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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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first for feet
There's always hecklers and protestors at our Pride but during the parade we have what we call the pansy patrol where they stand in front of all the homophobic signs with these giant cardboard flowers that block all their signs. I think they've been doing it so long that they're acquaintances at this point lol
>you just haven't made peace with your social caste.
this feels like nietzsche
i do not think that i will ever make peace with my subhuman fate that i got, i am more the type to cut you throat at least to get some revenge, i am not just going to sit around like a slave and take the unfairness, fuck god and fuck fate and fuck everyone, i do not understand how people do not get angry abt it, i am genuinely not the type to just be like "i am subhuman, whatever, it sucks", nah, i am more of the type "you treat me like a subhuman and make me suffer, eat shit nigger, i will treat you even worse pos asshole"
this is why i do not want to get a job, i just cannot stand being a slave to those people that treat me like a subhuman, i am a slave anyway, prison or outside life is the same, prison is preferable desu, at least i can read whatever books i want and not have to work and have food and get the satisfaction from knowing that i leech off the sheep loser society that treated me so badly without contributing jack shit to it
though, i like my freedom for now so i will have to just suck it up i guess and that makes me extremely angry annoyed frustrated, god i am so pissed off, i have ocd and i think abt this 24/7 and i sneed
If I pin our Grindr chat will he know?

> How will I know, if he really loves me?
t. Whitney Houston
This is anti-social behavior and you need therapy
You should not be chatting on Grindr long enough to need to pin it. Get a number quickly or it's not gonna work out
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all suffering stems from desire. you suffer because you want, not because you have not.
you cant control what you want
Really wanna suck my first cock but don’t want to download Grindr in my apartment building. Is walking around with Grindr and finding a hookup a good way to find someone?
We are friends on Instagram, but he doesn't really use it. Also we live in separate cities 2000 miles apart so it's not serious anyways.
i want to carve a pumpkin this year
>i say a prayer!
>with every
You would think humanity would be past thinking that we shouldn’t exist but here we are lol
you can. you have to realize that true contentedness comes from within the self. for want of a nail the war was lost.
Desire is an innate part of the human condition and you cannot or should not excise it. It's what drives us to get out of bed in the morning. The important part, though, is to cherish when you do get what you want. Savor that tasty meal. Reflect on that fun day. Laugh unself-consciously
Bug philosophy
Conservatives and neo-liberals are intellectually bankrupt on policy so the only way they can get votes is culture war bullshit
Gayness isn't a private part of my life, I don't just have a boyfriend in the bedroom you self hating cuck.
then why cant people just stop being gay?
I haven't really celebrated Halloween since i was a kid.
Prominent conservative do have neo liberal economic policy, the only difference is who they do and don't want to exclude in society.
you missed the point because you enjoy the tumults of life. a piece if bread shouldn't make you happy. it's a facade. an illusion of happiness. ever notice how many people claim to be depressed nowadays? ya, that means your ideology doesn't work.
Cum so hard from sucking my dildo but never sucked a cock must be bi right?
Then stop wanting to post here if it's so easy.
its usally just a party on some day towarda the end of october for me and my friends thats about the cap of the halloween thing
If I am gay why do I jerk off to stuff like this more than half the time?




