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Qott: Do you get enough sleep?

i wish
but im making up for it with naps on company time :P
Do you sleep alone?
About 4 hours every night
What the fuck
What the fuck do you even do for the rest of the hours you’re not at work
Are you speed running dementia?
I wish I were one of those lucky people that only need 4
Also for anyone that's sleepy and can't sleep
Everyone needs 8 LOL
Yea same here
Please take care of yourself Rose
no wonder you’re a nazi
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eight hours and one minute last night.
hey eui
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Forgive Hitler today, June

Just post here, draw, make songs, on me synth, dissociate, listen to music, play games. Ya know the like

Not trying to but it seems a likely path

I’m not one of those people just can’t sleep till like 4 every night and I wake up early to open the place I work at

It’s pretty wack :/

I’m trying, I think I’ll try and buy some tylonal pm of something the therapist suggested it
Does anyone else's cat escort them to and from the bathroom?
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hi chasergen. how is it is goes tonight

instagram decided im a tranny again and has been pushing trans shit threads into my feed all day
it's a step beyond reddit trans istg. i think im going to make some of these people useful and respond to them with terfy replies to see if they can clock me
recently? not at all. i keep waking up at every hour starting at 4am and idk why
I would sleep longer but the night terrors always wake me up
Not everyone has to hate themselves
yeah. except for my body pillow and the odd cat :P
You most really like doing all that for long periods of time to the point where you only get 4 hrs of sleep. Well, it’s your life
Nope. Used to have a friendly stray cat around these parts though. But, I think the raccoon twins got him
it's not about hating yourself, it's about reeling in the spread of trans as a fashion accessory or tool for social points
it's important to maintain the understanding among the public that trans isnt some hat you put on on a whim, but rather a shitty condition you work through
Or that being trans doesnt automatically mean ugly/nonpassing…
Passoids are just as representative of trans people as any hon, if not moreso right?
Youre so cynical
I love you Pichu
i try to but rn i have to stay up late to talk to my mans > . <
noop need it tho
I have em still sometimes too not as often but like once every month, smoking weed dimmed it but they’ve been popping up a bit more since I’ve cut back

Well idk what else to do I go on walks from time to time, even during night times. It’s nice. My point is I just have sleep problems that’s about it, I’d sleep more consistently if I could. I have melatonin but those don’t usually work. It’s always been a problem even when I was a kid. I would stay up all night watching adult swim cause I hated sleeping when I was young. Just had huge anxiety I’d wouldn’t wake up. I enjoy these things but not to the point of staying up to the amount I do, it’s a lotta wasted time. Idk what you expect me to say beyond I’m lonely and very socially inept.
>Passoids are just as representative of trans people as any hon, if not moreso right?
idk personally i always equate passoid with "made it and no longer looks trans"
not trying to start a debate or anything tonight though so ill probs just defer to what you say
There are people who want to be trans disabled victims to people. And there are truetrans girls who just want to live a normal life.
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there is bitches who cares and bitches who is unbothered
Fuck you
Im always going to be trans that doesnt have to be a bad thing. A trans life can be a normal life. Im just not obsessed with hiding who I am out of shame or fear.
can you read this in your accent and post a voca ples
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sometimes I get interrupted sleep but I try to get 8 or 9 typically
Captain Olimar… it’s really you…
I bid you goodnight
anons how do i make my smile prettier? I feel like my smile looks really weird and goofy. I want to smile at people more often to make them feel welcome to chat with me more
omg what is this app? Is this like a tomodachi pedometer?
Is so good, I love Polish accent bae
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goodnight pal
I don't think there was any better way to say that
Take selfies and compare the smile to warm smiles you would like to emulate, that way you could figure out what your face muscles should feel like when you do it
Pikmin Bloom
I like thick euro accents, Italian, Russian, Polish, they sound nice to me. I don't think you sound Brazilian, they have an annoying cadence to their speech because of the Portuguese influence, imo
Goodnight chasers
its from the same video retard i hate a fake fan omg
I never claimed to be a fan, retard.
you did by posting the line, its IMPLIED!!!
"Why contain it?" has been a ubiquitous meme on /v/ for 15+ years my NEET tranny friend. I never gave enough of a shit to play the game.
>has been a ubiquitous meme on /v/ for 15+ years
YES because people PLAY IT cause its a CULT CLASSIC
you are a POOOOOOOSEEEEEER POSER POSER POSER !!!! shame on you
the only deus ex game i've played is mankind divided, and i have 105 hours logged in it. i'm telling you all this because i assume it'd annoy some of you deeply
Nice trips, but you should try the original. It might feel dated to you though.
Try Fear and Hunger!
dont mind but the prequels are fundamentally stupid because they have the whole art deco future industrial neo victorian aesthetic when the original deus ex that takes place LATER in the timeline is very down to earth with its aesthetics (outside of the abudance of trench coats) because it was speculative fiction first and foremost
might be surprising, but ppl without that assimilationist mindset find the thought of being deep stealth just as scary as assimilationists find the thought of being visibly trans. like, i showed this to someone I know who's pretty radically anti-assimilationist, and her take on it was that she has just had to accept that trans women and cis women will never be the same thing categorically, the same way that poor 3rd world women will never be the same as rich 1st world women. all these groups are equally women, but their relationship and experiences to womanhood are different. She considers being deep stealth a frightening concept, and compared it to a black person pretending to be white.
I don't necessarily completely agree with either of these viewpoints, but like, it's interesting to think about. I personally want to be stealth but also do not really think that's how everyone else should be.
Hope your all doing ok.
well i try my best but i work in a restaurant n i have to get up very early im not a morning person but i set my alarm i wish i had a better job but its ok at least i get to meet people an i also get to learn how to cook and ppl r really nice im going to get a different job in the future tho but for now i sleep a lot on weekends
yeah that era of games is kinda a blind spot for me, like, i've played a lot of Doom and Build engine stuff, and a lot of post- Crysis 1 stuff, but that late 90s/early 00s clunk is kinda something I've never got into. But in other genres I'm also usually comfy with clunk, so I might do fine.
I've been meaning to, the aesthetic is very cool imo but that's all I know about it.
I've not played HR, but from what I've seen of it, it's way worse in that one than it is in MD. MD's aesthetic is kinda grounded IMO, like, it's pretty much just the aesthetic trends of the mid 2010s but with the futurism dialed up a bit, plus everyone can afford ACRONYM stuff somehow. Though the collaboration with that brand was way better in Death Stranding imo, like, god Lockne and Sam especially have outfits that i'd kill for.
it might be relatively grounded between the two but it doesn't come near the original
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Looks like the US hours are over . Hi EU people
I don't get it.
tranny are you ok?
It's okay to be trans
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meowrning EU lineup

