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Reminder: This gen is for cis homosexual females (lesbians). All trans-related or bisexual posts are considered off-topic and should be directed to other generals or threads. No discussion of male (XY) anatomy.

>OG Discord: https://pastebin.com/P644WESi (embed) (embed)
>New Discord: https://pastebin.com/1ct1Fcag (embed) (embed)

previous thread: >>37498931
new game sis, do you still come here?
First date with my classmate on friday. The pressure is killing me. I'm not confident enough for this.
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Yes, you gave me two (You)'s at the end of last thread.

Good luck anon! you got this :)
>costco store in a town outside tokyo
>must be several square miles
>ceiling is 30 m up
>a long way in, you can't even see the opposite walls in the distance
hecking cool.
>random store: :(
>random store, japan: :)
if this was china you would be like
>wow, this store is huge. i wouldnt be surprised if they built it by bulldozing entire empoverished neighborhoods. also the service is *too* good? they must be using uyghurs as slave labor. all these materials must be low quality, probably made of foam or fake materials. is that a woman talking in a speaker? i cant understand her but she must be saying pro ccp propaganda. such an awful, dystopia colorless place. i hope these people are saved but theyre probably too brainwashed to wake up
Just had my chromosomes set to XX, feeling xuper valid fellow cis girls
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was just watching this
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Good taste. season 3 never ever though.
I hope it goes badly only because I'm jealous.
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Another anime thread? Yawn.
Let's talk about live action lesbian films. Which ones do you guys recommend?
I don't remember another recent anime thread.
>>37552531 well?
nice booba
currently violently lusting at my 8 years younger skinny bishit roomate who calls herself a "fag". its over
why do so many straight-adjacent women love saying fag so much? i swear some of these women only became bisexual or theyfabs in order to openly say fag and get away with it
>i like men
>rawr so hot
>except the facial hair, yikes
>and the chest hair
>and the muscles (ok so i prefer twinks)
>and the flat chest (small boobs would be great but not, like, man boobs)
>and the dick (the most disgusting body part ever)
>and the man voice
>and the man shape
>honestly sex with a guy sounds gross
>maybe i'm asexual
>end up having desperate 1st date sex with a random girl who then ghosted me
I actually thought she was a lesbian because she talks about being gay sm but she just downloaded tinder rn and went like "that guy is so cute!!omg".
anyway >i swear some of these women only became bisexual or theyfabs in order to openly say fag and get away with it. this is true
I never went thru a repressive "twinks are my type" phase it was actually like a super buff guy phase cause I was forcing myself to like masculinity.

>tfw no desperate femcel to pump n dump
>I was forcing myself to like masculinity
How does it work? Were you doing it consciously?
>tfw no desperate femcel to pump n dump
I'm so autistic that to this day I have no idea why she blocked me.
grab her and fuck her
>actually thought she was a lesbian because she talks about being gay sm but she just downloaded tinder rn and went like "that guy is so cute!!omg"
Legitimately prefer bishits who are totally straight passing and you don’t find out they’re bi until they mention an ex gf they had once over these ones
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Happy lesbian day lesbros!
new thread, same old pedo larping. stay classy /clg
new thread, same old hissy fit
what happened to "cis :v" ?
She finally started taking her meds and found better things to do than browse 4chan. Either that or she’s a psychotic homeless person shitting on the floor and harassing people at the bus stop. Whenever she posts (which is rare these days) always remember to greet her with an enthusiastic “Mommys back <3 !!!”
I agree that it’s a cringe larp but why does an 8 year age difference have to equate to pedo shit? Anon could be 30 and their roommate is 22
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Every day, new moggings.
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>Posts hybrid alien creature
At least post some cute asians bipedo chan I would have a fucking heart attack if I woke up in the middle of the night and saw this one standing at my bedside. I’ve always had an easier time feeling attracted to regular asian chicks I see at school vs the uncanny filtered idol looking ones anyways
ignore bipedo-kun.

