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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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/lesgen/ is the lesbian general for all cis and trans lesbians to discuss lesbian relationships and topics. All wlw welcome to participate in lesbian discussion.

Please keep /lesgen/ discussion focused on wlw (women loving women). Trans discussion not relevant to the intersection between being trans and lesbian is off-topic. Topics such as dysphoria spiraling, starting HRT, passing, and validation are better suited for the multitude of trans-related threads on the board. Topics related to personal drama, including but not limited to tripfags or discord, are also not relevant. Please report and ignore any and all rulebreakers!

>QOTT: How can we make this a more welcoming space for all wlw?

>Am I lesbian or bisexual?
Lesbians are women exclusively attracted to women. Bi women are welcome to post here about being wlw as well.
>Are genital preferences valid?
Sexual orientation is innate and we can’t choose what sex characteristics we’re attracted to. However, discussing how much you dislike a certain set of genitals can be rude and disrespectful as well as shaming others for their attraction. Bee kind.
>Good lesbian media recommendations?

tagmap: https://tagmap.io/tag/%2Flesgen%2F
discord: https://discord.gg/RnfrxuV3dg
previously >>37480821
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Let's have a comfy and welcoming thread everyone, especially to those of the cis asian gf persuasion.
Just report any turds trying to turn this into /mtfgen/ 2.0. Mods don’t like it when that happens and have nuked gens in the past for turning them into hateful chat rooms.
i want just one fucking friend
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Why settle for good when you can have the best (asian)?
What are you interested in?
weed fnaf and learning spanish and single player video games and not taking hrt
neet gf...
Oh it's you :(
who else would be begging for a friend
went on a first date on monday and it lasted 36 hours and were seeing each other again on friday so i think i have a gf now
we did it lesgen
idk if anyone remembers my posts about the tall cis woman who walked me to the train and called me cute but good update! we saw each other again today and we are going on a date this saturday :3. unfortunate that this is only happening now that im moving soon but ill take it lol this is good for my confidence.
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here’s your cis asian gf, haole
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poor fat little guy
used by such a nasty troll
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why do lesbians like fat little ratt so much
angry hate sex with her would cure everything
pure loving sex with her would cure everything
i need to kiss a girls tummy NOW
kiss mine
post it then
no one ever posts tummy anymore
lesgen has fallen
been saying this
do u all honestly think u deserve tummy
be honest
you just know she eats pussy like a fucking champ
my tummy is too good to post here id actually feel like i was wasting it if i did
like feeding scraps to stray dogs
because they are misunderstood and actually quite cuddly even though some people think we are gross
I meant to say because they are like us/lesbians, not that I am a rat…
Pre-everything tranny here, how many lesbians are actually terf or terf-adjacent? And how many of them are transbians?

I've heard that there are more transbians than cis lesbians, but I've also heard that most cis lesbians are terfs.
Most cis lesbians are supportive of trans people. Most cis lesbians are definitely not TERFs, not even radfem since radical feminism is unpopular even among feminists.

Idk if there are more trans than cis lesbians but most trans women are bi (slightly over 1/3) and the others are a little under 1/3 straight or lesbian each.
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thoughts on trnas girls who look like this except latina?
>posting yaoi in the lesbian thread
do babytrans really
every good transbian has a comphet phase were they date the worlds most abusive male chaser who traumatizes them before moving into women. its a rite of passage
speak for yourself lmao
thats because youre a rapehon. if you didnt had a phase were you thought you were a cis gay or straight tranny then youre faketrans
riiiiiiiiight... all lesbians *had* to have been attracted to men, because they're just so irresistible
shut the fuck up you absolute mouthbreather
That's good to know.

More horn-dog question... if I'm a lesbian, which I think I am, will I have a hard time finding a cis gf?
Even cis wlw struggle with finding queer women to date, so yeah you’ll likely have a hard time finding a partner.
Oh I'm fine with having a hard time, I just meant compared to a cis lesbian.