lol lmao even, i told my therapist that i might kill someone if i do not feel better and she just ignored me and it, they just do not care at all, no one does, if you are mentally ill, you are on your own buddy
true, just stop caring abt the outcome or anything, i am in the process of emotional reduction and sometimes i do not care at all anymore abt anything so i will get there, if you cannot cope with life bc it is very unfair and you just cannot achieve what you want, you basically stop caring abt the things that you cared to get or how you wish your life was or anything, you just live and it is what it is, the desire goes away, you no longer care abt being successful rich famous beautiful, feeling loved and loving and as such you cannot suffer anymore bc you no longer can care abt the game at all to feel desire, this is how sociopathy is as a coping mechanism, if the outside world overloads you, you just shutdown and become self less and no longer care
any video of this incident? the learned muftis of gaygen need to analyze it to determine if it falls within the bounds of homo sharia
What do you think about gay porn and have you ever had sex with a man?
being a cuck is gayer than taking it in the ass
Stop being weird
the best trolling is an exaggeration of reality. the bigger the exaggeration but better but of you fly too close to the sun you end up like freshieanon, cersei, andras poster, larriposter, skylapr, etc and nobody buy it anymore
i care about you
lately guys with doll eyes has really been getting me off
It's so nice when you can really get into the mood of a season. I'm gonna watch Donnie Darko again soon and get that vibe.
depends on if you're focusing on the men or the woman.
Exactly. It’s all so tiring. I just want to work out, wrestle, read comics, play games, and have gay sex dude. Hop off my nuts because you think I’m of the devil
I have only had sex with men and I like gay porn a lot and I love sex with men a lot.
So I'm gay x2? I'm a gay cuck and I like any kind of cuck porn
Why is it weird?
they can. look at milo yianopolis
If only I had a Techbro boyfriend to watch Donnie Darko with, fuck my stupid faggot life.
i like it when they flame out it feels less malevolent
A piece of bread won't make me happy but a duck pâté spread over a brioche bun would. I think what really torments people is they think that happiness is a destination when really it's little moments. People aren't wired to be eternally happy and that sucks but you can either despair about that or accept it and try to carve out happiness where you can.
I prefer when it's a really hot guy but i enjoy that he could be impregnating and the cumming in the wife. I get upset when there is a condom or it seems fake. I like knowing another man's wife is being bred and impregnated. I want to be there urging the bull to cum in the wife. I also want to encourage them to spend the night together and make the cuck sleep on the couch while they fuck and breed again. I want proof he came in her pussy but I also want the seed to reach her ovaries and get her pregnant.

love is kinda crazy with a spooky little boy like you
isnt he with a tranner?
>Why is it weird?
>post thisvid links
i havent figured out what horror movie to watch this year. havent been in a horror movie mood.
Sounds like your therapist sucks. Get a new one
you still don't fucking get it.
the pate shouldn't matter or make you happy. it means you're ascribing artificial value to something that holds no value in terms of existentialism, that's why you believe your life to have value when it has none.
thats not gay its catholic
I also want the wife to kiss the bull and tell him she loves him

It's just a wife getting impregnated by a superior bull in front of her husband
Buddy, nothing has inherent value. We assign value to the things we care about. I don't care about what should or shouldn't make me happy, I just recognize what actually does make me happy, and train my brain to accurately predict things that will make me happy and go for it. For instance, I think having a fun Pride weekend with my bf and my large circle of gay friends will make me happy, so I'm going to do that this weekend. Will that make me happy forever? No. But I am pretty sure I will be glad the weekend happened after the fact
I barely feel like a man
I've also never been into straight up horror either. I do love dark/gothic stuff though. Recommend the Crow or Blade.
be a man and become a tranner
>>I am pretty sure I will be glad the weekend happened after the fact
>and then the hiv test came back positive
Weak, try again.
>For me happiness is being rich and famous so I can't even bother with feeling anything anymore.
Try lowering your standards, having realistic goals, and working on your relationships, retard.
Because anon is a liar. Apathetic do nothing's with delusions of grandeur don't go to therapy unless they are minors that get dragged there by parents.
You don’t like Evil Dead or Army of Darkness or Scream or Saw or Halloween or Friday the 13th?!
the bit along the middle of my hard palate is all inflamed and puffy
i keep unconsciously tonguing it
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what would you dress up for Halloween if you could pull it off?
*dress up as
i do not want to be rich or famous, i just want to have enough money to live a basic life while not working or working as little as possible, also i go to therapy, i was yesterday
comfymodding and bedmaxxing uwu
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How do masc guys show off their ass clothing wise? Are jeans always the best way?
There are some of the old fashioned ones left in the USA who are kind of like British and Canadian Tories. No abolishing entire branches of the government or withdrawing from international obligations but second guessing whether the government or private sector should be doing x or y. They seem to be older or more educated and less partisan.
i'll say it again:
true contentedness can only ever stem from the self and not external sources. even if you enjoy that pate, you decided that it could make you happy and allowed it to have control over your wellbeing when the reality is it has none as you have all the control. you could go for that pate and some douchebag ruins the experience for. suddenly the value if the pate is exposed as it doesn't solve the emotional impact said douchebag had.

