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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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How do you plan to cope with aging?
I'm gonna suck a dick for the first time in about an hour, please give me advice big bros.
Why are you asking so late
use your teeth
It was a spur of the moment decision powered by grindr
Dont swallow cum or ull get stds
Thanks, I actually thought swallowing was safe :x is it ok to get cum in my mouth at all?

Also this guy is big, how do I actually get my jaw wide enough, I'm scared to be bad.
>Dont swallow cum or ull get stds
>believing one has something to do with the other
Stds live in cum
Same but tomorrow. He's triple my age lol but he's gonna pay me $200 to give him a bj
The issue is contact, not where. If the dick is contacting, its usually already over. The semen is not usually the sole repository of pathogens.
Why increase your chances of getting stds?
direct bloodstream x bloodstream contact, otherwise HIV cannot spread
Cant it be cum x bloodstream transfer?
What about other stds?
you cant really be bad at sucking dick unless you bite it or throw up on it.
Hes 100% gonna throw up on it
It's big, I'm worried about the teeth, how do I get my mouth big enough?
I'll be at his house in 10 min :x
You will do great, let us know how it goes, tell him its ur first he will be understanding and guide you
they can be treated with antibiotics, or hpv is really a nothingburger, it goes away on its own, and herpes I guess would sucko big time
but just like don't sleep with non-whites or prostitutes or skeezy people and the risk isn't that big
Cant hpv fuck witjh u as u get older?
no, perhaps you are confusing it with varicella zoster/shingles/chicken pox
Nah hpv fucks u up after 60
did u suck it
there's some strains that can cause cancer, but iirc the one that causes warts doesn't
I did, he took a really long time to cum and my jaw is sore. Also I came kind of fast which he didn't seem bothered by
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thoughts on monkey king?
i need sex on my penis
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he's a brat
he never did that. stop sullying the good name of gd, chud
The new Katy Perry album isn't that bad, 6 out of 10 songs are pretty good even if a bit under produced. It doesn't deserve to be the first reviewed album of all time
it does deserve that
it's time to crack down on poptimism
no mercy for these white pop girlies
the only katy perry song I like is teenage dream
glad im vers & pretty masc
the normal of the gays/bisexuals
>you cant really be bad at sucking dick
i disagree
if you have no uncut dick sucking experience you're automatically bad at sucking dick
americans cant suck dick
who has that webm of a Russian (or may be Ukrainian) soldier doinf cutesy dance and heart symbol in the end? he is wearing a mask and you can only see his beautiful blue eyes
you can admit im at least masc on the visual level
so are a lot of bears
then they open their mouths
or worse still tell you about their interests
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who is the best cock sucker on gigi
who is the best bottom and top?
best cocksucker - haribo
best top - delta
best bottom - skunk
He sure did you šoyjackizovitch

Yeah. Poor little thing. RIP Freddie. F.
All the things you want from your girlfriend
The only want you need to know
>im vers
you're not really anything until you actually have sex
everything is just a fantasy until you do it
you don't even really if you're gay until you're in bed with a guy and find out if you get hard or not
many who think they're gay suddenly realize they aren't in real life when they realize their dick doesn't get hard with a naked guy in front of them
or they have a certain type that only turns them on
He did tho you can search for it on the archives.
I'm playing dungeon crawl stone soup

yeah I know lol
id like to think with woman or man id get hard
i think you're confusing delta's hamster with gd's
delta's hamster died after he tried to have sex with it
>or worse still tell you about their interests
Like what?
no. just no
That's just doublespeak from the ministry of truth. Delta never had a hamster.
>How do you plan to cope with aging?
I revel in my wealth.
Wrong. Get vaccinated. Civil countries offer free HPV vaccination for males too for that reason, besides it doesn't take to be 60+ to get penile cancer.
i've made out with girls back in middle and high school but never got hard during it
even with their young breasts in my face
that's how i know i wasn't gay
i heard delta was shoving lego pieces up his hamster's ass and doing experiments to see the correlation between the size of the piece and how long it takes for the hamster to shit it out. but he put a really pointy piece up and the hamster got a perforated bowel and died of sepsis
he had a gerbil named lemmiwinks
*i was gay (my brainrot)

