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Would you date a chud assuming he were actually gay and not bi?
>Do we punish Dems and force them to move further left while enduring Republican power
what a top would do
>or do we try to hold onto office to mitigate the damage Republicans want to do
what a bottom would do
Whats a chud?
FACT: 1% of married bi men are in a same sex marriage
I finished reading Snow Crash this weekend. It was a pretty fun Cyberpunk book. Gonna read Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil next.
When was the last time gaygen read a book? Any good GAY books? I've only read Velvet Rage
far right bigot
faggots are disgusting animals why would anyone marry one of you
idk abt the capital but in my city there are no bars, people are homophobic but as long as you keep it behind closed doors no one cares
I'm a chud. I'm not voting though
its so crazy that bisexuality is even treated as a real sexuality at this point with its own flag and place in the acronym. shit like sapiosexuality is more valid
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I love him
Yeah cuz they age out, its normal to spend early 20s fucking around and then marry a woman. Gay bottoms die alone.
Hycainth is right, you're all wrong.
Every time he posts it makes me so hot and bothered.

We need Hyacinth feetsies
Omg Jason Kelce hi!
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it was made by the japanese and then sold to an american who then appointed jannies to watch over the depths of 4chan autism posting.

i never posted my body sooooo .... :s
also i'm not fat :3 i like chubby guys tho because they usually have fat cocks uwu

what dumb things have i said on here? :s
exactly. if it doesn't work in the top's favor it's always the bottom who's to blame. also tops are retarded.
he's not even that cute
his body looks undeveloped
like he suffers from whatever santino suffers from
>it's a new trip
>he's a nazi
Many such cases
he didn't say anything weird to me. Most people around me would agree with his view points i believe, i wonder where hes from
What are you?
Damn I've never been clocked so hard
Many such cases
If we were to take this thread as a sample, Nazi x Femboy is a common relationship model.
Mexican restaurant opened next door but it's expensive and doesn't taste good :(
Oh, why would anyone do that o.o
If we were to apply gaygen as a sample reflective of the larger gay population then I would say maybe we don't need rights lol
i can only count a handful of times ive had really good mexican food, and they places owned by whites lol
Sorry anon, I didn't know you get flustered so easily. I'll try to ease up a little ;P
I am actually from Tampa originally, but I live in the northwest now.
Because you get socially validated for enforcing conformity. The richest landowners who own the most property and the biggest companies generally are conservatives.
I live in an actual American city so we have a few really good Mexican restaurants but you have to drive to them :/
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>chud edition
see that simply isn't true. sex isn't the only thing that holds together marriages. i know so many elderly gay couples who are madly in love eith each other and are happy. there's also a reason why there was a huge spike of same-sex marriages being recognized after it became legal since many elderly gay couples who lived together for a long time weren't legally allowed to marry their partner.
The rich ones arent gay
Whos that>>37455525
finally we see haribo's face
The perception would be biased due to the high ratio of bottoms compared to tops, the former of which indeed do not need rights.
>simply isn't true
>gives personal experience
nice one bottom
the way he keeps his eyes open like that is unsettling and disturbing :s
the mexican restaurant next to my work charges $2 for a literal teaspoon of sour cream (which is runny)

why can't restaurant proprietors resist the urge to be heinous jews
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You also have to consider the sheer number of Gen X gay men who aren't here simply because of the AIDS crisis. If it never happened we would be running America right now.
Reagan's fault by the way
looks like a slightly more masc tex
I hate them so much
I went to a fancy Mexican restaurant (in rural PA) where they wouldn't let you order food to go and the waitress had to furtively re-plate it from a plate to the small cardboard boxes that were allowed on premises. Mexican is weird. I wish there were more sophisticated but casual and not expensive American/European food places with small menus.