no idea. she just stopped posting.
she's actually 3000 years old energy
Everyone was at my parents house today, felt wholesome as shit except for that Milton guy still on his way. School is done until at least next week, after we see what needs to be cleared up. My split days off turned into a three-day weekend

This is the sound of me not complaining
I hate you hysteric bitches. I'm 26 and shes 19, idc
>How does it work? Were you doing it consciously?
ig because I really wanted that to be my type. I wanted to feel like a had a guy that could make me feel like I fit in natually in a gender role
Shut tf up. Go back to twitter
Jump off a cliff
Dont fall for this stuff. You are arguing with someone beyond a LOT of people in here. Obviously i sometimes see it. But know, im not into antagonizing people. Nor do i have the lust to look into anyone to that degree. None of this is funny to me, nor has it ever been.
Dont fall for this fartsnatch. You are arguing with someone beyond a LOT of fartsnatch in here. Obviously i sometimes see fartsnatch. But know, im not fartsnatch antagonizing people. Nor do i have the fartsnatch to look into anyone to that degree. None of this is fartsnatch to me, nor has it ever been.
Fried Green Tomatoes?
Repostan from plebbit:
>I came out to my father and got this response :(
father is right. daughter is probably a bishit that will end up marrying a man
What is so bad about the dad not tripping over the kid? He did everything a dad should do, he gave the warnings let them know hes been knowing, then gave them a swift pat on the back for good luck.
He’s not wrong for noticing the insane uptick in female lgbtq identification and thinking of it as another attention seeking youth trend. If reddit wasn’t so cucked I’d comment that that “30%” of lgbt women is overwhelmingly bisexual women who only date men and gender goblins who also only date men, while the lesbian percentage is like 2%. Op should just accept that she’s lucky enough to have a father who will not disown her or try to force her into marrying a man like what happens to many other people. I also have a feeling that my dad didn’t take me totally serious when I came out to him and my mom but he isn’t super hateful and has never threatened me over it or anything and he still treats me the same. All I think I’m gonna do about it is continue to date women and be open about it until I reach the ages where most bishits start going back to men (around mid 30s) and at that point he’ll have to realize I was being serious
We shall see, most men see women who they deem "posers" as a challenge. All i can say, is, Yeah, Time will be the only definer of what is, and what is not.
>being a gay
>hating the gays to trigger da libs xD
Male brained chuds falling for every low IQ meme on this hentai forum, baka.
Imagine actually being so cucked that you hate yourself and who you are because of /pol/ shitposts.
imagine antagonizing people because your juvenal ass gets their rocks off that way, but would NEVER dare do it to a cop irl
>you hate yourself and who you are
Quote where I said this nonny
Imagine drawinga whole ass picture of who you think I am based on me not hating myself. Cops? Juvenal??
You'd be calling me daddy if we ever met, and unlike your actual father, I'd be supportive of your faggotry.
yet, still hate women, right?
I love myself, and other woman. Which is why when a woman declares her interests are this way instead of that way, my first thought isn't to google for crime statistics or w/e. When a woman tells me she likes other women, my instinct isn't to think of grooming and da libs xD and whatever /pol/ posted last week.