Panties are so gay I love them now
>Unsee stands in solidarity with the Ukrainian people against the russian invasion. Find out how you can help.
holy cringe
Super cute
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ive made out with girls & had lapdances without getting hard
I don't want to believe that means I'm gay though
probably too much porn
Do men make you hard? What if you're ace. Some people aren't as easily stimulated visually.
Isn't that vibrator for pussies?
haribo is a virgin, he's never seen a penis
Is it just me or do older men like 40+ have slimier saliva? And more of it. It's a huge turnoff for kissing.
hawt are you stimulating yourself tehehe
wish god didn’t give me bisexual personality disorder
Lies! Manufactured images! Fake news!
You're just trying to get into my head!

That boy certainly looks like a pussy to be fair
thinking about fucking a twink gets me hard but men sometimes get me hard it but only if they act more twinkish and cutesy?
he's been on czechhunters twice
The mustache trend is making me asexual. Vile.
I like smooth twinks, but I like hairy twinks even more, what I don't condone is being skinnyfat or unfit, skinnyfit is peak in both smooth and hairy version. Anyone else?
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It's for shoulders, and it works really well on dicks, too.
Hot, porn name?
Fat, possibly underage, fuck outta here
a bit skinnyfat is okay imo but otherwise yeah
Gross kisses but bomb head. Win some lose some.
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I'll take an orgasmatron over a sex toy anytime
I love using that thing while listening to ASMR, it's almost as good as propofol
straight guys don't get boners from making out with girls anyway
Holy copium
slimy BJ is not hot at all. it's so unappealing like shower sex
I'm obsessed with veins and abs so skinnyfat is a no-no for me
>lapdance but dont get hard on
i bet you would if it was a twink doing the lapdance
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Should I watch this?
It makes me snuggly :3 I'm not even that fat, but I have been taking my diet more seriously for the last week :x sugar detoxing, rn, it's actually hell. And my protein is way up. Not that you even care
Says the half gay
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Holy based
when you watch straight porn do you think about being the woman or the man more?
>fat and small penis

>fat and large penis
"DADDY! :))"

Why are gays like this?
I know for a fact that's not true, I had my BFF and his gf at my place several times and they have a habit of making out in the dining room as I have breakfast (they wake up earlier), and I can always clearly see my BFF's raging erection under his boxers.
Deutscher Pharao, Sie sind immer im Wortspiel hervorragend.
>Why are *Bottoms* like this?
Shower sex sucks because you're at least half freezing and lube and spit both dissolve in water.

But that's also exactly why you can just wash off the slime.
i mean this all just sounds like issues from watching too much porn & being desensitised on my end
if i laid off porn for a few months i'd go back to natural

maybe, but that'd be because the twink is more exotic to my desensitised brain
How small? Just find a Twink with a femdom/humiliation kink if it's tiny. It could make casual incounters difficult, though.
the porn cope has gotta stop
One will be painful to insert and have no good end reward, one will be painful to insert and have fill you up with pleasure in the end
sex on some clean, dry and warm mattress >>> shower sex
Self-improvement is great, but if you're underage you shouldn't poison your mind here, I mean look at us. Even if you're not underage this is not a good environment, I mean look around, it's a den for alcoholics (tex), serial killers (Delta), HIV-ridden toilet plunger lickers (skunk), neo-Nazis (Kuurst, boofanon), and hopefully defunct failed males (sissy, that other troon whose trip I don't remember, might've been two actually)
pretty sure he's a brit but gib link
Cuz a lot are very vain, for example if I posted my penis here I would likely be humiliated. But then again it would happen if I sent it to straight person too, so its whatever
>Deutscher Pharao
WHY? I am no Pharao!