I ate in a small rural town this weekend and had the bbq dinner with pulled pork, collards, and fries, and it was pretty good.
i really, really dont care about islam
Im a chud and I would love to be bottomed :3
Tex is literally a tranny and has probably been on whore moans for a decade by now. Why people can't tell its a tranny is beyond me. Some mtfs prefer to larp here because they get more attention here than in mtf general where everyone is too autistic to hold a conversation.
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If you encounter another gay in your place of work you either form a secret alliance against all the straights or you become mortal enemies. There is no in between
speaking of food I want to try authentic italian food but don't want to pay for shitty overpriced restaurant food. what are some recipies I should try? for reference I know literally nothing about italian food.
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Most guys are turned off and run off when they find out im chuddy and dont like immigrants etc.
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The red button turns all chuds into faggy gay bottoms.
The green button sends debased to Jerusalem as a suicide bomber where he will set off a bomb to destroy the Dome of the Rock, killing himself in the process, and unleashing a holy war.

Only one button may be pressed.
>If you encounter another gay in your place of work you either form a secret alliance against all the straights or you become mortal enemies. There is no in between
That is really fucking true.

Practice frying meatballs. Form them, chill them for at least 1 hour if not 2 in the freezer, then fry them on both sides until brown.
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>gay friends come over
>they start talking about gay shit and sit in their corner looking at grindr
>completely ignore me
>one of them asks to change the music "anon can I change the music"
>puts on some god awful seasonal trendy shit from like 5-10 years ago
>drinks up their wine
>plans to go out to a gay bar and orders a cab
>"uh anon did you want to come?"
>i shrug and join them
>the inane gay shit continues in the cab, i am still ignored
>they get me in the club
>immediately disappear, scattering like leaves in the wind
>i end up talking to some other cis dude near the bar
>realize i am in cis daycare for gays
are you a bottom?

Because I’m a top and every single bottom has either not cared about my chud politics or started to agree with me after awhile
meant straight lol
What r u
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if you saw tex in public what would you do?
Y r u here intruder
makes sense, must be grim as hell to have to date liberal tops lol
In a one block radius I have:
A Chinese restaurant (excellent)
A seafood restaurant (excellent, cheap)
A dive bar (decent bar food)
An Indian restaurant (excellent, expensive)
A tapas restaurant (mediocre, expensive)
A burger shop (bad)
A Vietnamese restaurant (good)
A Mexican restaurant (fine)
A Mexican restaurant (expensive, bad)

Live in the city, babes. It's worth it
i mean i have gay friends why wouldnt i be here
>enforcing conformity
Yes because the current regime and upper class social order is characterized by pervasive conservatism.
>The richest landowners who own the most property and the biggest companies generally are conservatives
LOL, in what universe? The vast majority of the corporate and financial elite lean left. Most of the big landowners that lean right are not ideological either, they're just patronizing the red establishment in the flyover states where they do their business so they get a direct line to political power. All of the big Ag companies that sponsor republican politicians get them to vote against immigration reform so they can keep their unlimited flow of south american slave labor for their farming operations. Not very conservative if you ask me.
Ask him out for a beer - paulaner salvator and eventually marry him
So you're really straight? Not bi?
Thats like saying i have black friends i can say nigger
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You sound like a joy to be around, anon!
probably not, not everyone is a 4chan brained loser
Aren't you like a Christian conservative?
Listen straight boy, if you want to make it in gay circles you either have to be hot, be funny, or spend money
well if u dont have black friends can u say nigger more or less?
what am I supposed to do?
Or post pole
See >>37455693
You cant say it either way
stop erasing gay nerds. we exist.
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>high ratio of bottoms compared to tops
>the former of which indeed do not need rights
benevolent misogyny (+ bottomsgyny) already proves that straight men (+ tops) don't regard women and bottoms as equals, since they are seen as inferioe only because they are at the receiving end of sex. i live in an area that's dominated by verses and tops with most of them acting rapey and creepy towards bottoms, particularly fems asians and white bottoms.

topping is not a monolith.

