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straight trans girlies, what's the worst experience you've had with a man?
i'm thinking about meeting one offline but i'm kinda scared lol
he told me the reason he didn't want anything serious was because his heart belonged to his former husband that passed of colon cancer.
He killed himself when he saw me irl
I'm taking notes on what to do here, continue
raped me
Didn’t happen. Nice try agphon

Worst experience: a guy wasn’t alpha and chad enough.
I wasnt invited to the funeral...
Why didnt u fight back?
I will invite you, I promise. But you have to cry hysterically, like you have to outdo my mother. Make my mother go a bit "damn this bitch is cry mogging me, wtf, that's my own son!!". I love my mother, but she cries a bit too much when it comes to me
Omg ty ive always wanted to go and i cry hysterically everyday anyway :3
i was super high and it was at his place with him being my only ride back. also im extremely weak and cant fight back
Fuck now i feel bad, id have protected you..
"id have protected you" - quote from man who is probably a chaser and would have done worse.
assaulted me
Not a chaser, or a rapist.
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>hates chasers
Deserved rape.
t. diaperfag
Ghosted when the guy chickens out
rape rape or like you regretted it the next day rape
I woke up to him sucking on me. When he saw I was awake he pushed me into the wall and did it more forcefully.
I would never treat you like this baby girl
I'm sorry, I feel awful but the image is hilarious in my head, I don't mean to downplay your trauma, but a guy so hellbent on sucking dick to go to these lengths is comical.
If it weren't that he was forcing himself on someone else, I'm sorry that happened and sorry again for the post
Ons took off his condom during sex, didnt notice before he came. Drove straight to the aids help station for postsex hiv meds. Clean, confirmed over 4 tests in the last 3y but yea, not a fun experience

Sex was great tho
is sexual assault really that prevalent in this community?
...are people who like trans women usually this creepy? :/
the worst he said, not the best
You can run a thread like this for gay men and cis women too, the truth of the matter is, sexual partners are a risk, always, and in such a vulnerable state there always will be people who take advantage of it
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Honestly OP what was even the goal of making this thread at all? Like what did you think most people's worst experience with men is gonna be on this board? Just meet the guy and take reasonable safety precautions. I can't imagine it's going to be helpful to you to read a horrifying parade of varying levels of sexual assault.
normal guys don't specifically look for trannies
when you interact with the worst of the worst don't expect anything good
>sorry again for the post
It's alright, it happened almost a decade ago ago. It still grosses me out and makes me feel a bit dead inside to think about, but I've mostly healed. It fucked me up brutally for a long time though.

Over half of all trans people have been sexually assaulted in some way. It's incredibly common. My guess is that people see us as easy targets.

There are scenarios you can prepare for via advice here, like letting some third party know where you're going and that you'll call them if the date goes well, so that if you don't call them because you got kidnapped or raped or something the police will be alerted.
>My guess is that people see us as easy targets.
Some cis men do, it's an easy cover to remain straight in the eyes of everyone, if something bad happens, the girl deserved it for having hidden that she was trans.
It's dregs of society that unfortunately end up fooling girls about them being well adjusted
>Over half of all trans people have been sexually assaulted in some way. It's incredibly common. My guess is that people see us as easy targets.
I reckon it's because women get training for this in like middle and high school. They experience male sexual aggression from their peers and with any luck it's a less experienced and less dangerous kind. Trannies don't have this experience so they enter into the world extremely naive and get into a lot of trouble very fast
of course i did but im not that strong
it was forced asshole
except that mtfs are still male and do male rapist shit just as well
don't pretend as if they just popped out into the world the moment they started taking estrogen
Those replies you got is exactly the issue with half the guys who are willing to have sex with trans girls, they feel like since you're not born female then you have to service their sexual needs, and you like it whether there's consent or not
he couldn't figure out how to fuck me because he was a bisexual
im a manmoder but went on my first ever date a week ago (in girlmode) and the dude misgendered me the entire time over dinner :)
(which sucks as i kinda felt good girlmoding in public for the second proper time beforehand)
oh sorry i thought this was about date experiences my worst experience with a man was my ex-friend who sexually assaulted me as he guessed i was manmoding and wanted to see if i had boobs by pinning me down and ripping all my clothes off in the woods.
>i'm thinking about meeting one offline but i'm kinda scared
Meet in a public place.
Ask to take a selfie with them, with their face visible.
Make it clear you are sending the image to a friend or posting it to social media (be casual about it, it's not a threat, but it is "threatening" to anyone with ill intentions).
If you leave the public place, know precisely where you are going (as in an address).
Make it clear your are messaging with a friend/family/roommate whatever about your plans.
If at any point you get weird/evasive vibes about any of these steps, then bail out.
I love him but he's so fucked up I've had to consistently not have expectations and somehow even then he still messes it up somehow.
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>Deserved rape.
like he ignored me and did it anyway kind of rape
>it was forced asshole
no need for specifics anon.
i got raped but it was actually kinda awesome but i guess the worst was this guy who was kinda awkward and had a small dick and i think he was gay or a repper or something
>what's the worst experience you've had with a man?
He didn't know I was trans and after blowing him for 2 days straight he tried to finger me under my dress and found my penis and threw me against the wall and yelled at me then washed his dick in the sink and left forever
Sexual assault is like 1 in 3 for all women, it's a bit higher for trans women but it's not just a thing for them