let's take your line of thought and expose it's hypocrisy. you guys shit on smokers, but at the same time will say things like oh whatever makes you happy anon. that cigarette makes them happy. why do you feel the need to shit on their good time? what right do you have to judge them? why does your opinion hold any value on the matter? it doesn't. that's you being an asshole, letting out your own inner uncontentedness as you arbitrarily judge them for liking something you don't. let 'em smoke just like they let you eat pate.
i am so hungry but i am such a fat slob and i need to better myself
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You are gays. You must obey me. I command you. Do as I say.
Its not about them not liking what we like, its about them being hyposcrites - they do something thats bad for them & they say that its vad and that you shouldnt do it
it sounds like you are a smoker trying to justify smoking to yourself, you do not care to convince us, you just want to convince yourself
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Let's take your line of thought and expose it's hypocrisy. Okay let's do that...

I'm a child with asthma and some goody two shoes faggot walks by me smoking his cigarette, enjoying his day, with no care in the world about how he's affecting my health or his environment. As he walks by I start coughing uncontrollably and forget where I kept my inhaler in my backpack. I then lose consciousness and die. This cigarette smoking happy go lucky man is now two blocks away and has no idea that he just murdered a child. What an asshole.
it's calked informed consent anon. they're warning you, like hey this shits bad. if you still want to do it, be my guest. don't cry to me when you get lung cancer. you were warned. big tobacco isn't trying to trying to stop you from smoking by telling you the possible outcomes. they're trying to absolve themselces of liability. you choose to smoke so accept the consequences of your actions rather than trying to file a lawsuit against big tobacco when you get lung cancer.
This one is XHamster

Currently watching American Psycho wishing I had a Patrick Bateman bf.
I think we largely agree on where happiness stems from, I'm just more practical in my application in how I pursue happiness whereas you want to discuss it more in the abstract. But I agree that happiness comes from the locus of control, and I try to make mine as internal as possible. I decided that a pâté will make me happy and if it doesn't, like it doesn't taste good or some asshole ruins it, that's a shucks deal but maybe the next meal I eat will taste better.

