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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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qott do u ahve any pets
Greetings, chasers. I need glasses. Do you think these frames look good on me?

Sorry for being an attention slut, but i want as much feedback as possible. Thanks.
can u show it.
No def not
i have 2 cats
pichu wants to be a twink's pet plaything
yeah yeah keep coping, whatever you need to tell yourself to internally justify the fact that you castrated yourself to then never transition
Why not/ what would look better?
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my 3 day ban was boring and i missed u chasers <3

yes, some cats! although me and my housemates take care of them together only one of them is technically mine
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two cats. i talked about them more in a prev thread but their names are Aamu and Puuro and they're 1 and 2 years old respectively. both r rescues.
I think it sharpens the angles of your face instead of softening them which is a no go, try a rounder frame.
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the bigger one is mine
its not a cope, its reality, i am terrified every time i go outside that being trans and being stuck in a freakish partially-feminized-man body is going to get the attention of someone who will attack and kill me
ive literally had the vision so many times of getting thrown down and curbstomped by some guy who wants to purge trans women. i dont think i can see the future but it is a very reasonable fear and i dont want to risk it or anything like it
yes i got an orchi but i got the orchi because remasculinizing when everything transition-related gets outlawed (and when they hunt down DIY sources) would be even worse. if i remasculinized i would kill myself, sooner or later

its all a set of very real and reasonable fears. i dont get why it gets such a bad reaction here. i just want to be safe
>qott do u ahve any pets
I did. Not anymore. Late-night people got to see them.
June the pancakes look amazing. Happy birthday to your mom
hello june the pancakes look nice how did u make them.
God you are such a doomer its insufferable, please fuck off retard. This is why people don't like you Pichu, you pass just fine even though you think you don't, and then you type doomer paragraphs about the tranny genocide and how you "can't come out because its scawwyyyyy". Please for the love of everything holy, shut the fuck up you insolent fuck
you’re right, I’m gonna stop girlmoding from now on, I encourage everyone in the thread to so the same
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It was my moms birthday

also why arent you guys using my thread :(
You posted later
This is one is better, sorry fat hoe
It’s just timing sorry. Happy birthday to her
God you're making me paranoid I need to get an orchi
Don't listen to her, no one is coming for your hrt, you're fine. She's just catastrophizing to cope with her RAMPANT mental illness
Here are the ingredients. Also a bunch of stevia

Today is a work day so i eat my carbs before my shift

i budgeted 1200 and my dinner will have a bunch of protein
Generally you go to the first one also you should delete that one so janny doesn't get mad at doing extra work and comes to the thread to ban selfies
it was only 16 seconds, the thread is only 6 seconds older :(
That makes it 22 seconds better unfortunately.
too bad, stop being entitled
>go out on a date with a tranny
>make her feel special and pay for everything
>dont bother trying to have sex or talk about it
>asks me if we'll go on a second date and i say of course and call her an amazing person
>ghost her after the date
I've done it to 6 trannies so far and it feels incredible.
> i just want to be safe
This is the most important part
Got to be faster next time sorry
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I want to hug you.
How do I filter on mobile
Do you actually believe this shit? If you don’t live a Red state or city you shouldn’t worry about something like that happening to you.
Anyways anons i got my weight back down to where it was before i started lexapro a few weeks ago. The amount i lost is faster than my diet would allow (10lb gain in 2 week and 10 loss in 3 weeks) so i think lexapro caused some sort of bloating or metabolic issues
Qott: Yes, I have a kitty cat. He's an old man and I love him immensely and give him hours of cuddling every day.
She lives in a metropolitan city in a blue state
silly amerikans
Thank man. I’m not as sad about it as last . Venting helped
It was bloating and water weight. I told you this would happen
i do live in a city but its an aggressive city in a decidedly purple state. judging by stares, glares, angry looks i get just walking down the street its not a guarantee to be safe here
That's good, but also want to hug you for other reasons.
>it is a very reasonable fear
no, no it isn't. not in the first world. You'd have to not only be a bearded boomerhon (which you aren't) but also walk around screaming at people in order for anyone to give enough of a shit about your existence to do something like that.
we are the same age. we started hrt at (roughly) the same time. and you pass better than me.
I go for midnight walks and grocery shop and go to the movies and work and the doctor's office all the time, every day, always while girlmoding.
I walked around small towns in farming communities, ive been to florida and georgia and alabama. Nobody cared there, nobody's gonna care in a big city in a blue state.
Nobody has ever even so much as said anything uncomfortable to my face.
This is not 4 years of ceaseless miracles, this is reality.
this fear is crippling you. it's preventing you from living a normal life. that is a problem. you need to find a way to push it aside.

