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twinkfeet raping
pedo OP
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Tell me what's on your mind, gaygen.
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false he's just intimidating shinji in that scene but it is funy
Inviting a boy for tea.
no thanks
its posted with pedophilic implications
beans sis
had a good second hang out with my ex trying to get our friendship back together and we had luck of fun and it didn't get weird at all
wanna make sure I dont message him again too fast like a schizo idk
I remember when frotty got mad because someone asked if a guy in the op was a kid.
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what's your favorite sci-fi shows or movies?
false, you sound mad that you were slow on making your lame ass op
I think becoming desensitized to things like that definitely happen and anyone could feasibly do it but sometimes it’s not right to as you said. I would definitely go for it if you want to do nursing, but if you’re fine with Radiology and feel that’s where you can comfortably stay maybe you should do that :3
Idk anything though I do office work lmao
its the same boomer who always tries to dictate how a 18-23yo poster should feel about twinks
The seethe of walled old bottoms at the sight of fresh twinks and cute anime boys, if harnessed as a renewable energy source, could meet humanity's power needs for the next million years.
Hard to say. Not to be cliche, but I did geek out over the old Dune just for the surreal feels it had. I had my whole robot and alien phase but liked more realistic ones later on like The Martian and Gravity. I still like sillier ones too but they just dont make'em like they used to. Its a fun genre though.
locking all 25-plus bottoms in a room and showing them a slideshow of younger twinks making out with each other, pics from the /cm/ catalog, and maps of age of consent laws across europe. using their angry body heat and the steam from their ears to turn a turbine and generate energy
There was one horror movie I like about aliens. The aliens look like tall skinny shadow people. There was mom, dad, and little boy. Does someone know the name?
bruh, there's a difference between a twink and someone below 18
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thoughts on thicc twinks?
On the topic of movies, I watched one a few nights ago I can recommend if you dont mind an indie Korean setting and subtitles.

"Parasite" (2019).

Its really story driven, very well made. It depicts the ethical struggle of the poor in contrast with each other and the upper class really well. Its funny, dramatic and interesting. Its not often I can recommend movies so it was a treat. Had some nice visual metaphors too if you dont miss them. I actually re-watched it the same night.

The best twinks are under 18, and ideally, under 16.
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>meet a cute guy at a party
>he's clearly interested in me and is cute
>exchange phone numbers and talk briefly
>check his twitter
>the entire thing is just non-stop queers for Palestine type bullshit / crying Israel is doing a literal genocide (they're not even if they have excessive collateral damage / have war crimes)

Why do so many gay guys turn their brain off on this issue. It's such a boner killer when guys are hyper political and refuse to acknowledge a situation can have any nuance. He was so cute too but I don't like dating guys and feeling like I'm on eggshells whenever politics comes.
Anyone else playing dressed to impress
whats with the bra? Zero interest anyway
Trip on Frotty.
he likes to crossdress
yeah dip, there's no need to date anyone who cares that much about issues like that.

fwiw it makes it all the more special when you meet a gay guy whos not totally psycho, and only cares about pragmatic domestic issues at home
I still feel like an incel
i feel like im aging but my mind isn't
That's good thou
it makes it hard to relate to others my age whose minds are aging
we have nothing to talk about

trannies have an infinite amount of subjects
their pills regimine
should we transition kids, and how young
the various facial surgeries they need to get
practicing to make their voice more feminine
are my hands too big are my feet too big do i pass
is it wrong that i get turned on by diapers
are republicans going to genocide us
should i cut my dick off
do you think i can convince a straight guy that i was born a female if i cut my dick off
the subjects are endless
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There is this cute small kitten in took in 3 days ago.
some day ill have a bf who I can bitch about whatever I want to

my neo nazi tier politics
my day at the rock climbing gym
my weaboo video games
the stock market and what history books Im reading