uncanny valley :s

um, i don't know much about the aids crisis since i wasn't even born back then but i know for a fact that gay men were left to die and blamed for a disease that originated from africa (?) also i don't necessarily see aids as a bad thing since there are affordable medications that greatly decrease the reproduction of the virus that then allows them to have safe sex withoput worrying about transmitting the virus.

also i miss dan :<
Christian yes, but I diverge heavily from mainstream american "conservatism" on a lot of issues.
Alright then we have established I can't say nigger, so your point is?
I am not hot, I am not that funny, I don't spend that much money. I am pretty much extremely mid, a little fat maybe
im a big fan of abusive homosexual relationships
Topping isnt a monolith, but bottoming is
I just want a slightly racist white guy to top me and teach me how to be a good white boy
Do we have a pride flag for the Loser community?
So go away, you are saying nigger by being here
Are you like someone's brother or something? Why were you there
Can bottoms really jerk off to just a picture of a penis and nothing else
Which end of the abusing do you do?
I can jerk off to a really emotional poem
I legit can LMAO
My small town area has a decent selection for small town America.
Within ten-ish minutes:
>dive bar full of watermen
>seafood and burger joint on the waterfront
>old style diner
>cute little cafe
>fancy-ish, reputable bar and restaurant
>two fancy bars and restaurants on the water
Within 20 minutes or so there's two Asian places, a fancy Italian place, a simple but very good pizzeria, a sandwich and coffee shop, a bistro, and more high end places, one of which is just overpriced
Does anyone have any prostate toy recs?
>dominated by verses
>most of them acting rapey and creepy towards bottoms
There's your problem
I need a femdom bf
Rapey is hot though
>why were you there
in my own house? i invited them. I invite them all the time to come and drink and hang out before going out
but u started saying nigger not I?
It was to prove a point and im also racist
shut the fuck up
but you havent proven anything, just asserted something about saying nigger
Oh if we're factoring driving in my city then we can start including Michelin star restaurants. People don't realize how oppressive car-brain is until they're freed from it. I walk to work and thus am never stuck in traffic, ever, and I don't know if I can go back from that.
I will cede we don't have a major body of water in my city but that would make things much more expensive if we did
i watch them happen on youtube
can one of yu tell me you love me pls
>christian tripfag
why are there so many

>but I diverge heavily from mainstream american "conservatism" on a lot of issues.
I'll sell my little brother for a monkey torture video. PLEASE.
Pls give recs
Why are you regularly inviting over a bunch of gays that you don't seem to really enjoy spending time with?
Your argument for being here is that you have gay friends, dumb nigger.
>why are there so many
mental illness
People bully the fuck out of you if you don't have friends. Some people have fake friends just to not get bullied for being friendless.
consensual non-consent
or real rape? which do you prefer
I love you anon
Sure anon