pray no jannies
thats dasha nekrasova
She has absolutely no fucking reason to cry, I lived in a small city that used to bash the fuck out of you for being a fag.
You're flat out retarded. I came out while living in Mississippi and had zero issues. I had plenty of weird stares and even some slurs hurled my way, but I didn't get gay bashed lmao. Stop making excuses.
i’m stupid i should have known :c
I transitioned in the Deep South and every single person was nice to me of all genders and races. You’re eating up propaganda
I wish you were more like her
y'all need to just ignore her
i hear those are the best conditions for gay sex

how so, we must all be ourselves at the end of the day, a message that must be staggering to some here i am sure
Yea but remasculinizing is fucking scary i don't know when I might be poor.

Also a boy added me on tarkov to help me with my quests I think my voice is getting better
Some guy did this to me and I messaged all the women on his Facebook friends and warned them he might have hiv
Oh I se lol
I worked with a guy from the south that bragged about beating up at least one trans woman. I got the sense it wasn’t the first time he beat up a trans or gay person
Almost all the biggest homophobes had Grindr so you’re not too far off.
i think im spiraling and doing so is ruining the thread. im sorry. im going to leave for now and stop disturbing everybody with this
Thank god, politely fuck off. Thank you!
Pichu learning that people have limited amounts of sympathy, and eventually they just get sick of your bullshit
No pichu you're fine you just have to accept you made it dawg like you don't have to worry anymore. Literally just try to go to a very noncommittal event like an arcade bar by yourself as a girl and you will realize the only thing you have to worry about is being ignored by everyone
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Listen to your blue-clad wretches
Yelling of courage and honour
Courage and Honour
(If the playful flirt joking bothers you, tell me to stop bro)
Shut the fuck up retard
lol he was full of it
do chasers like their ass ate?
need to get folded over…
i wanna go to an arcade bar again it was v fun
i got gendered male there a lot but fuck it, it was still fun <3
Na man you good it’s harmless and it dosent bother me.
I don’t think he was. He was a pos and that’s the day I realized he was

timur x dude is my new ship

everyone post your cg ships, i just have that one and anon x anon
why would you not call it a "barcade"?
Anon x anon.
I would cuddle shit out of you. No homo. You are big spoon or little?
I cant tell if shes trolling us or not
No one ever ate it so I don't know
Cuddle anon x me
sadly she’s not, she’s like this in private too, it’s so draining
do trannies like eating hairy man ass?
That's why I block you people when I ghost.
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Thoughts on this song?
I wake up with it in my head today.

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but you called it an arcade bar too ;-;

i went to a “barcade” with a trip from here too, was really fun!
girl this is insane. managed to make having an ed into some type of autistic math shit lmao
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Spider is such a gay retard that xhe rolls xers eyes back when eating chocolate WHILE playing Final Fantasy
Big spoon. I feel like I would look silly being the small spoon
I don’t like it btw, not sure if that matters tho
Good post.
wha? no I didn't
Qott: not anymore, no.
Good afternoon chasers. Hope you’ve had a lovely day today. Are we allowed to post pics again yet? I’m sure at least one person is curious what I look like!
My day is ruined.
>not anymore, no.
did you eat them?
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Anguish is such a gay retard that xhe rolls xers eyes back when sucking dick WHILE playing League of Legends
god i’m so stupid today that’s the second time my eyes have failed me i’m sorry it was jade who called it an arcade bar first fjsbfndnc
I'm curious if you're that lovely 30+ tranner
Good afternoon. All days are lovely. Don't post pics of yourself here.
You people are the reason trannies hate me before I can even talk
Yeah people have been fine recently
pichu wants to exchange saliva juices with twinks
realizing right now that im actually over a girlfriend i had when i was 18 and have been for a year, i think i just needed to forgive her finally to not think about her anymore. it is difficult to have complex emotions about another person that you can't get rid of, i hope this will be the case for more recent girlfriends, scars on trees stay the same size, but the tree gets only bigger, and the scar will eventually be smaller in comparison.
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I mean someone just posted what they looked like here already. Looks like they haven’t been banned yet. But, yeah I’m kinda curious
I moved to a city and I rehomed my cats because they deserved better than apartment living.
Yea I get gendered male in tarkov a lot but I kinda just learn to accept i have to keep working on my voice. Idk
post vocaroo
i think u should finalize your switch to being a faggot
Her voice is pretty bad