and I'll trust him enough to know that im not annoying him
open your mind
I hope I raise him to be good and healthy boy.
Mountain Dew can for scale
What are you? A Trump supporter? Lol
Why do you want to be a woman sis?
trip on kuato
Did you mean it when you said you want me to die?
You are
True, true, I agree with your statement
No I don’t really care enough to do something like that lol
Why so mean? It made me cry.
why am i buying another guitar this is retarded
why not what else are you going to do with your money spend it in hell on sunblock
Wow....why tho
I’m a big ol meanie
why do anything? because it makes you feel good
Yeah but why did you say I'm going to hell
because you’re one of the sodomite damned
what does gay love feel like?
bags of watermelon
like having a best friend but they're the first thing on your mind every morning and you want to be near them all the time its a beautiful thing I hope all you gay niggas experience
it feels like you're finally where you belong, where you've always wanted to be, and it's wonderful. like your heart is finally alive the way it was meant to be alive
Nearly impossible
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can someone give me a rundown on this? what happened?
shiza introducing: Grindr Kids edition
oh so that's what happened.
It’s this
Just a best friend and you stop caring about anyone else besides family honestly
how come you stay quiet when the asian fetishist posts 16yo kids?
this is it. also you want to sleep with them

wassup homos
thoughts on mean girls (2023)?

worse movie in some ways (too much [current era] references) but overall worth a watch and then forgetting you watched it like a week later
I didn’t watch it because the girls don’t look attractive enough
They’re not ugly everyone in the original is just stunning
the boxcord only calls someone a pedo when it is convenient to them, there’s a reason why they had no problem with atmos sharing pics of underage jeb until they thought he was doxanon
I've heard from theater gays on xitter that it secretly was a musical, but that's all.
lmao its literally a musical. its a movie based on the musical based off a movie inspired by a book

TRUE i noticed the plastics were mad ugly. like part of the reason why mean girls worked is because you could believe that the hottest girls would be extremely catty and bitch and petty. with this one i was like lol no way a female vegana and bobs would be considered hot.. unless gen alpha really do be looking that..
You keep saying this but you've never posted proof. Not that it's hard to believe a WMAM fetishist is a pedophile.
>why do you go after regular posters for their pedophilia more than a random anon who posted for a few weeks then left
its not boxcorders retard
FtM tranny hands wrote this
>look how heckin valid i am i am a Nazi that goes to the gym and likes history and vidya

not just me, he was caught multiple times posting asian celebs when they were 16
you mean the guy who monopolized the op wasn't a regular? lol
usually the anon calling people pedos is the pedo. he's been here for years doing the same thing & used to try to doxx posters he thought was underage. holden called him out for it once and he's had a grudge ever since even though Holden is long gone
idk maybe, i can't be bothered to pay attention to the 4d games, frotty used to lose his mind over this shit
calm down pedo
the wmam spam only lasted for a few months so either it was a temporary visitor (maybe an /int/ pedo) or a larp by a regular anon, either way we have no way of knowing whether they are still here. what would be the point of still calling them out? and since they're a random anon you can't make detailed jokes about them like all the pedo tripfags who have long backstories
>detailed jokes
above was genuinely the first attempt at a joke, the rest of it was just dipshists going "hey look at this allegation youve already replied to like 20 times"
also unusual change to worth mention, main character had a mother and a father. now she comes from a single mother household.. hm......
Stfu pedophile
I hate Twitter faggots
none of those came from twitter
nice one
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Just finished big steak with mushrooms and now gonna make coke float I think.

Idk what this is but I hope it gives smile

Back in minute then Im watching Sunny
give in to cock
i'm already gay, how much more can i give in?
wtf is that and where can i get one
a soda with an ice cream scoop on top
Coke floats are so good, especially with Mexican coke
ok fatass
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Idk actually. Heres a wombat.

I changed my mind and made chocolate milkshake. Gonna watch Sunny now.

4chan confession. I have been telling 4chan for years that I can get a bit high off beef but no one believes me. I cant tell people irl or they will think Im nuts but its true. I think I am reacting to some lipoprotien. It mostly happens when its fried or just very fatty with some char.