do we have a discord that's alive yet?
sussy picture
well mb the us ppl all went to sleep its pretty late in most states i hope they all had a good day
Yes it is
Ya some times they are still up but it looks like not tonight. Oh well slow and lonely night
I am going to bed rn but I am rly cold. My kitty is not being a space heater and eeping between my legs
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rosewood add me!

theres a lot of rain its the perfect time to watch a movie maybe harry potter
I love the rain :)
me too it helps with anxiety
You guys are lying its literally never rained ever
I agree, can you put into words how it helps?
im not sure it just helps :]
Ayyyy A, what are you up to? Dull night at the moment.
where's Ashe though frfr
She's probably not coming back, sorry.
Why did all the best girls leave in the past 2 months?
she probably got a bf

>vampireashe posted about going on a date with that norwegian guy
>disappeared shortly after
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Might've been me on that one to be honestly. A wonderful woman though, beautiful in every way.
good for her
my norwegian is better than hers
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This place is dead
anon it's euro hours it's always dead
im running late frens :(
Anons its 5:30 am. Should i just pull an all nighter at this point

when i was at work i was so tired i told myself "when i clockout and get home im just going to go to skip dinner and go to bed"

and look where i am now

i hate this i want a normal sleep schedule. I want to be the kind of person that can wake up before 9 am not stay up all night prepping food
im going to go grate potatoes
doing that might fix your sleep schedule, or, you'll just fall asleep at like noon and then screw it up even worse. if you think you can make it through the day and go to bed at like 10pm, then sure, do pull an all-nighter.
yeah before i started prog and in a pretty bad depressive episode id pull an all nighter each week or two cause of this, just trying to fix the schedule. Im shocked that im actually struggling to get myself to bed now, its been pretty consistent 4am-12pm for the past month
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ah yeah, in that case probably just do it if you know you can handle it. i personally try to avoid all-nighters bc they tends to kickstart kinda intense dp/dr for me, though I guess the last time I tried it was when I was like 16 and hadn't started HRT yet so they might be safe now lol
somehow i've managed to coax myself into a kinda stable wagie sleep schedule, like, I usually fall asleep before midnight and then wake up before 9, and it's fine. I tried to stay up for a LAN party a while ago and barely made it to like 1AM lol
Why are you grating potatoes at 5 am chef
June, go to bed.
Imagine waifu June in the kitchen 24 hours a day, doesn't sleep or poop, just makes apple pies and potatoes and things for you, her husband. GIWTWM
im actually literally still wearing my chefs coat lmao. Wait is that the right term? technically a cook not a chef so