i hate this gay ass juul i want to go back to cigarettes so bad but i can't..
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>cry’s about me 24/7
>I respond to the crying
>no response
Classic, you’re bitch made.
You will live longer and experience more life anon ciggys are gross
Yeah, I am.
I agree. Life has been good. I wouldn’t post my face but it’d be fun to show off some of my outfits or something.
I only saw like 2 in the last few days so are we sure? I have a cool picture of my necklace to share at some point
>calorie counting is autistic
i guess the majority of women are autistic?
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Question for chasers -

>you are straight/attracted to transwomen
>you have cis male friend into you
>you deny him because you are straight
>the friend transitions and actually pass well
>friend still wants you

What do you do?
After my game boys r barking in tarkov rn
Yeah, I'm sure
omg its not calorie counting its making a spreadsheet with dropdowns and grams and milliliters and math calculations
I mean if we get along and shes cute this is ideal
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get yourself a compact gock 46 and stay safe ladies
a majority of women do not count calories lmao
Timur. What the fuck are you trying to say
got triggered like a freaking liberal because some girl came up to me while i was reading in the park and ig took pictures of me? then asked what i was reading and told me she was doing a photo series on people reading in my city.
what got me though was that she had like four things in her hand and a cigarette and managed to juggle them all around and keep smoking at the same time, idk it really made me crave
Guns terrify me
I think it depends on how good of friends and how long I knew them. I would probably turn down if I thought it would cause us to become wierd around each other or become not friends.
Good friends are often harder to find then sex
lol let’s be real there’s at least a few people in here the would 100% not own a gun
bet thx kween
timur is trooning for thedude
i saw it coming but it still brings a tear to my eye
Why does EarlyJune always talk about getting rimjobs?
It's not like that.
everything bagel with brie and tomato, iced coffee, 15mg adderall, white wine. beautifuyl statrt to the day <3
I am 100% not worth it lol
Damn that sounds good.
Captcha sad2v
Hell naw that ain't it dawgs. Imma head out. Naw. This ain't it.
never heard a more agp voice in my whole life. sorry bro
Neither am i.
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June. Just ignore em.
Also, you’re wrong. Counting calories is gender neutral.
The only people who do that are health freaks like you
That movie was so fucking weird but I love it
Tbh I think lowering the pitch would help you sound more feminine
join me... lets have a picnic in the park
You're making progress keep going
get yerself a fuckoff tuk of azgaraz and stay grom my fellow dawi
what game is this?
She talks, I listen, she's in the shower and her skin glistens like oh my god I like it like oh oh god I like it :-3
Boku no Pico
vermintide 2
Cheers to many more lovely days to come. Don't show off yourself or objects, show off the animals you found and interacted with today.
I am a million fucking bucks I am a thousand fucking bucks your bitch is dead she was hit by a truck what the fuck! >:-3
they're so perfect together bros...
Warhammer: Vermintide 2
Never heard of it but it looks cool
what’s up pussies
Shipping actual people is fujoshi behavior, which isn’t surprising considering your other takes.
I love you Literally Beautiful
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Throatfucking Sarah’s funny honface while she daydreams about DBZ cuckslop
Shut your mouth, mongoloid.
would u breed timur tho
I would call off work and go but I know tranners don't live in desert towns. Shame too cause it's fall and the weather's nice
Wow you do look like you could replicate that statue
dziękuje doktorze
It’s Left 4 Dead but Warhammer
Are you buying Sparking Zero?
when did i ever say i wasn't a fujo?
why would you want to throatfuck a hon?
why do we pretend transbians like sarah are the problem when annoying fags like spider actively shit up the thread
Did pichu have agoraphobia before starting her transition?
She's catastrophizing and has serious anxiety issues. I wish there was some way to comfort her but there really isn't when someone is like that.
I wonder if all these were there before and are amplified now or if they're new.