Why is your instinct like that? Why do you see someone walking the same road you walked, and assume they must be lost? Are you lost? Why do you hate yourself?
why do you ask for opinions about shit on let it, then talk shit about people answering the question, or even ridiculing those who did? What does that make you?
I dont hate the gays?>>37559010
it just reads like a general statement so i did the same. We will see >>37559092 thats all that can be said, your sure shot shit is trash. Unless you are the one who keeps pumping it to long passed the day you die.
S is a 45 year old boomer, she's from a time when 0.7% of women identified as lesbians and 3% identified as bisexual.
These days it's over 4% of women lesbian identifying and over 40% bisexual identifying, if you think about it it makes sense that she may be a little suspicious of these newly identifying lesbians.
As a side note I know multiple """lesbian""" identifying women who regularly hook up with guys so a lot of these additional 3.3% of woman who identify as lesbian are actually bishits in my experience.
Im not even republican. are you a touristfag? the fuck is wrong with your train of thought process?
Well what ever you are, the fact that i keep getting stupid shit like this from both sides will be why im not voting. you do you boo.
43, but thank you. And yes, a lot of that information does in fact dictate a lot of what i am seeing today.
>if you think about it it makes sense that she may be a little suspicious of these newly identifying lesbians
I can tell you that if we randomly stopped beating up pedophiles, more would openly identify as that. Not that there'd be more people with the illness, but more would be saying they have it.
Not very difficult to figure out. Also look up the left handed studies, there seemed to be fewer left handed people when schools mandated everyone learns to write with their right hand. When it wasn't mandatory to write right handed, suddenly left handed peopel shot up! Or actually they are the same number, they just aren't tortured into conformity anymore, so they are easier to see and count. Wow!