3x as hard (like 1/3 girls will accept me) is fine odds, I wouldn't expect to be as lucky as a cisbian anyways. 100x as hard is hell. What's the multiplier?
>What's the multiplier?
10000, unironically

ok here it goes

>/lgbt/ is created in 2013
>most of its userbase is cis gays and lesbians since the meta back then was all about gay stuff especially due to the fight for legalization for gay marriage and because most trans women posted in other places like 420chans /cd/ board, 4chans /r9k/ and /b/ board, tumblr, or other trans forums like susans place
>the gen /lesgen/ is created by cis lesbians for cis lesbians
>very slowly over time more and more trans people start using /lgbt/
>trans people and cis people usually stayed in their own gens and threads, not interacting much, but over time the trans population grew a lot, and the 4channer trans culture starts growing
>more and more trans women start posting in /lesgen/. at first, the cis lesbians in the board were very accepting as in that time there wasnt any animosity between cis lesbians and transbians, so there was no beef... yet
>the /lgbt/ trans population skyrockets and at this point half the board is trannies and that includes /lesgen/
>/lesgen/ dissolves at the request of the cis posters who wanted to talk about cis issues and it gets divided to /clg/ and /tbg/(this is also were the word transbian was created i believe!)
>/wlwg/ is created by cis and trans posters who want to coexist, but it eventually fades to time
>years pass, /clg/ and /tbg/ are still segregated and no one tries to change it, until...
>in 2022 a new anon called womanposter(now known as venusanon or venus) revives /wlwg/ who was long death by then
>a bunch of anons like lagoloaf(cis), vampire knight(trans), drawfren(cis), and tortilla ass(trans, now known as berlinanon) among others, instantly joing
>/wlwg/ maintains a 50:50 trans/cis ratio, and is surprisingly genuinely peaceful and nice for a few months with venusanon and drawfren making most of the threads and keeping the momentum, sometimes with the help of lago
>everything was perfect, there was almost zero drama aside from the occasional troll towards lago. this was pretty much the best this gen ever was, i would even call it the golden age of wlwg/lesgen
>one day, a bunch of raiders from the /clg/ discord dig up the fact that drawfren jokingly flirted with her cis male friend once a few months ago and accused her of being bi and seeing trans women as men
>it becomes chaos for a few days but the raiders eventually bully drawfren out(rip best poster ;__;) but she still comes back every pride month to draw the pride banner
>the gen becomes slightly hostile and a few cis anons leave
>this era of the gen was probably the weirdest. there was very few drama but the vibes after drawfren was kicked out were bad and awkward. nothing happened here and i call this the wlwg dark ages
>a new group of anons called reese, normal, and luz come here and start airing out their relationship problems for some reason
>acorn enters the gen
>the gen becomes an unbearable shithole, the gen was never a very sexual place but acorn came in with her impregnation fetish and wouldnt stop hornyposting about breeding cis women 24/7 like a lunatic. to this day i blame her for how sexual this gen is today because it didnt used to be
>a cis woman called 2doe enters the gen and tries to fix how unberable it became but acorn starts a harrassment campain against her and bullies her out
>venus and acorn clash a lot since venus didnt created this gen for this impregnation fetishism. she created it so cis and trans lesbian could have normal discussions or whatever
>acorn gets angry at venus and she and charlotte(a friend of her) start harrassing every cis poster and telling them theyll impregnate them
>dozens of cis women leave the gen, making it go from 50:50 cis/trans women to like 2:50 cis/trans women
>venus makes a discord were acorn things like piv, impregnation and rapehonnery are banned with her cisles friends
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>acorn enters the discord, probably to troll and gets kicked out and makes a whole deal about it
>turns out one of the mods on venus server was kinda terfy so acorn used this as a way to drive a harrassment campain against her and bullies her out
>acorn drives rapehonnery to 11, and changes the gens name from /wlwg/ to /lesgen/ as a way to spite venus since she was the one who created the gen, kinda like when elon musk renamed twitter to x to spite its original creators
>(im straight up skipping all the reese/normal/luz bullshit since its so stupid but just know that there is now a repressor named luz in this gen constantly being bullied and used by a manmoder called normal/jordan and her depooner gf. also some domestic abuse shit idkk)
>the vibes now are rancid, and after bullying drawfren, 2doe, and venus from this gen, it needs new blood so people start bullying lagoloaf for some reason
>this goes on for months, and the gen is basically bullying lago and laughing at luz for months until lago leaves
>acorn also returned since she dissapeared for some reason

and that brings us to today. the gen now sucks and is too boring and horny. there are a lot of trolls roleplaying as rapehons, actual rapehons and mentally ill retards like luz. oh also acorn is here and now shes ultra racist. and thats the story of wlwg/lesgen
holy delusion
Oh good lord