tomorrows lunch, i want potato and liver
btw anons i bought a cheap vacuum sealer, what should i seal?
omg lol apparently this movie was produced by trump's former advisor, steve bannon. that's so weird, all the way in 1999
Slept for 8 hours and woke up 10mins before alarm. Feels good the be me
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Gm lovely chasers. I slept ok.
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shrew morning
oh my god its 7 am
Night some
Morning others
I love you all
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gooooooood morning chasergen <3

i’m hungry and sleepy and i really want a blueberry milkshake

usually yeah!
Morning :)
Goodmorning everyone c: I'm trans btw
Hey, how are you doing this morning?
Woke up too late for walkies, which was intended. Today's just been coffee and vidya so far while listening to DnD. I should probably make breakfast after the next match. Or maybe after the next next match. Or maybe after the next next next....
Aww I’m sorry about no cat heater. Sleep well
I think she went to sleep long ago try tommorow
Holy shit go to sleep tho
good morning waker uppers :>

i'm working. what music should I listen to while at it? currently my youtube recs are giving me a lot of Jack Stauber and Weird Al and also Knower for some reason and I'm fine with this, but kinda want some variation.

Oh no, matches of what? You’re addicted! I wonder what I should do today…
I gave up on the euro hours because no matter what, it's boring as shit
It's been mechabellum up until now just switched to deadlock.
I need to breed an FTM
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Question for straight mtfs, what discord profile pics are appropriate for a chaser?
Never heard of the first one but I played some deadlock and it was ok but I didn’t love it.
Honestly if you have a normal pfp of some kind and not a default pfp on an account created within the last 365 days… then you’re doing better than basically all the guys I talked to from here. Gives “guy cheating on his family” energy or something
anons i ate too much and feel guilty im going to do a morning workout and some jumproping and hope this wont cause issues later

what should i do? lower or core?
>not a default pfp on an account created within the last 365 days
This happens that often? I only ever get this side of things so I'm just surprised.
How do you feel about animal pfps? Specifically birds
lol fatty
Yeah, it’d be fine if they were willing to swap off the burner and give you their real account but that “this is my main account” line is a red flag! If you’re too chickenshit to give me your main discord then you’re too cowardly to be with a trannie.
honestly some might find them suspiciously feminine. like, with how many chasers are reppers, it might be a slight bit of a red flag.
idk cute animals are still cute i wouldn't be put off by that. but some ppl def would
This is a good reason to use cute animal pictures, filter out worms.
Animal pfp is fine, even birds. Idk I would say default pfp is worst, anime is 2nd worst?
I don't, but it's alright.
Morning :)
right but should it be like my selfie? some anime stuff? a meme?
a recently created account is sus
thats not nice :(
This shit again about reppers, eyerollll. Honestly, good, I already have something like a "negative filter" where I'll purposefully avoid doing any macho posturing and filtering of my natural silly and whimsical self, and sometimes I'll even exaggerate it just to weed out neurotic tranners who have a stick up their ass and can't stop being on edge for two seconds. This constant paranoia about reppers reveals an anxious personality type that's just exhausting to deal with long term
Amen, brother
dont have an anime profile pic or else u give virgin aura
why cant chasers be normal
tho lots of agp tranners have them too luls