On the matter of cigarettes, yes, drugs can make you wildly, deliriously happy. The problem, though, is that bad things come afterwards. So I would recommend that one pursue happiness while tempering it with reducing harm
Freshieanon is not a larp. What about a 43 year old man who likes barely legal teen boys seems inauthentic?
point not proven.
maybe if you has gone with parent smoking in the car with the windows rolled up and their child in the car.
but you didn't because you're retarded.
You're abetting a Child murderer! Scumbag!
Freshienon is my baby daddy
kid with asthma isn't going to die because tammy walked by smoking a cigarette. way to blow things out of proportion and still fail to prove your point.
ngl I hate these kinds of trips. I get that being caustic and hostile is part of 4chan culture so they do it to be part of the club, but as someone who's been here a while, it's mostly tiresome and annoying
Oh it was just what you said, that's why I thought that.
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When you touch me I die just a little inside
I wonder if this could be love
everything I touch turns to stone
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Weird thread. Anyway, let's post some feet.
Skylake was the most genuineposter, how dare you!
i like horror but i dun seen all the good stuff to see. all thats left is pretty unwatchable b and c tier shit lol
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is this love?
that i'm feelin~
weird how horror never even talked about horror movies or anything horror related, why even call yourself that?
calvin klein makes some good skinny jeans
happiness is a state of mind you just don't have access to because you don't know the code to access it
i just can't stand people that are all mopey and depressed. fuckin' grow a pair.
Did you guys know there's a Wikipedia article about gaygen?
you sound mopey
lol sup shiza
hi just wanted to post the meme cuz im a fan, dont wanna piss off coop further cuz hes been trolling me in cg for like a week now
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I don't see how that pertains to gigi at all
this is a fake internet space, not a real community
if you feel pulled down by someone over the internet you should go outside and touch grass lol
Becoming toxic and burning bridges so no one will chat with me so I'm forced to quit my addiction to erotic role play (◡‿◡)
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hello my parasocial companions
what's your favoured ERP platform?
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hello sir
how can i help you today?
what a feeling
being's believin'
are you annoyed?
Typically discord
how is parasocial roleplay over the internet even erotic? have sex
I chat with people that are into my hyper-niche fantasy
so ugly, 1990's tramp tattoos
but why not bring the fantasy off the internet and truly experience it?
2nd, outdated and unflattering.
Because it's hyper-niche and finding dudes that are attractive and into it is rare
Hes into snuff
what’s your fantasy?
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He went on that retards podcast???
people really get horny from this? it just makes me laugh
the pic is andrew's reaction when trump said he was an honest person. you just see andrew losing it, laughing in trumps face as trump is visibly confused as to what the joke was.
oh i thought you were gonna say something crazy lmfao is it really that niche
If that happened id change opinion on andrew
fee fi fo fum i smell the bum of an englishman
touch grass dude macro is not a normal fetish even remotely
Bro he wants to be crushed by a giant how is that not niche
I'm not into feet or a furry so this doesn't really do anything for me. Which is annoying because boy is there a lot of overlap between macro and furry/feet
If anything it's not remotely realizeable in real life.
It's funny that even among other macrophiles I feel in the minority that I DON'T want to die in my fantasies
>painted nails
trans coded post
>If anything it's not remotely realizeable in real life.
it is if you're 5'3" and find a guy who is 6"5+
it barely even ranks half this general wants to be fucked by a dog
have u seen the fallen? its got that great 90s spooky but not quite horror atmosphere
Source? He's cute
How do you interact sexually with a giant without dying? Do you top him?
I dont think anyone wants to get fkd by a dog, not even furries
you’re insanely naive then
Unfortunately I'm 5'11 so that's fairly difficult to encounter. Although I do love short bottoms like Armond Rizzo. The dude's like 5' and exclusively shoots scenes with bears that are 6'+
Maybe you are just cynical ( get it ? )
i fucking hate reptiles because they have no feelings
Meh, you kinda misrepresented it
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My most common fantasy usually involves being shoved into a giant's underwear and straddling the giant's cock like it's a horse/tree trunk and massaging it with my whole body. Mouthplay and muscle worship factor in heavily as well. At its core it's about the exchange of power and the appeal of Macro is that the power exchange is apparently and inevitable. There's no question of who is in control when one man is 20x the size of the other
Ok thats kinda hot
Having had to filter through a lot of furry macro, I don't think furries want to have sex with animals, rather I think that furries want to unleash the animalistic part within that the animal represents. Lions, Tigers, bears (oh my) are almost exclusively depicted as the larger stronger partner because they're masculine coded animals. Dogs, cats, mice, very sub-coded. Basically the species a person picks for their fursona comes with a list of cultural attitudes we already associate with that animal that informs the archetype they want to embody
waht did you think? that he didn't love trump? he does. why? because he can make trump the butt of his joke and profit off it. no one cares when you make fun of old white guys.
Looks to me that it was an awkward laugh and that hes sucking up to him
Do gays have feelings?
homo erectus lmao
go watch the podcast and not a clip. they're laughing at him and how stupid he is. it's awkward cause they're like is he really this stupid?
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Why are gays like this?
I do
wait, so christians deny evolution, but they still think black people descended from monkeys?