Cnc if i bottom, rape if i top
Sometimes just physical intimacy sounds nicer than sex
I want to be in bed on a cold night with another guy, our naked bodies pressed together underneath a quilt
I wish you meant it :3
yes and you havent actually proven why that is wrong just gone on a rant about nigger
they are my friends and I like them
i mean if they dont like me why show up?
i just dont understand whats going on
like are they there out of pity? they are never mean to me rhey just ignore me mostly
I have no money for eating out though
i'll sell my dad's ass virginity for a uwu
i dont care about politics, so i will just nod along
as long as he doesnt have weird interests or fetishes i dont mind him talking about his racist or fascist fantasies
why are gays so degenerate. why can't you just be normal. you don't *have* to act like bratty 14 year old women, you know.
You actually dont get the analogy? You are imposing yourself where you dont belong, just like yts saying nigger.
you ever been in one?
true. gay guys cannot into committed relationships. stereotypes exist for a reason.
>poor gays
A humanitarian crisis. This is so sad :(
wtf I hate mental illness now
You can eat me out
am I a poor gay or a gay poor?
We do it because it's funny and pisses y'all off
I actually have a fair few "left wing" beliefs. I think really strict environmental and business regulations are good. I'm for moderately high taxation and I don't believe in "small government". I'm extremely anti-war and anti-israel. I think something like UBI is going to be necessary.
Why are u anti israel r u insane?
yeah that's the socialist in national socialist
So is your conservatism just the racist part
hey guys it's me p diddy, i'm out of prison and i need 15 dollars for taxi
Depends how poor but I'm leaning poor gay
Id legit bail him out if i had money :(
wassup homos. what's a chud
post ass
diddle my pickle
Haii normiepooo i missed youu :33
Chud is a far right boi
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hi red, finished painting your vw?
>Chud is a far right boi
yikes, that's garbage
wow ok
why god make me so gay ?
I havent, ive been lazy af and having wine n gaming days with fren :3 yeah, i agree i dont like chudges
the friend that we're pretending didn't molest you?
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LMAO, YES THAT ONE :3 wish he did tho...
Just speak clearly fag
>wish he did tho
bottom. also you guys could have done stuff already, just saying
9/11 big boob sex towers
need a fem bf
need one
its a shame gays irl are all 100% masc
i'd like a female male bf
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a bottom can decide, where the phallus of the top goes into which hole of their body. whereas a top's only real purpose is to insert their phalluses into any adjacent hole they want. therefore, a top cannot force their way into the bottom and makes the top completely useless since the top cannot live out his carnal desires. all what a top is good for is reduced to their biological function.

every single top i have dated so far had rapey tendencies who saw themselves above me because i'm a bottom. no matter in how many aspects of life a bottom accelerates in, all of it is thrown out the window by the top who weaponizes his sexual position to control and overpower the bottom. i'm not saying all tops are like that. but in my experiences tops tend to be more aggressive and horny than bottoms in general.
can bowblax make a comeback?
You got any of that pink coke left? That shit sounds fire fr.
No, my "conservatism" is way farther right than the current Overton window will allow. I don't believe in any form of elected government, or free speech, or women's rights, or abortion for any reason, or unions, or "justice system reform" (way more people should be in prison).
We could have, but when we lived together we didnt know that the other one was gay :C
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Your college roommate looks like this. What do you do?
Bottoms need tops to make any decision so that one thing u had is gone. Bottoms are completely useless and need guidance from tops.
need a stardew valley coded bf who'll bust a nut on my face after i get back from the gym
ghb him if hes str8
lol. neither of you were dating?
Are u more top or bottom after gym?>>37456070
convinced people into this kink are pedophiles
Look, don't touch
if it was a good high energy workout & i feel pumped after i'd say more top
anyone who sees themselves as a bottom or a top is a pedophile
It was in uni so we had little time, also he might have been i just didnt know. I was and am too autistic to date :3
most relationships do have one more making most of the decisions
with some decisions being a bilateral discussion, but still

I find it interesting how asian families seem to be based on the woman bossing around the husband like he is a child
I need an asian woman bf
Thank you anon, I'm very flattered, and you have a cute voice, but despite my desires I must remain chaste.
> I find it interesting how asian families seem to be based on the woman bossing around the husband like he is a child

i wish i was him
lots of autists date. many are more successful than non autists at gay dating. have you seen each other naked?
How long does it usually take for guys to get naked together? Does it start with just being naked without having sex?
tfw no twinkdom bf

fuck i had a flatbread before working out today and now ive got stitch it sucks
Yeah, i call it autistic, but i think i might just be retarded, idk why but my psychologist doesnt see it, i have to try a new one but im scared of change o.o i havent seen him naked, but hes a qtpie 8.5/10 twink
why don't you support women's rights? some schizo shit from the bible?
>Conflict averse
I wish I was a bitchy sassy bottom that could boss guys around, but I'm such a pleaser I can't do it or I feel bad immediately after.
Who killed bavbav? I miss him
depends on the guys. had a friend whip his dick out the very first time i visited his room in college. most others it took some familiarity
>i call it autistic, but i think i might just be retarded
jesus is tempting me
your psychologist might be 'autistic' too lol
also why doesn't it surprise me you're a twink lover. tsk tsk
does being chaste count masturbation too? are you no fap?
What are your most honest feelings about ex-gays?
i get being submissive
i can't get wanting to be "the female" in a relationship