I feel bad for her she's torturing herself in her own mind and for no reason.
No I like women
No see above
Kill yourself
How am I shitting up the thread?
who the fuck is "we"?
don't lie u would breed his tight bussy
LB is back, chasergen is saved.
You're gay
Based that annoying repper faggot is worse than Rick ever was.
has anyone seen frisson?
pichu wants to suck a twink's big penis
i mean who doesnt
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>What?! Nooooo
stfu transbian larping as hsts
I do what I want. I was gonna show off the chocolate covered marshmallows someone bought me
Only girl penis for me, tyvm
this is chasergen dumbass. You don't like trannies? Get the fuck out. all you do is spam dog shit hoping somebody will interact with you. I don't care if you think it's entertaining that nobody likes you
you should be nicer i think
I have 7 pets! Soon to be 8 <3
fill me in guys harvest has been busy who is spider
a gay
Of course, my advice is rooted in my own opinions. I say what I like and what I don't, but it's only that.
Fat ugly Latinx gay guy with a hairy asshole. He's rumored to smell like shit.
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>Wah wah wah you don’t like the majority of this thread wah you only post here to troll and have fun wah wah wah
Faggot repper from gaygen
some fat mexican gay who likes to larp as a black femboy
I have been using tarkov to practice and I think its going well especially because I don't really talk to anyone when I go to the gym
I think they look good but I don't really know anything about fashion. I'm just a dude.
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Maybe in like 1–3 years. I don’t pre-order shit anymore
My condolences.
What are they?
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just so you know an octopus is an alien
and what happened was an alien egg hitched onto a tardigrade
and that tardigrade came into our dimension
and started eating on some grass
and fell into the ocean
and then that octopus alien egg hatched
and now we have octopuses here
but there ultimately always trying to get back to their dimension
and they're stuck here in this world purgatory
and it's really sad.
Chasers, just curious, how many of you would say no to getting fucked by a attractive, masc guy?
lol’d at this
Not me
Absolutely not that's disgusting.
goals! d u have any ffs ??
my blood! they stole my blood!
i should have known better than to trust those tricky doctors
2 dogs (three before July 4 :/ )
3 cats (two black cats and the samf)
2 snakes (ball python and hognose)
Soon 1 jumping spider!
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i see. i have been doing calisthenics and been feeling p good. miss u chasergen
was your doctor a cute twink? did you fantasize about him unzipping his cock and injecting you with his thick twink love juices?
Hey I hope you're feeling better.
Those free clinics they pop up are actually just vampires acting like doctors. Still friendly service though.
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>My condolences
>unzipping his cock
I’m sorry about your one dog. :(
Mogs me
Oh you too?? They stole 2 vials worth from me :(
to reveal a second, smaller cock
you've never unzipped your cock? dumbass
It's like Russia nesting dolls
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Reminds me of the time when my coworker got her blood drawn again because they lost her blood vials.
Someone drank it I bet
A white twunk.
I’m getting it on or after release, it looks enjoyable and the MvC2 ratio system to balance broken shit is a good idea for online.
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Sorry about your dog.
I lose someone very precious to me this year too. I kiss the urn but it makes my throat tight.
Can I please see pics of all?
no but the lady who took my blood was still friendly
my usual primary care doctor is a total bear but also probably not a bear because he's probably straight
thank you, im doing my best
i tried to do this once but chickened out before cutting too far
why is pinchu pendejo always talking about how she wants to suck twink penis
>Those free clinics they pop up are actually just vampires acting like doctors. Still friendly service though.
>i tried to do this once
Damn that's wild but also seems pretty common
heavy bottom dysphoria's a bitch and i was a stupid teenager lol
probably is pretty common
>A white twunk.
gworl pls
back to work, bye guys!