Can someone else confirm this? I feel like trips are prone to exaggeration
you'll see for yourself soon enough lol
How unemployable do you have to be to write or care about all this
i have 2 jobs and am going to college. i just did it because i wanted future lesgen generations to know about their lineage
Oh do you work min wage. That's arguably worse
i used to work one job but im currently taking care of my niece since her junkie retard mom is relapsing and ruining her life again so now im working 2 jobs to both be able to buy toddler stuff for my niece and afford college
That mod wasn’t just kinda terfy, she said something along the lines of trans women need to face transphobia so they act right. She also wasn’t just any old mod, she was the main mod of the server and an old trip/anon? even /clg/ knows about. Interestingly, she used to get called bi for having dated men due to comphet kinda like how they attacked drawfren by digging up her posts. Might just be a weird coincidence.

I think you’re a little too harsh on acorn. She said some things but apologized and has calmed down a lot these days. Besides, the gen had a lot of trolls when it was /wlwgen/ but there were more good posters to balance it out. I remember futa porn getting posted constantly and threadly reminders about ignoring trolls. You also forgot to mention the 15chan/marzipan drama. They were the ones that brought back /wlwgen/ 2.0 before venusanon took over.
i remember her saying terfy shit but i dont know the rest of her lore. can u share it?
>I remember futa porn getting posted constantly and threadly reminders about ignoring trolls
this gen was never perfect, but back then it was wayyyy better than it is now
>You also forgot to mention the 15chan/marzipan drama. They were the ones that brought back /wlwgen/ 2.0 before venusanon took over.
i only started using this gen when venus revived it. my knowledge of previous events is because of talking to friends, reading archives and paying an autistic ammount of attention to bits and pieces of old lore and then asking my oldfag friend about it if its true
the gen is pretty garbage atm but you absolutely can't blame me for it. i don't do shit these days. i'm barely ever even around
i mean... if you compare the gen pre-acorn and post-acorn there is a very noticeable difference in vibes. that being said, i dont think it was all you, normal and her gang definitely played a big role in this gens awfulness, but you cant deny you didnt play a huge role in this gens current culture. pretty much as soon as you appeared the gen went from bad to worse
acorn literally posted 18th century racism a few threads ago wdym shes calmed down this days?
i literally didn't do shit. you. are. delusional.
stop gaslighting me lmao
I only know some bit about her because I used to be in the wlwgen server. I do remember her having several trans friends (some irl) from bdsm events she’d add to the server often to keep it alive whenever it was dying due to inactivity (which was very often, most of the server eventually was just her and real life friends with a few channer regs). I recall her mentioning she was friends with cafebeef. Would supposedly attend pro-trans protests. But she was one of those allies that thinks of a trans woman’s womanhood as conditional, based on their behavior, quick to call people rapehons, hates seeing any mention of a trans women’s penis or sex involving a trans woman’s penis.
>she was one of those allies that thinks of a trans woman’s womanhood as conditional, based on their behavior
that's literally all (>99%) of them lmao. i will die on this hill
it's the hypocrisy that gets me more than anything else
>finally get added from frengen
>they immediately try pinkpilling me
>"why should i transition i'll never pass i'm disgusting"
>blocked instantly
why are people so mean to reppers
why are reppers posting in this thread?
Shame that the only cannon lgbt character is a human trafficking borderline pedophile
Wrong gen, anon. This is the lesbian general.
hi im a cis dude and id like to know what its like being a lesbian woman in the year 2024
ever since mid 2023
i dont care what women have to say
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Japan equality moment
interesting. how is the server doing today?
Haven’t been in that server in a long time but she said in the current lesgen server that it only has 20 people in it now, so I’m guessing it’s mostly/only her personal friends and venusanon.
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If /lesgen/ had a cute mascot character like bury nice, what would she look like?
Think about it, anon. Even you do not want to date a trans woman. Why would a cis woman feel any differently than you do? The difference is that cis women have options in what sex they can attract, and trans women largely do not. You are playing life on hard mode when you troon if a cis woman is what you're after. Just ask acorn. If you can't handle that, then don't bother transitioning. And if you do, don't complain about how unfair life is 24/7 because we ran out of pity for those types of losers a long fucking time ago.
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Thank you based veteran for recounting your war stories for us before they were forgotten to time.