I have some nice Iceland clips too if anyones interested
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yeah Mexican coke is best. Its not as sweet and thats ok

It was crazy hard to find a cola made from real kola online but when I did it was made with artificial sweetener and I was like wtf man
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yeah always put coke in first or you get picrel
"show us on the doll where shiza touched you"
*jeb sheepishly points to the doll's feet*
His feet won
>replied to herself
so powerful that they destroyed the hapawiki
holden's feet destroyed archived.moe
there are whole gaygen threads missing because they had pictures of holden or his feet as the op image
im horny all the time now, all i can think about is femboy ass
note to xerself: save all future shota posts for threads with holden as the op image
ah yes my favorite. femboy ass.
sarcasm observed
So you’re Shiza?
yes that's me, a fat polish man pretending to be a woman
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This little dude is actually crazy and wants to cross 4 lanes of traffic with me. Or he'll flop over on his back in the middle of the street and ask for belly rubs
Fuck ass cat
I love grabbing young people's cocks
I wish someone grabbed my cock
i'm srs, i like soft squishy femboy butt
pick up kitty :3
love shack is a little known song they play too often
he was just on my lap a second ago:) he has little wolverine side burns that flare out
lol I had a cat like that that would follow
Fuck you! Now I’m going to have that dumbass song stuck in my fucking head.
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what happened to him? I'm worried this one will get hit by a car, because he's fearless. i can't take him in right now but will next month when i move :7

lol :p
Well he adopted me but I couldnt care for him more than a few days so he became a firehouse cat lol. So last I knew he was being smothered with attention from firemen at their firehouse.
imagine sitting on a femboy's lap
Awesome work helping him find a home. I'm proud of you anony
Id be scared id break him :c
femboys belong on my lap, i can easily support them
Flirting on Linkedin
me and the bf over the weekend, me on right btw
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Brady family feetsies :)
I am so sorry I gave the last season of Sunny a chance. Its sucks hard with a bunch of pc social messaging like all the rest after season 12. Libshits ruin everything. This is awful. They skin suited it to push their garbage.
>janny bans me
>i unplug the router and plug it back in
>no longer banned
wow, it just works, great technical expertise required
also it took a whopping 5 minutes
i really learned my lesson janny
it’s funny if you don’t see red any time anything liberal happens like a pavlov’d retard
Liberalism should be shunned and avoided
big w also rent free
it wasn't meant to be mean, look other guys liked you too. go to int and get dreem bbg
men need Jesus fr
also there is a more bigger market for hons than you would believe, most 'chasers' want hons..
unironically, if you fags were to crossdress and wear makeup and a wig, you will probably get better men for hookups
you could also lift and be a muscular regular dude too, some really like muscular crossdressers for some reason, like there is no restriction besides not growing a beard i guess but even that some dudes are into it probably lol..
I thought you were depressed all the time because you couldn't get a bf or gf, but that's not the case? Why are you depressed then? Don't say 'because i don't look like a girl', no one does. Girls have to hide their appearance behind makeup and a thousand tricks to look like that.
Stfu gypsy
well, i have dysphoria but my main reason for being depressed is not having a job for so long and yea, i just cannot function enough and feel good to get one but maybe i am also lazy idk
you are a gypsy not me
Stop stealing our time with ur shit gypsymus
i am not stealing anything, you are the one that chooses to engage with me or not, you are basically donating me your time, and if you choose to do it anyway, you could be nice to me instead of mean
Stream Club Romantech
No, you are imposing yourself where you dont belong effectively stealing space like an uppity gypsy you are
sure, but i belong here in this gen, i am not transitioning in any shape or form so i am basically cis and attracted to men, you are trans only if you transition thus i am not trans, i live completely like a cis man, if anything i do not actually belong in the tranny gens, and if i go there, i am actually stealing their space as you say but not here
I was gonna get angry at how stupid what you wrote was, but then i remembered that you are just a gypsy, so let me explain clearer. Being trans is something you are, not something you become and thus you are an intruder here and also a pretender. Please remove yourself from this thread.
you are incorrect and you are like this bc you dislike me and have an agenda against me. if you were to go to /mtfg/ /mmg/ and ask them what trans is, they will tell you that you need to transition in order to be trans.
if you also ask them where they think that i belong, they will say that i belong in /repgen/ /gaygen/ and that i am not actually trans trans. believe me, they told me to come here and /repgen/ for months. the only reason you know that i am even trans is bc i told you and talked abt trans stuff which was my mistake and very not ok from me so i will try to never repeat it.
It used to be funny. Now its not. And its clumsy because they keep jamming in lines that the old characters would never care about. And its been that way since season 13. Its not just annoying garbage and unfunny, its just bad writing. Now its like South Park where all the characters are just puppets preaching to you. And its conspicuous because its not focused on laughs and derails itself to message. And the wit is gone too, like they are just re-hashing their own tropes. The writers dont get the characters or the humor.
i need a scheming eunuch on my team
how do you motivate yourself if you are really lzy?
Hot lesbo sex
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Lot of negativity in here. Maybe some nice webms of Iceland will let gaygens thoughts drift to more pleasant things and ignore hater trolls
I'm not watching your jumpscare
i hope your clans mule kicks you to death
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And here is nice capy & cat cafe