It happened a couple weeks back. Really sucked ass and i cried a lot and it made my dysphoria go nuts, but in a weird "fuck i need srs" way.
Also i had a guy try and rape me when i was using the male bathrooms, thankfully when i screamed an older man heard and burst down the door and tore him off me but he got CLOSE, as in pulling off my underwear close. Scared me to hell and i had nightmares for weeks and after that i stopped seeing myself as "one of the dudes" and using the male bathroom.
oh my God I'm so sorry nona
have you interacted since? it's gotta be super uncomfortable having him right next door
Idk who nona is, but yeah we haven't interacted since. Was scared i would see him but i havent really, only once and he shot me a glance and didnt interact so my fears gone down.
met a guy on /soc/. we talked about what we wanted to do and agreed we would just mess around. we talked in his back seat for a while about stuff. he really wanted to suck me but i couldn't get hard. then he showed me a fucking bambi sleep hypno video (ew) and then he like smacked my dick and said "never get rid of this" (i wasnt transitioning yet). then he just tried to sit on my dick like that would get me hard so i told him i cant do that. we exchanged oral basically until things slowed down. then he just twisted my body and pushed me down and pulled down my pants. i literally didnt know what to do or what to say and i was just silent. he finished and got to the front seat and immediately on his phone. in the moment i was just super confused. i still dont know what to think of it. i didnt say no but we agreed not to do that (his suggestion) and i just couldnt say anything. honestly a part of me kind of wanted it but not like that and not when we agreed explicitly not to. i drove home and he messaged me like 6 times and i just ignored it and i didnt want to think about anything. he sent me like 30 more snapchats the day after and i blocked him but i was terrified for days after.
you are nona, I am nona
please remain as such
namefags are a scourge
All I'll say is don't use grindr.
jesus christ... stay safe out there. hope everything is ok with you
raped by an ex, strangled by another ex, assaulted in a bathroom by a guy i was dancing with after i told him i was trans. careful out there anonette
He raped me.
a guy raped me, another guy raped me, another few threatened to murder me and chop me up so no one would ever find me.
same old same old when it comes to men, really.
now I have a really kind bf I met off of /soc/ though, so that's nice :3
oh and forgot the one that stalked me for 6 months. sent me my license plate # and would text me the places I was at and who i was with and threatened to come to my apartment and kill me
Nah hsts doesn’t do that and you know this very WELL.
even easier targets the lot of you, desperate for attention you ignore all warnings and red flags.
I already said I'm sorry about that
I haven't had it too bad honeslty. The worst one was this dude just kept joking about killing me and burying me under his porch. Otherwise he was a great partner for a while. Anyway the bar is unbelievably low.
victim blaming, gtfo
Anons tend towards risk taking and are more desensitised to social red flags because of how abrasive this place is so the incidence will be higher than the general population
just a pure made up story
this thread has convinced me that moids need to be locked away from society and we should kick them out whenever we can
You are completely repulsive to everyone around you. You are deformed and ugly, and nobody will ever love or be attracted to you. Best case scenario (from your point of view), you get called a disgusting freak and ghosted. Simple as, hon.
You are grown fucking men. Do us all a favour and stay away from children, pedophiles.
That's only if you count feeling uncomfortable or getting cat called as sexual assault.
it has nothing to do with men and has everything to do with predators
women and men can both be predators they are just predators in different ways
not protecting yourself and taking stupid risks gives you stupid prizes and nature tries to remove you from the pool
you can blame the aggressors all you want but youll never stop the cycle of you being a retarded victim until you take responsibility for yourself and your own protection
ask him to take a selfie with you and see how he reacts. now you know how he really thinks about you
he killed me. im a ghost now
we were watching tv and he kept trying to lay on my thighs and it turned the rest of the night into an awkward game of twister, then he tried to move my plushies around saying that "they wanted to move". when he left he then hugged me for like wayyyyy too long and said his sense of humor was making people uncomfortable. not all guys are like this tho trust me. this guy was just particularly strange
Gtfo out yourself. Girls and boys that want to be girls need to understand they are their first and last line of defense. Be fucking aware. Don't be alone. Don't put yourselves into bad situations. Being that the dating pool for trans is going to exclusively failed males, practice your second amendment.
It's nice to communicate and share experiences with likeminded peers Anon
rape and didnt get me off
what was his skincolor
Probably a bug chaser. There was so many red flags.
My dates mostly are ugly old men. I would like to have a sugar daddy but most of them are just curious and will cut contact after a few sexs.
this is such an evil reply
2 choices:
-Guy that was normal the first 3 dates, then started saying things like "it's so weird that you used to have a dick" & "I've been reading up on SRS so I wanted to let you know that I'm okay if it ends up having a smell"
-Guy that sat on the same side of the booth as me, blocking me in, was really overly touchy, then when I left he followed me to my car and sexually assaulted me

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