>republican vs democrat
American brain.
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<----- me walking up to people with rare diseases to tell them how rare the disease is, therefore they don't have it and the liberal media fooled them into suffering
Just because someone identifies as a lesbian doesn't mean they actually are one, again I know multiple lesbian identifying bishits.
>they just aren't tortured into conformity anymore, so they are easier to see and count
This doesn’t really explain why all of the new female lgbtq’s are either bishits (with boyfriends/husbands) or some type of tranny with very few that are fully lesbian
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Back to plebbit faggerino
what you just wrote is not the flex i think you were trying to make... o.O
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Why are elongated faces and manjaws so common among white women?
is that dahyun? god i miss twice. what are they doing these days? still releasing new mvs?
Hey. It occurred to me that I run the discord server. I will be revamping the links and implementing a regular schedule of invite reviews. Sorry if you didn't get a response. The new system should be up later this week.
it looks way better than the weird round frog shape of your average asian face kek.
>likes weak dysgenic jaws
Is this show good? The girl looks nice, so I may give it a shot.
Got a few more hours before landfall. Light rain and no winds right now, Sol's dragging his lazy ass out of bed but everything still all grey
Sorry about that I usually hit reply and delete the numbers for a quick post but I am, in fact, retarded. Christ I'm surprised I'm not stuck on manual breathing sometimes, you know?
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It's comfy slice of life, I would recommend.
bottom detected
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Also the OVA doesn't have English dub so you have to read subtitles like some nerd but it's still worth watching.
you'd think so but its the opposite. I want to feel powerful like that!!
dont make me post the jaw shavings tower in Seoul, anon
my apartment burned down around a year ago, and i'm still not over it. i have a go-bag and i have to sleep in jeans, a hoodie, and boots so i'm ready to go. feel like i'm too neurotic to date.
outside of jav lesbian japanese women don't exist
idc how much you post this shit nikka im not attracted to asians
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How come?
how come u adopted this very specific very characteristic 4chan incel misogyny? is it ironic?
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intra-racial preference
Mandatory curfew 8pm to 10am, being told to shelter in place now. About another hour before landfall, another five or so before it gets to me. I'll keep updating until/if I lose service. Not even any wind yet, Helene was scarier to be honest family
Yuri against racism.
what are some good lesbo jav's?
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Exposure to white women. They look really bad, especially personality-wise, when you compare them to asian girls.
how many lesbos are actually xx here
>Exposure to white women
>implying you rarely see both white women AND see asian women even less
do you live in a shithole?
Well, how is the weather so far?
>tfw no cool asian gf
My guess is 70-80%
>t. coping moid
holy delusion
I’ll just say… I know I’m not the only tranny who larps here
yeah, maybe, but many posters don't seem like men to me.
duh because many are trans women
Meds can't change your gender. I get the impression, from lurking in threads on this board, that they remain basically the same after the drugs. Same hobbies, behavior, attitudes. Doubt that the way they talk changes much.
trans women are men though
You’re right. Meds change your sex.
>Meds change your sex.
so... how did antipsychotics change your sex life?
Wouldn’t know since I’ve never been on them.
No such thing.
HRT, anon.
is this really what trannies believe
Its true, there are a bunch if different kinds of people in here, I come in here to look for Some semblance of civil conversation. The men and trans people that come in here SOMETIMES tend to have really interesting things to say, an sometimes engage in good back and forth. Im okay with people working on themselves in here. The woman haters just give me insight as to how that black pill works.
It’s factual. Did you skip biology in school?
Sex, I mean. There are two genders and nothing else.
No such thing as sex? lol
i don't know what biology they teach you now, but hrt doesn't make you the opposite sex. it activates certain mechanisms in your cells in response to unusual hormone levels and tweaks your gene expression in a very limited manner. when you stop taking hrt, your body attempts to go back to normal. (guess why.)
It changes your sex characteristics, which sexual orientation is based on, to that of the opposite sex’s. No one becomes attracted to a person’s karyotype.
I like pussy and the secondary sex characteristics that women have. What’s up with trannies always trying to argue that you can’t just like everything about cis women and you gotta love them too since they kinda look like cis women sometimes?
Because fact of the matter is, as a lesbian, you’ve likely found trans women attractive before without knowing what set of genitals they have. Since trans women can and often do have have female sex characteristics.
>you have confused me with the object of your attraction therefore you're attracted to me!
not how it works. i've mistaken a feminine teenage guy for a girl a few times, but that doesn't make me attracted to twinks.
Finding someone attractive on the surface level can disappear very quickly once you find out more about them tho. Enjoying pussy and clit is a pretty big part of my sexuality so it’s a dealbreaker if you don’t have that
Small misty rain, light wind. Few tornado sightings in my county but nothing new from the view of my patio hammock swing to report
you’re a bishit if you’re regularly lusting after teenage boys
Ok? You were still attracted to their female sex characteristics because trans women are also female.
Ngl in highschool this happened to me once. I thought this metal guy was a cool & hot lesbian and had a crush on him for like half a week until I actually talked to bro and realized he was just a guy experiencing the “develop height before any other masculine features” brand of male puberty kek. He ended up being a good friend haven’t spoken to him in a while tho
more like i thought he was a butch dyke for 10 seconds
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Friendly reminder to become heterosexual before November 5th, or else Valentina Gomez will come to your house, kick down your door, throw you face down into the carpet, and "eat your ass."
whatever helps you sleep at night lmao
>trans women are also female
if you're female, why do you need hrt and surgeries?
I was speaking hypothetically. I’ve never flirted with a woman irl who later came out as trans to me. I’m just imagining that in the case of a fully passing trans woman the female features may draw me in but the male features would push me away. Not everyone can disregard genitals so easily
To become female. It’s a transition. Do you need that defined for you too?
Never said otherwise regarding genitals. I’m also not into penis, even if it’s on a woman.
What if i’m strong and gay? Is she trying to wrestle with an equally yoked dyke or what?
Also reminds me of how depressing Muslim/Arab twitter is, where you'll get a bunch of girls mournfully watching/reposting videos of western women and Latin American women going on runs. The entire time I was thinking there were a shockingly high number of closeted Muslim women before I realized what they were sad about is that western/Latina women are allowed to go running outside without head scarves on.

We don't know how good we have it sometimes, in the free world.
Spoke too soon, getting the alerts for visual sightings of tornados forming
No sirens yet
>To become female. It’s a transition. Do you need that defined for you too?
you can't "become" female because to do so you would need to acquire all the characteristics of the female sex (skeleton, chromosomes, etc). best you can do is an estrogenized male body. if you argued that trans women are technically the third gender (artificial intersex), i would agree. but sex change is impossible with the kind of technology we have now so you'll have to deal with it.
She lost the GOP primary from what I heard, but she has since vowed to spend the rest of her life making sure every single gay woman in this country is put back in their place.