Is the girl from Boston in here yet?
chasers should have a monkey pfp or a dwarf pfp
she literally doesnt even like men just ignore her
agp transbians always project their GD its actually textbook aspergers
I set my disc pfp like 3 years ago and just haven't bothered changing it
were u a gay virgin 3 years ago
I drew the pfp I use for everything 22 years ago.
don't shoot the messenger lol I don't have that paranoia myself but some ppl deffo do, i just mentioned it bc some ppl would surely react that way. i even mentioned in that original post that it wouldn't be an issue for me personally just to make sure nobody would get mad at me for this but apparently it isn't enough. also filtering the paranoid ones out like that is a good idea, I agree.
>she literally doesnt even like men just ignore her
*moderately loud incorrect buzzer*
>This constant paranoia about reppers reveals an anxious personality type that's just exhausting to deal with long term
It actually hides a future transbian that wants to break an egg, just like when they try to detect all these little details, from your uppercase/lowercase style, anime pfp and tastes, all to say that you're actually a repper and it could never be you're just a man with his own tastes.
This is why I started thinking that just as they accuse us of fetishizing trannies, they fetishize a stereotypical masculinity that cannot be strayed from, else, you are fembrained and repping
Anime pfps are a normal thing in the internet and just a signal that it's an anime fan.
Good thing neurotic retards weed themselves out when they see one
My pfp is a swastika and a big R
The R stands for rape (I love rape) and the swastika is because I’m a nazi who hates Jews.
men who like anime are a redflag
slept 3 hours
Are u talking to me? I said animal. Dumbass
>they fetishize a stereotypical masculinity that cannot be strayed from
One thousand billion percent
People with this opinion are a red flag
If you have this opinion you'd better be insanely hot
>"no they don't signal being a virgin they just signal being a weeb"
i mean, I know it's not like that in real life, but you're aware of the anime fan stereotypes, right?
>they fetishize a stereotypical masculinity that cannot be strayed from
i guess this is kinda what meta attraction is, assuming meta attraction is real lol
grown men with anime pfps are sus
i would like to tame it
I'm aware of the stereotypes, but if we start reasoning by stereotypes then it doesn't bode well for trannies either tbf, the Golden Rule is always applied
im not but idrc im happy to just not date, not needy like other trannies
Bigger red flag:

Anime pfp or Vtuber pfp ?
Car pfp
Vtuber pfp for sure

If the car is 90s Japanese or anything German too it's a double red flag. And I like cars
I only ever give out my main discord. Maybe I'm stupid though lol.
Ye I don't have a burner discord lol. What's the point in meeting someone on here if you're not actually gonna be real with them
>or anything German
oh yeah deff. it's not even like, a red flag for a chaser or an internet rando, but just a general one, dudes that have Audis and especially BMWs as their profile pics just have a generally high likelihood of being insufferable lol
handle remains publicly visible for a while, usually doesn't happen in this board tbf, but it's still a risky move imo.
just be honest and say it's an alt to screen who it is and then give your main right after
Mine was up in one of the threads last night and I didn't have any issues, imma keep giving it out if asked until I do have issues lol
Idk selfie on discord is kinda weird to me personally but I wouldn’t judge too hard. I don’t like anime so that wouldn’t really do anything for me, probably a small turn off if anything. A meme or something you’re interested in that is artistically compelling is what I’d like to see probably. Commissioned art is always cool to see because it means you can pick an artist, afford an artist, or befriend an artist, which means you probably at least somewhat have your life together. Married having their life together guys always seem to have art of their dnd char and talk about how much fun they have with all their friends, I want a guy like that.
Yup. I don’t mind a recently created account I get not wanting to post the main here, but once you talk to me and I’m using my main to reach out, you’re weird if you don’t swap to main.
Yeah it’s me
I don’t change mine much either.
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i personally dont mind that much but i feel like some anime or memey pfp give massive negative rizz...its kinda kewl how an avatar says a lot bout someones personality c:
birds are kewl...but the vibe u give depends on the bird cuz a crow is super different from a hummingbird for example c:
oh wow ur right...vtuber pfp is actually even worse than anime pfp :o
Any BMW from like 2006 or newer as a pfp just screams "I'm terrible please never talk to me"
I'm the guy from Waltham who was on here last night. You still interested in adding on disc to chat?
had that same experience actually, never got added by the intended person, but nobody else added either, idk, it's just that it's still 4chan and being safe is more important than listening to someone's brainworms, you aren't being dishonest anyway, that's my take tho
Yeah, that 8309 discord you gave me wouldn’t let me add you so I figured you fake numbered me lol
I'm so freaking tired. But att is on the way to install fiber!

:') :') :') :')
Why am I being called out by QOTTs?
Oh it was 8039 not 8309 lol, it's kakarot8039. Made it waaaaay back lol hence the cringe name, and the discord naming convention change last year screwed me over hard
It stays on the archive for a while, my main account name is archived once here from a frengen like 2-3 yrs ago, but I still don’t like advertising it on here. I don’t mind adding people on my main though, I’ve got no burners and nothing to hide lol
So no one from last night could message you? Sad
Nah the other two who added me were able to just fine lol, talked with both of them til like 3am
i swear 99% of the trans people on my social media do absolutely zero voice training it’s so annoying
i dont care abt it
At the same time I have a freak who likes to post my discord on here and pretend to be me. So I do kinda get it.
Do they log on your discord to pretend to be you??
What if you’re voice trained but when you get excited a little fagvoice slips through…
It happens, I’ve been guilty of it too
>Do they log on your discord to pretend to be you??
No lol. They just post my discord here a lot and use my name to say dumb shit. I sorta wish they were a little more creative or funny at least. It's kinda lame to have the world's least entertaining stalker.
Voice training? Why even bother lol
so you can pass
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general guidelines