One for owls

And bunnies

I think everyone knows about the bunny one though
can you explain why do you feel this way abt me?
I wouldnt feed haters. Who cares what mean people think.
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idc really, i just want to piss them off bc i am bored, this is more like a them issue anyway since they are probably miserable and looking to lash out on someone
what is the point of all of this?
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Up to you. I just dont think its healthy to encourage negative thoughts that are no use and just bring everyone down.

Here are some nice horses.
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me on the right :3
you are just as bad and pointless as the hater is with your toxic positivity. same coin, different sides.
body dysmorphia + low iq
non existent
most gays only fuck around and love dicks/ass
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If you say so. Im just not interested in pointless anger that only indulges unhappy people.

I think these last two are waterfalls. I wanted to go to Iceland once but never did. Its been so long that Im not sure it would feel the same now.
looks nice, the good thing that i find abt Iceland is that they are isolated and remote so you are probably safe from wars and disputes there and other things, it is worth considering since the world might really go to shit in the future
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I should make some breakfast mebe. I had a big steak dinner late so idk how I can be hungry. Maybe just a nice bowl of cereal.
>(I ate all the yogurt as soon as I got it lol)
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you can buy me one instead :)
i always wonder what these ancient music instruments sounded like
in Ancient Greek, they had two separate scales for vocalists and instrumentalists
ABCDEFG is so boring and played out now
you just know brady attended the feet offs
I'd love to fuck around with another guy like me - a semi-closeted 20something virgin
Just chilling and talking before we get naked, look at each other's bodies, jerk/suck each other, and shower together before cuddling naked
you can find it on grindr, sniffies, or at a gay club
>Just chilling and talking before we get naked
i tried to find that on grindr for a while in the past, no luck, people usually just want smth quick and have no patience
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Well its complicated. Its been sort of complicated since 2008. They have begun the migrant thing, which is bizarre since its probably the second hardest country to emigrate to for citzenship, or at least it was, second to Switzerland, and they are already having problems.

And their political structure is a bit peculiar too. Its insanely small for so much history and the geography is bonkers. So it really is a world unto itself. Yet still, there is variety from area to area. Akureyri is not like Reykjavik, for example, or the southeast. So there would be much to see and experience, for better and worse.

