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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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my thought process is maybe without a specific thread for them, disgusting fetishists and cisoids would hopefully leave us alone and actually grant us a place to ourselves. for too long have we simply allowed these "people" to invade our spaces and treat us like meat. we deserve better than them.
> Banning the most active thread
Might as well kill his board while you’re at it shits dying
Killing this board is kinda a good idea desu
where will i find chasers except a thread where they contain themselves
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banning it is anti-rick
i support this
they dont contain themselves to that thread is the thing. they infect the whole board. my thought process is taking down their hive will stop them altogether
>my thought process is taking down their hive will stop them altogether
no i'll just shitpost in all the other threads (more than i already do)
why cant you just leave us alone?
Banning gens is never a good idea you stupid newfag
Like you ban them and then they either
A: spread their cancer throughout the rest of the board with meaningless dead end threads
B: leave the board entirely, decimating user base
option B is good desu.

I'd rather have a small userbase of only trans people than half the people here be disgusting fetishists
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>than half the people here be disgusting fetishists
more of than half of them are transbians though so you'll still have that
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Replace chasergen with st4tgen.
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witness, why hobbies are gatekept
NTA but why are chasers obsessed with transbians
Chasergen has the best posters, and just tranners on this board. The rest of the gens are absolute shit-
lesgen- zzzzzzzzz
mtfg- psycho tranny land
st4t- replaced c4tgen
ftmg- the best gen besides chasergen
gaygen- crab bucket diva gays
mnmg & repgen- who knows i never venture in there
repgen is chill. best gen.
>why are straight men obsessed with lesbians
I actually did post there once when i was suicidal, and they were helpful and kind. I can't say anything bad about them.
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Disgusting agp turbohon gamestop tranny wants less competition to the actual good looking hsts girls.
Failed male who transitioned only to try and get sex.
Undesirable freak who is a transbian out of necessity instead of want.
Mmg is best gen here. Trust.
Yeah thats been their play from the start. Its disgusting i dont want them they creep me out and are autistic
chasergen is literally 90% tranny you mong
literally nobody want st4tgen lol, multiple people stopped posting in it after getting cheated on by ftm
chaser hands typed this obvious psychological operation post
nope lol, even the biggest st4t advocates like shuake said she got cheated on and nobody have seen her in the gen for months
im in a st4t relationship and i want to believe
nice try control freak nazi
ban all generals except hrtgen and frengen
OP is a transbian pedophile that harasses underaged tranny on discord btw
If we're going to do this again then do it right
One general for each letter, the T split into ftmg and mtfg
The board overall was way healthier when that was enforced, creating more posting and community in random threads rather than everyone holed up in 20 hyper-specific generals

If you want only chasergen gone then you're just a lil transbian pissbaby lol
>banning the one place where I can interact with men who won't hate me for being a tranny
um no thanks frick you
and cg has less mentally ill people than any other general ironically
>we deserve better than them
the opposite actually
shut it down, it doesn't serve its purpose anymore all it is, is T's making the same 3 threads until they leave or kill themselves.
chasers vs transbians is a feud that will last for eternity
it's just like 2 schizo on both side who feel the need to shit up every thread with that shit
To be honest chasergens help control the poon population so i am forever grateful
But then where would I go to talk to chasers?
here's your (You)
in exchange answer me a question:
why the fuck are you like this?
i dont see why
it's really just one or two failed males looking for someone to blame for their lack of desirability
They're both retards who compete for the same masculinity obsessed fetishists, so they fling shit at each other because in the end they're both confused men who want to fuck men who don't want their manly parts seen.