if his account is less than 2.5 years old hes probably using a new account just to chase. that means he probably has no intention of dating you

if he adds you on his main account where he has all his irl friends he is probably serious about you and not a sneaky little fuck

if he has an anime profile pic he might be a loser or a bottom or both
aside from that it depends on his personality
if its a somewhat normal guy he will probably just have something he likes or something related to his hobbies as his pfp
It's a frog my friend drew for me, he's a professional artist and everything. :)
thats cute ^^
Even has a little quote I wrote on it and everything. Super sweet gift. Wonderful friend.
What's yours of? I always wonder what motivates people on that front.
this is what I wanted to see. thanks.
is there any pfp that makes you say that you want to date this guy?
sounds abt right
Oh god I forgot to sleep
What about parrots? Although I do like corvids a lot, they're often associated with edgy shit like death and the macabre but they're actually very smart and fun loving animals who love to play
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Sometimes you guys give terrible advice.
never mind
you have to be ok with me living in the side of a mountain
>witch wife
never mind, I misread it as bitch wife
>is there any pfp that makes you say that you want to date this guy?
not rly. its not that important. a pfp could only make me say i DONT want to date someone.
>anime pfp and tastes
having an anime pfp is a red flag lol male or female
I like you the mostest
That's perfect I'll patrol the forest/mountain for witch hunters during the day, so you can do your rituals in peace during the night
A guy’s voice sounds so much happier when you talk to him if your voice passes. Like it really makes the experience so much better for him. You get better conversations.
>having an anime pfp is a red flag lol male or female
if male, bottom, repper, virgin, soifag or all 4
if mtf, agp freak
I don't really care about voice.
when did you come out?
This is true. The more natural and feminine a voice is, the better in general.

Not even a preference thing, it's probably psychological.
I agree. All the trannies I've been very attracted to have had passing or nearly passing voices. Just put the effort in. A passing voice makes me see her as just a girl.
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What if a chaser had this as his pfp?
Voice is incredibly important.
The year was 1772, fourteen of our steer had just forded the river and a fever had brought low most of my wagon train. I'm a cis man though.
A gay cis man.
a gay cis man
I'm heartbroken. They called me gay online.
yeah literally, like, i remember the first time I hung out with my friends using a fem voice instead of a masc one, and like, guys i'd been friends with for years at that point immediately had a totally different tone to them when talking to me. went from being one of the guys to someone who gets flirted with casually in an instant. it's kinda funny desu.
I’m sure they call you gay irl too whenever you leave your room once a month.
what if a chaser was really hot, fit, tall and charming but had princess peach as his profile picture?
I seriously doubt anyone was flirting with you
Sounds like a repper to me.
i don’t care about discord profile pictures
No, it’s just a pfp
That’s valid
Yeah, it’s hard to describe, it’s like when my voice didn’t pass I never heard a man smile with his voice. But once it started passing I could literally hear the change in the inflection, even online, where you can tell he sounds different because he’s got a big goofy happy grin on his face.
It makes a big difference, like imo even trannies using their work-in-progress voice are happier because at least it’s not booming male bass voice thumping their chest cavity.
I love scary games and horror stuff and I bet this guy likes that but I’d ask how many knives he owns
Red flag
>Just put the effort in.
i do but i still sound clocky at times . it's frustrating because people get a perfect voice with relative ease
we run together, like mario and princess beach
I love you.
are you using it 24/7
of course i am. though i dont speak much so i imagine my voice can lose its laxity and so forth. im also constantly anxious and that wells up my throat and makes it all the more clocky
nah I know my friends, it was mostly just one guy doing it and he was pretty drunk, but his tone with fem voice me is completely different than it ever was with masc voice me
god that fucking scene is amazing
>bet this guy likes that but I’d ask how many knives he owns
Lol I don’t own any knives besides the ones I use for cooking. I do enjoy horror games though, RE4 and Dead Space are my favorite. I’ll probably pick up SH2 this weekend.
It's just jarring seeing a pretty face, and then they sound like Joe Swanson when they speak.