https://unsee cc/album#6Z5fBwOH5hwS
nikocado's asshole beware ^
why did you get an orchi if you have bottom dysphoria? now you're srsussy will be botched and ugly :(
What it’s the truth?
Post hole for proof
post fat mexican hand
No <3
i can distinctly sense the built up tinge of ethnic inferiority and uncertainty that has plagued your homo life but have at it
Thanks, dude
im not gonna get srs, im gonna get nullification
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Man, f*ck you. I'll see you at work.
(I gotta work. I’ll remember to ask about the Marvel vs Capcom shit later because Idk what the fuck you’re talking about)
holy shit you’re incredible
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should i skip class today? the professor is fat and retarded so i can just sign in from home and he'll mark me present.. maybe i will justify skipping by doing some homework during the time im supposed to be in class
combining the best part of a penis and vagina just makes sense!
(the best part is nothing. there are no good parts)
Trannid buttholes
insect classification
Anal only for Pichu
polish mutts know that feel better than anyone
Yeah but at least do the homework, you're paying a lot of money here, so no failing classes.
Is Anguish spider's less faggot brother?
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well it is free.. but you're right i should do the homework. and i do need to keep my gpa up
If Spider was less faggot he would cease to exist, that's all he is.
I’m white though, I’ve said it multiple times that I’ve been posting pictures of my friends :p
As long as you read the chapter on ur own time and do the hw like the other anon said
i want top surgery........ or a binder.. the only people that should see my tits are people that are sexing me
Is it actually free or do you mean somebody else is paying for it?
I didn't want to sex you until now so it's maybe not working.
Trip on Pichu
Do I go to the gym for the first time on my day off and do running and abs? Ugh I feel like gym is waste of time because my brain is the issue
my bloodline is pure polish peasantry, my ancestors landed on our northern shores as they escaped the doom of hyperborea bearing potatoes that we have eaten for aeons
Let's see
Why do trans women get offended when Indian guys hit on them? Why can't they give Indian men a chance?
you need rid removal surgery and more shoulder shaving, sorry that's the truth
Go to the gym.
community college is free in my state
sure sweetie, im just angling anyway
If your exercise/sleep/eating suffers your brain will too. Best thing is to keep putting in work imo
I know this
the tits!!? but you aren't sexing me rn...
>the brown makes me frown :(
It could lead to it though.
if you say so!
post a timestamp of your hand then, mexican fatass
Hand will never be enough btw just show your belly.
iwanna put a baby in u
Spider has never posted pics I bet hes green
maybe when i get a little bit tipsier.. im not sure
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Thank you <3
I've mostly worked through it now
Thanks <3
Yeah she was the youngest and it was completely unexpected. We have plans to make a little display for her urn and such
Black kitty with bottle - Nico
Other black kitty - Pan
Tabby - Samf
Ball python - waddles/waggles
Hognose - Dave/LD/Lil Dude
B&W doggy - Spork
Brown doggy - Cocoa
White Great Pyrenees - Freyja. RIP <3

She was such a sweet giant, she would've turned 4 on Sep 1st, we got her when she was 5mth old
The only solid proof of whiteness is posting nipples and butthole. If they're both pink, you're a cracker. If they're brown you're brown. Both are fine. But post your nipples and buttholes.
Nico and Pan lore pls.
Nope, don’t want to :3
What are you drinking?
Oh how nice. Still, it'd be a waste of your time to fail anything at least, but I guess I'm just overly warning you here. It started with skipping a class here and there for me then it was a full landslide of failing out. Just be careful is all, pay attention to your mental health though too. Sorry I made this so serious sounding lol. We started with fat retard professor.
Ok tubby
They are all beautiful. What does Samf have a disorder or something? Cute and huge eyes.
yeah that's why she's taking estrogen
what if i have a pink butthole and brown nipples? what does that make me?
box of pinto grigio
Fat Mexican fuck
Holy shit you have a zoo. Might sister in law is the exact same as well. My brother had to tell her to stop bringing home animals lol.
Bottoms up babe
Aww, they are all really cute.
lol you really want this to happen.
no no you're right. has happened to me before lol, this is the only class i skip sometimes. i find it bvery hard to care about because it's like an introduction to a whole bunch of multimedia programs like photoshop illustrator after effects logic audacity etc, most of which i have used before so it can get pretty mind numbing at times
Nico was one of the kittens of my cat through middle school and HS (Loki, she was a mainecoon mix) that my fiancé adopted, he's 11
Pan was from some foster care kitties that my fiancé was taking care of just after HS and she adopted him, he's 6

Thank you <3 we think she has mild dwarfism. She also seems to have minor depth perception issues. But neither affect her quality of life

Well white doggy is gone
But we're getting a baby jumping spider in a few weeks lol