Let me see if I can find some puffins from there.
you live in a weird country right?
most guys ive been with we talk, hang out, go on a dare to see if there is sexual chemistry before taking our clothes off
aphex twin:3:3:3
"what Diddy had in his stash wasn’t baby oil at all, it was a liquid form of the drug GHB. “They put the drugs in the baby oil,” claimed Katt WIlliams
ya, it is expensive as hell probably, and if smth bad happens the nuclear radiation will def go there too, i am afraid that once AI takes over more and replaces more jobs, they will do some population control, i doubt they will offer UBI, McDonalds already tries to be as automated as possible and when they do that.
other fast food chains will too so millions and millions of jobs will just disappear and this is just an example, if the job market is shit now, just imagine it then, and the elites do not care, they will let us starve or even worse kill us if we no longer have an use, now it is like a time to really consider the future since we still have some time to react preemptively
eastern europe, people here are more dl and discrete so it makes sense i guess to want to get off fast
also i never really date or anything like that and i was just a straight guy wanting friends so i cannot fully speak on this
it was like a topical roofie or something?
yeah, when someone got a massage they wouldn't be able to get up, they would basically become disabled and that's when the rapes would occur
damn need some of that, I'd be so fucking zonked just using it to jerk off
This reminds me of when I as a teen and guys would always message me asking me if I wanted to come over to get a massage. Did anyone else get offered massages by adult men as a teen? I never did go but they most likely put some drug in the massage oil. Also Jeffree Epstein recruited over 30 girls ‘to perform massages’. Hmm.. they most likely didn't know there was drugs in the oil which made them unconscious or something?
not sure about Epstein since he's the receiver, but Diddy using spiked baby oil does have more merit. for starters Diddy has said before he keeps the temperature in his house really high and makes sure the guests are drinking way more alcohol than water, this alone would open your skin up allowing the sedation to take effect when it gets used
why would he go through all that trouble? why not just give them smth to drink, is not that easier?
massage guys are not that uncommon here, i do not think they have malicious intent, it is either smth they are passionate abt or a fetish
ah, i guess he wanted the person to be in a hidden room and if it would have been in a drink, the person could have just fainted in a crowd of people making it more obvious..
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Well I have posted here often about the seemingly inevitable risk of famine nearly everywhere. Idt people believe it though. They just assume people are at the wheel, and couldnt be that malicious. Idt people realize how bound they are to a system positioning itself to screw them over out of their own very lives.

I encourage everyone, especially the young, to learn basic skills, how to hunt, garden and gather, how to defend themselves and camp, and if they can learn more like a bit of metallurgy or rendering water and energy, so much the better.

Currency has domesticated us, which was sort of the point of the middlemen controlling it. The future looks grim, and this inability to literally live without currency in whatever god-awful form it takes will be how they crush people.

But its dry subject matter so early, so I will leave it there.

Lave sure is terrifying. Iceland is such a geologic wonderland. There is so much to see; volcanos, ocean, waterfalls, mountains and valleys, some green and others barren and spooky as Mars, cliffs and glaciers. I bet its like seeing the earth being made where every you go.
If I told you what the deal is with massages you wouldn't believe me or get it. In general, it couldn't be more harmless. It is strange all the same.
I am not incorrect and i do hate you. Why do you care about opinions of mentally ill trannies that are in those threads? And why do you only accept opinions that you already agree with? You felt like you dont belong there to begin with because you are insecure and instead of working on your insecurity you chose the easy path and remained the same.
thank you for the information on how to actualize my apocalyptic twink harem
relax man, let's stop hating each other and just be frens, spread some love over here <3
spiritually massage opens up the chakras, kundalini, meridian pathways which can also cause spiritual assault, negativity energies, an imbalance, etc.
its why people who do yoga, practice new age stuff, and do so-called healing modalities tend to become really delusional and often go crazy with conspiracy theories
You should ask Sissy Spacek when she is here again. Last I remember she wanted to build some gay compound. Idk if she ever well, but she could. She is pretty smart about such stuff. Theres actually a number of smart gaygenners about basic skills and such.
I don't know anything about any of that.
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>smart gaygenners
Ok im sorry you are not a gypsy <3
das mentho illness luv
post hole
Post Malone
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What are your guys thoughts on ear piercings? Are they a turn on or turn off? Personally I think they look cool
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i jsut jerked and while edging
squirted a bit but remained fully hard
this is the stuff
turn off, 9 out fo 10 times the person having them is attention seeking and insecure
https://unsee cc/album#KsC15ALo5VF7
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old pic bitch
shave legs slut
>bottom texts me yesterday
>totally innocuous, just 'Have a good Sunday! Looking forward to our date Tuesday :)'
>have this inexplicable urge to not respond because I feel like we text every day but don't actually have a convo, just little snips like that with no real content
>wake up this morning and remember he sent that, now I'm not sure what to reply with because he probably thinks I'm mad or crazy or something
I hope you had a nice Sunday, too! I'm looking forward to seeing you again :)
tell him u love him more than your father
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Uwuwuw i will when i find a bf
not even halfway close to twunk material.
just not as stick figure skin slipped over barely there bones as most twinks.
Husbando material if he loses 5kg
In my 97+ centuries of personal observation, it is my conclusion that anything that can even mistakenly be construed as gay is bad, even in the privacy of ones own thoughts.