Dr. Girlfriend is a funny novelty in a cartoon, but IRL it's uncanny and unpleasant.
You can talk to me babe
yeah that's why then, i'm around the same point in my progress as you. i try to speak constantly so i take every opportunity to practice. how long have you been at it?
so is the untrained voice you're talking about just a man-voice? i have feminine intonation and mannerisms but my resonance changes by the weather sometimes. i cant tell if it's a physiological thing, acid reflux, or plain misuse
basically 2 and a half years with 6 months being pre hrt. i feel like it's been kinda stagnant and sometimes around family i feel i regress, because they still see me as their son, and i dont have that reminder to modulate my voice aroudn them
I grabbed sh2 but didn’t play it yet. I really wanna watch someone play or play mouthwashing with someone too. I have no horror game friends :(
>I really wanna watch someone play
this is so boring, do you really? why not just talk with them about it after they've played it. you kinda spoil their experience acting as a spectator
ok nice, i'm about 3 months in to using it full time and the family thing is all too real. i definitely am at my worst voice wise when i'm around them because i think part of me is still subconsciously anxious to be perceived as feminine by them
A clocky voice is fine. A weirdly high pitched voice during training is fine.

I'm talking about the straight up no effort dude voice that is jarring.

If you're trying, I respect the progress and effort and know that in time the voice will pass.
>>I'm talking about the straight up no effort dude voice that is jarring.
oh i agree, i remember when jennie started dropping vocaroos lol
literal dudebro gamer autist
That’s literally Jennie lmao she would say all the time the men she hooked up with didn’t care about her voice she could voice mog some of the chasers here.
>because i think part of me is still subconsciously anxious to be perceived as feminine by them
yes especially after getting the 'why are you talking like that' or snide remarks about it in the past. ive kinda just resigned aroudn them and practice singing in the shower
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feeling like posting another manvoice vocaroo this morning
Do you voice train?
i dont understand you
you have more passing potential in your 30s than i did at 16 and you still boymode
I love you too anon <3
damn i'm sorry thats shitty. mine have never been that overt in their feelings, but have communicated the same sentiment in the form of intense glares. i just recently though threw caution to the wind and decided to deal with it because i'm just tired
how about girl voice instead
I want an athletic and nerdy gf so much
https://unsee cc/album#5QsMT9JpbNsn

How’s the situation currently?
i do voice train, ya. ive been doing exercises and lessons (both free public lessons and paid private lessons) for about two years now.
i have a decent voice i can use in short bursts out in public if i want to or have to, but i dont usually like using it lol and will always manvoice in VCs and stuff
>damn i'm sorry thats shitty.
it's okay. family is always a thorn in one's side during transition and im thankful they're accommodating in other means. it's just circumstance with an old grandparent and others not wanting to rock the boat.
you're pretty but you don't really pass
get laser u stupid retard
>and will always manvoice in VCs and stuff
What's the point of this? Those should be your safest spaces to use your girl voice
you just had to ask
the only places i pretend to be a man (gay) are online vidya spaces
it's just cooler and i can pretend to be a bro, i enjoy the theatre
this is all in text chat of course
My account
>Alt account created 3 weeks ago. Obviously gotta hide her from my friends
My username
My profile pic
>Asuka wearing a swimsuit
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chasers are all gay babies
Pull your shirt back or wear something more fitting so we can see your body.
idk lol
embarrassing ig
This has been debunked countless times you stupid little Moor
Yeah it'll be embarrassing at first but then it'll be normal.
I hate picrel with a passion
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Why, what a caterwauling dost thou keep!
Your bomboklat tasted delicious last night mein love
Thanks. I know. Do I read as cis gay man or trans tho?
hate is such a strong emotion, where do you find the energy to hate
in the aids ridden fecal energy suffused within his orifices
My body is OK. I’m concerned about the face. Maybe that doesn’t matter I don’t know
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debunk this gock
the voice discussion made me finally lose enough brain cells to post a vocaroo
i rly hate that I sound mostly fine in finnish, and don't rly get clocked for my finnish voice, but in english I just get a hon voice and have no idea how to train it without just speaking english more. and I don't really ever have a reason to do that except like on work calls every once in a while.
also please tell me what my accent is I have no idea, my english is mostly just built on spending every waking moment from like 2007 onwards with an english language youtube video or tv series or podcast playing

Is it day thread already? Blegh.
neither, just a regular cis dude with feminine features. with ffs you’re gonna be really really pretty, keep your head up
What if I regret when I’m 60 :(
Aww hell naw. That ain't it. Hell naw. Imma head outta here.
then you will look like a freakish hon in where everyone feels the impulse to beat and maim you
gay boy
and yeah i kinda said it was bad in english lol
Gonna be honest. All the trannies I've talked to from here had a better voice than this.
Dang. So wouldn’t?
there is something about the norse and tolerance for fag voice cause my nordic chaser thinks i sound girly
Yeah. You sound like a hardened nord woman in Finnish, but a sissy in English.