make it make sense god dammit
Yeah it's kind of annoying because the vast majority of Macro content (vids) is just a dude putting their camera on the floor and dangling their bare foot over the camera and that similarly does nothing for me. It's very hard to get away from feet in macro
>make sense
lol good one
Do you watch animated stuff and if so whos ur favourite animator?
Delta can you do this to me >>37574122
There's not too many human macro animators but Chibi-Robo made a few vids but he's REALLY into vore.
why isn't real life like heartstopper
Gaygen (Kidz Bop version)
would if I could
real life is shit and mean
but why?
I was writing stuff for my d&d setting and I thought about including sex slaves and I got a half chub from it. What's wrong with me?
>tfw no Giant!Delta bf to tuck me into his underwear
because humans are shit and mean
The world would be a better place if everyone was like delta
Delta drop your OnlyFans link already
autistic and afraid to leave their room?
I wish namefags would kill themselves
morally maybe but even I don't want to be me
The world would be a better place if everyone belonged to delta
I want to be with you delta :3

All of you are boring as shit
These thread always have the same shit in them
mission failed, we'll get'em next time
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I don’t see the appeal
Of what?
Drew Starkey
no thanks

if only
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I demand obedience.
In the last month on separate occasions my mom found my dildo, my panties, and my shaved legs.

Is there any chance she thinks that dildo is for oral fun and thinks I'm not a bottom?
so yeah, i hate samsung, i'm an apple gay, an iGay if you will
Me except I would never own a Mac
You can tell her ur gf is into pegging and ur practicing
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evenin shawty, come here often?
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What's up, gaygen?
Yeah, but it’s most angry and contempt.
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She knows I'm gay, but now she's gonna know I'm a bottom :c
depends on the dildo...
if its a biig doublesided pink one... its over, ur a vers
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I like rain
Is that steve?
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what r u eating this fine evening good sir
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It's this.

She casually said, "I never got why guys shave their legs..."
She already knee, buddy :c
In your ass.
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never had fish
In ur kittin.
I’ll have a beer
Your retardation.
Why are you in a hateful mood these days?
No reason not to be
I think i love you
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No, he is loved.
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Report submitted ahead of schedule :) I feel so professional. Just wish I could deliver a hard copy in a nice binder like a real old school corpo. Kinda feels empty over slack.
Can somebody do my tarot cards? I need to know if a twink will fall in love with me this next year (this year is already over/wasted)
one beer and i'm realising why i stopped drinking
Hes gonna love the bricc
He gets pets and kisses. Go eat your brick.
Should have hid it in ur ass...
Don't waste that brick on a kitten, everyone knows bricks are meant for baby macaques!
thats gggrrrreat but have u played with your butt at least? gotta be prepared before the big promotion
He looks so floofy!
I will bricc him and you cant stop me, you are fat
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this card means initiative
I can't get enough of the muscle boys on this page. The natty teenie bodybuilder physique has no equal.

hahaha sar do not redeeeem
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He is getting fluffy. I hope he will be long fur. I never have a long fur cat before. Here he is sleeping with milk mouth.
Gun wins over brick
Give me a card
That’s gay.
Ewwww fucking corpo scum
I should fry more fish. I love the taste but it doesn't fill me up like beef and chicken unless you batter it up. So I guess I should learn to do that. Already have bread crumbs for salmon patties I haven't attempted yet.
You cant own gun witohout us citizenship, nice try kittin is getting the bricc
Do gays deserve bullying?
Nah, loving spiders isnt gay
yes if we lived in a healthy society none of you would make it past the age of 12
No, he is here with me, warm and happy, brickfag.
I can't figure India out. I don't understand a country with a space program but no toilets. I guess coast to coast infrastructure isn't part of their national identity. They seem to just accept it and just live with a billion people crammed in one country. I guess they just assume poverty is part of life. I don't quite get it. And their poor have a completely different bizarre culture.