Thanks <3
Spider wears diapers so he can take his big fat burrito dumps without having to leave the computer. That's why he always smells like shit.
Personality lore pls. What special abilities do they have?
i firmly believe it would be cute
You should leave here and you should go back to Mexico.
i need to work on my voice too, my own friends keep misgendering me too ahaha, everyone says it’s too deep sadly
I can’t hop the border again I’m too fat
I would not be beautiful woman.
If only there were a way to do this...
u have nothing to worry about board i mean broad i mean babe
fat smelly mexican spider aka bug, this little repper needs to leave he smells of shit
God damn baby. I wish I was drinking with you.
i want LED lightstrips so when people look in my window then know its a zoomer living there
there is a spider (spider...)
deep in my soul (soul...)
he’s lived here for years (years)
he just won’t let go
he’s laying around
he’s got a mean bite
now he’s reaaaaaadyyyy to fiiiiight
Based and true
What a good day it's been thanks anon
You want them for your onlyfans
The bug was in your brain the whole time
Why does Spider rub his body with his own shit? Sick little fuck.
so why am i so worried then??
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All right time for my workout.

Got to aim for my goal body. Picrel
Pan is a twink. He has the softest medium but floofy fur of any cat I've ever met. He's a bit skiddish, very vocal and had the cat equivalent of a fagcent, and he's an absolute baby
He loves stretchies and giving love bites and begs for pets all the time lol

Nico is a little hell spawn but I love him dearly. He's a Catnip addict and gets angry when he wants some and we don't give him any, also angry when he goes more than 2hr without food, and is also just generally angry unless he's getting constant attention or sleeping
When he's angry he yells at us and knocks things off every surface while glaring at us and you can tell it's out of momentary hatred of not getting what he wants and he thinks he's top cat but Samf puts him in his place sometimes, they also have a little relationship we think
Oh and Nico is a little bread fiend. If we leave the bread on the counter and leave the room he'll get to eating it ASAP. He looks like an owl and has some crazy eyes too!
>my own friends keep misgendering me
that's rough.
i don't believe you. Every single one of us says that, and it's rarely actually true
basically halfway to womanhood already with that shit
>a baby jumping spider
I hear they're maybe the most intelligent of the spiders out there. Though I think the social spiders might have them beat.
There are so many windows emitting silly colors throughout the night and I cannot help but slightly judge the inhabitants in a negative way.
I like the feel of it on my body
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wdym? i still voice train i just need to keep doing it and keep getting better at it!
grand delusions, paranoia, dysmorphia, mania, anxiety disorder
what purpose do LED lights serve for onlyfans? do coomers prefer jorking it to certain colors???>
Based belly maxing
I think it's too late for you to get a roid gut like that.
You should have started earlier.
oh yea this seems like me thanks
They can actually be very social too! It depends on individual personality but some scientists think they can actual recognize humans well and have a favorite person!
Have fun.
It's true. You all don't have horrible scars on your face.
>You all don't have horrible scars on your face.
ohhhhh is that why you're always posting those guys with their face covered up?
Your body is incredible.
I don't know they're just in every video.
would u still judge me if my windows were strobing rainbowly and you could hear faint strains of bassboosted caramelldansen emanating from my apt?
So you're actually a repper and that's what's holding you back?
That's kind of sad you're so cute.
Oh right
>special abilities
Nicos we think is seeing into people's souls but having absolutely no idea what any of it means bc he's a lil dense lol