Lest we forget.
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Pouring a drink for all the cis lesbians who were bullied out of this general over the years.
May history never repeat itself.

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How many cisters fell victim to trannies?
Rest in peace, young cisbian, there's a /lesgen/ with no G(ock)
Be a lie if I told you that I never thought of trolling
My transbians, we the last ones left, but life goes on
a pissed-on grave
cute girls
Looks a little young for me.
I'm sorry I'm running out of older girls to post
>18th century racism
Bombing the middle east back into the dark age is actually October 3rd, 2024 racism.
So you want someone to put effort into grooming you?
why is the assumption that i want to be groomed and pinkpilled and sissified
i posted in frengen looking for a friend, they added me ostensibly looking to pinkpill and blocked me at the slightest resistance
i have no value as a cis man
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I have a significant kink for eating cis girls asses. Am I weird?
hello lesbians
Idk how people eat ass
Poop comes from there!
I cut my hair short yesterday, a bit below chin length

Will this attract more lesbians?
Because you're posting in lesgen as a self advertised repper? Absolute retard
Leave. You are unwelcome here.
Leave. You are unwelcome here.
good morning idiot girls
good morning idiot men
>lago and her discord dindu nuffin
this is revisionist history btw
Lucy take it easy
My gay ass heart is broken and I will never find love again
gf keeps trying to convince me i have adhd :/
mine already convinced me I'm autistic
She's telling you to do the dishes and generally share the load of domestic labour in the house. If that's genuinely an issue for you without meds. Consider meds.
she won't believe me when i tell her my near non existent attention span is from using the internet and playing vidya too much and not and not an innate disability (she has adhd herself so i guess she's biased to view things as signs of adhd)
Ok but surely it only comes up cause it's an issue? Like regardless of cause you should probably do something about whatever it is about how you are that's causing her to say that
luz theme song
*touches her circumcision scar* i'm sorry for your loss...
That's what they all say :(
wish i had a wife so bad
>my near non existent attention span is from using the internet and playing vidya too much and not and not an innate disability
I used to think this too then I went without internet for a month and realized I was still only capable of accomplishing remarkable little
if i was a terrorist my terrorist name would be osama been chillin, bcuz im chill aff looll. i would also blow the capitol building
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gonna dye my hair blue either tonight or tomorrow..
also i really want to do shrooms in a forest but i want to do them with my gf
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Half the internet is AI generated slop these days
>Even you do not want to date a trans woman. Why would a cis woman feel any differently than you do?
Oh I'm not saying it's a bad thing. People def have a right to sexual preferences. I would never shame anyone for not wanting to date a trans person (or even a cis person) for that matter.

I literally just want to know what I should expect post-transition. Will people hate me? Will people date me? I want to know if the transmisogyny stuff on the internet is exaggerated or if I'm actually just fucked for life.

1000x does feel like a bit of an exaggeration to me, given how many c4t couples I seem to see. I've literally never met a t4t couple in real life but I know quite a few c4t folks. It seems more like acorn's personal experience with trying to date cis women instead of an all-around average

Also just to be clear, I'm open to dating trans people. It's just that I want to have kids eventually and cis women/trans men are the best way to do that logistically. Unfortunately, I'm not attracted to guys atm