The sooner we're rid of these dudebros and rapehons the sooner the board will be clean
They ruin every straight mtf space and try to convert hsts into dating transbians out of desperation. Theyre actually just predators who prey on the vulnerable and transitioned for a fetish. I wish i was a schizo troll but im 10 years hrt :/
Because they/them is CLGBTQIA2S
>only trans people
On an LGB and the Tagalongs board?
Getting rid of chasergen will just unleash the chasers you hate so much. Do you really want my dumb ass wondering around all the time?
At least transbians are honest, straight mtfs are transbians in waiting after the 20th time a man uses a tranny as an onahole and discards her
there are like three transbians in that gen and none of them are like that
Chasers are the B in /lgBt/
ok well i want a place specifically to ensnare one instead of searching the board
They just need a scapegoat because they know the average moid is a shithead, and it ruins their chances at getting an easy lay with a tranny
And of course reasserting their big chad masculinity
you sound retarded anon
Chasergen is just the new mtfg. I don't know what happened to mtfg but it's completely unusable now. I go to chasergen just to have conversations
I also go chat with the pooners in ftmg, it's comfy there
Transbian propaganda. Men are amazing and treat me with respect. Transbians see me as an object and project that view onto the men theyre trying to “protect me from”
Not all transbians are insane but who do you think is constantly schizoposting? What motivations do they have for ruining the one straight trans board? Why arent they targeting any other mtf gen? Why are the jannies ok with it?
when i picture the person behind the cg schizoposting i see some gross basement dweller that starts gigglesnorting uncontrollably whenever it sees or hears the words "frisson" or "rick". that could be a transbian or just a moid, but it doesn't smack of conspiracy to me.
or maybe it's fucking rick. Were you there the night he went on trip and started schizo ranting and single-handedly drove frisson out of the thread? Dude is insane.
Its a transbian rapehon i guarantee it. Its not a conspiracy, just one or two people. They probably post “girls belong with girls” on the discord server they manage while talking about protecting babytrans from evil chasers. It could be a guy but i really doubt it, if they were transphobic theyd go for other gens. Its specifically targeting the straight transwomen.
Ricks a genuine chaser btw, i think he started trolling because he got gigatrolled by transbians over the course of years.
Youre my favorite trip in cg its not a slight on you at all, but it is an unfortunate thing ive seen in every straight trans space ive been a part of to the point where i honestly stopped trying. They know what theyre doing and how to ruin a small community and theyre trying to clear out the last remnants of cg. Look at the discord server, it wasnt always like that.
>on the discord server they manage
*nervous sweating*
>girls belong with girls
at least i would never say that
>Look at the discord server, it wasnt always like that.
I didn't want to give them my driver's license so im not in there :P

i hope you're wrong. I like to think this is all just a temporary setback, and we can go back to the days before
>has anyone seen frisson?
>X bisexual/asexual/fucking heterosexual girlis a filthy transbian
once the trolls get bored. i joined chasergen to be a fujo and watch straight women and straight men flirt and write smut at each other goddammit! (and also to make friends and self harm a little and possibly get some male attention once in a while)
i feel like that hasn't happened since june
and if cg goes under idk where to find that. hstsgen is no more.
who cares if it is a transbian, a chaser or a random schizo, they should die choking on a dick
Yeah dont join it youre too good for them
Ive heard your discord is pretty comfy, perhaps you may be the chosen transbian mod we need
Know thy enemy, they rp as rick because they want you to blame men, not other mtfs
You can have chasergen when you pry it from my cold dead fingers binch
IDK if your theory is correct but you seem smart so I would appoint you to the investigative task force that this issue deserves if I could
petition denied, I will keep chasing
Opinion discarded
You are upset that this place isn’t an echo chamber for you hon nonsense. go back to redd!t, you will NEVER be considered female looking
>it's really just one or two failed males looking for someone to blame for their lack of desirability
the irony coming from you
>i joined chasergen to be a fujo
vased amab x feminine amab fujo knower
what bothers me more than the answer to that is the level of persistence it possibly implies. or at least the intent.
>pretty comfy
i hope so u_u it's not easy to run these things, it turns out.
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As long as there are trans girls, I will chase them. I will find them wherever they post. That's what chasing is. I will catch you, and you will surrender your bussy.
dangerously based
gotta catch em all
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petitioned signed! let us reclaim our board!
Yeah, if chasergen is banned then every thread is chasergen
Idc about transbians
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>Idc about transbians
It's a small handful of mouthy retards.
Chasergen is a containment thread, newfriend. Before it they were everywhere, it was even worst than it is now.
So was /pol/, yet they still leach onto every board
the one good gen on this entire shitshow of a board and they took it from me... it's not fair they can't take it from me... BRING IT BACK

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