I wouldn't mess with her. Rumor has it she takes gagged and bound women back to a secret room in her house, and for the rest of the night all the neighbors will hear are the screams of her victim, begging for mercy.
I’ve never seen this one argument result in a concession from either side kek. It usually just shits up the thread for way too long. Idk why you even bother anon
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For me, it's cute girls in dresses.
Don’t know why you bother mentioning chromosomes and even sometimes skeleton which are hidden by female fat distribution. lol
you're either female or not, regardless of which parts of yourself you show to the camera. i will not be participating in your self-harm any further because it's becoming clear you're mentally ill.
I’m talking about real life and yeah, trans women are female. Facts don’t care about your feelings. You don’t always know someone’s chromosomes when you find them attractive.
because i know the tranny came here to get validation from a lesbian (it's never bisexual women with them) and i can easily cause the tranny to have a long self-reflection session followed by a breakdown. this cost me nothing.
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>page 7
>bumping when thread is on page 7
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Nana live action :) or kamikaze girls
white people hit their peak in their teens/20s and its downhill from there
white women saved the penguins at the florida zoo, should revise your opinions
real Yuri or just bait?
>Sorry Anonette, pass, I don't believe you are 23
I just wonder at this point.
Floridanians get hit by hurricanes and tornados so often, they should build their houses stormproof and be able to evacuate to their shelters at the press of a button.
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New game. Very good anime. There are two seasons and an ova.
you can't build something that will endure a direct hit cat 5 hurricane. god sometimes decide he's remodeling, and there's fuck all you can do.
>real yuri?
There's at least one canon yuri marriage, but a lot the romance is subtextual and can be interpreted as close friendship until, arguably, the very last episodes. The show is a lot more slice of life and cute girls doing cute things than romance.
Guess I put it on the backburner.
I am oversaturated with slice of life subtext at this point tbqfh.
You tranny tourists know that there are many posters in this thread that have posted selfies and vocaroos before right?
Many relative to the low population of the thread of course, 6 actually confirmed female posters in a thread with 15 regulars is many.
I took a nap, I am still fine, we didn't even lose power yet
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>but a lot the romance is subtextual and can be interpreted as close friendship until, arguably, the very last episodes.
The anime doesn't really have any romance, it's obvious that Rin loves Kou but that doesn't go anywhere until the manga epilogue.
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That's good, I hope it stays that way.
both nana are straight you retarded zoomer
I spoke too soon, just went out about ten minutes ago. Still disappointed with Milton so far
Still no power, nothing else to report. I'm about to go back out and roll up a blunt. The rain isn't even sideways, weak
i would honestly love it if a woman whacked off to my voice, but i'm not sexy and also i know it'd be mostly men
Neighbor's car port roof is pretending to be a pizza box right now. I thought it was a dumpster rolling in the street from the sound of it. I'll help him drag it off his car in the morning when the sun comes up
I am from india
So this general doubles as the voice training general?
Ok, pussy experts. Why does my cat scream at me until I pick her up, and then hit me, and then scream when I put her down?
She wants you to play with her anon. All pussies love to be played with but unfortunately not all pussies are played with enough. Are you playing with her for at least 15 min twice a day?
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>on no legal basis, along with your equally corrupt courts, insist on keeping rfk on michigan ballots, against his wishes, even though he's not running anymore, because you hope to deprive trump of votes
They're often super corrupt though. So much "defence of democracy" is going on.
yes, but I still going to pretend there were zero
Seems like a tranny psy op to demoralize the thread.
The general, I mean
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Why is this place so dead today?
>cis lesbian
>tranime OP