Keep telling yourself that while you get a massive boner from sucking a dick and not being allowed to touch your own
not fat and young but not nearly underage gtfo
If you can't get an erection by making out, you have erectile dysfunction, sorry. The whole "too much porn" is /pol/-tier fuddlore.
how is it a cope, im probably one of the most coomer pornbrained people here
i was exposed to porn at like the onset of puberty

i still like het stuff, just a lot of it is kinky and coomer

im capable of getting an erection

bisexuality exists
fuckers really believe that Haribo was in Czechhunters lol lmao even
>porn at like the onset of puberty
Like literally everyone else? How hard do you think it is to find porn kek
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Hey gigi, do you play gacha? If so, which ones? I play PGR because everyone is (for You) and it has male in skimpy outfits and with bulges, unlike most other gachas that pander exclusively to straightoids. Also the story is depressing so it's perfect for gays.
yeah and one of my first wanks was kayden kross laying nude on a pool side
it was great
but it degenerated as the years went by

however ive jerked off over loads of women over time, from teachers to girls i knew to pornstars
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what a boy has to do to make a living
i’ve been jerking and fucking for 24 years and only a truly disgusting specimen could fail to get my dick hard by rubbing her ass on it
I'm 29
exactly uve been fucking
i haven't
thats my issue
i just need to noporn & fuck a girl
>Str*ghtoid prison gay incel bitching about no pussy on gaygen
Why cant do this somewhere else? This question also goes to that prison gay troon Larry as well
i prefer boys halfway house desu. Czechhunters is a hit or miss pour moi
Just fuck literally anybody, it could be done by this afternoon, no need to make it this big mission
yeh exactly prison gay
im straight
Because they wouldnt feel unique or "special" if they were among their peers, they have to shit up the gen with their retarded incel bullshit.
nah i need to bake some tortillas plus i wanna read some books

lol compared to what
when is the gen ever good
I used to be a high-end escort, it was good money and didn't ever had to fuck anyone. I got payed to have lavish dinners, lunches and occasionally spend the night and talk/cuddle. Only one client got touchy once but he was drunk and he apologized generously afterwards. Kinda miss those times, it was really good money, plus free accommodation and lavish meals. Most of the clients were regulars so I was much more relaxing after getting to know them. All of them were white collars in their 50-60. When I was done with it I had enough money to start my own business.
you’ve had the opportunity and by your own admission couldn’t even get hard, porn or no you’d at least be able to do that if you were really into women
porn induced erectile dysfunction
Which opera you like?
>when is the gen ever good
It would be better if prison gay incels and troons werent here, and if people who were, you know, actually gay posted here. But no straggots need to feel unique so they shit up this thread with their "big fish small pond" shit.
I've been intending to watch a bunch of Verdi
xbox360 vs. ps3

>didn't ever have to fuck anyone
lmao such bs, no one's looking to give an escort a free meal and hotel to sleep in
its like looking at maggots to me
>high-end escort
>never had to fuck
gr8 b8, m8. I r8 8/8
there is no way porn gave you 100% ed but only in the specific case of a woman rubbing her pussy on you get real
I thought I had ED but it turns out I was just a bottom desu
pc masterrace
well with the lapdances i was drunk
and when making out she wasn't touching my dick and i was only feeling between her ass cheeks not her pussy
IRL or just watching it online? I really like Don carlos, aida, macbeth and otello. But I've only seen like 13 of his operas. I've only recently really gotten into opera
Bruh take a shower and go fuck someone, it'll take 2 hours out of your not all that busy day.
You're envious or don't know how things work over here. Not all the world works like Nevada.
nta but I've seen La Traviata, Aida and Rigoletto :3
it's okay to admit you are a dubai porta potty
>Gay [X]
oh she wasn’t grinding her pussy on me, i was merely fingering her asshole. how could anyone get hard doing THAT?!
Thoughts on hiring a male prostitute? Should I do it for the experience or wait til I get a BF?

