexual position thing so ofc it'd be coomer. feel like a sexual position becomes some people's whole identity though, and a set of rules to live by
there's tricks a small guy can use like put a dildo in the bottoms ass at the same time his dick is in there
most people have sex in the dark the bottom will just think you're hung for an asian
I don't even go to pride parades tbqh

Shut up, bottom
Hes weirdly hot, very handsome and elegant
Wassup homos
bottoms getting pegged by asian twinks with strapon's
>Shut up, bottom
I guess I had such a response coming
Would like to think that top/bottom obsessives in relationships have appreciation for the person behind the labels though
I bet he has like almost no body hair
I'm usually into body hair but I think he is cute how he is
does anyone else have a cock radar?
i can just tell he's not small
bigger than i imagine
and he has low hangers
he's just really reserved about it
and doesn't let his big peen define him
you have spent literally hundreds of hours here fantasising about which race and sex your future partner will be and whether they will be dominant or submissive
What does gd stand for?
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ideal bottom (I would top him as a bottom)
I can still hear the bottom talking. Let me put it in simple words for you:
supergalactic lover
coming from the projects on the hill
a canadian poster who use to go by the name gaydead (also bewd and other names)
he disappeared around the time cersei did
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gay death, aka when you turn 30.
this uy looks like if my ex wasnt cute maybe i shouldabeat the brakes off him
gender dysphoria
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jelly, tacetraitors? im gonna go push my glutes and pecs and slurp coffee in the last sun of the year...
i hope u all shrivel and die uwu:3 especially drunkbtm
you're a pedo
gaydead. he was such a sweetheart although some anons hated him for gutting a dead pregnant hamster :(
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no such thing
there is a saying, where grass grows u can play ball
It didn't help that the hamster was dead because he used it as a fleshlight.
yeah and its tarded
Haii normiepoo i missed u :c where u been
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I actually met Reviewbrah at my local park. I was walking with my colleague when I was him about a quarter mile away sitting on a park bench, camera and all. I think he was reviewing Burger King. I thought to myself "Holy shit, that's ACTUALLY Reviewbrah". My heart pounded as I walked towards him. He saw me and we made eye contact, I noticed he started eating the meal faster and tried to speed up the "final verdict" of his review. He quickly threw away the bag in the nearest trash can and started speed walking away. I assumed he wanted to be left alone but I called from him anyway. "REVIEWBRAH", I shouted. He pretended he didn't hear me. After I started walking faster he must've heard my footsteps speed up because he started full on running away from me, his hair getting messed up in the wind. His face got all red and he looked like he was going to cry. He ran into a rest stop and quickly barged through the bathroom door. Me and my buddy sat down at the bench and waited for him to come out as I explained who he was. He must've been looking under the door of the bathroom to see if we were still there because I heard a slip and a thud. After he slipped he came out a few minutes later, hair fixed and everything. "I see you clean up nice" I said. Then I asked if I could get a picture with him, and happily agreed which was strange because he literally ran away from me moments ago.

Pic related.
this'd be so much easier if he just read my mind and suddenly pushed me down and went "we can just keep things as they are...plus kissing and cuddling" while making a very handsome face
maybe i should start playing tekken too to have something we can do together

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