like i'd happily be ordered to pick up something heavy or fix something, but it seems bonkers to be fem
It's ok Hya, I tried
everyone who doesn't post anymore got a boyfriend or girlfriend
Hyacinth's future
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Whats on your mind, bros?
they are deranged and they scare me, i bet they molest children and have weird chemsex like priests
Or went off trip lol
either delusional or gays that let the homophobia win and re-entered the closet. most are the 2nd type and are still getting fucked under cover
Based and seenthelightpilled
Idk like its obvious to every friend ive ever had that im autistical and now a pro cant see it AAAAA. Also wdym by it doesnt surprise u that i like twinks xddd
I've never had an autism diagnosis but both my previous bfs and a current guy I'm seeing have all told me that I am definitely autistic.
Women are just way more chaotic and selfish than men on average. I don't even think most men should be able to participate in any kind of meaningful decision making for the country. You don't have to be into the bible to see that women are not biologically capable of leading. Sure there are some outlies, but for every female outlier there are 10 men who are as or more competent. Also if you let them into the workforce en masse and have no-fault divorce you get the crazy hypergamy we see now that just shreds the male/female dynamic in society. If you want your society to survive you need it to produce as many stable family units as possible and that's just not possible with women's rights.
maybe you're autistic
the agony in the garden hbu
procrastinating on shaving my face today even though I don't like what I look like with facial hair, slept for 4 hours till 2am last night but need more coffee soon since I'm liking the sleep deprived buzz I got going on
We need to go back to the 1950s nuclear family that we've had since the fucking dawn of time. Why you homosexuals banned it I don't fucking understand but I'm glad we have ex-gay trips like Hyacinth making a fucking stand.
maybe if you would get some pussy you can help bring it back
twinkophilia is common in autism
source: trust me, bro
>dawn of time
are womens right just human rights or their own special thing?
Wearing my jacket in the office cuz I'm cold and a bottom (◡‿◡)
is that code for scared someone will see your gyno
all my str*ight friends have been terrorized so bad by rejections from foids
i almost feel bad for them
they want uh... free tampons too, i guess?
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I could be hornyposting but I don't have anything to be particularly horny about
they were never true
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Low IQ detected
>i almost feel bad for them
for straight people? you're insane
why do you need anything to be horny about
I'm an ex-gay.
I was exposed to pornography at around 10 years old, gradually being introduced to more extreme pornography.
I was targeted by older men, usually furries or bronies, into having ERP sessions and exchanging nude photographs. There was even one nearby me and we almost met to have sex. I'm lucky that I never had sex and waited.
>god I fucking hate trannies but would never ever ever stop bringing them up
all mine dont get rejected but they get treated like complete shit because the chick feels they can replace him at any moment