t. Virgin
yeah but i regularly jerked off over the same girl
like just her instagram face pics

so it was probably a nerves thing irl
this is haribo?
how old were you then?
Who would you hire? https://rent.men/
god czechhunters was fucking ART
committing coupon fraud as we speak
shi even owns czechhunter now? Since the main guy who was featured in all the content up is dead


might just be old footage being released now unless they changed the top for someone else
its crap, there were a few really hot guys on there but theres more episodes than one piece

i'll never find them again
if i end up gay at least I'm not a bottom
I had a 9.5 inch BBC last night. It was so hot, he totally bitched me out. I don't think BBC is cheating.
how long until bishit troons out?
there was another eastern euro studio that made clips of guys being fucked in an office setting. idk if they still operate. I exhausted myself trying to find this one hot AF clip that I saw once on either xhamster or xnxx. I have never seen it again ever since :(
just stick with latino papis, luv
you were a bitch before last night and that's disgusting
>kann die Gallileo-Sauna empfehlen (MA). Immer auch sehr geile, junge, AV-passive Stuten, die sich in der Dampfsauna oder wo auch immer, sogar im Kellerkino, vor aller Augen, anal von mir durchrohren lassen. 85 Prozent verlangen übrigens kein Kondom, wenn ihr Arschloch erstmal offensteht vor Lust. Finde ich ja auch geiler, so ein süsser Jungarsch pur gefickt und reingespritzt, wenn mein Saft rausläuft...
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Never set foot in a muzzie country, never will
18 to 20
is it feasible to become an escort at 30?
I cant handle our politicians only talking about ukraine and israel

im going to go insane
I'm still up to the same shit
I do not believe for a second that some 18/20 years old young ass of an "escort" never got pounded by a client
lmao even
wait, you know what? roflmfao
ive seen this video and the bottoms asshole is so blown the fuck out that the video premise is hilarious. Dude probably wears diapers
Are you a top or a bottom? And are you attractive? I wanted to suck a dick this morning and it took all of 10 minutes to get 20+ guys to choose from.

Fucking your boyfriend is the best, but it will still be special even if you've fucked before.
tbqh I have a conversion kink so sometimes I play up the whole questioning vers/bisexual bit
I'm surprised people still go along with my shit thinking I'm sincere
you dont even need to be attractive to get a blowjob from some random twink, you can even have a microdick

just say youre straight
you HAVE to care about ukraine and russia
you HAVE to care about israel and palestine
what the fuck is a conversion kink
are you even really a virgin still
i don't believe it
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i love my boyfriend so much!!! ^w^
kys nigher
the vast majority of russian porn, gay or straight, looks like cp
why can't they all just be butt buddies and have gay sex with each other? :(
guys deserve attention, we live in a world where guys rarely receive affection and compliments. So do your part to make the world a better place for men.
i thought that was it but it’s also fun to post about it sometimes anyway
how do i get a boyfriend in the balkans
guys aren't entitled to anything :3
I don't know what cp looks like, how do you even make such a comparison unless you are admitting to watching illegal stuff from the dark web?
in my experience guys just want to have fun, they don't really understand how to receive a compliment. I try to make my bros feel better by showing them a lighthearted good time.
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start playing dota 2
as in they don't look 18? retard

Probably fake ids
nobody likes dota
I'm not really too bothered by it per se
I know I could if I put myself out there

it's a bit dull by now
I should stop
it does tie too much into ocd mentolity

fr tho I am a vers biscum
and a coomer

i should noporn
not to turn breeder tho lol
just to be less coomer
if u r a looker like me, even with uggo face, yeah
i get old fat uggos asking
balkans do
czechhunter has a lot of rough looking guys who only look like twinks in good lighting
they are probably in their late twenties realistically
Not talking about them, talking about those sketchy ones you mightve browsed past like mike18