>If you can't handle that, then don't bother transitioning.
I get what you're saying but transitioning isn't exactly a choice for some people. It's a necessity. If I didn't transition, I could never date - period. I'm basically not a functioning person outside work and a select few social circles. Gender dysphoria is hard to explain to someone that doesn't know what it feels like.
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cooking for my wife and watching her eat and enjoy the food I make is one of the greatest pleasures
I hope this is what my gf thinks as well. I asked her to make me soup high in iron today and I feel so needy for some reason about it
Do you support Israel or are you antiemitic?
I don't know much about politics desu, I'm a homebody. Why do you ask?
what does vomiting have to do with this!!!
The hatred for bi trans women is so fucking bizarre. Im not even bi but the kindest most pretty chicks i know happen to be Bi, major L to close your dating pool of when its already so small.
Yeah, I’ve only ever been with bisexual women and they’ve all been great. It’s insecure dykes who have a seething hatred of them, with a touch of misogyny bc they think women are tainted by men, and it’s a damn shame. But at least the bi chicks dodge a bullet.
maybe if mechanon was back the gen would be good
what type of posts do others want to see here? i sometimes think about trying to post here more to get this place more active but im not sure what people even want to see
cute stuff (not anime)
more racism please
do u just mean pictures? i sometimes post about cute stuff i would do with my gf but i worry those arent really contributing anything to the thread
chilling at the tiki
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This and /gaygen/ should merge
/lesgen/ & /gaygen/ linked up! need it or keep it??!
absolutely not
i am the most worthless person
why do you think that
i'm a cis man
ah yeah, ur right then
i love reading internet history thank you anonette you're awesome
no, i hate cis gay men and chasers
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Does anyone else have extreme trouble being alone?
I think having friends might be counterintuitive for me, because I get so clingy as soon as I say goodbye to them a wave of soltitude washes over me, and i just crawl up into a ball lamenting how dearly I miss them. Im so clingy.

But when i was alone, no friends, I was more or less fine, i think.
Pining for a cis asian gf. Glad to see a notable drop in thread drama.
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i'm the same way
i wouldn't say i'm "fine" with having no friends but i really like not having to worry that i'm driving them away with how weird and clingy i am or them getting bored of me and ignoring me after i had a lot of fun talking to them
i wish i could live my life without craving human interaction but the loneliness is slowly driving me insane
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swinging my gf around in circles wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Based on the posts here and the server, most people just want a place to vent, which isn’t very conducive to creating or maintaining a community. It becomes a bummer when you’re bombarded with depressing shit constantly. It’s alright sometimes, as being lgbt can be quite miserable at times, but I wish more people would share positivity here.

Cute pictures are nice and all. I love when people blogpost about their partner, dating life, experiences being lesbian or dating/sex with women. (This is a lifestyle board, so anyone complaining about lgbt blog posting is missing brain cells.)

Those are easy things to do, but again, no one really wants to post here. lol The problem is the rampant negativity and hostility that pervades the website, the board, and no it wasn’t always like this.

After we get more regular posters who share their experiences without being harassed by schizos, we can worry about more in-depth discussions on media, culture, and other things pertaining to being lesbian. But who wants to discuss that in a place you can’t even playfully talk about the women you’re into without some random idiot losing their mind?
noted. i will continue blogposting about my journey to getting a gf. i used to be self conscious about blogposting here but honestly this place is normally really bad so i shouldnt let that stop me.
>can’t even playfully talk about the women you’re into
that's funny, I guess I must not understand what part of that requires drawing an explicit subjective line as to which trans women you accept as female
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No, it’s just edgy newfags who complain about blogposting. Please continue talking about women! It’s more on topic than most of the garbage that is posted in this gen.
i miss soul melding with my ex gf
i loved dungeon meshi. i am glad im not the only one who picked up on the sexual tension between marcille and falin lol
what does soul mending entail
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ur welcome nonas ur awesome ^w^
girlfriend and soup update. the soup was really amazing, but she forgot it on the counter for the night, and instead of putting it in the fridge and boiling it later when we'll eat it she boiled it now and tried to cool it outside before putting it to the fridge. so I'm a bit angry at her
gf and i are no longer breaking up
i remember when i went through this. give it up
Why are we like this?