They are even like that in America. The current generation are fairly normal business types but their parents are backwards af.
I left it in the bathroom after cleaning it, because I'm an airhead, I'm gonna kms
He is not long for this world, but he is long for this bricc
Can you link that necklace? I like it :x
Bro str8 ppl view all gay ppl as the same... shes not gonns care that ur a bottom
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uuhhhh buddeh, bad news
Already had my big promotion this year and my hole is safe, I work remote.
Get your eddies up bro
What does that one mean?
It was gift.
I will continue to post his pictures as he grow into big healthy boy.
fish has wildly different taste though
dont use bread crumbs and shit, just rawdog it
fill the rest of belly with candy
Kind of. I just heard this discussion a few days ago. "Bullying" has lost its meaning. It used to just mean peer enforcement to toughen up or sort out young guys. Thats actually healthy social cohesion.

But that got pulled in to include the absolute lone psychos that just torment people for no reason.

And male bullying tends to be situational, incidental and physical but brief. Female bullyiing is absolutely sociopathic and psychotic. A guy or group might bully someone once or twice a week. Females collaborate and spend 24 hours a day seven days a week to torture someone socially. Gays tend to bully that way also. They become obsessed like females with hurting someone for petty reasons or none at all, or just to assert social dominance through stalker behavior.
Im going to brick it before it does
there a billion of em...
they dont have a nation, they are clanners
no one gives a shit eheheh if some of them eat shit

indians literally are shrinking! in how tall they are on average loool
I like it unbreaded plenty. It just leaves me feeling like its lacking. I like fats to give me that sated feeling.
>and my hole is safe
geez how low libido r u? all day on pc and you dont jerk dont anal play dont grindr?
that doesnt make any fucking sense
did u go to yhe rockclub alone?
>they are clanners
I hadn't considered that, but that makes sense. They identify regionally then. That would explain it some.
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it means someone u love (yourself) is gonna die
so u have to leave 4chan and experience egodeath , restructure your perspective, humble yourself
i wanna die
You are not the real deb8er
But i dont know how to do that i need guidance o.o please guide me wise one
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me too we should form a suicide pact
i also called u retarded, i was in affect im sorry
my macaque bone knife
Well nice chain in that case, it looks good.
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well, u first read the yellow book...important
then u get a german shepherd and rear it Right
when your parents arent home, u pull down your panties and go down on all fours
u relax and give up your ego
ur a dear in headlights with wide open ...mind
extasy hits u and u will die and be reborn
Thank you.
girl shut the fuck up literally deadass shut the fuck up no one is trying to hear that (as in everything you have ever posted. girl shut the fuck up.)
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ur hurting my feelings ((( pls stahp
I'm sucking some big dick soon. How do I make sure I feel as slutty as possible while doing so?
What if it gives me dog aids?
drooling all over chin
pretend to be like desperate to have it in your mouth like ur hungry
clean up till he is hard again
play with his balls
dont stop and take it out of your mouth
put a small cock ring on him
look up like puppy after ur done
Start crying
YELLOW book! i gave it to u
delta could deny the fucking holocaust and you fags would still simp for him
btw i dont believe u
erm, i dont think thats the right word
more liek finnaly
Idk man you’re pretty gay
I’m working construction for Padre, I’m making decent eddies without sellin’ my soul like a gonk
me when bish
I simp for delta ironically
I just think it's funny how milquetoast he is about everything
btw it happened again , i killed the thread kek
Oh rightt sorry o.o
ru 185 65? these o.o emojis r clcoking u
Im only gay for spiders.. what can i do to win you over?
ran out of stuff to mix or chase and am reduced to drinking hennessy with cold brew coffee #prayers4fl
Just have fun, play with and lick the balls and shaft. Enjoy his body with your free hands if you want to touch his butt, stomache, or thighs. Look at his expressions, try to make him feel good.