Pans is probably like a forcefield of love and kindness
spider microwaves his diapers, rolls em up, sprinkles a bit of cilantro on em, and then he eats them
sick mexican fuck eats them like that
thx bbg ily
That's what I'm talking abt, people always say their voice needs to be better and then never voice trains
as if women are incapable of developing scar tissue
what's that from, anyway? if i may ask
Loving bites are the best. Pan's great, and I'm sure he knows it. I want to touch his soft medium floof and give so many pets. Nico sounds like a stinker but I'm great at giving constant attention to kitty cats so It's probably fine, I want to get high and eat bread with him. Show his crazy eyes pls. Also of course stupid ass motherfucker is top cat, this surprises nobody.
Spider tried sneaking across the border but the border watch caught him because he reeks of shit and they could sniff him out as he hid in the bushes. That's how he got his nickname Lil Caca. Why does Spider try to project his scat fetish on the rest of chasergen?
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>and it's rarely actually true
be fr bitch
ppooop humur
the itsy-bitsy spider
went up the water spout
down came the raw sewage
and he opened his taco mouth
Spider participates in poo bukkakes
Do you all see this shit? This is legit mental illness.
I like the look. One guy i post look exactly like me minus scars and he have many tattoos.
No, I'm not trans.
My mom cut under my eyes deeply so it hurt when I cried.
spider pookkakes
Nico you can look into my soul any day. Woah, Pan's more powerful than I expected. That's a really good special power.
Yes, you are one sick little bastard.
! oh those russians
you need to stop rubbing poop all over yourself, you smelly mexican fatso
110 degrees in October sucks but at least I'm not getting hurricaned or tornadoed 3 times a year so there's that
Where are you from?
They cover up skin flaws and blemishes. You'll see most are a pinkish, purple, or reddish
I could see this happening
need to get throatfucked but no honface and my name isnt sarah
I am
woah thats cool! there's another reason to get some ig
Any girls look and sound like Juno? Why did Blizzard make her so thick and hot bros.
Hey babe
spider got so fat eating his own poop? lifehack
You don’t like seeing pictures of people? That’s silly. Obviously I only share identifying pictures of myself with trusted people. I’m not one of those “karma whore” trannies who posts 500 pictures their first year of transition or whatever.
Damn both people I know who got nullo mentally eroded after the procedure until they ended it :( it’s like a cautionary tale now in my local area “just get full depth” though that surgeon is retired now so
I just know you're a degenerate gooner
You got me ready to take a trip there myself. But I'm going to be the one calling you a faggot when I'm balls deep.
Why do trannies go on dating apps? Is it only for attention? Most trannies I matched with usually don't want to go on a date but still chat.
quality post
dating apps are almost exclusively for attention farming nowadays. regardless if the woman is cis or trans. grindr is the only one worth using
lb is beautiful like that statue of the Italian man
Lb you will never be Italian.
Lb is at work doing her job
she grows stronger every day
Spider and Nils pookkake

Uploaded 28 hours ago by Dookie_Bear_Nils
I went on one recently and tried to talk to a couple people but there’s like thousands of swipes so I got overwhelmed and got off of it. Honestly the guys on apps generally aren’t forward enough, like they act passive and want you to play like high school level love games with them like dude, you gotta be the man in this relationship. Doubly so. If you’re making me be the man in the relationship I’m 100% out. I just gotta find where chasers go irl
jesus fucking christ
that's horrible :/
that said, i still can't believe it's bad enough to be good reason to not transition if you'd otherwise want to.
sorry that happened to you tho
he's all yours sis
i confess that does sound like something i'd do for attention
y'all might laugh. but my gorilla hon girlfriend will protect me during the upcoming civil war
>You don’t like seeing pictures of people?
It's not important to me and I like when people follow rules and get to keep posting. I don't want people to get banned for something so easily avoidable. This isn't the place for it. I also believe there's not much to gain from reading a book by it's cover, what people look like doesn't help me learn about who they are at all. I want to see the nature they engross themselves in, that tells me what I want to know about people.
well sorry to disappoint but i do voice train <3 it’s just a process is all, last time i posted a vocaroo in chasergen people said my voice was cute though
i would never laugh at your gorilla hon girlfriend. she might beat me up
It's OK. Thank you.
They are bad.
I'm really not trans though.
I wasn't talking about you but go off queen
I think Pichu is hot.
she does not feel the same way about you. how does this make you feel?
My condolences
She will forever remain a man to others
How many days of chatting do you want before being asked out? I usually do 3 to 5 days. I make my intentions clear of what im looking for ltr on the first message. It's been so far I've asked 2 on a day after 5 days of chat. they both said no but they still want to chat. desu i dont want to continue chatting if no relationship is going to come out of it.
When validation is not a realistic thing for you to receive you instead learn to feel good by giving validation to others
It's sad but it's how it goes
I'd just like to make her smile.
meant for >>37564646
it's just
>i wouldn't be pretty enough
is a suspicious answer to
>do you want to be a woman?
that's all.
you mean to herself.
They want to emotionally use you and sleep with people in real life. They're evil demons.
To both actually, she'll never fully accept it herself, and therefore she'll never come out.
I mean, I would not be pretty for Dude or other dudes to attractive to.
Ahhhh why am I so gay?
because of your parents
Because you have tits
what about me
You have nice tits.
Where do I find my local trannies?
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hey chasergen check out this Thing
If you're not a city there probably aren't any.
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girlmode now
Thing status: checked out.
where are the local trannies in my city?
Did you get that?
Super Smash Bros meets
Dungeons and Dragons sessions
poor abomination, my heart aches for him
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Are we having a comfy thread or not a comfy thread . Should I wait for the next one to hop in.
thinking of going transbian
i just want friends
You need a boyfriend.
do it and flirt with the girls here
okay but like... the correct answer is "i have no interest in that regardless of how pretty i would or wouldn't be"
you know?
like the reason to not do it should just be that you're not trans
if you're not trans
i don't really believe that tho. she'll get better some day
do me next
why am i so gay?
how are those things related?
im girlmoding now
no i just posed it on a store shelf
mine too...
Comfy now you are here.
There's no way non-transbians are going to smash tournaments
You should have gotten it.
this is true and i also want to be friends with my bf . which is hard to do through dating apps and online stuff
no thanks they would get mad at me
>how are those things related?
transbian polycules are basically like big friend groups right?
it would be funny
i would have, as a toy for my cat, but it was full of beans he probably shouldn't risk eating
i can't handle rejection or people getting mad at me. would make me so so sad
most of the girls in here would be on board if you're hot
no i don't think so
polycules sound miserable
at most id do a throuple
I beleive that is how you meet children and chrischan