I had a weeiird ass dream i was datijg this russian chick. She was hot, but she asked me if i would ever love her, and i couldn't answer.
Plz dont be angry at her. Not everyone knows you can add cold water to the soup and then place the pot on running water to further it cool it down before putting it in the fridge.
Or that you can actually keep the soup outside as long as you put a lid on it and turn the temp to minimum (assuming you have eletric/glass panels.
I already stopped being angry, can't do that for long
Thats good. Soup is so goated. Im reheating mine today too. I love adding ingredients that further break down the more you cook it.
>i sometimes post about cute stuff i would do with my gf but i worry those arent really contributing anything to the thread
Please do, it would be a significant improvement over the current meta
No, the gay voices would drown us out (compare their thread activity to ours)
Loneliness has followed me my whole life. Everywhere. In bars, in cars, sidewalks, stores, everywhere. There's no escape. I'm God's lonely woman.
Praying your love quest for a girlfriend-free cis asian woman has a happy ending
yeah the soup is amazing, full of healthy ingredients, high in iron and still tastes great
me and my gf and everyone we know is casting a death curse on you. you WILL crash your bike due to your own hubris. you WILL become a hamburger creature. you WILL respect life moments before it's already too late while your broken elongated body does 1000 rpm cartwheels through the sky. CURSE YOU. CURSE YOU. CURSE YOU.
Basically you are a lesbians and also trans
Anything else we can help you with anon?
What did you add?
>troll i was replying to is already deleted
Jannies on their A game today
to the soup? nothing
to the relationship? I guess I'm cute sometimes
forgot trip lol
good morning idiot girls
good morning astute women
I place a protective barrier on the bike anon. The only harm she will meet is the one fate has ordained for her. Your meddling will have no effect, foolish mortal.
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>Why are we like this?
idk emotional neglect i guess

theoretically it should get better the more you talk to people and the more friends you make but it's not really an option when you can't make friends in the first place
tfw day one billion of tfw no one has ever loved me and i will die alone
girl was trying to fuck last night while i was at the bar but i couldn't go through with it bc i couldn't stop thinking about my ex i hate my life
whats your reason. i dont know how to interact with people anymore outside of scripted situations... an emotionally intimate relationship is like a totally abstract concept to me
honestly i wouldnt even know what to do at a bar if i went to one. i would have to hardmask from zero. people would probably still fall for that out of wishful thinking, because im attractive, but you know that never goes anywhere. i dont know how it got this bad
i just get really drunk and talk to people. used to be a shut in for years and years but finally getting out of the house more and it's nice to talk to strangers about shit that doesn't matter for a few hours so i stop thinking about my own shitty problems
What books are you reading today lesgen?
maybe I'll continue reading Unsuitable today actually
i guess i could try that. ive never been super drunk before though
The Talented Mr. Ripley
yippee happy for u ^^
an apush textbook for purely recreational reasons
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Genki and conversational Japanese book. Might buy some grade schooler science books in Japanese because readers for learners are overpriced.
I helped my sibling make apush flash cards last week and it was actually pretty aight reading the text.
it should be criminal that i look this good today but no gf to send selfies to
hay its me ur gf
Do we respect LatinX identities ITT?
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What does that even mean?
only if ur nearby
I am purposely unlocking the next gate of insanity and soon entering a state of supersanity where everything flows off and through me like water under a bridge my cosmic idenity is unshakeling.
this group project sucks im stuck here doing nothing cuz no one wants to do work and i cant even bug jordan because she texted me weird porn so i cant open msgs in public
anyone here in baltimore
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like water off a duck’s back is a cuter phrase
I mean you're not some kind of BIGOT who says latino and latina, are you?
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Just use Latine, anon. It's grammatically correct and gender neutral.
Latinx was invented by well-meaning white people who don't understand Spanish.
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I should really check if my uni library has any Japanese textbooks, there used to be Japanese classes but they stopped them this year
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The lesbian urge to strap a canoe to the roof rack of your 2006 Subaru outback and find the nearest lake for a relaxing time in nature
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You should!! See if they got in any of the GENKI readers. Those mfs sell for over a hundred each set of like 6 little booklets. I’ve been hanging out at a Japanese bookstore regularly and just stand and try reading like a child, the teeny bit of Kanji! I can sorta recognize. I bought tons of travel guides since I’m traveling to Tokyo next year (and Japanese travel mags are gorgeous), and that’s been helping reinforce my katakana.
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lol Why did it write “Kanji!” l like that? My phone is more excited than I am.
I'll have to look for them then! I also recently tried starting trying to read more, been learning on off since I was a teen but kanji has scared me too much, but actually trying to read I've been learning them quite fast, immersion really does work it seems
tfw no gf to learn and practice japanese together with...
I only have Russian and french learning gfs... I have a chat group with Japanese learning friends though where we only post in japanese
tfw no american gf to teach japanese to...
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Yeah, honestly, just forcing myself to read books that actually look interesting, even if they’re above my reading level, is helping tremendously. Picrel is a cute book about kawaii animals. But I also bought kanji workbooks to formally learn. Still trying to improve my kana stroke order before jumping back into kanji. I took Japanese for a year but don’t remember much. ;(
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Do u think the universe is looped and finite, or is it infinte without curve?

