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Don't bother with placebo hormones if you've been through male puberty.
This is the only thing that can set you free and it's the fate of most people here.
Everything else is doomed to crumble eventually.
That money you're saving up for ffs? You're in for a bitter dissapointment. So why even bother through all the hard work? Your relationship? It won't last, because guess what? You're mentally ill and if that doesn't drive them away, you'll be causing them alot of pain eventually.
This saves you from the sisyphusian task. This is yoir ticket to a better existence.
Because even the top 5% of tranners you see in passgen are miserable, horribly miserable.
I know alot of them and even the ones that don't seem too brainwormed have no relationship, no cisf friends, constant dysphoria and no further perspective in life than to obsess over miniscule details of their appearance.
Because not even passing can fix with whats fundamentally wrong with you, it won't help you make peace with having missed out on so much.
But this doesn't apply to you anyway cause you won't ever pass.
So this is your solution
I only pray that you come to that conclusion sooner than later, because you've already been hurt enough. Don't make it any harder anonette.
enjoy limbo homo
Wow you're a downer
That's not pimozide
SN actually works unlike that pimozide meme.
SN hurts so no thanks
EFchan's last posts scared me, no thanks
this is 100% true and accurate sadly
>better existence
No existance you mean
what were they ;_,
bye friend...
agreed but first you should do a bunch of fun drugs and have a good time
considering this method but how foolproof is it and how conscious will i be through suffering
i still feel like surely a suspension bridge has to be superior right
just get nembutal
make sure to get an antiemetic, just to be safe.
dying peacefully is preferable to constantly vomiting in the last few minutes of your life
yeah just get it bro. just get nembutal bro
its not that hard to source lol
I'm too retarded to know what you guys are talking about can you be more clear? I need a sui method accessible to me just in case
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taking pills is a fembrained method, jumping isn't
can you guys stop posting about this topic please, get help and stop encouraging others to harm themselves.
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there's one other option
yeah why tf everyone talking so criptic this isn't xitter no ones going to ban you for saying ur gonna kys
Hahahhahaha loser
I am on hrt and identify as a cis guy
People are nice to me because i am decently feminine and not conpletely hideous
Maybe go to the gym and eat properly and you won’t look so disgusting, the hrt has nothing to do with it
sodium nitrite, please don't kill yourself anon :(
Nobody sells it anymore. Even the darknet sites don't have ads for it. They'd rather hawk substances that can get repeat customers.
>just follow the PPH guide and fly to a remote mountain village in Bolivia to source some N
>just try to convince the local veterinarian there, across the language barrier, that you, a suspicious gringo, are actually looking to put down your farm animal instead of trying to traffic drugs

This is a great choice if you want to live the rest of your life with a few less limbs.
what do I do with it though? I'm not planning to kms but I want the option in a drawer
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blurry pic, can’t even see what it is
Is there a passgen tier list?
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