ty timur
I think online stuff is an easier way to see who you actually are friends with.
In real life it's easy to just get wrapped up in physical chemistry which will wear out eventually.
yea probably but that doesn't matter as much to me as being nice and not making people angry. also if i wanted to get girls i wouldn't do it through a general thread on 4channel dot gov
sarah you are not representative of the average trasnbian because you are straight and in denial. besides, who else will take me to warehouse raves and khole with me in the bafroom?
lame and gay, definitely not the fun way to go about things
i find that in interacting with people online and then meeting up later that they usually have a very different personality online vs irl. and it doesn't help that i despise texting, calls are alittle better but nothing can really compare to talking in person
fine! god.. maybe ill try it ok?
I'd like an online friend (romantically curious)
I have no friends :)
Same. It's lonely after a big move.
i have big eyes small face and wechat
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flansbian molecule
friends are secondary to family and lovers
What is wechat is that euro stuff?
quality post
i am definitely not straight
We your friends
I want flan
okay fine bisexual i dont care
Who tryin to watch spooky movies together?
That’s fair, I’m Demi too so I get it. It’s why I try to seek out chasers… it’s hard enough to get over the hump of finding someone I can relate to… I don’t wanna deal with having to explain everything else on top of that, you know? I think relationships work best when everyone knows what the terms and conditions are up front, from anatomy to personality, right? Idk what you mean by the nature comment though. Like theoretical nature or ecological nature?
Oh it was meant for me. I’m an old-fashioned romantic, so for me if there’s a connection it can be almost immediately honestly. If it feels right I’m saying yes. If I say I want to talk still but I’m not ready I’ll be really clear if it’s as friends or if I feel something coming on and I want to learn more. Honestly the best feeling is just knowing someone wants to be in your company (irl or online) and feeling like there’s no strings to it but like, you want there to be strings… and the web of love sort of naturally forms around the two of you. By 3 dates I think you generally know if you’re gonna keep at it long term, but I am definitely a monogamous and romantic person who favors ltr so this is just my experience.
I’m not a demon, I’m a real person with real feelings. You remind me of that chaser who called mtfs “sexy mutants,” same energy.
Very true, I don’t go to video game or board game stuff irl though I like some games online with friends
Heyy I love scary movies and games. I read a “look back” review of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre and its history and influence and it made me really wanna rewatch it but horror movies are so much more fun to watch with someone else.
>I’m not a demon
I was specifically talking about people who want to have a fake ldr stringing someone around but keeping their options open.
hate this gay website bye
I ran lots and burnt 400 calories and did abs but then I ate a piece of yummy pizza as soon as I got home do you think we are still W chat?
She has Italian statue man pp too, smol
you ARE a demon!
Oh that’s dogshit high school behavior and I don’t respect it. If we have an ldr you’re gonna feel good about it because you’re gonna hear from me every morning, afternoon, and night and know that I’m all yours.
hilaries mind is like "poor people actually live like this, wtf"
I let him know that lol
Yeah he's a good lil boy and is so unbelievably sweet <3
Lol if you got high with and ate bread with Nico he'd love you forever probably
Pan definitely knows he's great

And yeah samf.. She's got that special strength... Lol
>she's not my wife yet

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