If its finite what do you think is outside of it if you werento travel to its end and then venture even further? According the loop sissies theyd say we end up on the other side. But that makes no sense!

Its more logical that its infinite.

But it would give credance to the idea we are just a marble in a bag of marbles that god plays with, the loop sissies have a point there...
that seems so cute!! wish it was easier to find easy Japanese books here. I've only been reading some manga online, found a site that lets you easily look up kanji from a few manga, the only yuri there was シメジシミュレーション so I've been slowly reading that. also have おそとごはんをごいっしょに waiting as next one (used mokuro to make it possible to look up words)
vaginas are icky
Is the universe bigger than the observable universe and is so how can we find out how big the actual universe is and what if the observable universe is only a tiny tiny tiny fraction of the whole thing but we will never know? Very worried
Hello weird terf clg troll who always comes here and impersonates transbians
what. Just my opinion? I thought we respected genital preferences
>However, discussing how much you dislike a certain set of genitals can be rude and disrespectful
If you don't f w vaginas then just don't talk about them
But you probably are just one of the clg trolls who come here and impersonate transbians to make us seem obsessed with gock and frotting
Read the OP and begone, troll.
>putting this much effort on makign trans comfortable
clown world
Go back to /clg/ if you hate trannys
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I am quite spoiled for choice, but you can always order from Kinokuniya online if you’re in the US! A lot of people don’t know about them which is a shame! Not the same as going in person tho.

Oooh I’m gonna check those out once I do some basic kanji review.
sadly I'm not in the US, there's of course Japanese online stores I could order from, but import taxes are annoying
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I miss her
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Interesting translation…
mexicans are so lazy they wait until 30 to finish college
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Ya we’re so lazy we errr took all the jobs? Ummmm conservaturd sisters??
too real
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Okkk, samefag. We’re too busy being poor and raising up money to pay for school while helping support our family. We don’t get coddled or help paying for housing from parents like you did.
chill out I was reminiscing over a girl I spent some time with who finished up her degree going into 30, and my dad was going to college in his 30s
mexican parents too busy letting gym teachers molest their children to pay for college
Schindler's immigrant - simultaneously taking all your jobs while also being too lazy to work
People who start life on 3rd base have a weird desire to pretend like poor people must have done something to deserve being poor, because otherwise they would have to accept that the world and society is deeply unfair and unjust... they don't want to wrestle with that thought, so it's easier just to blame poor people for being poor
I believe that the 3d universe we perceive is the surface of a 4d object and that it is finite in space but infinite in time. It is most likely a hypertorus (4d donut) or similar shape. The procession of time is this donut universe folding in on itself. This explains why time only moves in one direction and why the universe appears to be expanding.
waking up next to ur gf but shes still asleep in ur arms so u just sit there taking in how beautiful she looks as she sleeps
hi lago, why were you fighting in the catalog with randoms
lago derangement syndrome
>cant sniff out lago off trip
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Is this lago in the room with us right now?
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tfw no trans asian gf
never understood the preoccupation with 50lb tits
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Neither did I until my body decided I should have some.
That person just looks severely pregnant
looks like a tumor
wgat am i looking at?
praying for your speedy recovery
this is how a severely obese middle aged dads belly looks after becoming an alcoholic
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Same morons who think women have no agency, treat us like children, yet are also the ebil manipulative masterminds behind all the world’s ills.
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Sorry bubs
I miss having lap space
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Just want to talk to her again.
At least she can take hers off. I haven't run in years.
wait thats actually you? grim
hell yeah i think im getting over her. this is progress in fixing my life somewhat. how is everyone else today?
GRIM she says
i dont believe her boobs are real. shes just trolling
probably but oh well at least it was somewhat eventful
im talking about the poster here, not woodshophon. his boobs are 100% fake and it turned out to be a psyop
>his boobs are 100% fake and it turned out to be a psyop
i was saying this from day 1 theres no way this is a real tranny its gotta be a chud larping 2 make a point
it feels so good to be vindicated
The chud brainrot on this one is absolutely hysterical. Just imagine her smug grin when people look at her in horror "heh im totally owning da lefties" by walking around like a transvestite ayyy mama mia
hypothetically speaking, would you date a brickhon who wore shapewear
Unless you take entire sweater off then it's fake
i dont get tranners who get huge implants those never look good
can you suffocate me with them?
I just wanted people to see me as a woman
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molesting my shark to this
Why lie? There is no reason to get such enormous tits unless it is a fetish; you are selfish for making us all look bad
you look autistic
Jesus why are you all so cunty today
Tired of weird people taking advantage of my good nature
sorry, it was a compliment
How do you not eat her when that happens
Bitch I make trannies look good
Captcha: ttszm
I dont understand the chain, what does it do? What is the statement? It makes no sense.
Anyone who goes in public with fake boobs that size is getting off on the attention / loves being a freak & you are very insidiously abusive what acceptance trans people have as a means for your gratification even though it hurts all of us