Not bad, but improvements can be made.

My voice changes a lot between English and my native language too. Just intonation differences.
So which ffs if I had to choose one
I love you Rav you're the sweetest person here.

well i don’t like women, so no
i have no idea, i know nothing about ffs

i can relate to spite
The gay bar.
But seriously you shouldn't be having so much casual sex.
Voice got more feminine from first time second vocaroo

Gay accent. Helps I think.
yeah like, the thing with finnish is, it's generally spoken a lot lower than english is. Putting a finnish cis woman's speaking voice into one of those trans voice analyzers will pretty often say they're a male, lol. And that's where I'm comfortable too. but then speaking english is horrible and idk what I should do with it lol it feels kinda dumb to spend time training my voice for a language that I only use with ppl on the internet.
i thought this was jordan peterson ai at first
They’re honestly just annoying as fuck, like most tranny “influencers”
Bros I miss Jennie
Aww thank you. That means a lot <3
Ily too! <3<3
It's 7am I haven't slept yet and I'm not tired
This will kill my gains
lucky me then, height too
The gen is so full of newfags people don't even recognize queen Jennie's legendary vocaroos
oh i meant for this to be a reply to >>37572578 but it's whatever lol
Best voice so far. Britbong accent is unfortunate though.
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my muscle memory is insane
chasers wont want a relationship if ur voice doesnt pass?
i replied to them and got someone replying back to me and then blocking me so i cant see what they wrote lmao
so fragile!
hopefully not
Some, yes. Others don't care.
im an australian emulating anthony hopkins and brian cox!
i loooove getting into beef with trannies on twitter
It's harder for sure. Having to engage with other friends, family members with someone who is easily clockable is a hard ask, if the chaser presents himself as a straight man.
Depends on if they wanna hide the fact that you're trans or not. My ex was tall as fuck with a visible adam's apple so i didn't care about her voice being a little clocky.
He’s annoying and very agp, like most troons on the internet.
Doesn't need to pass there just needs to be an attempt
pls dont misgender ppl
of course they wont have a problem with it when their last fuck was a transvestite prostie a couple blocks over. you probably have aids
good morning chasergen!
gworl who cares
im new to this experience. i wouldnt say it is "fulfilling" but it certainly is novel
oh is juicygirltv a known person? i assumed anybody bothering to use instagram threads was a complete nobody no-name with no following
chill with the "i dont like this person so im misgendering them" thing though
people rate my voice. is it too buzzy? hollow? faggy?i feel like im overdoing it out of fear
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no because it'll expose them as closet gay if you don't pass perfect. being that none of you pass perfect, they generally aren't going to bring you around friends and family

that's the difference between a chaser and a normie. a chaser seeks you out specifically because you're trans. they specifically want pre-ops. they're closet gay. that's why they generally will not date you publically, ever. they'll never introduce you to their family. rarely take you out and if they do, it's somewhere secluded to keep you hidden.

a normal guy will accept you for you and be confident enough in themself to bring you around family and friends like any other girlfriend. they're usually more willing to experiment with a post-op than pre-op. why? because straight guys don't suck dick.
your accent is beyond retarded and gives you crazy marble mouth but it does pass
You sound like you're a cool friend to have.
I meant She’s I just forgot the S. I’m not that big of an asshole to stoop that low
>eui is finnish
It makes so much sense holy shit ahahaha
spider sis is the bigger man than me wow
it's not my actual accent. ive just been watching too much shakespeare material without practice
Read funny green texts next
Nice voice, very seductive.
Aussie accent is way better in my opinion.
ebin :DDD
>It makes so much sense
what does? lmao
its not like i've been especially private about my nationality here lol
This is more like it. Other trannies, take notes.
I'm very attracted to voice.
Solid. You're a winner.
Best voice on the board? Spicebag.
it sucks for any attempt at eloquence or a careful choice in words. if you want it to sound professional it becomes that awful shrill PMC sound that makes it sound like you're being condescended to in every sentence
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You will never be Italian
when did it become a vocaroo thread damn
i dont know if it's autism but she seems to be working with a different set-up than i am. in demeanor and technique
Jesus Christ LB, Why hasnt anyone wifed you up yet?!
Griffithposter with the funnies too? Based.