It's pretty crazy because not all women are like that so idk how everyone is managing to stuck with these crazy sluts
LMAO i had no idea thats a thing, i also do stimm a lot and mimick and prolly a bunch of other shit i dont know is autistic uwu
imagine delta raping
it's easy if you try
I mean yeah I don't really believe in human rights either, but I think we should have some laws that discriminate against women in particular. We should allow mens only spaces, we should not allow women to just pursue any career they want, we should not allow then in government or military at all, we should ban contraception temporarily to correct population decline, etc.
larps about ideal politics are the lamest of autism masturbation fantasies
lmao. why are you still here then?
maybe you are. i don't know how they diagnose autism.
what's happening with the philosopenis?
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Disrespect bottoms at your own risk! We ARE organizing and we WILL rise up and WE. ARE. EVERYWHERE.
i said gyno to avoid tranny connotations and your diseased brain still went there, what am i supposed to do about that?
so you're saying there are fewer competent women than competent man, not that all women are incompetent. why disallow the competent ones from participating in society, then?
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Summer went by too quickly :(
Ive been to scared to go back to the app after asking for his discord :3
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After reading tankanon's personal ad last night on reddit I wholeheartedly agree.
No one in the 1950's dreamed or imagined such ridiculous things.
How do you help someone who is this far gone?
>We ARE organizing and we WILL bend over and WE. ARE. EVERYWHERE.
dude wtf? how long ago was that?
The only thing I'm afraid of is bottoms organizing a cookout tbqh
So many calories
A few days o.o maybe a week im not sure i hope he doesnt hate me
lol that's gotta be an elaborate larp
gyno is the fucking tranny connotations don't flip this on me faggot
it depends i think
lmao i thought it was a joke but isn't that his actual discord?
of course he hates you. you're fucking this up for no reason at all
ps: see the above post about autists and twinkophilia
would you hookup with tank?
Because competence is not the only thing that matters. You also have to consider social order and sexual dynamics. It doesn't matter how competent she is, throw one hot chick into a workplace and see the kind of havoc that results. If you know anyone in the military you'll know exactly what I'm talking about. Also, you can't build a society around exceptions. Once you give one competent woman some privileges you'll have 10 more subpar harpies screeching, "WhY nOt Me ToO?!?!".
an overwhelming majority of gyno cases are caused by obesity. you have tranny derangement syndrome.
wait he's not in newcastle
Oh so she hates women. Got it
SLSKSKDKSKSM IK but its so hard to be normal.... how do u do it normiepoo :c
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so much topsplaining in one post.
btw it were the men who plunged the world into 2 world wars because of their greed and lust fro power.
tops don't have an analytical mind and can't comrehend the importance of equality and voter rights.
At least tops lust for money and power, bottoms only lust for cock
it doesn't feel hard. why are you self sabotaging?
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When I tell you that I would latch onto those sausage slice nips like a remora
these mental gymnastics don't work if the one performing then is the obesity crisis in question
What is agony in the garden?
Do it, then relax.
god i hate coding so much, i wish i could kms
having a hard time resisting the call of Å“strogen lately?
having a hard time catching your breath when you wake up at night?
>men do bad thing so women must be better!
Hmmm, it's almost like women have never had significant power in all of world history (and therefor have never even had the opportunity to be responsible for negative events) for a reason. If only you could perceive the depths of inhumanity that the world would sink into if women were in charge. Just look to war hungry, power mad cunts like Hillary or Niki Haley for a vision of gynocracy.
is this some kind of sex video?
do you have anything besides anecdotes to support the notion that women in the workplace lower productivity?
Idkkk i always do it, one time i was talking to a guy on discord and we acc had similar interests and were both autistic and we set up a date for our date and i ghost him a day before SKJSJSKKSDK
Nah, just a typical right wing podcast
lol you really are triggered, scratch a gg bottom and a tranny bleeds
insanity. shit like this is why so many gay people are messed up because that dude is now going to be bitter and fucked up over it and never be able to trust other people in this situation again. this is how mental illness spreads
right wingers are playing with their nipples on camera for...jesus?
i bet you’re built like roger post gaylien hole
just fixed my energy tariffs
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Tank might be my long-lost British brother.
oh god I want to hit you
They're Australian. And both straight so I will no longer be supporting them
Nyooo dont say that, hes gonna be fine hes very cool and doesnt need me to lower the quality of his life:3
The effort you catty bitches put into your false flags...
tops are literally 5x times more likey to commit a crime. jeffrey dahmer, reynhard sinaga, luka magnotta, john wayne gacy, bruce mcarthur, dennis nilsen and the list goes on ....
tops are inherently evil. (not all ofc)