i dont buy it sisters..
>against better wisdom and judgement date a bi-girl
>glow up, put my finest clothes on
>meet, notice her rather envious and poisonous remarks
>"hurr, are you dressed up to grab attention"
YES BITCH! YOUR ATTENTION! I dressed like this for you! FOR YOU!!!
>try to save the date, but it was a hopeless endeavour
>go home early, write this off as a loss
>spend the rest of the evening playing Team Fortress 2
Every time I give bi-girls a chance, they disappoint me. This particular specimen speedran it. Guess I should be thankful to her, as she spared me months of headaches.
They tell you "don't be picky, you will never find happiness that way" but honestly, harmony and sanity are on a higher priority for me when it comes to this.
It never ceases to amaze me how little people grasp how sex works for women, Yeah, for real, it IS IN FACT a mental thing, and we REALLY CAN suffer what men call "post nut clarity" BEFORE even having touched you. For girls sex is in the mind, for doods its in the dick. Its real easy to understand, if you stop making excuses for wtf behavior.
Some of the happiest times of my life where spent with bisexual women.
I dont hate them, Just like real lesbians just kinda ended up just lesbians, bisexuals did the same.
I'm not the delusional anon you replied to, transwomen are males, but you're also delusional. Pleasure during sex is created by stimulation of erogenous tissues.
with the misinformation campaign going on right now im not even going to bother correcting you, nor am i going to explain it to you.
Again never never ceases to amaze me
If you really think that sex for women is "all in the mind" then you've never had an orgasm in your life
Says the teenaged boy or bitch ass dood who has never been loved but thinks stupid things because of socialization by other doods that circle jerk each other into oblivion.
You do you boo
If "sex is in the mind" for women then explain lesbians using dildos, dildos let lesbians think about sex better?
already said im not explaining this to you.
Power still out for the neighborhood, minor damage to property and tree debris. Stop lights are out for a few miles too
you were saying it wasn't that bad where you are?
Can you give us some feedback about how you are? what caused the outage, how you have internet?
i spent the whole day at work
There is no such thing as gender. Only two sexes, male and female.
Every cell in your body is still XY meaning you are male. Hope this helps!
Momo, Sana and Mina are releasing a second Japanese album together under their subunit Misamo and Twice just celebrated their 9th anniversay. Tzuyu recently released her first solo.
Anyone still have that webm of some hot semi-goth girl asking her husband and her boyfriend what the two like most about each other, and the depressed, beta bf's like "I like how much he loves you since you deserve to be loved" and the husband's like "yeah, I like how that stupid idiot makes you dinner so I don't have to spend money on you haha" and the hubbie's wearing a Reagan/Bush '80 shirt while the beta bf's about to cry?