I'm sorry but I've lived around white boys and we dont still look like that at 18
find someone with whom you share common interests with and most importantly respect them and treat them like an equal and not as an disposable object :s

fuckin sucks, dudes unshaved asshole is just pain...
u know what happens when u don shave? hair slides in and it fuckin will cut u
what if your bf lied to you and said he made his money from roblox but instead he was the cameraman for czech hunter
hope I do move on from coomerism to getting a bf/gf
or just a good friend
i could go without sex
but a partner is good
are you even from the balkans? nobody i've met here actually plays moba.
when youre at home keep your laptop and phone on the other side of the house/apartment, never keep them next to you
yes. everybody i know here plays moba
be a lean blue eyed pretty blonde boy
Unless your top bf explicitly says he doesn't care, he wants you to shave
many russians have this disease that makes them look younger
there's a video on youtube about it, its because of the Chernobyl diasaster


so you have these 30yo men walking around who look 12
literally don't get why that's so difficult for incels around here to understand
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the feeling when you come home and see your boyfriend snuggling with the dogs and he invites you to join them and you lay on top of him as he embraces you ^w^ <3
What country? Im balkan
The fun is finding a good episode, it'd be boring if every czechhunter was a banger
what's your game plan besides chloroform homie
wrong video
tell them about my favourite dungeon crawl stone soup species
>hpv is a nothing burger
some strains cause warts / cancer, you should get vaccinated for it. Even if you're older and have to demand it from a doctor
You sound like an autogynephile the way you theorize about relationships/sexuality, this is unnatural
please allah may you grant anon a pyramid head bf in reality as he preorders silent hill 2 for all good deeds must be rewarded by the hand of allah
looks like a lesbian roleplaying
Lesbians look like men tho
post your location, put yourself out there
dogs are outside only animals
what happens if you create a chatbot room with personas from gaygen
will they post more dicks and erp more
or will they all share estrogen
beautiful pharao
Have you ever met a tranny that didn't turn out to be deeply mentally disturbed and/or abusive?
400eu for the 2 doses in DE for all 9 strains, and im prolly infected already...
>Have you ever met a tranny
yes many actually! they were all very nice and friendly people and nothing like how chuds described them :3
is the closest thing to gaygen
idk what this means, anony. could you elaborate? :>
gardisal protects against some strains that cause warts, 400€ for a vaccine is WAY cheaper than multiple visits to the doctor to freeze warts off your asshole. So if you don't actively have warts its still worth it.

t. got it at 28 despite being a whore already
why does nobody have a fat ass in that game??? japan has fallen
>WAY cheaper
i dont think warts are a guarantee, their removal would be free for me
but u know dude, for some reason i didnt think about it this way like comparing 500 bucks to having to deal with possibilities..
lol im actually gonna pay it now even if im already in grand daddy nurgles camp...
what the fuck was ithinking.. :0
/gaygen/ freak off when?
he has 700 paid members and his lowest tier is $20
all to watch sims characters get fucked that's so crazy maybe inflation is real
>but u know dude, for some reason i didnt think about it this way like comparing 500 bucks to having to deal with possibilities..
we call this “nigger brain” in america
I can do fems but i cannot do long haired guys
you hosting?
Help me babes is sex on mdma like on mephedrone like you topping feels like you're constantly near orgasm but you never cum?
the rest of us just call it america brain
i guess it was cause i pay taxes and get all health for free so having to pay shit on top of me subsidizing subhumans kinda triggered blocked my judgement...
Yes, but he detransitioned
the whole project was doomed the moment they started letting in italians and irish, tipped the scales in favor of blacks
us of a almost spoke german, they dont teach u that in school
oh shit its a myth lel
they invented eugenics
but for some reason couldn't stop fucking every other ethnicity
they teach us that benjamin franklin thought all europeans besides saxons and the english were niggers
erm wat, the french won u the war!
British food looks like shit wow the memes were true
Which leads me to add one Remark: That the Number of purely white People in the World is proportionably very small. All Africa is black or tawny. Asia chiefly tawny. America (exclusive of the new Comers) wholly so. And in Europe, the Spaniards, Italians, French, Russians and Swedes, are generally of what we call a swarthy Complexion; as are the Germans also, the Saxons only excepted, who with the English, make the principal Body of White People on the Face of the Earth. I could wish their Numbers were increased.
loool "When I consider, that the English are the Offspring of Germans, that the Climate they live in is much of the same Temperature;"
what a moron kek
am i cooked if the bottom who wants me to fuck him is british
am i doomed to a relationship with someone who cant cook
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Czechhunter would be hot if it wasn't staged.
did you like the bk whopper
There is nothing less sexy than a guy doing his PhD or postgrad like babe PLEASE get a job
I dunno, perhaps if you're still hot and look younger.
As I said, your concept of "escort" is very likely not the same. I wasn't opposed to getting pounded when I started anyway, in fact I was expecting it, so I'm not lying out of pride or anything like that. I even knew prostitutes and they made a lot less than we did, and I only cared about money.
keke the son of an island monkey candlemaker waxing philosophical about the swedes ololooololololop holy shit its a comedy
No :/ I don't think I'm suited for fast food. It wasn't "bad" though, but it was way too much for being mid and I always finish my food.