Earrings are an express pipeline to troonery and other witchcraft. An idea so shameful that I dare not even finish posting about its wicked turpitude. First earrings, then vaginoplasty. Every time.
That's so clever. Diddy is a mastermind.
I feel bad that simple human gestures of empathy are lost on you and send you into neurotic anxiety. Your only redemption is that you seem to be aware of it.
my dick hurts from my bf bouncing on it 5 times this weekend. tops suffer too
Imagine Reynhard Sinaga was still free. Him and Diddy could have created the largest and most efficient straight man raping enterprise the world has ever seen.
Your bottom is a superspreader, gz u got syphilis
Based abusive dark triad Chad top ghoster
I am aware of no such transdermal substance capable of producing such a reaction. At least not through the epidermis. Maybe one but you would have to be immersed in it for 15 minutes and with no way to control the dosage, they would likely be dead a moment later.
reynhard sinaga was just a random guy drugging people in his apartment
what possible use could diddy have for him
Asian representation
Reynhard Sinaga could have convinced the Indians and southeast Asians in Silicon Valley to invest in Diddy's rape empire
wtf? lol I can assure you I have a cock

But stay on patrol you’re doing a good job
you are a very good boi linden
Omg ty :333
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sorry I failed to uplift the mood

hagd gg
well, time to go back to college again, hooooray
i bet they will tell me to present myself and tell them what i work as
"well, basically, you see, i am an unemployed loser"
Wait really? What r u gonna study?
Also i dont think they r gonna do introductions xd
it is master, they usually ask you to in the first class bc they are fcking gay, cybersecurity, it is free, i have not coded in like a year at all btw
i have not really left my house and socialized besides small socialization in like more than a year also, nice
R u good at coding? What langs do yk? I thought u were a neet loser, but ur acc gonna make it o.o i might also do my masters in cybersec
still makes you wonder how a little asian guy managed to date rape so many guys, if some random poor asian can rape 200+ men with just spiked drinks...what's p diddys rape number? what drug cocktail did he have access to and use with his connections?
The differemce is the bottoms only hobby was raping, but diddy has other shit to do, tho diddies rape material quality was way higher
>R u good at coding?
>i have not coded in like a year at all
i worked as a java dev backend for like a year, i was mediocre maybe a bit better but i never really put much effort into it, i am not passionated abt it
>I thought u were a neet loser
well. i am.
Doesnt matter u have seeds planted, now you just have to not go crazy and ull do fine. Why are you doomposting all the time ?
>diddy has other shit to do
celebs are the laziest people, they literally do nothing but make a lot of money
Does anybody have that image of that sexy burly gut that was a thread of its own a couple of hours ago. I ... I need it for research
Datura is a genus of nine species of highly poisonous, vespertine-flowering plants belonging to the nightshade family (Solanaceae).[1] They are commonly known as thornapples or jimsonweeds, but are also known as devil's trumpets or mad apple[2]

they actually go through better than oral sine no gut/liver metabolism

what i experienced though was scaaaaru heartrate depression , like 47 bpm was the lowest, i was laying down and panicing
bc i felt like shit and still do kinda, i felt better today though
and i also will have to find a job, probably part-time, then college and then the spare time study cybersecurity on my own and do projects and look at local companies and what technologies they use, and maybe show them a project and get an entry level job if lucky idk, the market is shit, it will probably take like more than 6 months of hard work, probably like a year but at least the master degree is two years so i have the 'student' status for that long which is an advantage cause yea.. so a lot of hard work and work that i am not passionate or care abt.. this is like my last chance at a decent life at to bounce back, if i do not do it and work hard, i am fucked..
Doesnt matter if you care about it, just do enough in the next few years to secure a normal life and after that it gets easier. Job is way easier than school. Find shit to be passionate about in ur spare time, your job shouldnt be ur passion anyway cuz ull start to hate it. Also im in the same shit uwu got 2 years to become human or im donzo
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*sigh* Good morning