Like that video. Always sorta makes me laugh.
like a great, silent, moral majority except they're an obnoxious minority that never shuts the fuck up about how victimized they are and are infinitely more depraved that 99% of gay people
You masturbate mentally to the thought of dildos
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Praying to the Goddess for the safety of you and your family.
Doesn't sounds too bad. I was expecting Florida to disappear by the way the news was hyping up this hurricane.
It's unfair how much longer it's taking me to overcome my second demon in comparison to my first.
I went back to college full time in August
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1. Alcoholism?
2. Depression?
I wonder if you'd have guessed differently if I posted any reference to timeframe, not that I'm fishing for guesses. I'm here only to complain like the little bitch that I am. I was aware of both demons at age 5. It's amusing to think of myself as a 5 year old alcoholic.
I'm a lesbian but I want to get raped by men
Sounds like bishittery to me anon. My rape fantasies only involve large amazonian or orc women
I am alienated from womankind because I am a big stinky butch and only rarely does a femme see fit to grace my life so I resort to butchfaggotry as a cope.
Take a shower.
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weeb here. Should I play valkyria chronicles?
join your local reservists unit
That doesn't sound very comfy.
Very minor damage. Brother's cactus fell apart but that just mean clippings for my mom to try to nurture into growth. Neighbor lost the roof to his car port, it flipped over his roof and started dragging in the road. No flooding or anything. Good few days off sitting in my jammies watching people freak out. Fun
I do take showers. I usually smell like panto santo and cypress wood, with a hint of cardamom. I wear nice cologne religiously. I have medium soft, slightly unkempt but clean hair. I have a little pin that says “loverboy”. I like hiking. No one want me, I have to turn gay.
part 2. she brought an acoustic guitar in the room and is playing and singing the smiths. also said she has a tinder date w a girl tomorrow.
bye kms
>become a golem
I should get a tongue tattoo that says אמת that would go hard.
three-front war, lets gooooo
are you gonna announce a draft soon as well?
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>amagami waifu poll
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Kendrick and Taylor would have been such a cute couple.
i think kendrik lowkey hates white people and taylor only dates white men
Does that word have no meaning or something? Whitney is half-white so he probably just hates white culture.
She looks awful. t. 37 yo that recently had to show id because a clerk thought i was under 25
lmao. maybe for lesbians because they look more male.
for men who actualy like woman asians faces are much more beautiful than these manjaws
they don't look male, just beautiful. (male faces are ugly)
>for men who actualy like woman, a regular face = manjaw
ahh you mean pedos
idk why, but looking at taylor makes me feel like she would wince in disgust if a woman flirted with her. do u guys also get it or am i alone in this feeling?
sorry the white woman on these pictures look very male.
they look like transgenders for me.
you spend too much time whacking it to trannies, bipedo-kun. go outside at least once a day.
>t. ugly mayo monkey coping with its yakubian phrenology
nah i fab to normal womans since i am a normal man
who was attracted by the first image on the 4chan entry page
but bye
lmao bipedo on suicide watch. yes, i think your favourite type of asian are ugly as sin. wouldn't fuck, wouldn't date.
Actually I think bipedo is an incel-turned-tranny. It's obsessed with jaws for a reason.
that (>>37587862) wasn't even me.
hey, that's pretty rude! lol
>for men who actualy like woman
Opinion discarded fuck off moid
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Asian girls!
*runs up to you on the street*
*smacks your left tit*
*runs away*
i'm scared
this is edited, having an inseam like that is impossible
no shit faggot
with the power of the chinese communist party anything is possible
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>ugly as sin
>wouldn't even date
Big doubt.
that looks like a child
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Youthfulness is a good thing. She's in her twenties in that pic.
well she doesn't look twenty, which is a turn off. she doesn't look mature enough to fuck, ¿sabes?
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Did bipedo and his youthful asian discourse just prove once and for all that men are all pedos and lesbians all want a mommy?
u do know shes an ireegularity even in her country right? if u think a lot of asian women look like that ur delusional. ive met underdeveloped white and black women who also still look like children its not an asian thing. if u want to talk about the beauty of asian women then dont being someone who has a growth abnormality as its main example. it just makes it seem that youre more likely attracted to her abnormalities(that she looks like a child) over the fact that shes asian. there are asian women who look like adults you know?
>another day of transbians calling you a guy
Many such cases! Sad!
if it's brown, lay down
if it's black, fight back
if it's white, good night.