You are literally a bad person. Hope you understand this.
You know they're fucking with you right? I haven't replied to you once
>you are very insidiously abusive what acceptance trans people have as a means for your gratification even though it hurts all of us
>inb4 “muh optics”
lol mine aren’t quite that big but they are DD
>inb4 “muh optics”
When you look like a freak of nature by wearing woodshophon-tire tits you ordered from a fetish website in public because you get off on the attention, yes, it makes us all trans people look bad. And if you do it regardless, then you are putting your own gratification above the harm you are doing to the acceptance of trans people. Call it "muh optics" if you want. I'll call it you being a selfish, weird, creepy, piece of shit.
pink :3
You need to be 18 to use this site
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do people really say "stone butch" out loud in real life?
Guinness and Costco frozen pizza dinner!! mmm
>2024 02 13
why would you post this, real question
and they were ROOMATES :o!!
What crazy pills are you on lesgen?
Rate my cocktail
this is now boomerbook
I know you think you're being cute, but I wanna let you know I think that it's so fucking lame you're on all that shit.
low dose flupentixol
I sometimes fantasize about being a super super soldier.

Sad as fuck lmao.
Imagine getting conned this hard by psychologists. You're no better than adhd med addicts.
no mum to pat my head and walk me on a leash why even live
>Imagine getting conned this hard by psychologists.
psychologists can't even prescribe meds... real expert you are, eh?
Not really sure why would you as tranny call yourself a lesbian if you're not deep stealth desu
Convinced your doctor to prescribe you not one but two controlled substances, well played anon
Yo this is so real.. i wonder if anons would be kinder to me if i started going stealth?
Is there some kind of trial i could partake in in order to earn my transbian badge?
Like jumping through burning hoops and screaming whilst not breaking my stealth..

Also i just saw someone leave the department store (my fav place) with a huge fucking plastic barrel. Are they playing to get rid of evidence? Wtf. What else do u a human sized barrel for..
I like my coffee black like my lungs
can you molest my leg while I pat your head?
>Yo this is so real.. i wonder if anons would be kinder to me if i started going stealth?
Why do you care what people behind a computer screen think?
One of them needs to learn
Captcha: popyy
Honestly thats not a bad bet. You have horrible taste but at least you're male brained like me asian chaser
going full stealth as a lesbian sucks because you have to ptetend to be a retarded feminazi
>Why do you care what people behind a computer screen think?

I dunno im simultaneously cold and distant but desperate for praise and affection.
Phycologists have literally never had a case like me im too rare and dangerous
literally everyone
What is a fem nazi
A feminine nazi?
Serious weakness and random fan fiction
it is an acorn
No way wtf???? Acorn is a femnazi..
so cool... have you read torture works
Tfw no transbian officer who abuses her authority at the transbian test trial and makes you do things in order to pass
nope, just have serious weakness and only read through low kill shelter. Once I finish serious I wanna get her other stuff
Wtf thats not cool! IM COOLZ remember!!!!@ grrrrr
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I don't feel so good lesgen

They call me.. office lady..
They call me megatron
They call me BIG BITCH
going to masturbate
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I don't see the problem this guy is a valid lesbian
Do NOT masturbate on a blue board..
umm I'm masturbating while reading but I'm not masturbating to it. Or maybe I am? I only masturbate when there's intimacy
New thread >>37511801

New thread >>37511801

New thread >>37511801
i have a discord fren who saw him in the wild at a clothing store in Canada

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