I’m sorry I keep changing my namefaggotry but I switch between my phone and laptop and desktop a lot
I really hope today is okay… it turns out people got hurt by the hurricane more than I thought. I just got lucky. There was a lot of damage
let's talk about residual income (what most celebrities and their families get even after they die)
why aren't jobs paying that to their employees? if you're an employee of a corporation and in the years you worked that corporation has gone from a $500,000,000 business to $30,000,000,0000...
should not every employee make residual income on how much they helped to build that business to new profit margins?
there should be laws requiring a residual income to be paid to every employee forever and if they die it should go to their kids
why do only celebs get such a benefit for acting or music from ages ago?
employees need to stop accepting bogus conditions
even slaves when make a residual income, often their slave owners leaving them and their children with property and money..
hairy cock
Nah, ur literally retarded, they do all the shit ud imagine rich ppl doing
scopoloamine is commonly used in south america for date rape
its a very weird drug that hypnotizes you and causes you to lose your inhibitions, you just do whatever the person who has given it to you says to do (ex: go to the atm and get out all your money)..and you do it without thinking
It doesnt do that lmao
>they do all that shit u imagine rich ppl do
yeah take month long vacations on sex islands, have maids and assistants to take care of their kids, be worthless people... yeah exactly what im saying.. celebs and politicians are shit on my shoe and that's how i'll always treat them
gosh i'm hungry and sleepy, i think i'll just close my eyes
I don’t understand the concept of having hair on your dick. Is that really a thing for one and if it is please tell me nobody is shaving their dick
>your job shouldnt be ur passion anyway cuz ull start to hate it.
yea, this is what i have noticed and think also, just get whatever best opportunity you got but i am still lazy asf, also not as smart as the autistic code slaves, ideally you should do what you are naturally good at, well, whatever.. i do not really have a choice, either this or smth worse..
I have it and i wanna die
are you a woman?
*blows devil's breath in your face*
you're my slave now
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They're cool depending on the person and type of pircings/cuffs.Those look like cuffs, I use them myself.
Someone forgot to take their neuroleptics.
Nah, most selfmade rich ppl are workaholics and make deals and do projects nonstop
Hardly anyone is truly self made
name one thing p diddy has done that is relevant in the last 20 years besides get jailed for raped
*sniffs bush*
You dont even need to be smart for most coding jobs, its mostly common pattern shit. As for laziness try making small changes, read for 30 mins a day or someshit
I am glad you are ok. Hope your family and community are also.
yes it does, its used a lot for robbery by colombian women on men, they just blow it in their face and the men become useless voids who do whatever they're told, it's always used to get money from them, after they get what they want they basically fall asleep for 9+ hours waking up the next day confused and unsure what happend
This would work on me without the dust :3
It's never the right time to say goodbye
also scopolamine can be used for suicides
whoever gives it to you can tell you to kill yourself and you will do it without thinking...
they dont even have to be there to tell you to do that, they can do it over the phone or via a computer once you're induced by the drug
it's a scary drug that isn't talked about a lot
no it doesnt... at least not at the dosage i experienced kek
and that also doesnt make sense lol
i imagine the unpure stuff would make u weak because of low blood pressure but if u tried to fight it, thats a heart attack risk...
post tanlines u goddman teasing faggot i hate u
Define selfmade. My definition is born poor, end up rich.
Im not his agent how would i know what he does in private lmao
Dumbfucks, dont believe everything you read online, it might knock you out, but not other magical shit ur talking about. Dont you think if something like that existed it would be used and known about all around the world and not just in some bumfuck shithole country
the memory black holes r real but ethanol does the same
he made that song Coming Home which was really popular in 2011. Ciroc vodka and Revolt TV are pretty big too
>Dont you think if something like that existed it would be used and known about all around the world and not just in some bumfuck shithole country
i always wanted to get raped on curare but getting it in europe impossible
u need to synthesize it
I'll try
i am severely mentally ill sir
I hooked up with a guy recently, and he gave me his number to get in contact with him for next time. My brain knows what's good for me, but I am actually dicknotize, plus he was REALLY nice. I've been thinking about it all day for 2 days.
how to get scopolamine in yurop?
>it might knock you out, but not other magical shit ur talking about.