why are polar bears so fucking crazy compared to black and brown bears?
no natural predators or interactions with humans. they see everything that moves as a prey
Chinese girls seem to like using filters that make them look 8 feet tall and stick thin, I've seen videos of Chinese models walking down streets but as they pass windows their reflection causes the filter to glitch and they lose 3 feet for a frame or two.
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bipedo never even posts naturally beautiful and/or youthful asian women, just the weird shooped creatures.
Post vocaroo
That tall, super slender girl wasn't posted by me. I don't find her attractive either, desu.
what makes them thinks this looks good? it triggers my uncanny valley response and makes me want to flee
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i meant this one specifically >>37588126
>bipedo never posts youthful girls
most of his photos contain so much editing and filters they should be considered paintings
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You think she looks weird? Really?
She does kind of look underage...
that's a little girl
>white girls can't fathom not having leathery skin at 25
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>bipedo has never seen a 25 year old asian woman in real life
>dressed like a child
>disproportionately large eyes, accentuated with makeup
>asian neoteny
she may not actually be a little girl but she's certainly trying to look like one and if you find this SEXUALLY attractive then i believe that there is something wrong with you.
She's wearing so much makeup you cant see her skin
bipedo is openly a hebephile and thinks girls (and boys) peak at 12-16
bbbut she's actually a 2000 year old vampire...
im a dude. how do i tell bisexual lesbians from actual lesbians apart?
bc if they are showing interest and want to go out with me, but call themselves a lesbian, idk what to think
>tfw no Kurd rebel gf
>tfw no Wey rebel gf
I started googling Asian women hanks to bipedo, and I have to say that Mongolians are gorgeous.
If they want you then they’re probably bi but see some sort of social benefits to the lesbian label. There’s no easy way to know what’s going on inside someone else’s head unfortunately
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>she's trying to look like one
yes, and that's a good thing.
>irregular 25 yo asian
Not really. Over there, in east asia, they have great genes and do their best to stay out of the sun. Them having great skin and looking cute at 35 is commonplace too.
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you do know that makeup culture is very extreme over there right? if youre a woman in northeast asia and dont got 20 layers of makeup while youre going outside youll get shamed a lot, not just by men but by women too. literally every northeastern asian woman wears tons of makeup since the age of 12. you are not seeing how they really look. in reality they just looks like southeast asians like thailandese or filipino women except white
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Saved. What a qtie.
>ywn get to herd sheep with her on the steppe
Why even live?
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Mongolian best Asian

To be desu I don't think fashion models know how to be steppe nomad sheep herders
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>I will never be a Russian princess kidnapped and ravaged by a strong Mongolian huntress.
>s-she looks too young
I refuse to believe that any of the femcels itt wouldn't jump at the chance to date her if she showed interest in you.
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mongolians look like this????
i'm a femcel not a pedophile. also, she looks like she would be very annoying irl, i can imagine her being very spoiled and bitchy. that's just the vibe she gives.
Enjoy the encounter, relationships are difficult and confusing things, but equally pleasurable, of course there are contrary feelings such as fear, anxiety, that feeling deep down "will it work?", in the end, you won't know how to give it a try. Enjoy life, enjoy love.
oooooh you want to flake sooooo bad you want to ditch oooooh you don't want to do it oooooh
Anyone wanna grope my ass while I'm wearing mom jeans? I've been hitting glutes like crazy this month.

I especially wanna film my ass getting squeeze, patted, and (lovingly) slapped around by two girls who are bigger, stronger, more athletic, and more confident than me, as they play with their boobs and pussy while doing it.
All acts involving power imbalances are fundamentally heterosexual in nature. In this case the women take on the role of penetrator, and you the penetrated. You revel in the chains of your own oppression. Shameful.
Love Death and Robots SONNIE'S EDGE on Netflix. Watch it and report back.
All you are is lesbians and dykes.
Scrote hands wrote this.
Online dating feels like one long humiliation ritual and the lesbian scene in my city is fucking dead. Do I just give up on ever getting laid again and/or finding a partner
why would i date a person i'm not attracted to?
I just imagined my russian classmate who is a 5"9 curly-maned redhead in this scenario and my crush got more intense
Bipedo chan has the shittest taste in Asians
According a a Chinese girl that posted here last year every Mongolian girl she's ever met has been bi or lesbian so It should be really easy to get a Mongolian gf
From what i see happening in politics right now, there wont be a Just real lesbians scene for at least a decade from now. Lesbians are being scrubbed as we speak, hell look at all the "love" for Just lesbians ANYWHERE.
ProTip, there is none.
You're always welcome here, we're not the healthiest community nor the most supportive, but we're always here. You're the homie, even though we pick on you it's from a place of love. We wouldn't let anybody else pick on you. Ours to bully only
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you only feel like that because you hate trannies

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