>Important advice
You are going to be excited, but don't get straight to work, inspect the penis and make sure it looks clean and safe, be thorough.
Also if it's your first time a big one is going to be a challenge, you may have to use your hand for a lot of the stroking and mostly use your mouth on the head and balls.
No im the shaved hole anon
Do you think there's someone who used to post on gaygen who died
Timurs kittin
there was an anon i used to talk to who said he was going to kill himself and then never posted again to my knowledge
I prefer psychologically downtrodden
That was me, I'm fine.
Can confirm he's alive and well.
Not after you go to sleep
idk, but i wonder what happened to the neo-nazi guy who got prisoned
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Sure whatever you wanna call it
I just think it's funny how anons will be like "Omgggg delta ur so sexy pls fuck meeeeee" and you'll be like "...?"
deathrate in usa for below 40yo is like 7/1000 so probably
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i dunno what the fuck goyslop is
Maybe it's her withholdingness that drives the girls wild
Ask chatgpt
Blood tribute.
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well, neither nya nor shallow r replying
its over, im gonna go work on my abs
and commit sudoku after
Ill do it, who needs to die?
timberly needs to idc
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This, we should all try to purge our own humanity of all feeling and live as soulless husks in quiet dignity
i don't pay for AI, if anything AI should pay for me desu
I don't know why they'd like me
I just think they're kidding
Why are you so fucking evil? Why are you talking about hurting an innocent kitten? Fucking evil.
but what if im horny in the mornings?
I want YOUR blood idiot
>innocent kitten
lawl cats r murderous psychopath unrivaled even by humans
Where do i send it and how much do you need?
Ginger top with a big dick
>hurting an innocent kitten
Timur's pooner kitty, fka as pussy, boygina, munt?
>nature is... LE CRUEL!!!
I bet you're black.
Brick in kittin
do black people like call of duty or is that more of a white people thing?
5 Milliliter's and send it to your local Red Cross office.
cinder block you
Brick in your fucking faggot face.
If i post proof will you go out with me?
xanthippe is a weirdo going around threatening animals
No force in this universe can stop me from bricking timurs kittin.
kill yourself
Sure, if you live around the NKY/Cincinnati area.
i don't care as long as he leaves moo deng alone
If i die ill haunt a brick and hit kittin
I can move..
Enough about the fucking kittens! When do we start bashing baby macaques?????
did anybody here ever tried to touch their dad's dick while they slept (I was a dumb horny kid starting puberty)
pls dont judge me
fucking subhuman
i let a homeless guy eat my ass and suck my dick :3
wassup homos
im falling in love with my dog
Haii normiepoo, pls resume talking to me im not a commie o.o
like platonic love...
hear me out, I have this unique attraction that I just have to share. You see, I’m not just into the usual guys; my heart beats a little differently. I find myself irresistibly drawn to male apes, specifically chimpanzees. Yeah, you read that right. There’s just something about their strong build, their expressive faces, and those intelligent eyes that gets to me.
Whenever I watch those nature documentaries, I can’t help but admire the playfulness of the males in their social groups. The way they groom each other, the bonds they form—it’s beautiful! I mean, who wouldn’t want that kind of connection? There’s a raw authenticity to it that’s simply lacking in human interactions these days.
And don’t even get me started on their physicality. Those powerful arms, the way they swing through the trees, and let’s not forget the magnificent display of their wild side. My heart races just thinking about it.
Now, before anyone asks, I'm fully aware this is unconventional. But love knows no bounds, right? Who can really define attraction? It’s a spectrum, and I’m just on the more... primal end of it. I’m not looking to start a movement or anything, but maybe we should all open our minds a bit more.
So there you have it: just a gay guy with a soft spot for male chimps. It’s all about love and connection, and honestly, isn’t that what we’re all searching for?
me when no bish
Don't ignore me :c the worldoslavia thing was obv a meme
bro i'm not reading all that
Up until I was 5, I took baths with my dad. I used to stick my head under the water to try and look at his willy :3
Why are you doing this :c im supersadge :C
This is a straight couple
a guy with a big dick stretching me open and completely filling my hole feels so satisfying, it's almost embarrassing to think i'm a male whose only sexual option is to get fucked by other men. in an ideal world, i'd be reproducing with women, instead being.. this bottom thing.
Sex with fathers is disgusting. You're supposed to hit on them when you're coming back home from college...
replying to what

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