hillary clinton would've been iconic, since she would be the first female president and most powerful woman in the world, but due to american retard policy, trump won (despite hillary getting the most votes)
so even if you are a woman, the government is working against you and doesn't want to see a female president ruling the country due to misogyny, sexist, sociopathic male pigs ( and tops) women and gay men in general deserve way better leadership than an old man on the brink of death ruling the country with dementia.
i thought he was a virgin but he sounds really experienced and knows what he likes
that was a big warning sign anon
not at all. messing with people's feelings is pretty shitty dude.
Bottoms are too frail and weak to commit crimes, nice try tho. Also almost all serial killers are gay bottoms or trans
you can read his other posts, he's been a redditor for 3 years
I know someone actually built like rodger irl really sucks the two fentanyl overdoses didnt get rid of him, damn cockroach that fucker is
You forgot the big one, Reggie Kray.
>Ronnie and Reggie Kray, born on October 23rd, 1933 in Hoxton, East London, rose to infamy as the most notorious gangsters in London during the 1950s and 1960s. Their criminal empire included involvement in protection rackets, armed robberies, arson, assaults, and two high-profile murders witnessed by others.
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Do you do drugs?
Reggie Kray is the perfect dom top
i mean...
but i'm pretty sure he's not in newcastle
why does he look like that. he's a hollywood actor, he must be able to live better than that
no, there's no benefit to doing that
he had a falling out with his dad and sister and moved to his grandma's
what language sis
I knoww i didnt intend it to go like that i had intentions of going, but i got anxious and shut down, it was also my first time with smt like that so i had no idea it would happen, i msgd him after but he stopped responding :c also we were only talking for a few weeks i dont think hed have feelings after that short of a period o.o
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... and don't even get me started on Victoria Nuland.
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Fuck no. I don't even associate with drug users. Except select potheads. But only the ones who don't make it a personality trait, or refuse to accept i don't like the shit.
maybe. i doubt he'll ever confirm and he doesn't seem to post here anymore. thank god
>i msgd him after but he stopped responding
you don't say. this is why i refuse to date the mentally ill. y'all are a menace
anything that Joe Rogan shilled to me when I was a freshman in highschool
when twink death catches me I'll will live my old stoner life as a wise wizard, big lez style
Most bi men who lean toward men dont identify as bi because they cant relate to the straight leaning bisexuals and the stigma the label brings
Go ahead and explain how its not real?
>Fuck around with guy you KNOW is straight leaning
>Mad when he wont commit to you
Do fags really? kek
Im not mentally ill :c and im trying to change :'C
acceptance is the first step
Normie please eat meinen Arsch
I meannn ik i amm i just dont like those words :c
I do weed occasionally although I've never purchased it illegally. Usually I just smoke with my friends who are the real potheads.
But I'm an alcoholic like any good gay should be
Dont bully normie du schwuchtel
:/ you have bigger concerns that those words but ok
straight edge currently
might do shrooms in a few months
Alcohol. A blunt once but I don't know how weed interacts with meds like bupropion
I can have both concerns :3 but ig i deserve to be bullied :c
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The Nazi trips when they talk about protecting the white race from immigrants
what you need to do is go unfuck the philosopenis situation
gg should I use deodorant today?
Every day, stinky fag.
>Doesnt like boy stink
And this is why ywnbam
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you can tell it's him, here's his ad on /soc/ from last year
Yess what do i say i was doing tho o.o also what if he wants to talk rn i need to think of topics beforehand to be able to keep the conversation alive o.o al
I will shower.... later >:3
Post feet post feet post feet post feet post feet Post feet post feet post feet post feet post feet Post feet post feet post feet post feet post feet
Post yours.
>laid back
>go with the flow
i don't know. i don't advocate lying. this is a such a silly hole to dig for yourself. maybe another anon has advice
Feet are gross
u r talking to an ftm, king
dont waste your typing prowess
you won't like I have strong tough monkie feet from walking on gravel barefoot and climbing trees at night:3
I hate lying too, ill just say i was sick o.o
i hate my life so so much, i hate it so fricking much, i wish i could rope so badly, there is literally not a single good thing abt, not even one
Why are you angry that im still here?
Oh yeah, I remember reading about the Kray brothers forever ago.

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