Just lean into the fact that you're from a floating prison colony with hilarious fauna.
Because she has a long career in porn behind her probably.
sometimes i think im way in over my head and should just go nonbinary
or because most chasers here are pussies
>>Just lean into the fact that you're from a floating prison colony with hilarious fauna.
i would like to be more cate blanchett and less gen z boss and a mini
If you don't want to marry someone who did porn for a living you're a pussy. Grow up!
Not this again
Depends on the porn, desu
okay dude enjoy your std super spreader sloppy seconds
real as fuck
we should all be theyfabmaxxing
this is rick?
How long have you been on hrt?
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tfw no rick bf
basically, yeah
>other men have seen her naked! how am i supposed to compete with that??
like what are you saying about yourself with that?
okay i went and listened to all the vocaroos and holy shit they all sound so nice i’m jealous

idk wtf is going on here though
15 months
What's the oldest an 18 year old tran should date?
bitch i been thinking this for large months
Do you have hrtittys? You could always go back to being a male fag.
What if he's a really nice chaser
i do got tits and i like having them, whatever i do im not gonna live as a gay man
Aight you win voice matters, big time
>what does?
the way you look, and your autism
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I love you Literally Beautiful
30 is pushing it for any 18 year old lol. I knew a girl in college freshman year who dated a 30 year old and it was hella weird
Idk your situation dude I’m just asking questions, live your life on your terms :3
You don't have a body, you're a disembodied catty voice on the internet.
Depends I dated a 28 yo when I was 18. It was one of my few non abusive relationships lol. Like what do you think the problems would be?
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chaser tier list. thoughts?
>nils and snake are still active
Damn those dudes have dedication.
pretty sure fred doesn't post here and has never expressed interest in tranners
he's a gay bottom or gay vers basically
so he couldn't be S
i am aaron the moor
Idk who any of these people are.

30 with 18 is definitely pushing it. I'd say too much. 8-9 year age gap is the max.
im committed to someone rn and i dont wanna catch a ban so you keep on believing that
25 is the limit. older than that and its creepy
Bitch you’re e dating your relationship isn’t real and you keep pushing the date of your meet ups back
the guy you're committed to sexts me daily ;)
Mi Bombaclat
idk lb’s pics are still up so either jannie is asleep or jannie is on a vendetta for certain trips, so ban risk might be low rn. wouldn’t risk it anyway
sure sis

we are not "e dating" we are online friends that are romantically interested each other and might start dating when we meet irl
i say to the jannies
those woeful villains
i have done thy mother
i dated a 32 year old when i was 19
i dated a 35 year old at 19 and it was chill
I always dated guys 7-8 years older than me now I date a guy 3 years younger. I don’t think age differences necessarily pose a problem
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thinking about pulling a mwahnon and getting one of those ""androgynous"" haircuts trans men get
Imagine E-dating some fucking loser on discord, rofl lmfao smhmyfuckinghead
he changed the date you two are meeting because he's gonna meet up with me first btw
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chasers, raise your hand if you would like to be a power couple
A guy can be up to 5 years older than his gf
Those are the rules
>your autism
ok i'm curious about this part. like, aside from any medical reality (i was put in autism tests two times as a kid but then got pulled out of them by my mom), do i really seem strange or abnormal when posting here? lol
Idk I like experiencing art with people and having a conversation about it! Shared experiences are a lot of fun to bond over.
At least buy an old account to use as your burner so it looks convincing. Have some class.
Aw you can be honest without being mean. This shit isn’t easy to live thru.
that’s still too much. 2 years is okay tho.
#synergistic #goals
yeah sis

well i am not doing that so

thread no.34277541
i dont rly care for this kinda attention but i do in fact have a body and its not a big secret (thanks to gaygen trolls)
I hope they both die in a house fire.
wtf, are you an incel?
What do you even look like Shiza?
Yes ^-^
do u not know how to use this website or
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look ma i posted the pretransition photo again
Holy fuck chasers really are gay
her discord boyfriend is a bisexual man, i know him he shit talks her quite regularly.
I promise you’ll regret it
>do i really seem strange or abnormal when posting here?
No, because everyone else is autistic too lmao. I think you have the cute retard kind of autism, not the obnoxious talking over everyone and being awkward autism.
sure sweetie, you are spending a lot of time on this troll campaign by the way
>cute retard kind of autism
thank you anon, that's... well, not very kind, but still nice to hear somehow
>still nice to hear somehow
aww who's a cute little retard <333 mwah
Pichu you're hot
anons how am i supposed to keep living without a bf snuggling and kissing me
What sort of workout do you do to get a body like that? Asking for a friend

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