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Are crossdressers/sissies more ok with letting you play with their penis than trans women are?
you can play with my clitty but don’t take it out of my panties pls
no. I would really prefer you not. its nothing personal. its just my penis. he doesnt like guys.
you aren't all like this, are you?
I dont know. i can only speak for myself and my penis. I mean its not that i dont want to please you- you are the Top afterall and free to do as you wish...but my penis just doesnt respond to men the way they would like lol. lord knows many have tried...lol
in general yeah but it's not really a rule so always make sure to ask as there are many reasons why they wouldn't
It's probably not that way with older ones as much.
they only way I get hard when having sex with men is when I am sucking them or they are balls deep in me...then I am rock hard lol
It depends. I hate it and I'm not into it at all, but I am way into you being into my not being into it because I have a nonconsent fetish
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imagine twisting an ankle in those heels on one of those steps, falling, breaking your neck, and then your wife or kid finds your queened out corpse
i feel bad for women who marry men who crossdress and stuff behind their back. I wonder what they would think if their wife was dressing up as a bricklayer or something when they're not home
what about 69?
the only crossdresser i've known in my life wanted to bend me over so i guess they are(but to be honest, the trannies i've known also wanted to bend me over)
my cock is only for girls. sorry.
I would assume so. As a tranny I don't even have a penis
girls aren't supposed to have penises so it makes sense
>Are crossdressers/sissies more ok with letting you play with their penis
No. Zero interest in having guys play with my dick. If they do I go soft. I started wearing a cage to make sure I don't accidentally attract any crypto-bottoms.
>than trans women are?
I have sucked and been topped by trans women, and not while dressed as a girl lol
supposed to according to whom?
Crossdresser sissy here. I would love women and transwomen to receive PIV from me, or them just playing with my dick, np. From men, I wouldn't mind them fondling my dick, but if they are hairy I doubt I'd be able to stay hard to penetrate a man. If they were smooth maybe.
I live alone and crossdress some days just because I like to. I sometimes think what would happen if I had a heart attack and am found 4 days later bloated and stinking in horrible makeup and an ill fitting woman's outfit by one of my loved ones.
Please. For something to be fetishized there has to be some element of taboo or shame. What profession are women shamed from? Housewives is all I can think of, that's why Handmaiden's Tale is so popular with careerist feminists.
Most self identified crossdresser and sissies are straight men, so unless you're a woman you don't have a chance.
"Femboys" are probably the closest to that though.
I think if you look at the psychological research, it shows the majority of men who crossdress are straight yes. But also do so in secret, solitary conditions. The crossdressers you see on reddit, craigslist and Grindr are gay or bisexual, which creates the perception that they are the majority, instead of just the visible minority.
once I read a book explaining the difference between girls and boys and it said girls have a little hole that can make babies and boys have a penis that is used to pee
some books are fictional

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