try it and find out

>Dont you think if something like that existed it would be used and known about all around the world

the police know about it especially in miami, south america, and on certain islands,...they are the ones who warn people about it when travelling
Scopolamine is among the secondary metabolites of plants from Solanaceae (nightshade) family of plants, such as henbane (Hyoscyamus niger), jimson weed (Datura), angel's trumpets (Brugmansia), deadly nightshade (Belladonna), mandrake (Mandragora officinarum), and corkwood (Duboisia)

you can create a tea of it
I have this IPL hair thing that I used to fry it off, and my chest/tummy. I'm thinking about doing my face...
I wanna sui
There was a serial killer who used it on his victims who he kidnapped and bdsmd and there was a transcript of what he used to tell them during their time there and thats where the myth originated
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i have this plant
be extremely careful with dosage!
i think angel's trumpets is the one that is often used in Columbia, theres been cases of people just smelling the flowers and having a euphoric hallucigenic experience from the pollen of the flowers
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I woke up so early this morning, and it's been like 2 hours, and it's still totally dark and I can still see the moon in the sky like it's the middle of the night or something. Freaking me out. Feels like this fucker is staring at me and somehow preventing it from being light outside.
David Parker Ray?
y have not sucked him offf again agaian again and again?
did you use it, or like smoke it?
She's so pretty
Yes, should be in here somewhere
Its pretty disturbing tho
its always the pretty ones that are most poisonous
wish i didn't have pets but i have to keep my environment toxic-free for them
so many things can easily kill a pet if they accidentally chew or eat it in the plant/flower kingdom
>These hallucinations are often characterized by complete loss of awareness that one is hallucinating, disconnection from reality (psychosis), and amnesia of the episode, such as one example reported in European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience of a young man who amputated his own penis and tongue after drinking only one cup of Brugmansia sanguinea tea.
it drops the leaves in yhe summer and the flowers too
dried the leaves, smashed them and dried them, mixed tmen to even out the drug concentration (can vary leaf to leaf)
weighed and made tee in increasing dosages
some experiences with it
You can find a friend and get on disc and just chill for 30 mins each day while u do your stuff, it sounds weird but it works rly well, for me at least
I'd rather do opioids (unironically). I took LSD once and it was nice to experience but I think I'm not to keen on hallucinogenics, I'd rather numb myself. It seems not good for sui
i rather just have a boyfriend than do drugs or numb myself
Or have a bf and have sex on mdma
i am so anxious back at college, it is so full of people, i want to kms, i wish i could, i hate life, of, i will try to not feel anxious
Do this faggot
I have a boyfren

We took mdma together
i have bad social anxiety and always did and anxiety in general and i feel like i am suffocating, it sucks so bad, it is mostly physical discomfort but yea
No there’s just no hair on my dick itself, I have plenty of pubes though, am I the weird one? literally zero hairs on my pp itself
(s)he's like homophobic and lashing out to people like every other day. I don't think it would be a good experience in his/her current state honestly
it is so funny bc i cannot really feel sad depressed and i am low fear and i am sociopathic but for somw reason i am extremely high anxiety and shame and insecure of
Nah, most ppl are like you
some larper stories more liek
I can fix them
erowid nutmeg vault
that'd be cute
but they need like social support, love and meds/estrogen or whatever irl I feel
also romania does not seem fun
Start talking to people right now, first impressions matter the most. If you keep away from ppl everyone will think ur weird.
did mihai legit die?
>If you keep away from ppl everyone will think ur weird.
I dunno that only works if you're not weird
Talking to people and trying to be proactively social definitely also backfired on me and just made others uncomfortable lol
They are overexeaggerating how bad romania is desu, they are just a very anxious person with ocd
I mean if they go to uni at least that's something. But a lot of homeless people and male sex workers are from Romania in Western Yurop because they're poor

I mean you dont have to be a charisma master, you can hear what others are talking about and join in with your opinion or smt, there will def be ppl there who dont know each other and will want to make friends
Im from a shittier place than that and trust me its not that bad

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