I'll stick to getting the mcnuggets if I ever want fast food.
cock picz nao
post tanlines homogaylord!
what kinda business anon
retail, real estate, modeling, consulting?
you can buy some good grass-fed beef, potato buns, condiments for $15 and a good 4 burgers out of it for $3.75 each
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bottoms with ruined butts use to fug cockletts
I do that a lot, we have a couple grills that anyone can use by our pool and hold student parties. Ive been getting the gas and helping grill burgers and hot dogs while everyone swims. Everybody chips in so it doesn't really cost anything.

i just got the whopper because I was curious. I havent had a big mac yet ever and probably never will lol
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would you live in a trailer park and smoke weed with your bf?
i like it, no risk of getting diseases from a random hookup
depends on where the trailer park is
yeah the big mac is really chewy, i think its all the bread they put on it, the beef is so thin, you just taste bread and thousand island sauce
americans, us of a's, is this what u call first base?
>start game
>cutscene cutscene dialogue cutscene cutscene
i just want to play :/
>start mobile game
>click click click
>click click click
>click click click for months
>only at city hall 20, need to be city hall 25+
>only at 100k troops, need to have 1,000,000+
nice hole
the games like uncharted last of us and star wars jedi fallen order had the right idea. They start it off cinematic but you still have control of your character
Play risk of rain 2
this is why gacha is superior
R u dumb? Genshin is the worst when it comes to this
yes and genshin doesn't count it's a botwclone
my school just unexpectedly gave me a $2000 bursary for not having any money
what should I buy? should I get the hpv vaccine for $600?
beautiful pharaoh, post thighs and cute balls
The most popular one doesnt count, okay bucko
I appreciate it but I'm in bed on my phone so it's inconvenient to post pictures
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Bottoms when they see another twink roll up
me too buddeh
im starving here
don't hate me just cause you pulled for cyno
Nah i was a scara main, but wuwa mogs genshin in everything
post a photo of you holding a sign with "/gaygen/" on it
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wish more gays looked like this
hell no, that's way worse because you have to play in certain way
who’s that?
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saw her on the catalog
vv hot tho
i have basic bitch tastes for goth mommies
i actually got told on grindr that i shouldnt put cocksize as small cause its not true... so there ;3
post hole
ah nevermind, i came
made a new one when you guys are ready >>37444892
early as fuck
Why so hard for you to accept transgenders who identify aa gay men ?
I told my homie that he had pretty eyes in a cute nose and he was really happy about it
That’s an E-Slut in mascara and dark makeup lol
That bitch is not “Goth”
no homo
its big for a eastern european

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